- /*
- ** FILE
- ** util.c
- **
- ** provide some general utilities.
- **
- */
- #include "global.h"
- #include "fastmath.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "sinf.h"
- #ifdef USE_DIV
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef MIX_CDMP3_DISC_DISPLAY_REAL_CD_TRK //linrc add 2004-10-29 11:33
- #include "cdxa.h"
- #endif
- //#define UTIL_DBG 1
- /*
- ** bin2bcd(BYTE x)
- **
- ** transform a binary-represented number into packed BCD.
- **
- ** 0x0c(12) -> 0x12
- ** 0x20(32) -> 0x32
- **
- ** *NOTE*
- ** we used fast dividing-by-10 function to generate the result.
- */
- int bin2bcd(BYTE x)
- {
- #ifdef USE_DIV
- div_t res;
- res = div(x,10);
- return (res.quot<<4) | (res.rem);
- #else
- #if 1
- int Q = DIV10(x);
- int R = x-10*Q;
- return (Q<<4) | R;
- #else
- return ((x/10)<<4) | (x%10);
- #endif
- #endif
- }
- /*
- ** bcd2bin(BYTE x)
- **
- ** transform a bcd-number into binary-represented
- */
- int bcd2bin(BYTE x)
- {
- /*
- ** for mips, a optimized version might be obtained using:
- **
- ** use CE (slower)
- ** li %1, 10
- ** shr %2, %0, 4
- ** multu %1, %2
- ** andi %1, %0, 0x000f
- ** mflo %2
- ** addu %1, %2
- **
- ** or
- ** shr %1, %0, 4 // >>4
- ** addu %2, %1, %1 // (2) = *2
- ** shl %1, %2, 2 // (1) = (2)*4
- ** addu %1, %2 // (1) = (1)+(2)
- ** andi %2, %0, 0x000f // (2) = (0)&0x000f
- ** addu %1, %2 // (1) = (1)+(2)
- **
- */
- return (x>>4) * 10 + (x&0x0f);
- }
- /*
- ** l2msf(UINT32 l)
- **
- ** map a linear address of CDROM into MSF addressing
- **
- ** *NOTE*
- ** msf is packed 4-byte structure with format
- ** [CI:MM:SS:FF], where MM/SS/FF is in binary.
- */
- UINT32 l2msf(UINT32 l)
- {
- UINT32 ss, ff;
- UINT32 l_75, l_4500;
- l += 150;
- l_75 = l/75;
- l_4500 = l_75/60;
- ff = l - 75*l_75;
- ss = l_75 - 60*l_4500;
- return (l_4500<<16) | (ss<<8) | (ff);
- }
- /*
- ** msf2l(UINT32 msf)
- **
- ** map a MSF addressing into linear addressing
- **
- ** *NOTE*
- ** (UINT32)msf is packed 4-byte structure with format
- ** [00:MM:SS:FF], where MM/SS/FF is in binary.
- */
- UINT32 msf2l(UINT32 msf)
- {
- UINT16 iMM;
- //Jeff replace, 20030814
- //return MSF2l(msf_mm(msf), msf_ss(msf), msf_ff(msf));
- //JSLin 20040915 //added CDDVD
- if ((cd_type_loaded==CDROM) || (cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)) {
- iMM = (((msf)>>16) & 0xffff);
- } else {
- iMM = msf_mm(msf);
- }
- return MSF2l(iMM, msf_ss(msf), msf_ff(msf));
- }
- /*
- ** addmsf_ss(UINT32 msf, int inc_s)
- **
- ** adjust MSF address by (inc_s) seconds
- */
- #define MSF_SECONDS 60
- #define MSF_FRAMES 75
- #define FIRST_FRAME 0x000200
- UINT32 addmsf_ss(UINT32 msf, int inc_s)
- {
- UINT32 ret_msf;
- int mm = msf_mm(msf);
- int ss = msf_ss(msf) + inc_s;
- int ff = msf_ff(msf);
- #ifdef DVD_SERVO
- if ((cd_type_loaded==CDROM) && is_svo_dvd()) { //for DVD disc containing files, Jeff 20040125
- #else
- if (cd_type_loaded==CDROM) {
- #endif
- mm = (((msf)>>16) & 0xffff);
- }
- while (ss<0) {
- ss += MSF_SECONDS; mm--;
- }
- while (ss>=MSF_SECONDS) {
- ss -= MSF_SECONDS; mm++;
- }
- ret_msf = MSF(mm,ss,ff);
- if (mm<0)
- ret_msf = 0x000200;
- return ret_msf;
- }
- /*
- ** addmsf(UINT32 msf, int inc_f)
- **
- ** adjust MSF address by #inc_f frames
- */
- UINT32 addmsf(UINT32 msf, int inc_f)
- {
- UINT32 ret_msf;
- int mm = msf_mm(msf);
- int ss = msf_ss(msf);
- int ff = msf_ff(msf) + inc_f;
- #ifdef DVD_SERVO
- if ((cd_type_loaded==CDROM) && is_svo_dvd()) { //for DVD disc containing files, Jeff 20040125
- #else
- if (cd_type_loaded==CDROM) {
- #endif
- mm = (((msf)>>16) & 0xffff);
- }
- while (ff<0) {
- ff += 75; ss--;
- }
- while (ff>=75) {
- ff -= 75; ss++;
- }
- while (ss<0) {
- ss += 60; mm--;
- }
- while (ss>=60) {
- ss -= 60; mm++;
- }
- ret_msf = MSF(mm,ss,ff);
- if (mm<0)
- ret_msf = 0x000200;
- if (ret_msf<0x000200)
- ret_msf = 0x000200;
- return ret_msf;
- }
- BYTE bin2asc(BYTE pp) /* Converte binary code(0~0xf) to ASCII */
- {
- if(pp<10) pp+=0x30;
- else pp=pp+0x41-10;
- return pp;
- }
- BYTE adjust_trk_num(BYTE trk)
- {
- //terry,mark it,2002/6/27 05:01PM
- /* if(cd_type_loaded==CDDA)
- {
- return trk;
- }else*/
- //wanghaoying delete to higuibackup.c 2005-1-18 20:11
- {
- return (trk + cd_trk_lo_now -1);
- }
- }
- BYTE show_trk_num(BYTE trk)
- {
- //terry,2002/6/27 05:01PM
- /* if(cd_type_loaded==CDDA)
- {
- return trk;
- }else*/
- #ifdef MIX_CDMP3_DISC_DISPLAY_REAL_CD_TRK //linrc add2004-10-29 11:20
- /*when play the cd+mp3 disc(ABEX TEST CD 786),it display the real CD TRK*/
- if((cd_type_loaded == CDDA)&&((pFsJpeg->cdrom.track_info[1]&0x40000000) == 0x40000000))
- {
- return (trk - cd_trk_lo_now +1)+1;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- return (trk - cd_trk_lo_now +1);
- }
- }
- UINT32 get_next_trk_msf(UINT8 trk)
- {
- UINT32 msf;
- if(trk<cd_trk_hi)
- msf = gettrkmsf(trk+1);
- else
- msf = gettrkmsf_leadout();
- return msf & 0x00ffffff ;
- }
- #ifndef DVDRELEASE
- void print_block(UINT8 *a, int n)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- printf("%02x%s", *(a+i), (i % 16 == 15) ? "n" : " ");
- //if (i == 16*10) getch();
- }
- printf("n");
- //getch();
- }
- #endif