资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- //--------------------------------------
- //created by ouyang 2004.08.16
- //For MIDI UI
- //--------------------------------------
- /*
- ** FILE
- ** osd_midi.c
- **
- ** control MIDI UI interface.
- */
- //*************************************************
- //************For Midi OSD Lyric***********************
- //*************************************************
- #include "fsmidi.h"
- #ifdef SUPPORT_MIDI_MENU_SEL //by dtb in 20040225
- #include "fsMidiUI.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef SUPPORT_PINYINGDELAY //xlluo add 04-11-15
- inline int SetPinyingDelay(void)
- {
- return MIDI_PINYINGINPUT_DELAY; //about 1.5 s
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef SUPPORT_SANJING_SCORE //xlluo for sanjin score 04-10-23
- int ScoreDelay(void)
- {
- //TODO: add your code here
- //this func will be calling when score start
- return (10000); //default is 2.5 second,unit millisec
- }
- char * SetScoreGalaStr(int score)
- {
- //TODO: add your code to replase inhere
- //this func would call when show score num
- //[out]: the return value would be use disp str
- //below scorenum and flush right
- //max strlen is 12 chinese characters
- //return NULL to show nothing
- //[in]score :the num of score would be display on screen,max is 100
- char * str[] ={"唱得不错嘛",};
- printf("cur score %dn",score);
- return str[0];
- }
- //special score mode relase to sanjin //xlluo add for custormer request
- //2004-11-06
- //use macro GETSCOREMODE() to get the score mode
- //you can all your code which get new score and refresh
- //display item in func. "char * SetScoreGalaStr(int score)"
- //I would call the func DrawLTSUI or DrawDKSUI decording to you control.
- //when you select the selection "open DKS" or "open LTS"
- //I will do that
- // first: enable the score mode
- // second: call the func. below by your selection
- // thrid: set the score mode
- // at last: refresh the menu
- void DrawLTSUI()
- {
- //disp the title of LTSUI
- //TODO: you should rewrite or modify the ui drawfunc.
- int dispX[] ={
- 10,105, //left column
- 200,400, //mid column
- 400,470, //right column
- };
- draw_midi_bitmap_HZnew(Score_Str_LTS[0], dispX[2]+10, 10, 6, 0, 2, 2, 0);
- draw_midi_bitmap_HZnew(Score_Str_LTS[1], dispX[2]+50+10, 10, 6, 0, 2, 2, 0);
- draw_midi_bitmap_HZnew(Score_Str_LTS[2], dispX[2]+100+10, 10, 6, 0, 2, 2, 0);
- //TODO: add initial draw code here
- }
- void DrawDKSUI()
- {
- //disp the title of DKSUI
- //TODO: you should rewrite or modify the ui drawfunc.
- int dispX[] ={
- 20,85, //left column
- 200,400, //mid column
- 400,470, //right column
- };
- draw_midi_bitmap_HZnew(Score_Str_DKS[0], dispX[2]-15+24, 0, 6, 0, 2, 2, 0);
- draw_midi_bitmap_HZnew(Score_Str_DKS[1], dispX[2]-15+50+24, 0, 6, 0, 2, 2, 0);
- draw_midi_bitmap_HZnew(Score_Str_DKS[2], dispX[2]-15+100+24, 0, 6, 0, 2, 2, 0);
- //TODO: add initial draw code here
- }
- //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- // 86-028-87848688-5816
- // MAIL: xlluo@sunplus.com.cn
- //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- #endif
- //BYTE LyricFontcolor, LyricBgcolor, LyricRevcolour, LyricFigureColor;
- #ifdef SUPPORT_REPREGIONCOL //ouyang 2004.07.31
- void osd_updataRegion_Color(BYTE R,BYTE G,BYTE B,BYTE A,BYTE code,BYTE regNum)
- {
- int i =0;
- BYTE *osdhead[2];
- BYTE *obase;
- UINT32 repCol = __palette4F(G, B, R, A);
- // osd_tog_region(regNum,OSD_OFF);
- if(osd_active_regions<=regNum) return;//error
- osdhead[0] =(UINT16*)(get_osdbuf_baseptr() + region[regNum].osd_header[0] * 32);//get osd head pos //ouyang 2004.07.31
- if (((((*(osdhead[0]))>>BIT_MD)&0x07) ==OSD_FORMAT_16COLOR)//get color format
- &&((((*(osdhead[0]+2))>>BIT_CLUT_TYPE)&0x03) ==OSDV2_CLUT_32b))//for 32 bit clut
- {
- for (i =0;i<2;i++)
- {
- osdhead[i] =(UINT16*)(get_osdbuf_baseptr() + region[regNum].osd_header[i] * 32);//get osd head pos
- obase =osdhead[i]+HEADER_SIZE;
- while (code) //code is base 0, colour clut index
- {
- code --;
- obase += OSD_CLUT_SIZE;
- }
- wbe32(obase,repCol);
- }//__palette4F(130,130,130,130)
- }
- }
- #endif
- void osd_midi_init(void)
- {
- int i;
- __osd_init();
- #define MIDI_HEADER 4
- //setup region 3
- header_id = MIDI_HEADER;
- region[3].osd_w = MIDI_LYRIC_REGION >> 1;
- region[3].osd_h = MIDI_LYRIC_HEIGHT;
- osd_create_region1(®ion[3], 20, 150 + 30, NULL, OSD_FORMAT_16COLOR,
- //setup region 2
- header_id = MIDI_HEADER;
- region[2].osd_w = MIDI_MENU_REGION >> 1;
- region[2].osd_h = MIDI_MENU_HEIGHT;
- osd_create_region1(®ion[2], 20/* 50*/, 60, ®ion[3],
- //setup region 1
- header_id = NORMAL_HEADER;
- region[1].osd_w = 36 * 4;
- region[1].osd_h = OSD_FONT_HEIGHT;
- osd_create_region1(®ion[1], 32, 45, ®ion[2], OSD_FORMAT_4COLOR,
- //setup region 0
- header_id = MIDI_HEADER;
- region[0].osd_w = 320;
- region[0].osd_h = 60;
- osd_create_region1(®ion[0], 26, 15, ®ion[1], OSD_FORMAT_16COLOR,
- osd_active_regions = 4;
- SwitchRegionTVformat();//xlluo add 04-6-14
- #endif
- // osd_updataRegion_Color(130,130,130,130,0,REGION0);
- #endif
- osd_init__();
- }
- #else //#ifdef SUPPORT_REGION2_DOT
- //xlluo 03-7-2
- void osd_midi_init(void)
- {
- __osd_init();
- #define MIDI_HEADER 3///4
- /* //setup region 3
- header_id = MIDI_HEADER;
- region[3].osd_w = 320;
- region[3].osd_h = 140;
- osd_create_region1(®ion[3], 20, 150, NULL, OSD_FORMAT_16COLOR,
- //setup region 2
- header_id = MIDI_HEADER;
- region[2].osd_w = 200;
- region[2].osd_h = 190;
- osd_create_region1(®ion[2], 78, 60, ®ion[3], OSD_FORMAT_16COLOR,
- //setup region 1
- header_id = NORMAL_HEADER;
- region[1].osd_w = 36 * 4;
- region[1].osd_h = OSD_FONT_HEIGHT;
- osd_create_region1(®ion[1], 32, 45, ®ion[2], OSD_FORMAT_4COLOR,
- //setup region 0
- header_id = MIDI_HEADER;
- region[0].osd_w = 320;
- region[0].osd_h = 60;
- osd_create_region1(®ion[0], 26, 15, ®ion[1], OSD_FORMAT_16COLOR,
- osd_active_regions = MIDI_HEADER;
- osd_init__();
- }
- #endif //end #ifdef SUPPORT_REGION2_DOT
- void osd_copy_vcd_init(void)
- {
- __osd_init();
- #define MIDI_HEADER 4
- //setup region 1
- header_id = MIDI_HEADER;
- region[1].osd_w = 100;
- region[1].osd_h = 90;
- osd_create_region1(®ion[1], 20, 185, NULL, OSD_FORMAT_16COLOR,OSD_INTERLACED);
- //setup region 0
- header_id = MIDI_HEADER;
- region[0].osd_w = 220;
- region[0].osd_h = 200;
- osd_create_region1(®ion[0], 50, 40, ®ion[1], OSD_FORMAT_16COLOR,OSD_INTERLACED);
- osd_active_regions =2;
- osd_init__();
- }
- #endif
- void LyricSetColor(BYTE color, BYTE revercolour)
- {
- LyricFontcolor = color;
- if (LyricFontcolor == LYRIC_INIT_COLOUR)
- LyricFigureColor = FONT_FIGURE_COLOUR;
- else
- LyricFigureColor = FONT_FIGURE_REV_COLOUR;
- LyricRevcolour = revercolour;
- }
- /****************************************
- *** function :draw the font bitmap ;
- *** pFont: the pointer of the font bitmap data
- *** xStart,yStart: the coordinate
- *** fontcolor: the font color
- *** bgcolor : the background color of the font
- *** FigureColor: the figure color of the font
- *** FontType : the font type
- *** number: the OSD region NO.
- ****************************************/
- void draw_midi_bitmap_HZnew(const UINT8* pFont, int xStart, int yStart,
- BYTE fontcolor, BYTE bgcolor, BYTE FigureColor, BYTE FontType,
- BYTE number)
- {
- BYTE CurrentByte, CurrentByte1, CurrentBit, CurrentBit1;
- BYTE NewFormatFlag,bDispHalfByte;
- UINT8* p1Font;
- UINT8* pTopLine, * pBtmLine, * pLine;
- UINT32 iDispLoc, disploc = 0;
- int iRegionWidth = region[number].osd_w ;
- int osd_format = region[number].osd_format;
- unsigned int fwidth,fhight,fbit=0;
- unsigned int i, j, Bperpixel,shift_num,tempi;
- pTopLine = (BYTE *)(((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr()) +
- (region[number].osd_header[0] + OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[number].osd_format)) * 32);
- pBtmLine = (BYTE *)(((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr()) +
- (region[number].osd_header[1] + OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[number].osd_format)) * 32);
- yStart = (p_scan) ? yStart : yStart>>1;
- iDispLoc = (yStart ) * iRegionWidth + xStart;
- bDispHalfByte = iDispLoc & 0x01;
- iDispLoc = (((yStart - ((yStart) & 0x01)) * iRegionWidth ) + (xStart))>>1;
- switch (osd_format)
- {
- Bperpixel = 2; // 4
- shift_num = 2;
- break;
- Bperpixel = 0; // 1
- shift_num = 8;
- break;
- Bperpixel = 1; // 2
- shift_num = 4;
- break;
- default:
- Bperpixel = 1; // 2
- shift_num = 4;
- break;
- }
- //judge the format
- NewFormatFlag = pFont[0];
- if (NewFormatFlag != 0xff)
- {
- fwidth = pFont[0];
- fhight = pFont[1];
- }
- else
- {
- fhight = (pFont[4] << 8) | pFont[3];
- fwidth = (pFont[6] << 8) | pFont[5];
- fbit = fwidth * fhight;
- }
- if (NewFormatFlag != 0xff)
- {
- disploc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < fhight; i++)
- {
- if (((i + yStart) & 0x01)||(p_scan ==1))
- pLine = pBtmLine;
- else
- pLine = pTopLine;
- for (j = 0; j < fwidth; j++)
- {
- tempi = (j+bDispHalfByte) >> Bperpixel;
- if (pFont[((j + disploc) >> 3) + 3] & (0x80 >>
- ((j + disploc) & 0x07)))
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = (pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) |
- fontcolor;
- else
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = (pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) |
- bgcolor;
- }
- disploc += fwidth ;
- if (((i + yStart) & 0x01)||(p_scan ==1))
- iDispLoc += iRegionWidth;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch(FontType)
- {
- case 0:
- fontcolor=bgcolor;
- break;
- case 1:
- FigureColor=bgcolor;
- break;
- case 2:
- // FigureColor = 11;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (fbit & 0x07)
- {
- p1Font = (UINT8 *)pFont + (fbit >> 3) + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- p1Font = (UINT8 *)pFont + (fbit >> 3);
- }
- disploc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < fhight; i++)
- {
- if (((i + yStart) & 0x01)||(p_scan ==1))
- pLine = pBtmLine;
- else
- pLine = pTopLine;
- for (j = 0; j < fwidth; j++)
- {
- CurrentByte = pFont[((j + disploc) >> 3) + 10];
- CurrentByte1 = p1Font[((j + disploc) >> 3) + 10];
- CurrentBit = CurrentByte & (0x80 >> ((j + disploc) & 0x07));
- CurrentBit1 = CurrentByte1 & (0x80 >> ((j + disploc) & 0x07));
- tempi = (j+bDispHalfByte) >> Bperpixel;
- if (CurrentBit != 0 && CurrentBit1 != 0)
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = ((pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) & 0xf0) |
- fontcolor; //0x02;//
- }
- else if (CurrentBit == 0 && CurrentBit1 != 0)
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = ((pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) & 0xf0) |
- FigureColor;//0x0b;//
- }
- else
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = ((pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) & 0xf0) |
- bgcolor; // 0x00;//
- }
- }
- disploc += fwidth ;
- if (((i + yStart) & 0x01)||(p_scan ==1))
- iDispLoc += iRegionWidth;
- }
- }
- // osd_tog_region(number, OSD_ON);
- osd_tog_region(number, OSD_ON); //ouyang 2004.07.31
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *** function :draw the font bitmap of the GB1 and GB2 ;support the new GB font.
- after abstracting the Font bitmap from CD-ROM, call it to draw the respoding HZ
- ** xStart,yStart: the coordinate
- ** c: GB code
- ** fontcolor: the font color
- ** bgcolor : the background color of the font
- ** FigureColor: the figure color of the font
- ** FontType : the font type
- ** number: the OSD region NO.
- ** FontBaseNo: the font database NO.
- ******************************************************************************/
- void osd_midi_DrawHZ_Mem(int xStart, int yStart, UINT16 c, BYTE fontcolor,
- BYTE bgcolor, BYTE FigureColor, BYTE FontType, BYTE number,
- BYTE FontBaseNo) //BYTE fontcolor, BYTE bgcolor,BYTE FigureColor,
- {
- BYTE CurrentByte, CurrentByte1, CurrentBit, CurrentBit1;
- BYTE NewFormatFlag = 0,bDispHalfByte;
- BYTE* p1Font, * pFont = (void*) (0);
- BYTE* pTopLine, * pBtmLine, * pLine;
- UINT32 iDispLoc, disploc;
- int iRegionWidth = region[number].osd_w ; //>>bIsMenuFont;
- int osd_format = region[number].osd_format;
- unsigned int fwidth = 0,fhight = 0,fbit;
- unsigned int i, j, Bperpixel,shift_num,tempi;
- ST_GBPos* GBPos;
- BYTE* pTemp;
- pTopLine = (BYTE *)(((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr()) +
- (region[number].osd_header[0] + OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[number].osd_format)) * 32);
- pBtmLine = (BYTE *)(((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr()) +
- (region[number].osd_header[1] + OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[number].osd_format)) * 32);
- iDispLoc = (yStart ) * iRegionWidth + xStart;
- bDispHalfByte = iDispLoc & 0x01;
- iDispLoc = (((yStart - ((yStart) & 0x01)) * iRegionWidth ) + (xStart))>>1;
- switch (osd_format)
- {
- Bperpixel = 2; // 4
- shift_num = 2;
- break;
- Bperpixel = 0; // 1
- shift_num = 8;
- break;
- Bperpixel = 1; // 2
- shift_num = 4;
- break;
- default:
- Bperpixel = 1; // 2
- shift_num = 4;
- break;
- }
- GBPos = (ST_GBPos *) pTemp;
- tempi = 0;
- while ((GBPos[tempi].uGBCode != c))
- {
- if ((GBPos[tempi].uBitmapPos == 0))
- return ;
- tempi++;
- }
- pFont = (UINT8 *) (MIDI_OSDFONT_ADDR);
- NewFormatFlag = pFont[0];
- if (NewFormatFlag != 0xff)
- {
- fwidth = pFont[0];
- fhight = pFont[1];
- pFont = GBPos[tempi].uBitmapPos;
- disploc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < fhight; i++)
- {
- if ((i + yStart) & 0x01)
- pLine = pBtmLine;
- else
- pLine = pTopLine;
- for (j = 0; j < fwidth; j++)
- {
- tempi = (j+bDispHalfByte) >> Bperpixel;
- if (pFont[((j + disploc) >> 3) + 3] & (0x80 >>
- ((j + disploc) & 0x07)))
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = (pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) |
- fontcolor;
- else
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = (pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) |
- bgcolor;
- }
- disploc += fwidth ;
- if ((i + yStart) & 0x01)
- iDispLoc += iRegionWidth;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- #if 0
- switch(FontType)
- {
- case 0:
- fontcolor=bgcolor;
- break;
- case 1:
- FigureColor=bgcolor;
- break;
- case 2:
- // FigureColor = 11;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- #endif
- fhight = (pFont[4] << 8) | pFont[3];
- fwidth = (pFont[6] << 8) | pFont[5];
- fbit = fwidth * fhight;
- pFont = GBPos[tempi].uBitmapPos;
- if (fbit & 0x07)
- {
- p1Font = pFont + (fbit >> 3) + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- p1Font = pFont + (fbit >> 3);
- }
- disploc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < fhight; i++)
- {
- if ((i + yStart) & 0x01)
- pLine = pBtmLine;
- else
- pLine = pTopLine;
- for (j = 0; j < fwidth; j++)
- {
- CurrentByte = pFont[((j + disploc) >> 3)];
- CurrentByte1 = p1Font[((j + disploc) >> 3)];
- CurrentBit = CurrentByte & (0x80 >> ((j + disploc) & 0x07));
- CurrentBit1 = CurrentByte1 & (0x80 >> ((j + disploc) & 0x07));
- tempi = (j+bDispHalfByte) >> Bperpixel;
- if (CurrentBit != 0 && CurrentBit1 != 0)
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] |= ((pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) & 0xf0) |
- fontcolor; //0x02;//
- }
- else if (CurrentBit == 0 && CurrentBit1 != 0)
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] |= ((pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) & 0xf0) |
- FigureColor; //0x0b;//
- }
- else
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] |= ((pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) & 0xf0) |
- bgcolor; //0x00;//
- }
- }
- disploc += fwidth;
- if ((i + yStart) & 0x01)
- iDispLoc += iRegionWidth;
- }
- }
- }
- #else //#ifdef SUPPORT_ABSTRACT_FONT
- /*********************************************************************
- // ** function :draw the font bitmap of the GB1 and GB2 ;support the new GB font.
- // ** xStart,yStart: the X&Y start position of the coordinate
- // ** c: GB code
- // ** fontcolor: the font color
- // ** bgcolor : the background color of the font
- // ** FigureColor: the figure color of the font
- // ** FontType : the font type
- // ** number: the OSD region NO.
- // ** FontBaseNo: the font database NO.
- ***********************************************************************/
- void osd_midi_DrawHZ_Mem(int xStart, int yStart, UINT16 c, BYTE fontcolor,
- BYTE bgcolor, BYTE FigureColor, BYTE FontType, BYTE number,
- BYTE FontBaseNo)
- {
- BYTE CurrentByte, CurrentByte1, CurrentBit, CurrentBit1;
- BYTE NewFormatFlag = 0,bDispHalfByte; //ByteLow,ByteHi;
- BYTE* p1Font, * pFont = (void*) (0), * pFont1;
- BYTE* pTopLine, * pBtmLine, * pLine;
- BYTE* pGB1Font = (void*) (0), * pGB2Font =(void*) (0);
- UINT32 iDispLoc, disploc; //, uiDispHalfByte
- int iRegionWidth = region[number].osd_w ; //>>bIsMenuFont;
- int osd_format = region[number].osd_format;
- unsigned int fwidth = 0,fhight = 0,fbit = 0;
- unsigned int i, j, Bperpixel,shift_num,tempi;
- int CH = ( c >> 8), CL = (c& 0xFF);
- int Hgbcode;
- if (p_scan ==1)
- {
- yStart<<=1;
- }
- pTopLine = (BYTE *) (((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr()) +
- (region[number].osd_header[0] + OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[number].osd_format)) * 32);
- pBtmLine = (BYTE *)(((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr()) +
- (region[number].osd_header[1] + OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[number].osd_format)) * 32);
- iDispLoc = (yStart ) * iRegionWidth + xStart;
- bDispHalfByte = iDispLoc & 0x01;
- iDispLoc = (((yStart - ((yStart) & 0x01)) * iRegionWidth ) + (xStart))>>1;
- {
- pGB2Font = (UINT8 *) upMidiGB2FontAddr;
- }
- else if (FontBaseNo == MIDI_MENU_FONTDEBASE)
- {
- pGB1Font = (BYTE *) (upMenuGB1FontAddr);
- pGB2Font = (UINT8 *) upMenuGB2FontAddr;
- }
- #endif
- switch (osd_format)
- {
- Bperpixel = 2; // 4
- shift_num = 2;
- break;
- Bperpixel = 0; // 1
- shift_num = 8;
- break;
- Bperpixel = 1; // 2
- shift_num = 4;
- break;
- default:
- Bperpixel = 1; // 2
- shift_num = 4;
- break;
- }
- //get the font bitmap addr
- if ((CH >= 0xA1 && CH < 0xD7 && CL >= 0xA1 && CL < 0xFF) ||
- (CH == 0xD7 && CL >= 0xA1 && CL < 0xFa))
- {
- //the following is GB1 font
- if (CH > 0xA9)
- {
- Hgbcode = 0xA7;
- }
- else
- {
- Hgbcode = 0xA1;
- }
- pFont1 = pGB1Font; //(BYTE *)(MIDI_OSDFONT_ADDR);
- NewFormatFlag = pFont1[0];
- if (NewFormatFlag != 0xff)
- {
- fwidth = pFont1[0];
- fhight = pFont1[1];
- fbit = fwidth * fhight;
- if (fbit & 0x07)
- {
- pFont = (BYTE *)
- (pGB1Font +
- ((CH - Hgbcode) * 94 + (CL - 0xA1)) * ((fbit >> 3) + 1)); //MIDI_OSDFONT_ADDR
- }
- else
- {
- pFont = (BYTE *)
- (pGB1Font +
- ((CH - Hgbcode) * 94 + (CL - 0xA1)) * (fbit >> 3)); //MIDI_OSDFONT_ADDR
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fhight = (pFont1[4] << 8) | pFont1[3];
- fwidth = (pFont1[6] << 8) | pFont1[5];
- fbit = fwidth * fhight;
- if (fbit & 0x07)
- {
- pFont = (BYTE *)
- (pGB1Font +
- ((CH - Hgbcode) * 94 + (CL - 0xA1)) * ((fbit >> 3) + 1) * 2); //MIDI_OSDFONT_ADDR
- }
- else
- {
- pFont = (BYTE *)
- (pGB1Font +
- ((CH - Hgbcode) * 94 + (CL - 0xA1)) * (fbit >> 3) * 2); //MIDI_OSDFONT_ADDR
- }
- }
- }
- else if (CH >= 0xD8 && CH < 0xF8 && CL >= 0xA1 && CL < 0xFF)
- {
- pFont1 = (UINT8 *) pGB2Font; //upMidiGB2FontAddr;
- NewFormatFlag = pFont1[0];
- if (NewFormatFlag != 0xff)
- {
- fwidth = pFont1[0];
- fhight = pFont1[1];
- fbit = fwidth * fhight;
- if (fbit & 0x07)
- {
- //upMidiGB2FontAddr
- pFont = (BYTE *)
- (pGB2Font +
- ((CH - 0xd8) * 94 + (CL - 0xA1)) * ((fbit >> 3) + 1));
- }
- else
- {
- //upMidiGB2FontAddr
- pFont = (BYTE *)
- (pGB2Font + ((CH - 0xd8) * 94 + (CL - 0xA1)) * (fbit >> 3));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fhight = (pFont1[4] << 8) | pFont1[3];
- fwidth = (pFont1[6] << 8) | pFont1[5];
- fbit = fwidth * fhight;
- if (fbit & 0x07)
- {
- //upMidiGB2FontAddr
- pFont = (BYTE *)
- (pGB2Font +
- ((CH - 0xd8) * 94 + (CL - 0xA1)) * ((fbit >> 3) + 1) * 2);
- }
- else
- {
- //upMidiGB2FontAddr
- pFont = (BYTE *)
- (pGB2Font +
- ((CH - 0xd8) * 94 + (CL - 0xA1)) * (fbit >> 3) * 2);
- }
- }
- }
- //draw the GB1 font bitmap
- if (NewFormatFlag != 0xff)
- {
- pFont = pFont + 3;
- disploc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < fhight; i++)
- {
- if (((i + yStart) & 0x01)||(p_scan==1))
- pLine = pBtmLine;
- else
- pLine = pTopLine;
- for (j = 0; j < fwidth; j++)
- {
- tempi = (j+bDispHalfByte) >> Bperpixel;
- if (pFont[((j + disploc) >> 3)] & (0x80 >>
- ((j + disploc) & 0x07)))
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = (pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) |
- fontcolor;
- }
- else
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = (pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) |
- bgcolor;
- }
- disploc += fwidth ;
- if (((i + yStart) & 0x01)||(p_scan ==1))
- iDispLoc += iRegionWidth;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- #if 1
- switch (FontType)
- {
- case 0:
- fontcolor = bgcolor;
- break;
- case 1:
- FigureColor = bgcolor;
- break;
- case 2:
- // FigureColor = 11;
- break;
- case 3:
- FigureColor = fontcolor;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- #endif
- // fbit=fwidth*fhight;
- pFont = pFont + 10;
- if (fbit & 0x07)
- {
- p1Font = pFont + (fbit >> 3) + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- p1Font = pFont + (fbit >> 3);
- }
- disploc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < fhight; i++)
- {
- if (((i + yStart) & 0x01)||(p_scan==1))//xlluo 2004
- pLine = pBtmLine;
- else
- pLine = pTopLine;
- for (j = 0; j < fwidth; j++)
- {
- CurrentByte = pFont[((j + disploc) >> 3)];
- CurrentByte1 = p1Font[((j + disploc) >> 3)];
- CurrentBit = CurrentByte & (0x80 >> ((j + disploc) & 0x07));
- CurrentBit1 = CurrentByte1 & (0x80 >> ((j + disploc) & 0x07));
- tempi = (j+bDispHalfByte) >> Bperpixel;
- {
- if (CurrentBit != 0 && CurrentBit1 != 0)
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = ((pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) & 0xf0) |
- fontcolor; //0x02;//
- }
- else if (CurrentBit == 0 && CurrentBit1 != 0)
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = ((pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) & 0xf0) |
- FigureColor; //0x0b;//
- }
- else
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] = ((pLine[iDispLoc + tempi] <<
- shift_num) & 0xf0) |
- bgcolor; //0x00;//
- }
- }
- }
- disploc += fwidth ;
- if (((i + yStart) & 0x01)||(p_scan ==1))
- iDispLoc += iRegionWidth;
- }
- }
- osd_tog_region(number ,OSD_ON); //ouyang 2004.07.31
- }
- #endif //end #ifdef SUPPORT_ABSTRACT_FONT
- //the following is 30*30 font width for number and alphabet
- BYTE MenuNumwidth[10] =
- {
- 16, 14, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
- };
- BYTE MenuABCwidth[26] =
- {
- 24, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 24, 24, 14, 18, 22, 20, 28, 24, 20, 20, 20, 22,
- 18, 22, 24, 24, 28, 22, 24, 20,
- };
- BYTE Menuabcwidth[26] =
- {
- 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 18, 12, 14, 18, 12, 28, 20, 16, 16, 16, 16, 14,
- 14, 18, 18, 24, 18, 18, 16,
- };
- #else
- BYTE MenuNumwidth[10] =
- {
- 13, 12, 15, 15, 16, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15,
- };
- BYTE MenuABCwidth[26] =
- {
- 23, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 23, 23, 11, 17, 22, 19, 27, 24, 20, 20, 20, 22,
- 18, 21, 23, 23, 27, 22, 23, 20,
- };
- BYTE Menuabcwidth[26] =
- {
- 15, 16, 13, 16, 15, 15, 16, 17, 9, 12, 17, 16, 27, 19, 15, 15, 16, 13, 11,
- 11, 18, 17, 23, 17, 17, 14,
- };
- #endif
- BYTE MenuFontcolor, MenuBgcolor, MenuFigureColor;
- #define MENU_FONT_WIDTH (30)
- #define MENU_OTHER_WIDTH (16)
- //when change the OSD color of the Menu font base, call it
- void MidiSetMenuFontColor(BYTE FontColor, BYTE BgColor, BYTE FigureColor)
- {
- MenuFontcolor = FontColor;
- MenuBgcolor = BgColor;
- MenuFigureColor = FigureColor;
- }
- #endif
- /*********************************************************************
- // ** function :search GB3 base font pointer; gb3font should be include in font3 base
- // ** hzcode: GB code
- // **FontBaseNo:for menu or lyric
- ***********************************************************************/
- #define GB3_FONTBASE_FLAG (0x10000000L)
- #define GB3_FONTBASE_NONFLAG (0x0fffffffL)//ouly use 28 bit for fontsize
- #define GET_LONG_INT(p) (((*((p)+3))<<24)|((*((p)+2))<<16)|((*((p)+1))<<8)|(*(p)))
- #define GET_SHORT_INT(p) ((*((p)+1)<<8)|(*(p)))
- #define GET_HZCODE(p) ((UINT16)GET_SHORT_INT(p))
- BYTE *midi_GetGB3Font(UINT16 hzcode,BYTE FontBaseNo)
- {
- BYTE * pfont3base =upGB3FontAddr;
- BYTE fontbase;
- BYTE *retpos;
- while ((*pfont3base)&&(upGB3FontEndPtr>pfont3base))
- {
- if ( GET_HZCODE(pfont3base)==hzcode)
- {
- fontbase = (((GET_LONG_INT(pfont3base+2))&(GB3_FONTBASE_FLAG))&&1);
- if (!(fontbase^FontBaseNo))
- {
- retpos =pfont3base+6;
- return retpos;
- }else
- {
- pfont3base +=(GET_LONG_INT(pfont3base+2)&(GB3_FONTBASE_NONFLAG));
- }
- }else
- {
- pfont3base +=(GET_LONG_INT(pfont3base+2)&(GB3_FONTBASE_NONFLAG));
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- /********************************************************
- //Function : Disp_Text_OSD Display the lyric on screen by OSD
- //int xx :the x position
- //int yy :the y position
- //char *Lyric: the string of lyric
- //BYTE regNum OSD Number
- //int margin: uint --> pixel
- //uFontBase: the font database NO.
- //Note : The Font size is 40*48 color 16
- ********************************************************/
- #if 1
- int Disp_Text_OSD(int xx, int yy, BYTE* Lyric, BYTE regNum, int margin,
- BYTE uFontBase, BYTE FontType,int endXEdge)
- {
- int iRegionWidth = region[regNum].osd_w<<1;
- BYTE* p = Lyric;
- UINT16 ch = 0;
- UINT16 x1, y1;
- UINT8 uFontWidth=0, uOtherWidth=0;
- BYTE Fontcolor=0, Bgcolor=0, FigureColor=0; //,FontType
- BYTE* pabc_Width, * pABC_Width, * pNum_Width;
- BYTE FontHeight;
- BYTE *gb3pos =0;
- #endif
- if ((!endXEdge)||(endXEdge>(iRegionWidth -10)))
- endXEdge =iRegionWidth;
- printf("Disp_Text_OSD %sn",Lyric);
- pabc_Width = pABC_Width = pNum_Width = (void *)(0);
- {
- uFontWidth = LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH ;
- uOtherWidth = OTHER_FONT_WIDTH;
- Fontcolor = LyricFontcolor;
- Bgcolor = LyricBgcolor;
- FigureColor = LyricFigureColor;
- pabc_Width = abc_width;
- pABC_Width = ABC_width;
- pNum_Width = num_width;
- }
- else if (uFontBase == MIDI_MENU_FONTDEBASE)
- {
- FontHeight =30;
- Fontcolor = MenuFontcolor;
- Bgcolor = MenuBgcolor;
- FigureColor = MenuFigureColor;
- pabc_Width = Menuabcwidth;
- pABC_Width = MenuABCwidth;
- pNum_Width = MenuNumwidth;
- endXEdge -=10;
- }else
- {
- printf("error font basen");
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- if (xx < 0)
- xx = 0;
- x1 = xx;
- y1 = yy;
- while (*p == ' ')
- p++;
- // osd_tog_region(regNum, OSD_ON);
- while (*p)
- {
- int iRes;
- BYTE c, c1;
- iRes = 0;
- c = *p;
- c1 = *(p + 1);
- if (((c >= 0xA1 && c < 0xD7 && c1 >= 0xA1 && c1 < 0xFF) ||
- (c == 0xD7 && c1 >= 0xA1 && c1 < 0xFa))||
- (c >= 0xD8 && c < 0xF8 && c1 >= 0xA1 && c1 < 0xFF))
- #else
- if (c>0x80&&c1>0x80);
- #endif
- {
- iRes = 2;
- p ++;
- if (iRegionWidth - x1 < 48) //
- {
- break; //width is not enough break
- }
- }
- else if ((c > 0x80))//&&((c1>80)||(c1<80)))
- {
- UINT16 gbcode =(c<<8|c1);
- gb3pos =midi_GetGB3Font(gbcode,uFontBase);
- if (gb3pos)
- {
- iRes = 3;
- p ++;
- if (iRegionWidth - x1 < 48) //
- break; //width is not enough break
- }else
- {
- printf("search gb3base failn");
- p ++;
- iRes =0;
- }
- }
- #endif
- else if (((c >= 65) && (c <= 90)) || //A~Z
- ((c >= 97) && (c <= 122)) || //a~z
- ((c >= 192) && (c <= 223)) || //Europe characters
- ((c >= 48) && (c <= 57)) || ((c >= 33) && (c <= 47)) //digit numbers //ouyang 2004.07.31
- ||(c ==':')) //interpunction //ouyang 2004.07.31
- {
- c1 = c + 0x80;
- c = 0x03 + 0xa0;
- iRes = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (c)
- {
- case ' ':
- iRes = 1;
- break;
- default:
- iRes = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (iRes == 0)
- c = ' ';
- if (iRes == 2)
- {
- // if (c!=0xa3)
- {
- if (((endXEdge - x1) < (uFontWidth))||((iRegionWidth - x1) < (uFontWidth))) //LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH
- {
- //xlluo add a mend here //2004-11-26
- break;
- }
- }
- ch = (c << 8) | (c1);
- osd_midi_DrawHZ_Mem(x1, y1, ch, Fontcolor, Bgcolor,
- FigureColor, FontType, regNum, uFontBase); //fontcolor, bgcolor,
- if (c == 0xa3)
- {
- int xtemp;
- if (c1 >= 0xe1 && c1 <= 0xfa)
- x1 += pabc_Width[c1 - 0xe1];//+margin;
- else if ((c1 >= 0xc1) && (c1 <= 0xda))
- x1 += pABC_Width[c1 - 0xc1];//+margin;
- else if ((c1 > 0xaf) && (c1 < 0xba))
- {
- x1 += pNum_Width[c1 - 0xb0] + margin;
- }
- else
- {
- x1 += uOtherWidth; //OTHER_FONT_WIDTH
- }
- }
- else
- {
- x1 += (uFontWidth) + margin; //LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH
- }
- }
- else if (iRes == 3)
- {
- {
- if (((endXEdge - x1) < (uFontWidth))||((iRegionWidth - x1) < (uFontWidth))) //LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH
- {
- break; //width is not enough break
- }
- }
- draw_midi_bitmap_HZnew(gb3pos,x1, y1<<1, Fontcolor, Bgcolor,FigureColor, FontType, regNum);
- x1 += (uFontWidth) + margin; //LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- if (((endXEdge - x1) < (uOtherWidth))||((iRegionWidth - x1) < (uOtherWidth))) // LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH
- break; //width is not enough break
- #if 0 //def SUPPORT_SANJING_WIDESAPCE //xlluo for sj space 04-10-15
- Osd_Clear_Rect(x1, yy, uOtherWidth+3,FontHeight,Bgcolor,regNum);
- x1 += uOtherWidth; //OTHER_FONT_WIDTH
- #else
- if ((c == ' ') && (*(p - 1) != ' '))
- {
- if (uFontBase == MIDI_MENU_FONTDEBASE)
- {
- int wspace = uOtherWidth+3;
- if (((endXEdge - x1) < (uFontWidth))||((iRegionWidth - x1) < (uFontWidth)))
- wspace = endXEdge-x1;
- Osd_Clear_Rect(x1, yy, wspace,FontHeight,Bgcolor,regNum);
- x1 += wspace-3; //OTHER_FONT_WIDTH
- }else
- {
- Osd_Clear_Rect(x1, yy, uOtherWidth+3,FontHeight,Bgcolor,regNum);
- x1 += uOtherWidth; //OTHER_FONT_WIDTH
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- p++;
- }
- osd_tog_region(regNum, OSD_ON);
- return x1;
- }
- #else
- int Disp_Text_OSD(int xx, int yy, BYTE* Lyric, BYTE regNum, int margin,
- BYTE uFontBase, BYTE FontType,int endXEdge)
- {
- int iRegionWidth = region[regNum].osd_w<<1;
- BYTE* p = Lyric;
- UINT16 ch = 0;
- UINT16 x1, y1;
- UINT8 uFontWidth=0, uOtherWidth=0;
- BYTE Fontcolor=0, Bgcolor=0, FigureColor=0; //,FontType
- BYTE* pabc_Width, * pABC_Width, * pNum_Width;
- BYTE FontHeight;
- BYTE *gb3pos =0;
- #endif
- if (!endXEdge)
- endXEdge =iRegionWidth;
- printf("Disp_Text_OSD %sn",Lyric);
- pabc_Width = pABC_Width = pNum_Width = (void *)(0);
- {
- uFontWidth = LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH ;
- uOtherWidth = OTHER_FONT_WIDTH;
- Fontcolor = LyricFontcolor;
- Bgcolor = LyricBgcolor;
- FigureColor = LyricFigureColor;
- pabc_Width = abc_width;
- pABC_Width = ABC_width;
- pNum_Width = num_width;
- }
- else if (uFontBase == MIDI_MENU_FONTDEBASE)
- {
- FontHeight =30;
- Fontcolor = MenuFontcolor;
- Bgcolor = MenuBgcolor;
- FigureColor = MenuFigureColor;
- pabc_Width = Menuabcwidth;
- pABC_Width = MenuABCwidth;
- pNum_Width = MenuNumwidth;
- }else
- {
- printf("error font basen");
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- if (xx < 0)
- xx = 0;
- x1 = xx;
- y1 = yy;
- while (*p == ' ')
- p++;
- // osd_tog_region(regNum, OSD_ON);
- while (*p)
- {
- int iRes;
- BYTE c, c1;
- iRes = 0;
- c = *p;
- c1 = *(p + 1);
- if (((c >= 0xA1 && c < 0xD7 && c1 >= 0xA1 && c1 < 0xFF) ||
- (c == 0xD7 && c1 >= 0xA1 && c1 < 0xFa))||
- (c >= 0xD8 && c < 0xF8 && c1 >= 0xA1 && c1 < 0xFF))
- #else
- if (c>0x80&&c1>0x80);
- #endif
- {
- iRes = 2;
- p ++;
- if (iRegionWidth - x1 < 48) //
- break; //width is not enough break
- }
- else if ((c > 0x80))//&&((c1>80)||(c1<80)))
- {
- UINT16 gbcode =(c<<8|c1);
- gb3pos =midi_GetGB3Font(gbcode,uFontBase);
- if (gb3pos)
- {
- iRes = 3;
- p ++;
- if (iRegionWidth - x1 < 48) //
- break; //width is not enough break
- }else
- {
- printf("search gb3base failn");
- p ++;
- iRes =0;
- }
- }
- #endif
- else if (((c >= 65) && (c <= 90)) || //A~Z
- ((c >= 97) && (c <= 122)) || //a~z
- ((c >= 192) && (c <= 223)) || //Europe characters
- ((c >= 48) && (c <= 57)) || ((c >= 33) && (c <= 47)) //digit numbers //ouyang 2004.07.31
- ||(c ==':')) //interpunction //ouyang 2004.07.31
- {
- c1 = c + 0x80;
- c = 0x03 + 0xa0;
- iRes = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (c)
- {
- case ' ':
- iRes = 1;
- break;
- default:
- iRes = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (iRes == 0)
- c = ' ';
- if (iRes == 2)
- {
- // if (c!=0xa3)
- {
- if (((endXEdge - x1) < (uFontWidth))||((iRegionWidth - x1) < (uFontWidth))) //LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH
- {
- // ulLineTotalColumns[(cLineDisp^1)] = x1;
- // printf("ulLineTotalColumns ==%dn", x1);
- break; //width is not enough break
- }
- }
- ch = (c << 8) | (c1);
- osd_midi_DrawHZ_Mem(x1, y1, ch, Fontcolor, Bgcolor,
- FigureColor, FontType, regNum, uFontBase); //fontcolor, bgcolor,
- if (c == 0xa3)
- {
- if (c1 >= 0xe1 && c1 <= 0xfa)
- x1 += pabc_Width[c1 - 0xe1];//+margin;
- else if ((c1 >= 0xc1) && (c1 <= 0xda))
- x1 += pABC_Width[c1 - 0xc1];//+margin;
- else if ((c1 > 0xaf) && (c1 < 0xba))
- {
- x1 += pNum_Width[c1 - 0xb0] + margin;
- }
- else
- {
- x1 += uOtherWidth; //OTHER_FONT_WIDTH
- }
- }
- else
- {
- x1 += (uFontWidth) + margin; //LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH
- }
- }
- else if (iRes == 3)
- {
- {
- if (((endXEdge - x1) < (uFontWidth))||((iRegionWidth - x1) < (uFontWidth))) //LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH
- {
- // ulLineTotalColumns[(cLineDisp^1)] = x1;
- // printf("ulLineTotalColumns ==%dn", x1);
- break; //width is not enough break
- }
- }
- draw_midi_bitmap_HZnew(gb3pos,x1, y1<<1, Fontcolor, Bgcolor,FigureColor, FontType, regNum);
- x1 += (uFontWidth) + margin; //LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- printf(" show sp ");
- if (((endXEdge - x1) < (uOtherWidth))||((iRegionWidth - x1) < (uOtherWidth))) // LYRIC_FONT_WIDTH
- break; //width is not enough break
- #ifdef SUPPORT_SANJING_WIDESAPCE //xlluo for sj space 04-10-15
- Osd_Clear_Rect(x1, yy, uOtherWidth+3,FontHeight,Bgcolor,regNum);
- x1 += uOtherWidth; //OTHER_FONT_WIDTH
- #else
- if ((c == ' ') && (*(p - 1) != ' '))
- {
- Osd_Clear_Rect(x1, yy, uOtherWidth+3,FontHeight,Bgcolor,regNum);
- x1 += uOtherWidth; //OTHER_FONT_WIDTH
- }
- #endif
- }
- printf(" x1 is %dn",x1);
- p++;
- }
- osd_tog_region(regNum, OSD_ON);
- return x1;
- }
- #endif
- //*************************************************
- //***clear the Rect region
- // only for OSD_FORMAT_16COLOR
- //***int xx, int yy,:the position
- //***int xlen, int ylen: the x&y length
- //***BYTE colour: the color that fill in the osd region
- //***BYTE regNum:the region NO.
- //*************************************************
- void Osd_Clear_Rect(int xx, int yy, int xlen, int ylen, BYTE colour,
- BYTE regNum)
- {
- BYTE* pTopLine, * pBtmLine, * pLine;
- BYTE colbyte;//bDispHalfByte;
- UINT32 iDispLoc;
- int i, j;
- int iRegionWidth = region[regNum].osd_w;
- if (p_scan ==1)
- {
- yy<<=1;
- ylen<<=1;
- }
- pTopLine = (BYTE *) (((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr()) +
- (region[regNum].osd_header[0] + OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[regNum].osd_format)) * 32);
- pBtmLine = (BYTE *)(((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr()) +
- (region[regNum].osd_header[1] + OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[regNum].osd_format)) * 32);
- iDispLoc = (((yy - ((yy) & 0x01)) * iRegionWidth ) + (xx))>>1;
- colbyte =(BYTE)(((colour & 0x0f) << 4) | (colour & 0x0f));
- for (j = 0; j < ylen; j++)
- {
- if ((j + yy) & 0x01)
- pLine = pBtmLine;
- else
- pLine = pTopLine;
- for (i = 0; i < xlen; i++) //print one point per time
- {
- if (i & 0x01)
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + (i >> 1)] = colbyte;//&0x0f;
- }
- }
- if ((j + yy) & 0x01)
- iDispLoc += iRegionWidth;
- }
- }
- /*******************************
- // clear a line of lyric
- //BYTE Ystart :clear line y position
- //BYTE regNum OSD Number
- //
- //for height = 40
- //support the 16 color
- ********************************/
- void ClearOSDStrLine(UINT16 fwidth, UINT16 Xstart, UINT16 Ystart, BYTE regNum)
- {
- Osd_Clear_Rect(Xstart,Ystart,fwidth,(LYRIC_FONT_HIGHT),0,regNum);
- }
- /*******************************************
- //draw vertline and the font bitmap reverse video
- //int xx :the x position
- //int yy :the y position
- //short height :font hight
- //BYTE columns :pels num for rev
- //only for the 16 colors
- ********************************************/
- void Disp_one_vertline(int xx, int yy, UINT16 height, UINT16 columns,
- BYTE regNum)
- {
- int i, j, k;
- BYTE* pTopLine, * pBtmLine, * pLine;
- UINT32 iDispLoc, uiDispHalfByte,bDispHalfByte;
- int iRegionWidth = region[regNum].osd_w;
- UINT16 high = height;
- UINT16 width = columns;
- pTopLine = (BYTE *)((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr() +
- region[regNum].osd_header[0] * 32 +
- OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[regNum].osd_format) * 32);
- pBtmLine = (BYTE *)((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr() +
- region[regNum].osd_header[1] * 32 +
- OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[regNum].osd_format) * 32);
- if (p_scan ==1)
- {
- yy<<=1;
- }
- uiDispHalfByte = (((yy) * iRegionWidth) + (xx));
- iDispLoc = (((yy - ((yy) & 0x01)) * iRegionWidth) + (xx)) >> 1;
- for (i = 0; i < high; i++)
- {
- if ((i + yy) & 0x01)
- pLine = pBtmLine;
- else
- pLine = pTopLine;
- bDispHalfByte = (uiDispHalfByte) & 0x01;
- for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
- {
- k = (((xx) & 0x01) + j) >> 1;
- bDispHalfByte ^= 1;
- if (bDispHalfByte == 0)
- {
- if ((pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0x0f) == LyricFigureColor)
- pLine[k + iDispLoc] = (pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0xf0) |
- LyricFontcolor;
- else if ((pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0x0f) == LyricFontcolor)
- pLine[k + iDispLoc] = (pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0xf0) |
- LyricRevcolour;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0xf0) == (LyricFigureColor << 4))
- pLine[k + iDispLoc] = (pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0x0f) |
- (LyricFontcolor << 4);
- else if ((pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0xf0) == (LyricFontcolor << 4))
- pLine[k + iDispLoc] = (pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0x0f) |
- (LyricRevcolour << 4);
- }
- }
- if (((i + yy) & 0x01)||(p_scan ==1))
- iDispLoc += iRegionWidth;
- }
- osd_tog_region(REGION3, OSD_ON);
- }
- void osd_Clear_Region(BYTE reg, BYTE bkColor)
- {
- Osd_Clear_Rect(0,0,region[reg].osd_w<<1,region[reg].osd_h,bkColor,reg);
- }
- //***************************//
- //updown == 0,display 凹//
- //updown == 1,display 凸//
- //updown > 1 ,normal display//
- //**************************//
- void midi_menu_draw_arc_region(int xStart, int yStart, int xLen, int yLen,
- BYTE regNum, BYTE Enable)
- {
- BYTE* pTopLine, * pBtmLine, * pLine, radius;
- UINT32 iDispLoc;
- int i, j;
- int Region;
- int iRegionWidth = region[regNum].osd_w;
- BYTE cground, cfount, cedge, curColour, cfount1;
- cground = cfount = cedge = curColour = cfount1 =0;
- Region = regNum;
- if (p_scan ==1)
- {
- yStart<<=1;
- yLen<<=1;
- }
- pTopLine = (BYTE *)
- (((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr()) +
- (region[regNum].osd_header[0] + OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[regNum].osd_format)) * 32);
- pBtmLine = (BYTE *)
- (((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr()) +
- (region[regNum].osd_header[1] + OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[regNum].osd_format)) * 32);
- radius = sizeof(arc_tableLT[0]);
- // printf("RADIUS ==%dn",radius);
- iDispLoc = ((yStart - ((yStart) & 0x01)) * iRegionWidth / 2) +
- (xStart / 2);
- if (Enable)
- {
- cfount1 = 0x2;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < yLen; j++)
- {
- if ((j + yStart) & 0x01)
- pLine = pBtmLine;
- else
- pLine = pTopLine;
- if (Enable)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < xLen; i++) //print one point per time
- {
- if ((i < radius) && (j < radius))//draw left-top corner
- {
- if ((arc_tableLT[j][i] == 0))
- curColour = cground;
- else if ((arc_tableLT[j][i] == 1))
- curColour = cedge;
- else if ((arc_tableLT[j][i] == 2))
- curColour = cfount;
- else if ((arc_tableLT[j][i] == 3))
- curColour = cfount1;
- }
- else if ((i >= xLen - radius) && (j < radius))//draw right-top corner
- {
- if ((arc_tableRT[j][i - xLen + radius] == 0))
- curColour = cground;
- else if ((arc_tableRT[j][i - xLen + radius] == 1))
- curColour = cedge;
- else if ((arc_tableRT[j][i - xLen + radius] == 2))
- curColour = cfount;
- }
- else if ((i < radius) && (j >= yLen - radius))//draw left-bottom corner
- {
- if ((arc_tableLB[j - yLen + radius][i] == 0))
- curColour = cground;
- else if ((arc_tableLB[j - yLen + radius][i] == 1))
- curColour = cedge;
- else if ((arc_tableLB[j - yLen + radius][i] == 2))
- curColour = cfount;
- }
- else if ((j >= yLen - radius) && (i >= xLen - radius))//draw right-bottom corner
- {
- if (arc_tableRB[j - yLen + radius][i - xLen + radius] == 0)
- curColour = cground;
- else if (arc_tableRB[j - yLen + radius][i - xLen + radius] ==
- 1)
- curColour = cedge;
- else if (arc_tableRB[j - yLen + radius][i - xLen + radius] ==
- 2)
- curColour = cfount;
- }
- else
- curColour = cfount;//cfount;
- if (i & 0x01)
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + (i >> 1)] |= curColour & 0x0f;
- }
- else
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + (i >> 1)] |= (curColour << 4) & 0xf0;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < xLen; i++) //print one point per time
- {
- pLine[iDispLoc + (i >> 1)] = 0;
- }
- }
- if ((j + yStart) & 0x01)
- iDispLoc += iRegionWidth;
- }
- // timeout_osd[Region] = 0;
- osd_tog_region(Region, OSD_ON);
- }
- void Midi_Draw_Rect(int xx, int yy, UINT16 xLen, UINT16 yLen, BYTE BgColor,
- BYTE FrontC, BYTE FigC, BYTE regNum)
- {
- int i, j, k;
- BYTE* pTopLine, * pBtmLine, * pLine;
- UINT32 iDispLoc, uiDispHalfByte;
- int iRegionWidth = region[regNum].osd_w;
- UINT16 high = yLen;
- UINT16 width = xLen;
- if (p_scan ==1)
- {
- yy<<=1;
- yLen<<=1;
- }
- pTopLine = (BYTE *)
- ((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr() +
- region[regNum].osd_header[0] * 32 +
- OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[regNum].osd_format) * 32);
- pBtmLine = (BYTE *)
- ((BYTE *) get_osdbuf_baseptr() +
- region[regNum].osd_header[1] * 32 +
- OSD_DATA_OFFSET(region[regNum].osd_format) * 32);
- uiDispHalfByte = (((yy - ((yy) & 0x01)) * iRegionWidth) + (xx));
- iDispLoc = (uiDispHalfByte) >> 1;
- for (i = 0; i < high; i++)
- {
- if (((i + yy) & 0x01)||(p_scan ==1))
- pLine = pBtmLine;
- else
- pLine = pTopLine;
- uiDispHalfByte = (xx) & 0x01;
- for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
- {
- k = (((xx) & 0x01) + j) >> 1;
- uiDispHalfByte ^= 1;
- if (uiDispHalfByte == 1)
- {
- if ((pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0x0f) == MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR)
- pLine[k + iDispLoc] = (pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0xf0) |
- BgColor;
- else if ((pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0x0f) == MENU_LINE_COLOR)
- pLine[k + iDispLoc] = (pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0xf0) |
- BgColor;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0xf0) == (MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR << 4))
- pLine[k + iDispLoc] = (pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0x0f) |
- (BgColor << 4);
- else if ((pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0xf0) == (MENU_LINE_COLOR << 4))
- pLine[k + iDispLoc] = (pLine[k + iDispLoc] & 0x0f) |
- (BgColor << 4);
- }
- }
- if (((i + yy) & 0x01)||(p_scan ==1))
- iDispLoc += iRegionWidth;
- }
- osd_tog_region(regNum, OSD_ON);
- }
- #endif //end #ifdef MIDI_MULTI_MENU
- #endif //end #ifdef SUPPORT_OSDLYRIC
- //xlluo 04-6-14
- void MIDI_MoveRegion(BYTE r,UINT16 x,UINT16 y,UINT16 h,UINT16 w)
- {
- UINT16* pOSDHeader1 = (UINT16*)(get_osdbuf_baseptr() + region[r].osd_header[0] * 32);
- UINT16* pOSDHeader2 = (UINT16*)(get_osdbuf_baseptr() + region[r].osd_header[1] * 32);
- UINT16 nCol, nRow;
- UINT16 nHig,nWid;
- if (p_scan)//ouyang 20040930
- {
- y<<=1;
- h<<=2;
- }
- nRow = y & 0x3ff;
- nCol = x & 0x3ff;
- nHig = h&0x3ff;
- nWid =w&0x3ff;
- wbe16(pOSDHeader1 + 4, nRow);
- wbe16(pOSDHeader2 + 4, nRow);
- wbe16(pOSDHeader1 + 5, nCol);
- wbe16(pOSDHeader2 + 5, nCol);
- /* wbe16(pOSDHeader1 + 2, nHig);
- wbe16(pOSDHeader2 + 2, nHig);
- wbe16(pOSDHeader1 + 3, nWid);
- wbe16(pOSDHeader2 + 3, nWid);*/
- }
- //xlluo add for clean the sysmesssage
- void CleanSysMessage(BYTE regnum)
- {
- printf("CleanSysMessage n");
- osd_tog_region(regnum,OSD_OFF);
- memset(osdbuf,0,sizeof(osdbuf));
- memset(osd_buf,0,sizeof(osd_buf));
- memset(RegionValStr[regnum],0,14);
- }
- #endif