- 000605 get from hzhuang(from potatooo), code cleanup,
- make all=> little_endian + translate
- make all_b => all big_endian
- put into cvs
- 000608 back to all big-endian mode, add atapi block read mode
- 000612 css test ok, agdc test ok
- 000705 a lot of code add
- rom code:
- (modify main.c, all use Makefile.dram)
- 1) epp_test for emulation
- 2) epp_sim for simulation, output pattern: epp_sim.out
- 3) sdram2mb for emu/sim(very long), cache/uncache sdram access test
- 4) css_sim for emu/sim, use register r/w to test css
- (data from shake2378)
- 5) atapi_sim1 (sim) read one sector by block mode
- 6) atapi_sim2 (sim) read one sector then do descramble