资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Copyright (c) 2002 by Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd. *
- * *
- * This software is copyrighted by and is the property of Sunplus *
- * Technology Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved by Sunplus Technology *
- * Co., Ltd. This software may only be used in accordance with the *
- * corresponding license agreement. Any unauthorized use, duplication, *
- * distribution, or disclosure of this software is expressly forbidden. *
- * *
- * This Copyright notice MUST not be removed or modified without prior *
- * written consent of Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd. *
- * *
- * Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the right to modify this *
- * software without notice. *
- * *
- * Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd. *
- * 19, Innovation First Road, Science-Based Industrial Park, *
- * Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C. *
- **************************************************************************/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | File Name : browse_func.c
- |
- | Description : NEW STYLE WINDOW function in can exe some function.
- for example goto and display some information etc.
- |
- | Version : 0.1
- |
- |
- | Rev Date Author(s) Status & Comments
- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | 0.1 2003/6/28 xiongyuyue Creating
- |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*****************************************************
- Creater: xiongyuyue
- Date : 2003/6/28
- Description: browse function using
- *****************************************************/
- #include "global.h"
- #include "osd.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "cfont.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "ircmd.h"
- #include "user_if.h"
- #include "Icon.h"
- #include "kernel.h"
- #include "vpp.h"
- #include "browse_gui.h"
- #include "osd_arc.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #ifdef MODIFY_OSD_SHOW_NEW_STYLE_WINDOW//zhaoyanhua add 2003-12-8 9:29
- #include "modify_browse_func.c"
- #else
- #ifndef DVDRELEASE
- //#define BROWSE_DBG
- #endif
- #ifdef DYNAMIC_SPECTRUM //fengjl 3-10-30 12:34
- extern BYTE band_onoff;
- extern void Show3dspectrum(void); //axel 2003/12/2 11:31pm
- #endif
- #define browse_puts() ((void)0)
- #define browse_show_function() ((void)0)
- #ifdef BROWSE_DBG
- #include "sio.h"
- #include "emuio.h"
- #undef browse_puts
- #undef browse_show_function
- #define browse_puts puts_w
- #define browse_show_function() do {browse_puts(__FUNCTION__); browse_puts("n");} while (0)
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //wanghaoying 2003-8-12 19:50 added
- extern void set_video_aspect(void);
- extern void startup_vpp_now(void);
- extern void set_vpp_disp_window(UINT32,UINT32,UINT32,UINT32);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- extern UINT16 mp3_file_count(void); //axel 2003/12/2 11:30pm
- #ifdef NEWSTYLE_WINDOW //xiongyuyue
- int bInputIndex = 0; //for title/chapter search function,
- BYTE bTimeInput = 0;
- BYTE update_definition = 40;
- extern UINT32 PlayBackLength;
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: br_Draw8space *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * display 8 space *
- * Descriptions: *
- * display 8 space between left string and right string *
- * Arguments: fontColor: display the font's color *
- * bkColor : display the background's color *
- * index : the string index 0 1 2 3 4 *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void br_Draw8space(BYTE fontColor,BYTE bkColor,BYTE index)
- {//erase displayed word and disp new word when press updown key(for draw left item)
- strcpy(linebuf," "); //fengjl changed space from 8 to 12 3-11-24 18:52
- osd_DrawRegionString(brArea[BR_ITEM_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_ITEM_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*index,
- linebuf,fontColor,bkColor,arc_region_loc.region);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: br_Draw18space *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * display 18 space *
- * Descriptions: *
- * display 18 space between left string and right string *
- * Arguments: fontColor: display the font's color *
- * bkColor : display the background's color *
- * index : the string index 0 1 2 3 4 *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void br_Draw18space(BYTE fontColor,BYTE bkColor,BYTE index)
- {//erase displayed word and disp new word when press updown key(for draw right item)
- strcpy(linebuf," ");
- osd_DrawRegionString(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*index,
- linebuf,fontColor,bkColor,arc_region_loc.region);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: br_DrawLeftItemStr *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * draw the left item string in the gui *
- * Descriptions: *
- * draw the left item string in the gui *
- * Arguments: hl_index:the left item string HL index 0-4 *
- * str_index:the left item string index *
- * fontColor:display the font's color *
- * bkColor: display the background's color *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void br_DrawLeftItemStr(BYTE hl_index,BYTE str_index,BYTE fontColor,BYTE bkColor)
- {
- br_Draw8space(fontColor,bkColor,hl_index);//xyy 2003-7-29 17:12
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- psprintf(linebuf,"%s",_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][string_index_dvd[str_index]]);
- else if(cd_type_loaded==CDROM || cd_type_loaded==CDDA)
- psprintf(linebuf,"%s",_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][string_index_cd[str_index]]);
- else
- psprintf(linebuf,"%s",_OsdMessegeFont1[osd_font_mode][string_index_vcd[str_index]]);
- osd_DrawRegionString(brArea[BR_ITEM_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_ITEM_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*(hl_index),
- linebuf,fontColor,bkColor,arc_region_loc.region);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: browse_HL_leftItem *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * browse HL left item *
- * Descriptions: *
- * browse HL left item according to the index *
- * Arguments: index: left item index 0-4 *
- * fontColor:display the font's color *
- * pre_bkColor:HL's color *
- * bkColor:display the background's color *
- * UPDN:0 no HL ;1 HL *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void browse_HL_leftItem(BYTE index,BYTE fontColor,BYTE pre_bkColor,BYTE bkColor,BYTE UPDN)
- {
- if(UPDN == 0)//when press down key
- {
- if(index>1)
- br_DrawLeftItemStr(index-2,info_index-1,fontColor,pre_bkColor);//xyy 2003-7-29 20:05
- br_DrawLeftItemStr(index-1,info_index,fontColor,bkColor);//xyy 2003-7-29 20:05
- }
- else if(UPDN == 1)//when press up key
- {
- if(index < ITEM_PER_PAGE)
- br_DrawLeftItemStr(index,info_index+1,fontColor,pre_bkColor);//xyy 2003-7-29 20:05
- br_DrawLeftItemStr(index-1,info_index,fontColor,bkColor);//xyy 2003-7-29 20:05
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: br_Draw_TT_info *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * display the title information *
- * Descriptions: *
- * currently play title/all title *
- * Arguments: mmcMode=1:MMC mmcMode=0:SD *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void br_Draw_TT_info(void)
- {
- BYTE dvd_title_Ns;
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- dvd_title=get_tt_info(DISP_TT);
- dvd_title_Ns = get_tt_info(DISP_TT_Ns);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- dvd_title=disp_trk_now;
- dvd_title_Ns = cd_total_trk();
- */
- dvd_title=disp_trk_now;
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDROM)//xyy 2003-9-11 17:12
- dvd_title_Ns = mp3_file_count();
- else
- dvd_title_Ns = cd_total_trk();
- }
- psprintf(linebuf, "%02d/%02d",dvd_title,dvd_title_Ns);
- if(bBrowseLevel==1 && info_index==0)
- osd_DrawRegionString(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart,
- linebuf,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_BKCOL,arc_region_loc.region);
- else
- osd_DrawRegionString(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart,
- linebuf,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL,arc_region_loc.region);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: br_Draw_CHP_info *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * display the chapter information *
- * Descriptions: *
- * currently play chapter/all chapter *
- * Arguments: VOID *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void br_Draw_CHP_info(void)
- {
- BYTE dvd_chp_Ns;
- dvd_chapter=get_tt_info(DISP_CH);
- dvd_chp_Ns = get_tt_info(DISP_CH_Ns);
- psprintf(linebuf, "%02d/%02d",dvd_chapter,dvd_chp_Ns);
- if(bBrowseLevel==1 && info_index==1)
- osd_DrawRegionString(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*1,
- linebuf,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_BKCOL,arc_region_loc.region);
- else
- osd_DrawRegionString(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*1,
- linebuf,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL,arc_region_loc.region);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: browse_func_up *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * use ir up_key to control browse function *
- * Descriptions: *
- * use ir up_key to control browse function *
- * Arguments: VOID *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void browse_func_up(void)
- {
- BYTE i,j;
- if(bBrowseLevel==1 || info_index==0)
- return;
- else
- info_index--;
- if(info_index<ITEM_PER_PAGE)
- bInputState = NON_INPUT_STATE;
- HL_index--;
- if((info_index+1)%ITEM_PER_PAGE==0)
- {
- for(i=info_index-(ITEM_PER_PAGE-1),j=0;j<ITEM_PER_PAGE;i++,j++)
- br_DrawRightItem();
- }
- if(HL_index>0)
- else
- HL_index = ITEM_PER_PAGE;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: browse_func_down *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * use ir down_key to control browse function *
- * Descriptions: *
- * use ir down_key to control browse function *
- * Arguments: VOID *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void browse_func_down(void)
- {
- BYTE i,j;
- if(bBrowseLevel==1)
- return;
- if((cd_type_loaded==CDROM || cd_type_loaded==CDDA) && info_index==2)//xyy 2003-9-12 14:22
- return;
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- if(info_index>=DVD_MAXITEM-1)
- return;
- else
- info_index++;
- }
- else
- {
- if(info_index>=VCD_MAXITEM-1)
- return;
- else
- info_index++;
- }
- if(info_index>=ITEM_PER_PAGE)
- bInputState = INPUT_STATE;
- HL_index++;
- if((info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE==0) && (info_index<DVD_MAXITEM))
- {
- for(i=info_index,j=0;j<ITEM_PER_PAGE;i++,j++)
- br_DrawRightItem();
- }
- if(HL_index<=ITEM_PER_PAGE)
- else
- HL_index = 1;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: init_time_search *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * init time search and display *
- * Descriptions: *
- * init time search and display *
- * Arguments: VOID *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void init_time_search(void)
- {
- bTimeInput = 1;
- goto_time = 0;
- psprintf(linebuf,"%02d:%02d:%02d",0,0,0);
- osd_DrawRegionString(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*(HL_index-1),
- linebuf,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_BKCOL,arc_region_loc.region);
- br_Draw_tmhl(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*(HL_index-1),"_",INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_BKCOL);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: br_Draw_FBicon *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * draw the FB icon,likes << *
- * Descriptions: *
- * draw the FB icon,likes << *
- * Arguments: VIOD *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void br_Draw_FBicon(void)
- {
- memset(linebuf,0,sizeof(linebuf));
- strcat1(linebuf, OSD_ICON_FB);
- osd_DrawRegionString(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*(HL_index-1),
- linebuf,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_BKCOL,arc_region_loc.region);//xyy 2003-8-11 16:25
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: br_Draw_FFicon *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * draw the FF icon,likes >> *
- * Descriptions: *
- * draw the FF icon,likes >> *
- * Arguments: VIOD *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void br_Draw_FFicon(void)
- {
- strcat1(linebuf, OSD_ICON_FF);
- osd_DrawRegionString(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart+ITEM_WIDTH,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*(HL_index-1),
- linebuf,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_BKCOL,arc_region_loc.region); //xyy 2003-8-11 16:25
- }
- #else
- void br_Draw_FBicon(void){}
- void br_Draw_FFicon(void){}
- #endif
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: br_Draw_underline *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * Draw underline *
- * Descriptions: *
- * Draw underline *
- * Arguments: xStart; yStart;lineColor; bkColor; *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void br_Draw_underline(BYTE xStart, BYTE yStart, BYTE lineColor,BYTE bkColor)
- {
- BYTE *s="__";
- bInputState = INPUT_STATE;
- if(bInputIndex==0)
- osd_DrawRegionString(xStart,yStart,s,lineColor,bkColor,arc_region_loc.region);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: exe_time_goto *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * exe time goto function in browse *
- * Descriptions: *
- * exe time goto function in browse *
- * Arguments: VOID *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- extern void preDealGoto_time(void);
- extern void time_trans2hms(void);
- extern void exe_timesearch_func(UINT32 goto_ff,UINT32 fail);
- void exe_time_goto(void)
- {
- index_x=0;
- time_trans2hms(); //xyy 2003-7-29 13:17
- preDealGoto_time();//xyy 2003-7-29 13:18
- exe_timesearch_func(0,0);//xyy 2003-7-29 13:25
- bInputState = NON_INPUT_STATE;
- bTimeInput=0;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: br_Draw_rtSpecialItem *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * select and exe some function according to different cases *
- * Descriptions: *
- * select and exe some function according to different cases *
- * Arguments: mmcMode=1:MMC mmcMode=0:SD *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void br_Draw_rtSpecialItem(void)//include audio language,sub-picture,repeat_all,multi-angle
- {
- br_Draw18space(INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL,HL_index-1);//xyy 2003-7-29 17:32
- br_Draw_FBicon();//xyy 2003-7-29 15:52
- switch(info_index)
- {
- //info_index:the index of string_index_dvd array or string_index_vcd array
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDROM || cd_type_loaded==CDDA)
- ircmd_repeat_all();
- break;
- ircmd_sub_picture();
- break;
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- ircmd_audio_language();
- else
- ircmd_repeat_all();
- break;
- case 5://DVD:STR_OS_ANGLE
- ircmd_angle();
- break;
- case 8://DVD:STR_OS_REP
- ircmd_repeat_all();
- break;
- }
- br_Draw_FFicon();//xyy 2003-7-29 16:51
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: browse_func_select * *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * use enter key to select some function that according to *
- * different cases ,for example select CH and TT for DVD. *
- * when the key was used ,the HL will be changed *
- * Descriptions: *
- * use enter key to select some function that according to *
- * different cases ,for example select CH and TT for DVD. *
- * when the key was used ,the HL will be changed * *
- * Arguments: VOID *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void browse_func_select(void)
- {
- //info_index:the index of string_index_dvd array or string_index_vcd array
- //which is defined in file browse_gui.h
- if(info_index==6||info_index==7)//the value of title time and chapter time is not changeable
- return;
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- if(info_index<=1 && bInputIndex<2 && bBrowseLevel==1)
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- if(info_index==0 && bInputIndex<2 && bBrowseLevel==1)
- return;
- }
- if(bBrowseLevel==0)
- {
- #if defined(ADJUSTING_ACTION_VALID_RIGHT_NOW)//xyy 2003-9-9 16:10
- action_click = 2; // alan, 2003/8/28 05:45PM
- #else
- action_click = 0;
- #endif
- // action_click = 2; // alan, 2003/8/28 05:45PM
- switch(info_index)
- {
- case 0://title(DVD) or track(VCD/CD/MP3) information
- bBrowseLevel = 1; //xyy 2003-8-11 17:14
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL);
- br_Draw_TT_info();
- br_Draw_underline(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*(HL_index-1),UNDERLINECOL,INFO_BKCOL);
- break;
- case 1://chaprter(DVD) or playtime(VCD/CD/MP3) information
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL);
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- bBrowseLevel = 1; //xyy 2003-8-11 17:14
- br_Draw_CHP_info();
- br_Draw_underline(brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].xStart,brArea[BR_CONTENT_AREA].yStart+ITEM_HEIGHT*(HL_index-1),UNDERLINECOL,INFO_BKCOL); //xyy 2003-8-11 16:16
- }
- else
- init_time_search();
- break;
- case 2://playtime(DVD) or title time(VCD) or repeat setup(CD/MP3)information
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL);
- init_time_search();
- }
- else if(cd_type_loaded==CDROM || cd_type_loaded==CDDA)//xyy 2003-9-12 13:38
- {
- bBrowseLevel = 1;//zhaoyanhua add 2003-12-8 9:39
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL);
- br_Draw_rtSpecialItem();
- }
- else
- return;
- break;
- case 3://sub-title language setup(DVD) or chapter time(VCD) information
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- if(pDSV->dAv_SPST_Ns<2)
- return;
- bBrowseLevel = 1;//zhaoyanhua add 2003-12-8 9:39
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL);
- br_Draw_rtSpecialItem();
- }
- else
- return;
- break;
- case 4://audio language setup(DVD) or repeat setup(VCD) information
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- if(pDSV->dAv_AST_Ns<=1)
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- if( IsPBCOn() )
- return;
- }
- bBrowseLevel = 1;//zhaoyanhua add 2003-12-8 9:39
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL);
- br_Draw_rtSpecialItem();
- break;
- case 5://multi-angle(only DVD)information
- if(get_angle_Ns()<1)
- return;
- bBrowseLevel = 1;//zhaoyanhua add 2003-12-8 9:39
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL);
- br_Draw_rtSpecialItem();
- break;
- case 8://repeat setup(DVD)information
- bBrowseLevel = 1;//zhaoyanhua add 2003-12-8 9:39
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_PRE_BKCOL);
- br_Draw_rtSpecialItem();
- break;
- }
- bBrowseLevel = 1;
- }
- else if(bBrowseLevel == 1)
- {
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_BKCOL);//xyy 2003-8-11 16:08
- switch(info_index)
- {
- case 0://title(DVD) or track(VCD/CD/MP3) information
- if(bInputIndex==1)
- return;
- if(bInputIndex > 1)
- {
- bInputIndex = 0;
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- if(info_index==0)
- dvd_chapter = 1;
- if(UOP_check(UOP_PTT_PS)&&(dvd_chapter==1))
- dvd_chapter = 0;//TT play,terry,3-8-23 19:35
- ircmd_post_func(CMD_FUNC|CMD_PTT_PLAY);
- }
- else
- ircmd_post_func(CMD_SELECT | dvd_title);
- bInputState = NON_INPUT_STATE;
- }
- break;
- case 1://chaprter(DVD) or playtime(VCD/CD/MP3) information
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- {
- if(bInputIndex==1)
- return;
- if(bInputIndex > 1)
- {
- bInputIndex = 0;
- if(UOP_check(UOP_PTT_PS)&&(dvd_chapter==1))
- dvd_chapter = 0;//TT play,terry,3-8-23 19:35
- ircmd_post_func(CMD_FUNC|CMD_PTT_PLAY);
- bInputState = NON_INPUT_STATE;
- }
- }
- else
- exe_time_goto();
- break;
- case 2://playtime(DVD) or title time(VCD) or repeat setup(CD/MP3)information
- if(cd_type_loaded==CDDVD)
- exe_time_goto();
- else
- br_DrawRightItem();
- break;
- case 3://sub-title language setup(DVD) or chapter time(VCD) information
- case 4://audio language setup(DVD) or repeat setup(VCD) information
- case 5://multi-angle(only DVD)information
- case 8://repeat setup(DVD)information
- br_DrawRightItem();
- break;
- }
- bBrowseLevel = 0;
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: browse_func_clear *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * clear the unuseful informaton which had been selected *
- * Descriptions: *
- * clear the unuseful informaton which had been selected *
- * Arguments: VOID *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- #ifdef CLEAR_KEY_IN_WINDOW //Maoyong 2004.02.18
- void browse_func_clear(void)
- {
- //DVD not in CHP, TT, CHP and TT time item, no use
- if(cd_type_loaded == CDDVD)
- {
- if((info_index != 5)&&(info_index != 6)&&(info_index != 0)&&(info_index != 1))
- return;
- }
- else //CDROM, CDVCD..., not DVD
- {
- if( (info_index != 0) && (info_index != 1) && (info_index != 2) )
- return;
- }
- index_x=0;
- bBrowseLevel = 0;
- bInputState = NON_INPUT_STATE;
- bInputIndex = 0;
- browse_func_select();
- }
- #endif
- UINT32 ten_power(BYTE exponent)
- {
- UINT32 temp=1,i;
- for(i=0;i<exponent;i++)
- temp = temp*10;
- return temp;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function Name: browse_func_left *
- * *
- * Purposes: *
- * use ir left_key to control browse function *
- * Descriptions: *
- * use ir left_key to control browse function *
- * Arguments: VOID *
- * Returns: NONE *
- * *
- * See also: NONE *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- void browse_func_left(void)
- {
- if(bBrowseLevel==0)
- return;
- if((cd_type_loaded==CDDVD && info_index <= 1) || (cd_type_loaded!=CDDVD && info_index==0))
- {
- bInputState = NON_INPUT_STATE;
- bInputIndex = 0;
- bBrowseLevel = 0;
- UpdateTT_CHP_info();
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_BKCOL);//xyy 2003-8-11 17:06
- }
- else if((cd_type_loaded==CDDVD && info_index == 2) || (cd_type_loaded!=CDDVD && info_index==1))
- {
- br_DrawLeftItem(info_index,info_index%ITEM_PER_PAGE,INFO_FONTCOL,INFO_BKCOL);//xyy 2003-8-11 17:06
- br_DrawRightItem();
- bBrowseLevel = 0;
- bTimeInput = 0;
- index_x = 0; // alan, 2003/9/5 02:16