资源名称:8202s.rar [点击查看]
- /**********************************************************
- ** Description: for virtual keyboard
- ** Creater:liweihua
- ** Date:03-8-15 21:09
- ** Modify Record
- ** 1. liweihua 2004-2-21 21:37
- ** change the mode of call ircmd_xxx to the mode of call the function of call_ir_func(IRC_xxx)
- ***********************************************************/
- #include "user_init.h"
- #include "global.h"
- #include "memmap0.h"
- #include "ircmd.h"
- #include "types.h"
- #include "memcfg.h"
- #include "framebuf.h"
- #include "memmap.h"
- #include "osd.h"
- #include "keyboard_bmp.h"
- #include "ircode.h"
- extern void osd_init_keyboard(void);
- extern UINT8 *get_osdbuf_region_ptr(int _region, int _field);
- #define __palette4F(G,B,R,A)
- ( ((UINT32)((G)&0xff)<<24)|((UINT32)((B)&0xff)<<16)|((UINT32)((R)&0xff)<<8)|(A&0xff) )
- #ifdef CD_PLAYER
- #define KEY_R 4 //define the region of drawing keyboard
- #else
- #define KEY_R 3
- #endif
- BYTE KeyID=0;//Define ID variable for the keys on virtual keyboard
- //Draw virtual keyboard on osd region r
- //The bmp image of virtual keyboard was made by image processing software.
- void osd_draw_virtual_keyboard(int xStart, int yStart,BYTE r)
- {
- //BYTE *pIcon;
- UINT32 *pTopLine, *pBtmLine;
- UINT32 iDispLoc;
- int i, j, k;
- int iFontWidth, iFontHigh;
- int iRegionWidth = region[r].osd_w;
- //osd_tog_region(r, OSD_ON);
- osd_tog_region(r, OSD_OFF); //20040225
- iRegionWidth = region[r].osd_w;
- //initialize buffer start
- pTopLine = (UINT32 *)get_osdbuf_region_ptr(r,0); // region r top
- pBtmLine = (UINT32 *)get_osdbuf_region_ptr(r,1); // region r bot
- //skip n blank line on top(in pixel)
- //for interlace mode, we will skip n/2 blank lines, for example 4/2=2
- yStart+=2;
- UINT32 pixel4;
- UINT32 pos;
- //get Keyboard bmp information
- iFontWidth = bmp_key[0];
- iFontHigh = bmp_key[1];
- //start to process
- pos = 2;
- for (j=0; j<iFontHigh; j++)
- {
- int yy;
- UINT32 *pp;
- yy = (p_scan) ? yStart : yStart>>1;
- pp = (yStart&1) ? pBtmLine : pTopLine;
- iDispLoc = (yy*iRegionWidth*2/8) + (xStart);
- for (i=0; i<(iFontWidth/4); i++) // every 4-bytes a time, every 1-pixel a byte
- {
- pixel4=0;
- // 0x12345678 ==> 0x78563412
- for (k=0;k<4;k++)
- {
- unsigned curByte = bmp_key[pos++];
- pixel4 = pixel4 | (curByte<<8*k);
- }
- pp[iDispLoc+i] = pixel4;
- }
- yStart++;
- }//for key heigh
- osd_tog_region(r, OSD_ON);//20040225
- timeout_osd[r] = 0;
- }
- //Set all keys of keyboard the default color
- //The keys of virtual keyboard are draw in different colors
- //The numbers,"201, 70, 200, 185, 187, 127", are the positions of keys in color palette.
- void set_button_color(void)
- {
- // alan, 2003/8/27 10:43AM
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,201, __palette4F(0,160,0,0xff));//set the play/pause key color
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,70, __palette4F(0,160,0,0xff));//set the forward key color
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,200, __palette4F(0,160,0,0xff));//set the next key color
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,185, __palette4F(0,160,0,0xff));//set the stop key color
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,187, __palette4F(0,160,0,0xff)); //set the prev key color
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,127, __palette4F(0,160,0,0xff));//set the backward key color
- }
- //=====================================
- // set the selected key highlight color
- // SelectID=0: select play/pause key
- // SelectID=1: select forward key
- // SelectID=2: select next key
- // SelectID=3: select stop key
- // SelectID=4: select prev key
- // SelectID=5: select backward key
- //=====================================
- void hl_keyboard_button(BYTE SelectID)
- {
- set_button_color();
- switch(SelectID)
- {
- case 0:
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,201, __palette4F(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); // alan, 2003/8/27 10:43AM
- break;
- case 1:
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,70, __palette4F(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); // alan, 2003/8/27 10:43AM
- break;
- case 2:
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,200, __palette4F(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); // alan, 2003/8/27 10:43AM
- break;
- case 3:
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,185, __palette4F(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); // alan, 2003/8/27 10:43AM
- break;
- case 4:
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,187,__palette4F(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); // alan, 2003/8/27 10:43AM
- break;
- case 5:
- SetOsdCol(KEY_R,KEY_R,127, __palette4F(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff)); // alan, 2003/8/27 10:43AM
- break;
- }
- }
- //Show virtual keyboard on osd region KEY_R in default state
- void show_virtual_keyboard(void)
- {
- KeyID=0;
- osd_init_keyboard();
- osd_draw_virtual_keyboard(0,0,KEY_R);
- hl_keyboard_button(KeyID);
- }
- //Run the related function of selected key
- void virtual_keyboard_select(void)
- {
- if(is_menu()){
- invalid_key();
- return;
- }//wangap add 2004/3/3
- if(KeyID==0)
- {
- /*
- if ( (adv_search_time!=0) && (adv_search_time!=1) ) // alan, 2003/8/26 04:23PM
- ircmd_play();
- else
- if((play_state==VCD_STATE_PAUSE)||(play_state==VCD_STATE_STOP))
- {
- if (resumeMSF==0)
- ircmd_play();
- else
- ircmd_resume();
- } else {
- ircmd_pause();
- }
- */
- call_ir_func(IRC_PAUSEPLAY);//nono 20040217
- }
- else if(KeyID==1)
- {
- /*
- if (play_state!=VCD_STATE_STOP)
- ircmd_forward();
- else
- invalid_key();
- */
- call_ir_func(IRC_FORWARD);
- }
- else if(KeyID==2)
- {
- /*
- if (play_state!=VCD_STATE_STOP)
- ircmd_next();
- else
- invalid_key();
- */
- call_ir_func(IRC_NEXT);
- }
- else if(KeyID==3)
- {
- //ircmd_stop();
- call_ir_func(IRC_STOP);
- }
- else if(KeyID==4)
- {
- /*
- if (play_state!=VCD_STATE_STOP)
- ircmd_prev();
- else
- invalid_key();
- */
- call_ir_func(IRC_PREV);
- }
- else if(KeyID==5)
- {
- /*
- if (play_state!=VCD_STATE_STOP)
- ircmd_backward();
- else
- invalid_key();
- */
- call_ir_func(IRC_BACKWARD);
- }
- }
- //change selected color in
- void virtual_keyboard_left()
- {
- if(KeyID<=0)
- KeyID=5;
- else
- KeyID--;
- hl_keyboard_button(KeyID);
- }
- void virtual_keyboard_right()
- {
- if(KeyID>=5)
- KeyID=0;
- else
- KeyID++;
- //osd_init_key();
- hl_keyboard_button(KeyID);
- }
- #endif