Visual C++
- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Source last modified: $Id: filespecutils_carbon.cpp,v 2004/07/09 01:44:13 hubbe Exp $
- *
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2004 RealNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file, and the files included with this file,
- * are subject to the current version of the RealNetworks Public
- * Source License (the "RPSL") available at
- * unless you have licensed
- * the file under the current version of the RealNetworks Community
- * Source License (the "RCSL") available at
- *, in which case the RCSL
- * will apply. You may also obtain the license terms directly from
- * RealNetworks. You may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the RPSL or, if you have a valid RCSL with RealNetworks applicable
- * to this file, the RCSL. Please see the applicable RPSL or RCSL for
- * the rights, obligations and limitations governing use of the
- * contents of the file.
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
- * "GPL") in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
- * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of
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- * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may
- * use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the
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- *
- * This file is part of the Helix DNA Technology. RealNetworks is the
- * developer of the Original Code and owns the copyrights in the
- * portions it created.
- *
- * This file, and the files included with this file, is distributed
- * and made available on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- *
- * Technology Compatibility Kit Test Suite(s) Location:
- *
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- #include "filespec.h"
- #include "filespecutils.h"
- #include "hxstring.h"
- #include "hxtick.h"
- #include "hxrand.h"
- #include "carray.h"
- #include "platform/mac/MoreFilesX.h"
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // GetFreeSpaceOnDisk
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::GetFreeSpaceOnDisk(const CHXDirSpecifier& volSpec, INT64& freeSpace)
- {
- HX_RESULT err;
- FSRef volRef;
- FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum;
- UInt64 freeBytes;
- UInt64 totalBytes;
- require_return(volSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- volRef = (FSRef) volSpec;
- err = FSGetVRefNum(&volRef, &vRefNum);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- HFSUniStr255* kDontCareVolName = NULL;
- err = FSGetVInfo(vRefNum, kDontCareVolName, &freeBytes, &totalBytes);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- freeSpace = *(long long *) &freeBytes;
- }
- }
- return err;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // GetTotalSpaceOnDisk
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::GetTotalSpaceOnDisk(const CHXDirSpecifier& volSpec, INT64& totalSpace)
- {
- HX_RESULT err;
- FSRef volRef;
- FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum;
- UInt64 freeBytes;
- UInt64 totalBytes;
- require_return(volSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- volRef = (FSRef) volSpec;
- err = FSGetVRefNum(&volRef, &vRefNum);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- HFSUniStr255* kDontCareVolName = NULL;
- err = FSGetVInfo(vRefNum, kDontCareVolName, &freeBytes, &totalBytes);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- totalSpace = *(long long *) &totalBytes;
- }
- }
- return err;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // IsFileLocal
- // IsDirectoryLocal
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CHXFileSpecUtils::IsDiskLocal(const CHXDirSpecifier& volSpec)
- {
- HParamBlockRec pb;
- HX_RESULT err;
- GetVolParmsInfoBuffer buff;
- BOOL bLocalVol;
- short vRefNum;
- require_return(volSpec.IsSet(), FALSE);
- FSRef volRef;
- volRef = (FSRef) volSpec;
- err = FSGetVRefNum(&volRef, &vRefNum);
- if (err != noErr)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- ZeroInit(&pb);
- pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
- pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) &buff;
- pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof(buff);
- err = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&pb);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- bLocalVol = (buff.vMServerAdr == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- // error occurred, default to true
- bLocalVol = TRUE;
- }
- return bLocalVol;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // IsDiskEjectable
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CHXFileSpecUtils::IsDiskEjectable(const CHXDirSpecifier& volSpec)
- {
- OSErr err;
- short vRefNum;
- GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParmsInfo;
- HParamBlockRec pb;
- FSRef volRef;
- require_return(volSpec.IsSet(), FALSE);
- volRef = (FSRef) volSpec;
- err = FSGetVRefNum(&volRef, &vRefNum);
- require_noerr_return(err, FALSE);
- ZeroInit(&volParmsInfo);
- ZeroInit(&pb);
- pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
- pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) &volParmsInfo;
- pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof(volParmsInfo);
- err = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&pb);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- // we require version 3 of the info buffer to rely on the vMExtendedAttributes
- if (volParmsInfo.vMVersion >= 3)
- {
- if (volParmsInfo.vMExtendedAttributes & (1L << bIsEjectable))
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // IsDiskWritable
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CHXFileSpecUtils::IsDiskWritable(const CHXDirSpecifier& volSpec)
- {
- FSVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
- BOOL bWritable;
- OSErr err;
- FSRef volRef;
- FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum;
- require_return(volSpec.IsSet(), FALSE);
- bWritable = TRUE;
- volRef = (FSRef) volSpec;
- err = FSGetVRefNum(&volRef, &vRefNum);
- check_noerr(err);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- err = FSGetVolumeInfo(vRefNum, 0, NULL, kFSVolInfoFlags, &volumeInfo, NULL, NULL);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- if ( 0 != (volumeInfo.flags & kFSVolFlagHardwareLockedMask) )
- {
- bWritable = FALSE;
- }
- else if ( 0 != (volumeInfo.flags & kFSVolFlagSoftwareLockedMask) )
- {
- bWritable = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- return bWritable;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // GetFileSize
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::GetFileSize(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, INT64& fSize)
- {
- require_return(fileSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- HX_RESULT err;
- FSRef targetRef;
- UInt64 logicalSize, physicalSize;
- ItemCount numForks;
- targetRef = fileSpec;
- err = FSGetTotalForkSizes(&targetRef, &logicalSize, &physicalSize, &numForks);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- fSize = (INT64) logicalSize;
- }
- return err;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // GetDirectorySize
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::GetDirectorySize(const CHXDirSpecifier& dirSpec, BOOL shouldDescend, INT64& fSize)
- {
- // TODO: revise for Carbon
- // rather than literally recurse through the directory tree, this routine
- // will keep an array of directories yet to be added to the total size
- require_return(dirSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- CHXPtrArray specArray;
- CHXDirSpecifier *pCurrDirSpec;
- INT64 totalSize;
- // push a copy of the initial directory spec into the array;
- // it will be deleted when it is popped off
- pCurrDirSpec = new CHXDirSpecifier(dirSpec);
- require_nonnull_return(pCurrDirSpec, HXR_OUTOFMEMORY);
- specArray.Add(pCurrDirSpec);
- totalSize = 0;
- while (!specArray.IsEmpty())
- {
- FSSpec targetFSSpec;
- OSErr err;
- CInfoPBRec pb;
- short vRefNum;
- long currentDirID, index;
- Str63 fileName;
- Boolean bDoneWithThisDirectory;
- // grab a dirSpec from the array, delete the object,
- // and step through all items in the directory
- pCurrDirSpec = (CHXDirSpecifier *) specArray.ElementAt(0);
- check_nonnull(pCurrDirSpec);
- if (pCurrDirSpec)
- {
- targetFSSpec = *pCurrDirSpec;
- currentDirID = pCurrDirSpec->GetDirID();
- vRefNum = targetFSSpec.vRefNum;
- // remove this dirSpec from our array and delete the object
- specArray.RemoveAt(0);
- HX_DELETE(pCurrDirSpec);
- check(vRefNum != 0 && currentDirID != 0);
- if (vRefNum != 0 && currentDirID != 0)
- {
- // step through all items in this directory
- index = 0;
- bDoneWithThisDirectory = false;
- while (!bDoneWithThisDirectory)
- {
- index++;
- ZeroInit(&pb);
- fileName[0] = 0;
- pb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
- pb.hFileInfo.ioDirID = currentDirID;
- pb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = fileName;
- pb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = index;
- err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);
- if (err != noErr)
- {
- // no more items in this directory
- bDoneWithThisDirectory = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((pb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) == 0)
- {
- // it's a file; add its size
- totalSize += (INT64) pb.hFileInfo.ioFlLgLen; // data fork
- totalSize += (INT64) pb.hFileInfo.ioFlRLgLen; // resource fork
- }
- else
- {
- // it's a directory; add a dirSpec for it to the array
- if (shouldDescend)
- {
- CHXDirSpecifier *pNewDirSpec;
- err = FSMakeFSSpec(vRefNum, currentDirID, fileName, &targetFSSpec);
- check_noerr(err);
- pNewDirSpec = new CHXDirSpecifier(targetFSSpec);
- check_nonnull(pNewDirSpec);
- if (pNewDirSpec)
- {
- specArray.Add(pNewDirSpec);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } // while (!bDoneWithThisDirectory)
- }
- }
- } // while(!specArray.IsEmpty())
- fSize = totalSize;
- return HXR_OK;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // GetCurrentApplication
- // GetCurrentApplicationDir
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CHXFileSpecifier CHXFileSpecUtils::GetCurrentApplication()
- {
- // TODO revise for Carbon, perhaps with GetProcessBundleLocation
- // if we're a bundle
- OSErr err;
- FSSpec appFSSpec;
- ProcessSerialNumber appPSN = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
- ProcessInfoRec appPIR;
- CHXFileSpecifier appSpec;
- appPIR.processInfoLength = sizeof(ProcessInfoRec);
- appPIR.processAppSpec = &appFSSpec;
- appPIR.processName = NULL;
- err = GetProcessInformation(&appPSN, &appPIR);
- check_noerr(err);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- appSpec = appFSSpec;
- }
- return appSpec;
- }
- CHXDirSpecifier CHXFileSpecUtils::GetCurrentApplicationDir()
- {
- CHXFileSpecifier appSpec;
- CHXDirSpecifier dirSpec;
- appSpec = GetCurrentApplication();
- if (appSpec.IsSet())
- {
- dirSpec = appSpec.GetParentDirectory();
- }
- return dirSpec;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // FileExists
- // DirectoryExists
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec)
- {
- FSRef fileRef;
- Boolean isDirectory;
- long * kDontWantNodeID = NULL;
- if (!fileSpec.IsSet())
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- fileRef = (FSRef) fileSpec;
- return (FSGetNodeID(&fileRef, kDontWantNodeID, &isDirectory) == noErr) && !isDirectory;
- }
- BOOL CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(const CHXDirSpecifier& dirSpec)
- {
- FSRef dirRef;
- Boolean isDirectory;
- long * kDontWantNodeID = NULL;
- if (!dirSpec.IsSet())
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- dirRef = (FSRef) dirSpec;
- return (FSGetNodeID(&dirRef, kDontWantNodeID, &isDirectory) == noErr) && isDirectory;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // CreateDirectory
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::CreateDir(const CHXDirSpecifier& dirSpec)
- {
- require_return(dirSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- OSErr err;
- FSRef parentRef;
- CHXDirSpecifier parentSpec;
- HFSUniStr255 hfsUni;
- UInt32 dirID;
- FSCatalogInfo* kNotSettingCatInfo = NULL;
- FSRef* kDontWantNewRef = NULL;
- FSSpec* kDontWantFSSpec = NULL;
- // we need an FSRef for the parent where we will be creating the directory,
- // and an HFSUniStr255 of the name of the directory to be created
- parentSpec = dirSpec.GetParentDirectory();
- require(parentSpec.IsSet(), CantGetParent);
- parentRef = (FSRef) parentSpec;
- hfsUni = dirSpec.GetNameHFSUniStr255();
- require(hfsUni.length != 0, CantGetUnicodeName);
- err = FSCreateDirectoryUnicode(&parentRef, hfsUni.length, hfsUni.unicode,
- kFSCatInfoNone, kNotSettingCatInfo, kDontWantNewRef, kDontWantFSSpec, &dirID);
- require_noerr(err, CantMakeDir);
- return HXR_OK;
- CantMakeDir:
- CantGetUnicodeName:
- CantGetParent:
- return err;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // RemoveDir - deletes an empty directory
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::RemoveDir(const CHXDirSpecifier& dirSpec)
- {
- FSRef dirRef;
- OSErr err;
- require_return(dirSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- dirRef = (FSRef) dirSpec;
- err = FSDeleteObject(&dirRef);
- return err;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // RemoveFile
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::RemoveFile(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec)
- {
- FSRef fileRef;
- OSErr err;
- require_return(fileSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- fileRef = (FSRef) fileSpec;
- err = FSDeleteObject(&fileRef);
- return err;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // MakeFileReadOnly/MakeFileNotReadOnly
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::MakeFileReadOnly(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec)
- {
- FSSpec fileFSSpec;
- OSErr err;
- require_return(fileSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- fileFSSpec = (FSSpec) fileSpec;
- err = FSpSetFLock(&fileFSSpec); // is there an FSRef variant for this?
- if (err)
- {
- err = HXR_FAIL; // poor-man's OSErr-to-HX_RESULT conversion
- }
- return err;
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::MakeFileNotReadOnly(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec)
- {
- FSSpec fileFSSpec;
- OSErr err;
- require_return(fileSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- fileFSSpec = (FSSpec) fileSpec;
- err = FSpRstFLock(&fileFSSpec); // is there an FSRef variant for this?
- if (err)
- {
- err = HXR_FAIL; // poor-man's OSErr-to-HX_RESULT conversion
- }
- return err;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // RenameMoveFile
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::RenameMoveFile(CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, const char* pNewNameIfAny,
- const CHXDirSpecifier* pNewDirectoryIfAny)
- {
- HX_RESULT res;
- CHXDirSpecifier fileDir, destDir;
- CHXFileSpecifier interimFileSpec;
- CHXString strNewName;
- FSRef fileRef, interimRef, targetRef;
- HFSUniStr255 newUniName;
- BOOL bRenaming, bMoving, bRenamed, bMoved;
- res = HXR_FAIL;
- bRenamed = bMoved = FALSE;
- require_return(fileSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- fileDir = fileSpec.GetParentDirectory();
- if (pNewDirectoryIfAny)
- {
- destDir = *pNewDirectoryIfAny;
- bMoving = (destDir != fileDir) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- destDir = fileDir;
- bMoving = FALSE;
- }
- if (pNewNameIfAny)
- {
- strNewName = pNewNameIfAny;
- bRenaming = (strNewName != fileSpec.GetName()) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- strNewName = fileSpec.GetName();
- bRenaming = FALSE;
- }
- // ensure there's not already something there with this name
- CHXFileSpecifier specTestDest = destDir.SpecifyChildFile(strNewName);
- require( (!CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(specTestDest)), Bail);
- // try renaming, then move, then rename if we couldn't originally
- fileRef = (FSRef) fileSpec;
- // rename
- interimFileSpec = fileDir.SpecifyChildFile(strNewName); // new name in old directory
- if (bRenaming && interimFileSpec.IsSet() && !CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(interimFileSpec))
- {
- newUniName = interimFileSpec.GetNameHFSUniStr255();
- res = FSRenameUnicode(&fileRef, newUniName.length, newUniName.unicode,
- kTextEncodingUnknown, &interimRef);
- if (res == noErr)
- {
- bRenamed = TRUE;
- fileRef = interimRef;
- }
- }
- // move
- if (bMoving)
- {
- targetRef = (FSRef) destDir;
- res = FSMoveObject(&fileRef, &targetRef, &interimRef);
- if (res == noErr)
- {
- bMoved = TRUE;
- fileRef = interimRef;
- }
- }
- // rename -- don't try to rename if we were supposed to move & didn't
- if (bRenaming && !bRenamed && (bMoved || !bMoving))
- {
- interimFileSpec = destDir.SpecifyChildFile(strNewName); // new name in new directory
- newUniName = interimFileSpec.GetNameHFSUniStr255();
- res = FSRenameUnicode(&fileRef, newUniName.length, newUniName.unicode,
- kTextEncodingUnknown, &interimRef);
- if (res == noErr)
- {
- bRenamed = TRUE;
- fileRef = interimRef;
- }
- }
- if ((bRenamed || !bRenaming) && (bMoved || !bMoving))
- {
- fileSpec = fileRef;
- res = HXR_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- res = HXR_FAIL;
- }
- Bail:
- return res;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // read/write files
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static HX_RESULT WriteFileInternal(CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, const void *pBuff, UInt32 length, BOOL bReplaceExistingFile);
- static HX_RESULT ReadFileInternal(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, IHXBuffer*& pOutBuffer);
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::WriteBinaryFile(CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, IHXBuffer* inBuffer, BOOL bReplaceExistingFile)
- {
- return WriteFileInternal(fileSpec, (void *) inBuffer->GetBuffer(), inBuffer->GetSize(), bReplaceExistingFile);
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::WriteTextFile(CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, const CHXString& inStr, BOOL bReplaceExistingFile)
- {
- return WriteFileInternal(fileSpec, (const char *) inStr, inStr.GetLength(), bReplaceExistingFile);
- }
- HX_RESULT WriteFileInternal(CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, const void *pBuff, UInt32 length, BOOL bReplaceExistingFile)
- {
- check_nonnull(pBuff);
- require_return(fileSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- long * kDontWantNodeID = NULL;
- FSCatalogInfo * kDontSetCatInfo = NULL;
- FSSpec * kDontWantFileFSSpec = NULL;
- CHXDirSpecifier parentDirSpec;
- Boolean targetIsDir;
- Boolean targetAlreadyExists;
- HFSUniStr255 uniName, dataForkName;
- FSRef fileFSRef;
- SInt16 forkRefNum;
- OSErr err;
- // if an item is there already, bail if we're in dont replace mode
- // or if the item is a directory
- fileFSRef = (FSRef) fileSpec;
- targetAlreadyExists = (FSGetNodeID(&fileFSRef, kDontWantNodeID, &targetIsDir) == noErr);
- // before we delete an old file, save the parent and filename info so we can create the new one
- // (since the FSRef for the file in the old file spec becomes invalid once we delete the file)
- parentDirSpec = fileSpec.GetParentDirectory();
- uniName = fileSpec.GetNameHFSUniStr255();
- if (targetAlreadyExists)
- {
- if (targetIsDir) return HXR_INVALID_PATH;
- if (!bReplaceExistingFile) return HXR_FILE_EXISTS;
- if (bReplaceExistingFile)
- {
- err = FSDeleteObject(&fileFSRef);
- }
- }
- // create, open, write into the file, and close it
- err = FSCreateFileUnicode((FSRef *) parentDirSpec, uniName.length, uniName.unicode,
- kFSCatInfoNone, kDontSetCatInfo, &fileFSRef, kDontWantFileFSSpec);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- dataForkName.length = 0;
- err = FSGetDataForkName(&dataForkName);
- check_noerr(err);
- err = FSOpenFork(&fileFSRef, dataForkName.length, dataForkName.unicode,
- fsWrPerm, &forkRefNum);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- long ioBytes = length;
- err = FSWrite(forkRefNum, &ioBytes, pBuff);
- check_noerr(err);
- FSCloseFork(forkRefNum);
- }
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- // update the file spec to point to the new file
- fileSpec = fileFSRef;
- }
- else
- {
- // we failed to write it; delete it
- (void) FSDeleteObject(&fileFSRef);
- }
- }
- return (err == noErr ? HXR_OK : HXR_FAIL);
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::ReadBinaryFile(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, IHXBuffer*& pOutBuffer)
- {
- return ReadFileInternal(fileSpec, pOutBuffer);
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::ReadTextFile(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, CHXString& outStr)
- {
- HX_RESULT res;
- IHXBuffer *pBuff = NULL;
- res = ReadFileInternal(fileSpec, pBuff);
- if (SUCCEEDED(res))
- {
- outStr = CHXString((const char *) pBuff->GetBuffer(), (int) pBuff->GetSize());
- HX_RELEASE(pBuff);
- }
- return res;
- }
- HX_RESULT ReadFileInternal(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, IHXBuffer*& pOutBuffer)
- {
- require_return(fileSpec.IsSet(), HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- HFSUniStr255 dataForkName;
- FSRef fileFSRef;
- SInt16 forkRefNum = -1;
- SInt64 forkSize;
- OSStatus err;
- pOutBuffer = new CHXBuffer();
- require_nonnull_action(pOutBuffer, Bail, err = HXR_OUTOFMEMORY);
- pOutBuffer->AddRef();
- dataForkName.length = 0;
- err = FSGetDataForkName(&dataForkName);
- require_noerr(err, Bail);
- fileFSRef = (FSRef) fileSpec;
- err = FSOpenFork(&fileFSRef, dataForkName.length, dataForkName.unicode,
- fsRdPerm, &forkRefNum);
- require_noerr_quiet(err, Bail);
- err = FSGetForkSize(forkRefNum, &forkSize);
- require_noerr(err, Bail);
- require_action(forkSize <= 0x07FFFFFFF, Bail, err = HXR_INVALID_PATH); // file is too big for a 32-bit signed length
- err = pOutBuffer->SetSize((UInt32) forkSize);
- require_noerr(err, Bail);
- {
- long ioBytes = forkSize;
- err = FSRead(forkRefNum, &ioBytes, pOutBuffer->GetBuffer());
- require_noerr(err, Bail);
- (void) FSCloseFork(forkRefNum);
- return HXR_OK;
- }
- Bail:
- HX_RELEASE(pOutBuffer);
- if (forkRefNum != -1) (void) FSCloseFork(forkRefNum);
- return HXR_FAIL;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // GetFileType
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FOURCC CHXFileSpecUtils::GetFileType(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec)
- {
- FOURCC fileType;
- OSErr err;
- require_return(fileSpec.IsSet(), 0);
- fileType = 0;
- FSRef fileRef;
- FinderInfo fndrInfo;
- Boolean isDir;
- ExtendedFinderInfo * kDontWantExtendedInfo = NULL;
- fileRef = (FSRef) fileSpec;
- err = FSGetFinderInfo(&fileRef, &fndrInfo, kDontWantExtendedInfo, &isDir);
- if ((err == noErr) && !isDir)
- {
- fileType = fndrInfo.file.fileType;
- }
- return fileType;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // MakeNameLegal
- //
- // returns TRUE if the name was changed
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CHXFileSpecUtils::MakeNameLegal(char *pszName)
- {
- const char *badChars = ":";
- const char replacementChar = '-';
- const long maxNameLength = 255;
- long len, idx;
- BOOL bChanged;
- require_nonnull_return(pszName, FALSE);
- bChanged = FALSE;
- len = strlen(pszName);
- // replace any illegal characters
- for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++)
- {
- if (strchr(badChars, pszName[idx]))
- {
- pszName[idx] = replacementChar;
- bChanged = TRUE;
- }
- }
- // be sure the name isn't too long
- if (len > maxNameLength)
- {
- pszName[maxNameLength] = 0;
- bChanged = TRUE;
- }
- return bChanged;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // FindFolder
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CHXDirSpecifier CHXFileSpecUtils::MacFindFolder(short vRefNum, FolderType foldType)
- {
- CHXDirSpecifier foundDirSpec;
- OSErr err;
- FSRef folderRef;
- err = ::FSFindFolder(vRefNum, foldType, kCreateFolder, &folderRef);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- foundDirSpec = folderRef;
- }
- return foundDirSpec;
- }
- CHXFileSpecifier CHXFileSpecUtils::SpecifyFileWithMacFindFolder(short vRefNum, FolderType foldType, const char *pszChildFile)
- {
- CHXDirSpecifier parentDir;
- CHXFileSpecifier targetFile;
- parentDir = CHXFileSpecUtils::MacFindFolder(vRefNum, foldType);
- check(parentDir.IsSet());
- if (CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(parentDir))
- {
- targetFile = parentDir.SpecifyChildFile(pszChildFile);
- }
- return targetFile;
- }
- CHXDirSpecifier CHXFileSpecUtils::SpecifyFolderWithMacFindFolder(short vRefNum, FolderType foldType, const char *pszChildFolder)
- {
- CHXDirSpecifier parentDir;
- CHXDirSpecifier targetDir;
- parentDir = CHXFileSpecUtils::MacFindFolder(vRefNum, foldType);
- check(parentDir.IsSet());
- if (CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(parentDir))
- {
- targetDir = parentDir.SpecifyChildDirectory(pszChildFolder);
- }
- return targetDir;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // ResolveFileSpecifierAlias
- // ResolveDirSpecifierAlias
- //
- // These resolve a file spec to an alias file in place
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::ResolveFileSpecifierAlias(CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec)
- {
- HX_RESULT res;
- res = HXR_FAIL;
- // GR 7/8/02
- // check that the file exists before resolving it in hopes of avoiding
- // a mysterious crash on 10.1.5
- if (CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(fileSpec))
- {
- FSRef fileRef;
- OSErr err;
- Boolean bIsFolder;
- Boolean bWasAliased;
- const Boolean kShouldResolveChains = true;
- fileRef = (FSRef) fileSpec;
- err = FSResolveAliasFileWithMountFlags(&fileRef, kShouldResolveChains,
- &bIsFolder, &bWasAliased, kResolveAliasFileNoUI);
- if ((err == noErr) && !bIsFolder)
- {
- res = HXR_OK;
- if (bWasAliased)
- {
- fileSpec = fileRef;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // error occurred
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::ResolveDirSpecifierAlias(CHXDirSpecifier& dirSpec)
- {
- HX_RESULT res;
- res = HXR_FAIL;
- if (dirSpec.IsSet())
- {
- FSRef dirRef;
- OSErr err;
- Boolean bIsFolder;
- Boolean bWasAliased;
- const Boolean kShouldResolveChains = true;
- dirRef = dirSpec;
- err = FSResolveAliasFileWithMountFlags(&dirRef, kShouldResolveChains,
- &bIsFolder, &bWasAliased, kResolveAliasFileNoUI);
- if ((err == noErr) && bIsFolder)
- {
- res = HXR_OK;
- if (bWasAliased)
- {
- dirSpec = dirRef;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // error occurred
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // MoveFileToTrash
- // MoveFolderToTrash
- // MoveFileToFolderWithRenaming
- // MoveFolderToFolderWithRenaming
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static HX_RESULT MoveToFolderWithRenamingInternal(const FSRef* itemRef, const CHXDirSpecifier& targetSpec, BOOL bDeleteIfCantMove, FSRef& outNewItemRef);
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::MoveFileToTrash(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec)
- {
- if (!CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(fileSpec)) return HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- CHXDirSpecifier trashSpec;
- FSRef itemRef, newItemRef;
- const BOOL bDeleteIfCantMove = TRUE;
- itemRef = (FSRef) fileSpec;
- trashSpec = CHXFileSpecUtils::MacFindFolder(fileSpec.GetVRefNum(), kTrashFolderType);
- return MoveToFolderWithRenamingInternal(&itemRef, trashSpec, bDeleteIfCantMove, newItemRef);
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::MoveFolderToTrash(const CHXDirSpecifier& dirSpec)
- {
- if (!CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(dirSpec)) return HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- CHXDirSpecifier trashSpec;
- FSRef itemRef, newItemRef;
- const BOOL bDeleteIfCantMove = TRUE;
- itemRef = (FSRef) dirSpec;
- trashSpec = CHXFileSpecUtils::MacFindFolder(dirSpec.GetVRefNum(), kTrashFolderType);
- return MoveToFolderWithRenamingInternal(&itemRef, trashSpec, bDeleteIfCantMove, newItemRef);
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::MoveFileToCleanupAtStartup(const CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, BOOL bDeleteIfCantMove)
- {
- CHXFileSpecifier nonConstFileSpec(fileSpec);
- return MoveFileToCleanupAtStartup(nonConstFileSpec, bDeleteIfCantMove);
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::MoveFileToCleanupAtStartup(CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, BOOL bDeleteIfCantMove)
- {
- if (!CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(fileSpec)) return HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- CHXDirSpecifier cleanupSpec;
- FSRef itemRef, newItemRef;
- HX_RESULT res;
- itemRef = (FSRef) fileSpec;
- cleanupSpec = CHXFileSpecUtils::MacFindFolder(fileSpec.GetVRefNum(), kChewableItemsFolderType);
- res = MoveToFolderWithRenamingInternal(&itemRef, cleanupSpec, bDeleteIfCantMove, newItemRef);
- if (SUCCEEDED(res))
- {
- fileSpec = newItemRef;
- }
- return res;
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::MoveFolderToCleanupAtStartup(const CHXDirSpecifier& dirSpec, BOOL bDeleteIfCantMove)
- {
- CHXDirSpecifier nonConstDirSpec(dirSpec);
- return MoveFolderToCleanupAtStartup(nonConstDirSpec, bDeleteIfCantMove);
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::MoveFolderToCleanupAtStartup(CHXDirSpecifier& dirSpec, BOOL bDeleteIfCantMove)
- {
- if (!CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(dirSpec)) return HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- CHXDirSpecifier cleanupSpec;
- FSRef itemRef, newItemRef;
- HX_RESULT res;
- itemRef = (FSRef) dirSpec;
- cleanupSpec = CHXFileSpecUtils::MacFindFolder(dirSpec.GetVRefNum(), kChewableItemsFolderType);
- res = MoveToFolderWithRenamingInternal(&itemRef, cleanupSpec, bDeleteIfCantMove, newItemRef);
- if (SUCCEEDED(res))
- {
- dirSpec = newItemRef;
- }
- return res;
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::MoveFileToFolderWithRenaming(CHXFileSpecifier& fileSpec, const CHXDirSpecifier& targetSpec, BOOL bDeleteIfCantMove)
- {
- if (!CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(fileSpec)) return HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- if (!CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(targetSpec)) return HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- FSRef itemRef, newItemRef;
- HX_RESULT res;
- itemRef = (FSRef) fileSpec;
- res = MoveToFolderWithRenamingInternal(&itemRef, targetSpec, bDeleteIfCantMove, newItemRef);
- if (SUCCEEDED(res))
- {
- fileSpec = newItemRef;
- }
- return res;
- }
- HX_RESULT CHXFileSpecUtils::MoveFolderToFolderWithRenaming(CHXDirSpecifier& dirSpec, const CHXDirSpecifier& targetSpec, BOOL bDeleteIfCantMove)
- {
- if (!CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(dirSpec)) return HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- if (!CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(targetSpec)) return HXR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
- FSRef itemRef, newItemRef;
- HX_RESULT res;
- itemRef = (FSRef) dirSpec;
- res = MoveToFolderWithRenamingInternal(&itemRef, targetSpec, bDeleteIfCantMove, newItemRef);
- if (SUCCEEDED(res))
- {
- dirSpec = newItemRef;
- }
- return res;
- }
- static HX_RESULT MoveToFolderWithRenamingInternal(const FSRef* itemRef, const CHXDirSpecifier& targetSpec, BOOL bDeleteIfCantMove, FSRef& outNewItemRef)
- {
- check_nonnull(itemRef);
- HX_RESULT pnres;
- OSErr err;
- pnres = HXR_FAILED;
- ZeroInit(&outNewItemRef);
- if (!targetSpec.IsSet())
- {
- // targetSpec wasn't set, nowhere to move to
- if (bDeleteIfCantMove)
- {
- err = FSDeleteObject(itemRef);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- pnres = HXR_OK;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // targetSpec is set
- //
- // try to move the file to the target
- FSRef newItemRef, targetRef, newNameRef;
- targetRef = (FSRef) targetSpec;
- err = FSMoveObject(itemRef, &targetRef, &newItemRef);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- outNewItemRef = newItemRef;
- pnres = HXR_OK;
- }
- else if (err != dupFNErr)
- {
- // catmove failed for some unknown reason, not a name conflict
- if (bDeleteIfCantMove)
- {
- err = FSDeleteObject(itemRef);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- pnres = HXR_OK;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // there's a name conflict; find a unique name for the file we're moving in the
- // target folder, rename it, and then move it again
- CHXString strName, strTemplate;
- CHXFileSpecifier specNewNamedFile;
- HFSUniStr255 uniName, newUniName;
- INT32 periodOffset;
- const char* const kWildcard = "%-%-%";
- err = FSGetFileDirName(itemRef, &uniName);
- strName.SetFromHFSUniStr255(uniName, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); // make a template like "filename_%-%-%"
- periodOffset = strName.ReverseFind('.');
- if (periodOffset != -1)
- {
- // put the _2 or whatever just before the extension
- strTemplate = strName.Left(periodOffset);
- strTemplate += "_";
- strTemplate += kWildcard;
- strTemplate += strName.Mid(periodOffset);
- }
- else
- {
- // put the _2 or whatever after the filename
- strTemplate = strName + "_";
- strTemplate += kWildcard;
- }
- specNewNamedFile = CHXFileSpecUtils::GetUniqueFileSpec(targetSpec, strName, strTemplate, kWildcard);
- newUniName = specNewNamedFile.GetNameHFSUniStr255();
- err = FSRenameUnicode(itemRef, newUniName.length, newUniName.unicode, kTextEncodingUnknown, &newNameRef);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- err = FSMoveObject(&newNameRef, &targetRef, &newItemRef);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- outNewItemRef = newItemRef;
- pnres = HXR_OK;
- }
- else if (err != noErr && bDeleteIfCantMove)
- {
- // couldn't move it; delete the renamed file
- err = FSDeleteObject(&newNameRef);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- pnres = HXR_OK;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // couldn't move it; change the name back
- err = FSRenameUnicode(&newNameRef, uniName.length, uniName.unicode,
- kTextEncodingUnknown, &newNameRef);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // rename failed for some reason
- if (bDeleteIfCantMove)
- {
- // couldn't move it; delete the renamed file
- err = FSDeleteObject(itemRef);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- pnres = HXR_OK;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return pnres;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // GetSystemTempDirectory
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CHXDirSpecifier CHXFileSpecUtils::GetSystemTempDirectory()
- {
- return CHXFileSpecUtils::MacFindFolder(kOnAppropriateDisk, kChewableItemsFolderType);
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // GetUniqueFileSpec
- // GetUniqueTempFileSpec
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static CHXFileSpecifier GetUniqueFileSpecInternal(const CHXDirSpecifier& locationSpec,
- const char *pszNameFirst, const char *pszTemplate,
- const char *pszWildcard, UINT32 nStartNum);
- const UINT32 kNumWrapValue = 9999+1; // limit insertions to 4-digit numbers
- CHXFileSpecifier CHXFileSpecUtils::GetUniqueFileSpec(const CHXDirSpecifier& locationSpec,
- const char *pszNameFirst, const char *pszTemplate,
- const char *pszWildcard)
- {
- return GetUniqueFileSpecInternal(locationSpec, pszNameFirst, pszTemplate, pszWildcard, 0);
- }
- CHXFileSpecifier CHXFileSpecUtils::GetUniqueTempFileSpec(const CHXDirSpecifier& locationSpec,
- const char *pszTemplate, const char *pszWildcard)
- {
- CMultiplePrimeRandom rand(HX_GET_TICKCOUNT());
- UINT32 num;
- num = rand.GetRandomNumber();
- num %= kNumWrapValue;
- // skip 0, which means "don't substitute for the wildcard", and 1
- if (num == 0 || num == 1) num = 2;
- return GetUniqueFileSpecInternal(locationSpec, NULL, pszTemplate, pszWildcard, num);
- }
- static CHXFileSpecifier GetUniqueFileSpecInternal(const CHXDirSpecifier& locationSpec,
- const char *pszNameFirst, const char *pszTemplate,
- const char *pszWildcard, UINT32 nStartNum)
- {
- CHXFileSpecifier resultFileSpec;
- require_return(locationSpec.IsSet(), resultFileSpec);
- require_return(pszTemplate != NULL && pszWildcard != NULL, resultFileSpec);
- require_return(pszNameFirst != NULL || nStartNum != 0, resultFileSpec);
- CHXFileSpecifier testFileSpec;
- CHXDirSpecifier testDirSpec;
- CHXString strNumber;
- CHXString strName;
- UINT32 nCurrentNum;
- nCurrentNum = nStartNum;
- while (1)
- {
- // if the number is non-zero, make a string from the template;
- // if the number is zero, user the initial name string
- if (nCurrentNum == 0)
- {
- // replace the wildcard in the template with the number string
- strName = pszNameFirst;
- }
- else
- {
- // replace the wildcard in the template with the number string
- strNumber.Empty();
- strNumber.AppendULONG(nCurrentNum);
- strName = pszTemplate;
- strName.FindAndReplace(pszWildcard, strNumber); // replace first wildcard with number string
- }
- // test if a file or directory exists with that name
- testFileSpec = locationSpec.SpecifyChildFile(strName);
- testDirSpec = locationSpec.SpecifyChildDirectory(strName);
- if (CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(testFileSpec)
- || CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(testDirSpec))
- {
- // an item already has that name, so increment & wrap the number
- nCurrentNum++;
- nCurrentNum %= kNumWrapValue;
- // don't use 0 again, and skip 1 since "MyFile2.txt" logically follows "MyFile.txt"
- if (nCurrentNum == 0 || nCurrentNum == 1)
- {
- nCurrentNum = 2;
- }
- // a quick sanity check
- if (nCurrentNum == nStartNum)
- {
- check(!"GetUniqueFileSpecInternal number wrapped");
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // the name is unique
- resultFileSpec = testFileSpec;
- break;
- }
- } // while
- return resultFileSpec;
- }
- CHXDirSpecifier
- CHXFileSpecUtils::GetAppDataDir(const char* szAppName)
- {
- // we'll use a folder in user's prefs
- CHXDirSpecifier targetDir;
- CHXDirSpecifier prefsDir = CHXFileSpecUtils::MacFindFolder(kUserDomain, kPreferencesFolderType);
- CHXDirSpecifier dataDir = prefsDir.SpecifyChildDirectory( "" );
- if (!CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(dataDir))
- {
- CHXFileSpecUtils::CreateDir(dataDir);
- }
- if (szAppName == NULL || *szAppName == 0)
- {
- targetDir = dataDir;
- }
- else
- {
- targetDir = dataDir.SpecifyChildDirectory(szAppName);
- if (!CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(targetDir))
- {
- CHXFileSpecUtils::CreateDir(targetDir);
- }
- }
- HX_ASSERT(CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(targetDir));
- return targetDir;
- }
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- void CHXFileSpecUtils::TestMacFileSpecUtils()
- {
- CHXString drive1Name = "Tenspot:";
- CHXString drive2Name = "Sandy:";
- CHXString driveEjectableLockedName = "Dev.CD Feb 01 TC Disk 1:";
- CHXString driveServerName = "grobbins:";
- CHXDirSpecifier dirServerSpec = drive2Name;
- dirServerSpec = "Dev.CD Feb 01 TC Disk 1:Tool Chest:fake";
- dirServerSpec = "Sandy:fake:";
- //dirServerSpec = "grobbins:Sites:";
- //dirServerSpec = "grobbins:Sites:fake";
- CHXDirSpecifier dirServer2Spec = driveServerName;
- CHXFileSpecifier file1Spec = "Tenspot:123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d.png";
- CHXFileSpecifier file2Spec = "Tenspot:123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d:LVd";
- CHXFileSpecifier fileFake1Spec = "Tenspot:123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d:BOO";
- CHXDirSpecifier dirFake1Spec = "Tenspot:123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d:BOO Folder";
- CHXFileSpecifier fromNameSpec = "RealPlayer.xSYM";
- CHXFileSpecifier fromPartialPath = ":RealPlayer.xSYM";
- CHXFileSpecifier fromBadName = "BOO";
- HX_RESULT res;
- INT64 spaceFree, spaceTotal, fileSize;
- BOOL bFlag;
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::GetFreeSpaceOnDisk(drive1Name, spaceFree);
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::GetTotalSpaceOnDisk(drive1Name, spaceTotal);
- check(spaceTotal > spaceFree);
- bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::IsDiskEjectable(drive1Name);
- check(!bFlag);
- bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::IsDiskEjectable(driveEjectableLockedName);
- check(bFlag);
- bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::IsDiskWritable(drive1Name);
- check(bFlag);
- bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::IsDiskWritable(driveEjectableLockedName);
- check(!bFlag);
- bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::IsDiskLocal(drive1Name);
- check(bFlag);
- //bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::IsDiskLocal(driveServerName); this fails because HFS<-->FSRef fails on mounted vols
- //check(!bFlag);
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::GetFileSize(file1Spec, fileSize);
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::GetFileSize(file2Spec, fileSize);
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::GetFileSize(fileFake1Spec, fileSize);
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(file1Spec);
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(file2Spec);
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::FileExists(fileFake1Spec);
- bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(dirFake1Spec);
- check(!bFlag);
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::CreateDir(dirFake1Spec);
- bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(dirFake1Spec);
- check(bFlag);
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::RemoveDir(dirFake1Spec);
- bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(dirFake1Spec);
- check(!bFlag);
- CHXDirSpecifier ffDir = CHXFileSpecUtils::SpecifyFolderWithMacFindFolder(file1Spec.GetVRefNum(), kPreferencesFolderType, "Real Folder");
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::CreateDir(ffDir);
- bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(ffDir);
- check(bFlag);
- res = CHXFileSpecUtils::MoveFolderToCleanupAtStartup(ffDir);
- bFlag = CHXFileSpecUtils::DirectoryExists(ffDir);
- check(!bFlag);
- }
- #endif