- /************************************************************************
- * chxavplayer.h
- * -------------
- *
- * Synopsis:
- * CHXPlayer manages and directs an underlying HXPlayer player object. The
- * underlying HXPlayer is hidden from the UI, which interacts with CHXPlayer
- * only. CHXPlayer exposes and implements all playback control and query
- * methods for the UI.
- *
- * Target:
- * Symbian OS
- *
- *
- * (c) 1995-2003 RealNetworks, Inc. Patents pending. All rights reserved.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef CHXAVPLAYER_H__
- #define CHXAVPLAYER_H__
- // includes
- #include "unkimp.h"
- #include "hxstring.h"
- #include "hxausvc.h"
- #include "hxerror.h"
- #include "hxgroup.h"
- #include "ihxaccesspoint.h"
- #include "comptr.h"
- #include "chxavnetconnectui.h"
- #include "chxavplayerstate.h"
- #include "chxavplaylist.h"
- #include "chxavplayerui.h"
- #include "chxavsitesupplier.h"
- #include "chxavcallback.h"
- #include "chxsymclipinfo.h"
- #include "chxavaccesspointdb.h"
- // forward declarations
- class CHXAvNetConnectUI;
- _INTERFACE IHXClientAdviseSink;
- // class CHXAvPlayer
- class CHXAvPlayer
- : public CUnknownIMP
- , public IHXClientAdviseSink
- , public IHXErrorSink
- , public IHXGroupSink
- , public IHXAccessPointSelector
- {
- public:
- friend class CHXAvSiteSupplier;
- public:
- private:
- HX_RESULT QueryInterfaceDelegates(REFIID riid, void** ppvObj);
- public:
- enum
- {
- kVolumeMin = 0,
- kVolumeMax = 100
- };
- // ctor and dtor
- CHXAvPlayer();
- virtual ~CHXAvPlayer();
- void ConstructL(const CHXClientEngineManagerPtr& spEngine,
- const CHXAvNetConnectUIPtr& pAccessPointSelector);
- // init and shutdown
- void InitPlayerL(CCoeControl* pRenderWindow);
- void ShutDown();
- bool IsShutDown() const;
- // play control
- void Play(const char *url);
- void Play(const TDesC& url);
- void PlayCurrent();
- void Stop();
- void Pause();
- void Resume();
- // volume
- void SetVolume(TUint level);
- TUint GetVolume() const;
- void StepVolume(TInt factor);
- void Mute(bool bToMute);
- bool IsMuted() const;
- // time and duration
- ULONG32 GetClipTime() const;
- ULONG32 GetClipDuration() const;
- // clip headers, bitrates, urls, server info, is live, is video pres, etc.
- const CHXSymClipInfo& GetClipInfo() const;
- // url
- CHXString GetMainURL() const;
- CHXString GetPlayURL() const;
- // playlist
- enum AdvanceFlag
- {
- advanceNext = 0x01,
- advancePrev = 0x02,
- advanceLoop = 0x04
- };
- bool IsPlaylistLoaded() const;
- bool IsRemotePlayback() const;
- bool HasPresLoaded() const;
- bool HasPresStarted() const;
- TInt GetPlaylistCurrentIndex() const;
- TInt GetPlaylistItemCount() const;
- void AdvancePlaylist(TUint flag);
- // seek
- void SetSeekPoint(ULONG32 time);
- void StartSeek();
- void EndSeek();
- // draw
- void RedrawPresentation();
- // player state
- CHXAvPlayerState& GetPlayerState();
- bool IsPlaying() const;
- bool IsBuffering() const;
- bool IsPaused() const;
- bool IsStopped() const;
- bool IsSeeking() const;
- bool IsConnecting() const;
- bool IsInitiating() const;
- bool CanSeek() const;
- bool CanPause() const;
- bool CanResume() const;
- private:
- // IHXClientAdviseSink
- STDMETHOD(OnPosLength) (THIS_ UINT32 ulPosition, UINT32 ulLength);
- STDMETHOD(OnPresentationOpened) (THIS);
- STDMETHOD(OnPresentationClosed) (THIS);
- STDMETHOD(OnStatisticsChanged) (THIS);
- STDMETHOD(OnPreSeek) (THIS_ ULONG32 ulOldTime, ULONG32 ulNewTime);
- STDMETHOD(OnPostSeek) (THIS_ ULONG32 ulOldTime, ULONG32 ulNewTime);
- STDMETHOD(OnPause) (THIS_ ULONG32 ulTime);
- STDMETHOD(OnBegin) (THIS_ ULONG32 ulTime);
- STDMETHOD(OnBuffering) (THIS_ ULONG32 ulFlags, UINT16 unPercentComplete);
- STDMETHOD(OnContacting) (THIS_ const char* pHostName);
- // IHXErrorSink
- STDMETHOD(ErrorOccurred) (THIS_
- const UINT8 unSeverity,
- const ULONG32 ulHXCode,
- const ULONG32 ulUserCode,
- const char* pUserString,
- const char* pMoreInfoURL);
- // IHXAccessPointSelector
- STDMETHOD(SelectAccessPoint)(THIS_
- IHXAccessPointSelectorResponse* pResponse);
- // IHXGroupSink
- STDMETHOD(GroupAdded) (THIS_
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uGroupIndex,
- IHXGroup* /*IN*/ pGroup);
- STDMETHOD(GroupRemoved) (THIS_
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uGroupIndex,
- IHXGroup* /*IN*/ pGroup);
- STDMETHOD(AllGroupsRemoved) (THIS);
- STDMETHOD(TrackAdded) (THIS_
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uGroupIndex,
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uTrackIndex,
- IHXValues* /*IN*/ pTrack);
- STDMETHOD(TrackRemoved) (THIS_
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uGroupIndex,
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uTrackIndex,
- IHXValues* /*IN*/ pTrack);
- STDMETHOD(TrackStarted) (THIS_
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uGroupIndex,
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uTrackIndex,
- IHXValues* /*IN*/ pTrack);
- STDMETHOD(TrackStopped) (THIS_
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uGroupIndex,
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uTrackIndex,
- IHXValues* /*IN*/ pTrack);
- STDMETHOD(CurrentGroupSet) (THIS_
- UINT16 /*IN*/ uGroupIndex,
- IHXGroup* /*IN*/ pGroup);
- private:
- // implementation helpers
- void ResetUnloadedClipState();
- void DoPlaylistInit(const char* pURL);
- bool HandlePlaylistAdvance(TUint flag);
- void DoPlayImp(const char* url);
- void DoStopImp();
- void OnNetConnect();
- private:
- //TUint m_minVolume;
- //TUint m_maxVolume;
- TUint m_volumeStep;
- ULONG32 m_clipDuration;
- ULONG32 m_clipPos;
- CHXString m_playUrl;
- CHXString m_mainUrl;
- CHXAvPlayerState m_playerState;
- CHXClientEngineManagerPtr m_spEngine;
- comptr<IHXPlayer> m_hxPlayer;
- comptr<IHXAudioPlayer> m_audioPlayer;
- comptr<CHXAvSiteSupplier> m_siteSupplier;
- comptr<CHXLitePrefs> m_prefs;
- comptr<IHXCommonClassFactory> m_factory;
- comptr<IHXAccessPointManager> m_apManager;
- CHXAvNetConnectUIPtr m_apSelector;
- CHXAvPlaylistPtr m_pPlaylist;
- CHXAvPlaylistItrPtr m_pPlayItr;
- bool m_bEnableAutoPlayNext;
- bool m_bIsTruePlaylistLoaded;
- bool m_bResumeOnEndSeek;
- CHXAvCallback m_cbPlay;
- enum StartupStage
- {
- ssStopped,
- ssPastInitiate,
- ssPastOpenPres,
- ssPastFirstBuffer,
- ssPastTimerStarted
- } m_startupStage;
- bool m_bIsRemotePlayback;
- bool m_bAccessPointSetupFailed;
- CHXSymClipInfo m_clipInfo;
- };
- inline
- const CHXSymClipInfo& CHXAvPlayer::GetClipInfo() const
- {
- return m_clipInfo;
- }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::IsShutDown() const
- {
- return (!m_hxPlayer);
- }
- //
- // return TRUE if:
- //
- // a) non-file url, e.g.:
- //
- // sdp
- // rtsp
- // http
- //
- // or
- //
- // b) remote link (one of above) in a smil file
- //
- // in case (b) we can't know until after the presentation opens
- //
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::IsRemotePlayback() const
- {
- return m_bIsRemotePlayback;
- }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::HasPresLoaded() const
- {
- return m_startupStage >= ssPastOpenPres;
- }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::HasPresStarted() const
- {
- return m_startupStage >= ssPastFirstBuffer;
- }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::IsBuffering() const
- {
- return (CHXAvPlayerState::NotBuffering != m_playerState.GetBufferingState());
- }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::IsPlaying() const
- {
- return CHXAvPlayerState::Playing == m_playerState.GetState();
- }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::IsPaused() const
- {
- return CHXAvPlayerState::Paused == m_playerState.GetState();
- }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::IsStopped() const
- {
- return CHXAvPlayerState::Stopped == m_playerState.GetState();
- }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::IsSeeking() const
- {
- return CHXAvPlayerState::Seeking == m_playerState.GetState();
- }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::IsConnecting() const
- {
- return CHXAvPlayerState::Connecting == m_playerState.GetState();
- }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::IsInitiating() const
- {
- return CHXAvPlayerState::Initiating == m_playerState.GetState();
- }
- inline
- ULONG32 CHXAvPlayer::GetClipDuration() const
- {
- return m_clipDuration;
- }
- inline
- CHXString CHXAvPlayer::GetMainURL() const
- { return m_mainUrl; }
- inline
- CHXString CHXAvPlayer::GetPlayURL() const
- { return m_playUrl; }
- inline
- bool CHXAvPlayer::IsPlaylistLoaded() const
- { return m_pPlaylist; }
- inline
- CHXAvPlayerState& CHXAvPlayer::GetPlayerState()
- { return m_playerState; }
- inline
- void CHXAvPlayer::RedrawPresentation()
- { m_siteSupplier->RedrawAllSites(); }
- #endif // CHXAVPLAYER_H__