Visual C++
- /************************************************************************
- * chxCHXCHXAvFolderPopupList.cpp
- * ------------------------
- *
- * Synopsis:
- *
- * (c) 1995-2003 RealNetworks, Inc. Patents pending. All rights reserved.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- #include "avkon.mbg"
- // Include from this project...
- #include "chxavmisc.h"
- #include "chxavcallback.h"
- #include "chxavcleanstring.h"
- #include "chxavfolderdisplayinfo.h"
- #include "chxavfolderpopuplist.h"
- #include "realplayer.hrh"
- #include "realplayer.mbg"
- #include "chxavcleanupstack.h"
- #include "hxsym_debug.h"
- namespace
- {
- //
- // standard folder icon info
- //
- enum
- {
- k_idxFolderIcon = 0
- };
- const CHXAvMisc::ImageInfo folderIconInfo[] =
- {
- { EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_folder_small, EMbmAvkonQgn_prop_folder_small_mask }
- };
- //
- // root icon info
- //
- enum
- {
- k_idxPhoneIcon = 0,
- k_idxMmcIcon,
- k_idxMmcLockedIcon,
- k_idxMmcAbsentIcon
- };
- static const CHXAvMisc::ImageInfo rootIconInfo[] =
- {
- {EMbmRealplayerQgn_prop_phone_small, EMbmRealplayerQgn_prop_phone_small_mask },
- {EMbmRealplayerQgn_prop_mmc_small, EMbmRealplayerQgn_prop_mmc_small_mask },
- {EMbmRealplayerQgn_prop_mmc_locked_small, EMbmRealplayerQgn_prop_mmc_locked_small_mask },
- {EMbmRealplayerQgn_prop_mmc_non_small, EMbmRealplayerQgn_prop_mmc_non_small_mask },
- };
- } // local
- CHXAvFolderPopupList::CHXAvFolderPopupList(TInt& idxSelected,
- TInt& idExitCmd)
- : m_idxSelected(idxSelected)
- , m_idExitCmd(idExitCmd)
- , m_wpBasePath(0)
- {
- }
- CHXAvFolderPopupList::~CHXAvFolderPopupList()
- {
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // construct helper
- void CHXAvFolderPopupList::DoBeginConstructL(TInt resIdPrompt,
- TInt resIdCba,
- TInt resIdSelectButtonText,
- const TDesC* pCurrentPath)
- {
- // create actual listbox
- m_spListBox = new (ELeave) CAknSingleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox;
- CAknPopupList::ConstructL(m_spListBox.Ptr(), resIdCba,
- AknPopupLayouts::EMenuGraphicWindow);
- m_wpBasePath = pCurrentPath;
- m_spListBox->ConstructL(this, CEikListBox::ELeftDownInViewRect);
- m_spListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL(ETrue);
- m_spListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
- CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto);
- if( resIdSelectButtonText != -1 )
- {
- // set left button text
- CEikButtonGroupContainer* pCba = ButtonGroupContainer();
- pCba->SetCommandL(0, EAknSoftkeySelect, CHXAvCleanString(resIdSelectButtonText)());
- }
- m_spSelectButton = new (ELeave) CHXAvCallback();
- m_spSelectButton->ConstructL(
- MakeCommand(this, &CHXAvFolderPopupList::ForwardCommandL, TInt(EAknSoftkeySelect)));
- SetTitleL(CHXAvCleanString(resIdPrompt)());
- m_spListBox->SetListBoxObserver(this);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // construct regular folder list
- //
- void CHXAvFolderPopupList::ConstructL(TInt resIdPrompt, TInt resIdSelectButtonText,
- const CDesCArrayFlat* pFolders, const TDesC* pCurrentPath,
- TInt idxCurrentItem)
- {
- // child folder list gets 'back'
- DoBeginConstructL(resIdPrompt, R_AVP_CBA_MOVE_BACK, resIdSelectButtonText, pCurrentPath);
- SetFolderListItemsL(pFolders);
- m_spListBox->ClearSelection();
- m_spListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex(idxCurrentItem);
- m_spListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // construct top-level root media store selection list
- void CHXAvFolderPopupList::ConstructL(TInt resIdPrompt, TInt resIdSelectButtonText,
- const CHXAvVector<CHXAvMediaFolderInfoPtr>& mediaFolderInfo,
- const TDesC* pCurrentPath,
- TInt idxCurrentItem)
- {
- // top level list gets 'cancel'
- DoBeginConstructL(resIdPrompt, R_AVP_CBA_MOVE_CANCEL, resIdSelectButtonText, pCurrentPath);
- SetRootFolderListItemsL(mediaFolderInfo);
- m_spListBox->ClearSelection();
- m_spListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex(idxCurrentItem);
- m_spListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
- }
- //////////////////////////////
- //
- void
- CHXAvFolderPopupList::AttemptExitL(TBool aAccept)
- {
- DPRINTF(SYMP_INFO, ("CHXAvFolderPopupList::AttemptExitL() accept = %ldn", aAccept));
- if( aAccept && m_idExitCmd != EOpenFolder)
- {
- DPRINTF(SYMP_INFO, ("CHXAvFolderPopupList::AttemptExitL() command: 'select folder'n"));
- // must have pressed the softkey
- m_idExitCmd = EMoveToFolder;
- }
- // 'open' the selected folder
- m_idxSelected = m_spListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
- CAknPopupList::AttemptExitL(aAccept);
- }
- //////////////////////////////
- // create and set icon array for list items
- //
- void
- CHXAvFolderPopupList::CreateAndSetRootIconsL()
- {
- // create icon array for list items
- CAknIconArray* pIcons = CHXAvMisc::AllocIconsL(rootIconInfo, ARRAY_COUNT(rootIconInfo));
- AUTO_PUSH_POP(pIcons);
- // transfer icon array ownership to list box
- m_spListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetIconArrayL(pIcons);
- }
- //////////////////////////////
- //
- void CHXAvFolderPopupList::CreateAndSetFolderIconsL()
- {
- CAknIconArray* pIcons = CHXAvMisc::AllocIconsL(
- folderIconInfo, ARRAY_COUNT(folderIconInfo), CHXAvMisc::KAVPAvkonImagePath);
- AUTO_PUSH_POP(pIcons);
- // transfer icon array ownership to list box
- m_spListBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetIconArrayL(pIcons);
- }
- //////////////////////////////
- // set list box contents to list of folders
- //
- void CHXAvFolderPopupList::SetFolderListItemsL(const CDesCArrayFlat* pFolders)
- {
- HX_ASSERT(m_spListBox);
- HX_ASSERT(pFolders->Count() > 0);
- m_wpFolders = pFolders;
- // create folder display info traits
- CHXAvFolderDisplayInfo displayInfo;
- // create folder icons
- CreateAndSetFolderIconsL();
- // create list item entries based on folder list
- CDesCArrayFlat* pItems = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(20 /*granularity*/);
- AUTO_PUSH_POP(pItems);
- TInt count = pFolders->Count();
- for( TInt idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx )
- {
- const TDesC& name = (*pFolders)[idx];
- if( name.Length() > 0)
- {
- TFileName* pPath = CHXAvFile::AllocFileNameL(*m_wpBasePath, name, CHXAvFile::ntFolder);
- displayInfo.SetFolderPathL(*pPath);
- HBufC* pText = CHXAvMisc::AllocGrListItemL(displayInfo.GetDisplayText(), k_idxFolderIcon);
- pItems->AppendL(*pText); // copied
- }
- }
- // transfer list ownership to listbox
- CTextListBoxModel* pModel = m_spListBox->Model();
- pModel->SetItemTextArray(pItems);
- pModel->SetOwnershipType(ELbmOwnsItemArray);
- }
- //////////////////////////////
- // set list box contents to list of root media store folders
- //
- void
- CHXAvFolderPopupList::SetRootFolderListItemsL(const CHXAvVector<CHXAvMediaFolderInfoPtr>& mediaFolderInfo)
- {
- HX_ASSERT(m_spListBox);
- HX_ASSERT(mediaFolderInfo.Nelements() > 0);
- CreateAndSetRootIconsL();
- CDesCArrayFlat* pItems = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( CHXAvMisc::k_defaultArrayGranularity );
- AUTO_PUSH_POP(pItems);
- // XXXLCM if you have media folders on the same drive, they will end up with the same name
- for(TInt idx = 0; idx < mediaFolderInfo.Nelements(); ++idx)
- {
- CHXAvMediaFolderInfoPtr spInfo = mediaFolderInfo[idx];
- spInfo->UpdateDriveInfo();
- const CHXAvFile::DriveInfo& info = spInfo->GetDriveInfo();
- // get display text
- HBufC* pbuffDesc = spInfo->AllocListDescriptionL();
- AUTO_PUSH_POP_DEL(pbuffDesc);
- // get icon
- TInt idxIcon (k_idxPhoneIcon);
- if( spInfo->IsMmcFolder() )
- {
- switch(info.state)
- {
- case CHXAvFile::dsAccessible:
- idxIcon = k_idxMmcIcon;
- break;
- case CHXAvFile::dsLocked:
- idxIcon = k_idxMmcLockedIcon;
- break;
- default:
- idxIcon = k_idxMmcAbsentIcon;
- break;
- }
- }
- HBufC* pLine = CHXAvMisc::AllocGrListItemL(*pbuffDesc, idxIcon);
- pItems->AppendL(*pLine);
- }
- // transfer list ownership to listbox
- CTextListBoxModel* pModel = m_spListBox->Model();
- pModel->SetItemTextArray(pItems);
- pModel->SetOwnershipType(ELbmOwnsItemArray);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- bool CHXAvFolderPopupList::FolderHasChildren(TInt idxFolder)
- {
- bool bHasChildren = true;
- // XXXLCM for root media store selection list we assume there are children
- if( m_wpBasePath && m_wpFolders)
- {
- // need to check
- //CTextListBoxModel* pModel = m_spListBox->Model();
- //TPtrC text = CHXAvMisc::TextChunk(pModel->ItemText(idxFolder), 1);
- TPtrC text = (*m_wpFolders)[idxFolder];
- // alloc qualified folder path
- TFileName* pPath = CHXAvFile::AllocFileNameL(*m_wpBasePath, text, CHXAvFile::ntFolder);
- const bool bIncludeFolders = true;
- TInt childCount = 0;
- CHXAvFile::GetFolderChildCount(*pPath, childCount,
- bIncludeFolders, CHXAvFile::FilterIncludeNoFiles);
- bHasChildren = (childCount > 0);
- }
- return bHasChildren;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- void CHXAvFolderPopupList::ForwardCommandL(TInt idCommand)
- {
- DPRINTF(SYMP_INFO, ("CHXAvFolderPopupList::ForwardCommandL() cmd = %ldn", idCommand));
- // get this popup list to exit; this object is deleted during this call
- ProcessCommandL(idCommand);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // MEikListBoxObserver
- void CHXAvFolderPopupList::HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* aListBox,TListBoxEvent aEventType)
- {
- DPRINTF(SYMP_INFO, ("CHXAvFolderPopupList::HandleListBoxEventL() type = %ldn", aEventType));
- if( aEventType == MEikListBoxObserver::EEventEnterKeyPressed ||
- aEventType == MEikListBoxObserver::EEventItemClicked )
- {
- if( FolderHasChildren(m_spListBox->CurrentItemIndex()) )
- {
- DPRINTF(SYMP_INFO, ("CHXAvFolderPopupList::HandleListBoxEventL() command: 'open folder'n"));
- // 'open' the selected folder
- m_idExitCmd = EOpenFolder;
- if(m_spSelectButton)
- {
- //HX_ASSERT(m_spSelectButton.GetRefCount() >= 2); // us and class client
- m_spSelectButton->Set(10);
- }
- //ProcessCommandL(EAknSoftkeySelect); // this is unsafe; self-destruct may occur
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CAknPopupList::HandleListBoxEventL(aListBox, aEventType);
- }
- }