- /*****************************************************************************
- * chxavfileutil.h
- * ---------------
- *
- * Synopsis:
- * File utility namespace.
- *
- * Target:
- * Symbian OS
- *
- *
- * (c) 1995-2003 RealNetworks, Inc. Patents pending. All rights reserved.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _chxavfileutil_h_
- #define _chxavfileutil_h_
- // Helix includes...
- // Includes from this project...
- #include "chxavstringutils.h"
- #include "chxavnamedisplaytrait.h"
- #include "hxsym_filetype.h"
- class TDataType;
- struct IHXPreferences;
- namespace CHXAvFile
- {
- enum NameType
- {
- ntFile,
- ntFolder,
- ntUnspecified // determine either file or folder operation by presence of path suffix ('/')
- };
- // for GetFileNameValidity()
- enum FileNameValidity
- {
- nvInvalidIllegalChars,
- nvInvalidDots,
- nvTooLong,
- nvValid
- };
- // for GetDriveInfo()
- enum DriveState
- {
- dsAccessible,
- dsCorrupted,
- dsLocked,
- dsUnknown
- };
- // for GetDriveInfo()
- struct DriveInfo
- {
- DriveInfo();
- TInt idxDrive;
- TMediaType type;
- DriveState state;
- bool bVolInfoValid;
- TVolumeInfo volInfo;
- };
- /////////////////////
- // ctor
- inline
- DriveInfo::DriveInfo()
- : idxDrive(-1)
- , type(EMediaUnknown)
- , state(dsUnknown)
- , bVolInfoValid(false)
- {
- }
- // FileInfo
- struct FileInfo {
- FileInfo()
- : m_entry(), m_type(ftUnknown) {}
- FileInfo(const TEntry& entry, const FileType& type)
- : m_entry(entry), m_type(type) {}
- TEntry m_entry;
- FileType m_type;
- };
- //
- // parsing, forming paths
- //
- TFileName* AllocFileNameL(const TDesC& first, const TDesC& second, NameType type = CHXAvFile::ntFile);
- TFileName* AllocFileNameL(const TDesC& path, NameType type = CHXAvFile::ntFile);
- void AppendPath(TDes& path, const TDesC& name, NameType type);
- void EnsureFolderSuffix(TDes& des);
- void TrimFolderSuffix(TFileName* pPath);
- TPtrC GetFolderPath(const TDesC& path);
- TPtrC GetParentFolder(const TDesC& path);
- TPtrC GetNakedPathNode(const TDesC& path);
- TPtrC GetNakedName(const TDesC& path);
- TPtrC GetExtension(const TDesC& path);
- TPtrC GetEnsureNoFolderSuffix(const TDesC& path);
- bool IsSubPath(const TDesC& parentPath, const TDesC& childPath);
- bool HasFolderPrefix(const TDesC& name);
- bool HasFolderSuffix(const TDesC& name);
- bool HasDriveOrRootPrefix(const TDesC& path);
- void EnsureFolderSuffix(TDes& des);
- HBufC* AllocFileUrlL(const TDesC& path);
- TFileName* AllocAppFolderPathL(const TDesC& path);
- TFileName* AllocFullPrefPathL(IHXPreferences* pPrefs, const char* prefKey);
- //
- // filetype
- //
- //FileType MimeToFileType(const TDataType& mimeType);
- bool IsNanoPlayerFileType(FileType type);
- bool IsNanoPlayerFileType(const TDesC& fullPath);
- bool IsNanoPlayerFileType(const TDesC& folderPath, const TDesC& itemName);
- bool IsValidFileName(const TDesC& name);
- FileNameValidity GetFileNameValidity(const TDesC& name);
- //
- // drive info
- //
- TInt GetDriveIndex(const TDesC& path);
- DriveInfo GetDriveInfo(TInt idxDrive);
- DriveInfo GetDriveInfo(const TDesC& path);
- bool IsDriveLocked(TInt idxDrive);
- //
- // filesystem helpers
- //
- TFileName* AllocUniqueDefaultNameL(const TDesC& basePath,
- const TDesC& defaultName,
- bool bWantFolder, const CHXAvNameDisplayTrait& nameTrait);
- bool PathExists(const TDesC& fullPath);
- TInt GetFullPath(RFs& fs, const TDesC& path, TDes& fullPath, bool bAllowWildCard = false);
- TInt CheckDiskSpaceForCopyL(const TDesC& fullPathSource, TInt idxDriveDest);
- CDesCArrayFlat* AllocFolderListL(const TDesC& parentPath, bool bSorted = true);
- TInt GetFileSize(const TDesC& fileName);
- TInt EnsureClearReadOnlyAttributeL(const TDesC& fileName);
- //
- // GetFolderChildCount
- //
- // filter prototype
- typedef bool (*PFNNanoPlayerFilterType)(const TDesC& folderPath, const TDesC& itemName);
- // filters for GetFolderChildCount
- bool FilterIncludeNanoPlayerFiles(const TDesC& folderPath, const TDesC& itemName);
- bool FilterIncludeNoFiles(const TDesC& folderPath, const TDesC& itemName);
- bool FilterIncludeAllFiles(const TDesC& folderPath, const TDesC& itemName);
- template <typename FileFilter>
- TInt GetFolderChildCount(const TDesC& folderPath,
- TInt& countOut, bool bWantFolders,
- FileFilter isWantedFile);
- } // ns CHXAvFile
- namespace CHXAvFile
- {
- //
- // inlines...
- //
- // GetFolderChildCount
- inline
- bool FilterIncludeNanoPlayerFiles(const TDesC& folderPath, const TDesC& itemName)
- {
- return IsNanoPlayerFileType(folderPath, itemName);
- }
- // GetFolderChildCount
- inline
- bool FilterIncludeNoFiles(const TDesC& /*folderPath*/, const TDesC& /*itemName*/)
- {
- return false;
- }
- // GetFolderChildCount
- inline
- bool FilterIncludeAllFiles(const TDesC& /*folderPath*/, const TDesC& /*itemName*/)
- {
- return true;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- inline
- bool IsValidFileName(const TDesC& name)
- {
- return nvValid == GetFileNameValidity(name);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////
- // return true if file type indicates a 'playable' file
- inline
- bool IsNanoPlayerFileType(FileType type)
- {
- return type != ftFolder && type != ftUnknown;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // return true if starts with a ''
- inline
- bool HasFolderPrefix(const TDesC& name)
- {
- return (name.Length() > 0) && (name[0] == KPathDelimiter);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // return true if ends with a ''
- inline
- bool HasFolderSuffix(const TDesC& name)
- {
- return (name.Length() > 0) && (name[name.Length() - 1] == KPathDelimiter);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // add trailing path delimiter if missing
- inline
- void EnsureFolderSuffix(TDes& des)
- {
- if( !HasFolderSuffix(des) )
- {
- des.Append(KPathDelimiter);
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // adjust descriptor
- inline
- void TrimFolderSuffix(TFileName* pPath)
- {
- if(HasFolderSuffix(*pPath) )
- {
- pPath->SetLength(pPath->Length() - 1);
- }
- }
- inline
- DriveInfo GetDriveInfo(const TDesC& path)
- {
- return GetDriveInfo(GetDriveIndex(path));
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- inline
- bool IsDriveLocked(TInt idxDrive)
- {
- DriveInfo info = GetDriveInfo(idxDrive);
- return info.state == dsLocked;
- }
- } // CHXAvFile