- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Source last modified: $Id: hxpropwclnt.cpp,v 2004/07/09 02:07:27 hubbe Exp $
- *
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2004 RealNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file, and the files included with this file,
- * are subject to the current version of the RealNetworks Public
- * Source License (the "RPSL") available at
- * http://www.helixcommunity.org/content/rpsl unless you have licensed
- * the file under the current version of the RealNetworks Community
- * Source License (the "RCSL") available at
- * http://www.helixcommunity.org/content/rcsl, in which case the RCSL
- * will apply. You may also obtain the license terms directly from
- * RealNetworks. You may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the RPSL or, if you have a valid RCSL with RealNetworks applicable
- * to this file, the RCSL. Please see the applicable RPSL or RCSL for
- * the rights, obligations and limitations governing use of the
- * contents of the file.
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
- * "GPL") in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
- * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of
- * this file only under the terms of the GPL, and not to allow others
- * to use your version of this file under the terms of either the RPSL
- * or RCSL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above
- * and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
- * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may
- * use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the
- * RPSL, the RCSL or the GPL.
- *
- * This file is part of the Helix DNA Technology. RealNetworks is the
- * developer of the Original Code and owns the copyrights in the
- * portions it created.
- *
- * This file, and the files included with this file, is distributed
- * and made available on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- *
- * Technology Compatibility Kit Test Suite(s) Location:
- * http://www.helixcommunity.org/content/tck
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- #include "hlxclib/stdio.h"
- #include "hlxclib/string.h"
- #include "debug.h"
- #include "hxtypes.h"
- #include "hxcom.h"
- #include "hxcomm.h"
- #include "db_misc.h"
- #include "watchlst.h"
- #include "property.h"
- #include "commreg.h"
- #include "hxmon.h"
- #include "watchlst.h"
- #include "hxclreg.h"
- #include "hxpropwclnt.h"
- #include "hxslist.h"
- #include "hxheap.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef HX_THIS_FILE
- static const char HX_THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Method:
- // HXClientPropWatch::QueryInterface
- // Purpose:
- // Implement this to export the interfaces supported by your
- // object.
- //
- HXClientPropWatch::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObj)
- {
- QInterfaceList qiList[] =
- {
- { GET_IIDHANDLE(IID_IHXPropWatch), (IHXPropWatch*)this },
- { GET_IIDHANDLE(IID_IUnknown), (IUnknown*)(IHXPropWatch*)this },
- };
- return ::QIFind(qiList, QILISTSIZE(qiList), riid, ppvObj);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Method:
- // HXClientPropWatch::AddRef
- // Purpose:
- // Everyone usually implements this the same... feel free to use
- // this implementation.
- //
- HXClientPropWatch::AddRef()
- {
- return InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRefCount);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Method:
- // HXClientPropWatch::Release
- // Purpose:
- // Everyone usually implements this the same... feel free to use
- // this implementation.
- //
- HXClientPropWatch::Release()
- {
- if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRefCount) > 0)
- {
- return m_lRefCount;
- }
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- HXClientPropWatch::HXClientPropWatch(CommonRegistry* pRegistry, IUnknown* pContext)
- : m_lRefCount(0)
- , m_pResponse(NULL)
- , m_pRegistry(NULL)
- , m_pInterruptSafeResponse(NULL)
- , m_pInterruptState(NULL)
- , m_pScheduler(NULL)
- , m_pInternalResponse(NULL)
- , m_pCallback(NULL)
- {
- m_pRegistry = pRegistry;
- /*
- * Users of HXClientRegistry should call Init and the context should
- * expose IHXInterruptState and IHXScheduler if they want to
- * ensure that watches are fired ONLY at non-interrupt time.
- *
- * Currently, this functionality is ONLY used by the client core
- * since it is multi-threaded and needs to deal with
- * top level clients which are not thread-safe.
- */
- if (pContext)
- {
- pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXScheduler,
- (void**) &m_pScheduler);
- pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IHXInterruptState,
- (void**) &m_pInterruptState);
- }
- m_pInternalResponse = new PropWatchResponse(this);
- m_pInternalResponse->AddRef();
- }
- HXClientPropWatch::~HXClientPropWatch()
- {
- if (m_pCallback &&
- m_pCallback->m_bIsCallbackPending &&
- m_pScheduler)
- {
- m_pCallback->m_bIsCallbackPending = FALSE;
- m_pScheduler->Remove(m_pCallback->m_PendingHandle);
- }
- HX_RELEASE(m_pResponse);
- HX_RELEASE(m_pInterruptSafeResponse);
- HX_RELEASE(m_pInterruptState);
- HX_RELEASE(m_pScheduler);
- HX_RELEASE(m_pInternalResponse);
- HX_RELEASE(m_pCallback);
- }
- /*
- * Function Name: HXClientPropWatch::Init
- * Input Params: IHXPropWatchResponse* pResponse,
- * Return Value: STDMETHODIMP
- * Description:
- * Initialize with the response object and the registry so that
- * Watch notifications can be sent back to the respective plugins.
- */
- HXClientPropWatch::Init(IHXPropWatchResponse* pResponse)
- {
- if (pResponse)
- {
- m_pResponse = pResponse;
- m_pResponse->AddRef();
- m_pResponse->QueryInterface(IID_IHXInterruptSafe,
- (void**)&m_pInterruptSafeResponse);
- return HXR_OK;
- }
- return HXR_FAIL;
- }
- /*
- * Function Name: SetWatchOnRoot
- * Input Params:
- * Return Value: UINT32
- * Description:
- * set a watch point at the root of the registry hierarchy.
- * to be notified if any property at this level gets added/modified/deleted.
- */
- HXClientPropWatch::SetWatchOnRoot()
- {
- PropWatch* pPropWatch = new PropWatch;
- pPropWatch->m_pResponse = m_pInternalResponse;
- return m_pRegistry->SetWatch(pPropWatch);
- }
- /*
- * Function Name: SetWatchByName
- * Input Params: const char* prop_name
- * Return Value: UINT32
- * Description:
- * set a watch point on any Property. if the Property gets
- * modified/deleted a notification will be sent by the registry.
- */
- HXClientPropWatch::SetWatchByName(const char* prop_name)
- {
- UINT32 uiret = 0;
- PropWatch* pPropWatch = new PropWatch;
- pPropWatch->m_pResponse = m_pInternalResponse;
- uiret = m_pRegistry->SetWatch(prop_name, pPropWatch);
- if ( uiret == 0 )
- {
- //Failed to add watch.
- HX_DELETE( pPropWatch );
- }
- return uiret;
- }
- /*
- * Function Name: SetWatchById
- * Input Params: const UINT32 id
- * Return Value: UINT32
- * Description:
- * set a watch point on any Property. if the Property gets
- * modified/deleted a notification will be sent by the registry.
- */
- HXClientPropWatch::SetWatchById(const UINT32 id)
- {
- UINT32 uiret = 0;
- PropWatch* pPropWatch = new PropWatch;
- pPropWatch->m_pResponse = m_pInternalResponse;
- uiret = m_pRegistry->SetWatch(id, pPropWatch);
- if ( uiret == 0 )
- {
- //Failed to add watch.
- HX_DELETE( pPropWatch );
- }
- return uiret;
- }
- /*
- * Function Name: ClearWatchOnRoot
- * Input Params:
- * Return Value: HX_RESULT
- * Description:
- * clear a watch point from the root of the DB hierarchy
- */
- HXClientPropWatch::ClearWatchOnRoot()
- {
- return m_pRegistry->ClearWatch(m_pInternalResponse);
- }
- /*
- * Function Name: ClearWatchByName
- * Input Params: const char* prop_name
- * Return Value: HX_RESULT
- * Description:
- * clear a watch point on a property.
- */
- HXClientPropWatch::ClearWatchByName(const char* prop_name)
- {
- return m_pRegistry->ClearWatch(prop_name, m_pInternalResponse);
- }
- /*
- * Function Name: ClearWatchById
- * Input Params: const UINT32 id
- * Return Value: HX_RESULT
- * Description:
- * clear a watch point on a property.
- */
- HXClientPropWatch::ClearWatchById(const UINT32 id)
- {
- return m_pRegistry->ClearWatch(id, m_pInternalResponse);
- }
- // PropWatchCallback
- HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchCallback::PropWatchCallback(HXClientPropWatch* pClientPropWatch) :
- m_lRefCount (0)
- ,m_PendingHandle (0)
- ,m_pPropWatch(pClientPropWatch)
- ,m_bIsCallbackPending (FALSE)
- {
- }
- HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchCallback::~PropWatchCallback()
- {
- }
- /*
- * IUnknown methods
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Method:
- // IUnknown::QueryInterface
- // Purpose:
- // Implement this to export the interfaces supported by your
- // object.
- //
- STDMETHODIMP HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchCallback::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObj)
- {
- QInterfaceList qiList[] =
- {
- { GET_IIDHANDLE(IID_IHXCallback), (IHXCallback*)this },
- { GET_IIDHANDLE(IID_IUnknown), (IUnknown*)(IHXCallback*)this },
- };
- return ::QIFind(qiList, QILISTSIZE(qiList), riid, ppvObj);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Method:
- // IUnknown::AddRef
- // Purpose:
- // Everyone usually implements this the same... feel free to use
- // this implementation.
- //
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG32) HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchCallback::AddRef()
- {
- return InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRefCount);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Method:
- // IUnknown::Release
- // Purpose:
- // Everyone usually implements this the same... feel free to use
- // this implementation.
- //
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG32) HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchCallback::Release()
- {
- if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRefCount) > 0)
- {
- return m_lRefCount;
- }
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * IHXCallback methods
- */
- STDMETHODIMP HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchCallback::Func(void)
- {
- m_PendingHandle = 0;
- m_bIsCallbackPending = FALSE;
- if (m_pPropWatch && m_pPropWatch->m_pInternalResponse)
- {
- m_pPropWatch->m_pInternalResponse->ProcessPendingResponses();
- m_pPropWatch->Release();
- }
- return HXR_OK;
- }
- // PropWatchResponse
- HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchResponse::PropWatchResponse(HXClientPropWatch* pClientPropWatch) :
- m_lRefCount (0)
- ,m_pPropWatch(pClientPropWatch)
- ,m_pPendingResponseList (NULL)
- {
- HXMutex::MakeMutex(m_pMutex);
- #else
- HXMutex::MakeStubMutex(m_pMutex);
- #endif
- }
- HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchResponse::~PropWatchResponse()
- {
- m_pMutex->Lock();
- while (m_pPendingResponseList && m_pPendingResponseList->GetCount() > 0)
- {
- PropResponseValues* pValues = (PropResponseValues*)
- m_pPendingResponseList->RemoveHead();
- delete pValues;
- }
- HX_DELETE(m_pPendingResponseList);
- m_pMutex->Unlock();
- HX_DELETE(m_pMutex);
- }
- /*
- * IUnknown methods
- */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Method:
- // IUnknown::QueryInterface
- // Purpose:
- // Implement this to export the interfaces supported by your
- // object.
- //
- STDMETHODIMP HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchResponse::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObj)
- {
- QInterfaceList qiList[] =
- {
- { GET_IIDHANDLE(IID_IHXPropWatchResponse), (IHXPropWatchResponse*)this },
- { GET_IIDHANDLE(IID_IUnknown), (IUnknown*)(IHXPropWatchResponse*)this },
- };
- return ::QIFind(qiList, QILISTSIZE(qiList), riid, ppvObj);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Method:
- // IUnknown::AddRef
- // Purpose:
- // Everyone usually implements this the same... feel free to use
- // this implementation.
- //
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG32) HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchResponse::AddRef()
- {
- return InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRefCount);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Method:
- // IUnknown::Release
- // Purpose:
- // Everyone usually implements this the same... feel free to use
- // this implementation.
- //
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG32) HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchResponse::Release()
- {
- if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRefCount) > 0)
- {
- return m_lRefCount;
- }
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * IHXPropWatchResponse methods
- */
- HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchResponse::AddedProp(const UINT32 id,
- const HXPropType propType,
- const UINT32 ulParentID)
- {
- /* If we are at interrupt time, make sure that the
- * response is interrupt safe
- */
- if (m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptState &&
- m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptState->AtInterruptTime() &&
- (!m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptSafeResponse ||
- !m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptSafeResponse->IsInterruptSafe()))
- {
- ScheduleCallback(ADDEDPROP, id, propType, ulParentID);
- }
- else
- {
- ProcessPendingResponses();
- m_pPropWatch->m_pResponse->AddedProp(id, propType, ulParentID);
- }
- return HXR_OK;
- }
- HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchResponse::ModifiedProp(const UINT32 id,
- const HXPropType propType,
- const UINT32 ulParentID)
- {
- /* If we are at interrupt time, make sure that the
- * response is interrupt safe
- */
- if (m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptState &&
- m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptState->AtInterruptTime() &&
- (!m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptSafeResponse ||
- !m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptSafeResponse->IsInterruptSafe()))
- {
- ScheduleCallback(MODIFIEDPROP, id, propType, ulParentID);
- }
- else
- {
- ProcessPendingResponses();
- m_pPropWatch->m_pResponse->ModifiedProp(id, propType, ulParentID);
- }
- return HXR_OK;
- }
- HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchResponse::DeletedProp(const UINT32 id,
- const UINT32 ulParentID)
- {
- /* If we are at interrupt time, make sure that the
- * response is interrupt safe
- */
- if (m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptState &&
- m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptState->AtInterruptTime() &&
- (!m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptSafeResponse ||
- !m_pPropWatch->m_pInterruptSafeResponse->IsInterruptSafe()))
- {
- ScheduleCallback(DELETEDPROP, id, (HXPropType) 0, ulParentID);
- }
- else
- {
- ProcessPendingResponses();
- m_pPropWatch->m_pResponse->DeletedProp(id, ulParentID);
- }
- return HXR_OK;
- }
- void
- HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchResponse::ScheduleCallback(ResponseType uResponseType,
- const UINT32 id,
- const HXPropType propType,
- const UINT32 ulParentID)
- {
- m_pMutex->Lock();
- if (!m_pPendingResponseList)
- {
- m_pPendingResponseList = new CHXSimpleList;
- }
- PropResponseValues* pValues = new PropResponseValues(uResponseType, id,
- propType, ulParentID);
- m_pPendingResponseList->AddTail((void*) pValues);
- if (!m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback)
- {
- m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback = new PropWatchCallback(m_pPropWatch);
- m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback->AddRef();
- }
- if (!m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback->m_bIsCallbackPending &&
- m_pPropWatch->m_pScheduler)
- {
- m_pPropWatch->AddRef();
- m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback->m_bIsCallbackPending = TRUE;
- m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback->m_PendingHandle =
- m_pPropWatch->m_pScheduler->RelativeEnter(
- m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback, 0);
- }
- m_pMutex->Unlock();
- }
- void
- HXClientPropWatch::PropWatchResponse::ProcessPendingResponses()
- {
- /* remove any pending callback */
- if (m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback &&
- m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback->m_bIsCallbackPending &&
- m_pPropWatch->m_pScheduler)
- {
- m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback->m_bIsCallbackPending = FALSE;
- m_pPropWatch->m_pScheduler->Remove(
- m_pPropWatch->m_pCallback->m_PendingHandle);
- }
- m_pMutex->Lock();
- while (m_pPendingResponseList && m_pPendingResponseList->GetCount() > 0)
- {
- PropResponseValues* pValues = (PropResponseValues*)
- m_pPendingResponseList->RemoveHead();
- switch (pValues->m_uResponseType)
- {
- m_pPropWatch->m_pResponse->AddedProp(pValues->m_ulId,
- pValues->m_propType,
- pValues->m_ulParentID);
- break;
- m_pPropWatch->m_pResponse->ModifiedProp(pValues->m_ulId,
- pValues->m_propType,
- pValues->m_ulParentID);
- break;
- m_pPropWatch->m_pResponse->DeletedProp(pValues->m_ulId,
- pValues->m_ulParentID);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- delete pValues;
- }
- m_pMutex->Unlock();
- }