- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Source last modified: $Id: sm1parse.h,v 2004/07/09 01:57:34 hubbe Exp $
- *
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2004 RealNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file, and the files included with this file,
- * are subject to the current version of the RealNetworks Public
- * Source License (the "RPSL") available at
- * unless you have licensed
- * the file under the current version of the RealNetworks Community
- * Source License (the "RCSL") available at
- *, in which case the RCSL
- * will apply. You may also obtain the license terms directly from
- * RealNetworks. You may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the RPSL or, if you have a valid RCSL with RealNetworks applicable
- * to this file, the RCSL. Please see the applicable RPSL or RCSL for
- * the rights, obligations and limitations governing use of the
- * contents of the file.
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the
- * "GPL") in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable
- * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of
- * this file only under the terms of the GPL, and not to allow others
- * to use your version of this file under the terms of either the RPSL
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- * and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by
- * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may
- * use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the
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- *
- * This file is part of the Helix DNA Technology. RealNetworks is the
- * developer of the Original Code and owns the copyrights in the
- * portions it created.
- *
- * This file, and the files included with this file, is distributed
- * and made available on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- *
- * Technology Compatibility Kit Test Suite(s) Location:
- *
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- #ifndef _SM1PARSE_H_
- #define _SM1PARSE_H_
- #include "chxpckts.h"
- #include "smil1typ.h" /* renamed for SHAZAM; used to be smiltype.h */
- // forward declarations
- _INTERFACE IHXSystemRequired;
- typedef enum
- {
- SMILUnknown = 0,
- SMILSmil,
- SMILMeta,
- SMILHead,
- SMILBody,
- SMILBasicLayout,
- SMILRootLayout,
- SMILRegion,
- SMILSwitch,
- SMILText,
- SMILImg,
- SMILRef,
- SMILAudio,
- SMILVideo,
- SMILAnimation,
- SMILTextstream,
- SMILAnchor,
- SMILAAnchor,
- SMILEndAAnchor,
- SMILPar,
- SMILEndPar,
- SMILSeq,
- SMILEndSeq,
- SMILRNRendererList,
- SMILRendererPreFetch
- } SMIL1NodeTag;
- typedef enum
- {
- SMILEventSourceNone,
- SMILEventSourceBegin,
- SMILEventSourceEnd,
- SMILEventSourceFirst,
- SMILEventSourceLast,
- SMILEventSourceID,
- SMILEventSourceClock
- } SMILEventSourceTag;
- typedef enum
- {
- SMILSyncAttrNone,
- SMILSyncAttrBegin,
- SMILSyncAttrEnd,
- SMILSyncAttrDur,
- SMILSyncAttrEndsync,
- SMILSyncAttrClipBegin,
- SMILSyncAttrClipEnd
- } SMILSyncAttributeTag;
- typedef enum
- {
- SMILErrorNone,
- SMILErrorGeneralError,
- SMILErrorBadXML,
- SMILErrorDuplicateID,
- SMILErrorNonexistentID,
- SMILErrorNoBodyTag,
- SMILErrorNoBodyElements,
- SMILErrorUnrecognizedTag,
- SMILErrorUnrecognizedAttribute,
- SMILErrorUnexpectedTag,
- SMILErrorBadDuration,
- SMILErrorBadAttribute,
- SMILErrorBadFragment,
- SMILErrorRequiredAttributeMissing,
- SMILErrorSyncAttributeMissing,
- SMILErrorUnexpectedContent,
- SMILErrorSMIL10Document,
- SMILErrorIndefiniteNotSupported,
- SMILErrorMetaDatatype,
- SMILErrorRootLayoutHeightWidthRequired,
- SMILErrorBadID,
- SMILErrorNoSources,
- } SMILErrorTag;
- class SMIL1NodeList;
- class CSmil1Element;
- class SMIL1Namespace
- {
- public:
- SMIL1Namespace(SMIL1Namespace* pNS)
- {
- m_name = new_string(pNS->m_name);
- m_pValue = pNS->m_pValue;
- m_pValue->AddRef();
- }
- SMIL1Namespace(const char* name, IHXBuffer* pVal)
- {
- m_name = new_string(name);
- m_pValue = pVal;
- m_pValue->AddRef();
- }
- ~SMIL1Namespace()
- {
- HX_RELEASE(m_pValue);
- }
- char* m_name;
- IHXBuffer* m_pValue;
- };
- class CSmil1Parser;
- class SMIL1Node
- {
- public:
- SMIL1Node ();
- ~SMIL1Node ();
- SMIL1Node (const SMIL1Node&, BOOL bKeepId=FALSE, CSmil1Parser* pParser=NULL);
- SMIL1Node* getFirstChild();
- SMIL1Node* getNextChild();
- CHXString m_repeatid;
- CHXString m_id;
- CHXString m_name;
- UINT32 m_num;
- SMIL1NodeTag m_tag;
- SMIL1Node* m_pParent;
- SMIL1Node* m_pDependency;
- SMIL1NodeList* m_pNodeList;
- IHXValues* m_pValues;
- CSmil1Element* m_pElement;
- UINT16 m_nGroup;
- BOOL m_bLastInGroup;
- BOOL m_bDelete;
- BOOL m_bSkipContent;
- BOOL m_bRepeatHandled;
- RepeatTag m_repeatTag;
- CHXString m_trackHint;
- UINT32 m_ulTagStartLine;
- UINT32 m_ulTagStartColumn;
- CHXSimpleList* m_pNamespaceList;
- private:
- LISTPOSITION m_curPosition;
- };
- class SMIL1NodeList: public CHXSimpleList
- {
- public:
- SMIL1NodeList ();
- ~SMIL1NodeList ();
- SMIL1NodeList* copy (SMIL1Node* pParent, BOOL bKeepId=FALSE, CSmil1Parser* pParser = NULL);
- SMIL1Node* m_pParentNode;
- };
- //
- // Parser class
- //
- class CSmil1Region;
- class CSmil1RootLayout;
- class CSmil1Source;
- class CSmil1AAnchorElement;
- class CSmil1AnchorElement;
- class CSmil1SeqElement;
- class CSmil1ParElement;
- class CSmil1Meta;
- class CSmil1RendererPreFetch;
- class CSmil1MetaValues;
- class CSmil1EndLayout;
- class CSmil1ElementHandler;
- class CSmil1Parser;
- class XMLError;
- class CSmil1TimelineElementManager;
- class CSmil1ParserResponse: public IHXXMLParserResponse,
- public ErrorNotifier
- {
- private:
- CSmil1Parser* m_pParser;
- INT32 m_lRefCount;
- SMIL1Node* m_pCurrentNode;
- public:
- CSmil1ParserResponse (CSmil1Parser* pParser);
- ~CSmil1ParserResponse ();
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid,
- void** ppvObj);
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG32,AddRef) ();
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG32,Release) ();
- STDMETHOD(HandleStartElement) (const char* /*IN*/ pName,
- IHXValues* /*IN*/ pAttributes,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulColumNumber);
- STDMETHOD(HandleEndElement) (const char* /*IN*/ pName,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulColumNumber);
- STDMETHOD(HandleCharacterData) (IHXBuffer* /*IN*/ pBuffer,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulColumNumber);
- STDMETHOD(HandleProcessingInstruction) (const char* /*IN*/ pTarget,
- IHXValues* /*IN*/ pAttributes,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulColumNumber);
- STDMETHOD(HandleUnparsedEntityDecl) (const char* /*IN*/ pEntityName,
- const char* /*IN*/ pSystemID,
- const char* /*IN*/ pPublicID,
- const char* /*IN*/ pNotationName,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulColumNumber);
- STDMETHOD(HandleNotationDecl) (const char* /*IN*/ pNotationName,
- const char* /*IN*/ pSystemID,
- const char* /*IN*/ pPublicID,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulColumNumber);
- STDMETHOD(HandleComment) (const char* /*IN*/ pComment,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulColumNumber);
- STDMETHOD(HandleUnparsedDoctypeDecl) (const char* /*IN*/ pName,
- const char* /*IN*/ pSystemID,
- const char* /*IN*/ pPublicID,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulColumNumber);
- STDMETHOD(HandleDefault) (IHXBuffer* /*IN*/ pBuffer,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 /*IN*/ ulColumNumber);
- HX_RESULT ErrorInLastTag (HX_RESULT Error,
- const char* pErrorString,
- const char* pFrameString,
- UINT32 ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 ulLinePosition);
- };
- class CSmil1Parser
- {
- public:
- CSmil1Parser (IUnknown* pContext);
- ~CSmil1Parser ();
- HX_RESULT init (BOOL bStoreErrors = FALSE);
- HX_RESULT parse (IHXBuffer* pBuffer,
- BOOL bIsFinal);
- HX_RESULT parse (const char* pSmilText);
- HX_RESULT createElements ();
- HX_RESULT durationResolved (const char* pID,
- UINT32 ulDuration);
- void insertTimelineElement (const char* pID,
- UINT32 ulDelay);
- void resetTimelineElementDuration (const char* pID,
- UINT32 ulDuration);
- void resetTimeline ();
- UINT16 getFragmentGroup (const char* pFragment);
- UINT32 getFragmentOffset (const char* pFragment,
- BOOL& bFragFoundAndResolved);
- HX_RESULT handleNextElement (CSmil1ElementHandler* pHandler);
- SMIL1Node* findFirstNode (SMIL1NodeTag tag);
- SMIL1Node* getFirstNodeChild (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- CSmil1Element* findElement (const char* pID);
- SMIL1Node* getNextNodeChild ();
- void getPacketPending (UINT16 unStreamNumber);
- HX_RESULT addGlobalNamespace (const char* pNamespace,
- const char* pPrefix);
- HX_RESULT storeNamespaces (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- HX_RESULT addToNamespaceScope (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- HX_RESULT removeFromNamespaceScope (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- // note -- the pErr array returned has the same scope as the SMILParser
- // object
- HX_RESULT getErrors (CHXPtrArray** pErrs);
- BOOL IsSMIL10FullyCompliant () {return
- m_bSMIL10FullCompliance;}
- UINT32 GetUniqueNumber() { return m_ulNextVar++; }
- ElementWithinTag GetElementWithin(const char* pID);
- void InitPersistent(UINT32 ulPersistentComponentID, ElementWithinTag elementWithinTag);
- CHXStack* m_pNodeListStack;
- SMIL1NodeList* m_pNodeList;
- BOOL m_bTimestampsResolved;
- UINT32 m_ulErrorLineNumber;
- UINT32 m_ulErrorColumnNumber;
- IHXBuffer* m_pErrorText;
- CSmil1TimelineElementManager* m_pTimelineElementManager;
- friend class CSmil1ParserResponse;
- private:
- void close ();
- void initRequireTags ();
- void getPreferences ();
- HX_RESULT createHeadElements (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- HX_RESULT createSeqWrapper (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- HX_RESULT createBodyElements (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- HX_RESULT assignGroupIndexes (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- HX_RESULT assignGroupIndexOnPar (SMIL1Node* pNode,
- UINT16 nGroup);
- HX_RESULT assignGroupIndexOnSeq (SMIL1Node* pNode,
- UINT16& nGroup);
- HX_RESULT constructTimelineElements (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- HX_RESULT setInitialDelays (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- void setInitialDelay (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- void setInitialDelayOnSeq (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- HX_RESULT expandRepeatElements (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- HX_RESULT printBodyElements (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- HX_RESULT updateEventElements (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- HX_RESULT insertElementByTimestamp (CSmil1Element* pElement);
- HX_RESULT addGroup (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- HX_RESULT insertGroups ();
- HX_RESULT mapID (SMIL1Node* pNode, BOOL bOverWrite=FALSE);
- HX_RESULT mapChildrenIDs (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList, BOOL bOverWrite=FALSE);
- HX_RESULT markRepeatReplica (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList, RepeatTag repeatTag);
- BOOL testAttributeFailed (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- BOOL systemComponentFailed (IHXBuffer* pRequiredValue);
- HX_RESULT markTestAttributeNodes (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- HX_RESULT selectSwitchNodes (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- BOOL hasParParent (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- BOOL inSeq (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- HX_RESULT createParent (SMIL1Node* pChildNode, SMIL1NodeTag tag,
- SMIL1Node*& pParent, SMIL1Node*& pParentEnd);
- SMIL1Node* getSyncParent (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- void resolveTimestamps ();
- void resolveTimestamps (SMIL1NodeList* pNodeList);
- UINT32 getStartTime (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- CSmil1Region* makeRegion (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- CSmil1RootLayout* makeRootLayout (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- CSmil1Meta* makeMeta (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- CSmil1RendererPreFetch* makeRendererPreFetch (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- CSmil1Source* makeSource (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- CSmil1AAnchorElement* makeAAnchorElement (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- CSmil1AnchorElement* makeAnchorElement (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- CSmil1SeqElement* makeSeqElement (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- CSmil1ParElement* makeParElement (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- BOOL firstDependentChild (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- SMIL1Node* findFirstNode (SMIL1NodeList* pNodelist,
- SMIL1NodeTag tag);
- SMIL1Node* getTimelineDescendent (SMIL1Node* pParentNode,
- SMIL1Node* pSiblingNode);
- SMIL1Node* getTimelineDescendent (SMIL1Node* pParentNode);
- const char* assignID (const char* pPrefix);
- HX_RESULT parseDuration (const char* pDuration,
- CSmil1Element* pElement,
- SMILSyncAttributeTag nTag);
- HX_RESULT adjustDuration (CSmil1Element* pElement);
- HX_RESULT parseClockValue (const char* pValue,
- UINT32& ulClockValue);
- HX_RESULT parseAnchorCoords (const char* pCoords,
- CSmil1AnchorElement* pAnchor);
- BOOL inLanguagePreference (const char* pLang);
- BOOL isRelativeURL (const char* pURL);
- UINT8 getColorElement (const char* pColorFragment,
- int len);
- HXxColor parseColor (const char* pColorString);
- void handleXMLParserError (XMLError* pError);
- void badAttributeError (SMIL1NodeTag tag,
- const char* pNodeName,
- UINT32 ulLineNumber,
- BOOL bJustStore);
- void initTagAttributes ();
- void deleteTagAttributes ();
- BOOL isLegalAttribute (SMIL1NodeTag tag,
- const char* pAttrName);
- SMIL1NodeTag getSyncTag (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- HX_RESULT storeError (HX_RESULT errCode,
- const char* pErrorString,
- const char* pFrameString,
- UINT32 ulLineNumber,
- UINT32 ulLinePosition,
- BOOL bXml = TRUE);
- BOOL isMediaObject (SMIL1Node* pNode);
- IUnknown* m_pContext;
- IHXCommonClassFactory* m_pClassFactory;
- IHXSystemRequired* m_pISystemRequired;
- IHXXMLParser* m_pParser;
- CSmil1ParserResponse* m_pResponse;
- SMIL1Node* m_pCurNode;
- CHXStack* m_pNodeDependencies;
- SMIL1Node* m_pCurrentDependentNode;
- CHXStack* m_pAnchorStack;
- CSmil1AAnchorElement* m_pCurrentAnchor;
- UINT32 m_ulCurEndTime;
- CSmil1EndLayout* m_pEndLayout;
- CHXSimpleList* m_pPacketQueue;
- CHXSimpleList* m_pSourceUpdateList;
- CHXMapLongToObj* m_pAddGroupMap;
- CHXMapLongToObj* m_pTagAttributeMap;
- CHXMapStringToOb* m_pIDMap;
- CHXMapStringToOb* m_pRequireTagsMap;
- CHXMapStringToOb* m_pActiveNamespaceMap;
- CHXSimpleList* m_pNSConflictList;
- char* m_pBasePath;
- CHXSimpleList* m_pTrackHintList;
- BOOL m_bIgnoreUnrecognizedElements;
- BOOL m_bNoNamespaces;
- BOOL m_bRNNamespace;
- BOOL m_bSMILRootLayoutAlreadyFound;
- //This flag is always FALSE until we enable it in a future
- // release at which point we will initialize it to TRUE
- // and only set it to FALSE when an author or server admin
- // specifically specifies that he/she wants our old
- // SMIL parser to handle the (presumably poorly-authored) file.
- // NOTE: as of 1/20/2000, the code to allow authors to
- // force the old parser to be used is not yet written.
- // In addition, pncont/xmlparse.h/.cpp has a similar flag and
- // the two need to be linked to the same value when that code
- // gets written:
- BOOL m_bSMIL10FullCompliance;
- UINT32 m_ulBandwidthPreference;
- UINT32 m_ulScreenHeightPreference;
- UINT32 m_ulScreenWidthPreference;
- UINT32 m_ulScreenDepthPreference;
- BOOL m_bCaptionsPreference;
- BOOL m_bContainsSource;
- char* m_pOverdubOrCaptionPreference;
- char* m_pEncoding;
- CHXSimpleList* m_pLanguagePreferenceList;
- BOOL m_bStoreErrors;
- CHXPtrArray* m_pErrors;
- UINT32 m_ulPersistentComponentID;
- ElementWithinTag m_elementWithinTag;
- char* m_pVarName;
- UINT32 m_ulNextVar;
- };
- #endif /* _SM1PARSE_H_ */