资源名称:NetOffice.rar [点击查看]
- <%
- /**
- * $RCSfile: viewMessage.jsp,v $
- * $Revision: 1.4 $
- * $Date: 2000/12/27 22:39:45 $
- */
- %>
- <%@ page
- import="java.util.*,
- java.text.*,
- errorPage="/mainctrl/bbs/error"
- %>
- <%-- Global variables, methods --%>
- <%! final int DEFAULT_FORUM_ID = 1; // Beta Forum ID
- final int IMG_WIDTH = 13;
- final int IMG_HEIGHT = 12;
- final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy.MM.dd" );
- final SimpleDateFormat timeFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "h:mm a" );
- final String TREE_ROOT = "<img src='/skins/bay/images/t0.gif' align='top' width=8 height=20>";
- final String TREE_EMPTY = "<img src='/skins/bay/images/t0.gif' align='top' width=20>";
- final String TREE_LINE = "<img src='/skins/bay/images/t1.gif' align='top'>";
- final String TREE_CORNER = "<img src='/skins/bay/images/t2.gif' align='top'>";
- final String TREE_FORK = "<img src='/skins/bay/images/t3.gif' align='top'>";
- final String TREE_ARROW = "<img src='/skins/bay/images/t_arrow.gif' align='top'>";
- final String TREE_NEW = "<img src='/skins/bay/images/t_new.gif' align='top'>";
- // Recursive method to print all the children of a message.
- private void printChildren(TreeWalker walker, ForumMessage message, ForumThread thread,
- int currentMessageID, int level, int childCount,
- StringBuffer buf, int messageID, int forumID,
- int lineNr[], String tree, long lastVisited,
- String forumParams)
- {
- java.util.Date date = message.getModifiedDate();
- long modifiedDate = date.getTime();
- String subj = message.getSubject();
- String username = "匿名者";
- if( !message.isAnonymous() ) {
- User user = message.getUser();
- username = user.getName();
- if (username == null)
- username = user.getUsername();
- }
- int msgID = message.getID();
- int thrID = thread.getID();
- boolean onCurrent = (message.getID() == messageID);
- boolean rootMsg = (lineNr[0] == 0);
- String bgcolor = "";
- if( subj == null || subj.equals("") ) {
- subj = "[无主题]";
- }
- if( (lineNr[0]++ & 1) != 0) {
- //bgcolor = " bgcolor='#dddddd'";
- bgcolor = " bgcolor='#eeeeee'";
- }
- else {
- bgcolor = " bgcolor='#ffffff'";
- }
- if( onCurrent ) {
- bgcolor = " bgcolor='#dddddd'";
- //bgcolor = " bgcolor='#ffffff'";
- }
- // print start of row, with appropriate background color
- buf.append("<tr valign=middle").append( bgcolor ).append(">n");
- // start of subject cell
- if( onCurrent ) {
- buf.append("<td width='98%'><font class=strong>");
- } else {
- buf.append("<td width='98%'><font class=px_12>");
- }
- // padding images
- if (rootMsg) {
- if (!onCurrent)
- buf.append(TREE_ROOT);
- } else {
- buf.append(tree);
- if (childCount > 0)
- buf.append(TREE_FORK);
- else
- buf.append(TREE_CORNER);
- }
- if (onCurrent) {
- buf.append(TREE_ARROW);
- }
- // subject cell
- if (modifiedDate > lastVisited) {
- buf.append(TREE_NEW);
- }
- if (!onCurrent) {
- buf.append("<a href='/mainctrl/bbs/viewMessage?message=").append(msgID);
- buf.append("&thread=").append(thrID);
- buf.append("&parent=").append(currentMessageID);
- buf.append("&forum=").append(forumID);
- if (forumParams.length() > 0)
- buf.append(forumParams);
- buf.append("'>");
- }
- else {
- buf.append("<a name='currentMsg'>");
- }
- buf.append(subj);
- buf.append("</a>");
- buf.append("</font></td>").append("n");
- // username cell
- if( onCurrent ) {
- buf.append("<td width='1%' nowrap align='center'><font class=strong> ");
- } else {
- buf.append("<td width='1%' nowrap align='center'><font class=px_12> ");
- }
- buf.append(username);
- buf.append(" </font></td>");
- // date cell
- if( onCurrent ) {
- buf.append("<td width='1%' nowrap ><font class=strong>");
- } else {
- buf.append("<td width='1%' nowrap ><font class=px_12>");
- }
- buf.append(dateFormatter.format(date)).append(" - ").append(timeFormatter.format(date));
- buf.append("</font></td>").append("n");
- // print end of row
- buf.append("</tr>n");
- // recursive call
- if (!rootMsg) {
- if (childCount > 0)
- tree += TREE_LINE;
- else
- tree += TREE_EMPTY;
- }
- int numChildren = walker.getChildCount(message); // keep
- if( numChildren > 0 ) {
- for( int i=0; i<numChildren; i++ ) {
- ForumMessage child = walker.getChild(message, i);
- printChildren( walker, child, thread, message.getID(), ++level, numChildren - i -1, buf, messageID, forumID, lineNr, tree, lastVisited, forumParams);
- level--;
- }
- }
- }
- %>
- <% ////////////////////////
- // Authorization check
- // check for the existence of an authorization token
- Authorization authToken = SkinUtils.getUserAuthorization(request,response);
- // if the token was null, they're not authorized. Since this skin will
- // allow guests to view forums, we'll set a "guest" authentication
- // token
- if( authToken == null ) {
- authToken = AuthorizationFactory.getAnonymousAuthorization();
- }
- %>
- <% // get parameter values
- int parentID = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request, "parent", -1);
- int threadID = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request, "thread", -1);
- int messageID = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request, "message", -1);
- int forumID = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request, "forum", -1);
- String forumParams = ParamUtils.getParameter(request, "forumparams");
- String forumParamsEncoded = (forumParams == null) ? "" : "&forumparams=" + URLEncoder.encode(forumParams);
- long lastVisited = SkinUtils.getLastVisited(request, response);
- int nextID = -1;
- int previousID = -1;
- %>
- <% // Get a ForumFactory object
- ForumFactory forumFactory = ForumFactory.getInstance(authToken);
- // Get a forum object, redirect on error:
- Forum forum = null;
- try {
- forum = forumFactory.getForum(forumID);
- }
- catch( UnauthorizedException ue ) {
- response.sendRedirect( "/mainctrl/bbs/error?message=" + URLEncoder.encode("您没有权限访问此论坛!") );
- return;
- }
- catch( ForumNotFoundException fnfe ) {
- response.sendRedirect( "/mainctrl/bbs/error?message=" + URLEncoder.encode("此论坛不存在!") );
- return;
- }
- %>
- <%
- // Get the thread, then message
- ForumThread thread = null;
- int threadChildCount = 0;
- try {
- thread = forum.getThread(threadID);
- threadChildCount = thread.getMessageCount()-1;
- }
- catch( ForumThreadNotFoundException tnfe ) {
- response.sendRedirect( "/mainctrl/bbs/error?message=" + URLEncoder.encode("此主题不存在!") );
- return;
- }
- ForumMessage message = null;
- try {
- if (messageID < 0) {
- message = thread.getRootMessage();
- }
- else {
- message = thread.getMessage(messageID);
- }
- }
- catch( ForumMessageNotFoundException mnfe ) {
- response.sendRedirect( "/mainctrl/bbs/error?message=" + URLEncoder.encode("此帖子不存在!") );
- return;
- }
- //Get the TreeWalker
- TreeWalker walker = thread.treeWalker();
- ForumMessage root = walker.getRoot();
- int numRecursiveChildren = walker.getRecursiveChildCount(message);
- ForumMessage parent = null;
- if (parentID != -1) {
- parent = thread.getMessage(parentID);
- int numParentsChildren = walker.getChildCount(parent);
- //Get the previous and next messages in the thread.
- int currentChildNum = walker.getIndexOfChild(parent,message);
- if (currentChildNum >= numParentsChildren-1) {
- nextID = -1;
- }
- else {
- nextID = walker.getChild(parent,currentChildNum + 1).getID();
- }
- if (currentChildNum > 0) {
- previousID = walker.getChild(parent,currentChildNum - 1).getID();
- }
- }
- %>
- <% /////////////////
- // header include
- String title = (message == null) ? "帖子不存在" : message.getSubject();
- %>
- <%@ include file="/skins/bay/header.jsp" %>
- <%-- begin breadcrumbs --%>
- <table bgcolor="#666666" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <font color="#FFFFFF" class="strongw"><a href="/mainctrl/home/index"><font color="#FFFFFF">首页</font></a>>><a href="/mainctrl/communication/main"><font color="#FFFFFF">通信</font></a>>><a href="/mainctrl/bbs/index" class="normal"><font color="#FFFFFF">论坛主页</font></a>
- >>
- <a href="/mainctrl/bbs/viewForum?forum=<%= forumID %><%= forumParams == null ? "" : forumParams %>" class="normal"><font color="#FFFFFF"><%= forum.getName() %></font></a>
- >>
- <%= thread == null ? "" : thread.getName() %>
- </font>
- <%-- end breadcrumbs --%>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <br>
- <%-- Message table --%>
- <table bgcolor="#666666" cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table bgcolor="#dddddd" cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
- <td bgcolor="#dddddd" width="99%">
- <%
- java.util.Date date = message.getModifiedDate();
- String subj = message.getSubject();
- boolean canEdit = false;
- boolean canReply = message.hasPermission(ForumPermissions.CREATE_MESSAGE);
- if( subj == null || subj.equals("") ) {
- subj = "[无主题]";
- }
- %>
- <font face="Trebuchet MS">
- <font class="strong"><%= subj %></font>
- </font>
- <br>
- <font face="verdana" >
- <font class="strong">
- <%
- if( !message.isAnonymous() ) {
- User user = message.getUser();
- String email = user.getEmail();
- String name = user.getName();
- if (name == null)
- name = user.getUsername();
- canEdit = canReply && (user.getID() == authToken.getUserID() &&
- System.currentTimeMillis() < date.getTime() + 2 * 3600 * 1000);
- if (email != null) {
- %>
- <a href="mailto:<%= email %>" class="normal"><%= name %></a>
- <% } else { %>
- <%= name %>
- <% }
- } else { %>
- [匿名者]
- <% } %>
- </font>
- </font>
- </td>
- <td bgcolor="#dddddd" width="1%" nowrap>
- <font face="verdana" >
- <font class="strong">
- <% java.util.Date d = message.getCreationDate(); %>
- <%= dateFormatter.format(d) %> - <%= timeFormatter.format(d) %>
- </font>
- </font>
- </td>
- </table>
- <table bgcolor="#666666" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
- <td><img src="/skins/bay/images/blank.gif" width=1 height=1 border=0></td>
- </table>
- <table bgcolor="#eeeeee" cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
- <td align="center">
- <% if (canEdit) { %>
- <a href="/mainctrl/bbs/post?message=<%= messageID %>&thread=<%= threadID %>&forum=<%= forumID %><%= forumParamsEncoded %>&postType=edit"><img src="/skins/bay/images/edit_button.gif" width=103 height=23 border="0"></a>
- <% } %>
- <% if (canReply) { %>
- <a href="/mainctrl/bbs/post?message=<%= messageID %>&thread=<%= threadID %>&forum=<%= forumID %><%= forumParamsEncoded %>&postType=reply"><img src="/skins/bay/images/reply_button.gif" width=103 height=23 border="0"></a><br>
- <% } else { %>
- <% } %>
- </td>
- </table>
- <table bgcolor="#666666" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
- <td><img src="/skins/bay/images/blank.gif" width=1 height=1 border=0></td>
- </table>
- <table bgcolor="#ffffff" cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
- <td>
- <%= message.getBody() %>
- <% if( !message.isAnonymous() ) {
- User user = message.getUser();
- String sig = (String)user.getProperty("sig");
- %>
- <pre>
- <%= (sig!=null)?sig:"" %></pre>
- <% } %>
- </td>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <%-- Message table --%>
- <p>
- <font face="tahoma" ><font class="strong">
- <% if( numRecursiveChildren == 0 ) { %>
- 此帖没有回复。
- <% } else { %>
- 此帖共有 <a href="#currentMsg"><%= numRecursiveChildren %>
- </a> 个回复.
- <% } %>
- </font>
- <% if (canReply) { %>
- [<a href="/mainctrl/bbs/post?message=<%= messageID %>&thread=<%= threadID %>&forum=<%= forumID %><%= forumParamsEncoded %>&postType=reply" class="normal">增加帖子</a>]
- <% } %>
- </font>
- <p>
- <table bgcolor="#999999" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
- <td>
- <table bgcolor="#999999" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 border=0 width="100%">
- <% StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- int level = 0;
- int[] lineNr = { 0 };
- String tree = "";
- printChildren( walker, root, thread, -1, level, -1, buf, messageID, forumID, lineNr, tree, lastVisited, forumParamsEncoded);
- out.println( buf.toString() );
- %>
- </table>
- </td>
- </table>
- <br>
- <%@ include file="/skins/bay/footer.jsp" %>