资源名称:NetOffice.rar [点击查看]
- <%
- /**
- * $RCSfile: threadContent.jsp,v $
- * $Revision: 1.3 $
- * $Date: 2000/12/18 02:06:21 $
- */
- %>
- <%@ page import="java.util.*,
- java.text.SimpleDateFormat,
- errorPage="error.jsp"
- %>
- <jsp:useBean id="adminBean" scope="session"
- class=""/>
- <%!
- /**
- * Print a child message
- */
- private String printChildMessage( Forum forum, ForumThread thread, ForumMessage message, int indentation )
- {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- try {
- if( message.getID() == thread.getRootMessage().getID() ) {
- return "";
- }
- String subject = message.getSubject();
- boolean msgIsAnonymous = message.isAnonymous();
- User author = message.getUser();
- String authorName = author.getName();
- String authorEmail = author.getEmail();
- int forumID = forum.getID();
- int threadID = thread.getID();
- int messageID = message.getID();
- Date creationDate = message.getCreationDate();
- String msgBody = message.getBody();
- buf.append("<tr>");
- buf.append("<form>");
- buf.append("<td width="1%" class="forumListCell" align="center">");
- buf.append("<input type="radio"");
- buf.append("onclick="if(confirm('您确定要删除此帖子和回复它的所有帖子吗?')){");
- buf.append("location.href='threadContent.jsp?message=").append(messageID).append("&doDeleteMessage=true");
- buf.append("&forum=").append(forumID).append("&thread=").append(threadID).append("';}">");
- buf.append("</td>");
- buf.append("<td class="forumListCell" width="").append(99-indentation).append("%">");
- buf.append("<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">");
- buf.append("<tr bgcolor="#dddddd">");
- int i = indentation;
- while(i-- >= 0 ) {
- buf.append("<td bgcolor="#ffffff"> </td>");
- }
- buf.append("<td><b>").append( message.getSubject() ).append("</b></td>");
- buf.append("</tr>");
- buf.append("<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">");
- String rootMsgUsername = "<i>匿名者</i>";
- User rootMsgUser = message.getUser();
- if( !message.getUser().isAnonymous() ) {
- rootMsgUsername = rootMsgUser.getUsername();
- }
- i = indentation;
- while(i-- >= 0 ) {
- buf.append("<td bgcolor="#ffffff"> </td>");
- }
- buf.append("<td><font size="-2"><b>作者: ").append( rootMsgUsername ).append(",日期: ").append( message.getCreationDate() ).append("</b></font></td>");
- buf.append("</tr>");
- buf.append("<tr>");
- i = indentation;
- while(i-- >= 0 ) {
- buf.append("<td> </td>");
- }
- buf.append("<td>").append( message.getBody() ).append("</td>");
- buf.append("</tr>");
- buf.append("</table></td></form></tr>");
- } catch( Exception ignored ) {}
- return buf.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Recursive method to print all the children of a message.
- */
- private String printChildren( TreeWalker walker, Forum forum, ForumThread thread, ForumMessage message, int indentation )
- {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- buf.append( printChildMessage( forum, thread, message, indentation ) );
- // recursive call
- int numChildren = walker.getChildCount(message);
- if( numChildren > 0 ) {
- for( int i=0; i<numChildren; i++ ) {
- buf.append(
- printChildren( walker, forum, thread, walker.getChild(message,i), (indentation+1) )
- );
- }
- }
- return buf.toString();
- }
- %>
- <%! //////////////////////////
- // global vars
- // date formatter for message dates
- private final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter
- = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy.MM.dd h:mm a" );
- private final static int RANGE = 15;
- private final static int START = 0;
- %>
- <% ////////////////////////////////
- // Jive authorization check
- // check the bean for the existence of an authorization token.
- // Its existence proves the user is valid. If it's not found, redirect
- // to the login page
- Authorization authToken = adminBean.getAuthToken();
- if( authToken == null ) {
- response.sendRedirect( "/mainctrl/bbs/admin" );
- return;
- }
- %>
- <% ////////////////////
- // Security check
- // make sure the user is authorized to administer users:
- ForumFactory forumFactory = ForumFactory.getInstance(authToken);
- ForumPermissions permissions = forumFactory.getPermissions(authToken);
- boolean isSystemAdmin = permissions.get(ForumPermissions.SYSTEM_ADMIN);
- boolean isUserAdmin = permissions.get(ForumPermissions.FORUM_ADMIN);
- // redirect to error page if we're not a forum admin or a system admin
- if( !isUserAdmin && !isSystemAdmin ) {
- request.setAttribute("message","您没有权限管理论坛。");
- response.sendRedirect("error.jsp");
- return;
- }
- %>
- <% ////////////////////
- // get parameters
- int forumID = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request,"forum",-1);
- boolean doDeleteThread = ParamUtils.getBooleanParameter(request,"doDeleteThread");
- boolean doDeleteMessage = ParamUtils.getBooleanParameter(request,"doDeleteMessage");
- int threadID = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request,"thread",-1);
- int messageID = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request,"message",-1);
- int start = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request,"start",START);
- int range = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request,"range",RANGE);
- %>
- <% //////////////////////////////////
- // global error variables
- String errorMessage = "";
- boolean noForumSpecified = (forumID < 0);
- boolean noThreadSpecified = (threadID < 0);
- %>
- <% ////////////////////
- // make a profile manager
- ProfileManager manager = forumFactory.getProfileManager();
- %>
- <% //////////////////////////
- // delete an entire thread
- if( doDeleteThread ) {
- Forum tempForum = forumFactory.getForum(forumID);
- ForumThread tempThread = tempForum.getThread(threadID);
- tempForum.deleteThread(tempThread);
- response.sendRedirect("forumContent.jsp?forum=" + forumID);
- return;
- }
- else if( doDeleteMessage ) {
- Forum tempForum = forumFactory.getForum(forumID);
- ForumThread tempThread = tempForum.getThread(threadID);
- ForumMessage tempMessage = tempThread.getMessage(messageID);
- tempThread.deleteMessage(tempMessage);
- response.sendRedirect("threadContent.jsp?forum=" + forumID + "&thread=" + threadID);
- return;
- }
- %>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title></title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/global.css">
- </head>
- <body background="images/shadowBack.gif" bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#ff0000">
- <% ///////////////////////
- // pageTitleInfo variable (used by include/pageTitle.jsp)
- String[] pageTitleInfo = { "论坛 : 管理论题内容" };
- %>
- <% ///////////////////
- // pageTitle include
- %><%@ include file="include/pageTitle.jsp" %>
- <p>
- <% //////////////////////
- // show the name of the forum we're working with (if one was selected)
- Forum currentForum = null;
- if( !noForumSpecified ) {
- try {
- currentForum = forumFactory.getForum(forumID);
- %>
- 您正在管理论坛: <b><%= currentForum.getName() %></b>,
- 论题: <strong><%= currentForum.getThread(threadID).getName() %></strong>
- <% }
- catch( ForumNotFoundException fnfe ) {
- %>
- <span class="errorText">没有发现此论坛。</span>
- <% }
- catch( UnauthorizedException ue ) {
- %>
- <span class="errorText">您没有权限管理此论坛。</span>
- <% }
- }
- %>
- <p>
- <form action="forumContent.jsp">
- <input type="hidden" name="forum" value="<%= forumID %>">
- <input type="submit" value="取消 / 返回">
- </form>
- <p>
- <%-- thread table --%>
- <%
- ForumThread thread = currentForum.getThread(threadID);
- TreeWalker walker = thread.treeWalker();
- ForumMessage rootMessage = walker.getRoot();
- %>
- <table bgcolor="#cccccc" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
- <td>
- <table bgcolor="#cccccc" cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 border=0 width="100%">
- <tr bgcolor="#dddddd">
- <td class="forumListHeader" width="1%" nowrap bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>删除?</b></td>
- <td class="forumListHeader" width="99%"> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <form>
- <td width="1%" class="forumListCell" align="center">
- <input type="radio"
- onclick="if(confirm('你确定要删除此帖子和它所有的回帖吗?')){location.href='threadContent.jsp?forum=<%= forumID %>&thread=<%= threadID %>&doDeleteThread=true';}">
- <font size="-2">(删除论题)</font>
- </td>
- <td class="forumListCell" width="99%">
- <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
- <tr bgcolor="#dddddd">
- <td><b><%= rootMessage.getSubject() %></b></td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
- <% String rootMsgUsername = "<i>Anonymous</i>";
- User rootMsgUser = rootMessage.getUser();
- if( !rootMessage.getUser().isAnonymous() ) {
- rootMsgUsername = rootMsgUser.getUsername();
- }
- %>
- <td><font size="-2"><b>作者:<%= rootMsgUsername %>,日期:<%= rootMessage.getCreationDate() %></b></font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><%= rootMessage.getBody() %></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </form>
- </tr>
- <%= printChildren( walker, currentForum, thread, rootMessage, 0 ) %>
- </table></td></table>
- </body>
- </html>