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  17.     // this attribute used by FileAttributeTag to change encode of chinese file name to view.
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  19.     String current = new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString(); 
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  21.     { 
  22.         String sId = request.getParameter("id");         
  23.         drvb = documentProxy.getReceivedDocDetail( Integer.parseInt( sId ) );  
  24.         session.setAttribute( "recieveddocument", drvb ) ;  
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  41. {      
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  52.    {    
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  54.        form.submit();     
  55.    }
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  57. function checkIt(form)
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  60.    {
  61.       alert("请输入收文标题");
  62.       return false;
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  65.    {
  66.       alert("收文标题长度不能超过64位.");
  67.       return false;
  68.    }  
  69.    if(isEmpty(form.NO.value))
  70.    {
  71.       alert("请输入收文文号");
  72.       return false;
  73.    }
  74.    if( form.NO.value.length >32 )
  75.    {
  76.       alert("收文文号长度不能超过32位.");
  77.       return false;
  78.    } 
  80.    if(!isInteger( form.fileNumber.value ))
  81.    {
  82.       alert("文件数非法,请输入数字.");
  83.       return false;
  84.    }
  85.    if( form.fileNumber.value.length >5 )
  86.    {
  87.       alert("文件数的数字长度不能超过5位.");
  88.       return false;
  89.    }  
  90.    if(!isInteger( form.pages.value ))
  91.    {
  92.       alert("文件页数非法,请输入数字.");
  93.       return false;
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  95.    if( form.pages.value.length >5 )
  96.    {
  97.       alert("文件页数的数字长度不能超过5位.");
  98.       return false;
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  101.    {
  102.       alert("文件内容的长度不能超过250位.");
  103.       return false;
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  106.    {
  107.       alert("文件备注的长度不能超过200位.");
  108.       return false;
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  111.    {            
  112.       if(!isVNEXDate(form.receivedDateS.value))
  113.       {
  114.         alert("收文接收日期非法");
  115.         return false;
  116.       }  
  117.       if( "<%=current%>" < form.receivedDateS.value)
  118.       {
  119.         alert("收文接收日期必须在本日之前!");
  120.         return false;
  121.       }
  122.    } 
  124.    return true;
  125. }
  126. function openAttach( mSelObj )
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  134.   "/" + eid );
  135.        }
  136.     }
  137. }
  138. function addKey()
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  189.                     <td colspan="2" height="15"><font class="strongw">&nbsp;<a href="/mainctrl/system/main"><font color="#FFFFFF">首页</font></a>&gt;&gt;<a href="/mainctrl/office/main"><font color="#FFFFFF">办公室管理</font></a>
  190.                     &gt;&gt;<a href="/mainctrl/office/document/receivedlist"><font color="#FFFFFF">收文管理</font></a>&gt;&gt;修改收文
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  196.                     <td width="15%"> 
  197.                       <font class="strong" >&nbsp;文号:</font>
  198.                     </td>
  199.                     <td> 
  200.                       <input type="hidden" name="id" value= "<%= drvb.getId() %>">
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  202.                       * (注:带*为必填内容)</td>
  203.                     </tr>
  204.                    <tr bgcolor="#fafafa"> 
  205.                     <td width="15%"> 
  206.                       <font class="strong" >&nbsp;标题:</font>
  207.                     </td>
  208.                     <td> 
  209.                       <input type="text" name="title" size="24" class="file" value= "<%= FieldUtil.filterQuotTag( drvb.getTitle() ) %>">
  210.                       * </td>
  211.                   </tr>
  212.                   <tr bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> 
  213.                     <td width="15%"> 
  214.                       <font  class="strong">&nbsp;来文机关: </font>
  215.                     </td>
  216.                     <td > 
  217.                       <input type="text" name="comeFrom" size="24" class="file" value= "<%= FieldUtil.filterQuotTag( drvb.getComeFrom() ) %>">
  218.                       </td>
  219.                   </tr>
  220.                   <tr bgcolor="#fafafa"> 
  221.                     <td width="15%"> 
  222.                       <font  class="strong">&nbsp;文件分类: </font>
  223.                     </td>
  224.                     <td > 
  225.                       <select name="type">
  226.                         <%
  227.                               Iterator dtypes = DocumentReceivedType.getAvailableDocumentReceivedTypes().iterator();
  228.                               while ( dtypes.hasNext() )
  229.                               {
  230.                                   DocumentReceivedType dtype = ( DocumentReceivedType );
  231.                          %>
  232.                          <option value="<%= dtype.getId() %>" <% if ( drvb.getType()!= null && dtype.getId()==drvb.getType().getId() ) out.print("selected"); %>>
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  234.                          <%
  235.                               }                              
  236.                          %>
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  238.                     </td>
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  240.                   <tr bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> 
  241.                     <td width="15%"> 
  242.                       <font  class="strong">&nbsp;接受日期:</font>
  243.                     </td>
  244.                     <td >          
  245.                       <input type="text" name="receivedDateS" class=text size="20" value="<%= drvb.getReceivedDateS() %>" ><img src="/vnex/intranet/calendar/datetime.gif" style="cursor:hand;" align="absmiddle" alt="弹出日历下拉菜单" onClick="fPopUpCalendarDlg(receivedDateS);return false">
  246.                     </td>
  247.                   </tr>
  248.                   <tr bgcolor="#fafafa"> 
  249.                     <td width="15%"><font  class="strong">&nbsp;密级:</font></td>
  250.                     <td >
  251.                       <select name="securityType">
  252.                         <%
  253.                               Iterator types = SecurityType.getAvailableSecurityTypes().iterator();
  254.                               while ( types.hasNext() )
  255.                               {
  256.                                   SecurityType rtype = ( SecurityType );
  257.                          %>
  258.                          <option value="<%= rtype.getId() %>" <% if ( drvb.getSecurityType()!= null && rtype.getId()==drvb.getSecurityType().getId() ) out.print("selected"); %>>
  259.                          <%= rtype.getName() %></option>
  260.                          <%
  261.                               }
  263.                          %>
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  265.                       </td>
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  268.                     <td width="15%"> 
  269.                       <div align="left"><font  class="strong">&nbsp;文件数:</font></div>
  270.                     </td>
  271.                     <td >
  272.                     <% if ( drvb.getFileNumber() != -1 ) 
  273.                        { %>
  274.                       <input type="text" name="fileNumber" size="24" class="file" value= "<%= drvb.getFileNumber() %>">
  275.                     <% }else   
  276.                        { %>
  277.                       <input type="text" name="fileNumber" size="24" class="file">
  278.                     <% } %>  
  279.                       </td>
  280.                   </tr>
  281.                   <tr bgcolor="#fafafa"> 
  282.                     <td width="15%"> 
  283.                       <div align="left"><font  class="strong">&nbsp;文件页数 :</font></div>
  284.                     </td>
  285.                     <td >
  286.                     <% if ( drvb.getPages() != -1 ) 
  287.                        { %> 
  288.                       <input type="text" name="pages" size="24" class="file" value= "<%= drvb.getPages() %>">
  289.                     <% }else   
  290.                        { %>
  291.                       <input type="text" name="pages" size="24" class="file">
  292.                     <% } %>    
  293.                     </td>
  294.                   </tr>
  295.                   <tr bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> 
  296.                     <td width="15%" valign="top"> 
  297.                       <font  class="strong">&nbsp;文件内容:</font>
  298.                     </td>
  299.                     <td><textarea name="content" cols="59" rows="5"><%= FieldUtil.filterQuotTag( drvb.getContent() ) %></textarea>
  300.                     </td>
  301.                   </tr>
  302.                   <tr bgcolor="#fafafa"> 
  303.                     <td width="15%" valign="top"> 
  304.                       <font  class="strong">&nbsp;备注:</font> 
  305.                     </td>
  306.                     <td>  
  307.                         <textarea name="remark" cols="59" rows="5"><%= FieldUtil.filterQuotTag( drvb.getRemark() ) %></textarea>
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  311.                     <td width="15%" valign="top"> 
  312.                       <font  class="strong">&nbsp;上传附件:<br>&nbsp;(注:点击附件名称就可以查看附件. ) </font>
  313.                     </td>
  314.                     <td>  
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  320.                                 <vnex_workflow:fileAttribute attribute="workflowfile_name"/></option>                                         
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