- --multiplier.vhd n-bit multiplier
- library ieee ;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
- use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ;
- use work.components.all ;
- entity multiplier is
- generic ( n : integer := 7; nn : integer := 14 ) ;
- port (
- clock : in std_logic ;--clock
- la : in std_logic ;--load of multiplicand
- lb : in std_logic ;--load of multiplier
- s : in std_logic ;--start
- dataa : in std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0) ;--multiplicand
- datab : in std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0) ;--multiplier
- p : buffer std_logic_vector(nn-1 downto 0) ;--porduct
- done : out std_logic ) ;
- end multiplier ;
- architecture behavior of multiplier is
- type state_type is ( s1, s2, s3 ) ;--state define
- signal y : state_type ;--state declaration
- signal psel: std_logic ;--select line of multiplexer
- signal z : std_logic ;--detecter of zero
- signal ea : std_logic ;--enable of shift-left register(multiplicand)
- signal eb : std_logic ;--enable of shift-right register(multiplier)
- signal ep : std_logic ;--enable of product register
- signal zero : std_logic ;--series input of shift
- signal b : std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0) ;--output of shift-right register
- signal n_zeros : std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0) ;--n-bit zero load into register with multiplicand
- signal a : std_logic_vector(nn-1 downto 0) ;--output of shift-left register
- signal ain : std_logic_vector(nn-1 downto 0) ;--input of shift-left regster
- signal datap : std_logic_vector(nn-1 downto 0) ;--output of multiplexer
- signal sum : std_logic_vector(nn-1 downto 0) ;--sum of product and multiplicand
- signal nn_zeros : std_logic_vector(nn-1 downto 0) ;--2*n-bit zero input to multiplicand
- signal q : integer range 0 to n;--count of downcounter
- signal ec : std_logic;--enable of downcounter
- signal lc : std_logic;--load of downcounter
- begin
- fsm_transitions: process ( clock )
- begin
- if (clock'event and clock = '1') then
- case y is
- when s1 =>
- if s = '0' then y <= s1 ; else y <= s2 ; end if ;
- when s2 =>
- if z = '0' then y <= s2 ; else y <= s3 ; end if ;
- when s3 =>
- if s = '1' then y <= s3 ; else y <= s1 ; end if ;
- end case ;
- end if ;
- end process ;
- fsm_outputs: process ( y, s, la, lb, b(0) )
- begin
- ep <= '0' ; ea <= '0' ; eb <= '0' ; done <= '0' ; psel <= '0';
- case y is
- when s1 =>
- ep <= '1' ;
- if s = '0' and la = '1' then ea <= '1' ;
- else ea <= '0' ; end if ;
- if s = '0' and lb = '1' then eb <= '1' ;
- else eb <= '0' ; end if ;
- when s2 =>
- ea <= '1' ; eb <= '1' ; psel <= '1' ;
- if b(0) = '1' then ep <= '1' ; else ep <= '0' ; end if ;
- when s3 =>
- done <= '1' ;
- end case ;
- end process ;
- -- define the datapath circuit
- nn_zeros <= (others => '0' ) ;--2*n-bit zero
- n_zeros <= (others => '0' ) ;--n-bit zero
- zero <= '0' ;
- ain <= n_zeros & dataa ;
- shifta: shiftlne generic map ( n => nn )
- port map ( ain, la, ea, zero, clock, a ) ;
- shiftb: shiftrne generic map ( n => n )
- port map ( datab, lb, eb, zero, clock, b ) ;
- ec <= '1' ; lc <= not s;
- count: downcnt generic map (n+1) port map(clock,ec,lc,q);
- z <= '1' when q = 0 else '0' ;
- sum <= a + p ;
- -- define the 2n 2-to-1 multiplexers for datap
- muxi: mux2to1 generic map ( n => nn )
- port map ( nn_zeros, sum, psel, datap ) ;
- regp: regne generic map ( n => nn )
- port map ( datap, ep, clock, p ) ;
- end behavior ;