- ----libray and package declaraction
- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
- use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
- use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
- ----input and output pins declaraction
- Entity stop_watch is
- Port(rst,hz1: in std_logic;--system clock 1Hz
- stop: in std_logic;--keep pushing to declare stop setting
- ok: in std_logic;--keep pushing to declare stop setting
- sec_tune: in std_logic;--pushing button to tune seconds
- min_tune: in std_logic;--pushing button to tune minutes
- hour_tune: in std_logic;--pushing button to tune hours
- stop_sec,stop_min: out integer range 0 to 59;
- stop_hour: out integer range 0 to 23;
- index: out std_logic;
- disp: out std_logic);
- End stop_watch;
- architecture arch of stop_watch is
- signal a_sec,a_min: integer range 0 to 59;
- signal a_hour: integer range 0 to 23;
- begin
- process(stop,ok,hz1)
- begin
- if rst='1' then index<='0'; disp<='0';
- elsif rising_edge(hz1) then
- if stop='1' and ok='0' then --setting
- if sec_tune='1' then
- if a_sec=59 then a_sec<=0;
- else a_sec<=a_sec + 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- if min_tune='1' then
- if a_min=59 then a_min<=0;
- else a_min<=a_min + 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- if hour_tune='1' then
- if a_hour=23 then a_hour<=0;
- else a_hour<=a_hour + 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- disp<='1';
- elsif stop='1' and ok='1'then --down counting
- if a_sec=0 then
- if a_min=0 then
- if a_hour=0 then index<='1';
- disp<='0';
- else a_hour<=a_hour - 1;
- a_min<=59;
- a_sec<=59;
- end if;
- else a_min<=a_min - 1;
- a_sec<=59;
- end if;
- else a_sec<=a_sec - 1;
- index<='0';
- disp<='1';
- end if;
- else disp<='0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- stop_sec<=a_sec;
- stop_min<=a_min;
- stop_hour<=a_hour;
- end arch;