- ----libray and package declaraction
- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
- use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
- use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
- use work.my_pkg.all;
- Entity clock is
- Port(rst: in std_logic;--power reset to initialize
- clk: in std_logic;--system clock 1024Hz
- alarm: in std_logic;--dip switch for alarm setting
- stop: in std_logic;--dip switch for stop watch setting
- Ok: in std_logic;--push button to confirrn any setting operation
- Sec_tune: in std_logic;--pushing button to tune seconds
- Min_tune: in std_logic;--pushing button to tune minutes
- Hour_tune: in std_logic;--pushing button to tune hourss
- led_alarm: out std_logic;--led to show alarm time reached
- led_stop: out std_logic;--led to show count_down over
- seg4: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);--display seconds and minutes
- p1,p2,p3,p4: out std_logic;--power for sec_one,sec_ten,min_one and min_ten
- seg2: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);--display hours
- p5,p6: out std_logic);--power for hour_one,hour_ten
- End clock;
- architecture arch of clock is
- --global signals flowing among different circuit blocks
- signal Hz1:std_logic;--1 Hz clock
- --normal dispay time
- signal n_sec,n_min: integer range 0 to 59;
- signal n_hour: integer range 0 to 23;
- --alarm display time
- signal a_sec,a_min: integer range 0 to 59;
- signal a_hour: integer range 0 to 23;
- --stop display time
- signal s_sec,s_min: integer range 0 to 59;
- signal s_hour: integer range 0 to 23;
- --chosen display time
- signal second,minute :integer range 0 to 59;
- signal hour :integer range 0 to 23;
- signal sec_one,sec_ten,min_one,min_ten: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- signal hour_one,hour_ten: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- --chosen display time in 7-segments led format
- signal sec7_one,sec7_ten,min7_one,min7_ten: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
- signal hour7_one,hour7_ten: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
- --index for alarm or stop_watch status
- signal stop_index,alarm_index: std_logic;
- signal alarm_disp,stop_disp : std_logic;
- begin
- ----normal counting from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
- normal_counting:Block
- --input : rst,clk
- --output: Hz1, n_sec,n_min,n_hour
- signal full_sec:std_logic;--index of 60 seconds fully counted
- signal full_min:std_logic;--index of 60 minutes fully counted
- signal full_hour:std_logic;--index of 24 hours fully counted
- begin
- --to get 1Hz clock
- u0:div1024 port map(clk=>clk,f1hz=>Hz1);
- --to count from 0 to 60 seconds and get full_sec
- u1:count60 port map(rst=>rst,carry=>hz1,times=>n_sec,full=>full_sec);
- --to count from 0 to 60 minutes and get full_min
- u2:count60 port map(rst=>rst,carry=>full_sec,times=>n_min,full=>full_min);
- --to count from 0 to 24 hours and get full_hour
- u3:count24 port map(rst=>rst,carry=>full_min,times=>n_hour,full=>full_hour);
- end block normal_counting;
- ----stop watch setting and down_counting
- stop_w: block
- --input:rst,hz1,stop,ok,sec_tune,min_tune,hour_tune
- --output:s_sec,s_min,s_hour,stop_index
- begin
- u4:stop_watch port MAP(rst=>rst,hz1=>hz1,stop=>stop,ok=>ok,sec_tune=>sec_tune,
- min_tune=>min_tune,hour_tune=>hour_tune,stop_sec=>s_sec,
- stop_min=>s_min,stop_hour=>s_hour,index=>stop_index,disp=>stop_disp);
- p1:process(rst,stop_index)
- begin
- if rst='1' then led_stop<='0';
- elsif rising_edge(stop_index) then
- led_stop<='1';
- end if;
- end process p1;
- end block stop_w;
- alarm_setting:Block
- --input : rst,sec_tune,min_tune,hour_tune,alarm,ok
- --output: a_sec,a_min,a_hour,alarm_index,led_alarm
- begin
- u5:alarm_set port map(rst=>rst,hz1=>hz1,alarm=>alarm,ok=>ok,sec_tune=>sec_tune,
- min_tune=>min_tune,hour_tune=>hour_tune,
- sec=>a_sec,min=>a_min,hour=>a_hour);
- p1:process(alarm,ok)
- begin
- if rst='1' then alarm_index<='0';
- elsif alarm='1' and ok='1' then
- if (a_sec=n_sec and a_min=n_min and a_hour=n_hour)
- then alarm_index<='1';
- else alarm_index<='0';
- end if;
- end if;
- alarm_disp<=(alarm and not ok) and not alarm_index;
- end process p1;
- p2:process(rst,alarm_index)
- begin
- if rst='1' then led_alarm<='0';
- elsif rising_edge(alarm_index) then
- led_alarm<='1';
- end if;
- end process p2;
- end block alarm_setting;
- ----to decide which time displayed and transform to BCD format
- output:block
- --input:clk,stop_disp,alarm_disp
- --input:s_sec,s_min,s_hour,a_sec,a_min,a_hour,n_sec,n_min,n_hour
- --output:second,minute,hour
- begin
- process(clk,stop_disp,alarm_disp)
- begin
- if rising_edge(clk) then
- if stop_disp='1' then second<=s_sec;
- minute<=s_min;
- hour<=s_hour;
- elsif alarm_disp='1' then second<=a_sec;
- minute<=a_min;
- hour<=a_hour;
- else second<=n_sec;
- minute<=n_min;
- hour<=n_hour;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- ----tranformed to BCD format
- u6:i60bcd port MAP(interg=>second,ten=>sec_ten,one=>sec_one);
- u7:i60bcd port MAP(interg=>minute,ten=>min_ten,one=>min_one);
- u8:i24bcd port MAP(interg=>hour,ten=>hour_ten,one=>hour_one);
- end block output;
- ---transform BCD format to 7_segment LED display format and scan out
- scan_display:block
- begin
- u11:bin2led port map(bin=>sec_one,led=>sec7_one);
- u12:bin2led port map(bin=>sec_ten,led=>sec7_ten);
- u13:bin2led port map(bin=>min_one,led=>min7_one);
- u14:bin2led port map(bin=>min_ten,led=>min7_ten);
- u15:bin2led port map(bin=>hour_one,led=>hour7_one);
- u16:bin2led port map(bin=>hour_ten,led=>hour7_ten);
- u17:scan4 port map(rst=>rst,clk=>clk,
- a=>sec7_one,b=>sec7_ten,c=>min7_one,d=>min7_ten,
- mux_out=>seg4,pa=>p1,pb=>p2,pc=>p3,pd=>p4);
- u18: scan2 port map(rst=>rst,clk=>clk,
- a=>hour7_one,b=>hour7_ten,mux_out=>seg2,pa=>p5,pb=>p6);
- end block scan_display;
- end arch;