- /******************************************************************************
- $Id: ixjuser.h,v 1999/08/05 21:17:32 luan Exp $
- $Log: ixjuser.h,v $
- Revision 1999/08/05 21:17:32 luan
- new quicknet v0.1.39 drivers
- Revision 1.21 1999/08/04 22:53:43 root
- Added levels to AEC
- Revision 1.20 1999/07/28 20:32:23 root
- Added non-blocking rings
- Added ring cadence
- Revision 1.19 1999/07/14 21:08:10 root
- fixed rcsid
- Revision 1.18 1999/07/14 21:03:33 root
- added rcsid
- Revision 1.17 1999/07/12 20:20:00 root
- Continuing work on 20ms and 10ms linear modes.
- Revision 1.16 1999/07/09 19:13:50 root
- Added IXJCTL_RATE to set the rate the DSP is polled.
- Added 20ms and 10ms linear modes for LineJack and PhoneJack Lite.
- Revision 1.15 1999/07/08 02:21:20 root
- Async Notification on hookswitch changes.
- Added IXJ_EXCEPTION bitfield structure for select exception sets
- Revision 1.14 1999/07/06 23:20:52 root
- *** empty log message ***
- Revision 1.14 1999/07/06 21:48:38 root
- Fixed lockups in linear modes during write.
- Revision 1.13 1999/06/28 18:30:44 root
- Added buffer depth commands to reduce latency in compressed modes.
- Revision 1.12 1999/06/25 21:03:18 root
- Close device properly.
- Started Mixer code for LineJack
- Revision 1.11 1999/06/24 21:51:21 root
- bug fixes
- Revision 1.10 1999/06/17 18:23:16 root
- Added tone generation.
- Fixed LineJack hookswitch again.
- Revision 1.9 1999/06/09 14:18:15 root
- Fixed duplicate IOCTL numbers
- Revision 1.8 1999/06/09 14:13:29 root
- Added DTMF Recognition with Async Notification
- Revision 1.7 1999/06/03 16:50:43 root
- Added IXJCTL_HZ to allow changing the HZ value the driver uses.
- Revision 1.6 1999/05/31 17:56:07 root
- All linear modes now work properly.
- Revision 1.5 1999/05/25 14:05:44 root
- Added multiple codec selections.
- Revision 1.4 1999/04/28 03:43:52 root
- More work on echo cancellation
- Revision 1.3 1999/04/27 17:17:12 root
- added AEC
- Revision 1.2 1999/04/22 11:43:52 root
- Fixed stability problems
- Revision 1.1 1999/03/25 21:52:42 root
- Initial revision
- *
- * IOCTL's used for the Quicknet Cards
- *
- * If you use the IXJCTL_TESTRAM command, the card must be power cycled to
- * reset the SRAM values before futher use.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- static char ixjuser_h_rcsid[] = "$Id: ixjuser.h,v 1999/08/05 21:17:32 luan Exp $";
- #define IXJCTL_DSP_RESET _IO ('q', 0x00)
- #define IXJCTL_DSP_SYNC _IO ('q', 0x01)
- #define IXJCTL_RING _IO ('q', 0x02)
- #define IXJCTL_HOOKSTATE _IO ('q', 0x03)
- #define IXJCTL_MAXRINGS _IOW ('q', 0x04, char)
- #define IXJCTL_RING_CADENCE _IOW ('q', 0x05, int)
- #define IXJCTL_RING_START _IOW ('q', 0x06, int)
- #define IXJCTL_RING_STOP _IO ('q', 0x07)
- #define IXJCTL_DSP_TYPE _IOR ('q', 0x0C, int)
- #define IXJCTL_DSP_VERSION _IOR ('q', 0x0D, int)
- #define IXJCTL_DSP_IDLE _IO ('q', 0x0E)
- #define IXJCTL_TESTRAM _IO ('q', 0x0F)
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * This group of IOCTLs deal with the record settings of the DSP
- *
- * The IXJCTL_REC_DEPTH command sets the internal buffer depth of the DSP.
- * Setting a lower depth reduces latency, but increases the demand of the
- * application to service the driver without frame loss. The DSP has 480
- * bytes of physical buffer memory for the record channel so the true
- * maximum limit is determined by how many frames will fit in the buffer.
- *
- * 1 uncompressed (480 byte) 16-bit linear frame.
- * 2 uncompressed (240 byte) 8-bit A-law/mu-law frames.
- * 15 TrueSpeech 8.5 frames.
- * 20 TrueSpeech 6.3,5.3,4.8 or 4.1 frames.
- *
- * The default in the driver is currently set to 2 frames.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #define IXJCTL_REC_CODEC _IOW ('q', 0x10, int)
- #define IXJCTL_REC_SYNC _IOW ('q', 0x11, int)
- #define IXJCTL_REC_START _IO ('q', 0x12)
- #define IXJCTL_REC_STOP _IO ('q', 0x13)
- #define IXJCTL_REC_DEPTH _IOW ('q', 0x14, int)
- #define IXJCTL_FRAME _IOW ('q', 0x15, int)
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * This group of IOCTLs deal with the playback settings of the DSP
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #define IXJCTL_PLAY_CODEC _IOW ('q', 0x20, int)
- #define IXJCTL_PLAY_SYNC _IOW ('q', 0x21, int)
- #define IXJCTL_PLAY_START _IO ('q', 0x22)
- #define IXJCTL_PLAY_STOP _IO ('q', 0x23)
- #define IXJCTL_PLAY_DEPTH _IOW ('q', 0x24, int)
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * This group of IOCTLs deal with the Acoustic Echo Cancellation settings
- * of the DSP
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #define IXJCTL_AEC_START _IOW ('q', 0x34, int)
- #define IXJCTL_AEC_STOP _IO ('q', 0x35)
- #define AEC_LOW 1
- #define AEC_MED 2
- #define AEC_HIGH 3
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * Call Progress Tones, DTMF, etc.
- * Tone on and off times are in 250 microsecond intervals so
- * ioctl(ixj1, IXJCTL_SET_TONE_ON_TIME, 360);
- * will set the tone on time of board ixj1 to 360 * 250us = 90ms
- * the default values of tone on and off times is 840 or 210ms
- ******************************************************************************/
- #define IXJCTL_DTMF_READY _IOR ('q', 0x40, int)
- #define IXJCTL_GET_DTMF _IOR ('q', 0x41, int)
- #define IXJCTL_GET_DTMF_ASCII _IOR ('q', 0x42, int)
- #define IXJCTL_GET_DTMFSYNCMODE _IOR ('q', 0x43, int)
- #define IXJCTL_EXCEPTION _IOR ('q', 0x44, int)
- #define IXJCTL_GET_TONESYNCMODE _IOR ('q', 0x45, int)
- #define IXJCTL_PLAY_TONE _IOW ('q', 0x46, char)
- #define IXJCTL_SET_TONE_ON_TIME _IOW ('q', 0x47, int)
- #define IXJCTL_SET_TONE_OFF_TIME _IOW ('q', 0x48, int)
- #define IXJCTL_GET_TONE_ON_TIME _IO ('q', 0x49)
- #define IXJCTL_GET_TONE_OFF_TIME _IO ('q', 0x4A)
- #define IXJCTL_GET_TONE_STATE _IO ('q', 0x4B)
- #define IXJCTL_BUSY _IO ('q', 0x4C)
- #define IXJCTL_RINGBACK _IO ('q', 0x4D)
- #define IXJCTL_DIALTONE _IO ('q', 0x4E)
- // should be used from now on to stop all Call Progress Tones. It will
- // actually abort any tone, regardless of time left in the tone_on_time
- // and tone_off_time counters.
- #define IXJCTL_CPT_STOP _IO ('q', 0x4F)
- /******************************************************************************
- * LineJack specific IOCTLs
- *
- * The lsb 4 bits of the LED argument represent the state of each of the 4
- * LED's on the LineJack
- ******************************************************************************/
- #define IXJCTL_SET_LED _IOW ('q', 0x50, int)
- #define IXJCTL_MIXER _IOW ('q', 0x51, int) //Do not use yet
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * IOCTLs added by request.
- *
- * IXJCTL_HZ sets the value your Linux kernel uses for HZ as defined in
- * /usr/include/asm/param.h, this determines the fundamental
- * frequency of the clock ticks on your Linux system. The kernel
- * must be rebuilt if you change this value, also all modules you
- * use (except this one) must be recompiled. The default value
- * is 100, and you only need to use this IOCTL if you use some
- * other value.
- *
- *
- * IXJCTL_RATE sets the number of times per second that the driver polls
- * the DSP. This value cannot be larger than HZ. By
- * increasing both of these values, you may be able to reduce
- * latency because the max hang time that can exist between the
- * driver and the DSP will be reduced.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #define IXJCTL_HZ _IOW ('q', 0xE0, int)
- #define IXJCTL_RATE _IOW ('q', 0xE1, int)
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * The defined CODECs that can be used with the IXJCTL_REC_RATE and
- *
- * PCM uLaw mode is a "pass through" mode.
- *
- * 16 bit linear data is signed integer (2's complement form), positive
- * full scale is 7FFFH, negative full scale is 8000H, zero is 0000H
- *
- * 8 bit linear data is signed byte (2's complement form), positive
- * full scale is 7FH, negative full scale is 80H, zero is 00H
- *
- * 8 bit linear WSS data is unsigned byte, positive full scale is FFH,
- * negative full scale is 00H, zero is 80H. This is the format used for
- * 8-bit WAVE format data (Windows Sound System). Data can be converted
- * between the two 8-bit formats by simply inverting the ms bit.
- *
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- // Bytes per 30ms audio frame
- #define G723_63 1 // 24
- #define G723_53 2 // 20
- #define TS85 3 // 32 Does not currently work on LineJack
- #define TS48 4 // 18
- #define TS41 5 // 16
- #define G728 6 // 96 not implemented DO NOT USE!
- #define G729 7 // 36 not implemented DO NOT USE!
- #define ULAW 8 // 240
- #define ALAW 9 // 240 not implemented DO NOT USE!
- #define LINEAR16 10 // 480
- #define LINEAR8 11 // 240
- #define WSS 12 // 240
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * The intercom IOCTL's short the output from one card to the input of the
- * other and vice versa (actually done in the DSP read function). It is only
- * necessary to execute the IOCTL on one card, but it is necessary to have
- * both devices open to be able to detect hook switch changes. The record
- * codec and rate of each card must match the playback codec and rate of
- * the other card for this to work properly.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #define IXJCTL_INTERCOM_START _IOW ('q', 0xEE, int)
- #define IXJCTL_INTERCOM_STOP _IOW ('q', 0xEF, int)
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * This IOCTL will decrement the module usage counter so you can force
- * the module to unload after a program bombs.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #define IXJCTL_MODRESET _IO ('q', 0xFF)
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * Various Defines used for the Quicknet Cards
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #define SYNC_MODE_CODEC 0
- #define SYNC_MODE_DATA 1
- #define SYNC_MODE_POLL 2
- #define SYNC_MODE_HOST 3
- #define RECORD_SYNC_MODE 0x5100
- #define PLAYBACK_SYNC_MODE 0x5200
- #define USA_RING_CADENCE 0xC0C0
- typedef struct
- {
- unsigned int dtmf_ready:1;
- unsigned int hookstate:1;
- unsigned int reserved:30;
- typedef union
- {
- IXJ_EXCEPT bits;
- unsigned int bytes;