- #! /bin/sh
- # $Id: check_make_unix.sh,v 1000.3 2004/06/01 16:51:28 gouriano Exp $
- # Author: Vladimir Ivanov, NCBI
- #
- ###########################################################################
- #
- # Compile a check script and copy necessary files to run tests in the
- # UNIX build tree.
- #
- # Usage:
- # check_make_unix.sh <test_list> <build_dir> <target_dir> <check_script>
- #
- # test_list - a list of tests (it build with "make check_r")
- # (default: "<build_dir>/check.sh.list")
- # build_dir - path to UNIX build tree like".../build/..."
- # (default: will try determine path from current work
- # directory -- root of build tree )
- # top_srcdir - path to the root src directory
- # (default: will try determine path from current work
- # directory -- root of build tree )
- # target_dir - path where the check script and logs will be created
- # (default: current dir)
- # check_script - name of the check script (without path).
- # (default: "check.sh" / "<target_dir>/check.sh")
- #
- # If any parameter is skipped that will be used default value for it.
- #
- # Note:
- # Work with UNIX build tree only (any configuration).
- #
- ###########################################################################
- # Parameters
- res_out="check.sh"
- res_list="$res_out.list"
- # Fields delimiters in the list
- # (this symbols used directly in the "sed" command)
- x_delim=" ____ "
- x_delim_internal="~"
- x_tmp="/var/tmp"
- x_list=$1
- x_build_dir=$2
- x_top_srcdir=$3
- x_target_dir=$4
- x_out=$5
- # Check for build dir
- if [ ! -z "$x_build_dir" ]; then
- if [ ! -d "$x_build_dir" ]; then
- echo "Build directory "$x_build_dir" don't exist."
- exit 1
- fi
- x_build_dir=`(cd "$x_build_dir"; pwd | sed -e 's//$//g')`
- else
- # Get build dir name from the current path
- x_build_dir=`pwd | sed -e 's%/build.*$%%'`
- if [ -d "$x_build_dir/build" ]; then
- x_build_dir="$x_build_dir/build"
- fi
- fi
- x_conf_dir=`dirname "$x_build_dir"`
- x_bin_dir=`(cd "$x_build_dir/../bin"; pwd | sed -e 's//$//g')`
- # Check for top_srcdir
- if [ ! -z "$x_top_srcdir" ]; then
- if [ ! -d "$x_top_srcdir" ]; then
- echo "Top source directory "$x_top_srcdir" don't exist."
- exit 1
- fi
- x_root_dir=`(cd "$x_top_srcdir"; pwd | sed -e 's//$//g')`
- else
- # Get top src dir name from the build directory
- x_root_dir=`dirname "$x_conf_dir"`
- fi
- # Check for target dir
- if [ ! -z "$x_target_dir" ]; then
- if [ ! -d "$x_target_dir" ]; then
- echo "Target directory "$x_target_dir" don't exist."
- exit 1
- fi
- x_target_dir=`(cd "$x_target_dir"; pwd | sed -e 's//$//g')`
- else
- x_target_dir=`pwd`
- fi
- # Check for a imported project or intree project
- res=`pwd | grep "/internal/c++/src/"`
- if [ ! -z "$res" ] ; then
- x_import_prj="yes"
- x_compile_dir="`pwd | sed -e 's%/internal/c++/src.*$%%g'`/internal/c++/src"
- else
- x_import_prj="no"
- x_compile_dir="$x_build_dir"
- fi
- if [ -z "$x_list" ]; then
- x_list="$x_target_dir/$res_list"
- fi
- if [ -z "$x_out" ]; then
- x_out="$x_target_dir/$res_out"
- fi
- x_script_name=`echo "$x_out" | sed -e 's%^.*/%%'`
- # Check for a list file
- if [ ! -f "$x_list" ]; then
- echo "Check list file "$x_list" not found."
- exit 1
- fi
- # Features detection
- x_features=""
- for f in $x_conf_dir/status/*.enabled; do
- f=`echo $f | sed 's|^.*/status/(.*).enabled$|1|g'`
- x_features=`echo "$x_features $f"`
- done
- x_features=`echo "$x_features" | sed 's|^ *||g'`
- #echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #echo "Imported project :" $x_import_prj
- #echo "C++ root dir :" $x_root_dir
- #echo "Configuration dir :" $x_conf_dir
- #echo "Build dir :" $x_build_dir
- #echo "Compile dir :" $x_compile_dir
- #echo "Target dir :" $x_target_dir
- #echo "Check script :" $x_out
- #echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- cat > $x_out <<EOF
- #! /bin/sh
- res_journal="$x_out.journal"
- res_log="$x_out.log"
- res_list="$x_list"
- res_concat="$x_out.out"
- res_concat_err="$x_out.out_err"
- ## Printout USAGE info and exit
- Usage() {
- cat <<EOF_usage
- USAGE: $x_script_name {run | clean | concat | concat_err}
- run Run the tests. Create output file ("*.test_out") for each test,
- plus journal and log files.
- clean Remove all files created during the last "run" and this script
- itself.
- concat Concatenate all files created during the last "run" into one big
- file "$res_log".
- concat_err Like previous. But into the file "$res_concat_err"
- will be added outputs of failed tests only.
- ERROR: $1
- EOF_usage
- exit 1
- }
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- Usage "Invalid number of arguments."
- fi
- ### What to do (cmd-line arg)
- method="$1"
- ### Action
- case "$method" in
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- run )
- ;;
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- clean )
- x_files=`cat $res_journal | sed -e 's/ /%gj_s4%/g'`
- for x_file in $x_files; do
- x_file=`echo "$x_file" | sed -e 's/%gj_s4%/ /g'`
- rm -f $x_file > /dev/null
- done
- rm -f $res_journal $res_log $res_list $res_concat $res_concat_err > /dev/null
- rm -f $x_out > /dev/null
- exit 0
- ;;
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- concat )
- rm -f "$res_concat"
- (
- cat $res_log
- x_files=`cat $res_journal | sed -e 's/ /%gj_s4%/g'`
- for x_file in $x_files; do
- x_file=`echo "$x_file" | sed -e 's/%gj_s4%/ /g'`
- echo
- echo
- cat $x_file
- done
- ) >> $res_concat
- exit 0
- ;;
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- concat_err )
- rm -f "$res_concat_err"
- (
- cat $res_log | grep 'ERR ['
- x_files=`cat $res_journal | sed -e 's/ /%gj_s4%/g'`
- for x_file in $x_files; do
- x_file=`echo "$x_file" | sed -e 's/%gj_s4%/ /g'`
- x_code=`cat $x_file | grep -c '@@@ EXIT CODE:'`
- test $x_code -ne 0 || continue
- x_good=`cat $x_file | grep -c '@@@ EXIT CODE: 0'`
- if [ $x_good -ne 1 ]; then
- echo
- echo
- cat $x_file
- fi
- done
- ) >> $res_concat_err
- exit 0
- ;;
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- * )
- Usage "Invalid method name."
- ;;
- esac
- # Export some global vars
- top_srcdir="$x_root_dir"
- export top_srcdir
- features="$x_features"
- export features
- # Add current, build and scripts directories to PATH
- PATH=".:${x_build_dir}:${x_root_dir}/scripts:${PATH}"
- export PATH
- # Define time-guard script to run tests from other scripts
- CHECK_EXEC="${x_root_dir}/scripts/check/check_exec_test.sh"
- export CHECK_EXEC
- if [ -n "$x_conf_dir" -a -d "$x_conf_dir/lib" ]; then
- cat >> $x_out <<EOF
- # Add a library path for running tests
- . $x_root_dir/scripts/common.sh
- COMMON_AddRunpath "$x_conf_dir/lib"
- else
- echo "WARNING: Cannot find path to the library dir."
- fi
- cat >> $x_out <<EOF
- # Run
- count_ok=0
- count_err=0
- count_absent=0
- rm -f "$res_journal"
- rm -f "$res_log"
- ulimit -c 1000000
- ## Run one test
- RunTest() {
- # Parameters
- x_work_dir_tail="$1"
- x_work_dir="$x_compile_dir/$x_work_dir_tail"
- x_test="$2"
- x_app="$3"
- x_run="$4"
- x_test_out="$x_work_dir/$x_test.$5"
- x_timeout="$6"
- # Check existence of the test's application directory
- if [ -d "$x_work_dir" ]; then
- # Write header to output file
- echo "$x_test_out" >> $res_journal
- (
- echo "======================================================================"
- echo "$x_run"
- echo "======================================================================"
- echo
- ) > $x_test_out 2>&1
- # Remove old core file if it exist (for clarity of the test)
- corefile="$x_work_dir/core"
- rm -f "$corefile" > /dev/null 2>&1
- # Goto the test's directory
- cd "$x_work_dir"
- x_cmd="[$x_work_dir_tail] $x_run"
- # And run test if it exist
- if [ -f "$x_app" ]; then
- # Fix empty parameters (replace "" to "", '' to '')
- x_run_fix=`echo "$x_run" | sed -e 's/""/\\\\\"\\\\\"/g' -e "s/''/\\\\\'\\\\\'/g"`
- # Run check
- CHECK_TIMEOUT="$x_timeout"
- check_exec="$x_root_dir/scripts/check/check_exec.sh"
- $check_exec time -p `eval echo $x_run_fix` >$x_tmp/$$.out 2>&1
- result=$?
- sed -e '/ ["][$][@]["].*$/ {
- s/^.*: //
- s/ ["][$][@]["].*$//
- }' $x_tmp/$$.out >> $x_test_out
- # Get application execution time
- exec_time=`$x_build_dir/sysdep.sh tl 3 $x_tmp/$$.out`
- exec_time=`echo $exec_time | tr 'n' '?'`
- exec_time=`echo $exec_time | sed -e 's/?$//' -e 's/?/, /g' -e 's/[ ] */ /g'`
- rm -f $x_tmp/$$.out
- # Write result of the test into the his output file
- echo "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" >> $x_test_out
- echo "@@@ EXIT CODE: $result" >> $x_test_out
- if [ -f "$corefile" ]; then
- echo "@@@ CORE DUMPED" >> $x_test_out
- if [ -d "$x_bin_dir" -a -f "$x_bin_dir/$x_test" ]; then
- mv "$corefile" "$x_bin_dir/$x_test.core"
- else
- rm -f "$corefile"
- fi
- fi
- # And write result also on the screen and into the log
- if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "OK -- $x_cmd ($exec_time)"
- echo "OK -- $x_cmd ($exec_time)" >> $res_log
- count_ok=`expr $count_ok + 1`
- else
- echo "ERR -- $x_cmd ($exec_time)"
- echo "ERR [$result] -- $x_cmd ($exec_time)" >> $res_log
- count_err=`expr $count_err + 1`
- fi
- else
- echo "ABS -- $x_cmd"
- echo "ABS -- $x_cmd" >> $res_log
- count_absent=`expr $count_absent + 1`
- fi
- else
- # Test application is absent
- echo "ABS -- $x_work_dir - $x_test"
- echo "ABS -- $x_work_dir - $x_test" >> $res_log
- count_absent=`expr $count_absent + 1`
- fi
- }
- #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # Read list with tests
- x_tests=`cat "$x_list" | sed -e 's/ /%gj_s4%/g'`
- x_test_prev=""
- # For all tests
- for x_row in $x_tests; do
- # Get one row from list
- x_row=`echo "$x_row" | sed -e 's/%gj_s4%/ /g' -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ ____ /~/g'`
- # Split it to parts
- x_src_dir="$x_root_dir/src/`echo "$x_row" | sed -e 's/~.*$//'`"
- x_test=`echo "$x_row" | sed -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/~.*$//'`
- x_app=`echo "$x_row" | sed -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/~.*$//'`
- x_cmd=`echo "$x_row" | sed -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/~.*$//'`
- x_files=`echo "$x_row" | sed -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/~.*$//'`
- x_timeout=`echo "$x_row" | sed -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/^[^~]*~//' -e 's/~.*$//'`
- x_requires=" `echo "$x_row" | sed -e 's/.*~//'` "
- # Check application requirements
- for x_req in $x_requires; do
- test -f "$x_conf_dir/status/$x_req.enabled" || continue 2
- done
- # Application base build directory
- x_work_dir_tail="`echo "$x_row" | sed -e 's/~.*$//'`"
- x_work_dir="$x_compile_dir/$x_work_dir_tail"
- # Copy specified files to the build directory
- if [ "$x_import_prj" = "no" ]; then
- if [ ! -z "$x_files" ]; then
- for i in $x_files ; do
- x_copy="$x_src_dir/$i"
- if [ -f "$x_copy" -o -d "$x_copy" ]; then
- cp -prf "$x_copy" "$x_work_dir"
- else
- echo "Warning: The copied object "$x_copy" should be a file or directory!"
- continue 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- fi
- # Generate extension for tests output file
- if [ "$x_test" != "$x_test_prev" ]; then
- x_cnt=1
- x_test_out="test_out"
- else
- x_cnt=`expr $x_cnt + 1`
- x_test_out="test_out$x_cnt"
- fi
- x_test_prev="$x_test"
- #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # Write test commands for current test into a shell script file
- cat >> $x_out <<EOF
- ######################################################################
- RunTest "$x_work_dir_tail" \
- "$x_test" \
- "$x_app" \
- "$x_cmd" \
- "$x_test_out" \
- "$x_timeout"
- #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- done # for x_row in x_tests
- # Write ending code into the script
- cat >> $x_out <<EOF
- # Write result of the tests execution
- echo
- echo "Succeeded : $count_ok"
- echo "Failed : $count_err"
- echo "Absent : $count_absent"
- echo
- if [ $count_err -eq 0 ]; then
- echo
- echo "******** ALL TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ********"
- echo
- fi
- exit $count_err
- # Set execute mode to script
- chmod a+x "$x_out"
- exit 0
- #
- # ===========================================================================
- # PRODUCTION $Log: check_make_unix.sh,v $
- # PRODUCTION Revision 1000.3 2004/06/01 16:51:28 gouriano
- # ===========================================================================
- #