- #! /bin/sh
- #
- # $Id:,v 1000.0 2003/10/29 14:25:04 gouriano Exp $
- # ===========================================================================
- #
- # National Center for Biotechnology Information
- #
- # This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- # terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- # the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- # thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- # to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- # Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- #
- # Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- # and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- # Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- # may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- # Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- # warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- # purpose.
- #
- # Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- #
- # ===========================================================================
- #
- # Author: Anton Lavrentiev
- #
- # MSVC project file converter. Expand a signle configuration project file
- # to multi-configuration project file.
- #
- # ===========================================================================
- readfirstln() {
- cat $1 | while read p; do
- test -z "$p" && continue
- echo "$p"
- break
- done
- }
- config() {
- # Argument checking first.
- #
- if [ _$1 = _--without-dizzy ]; then
- dizzy='no'
- shift
- else
- dizzy='yes'
- fi
- if [ _$1 = _ -o ! -f $1 ]; then
- echo "ERROR: File "$1" inexistent. Stop."
- return 3
- fi
- if [ _$2 != _Debug -a _$2 != _Release ]; then
- echo "ERROR: Unknown release parameter "$2". Stop."
- return 3
- fi
- DEBUG=$2
- if [ _$3 = _ ]; then
- CFG="/ML"
- elif [ $3 = MT ]; then
- CFG="/MT"
- elif [ $3 = DLL ]; then
- CFG="/MD"
- else
- echo "ERROR: Unknown configuration "$3". Stop."
- return 3
- fi
- SFX="$3"
- # Our config is ${DEBUG}${SFX}. Compiler switch is ${CFG}.
- #
- if [ $DEBUG = Debug ]; then
- CFG="${CFG}d"
- fi
- # Init the sed script, which will make conversion.
- #
- cat /dev/null >/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- # First replace config name wherever appropriate.
- #
- for p in Release Debug ; do
- for q in DLL MT ; do
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# PROP / !s|$p$q|$p|g
- /^# PROP .*"[^ ]*$p$q[^ ]*"/ s|$p$q|$p|g
- done
- if [ $p != $DEBUG$SFX ]; then
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# PROP / !s|$p|$DEBUG$SFX|g
- /^# PROP .*"[^ ]*$p[^ ]*"/ s|$p|$DEBUG$SFX|g
- fi
- done
- # Replace debugging macro.
- #
- if [ $DEBUG = Debug ]; then
- echo 's|NDEBUG|_DEBUG|g' >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- else
- echo 's|_DEBUG|NDEBUG|g' >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- fi
- # Does the project use wxWindows (or is a part of wxWindows)?
- #
- if [ `grep -c '^# ADD .*CPP .*__WXDEBUG__' $1` != 0 -o
- `grep -c '^# ADD .*CPP .*__WXMSW__' $1` != 0 -o
- `grep -c '^# ADD .*CPP .*WX.\{2,3\}INGDLL' $1` != 0 ]; then
- GUI="wxwin"
- # Flag proper macros for DLL mode.
- #
- if [ _$SFX = _DLL ]; then
- if [ `grep -c '^# ADD .*CPP .*/D *["]\{0,1\}WXMAKINGDLL=*[0-9]*["]\{0,1\}' $1` != 0 ]; then
- else
- fi
- else
- WXDLL=""
- fi
- # Is this an FLTK-dependent project?
- #
- elif [ `grep -c '^# ADD .*LINK32 .*fltk[a-z]*[.]lib' $1` != 0 ]; then
- GUI="fltk"
- else
- GUI=""
- fi
- # Either replace with hooks, or just remove the compiler switches,
- # which may be configuration-dependent or inconsistent.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# ADD .*CPP / {
- s| */O[0-9A-Za-z]*| @O|
- s| */O[0-9A-Za-z]*||g
- s| */Gm||g
- s| */GZ||g
- s| */FR||g
- s| */Fr||g
- s| */c| @c|
- s| */c||g
- s| */ZI| @Z|
- s| */ZI||g
- s| */Zi| @Z|
- s| */Zi||g
- s| */Z7| @Z|
- s| */Z7||g
- s| */D *"{0,1}DEBUG=*[0-9]*"{0,1}| @D|g
- # Remove some wxWindows macros, which are surely configuration-dependent.
- #
- if [ "$GUI" = "wxwin" ]; then
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- s| */D *["]\{0,1\}__WXDEBUG__=*[0-9]*["]\{0,1\}||g
- s| */D *["]\{0,1\}WXUSINGDLL=*[0-9]*["]\{0,1\}||g
- s| */D *["]\{0,1\}WXMAKINGDLL=*[0-9]*["]\{0,1\}||g
- fi
- # Clear the linker debug option.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- }
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 / s| */debug||g
- # When requested, remove include/library paths, which refer to DIZZY.
- #
- if [ "$dizzy" = "no" ]; then
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# ADD .*CPP / s| */I *["]\{0,1\}\\\\[Dd][Ii][Zz][Zz][Yy]\\[^ ]*||g
- /^# ADD .*RSC / s| */i *["]\{0,1\}\\\\[Dd][Ii][Zz][Zz][Yy]\\[^ ]*||g
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 / s| */libpath:["]\{0,1\}\\\\[Dd][Ii][Zz][Zz][Yy]\\[^ ]*||g
- fi
- # Configuration-dependent changes: replace hooks and
- # add more compiler options where appropriate.
- #
- if [ $DEBUG = Debug ]; then
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# PROP / s| *Use_Debug_Libraries *0| Use_Debug_Libraries 1|
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 / {
- s| */pdb:[^ ]*||g
- s|/mach|/pdb:none /debug &|
- }
- /^# ADD .*CPP / {
- s|@O|/Od|
- s|@Z|/Z7|
- s| @Z||g
- s|/W[^ ]*|& /Gm|
- s|@c|/GZ /c|
- s|@D|/D "DEBUG=1"|
- s| @D||g
- else
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# PROP / s| *Use_Debug_Libraries *1| Use_Debug_Libraries 0|
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 / s| */pdbtype[^ ]*||g
- /^# ADD .*CPP / {
- s|@O|/O2|
- s| @Z||g
- s|@c|/c|
- s| @D||g
- fi
- # Now replace the code generation switch.
- #
- for p in "/MD" "/ML" "/MT" ; do
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- s| *${p}d| $p|g
- s| $p| @C|g
- done
- # Finish with code generation switch, and then make sure
- # that incremental linking is on except for wxWindows DLLs (slow).
- #
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- t cfgrst
- :cfgrst
- s|@C|$CFG|
- t cfgokay
- s|/nologo|& $CFG|
- t cfgokay
- s| CPP|& $CFG|
- :cfgokay
- s| @C||g
- }
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 / s| */incremental[:yesno]*||g
- if [ `grep -c '^# ADD .*LINK32 .*/dll' $1` = 0 ]; then
- INCRLNK='yes'
- elif [ -n "$GUI" -a `echo "$WXDLL" | grep -c '^# ADD .*CPP .*WXMAKINGDLL'` != 0 ]; then
- INCRLNK='no'
- else
- fi
- test "$INCRLNK" = "yes" -a $DEBUG != Debug && INCRLNK='no'
- if [ -n "$INCRLNK" ]; then
- echo "/^# ADD .*LINK32 / s|/nologo|& /incremental:$INCRLNK|" >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- fi
- # wxWindows-specific changes from now on.
- #
- if [ "$GUI" = "wxwin" ]; then
- # Define __WXDEBUG__ for debug configs.
- #
- if [ $DEBUG = Debug ]; then
- WXDEBUG='/D "__WXDEBUG__=1"'
- else
- fi
- # ${WX} is to be added to compiler options.
- #
- if [ -n "$WX" ]; then
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# ADD .*CPP / {
- t reset
- :reset
- s|/Y|$WX &|
- t success
- s|/D|$WX &|
- t success
- s|/c|$WX &|
- t success
- s| *$| $WX|
- :success
- }
- fi
- # Enforce /subsystem:windows.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 / s|/subsystem:[A-Za-z]*|@s|g
- /^# ADD LINK32 / {
- t wxlrst
- :wxlrst
- s|@s|/subsystem:windows|
- t wxlcnt
- s|/nologo|& /subsystem:windows|
- t wxlcnt
- s|$| /subsystem:windows|
- :wxlcnt
- }
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 / s| *@s||g
- # Take care of libraries: remove all wxWindows ones
- #
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 .*wx[dl]\{0,1\}[.]lib/ {
- s/ *jpegd\{0,1\}[.]lib//g
- s/ *pngd\{0,1\}[.]lib//g
- s/ *tiffd\{0,1\}[.]lib//g
- s/ *xpmd\{0,1\}[.]lib//g
- s/ *zlibd\{0,1\}[.]lib//g
- s/ *wx[dl]\{0,1\}[.]lib/ @wx/g
- # Insert them back but with correct names (which we use).
- # Note that in DLL mode only one (import) library has to be included.
- # The note above was true formely; now images libs are all static.
- #
- #if [ _$SFX != _DLL ]; then
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- s/@wx/jpeg.lib png.lib tiff.lib zlib.lib wx.lib/
- #else
- # cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- # s/@wx/wx.lib/
- # EOF
- #fi
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- s/ @wx//g
- }
- fi
- # FLTK specific changes from now on
- #
- if [ "$GUI" = "fltk" ]; then
- # Enforce /subsystem:windows.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 / s|/subsystem:[A-Za-z]*|@s|g
- /^# ADD LINK32 / {
- t fllrst
- :fllrst
- s|@s|/subsystem:windows|
- t fllcnt
- s|/nologo|& /subsystem:windows|
- t fllcnt
- s|$| /subsystem:windows|
- :fllcnt
- }
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 / s| *@s||g
- # Take care of libraries: remove all FLTK ones
- #
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- /^# ADD .*LINK32 * fltk[a-z]*[.]lib/ {
- s/ *fltk[a-z]*[.]lib/ @fltk/g
- # Insert them back but with correct names (which we use).
- # Note that in DLL mode only one (import) library has to be included.
- #
- #if [ _$SFX != _DLL ]; then
- # cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- # s/@fltk/fltkforms.lib fltkimages.lib fltkgl.lib fltk.lib/
- # EOF
- #else
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- s/@fltk/fltkdll.lib/
- #fi
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- s/ @fltk//g
- }
- fi
- # Print name of configuration, which was created, and run the script.
- #
- echo "${DEBUG}${SFX}" ${GUI:+"("$GUI")"}
- sed -f /tmp/$$_cmd.sed $1 >/tmp/$$_new
- cp -f /tmp/$$_new $1
- rm -f /tmp/$$_cmd.sed /tmp/$$_new
- return 0
- }
- configcb()
- {
- cat /dev/null >/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- # First replace config name wherever appropriate.
- #
- for p in Release Debug ; do
- for q in DLL MT ; do
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- s|$p *$q|$p|g
- done
- if [ $p != $2$3 ]; then
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- s|$p|$2$3|g
- fi
- done
- sed -f /tmp/$$_cmd.sed $1
- rm -f /tmp/$$_cmd.sed
- }
- usage() {
- echo 'Automatic multi config for Microsoft Visual C++ Project File V 6.0'
- echo 'Usage:'
- echo `basename $0` '[--without-dizzy] filename'
- exit 1
- }
- if [ _$1 = _--without-dizzy ]; then
- without_dizzy="$1"
- shift
- else
- without_dizzy=""
- fi
- if [ _$1 = _ ]; then
- usage
- elif [ ! -f $1 ]; then
- echo "ERROR: File "$1" must exist. Stop."
- exit 3
- fi
- if [ _$2 != _ ]; then
- if [ $2 != 4 -a $2 != 3 -a $2 != 2 ]; then
- echo "ERROR: Unknown special parameter "$2". Stop."
- exit 3
- fi
- if [ $2 = 2 ]; then
- elif [ $2 = 3 ]; then
- else
- fi
- else
- fi
- file=/tmp/$$_file
- # DOS-2-UNIX conversion (shouldn't be here, but just in case for sanity).
- #
- sed -e 's/
*$//' $1 >$file
- # Check signature.
- #
- cat <<-"EOF" >/tmp/$$_genusign
- # Microsoft Developer Studio Project File
- # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
- # ** DO NOT EDIT **
- cat /dev/null >/tmp/$$_filesign
- head -1 $file | sed -e 's/ -.*//' >>/tmp/$$_filesign
- head -3 $file | tail +2 >>/tmp/$$_filesign
- head -5 $file | tail +4 | sed -e 's/ *".*$//' >>/tmp/$$_filesign
- diff /tmp/$$_filesign /tmp/$$_genusign >/dev/null 2>&1
- exit=$?
- rm -f /tmp/$$_filesign /tmp/$$_genusign
- if [ $exit != 0 ]; then
- echo "ERROR: $1 doesn't look like MSVC++ Project File. Stop."
- rm -f $file
- exit 2
- fi
- # Extract configuration part of the project file and count configurations.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_.sed
- /^!IF /,/^!ENDIF/ {
- /^!ENDIF/ q
- p
- }
- d
- NCFG=`sed -n -f /tmp/$$_.sed $file | egrep -c '^[!ELS]+IF '`
- rm -f /tmp/$$_.sed
- if [ $NCFG -gt 1 ]; then
- echo "ERROR: $1 contains more than one configuration ($NCFG). Stop."
- rm -f $file
- exit 2
- fi
- # Check for per-config dependencies, and warn if any.
- #
- DEP=`grep -c '^# PROP *AllowPerConfigDependencies *1' $file`
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_prop.sed
- /^# Begin Target/,$ p
- d
- sed -n -f /tmp/$$_prop.sed $file | grep '^!IF ' >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $DEP != 0 -a $? = 0 ]; then
- echo "WARNING: $1 contains per-configuration dependencies,"
- echo 'which may or may not be handled correctly by this script.'
- fi
- rm -f /tmp/$$_prop.sed
- # Extract beginning of the file.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_head.sed
- /^!MESSAGE "/ {
- w /tmp/$$_cmp
- q
- }
- p
- d
- sed -n -f /tmp/$$_head.sed $file >/tmp/$$_head
- rm -f /tmp/$$_head.sed
- config /tmp/$$_head Release `echo $CFGSET | sed -e 's| .*||'` >/dev/null 2>&1
- sed -e 's/ "/ %/' -e 's/" /% /' /tmp/$$_cmp >/tmp/$$_comp
- mv /tmp/$$_comp /tmp/$$_cmp
- # Extract the middle part.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_mid.sed
- /^# Begin Project/,/^!IF / {
- /^# PROP *AllowPerConfigDependencies / s/ *1/ 0/
- /^!IF / q
- /^# PROP BASE / {
- i\
- q
- }
- p
- }
- d
- sed -n -f /tmp/$$_mid.sed $file >/tmp/$$_mid
- rm -f /tmp/$$_mid.sed
- # Now extract configuration-dependent part, and make required configs.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_cut.sed
- /^!IF /,/^!E/ {
- s/^!ELSEIF .*$/!ENDIF /
- H
- }
- /^!ENDIF/ {
- x
- q
- }
- d
- sed -n -f /tmp/$$_cut.sed $file >/tmp/$$_cfgtmpl
- if [ ! -s /tmp/$$_cfgtmpl ]; then
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_cut.sed
- /^# PROP BASE /,/^# Begin Target/ {
- /# Begin Target/ q
- p
- }
- d
- echo "!IF "$(CFG)" == "`sed -e 's/^.* %//' -e 's/% .*$//' /tmp/$$_cmp`"" >/tmp/$$_cfgtmpl
- echo >>/tmp/$$_cfgtmpl
- sed -n -f /tmp/$$_cut.sed $file >>/tmp/$$_cfgtmpl
- echo >>/tmp/$$_cfgtmpl
- echo '!ENDIF ' >>/tmp/$$_cfgtmpl
- fi
- rm -f /tmp/$$_cut.sed
- cat /dev/null >/tmp/$$_title
- cat /dev/null >/tmp/$$_cfg
- cat /dev/null >/tmp/$$_message
- for i in Release Debug ; do
- for j in $CFGSET ; do
- if [ $j = '""' ]; then
- j=""
- fi
- cp /tmp/$$_cfgtmpl /tmp/$$_cfg_$i$j
- config $without_dizzy /tmp/$$_cfg_$i$j $i $j >>/tmp/$$_message
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- tail -1 /tmp/$$_message
- rm -f /tmp/$$_*
- exit 3
- fi
- grep '^!IF ' /tmp/$$_cfg_$i$j >>/tmp/$$_title
- cat /tmp/$$_cfg_$i$j >>/tmp/$$_cfg
- rm -f /tmp/$$_cfg_$i$j
- done
- done
- echo "${1}:" `cat /tmp/$$_message`
- rm -f /tmp/$$_cfgtmpl /tmp/$$_message
- # Summarize configurations in the header and tail parts of the project.
- #
- sed -e 's/^!IF.*CFG)" == //' -e 'y/ "/~%/' /tmp/$$_title >/tmp/$$_tlt
- mv /tmp/$$_tlt /tmp/$$_title
- cat /dev/null >/tmp/$$_msg
- cat /dev/null >/tmp/$$_name
- for i in `cat /tmp/$$_title` ; do
- sed -e "s/ %.*% / $i /" -e 'y/~%/ "/' /tmp/$$_cmp >>/tmp/$$_msg
- echo "# Name $i" | tr '~%' ' "' >>/tmp/$$_name
- done
- sed -e 's/ .*$/ /' /tmp/$$_cmp >>/tmp/$$_msg
- echo >>/tmp/$$_msg
- rm -f /tmp/$$_title
- # Extract the tail part and modify name list on-the-fly.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_tail.sed
- /^# Begin Target/,/^# End Project/ {
- /^# Name / {
- r /tmp/$$_name
- d
- }
- /^!IF /,/^!ENDIF/ d
- p
- }
- d
- sed -n -f /tmp/$$_tail.sed $file >/tmp/$$_tail
- rm -f /tmp/$$_tail.sed /tmp/$$_name $file
- # Glue all parts but the tail.
- #
- cat /tmp/$$_head /tmp/$$_msg /tmp/$$_mid /tmp/$$_cfg >/tmp/$$_newhead
- mv /tmp/$$_newhead /tmp/$$_head
- rm -f /tmp/$$_msg /tmp/$$_mid /tmp/$$_cfg
- # Replace ENDIF..IF with ELSEIF.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_elseif.sed
- /^!ENDIF/,/^!IF / {
- s/^!IF /!ELSEIF /
- /^!ELSEIF / !d
- }
- sed -f /tmp/$$_elseif.sed /tmp/$$_head >/tmp/$$_newhead
- rm -f /tmp/$$_elseif.sed
- mv /tmp/$$_newhead /tmp/$$_head
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_head
- grep '^SOURCE=' $1 | sed 's/^SOURCE=//;s/[\]/\\/g;s/[.]/[.]/g' >/tmp/$$_flist
- for i in `cat /tmp/$$_flist | sed 's/[[]//g;s/]//g'`; do
- file="/tmp/$$_`echo $i | sed 's/[./\]/_/g'`"
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_cbext.sed
- /^SOURCE=$i$/,/^SOURCE=/ {
- /^SOURCE=$i$/ d
- /^[#] End Source File/ !H
- /^!ENDIF/ {
- x
- q
- }
- /^[#] End Custom Build/ {
- x
- q
- }
- d
- }
- d
- sed -f /tmp/$$_cbext.sed $1 >$file
- done
- rm -f /tmp/$$_cbext.sed
- cat /dev/null >/tmp/$$_cb.sed
- for k in `cat /tmp/$$_flist | sed 's/[[]//g;s/]//g'`; do
- file="/tmp/$$_`echo $k | sed 's/[./\]/_/g'`"
- test -s $file || continue
- if [ `readfirstln $file | grep -c '^[!]'` = 0 ]; then
- echo "!IF "$(CFG)" == "`sed -e 's/^.* %//' -e 's/% .*$//' /tmp/$$_cmp`"" >$file.1
- echo >>$file.1
- cat $file >>$file.1
- echo >>$file.1
- echo '!ENDIF ' >>$file.1
- mv $file.1 $file
- fi
- cat /dev/null >$
- for i in Release Debug ; do
- for j in $CFGSET ; do
- if [ $j = '""' ]; then
- j=""
- fi
- configcb $file $i $j >>$
- done
- done
- echo >$file
- # Replace ENDIF..IF with ELSEIF.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_elseif.sed
- /^!ENDIF/,/^!IF / {
- s/^!IF /!ELSEIF /
- /^!ELSEIF / !d
- }
- sed -f /tmp/$$_elseif.sed $ >>$file
- rm -f /tmp/$$_elseif.sed $
- cat <<-EOF >>$file
- cat <<-EOF >>/tmp/$$_cb.sed
- /^SOURCE=$k$/,/^[#] End Source File/ {
- /^SOURCE=$k$/ {
- p
- r $file
- d
- }
- /^[#] End Source File/ p
- d
- }
- done
- sed -f /tmp/$$_cb.sed /tmp/$$_tail >/tmp/$$_tail.1
- # Final catenation of results to a single project file.
- #
- cat /tmp/$$_head /tmp/$$_tail.1 >/tmp/$$_proj
- rm -f /tmp/$$_cmp /tmp/$$_head /tmp/$$_tail /tmp/$$_tail.1 /tmp/$$_cb.sed
- for i in `cat /tmp/$$_flist | sed 's/[[]//g;s/]//g'`; do
- file="/tmp/$$_`echo $i | sed 's/[./\]/_/g'`"
- rm -f $file
- done
- rm -f /tmp/$$_flist
- # Remove consequent empty lines (could occur earlier in substitutions)
- # and replace original project file (backup kept in .bak).
- # Make the output file to be a DOS (CR/LF) text file.
- #
- cat <<-EOF >/tmp/$$_pretty.sed
- /./ {
- p
- d
- }
- /^$/ p
- :Empty
- /^$/ {
- N
- s/.//
- b Empty
- }
- p
- mv $1 $1.bak
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin
- doser='sed -e s/$/
- if [ `echo $OSTYPE 2>&1 | grep -c -i cygwin` -ge 1 -o
- `echo $MACHTYPE 2>&1 | grep -c -i cygwin` -ge 1 -o
- `mount 2>&1 | grep -c -i cygwin` -ge 1 ]; then
- echo >$1
- test "`ls -l $1 | tr 't' ' ' | sed 's/ */ /g' | cut -f5 -d' '`" != "1" &&
- doser='sed -n p'
- fi
- sed -n -f /tmp/$$_pretty.sed /tmp/$$_proj | $doser >$1
- rm -f /tmp/$$_pretty.sed /tmp/$$_proj
- touch -r $1.bak $1
- exit 0
- #
- # ===========================================================================
- # PRODUCTION $Log:,v $
- # PRODUCTION Revision 1000.0 2003/10/29 14:25:04 gouriano
- # ===========================================================================
- #