- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: proj_tree_builder.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.3 2004/06/16 17:02:39 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: proj_tree_builder.cpp,v 1000.3 2004/06/16 17:02:39 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Viatcheslav Gorelenkov
- *
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/proj_tree_builder.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/proj_builder_app.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/proj_src_resolver.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/msvc_prj_defines.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/proj_projects.hpp>
- struct PLibExclude
- {
- PLibExclude(const list<string>& excluded_lib_ids)
- {
- copy(excluded_lib_ids.begin(), excluded_lib_ids.end(),
- inserter(m_ExcludedLib, m_ExcludedLib.end()) );
- }
- bool operator() (const string& lib_id) const
- {
- return m_ExcludedLib.find(lib_id) != m_ExcludedLib.end();
- }
- private:
- set<string> m_ExcludedLib;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CProjItem::TProjType SMakeProjectT::GetProjType(const string& base_dir,
- const string& projname)
- {
- string fname = "Makefile." + projname;
- if ( CDirEntry(CDirEntry::ConcatPath
- (base_dir, fname + ".lib")).Exists() )
- return CProjKey::eLib;
- else if (CDirEntry(CDirEntry::ConcatPath
- (base_dir, fname + ".app")).Exists() )
- return CProjKey::eApp;
- else if (CDirEntry(CDirEntry::ConcatPath
- (base_dir, fname + ".msvcproj")).Exists() )
- return CProjKey::eMsvc;
- LOG_POST(Error << "No .lib or .app projects for : " + projname +
- " in directory: " + base_dir);
- return CProjKey::eNoProj;
- }
- bool SMakeProjectT::IsMakeInFile(const string& name)
- {
- return name == "";
- }
- bool SMakeProjectT::IsMakeLibFile(const string& name)
- {
- return NStr::StartsWith(name, "Makefile") &&
- NStr::EndsWith(name, ".lib");
- }
- bool SMakeProjectT::IsMakeAppFile(const string& name)
- {
- return NStr::StartsWith(name, "Makefile") &&
- NStr::EndsWith(name, ".app");
- }
- bool SMakeProjectT::IsUserProjFile(const string& name)
- {
- return NStr::StartsWith(name, "Makefile") &&
- NStr::EndsWith(name, ".msvcproj");
- }
- void SMakeProjectT::DoResolveDefs(CSymResolver& resolver,
- TFiles& files,
- const set<string>& keys)
- {
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(CProjectTreeBuilder::TFiles, p, files) {
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(CSimpleMakeFileContents::TContents,
- n,
- p->second.m_Contents) {
- const string& key = n->first;
- list<string>& values = n->second;
- if (keys.find(key) != keys.end()) {
- list<string> new_vals;
- bool modified = false;
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(list<string>, k, values) {
- //iterate all values and try to resolve
- const string& val = *k;
- if( !CSymResolver::IsDefine(val) ) {
- new_vals.push_back(val);
- } else {
- list<string> resolved_def;
- string val_define = FilterDefine(val);
- resolver.Resolve(val_define, &resolved_def);
- if ( resolved_def.empty() )
- new_vals.push_back(val); //not resolved - keep old val
- else {
- //was resolved
- ITERATE(list<string>, l, resolved_def) {
- const string& define = *l;
- if ( IsConfigurableDefine(define) ) {
- string resolved_def_str =
- GetApp().GetSite().ResolveDefine
- (StripConfigurableDefine
- (define));
- if ( !resolved_def_str.empty() ) {
- list<string> resolved_defs;
- NStr::Split(resolved_def_str,
- resolved_defs);
- copy(resolved_defs.begin(),
- resolved_defs.end(),
- back_inserter(new_vals));
- } else {
- new_vals.push_back(define);
- }
- } else {
- new_vals.push_back(define);
- }
- }
- modified = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (modified)
- values = new_vals; // by ref!
- }
- }
- }
- }
- string SMakeProjectT::GetOneIncludeDir(const string& flag, const string& token)
- {
- size_t token_pos = flag.find(token);
- if (token_pos != NPOS &&
- token_pos + token.length() < flag.length()) {
- return flag.substr(token_pos + token.length());
- }
- return "";
- }
- void SMakeProjectT::CreateIncludeDirs(const list<string>& cpp_flags,
- const string& source_base_dir,
- list<string>* include_dirs)
- {
- include_dirs->clear();
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, cpp_flags) {
- const string& flag = *p;
- const string token("-I$(includedir)");
- // process -I$(includedir)
- string token_val;
- token_val = SMakeProjectT::GetOneIncludeDir(flag, "-I$(includedir)");
- if ( !token_val.empty() ) {
- string dir =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Include,
- token_val);
- dir = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(dir);
- dir = CDirEntry::AddTrailingPathSeparator(dir);
- include_dirs->push_back(dir);
- }
- // process -I$(srcdir)
- token_val = SMakeProjectT::GetOneIncludeDir(flag, "-I$(srcdir)");
- if ( !token_val.empty() ) {
- string dir =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(source_base_dir,
- token_val);
- dir = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(dir);
- dir = CDirEntry::AddTrailingPathSeparator(dir);
- include_dirs->push_back(dir);
- }
- // process defines like NCBI_C_INCLUDE
- if(CSymResolver::IsDefine(flag)) {
- string dir = GetApp().GetSite().ResolveDefine
- (CSymResolver::StripDefine(flag));
- if ( !dir.empty() && CDirEntry(dir).IsDir() ) {
- include_dirs->push_back(dir);
- }
- }
- // process additional include dirs for LibChoices
- if(CSymResolver::IsDefine(flag)) {
- string sflag = CSymResolver::StripDefine(flag);
- list<string> libchoices_abs_includes ;
- GetApp().GetSite().GetLibChoiceIncludes(sflag,
- &libchoices_abs_includes);
- ITERATE(list<string>, n, libchoices_abs_includes) {
- const string& dir = *n;
- if ( !dir.empty() && CDirEntry(dir).IsDir() ) {
- include_dirs->push_back(dir);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- include_dirs->sort();
- include_dirs->unique();
- }
- void SMakeProjectT::CreateDefines(const list<string>& cpp_flags,
- list<string>* defines)
- {
- defines->clear();
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, cpp_flags) {
- const string& flag = *p;
- if ( NStr::StartsWith(flag, "-D") ) {
- defines->push_back(flag.substr(2));
- }
- }
- }
- void SMakeProjectT::Create3PartyLibs(const list<string>& libs_flags,
- list<string>* libs_list)
- {
- libs_list->clear();
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, libs_flags) {
- const string& flag = *p;
- if ( IsConfigurableDefine(flag) ) {
- libs_list->push_back(StripConfigurableDefine(flag));
- }
- }
- }
- void SMakeProjectT::AnalyzeMakeIn
- (const CSimpleMakeFileContents& makein_contents,
- TMakeInInfoList* info)
- {
- info->clear();
- CSimpleMakeFileContents::TContents::const_iterator p =
- makein_contents.m_Contents.find("LIB_PROJ");
- if (p != makein_contents.m_Contents.end()) {
- info->push_back(SMakeInInfo(SMakeInInfo::eLib, p->second));
- }
- p = makein_contents.m_Contents.find("APP_PROJ");
- if (p != makein_contents.m_Contents.end()) {
- info->push_back(SMakeInInfo(SMakeInInfo::eApp, p->second));
- }
- p = makein_contents.m_Contents.find("ASN_PROJ");
- if (p != makein_contents.m_Contents.end()) {
- info->push_back(SMakeInInfo(SMakeInInfo::eAsn, p->second));
- }
- p = makein_contents.m_Contents.find("MSVC_PROJ");
- if (p != makein_contents.m_Contents.end()) {
- info->push_back(SMakeInInfo(SMakeInInfo::eMsvc, p->second));
- }
- }
- string SMakeProjectT::CreateMakeAppLibFileName
- (const string& base_dir,
- const string& projname)
- {
- CProjItem::TProjType proj_type =
- SMakeProjectT::GetProjType(base_dir, projname);
- string fname = "Makefile." + projname;
- if (proj_type==CProjKey::eLib)
- return fname + ".lib";
- if (proj_type==CProjKey::eApp)
- return fname + ".app";
- if (proj_type==CProjKey::eMsvc)
- return fname + ".msvcproj";
- return "";
- }
- void SMakeProjectT::CreateFullPathes(const string& dir,
- const list<string> files,
- list<string>* full_pathes)
- {
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, files) {
- string full_path = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(dir, *p);
- full_pathes->push_back(full_path);
- }
- }
- void SMakeProjectT::ConvertLibDepends(const list<string>& depends_libs,
- list<CProjKey>* depends_ids)
- {
- depends_ids->clear();
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, depends_libs)
- {
- const string& id = *p;
- depends_ids->push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eLib, id));
- }
- }
- bool SMakeProjectT::IsConfigurableDefine(const string& define)
- {
- return NStr::StartsWith(define, "@") &&
- NStr::EndsWith (define, "@");
- }
- string SMakeProjectT::StripConfigurableDefine(const string& define)
- {
- return IsConfigurableDefine(define) ?
- define.substr(1, define.length() - 2): "";
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SAppProjectT::CreateNcbiCToolkitLibs(const CSimpleMakeFileContents& makefile,
- list<string>* libs_list)
- {
- CSimpleMakeFileContents::TContents::const_iterator k =
- makefile.m_Contents.find("NCBI_C_LIBS");
- if (k == makefile.m_Contents.end()) {
- return;
- }
- const list<string>& values = k->second;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, values) {
- const string& val = *p;
- if ( NStr::StartsWith(val, "-l") ) {
- string lib_id = val.substr(2);
- libs_list->push_back(lib_id);
- } else {
- libs_list->push_back(val);
- }
- }
- libs_list->sort();
- libs_list->unique();
- }
- CProjKey SAppProjectT::DoCreate(const string& source_base_dir,
- const string& proj_name,
- const string& applib_mfilepath,
- const TFiles& makeapp ,
- CProjectItemsTree* tree)
- {
- CProjectItemsTree::TFiles::const_iterator m = makeapp.find(applib_mfilepath);
- if (m == makeapp.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Info << "No Makefile.*.app for :"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- const CSimpleMakeFileContents& makefile = m->second;
- CSimpleMakeFileContents::TContents::const_iterator k =
- makefile.m_Contents.find("SRC");
- if (k == makefile.m_Contents.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Warning << "No SRC key in Makefile.*.app :"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- //sources - relative pathes from source_base_dir
- //We'll create relative pathes from them
- CProjSRCResolver src_resolver(applib_mfilepath,
- source_base_dir, k->second);
- list<string> sources;
- src_resolver.ResolveTo(&sources);
- //depends
- list<string> depends;
- k = makefile.m_Contents.find("LIB");
- if (k != makefile.m_Contents.end())
- depends = k->second;
- //Adjust depends by information from msvc Makefile
- CMsvcProjectMakefile project_makefile
- ((CDirEntry::ConcatPath
- (source_base_dir,
- CreateMsvcProjectMakefileName(proj_name,
- CProjKey::eApp))));
- list<string> added_depends;
- project_makefile.GetAdditionalLIB(SConfigInfo(), &added_depends);
- list<string> excluded_depends;
- project_makefile.GetExcludedLIB(SConfigInfo(), &excluded_depends);
- list<string> adj_depends(depends);
- copy(added_depends.begin(),
- added_depends.end(), back_inserter(adj_depends));
- adj_depends.sort();
- adj_depends.unique();
- PLibExclude pred(excluded_depends);
- EraseIf(adj_depends, pred);
- list<CProjKey> depends_ids;
- SMakeProjectT::ConvertLibDepends(adj_depends, &depends_ids);
- ///////////////////////////////////
- //requires
- list<string> requires;
- k = makefile.m_Contents.find("REQUIRES");
- if (k != makefile.m_Contents.end())
- requires = k->second;
- //project name
- k = makefile.m_Contents.find("APP");
- if (k == makefile.m_Contents.end() ||
- k->second.empty()) {
- LOG_POST(Error << "No APP key or empty in Makefile.*.app :"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- string proj_id = k->second.front();
- //LIBS
- list<string> libs_3_party;
- k = makefile.m_Contents.find("LIBS");
- if (k != makefile.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string> libs_flags = k->second;
- SMakeProjectT::Create3PartyLibs(libs_flags, &libs_3_party);
- }
- list<string> include_dirs;
- list<string> defines;
- k = makefile.m_Contents.find("CPPFLAGS");
- if (k != makefile.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string> cpp_flags = k->second;
- SMakeProjectT::CreateIncludeDirs(cpp_flags,
- source_base_dir, &include_dirs);
- SMakeProjectT::CreateDefines(cpp_flags, &defines);
- }
- //NCBI_C_LIBS - Special case for NCBI C Toolkit
- k = makefile.m_Contents.find("NCBI_C_LIBS");
- list<string> ncbi_clibs;
- if (k != makefile.m_Contents.end()) {
- libs_3_party.push_back("NCBI_C_LIBS");
- CreateNcbiCToolkitLibs(makefile, &ncbi_clibs);
- }
- CProjItem project(CProjKey::eApp,
- proj_name,
- proj_id,
- source_base_dir,
- sources,
- depends_ids,
- requires,
- libs_3_party,
- include_dirs,
- defines);
- //
- project.m_NcbiCLibs = ncbi_clibs;
- k = makefile.m_Contents.find("DATATOOL_SRC");
- if ( k != makefile.m_Contents.end() ) {
- //Add depends from datatoool for ASN projects
- project.m_Depends.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eApp, GetApp().GetDatatoolId()));
- const list<string> datatool_src_list = k->second;
- ITERATE(list<string>, i, datatool_src_list) {
- const string& src = *i;
- //Will process .asn or .dtd files
- string source_file_path =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(source_base_dir, src);
- source_file_path = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(source_file_path);
- if ( CDirEntry(source_file_path + ".asn").Exists() )
- source_file_path += ".asn";
- else if ( CDirEntry(source_file_path + ".dtd").Exists() )
- source_file_path += ".dtd";
- CDataToolGeneratedSrc data_tool_src;
- CDataToolGeneratedSrc::LoadFrom(source_file_path, &data_tool_src);
- if ( !data_tool_src.IsEmpty() )
- project.m_DatatoolSources.push_back(data_tool_src);
- }
- }
- CProjKey proj_key(CProjKey::eApp, proj_id);
- tree->m_Projects[proj_key] = project;
- return proj_key;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CProjKey SLibProjectT::DoCreate(const string& source_base_dir,
- const string& proj_name,
- const string& applib_mfilepath,
- const TFiles& makelib ,
- CProjectItemsTree* tree)
- {
- TFiles::const_iterator m = makelib.find(applib_mfilepath);
- if (m == makelib.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Info << "No Makefile.*.lib for :"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- CSimpleMakeFileContents::TContents::const_iterator k =
- m->second.m_Contents.find("SRC");
- if (k == m->second.m_Contents.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Warning << "No SRC key in Makefile.*.lib :"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- // sources - relative pathes from source_base_dir
- // We'll create relative pathes from them)
- CProjSRCResolver src_resolver(applib_mfilepath,
- source_base_dir, k->second);
- list<string> sources;
- src_resolver.ResolveTo(&sources);
- // depends - TODO
- list<CProjKey> depends_ids;
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("ASN_DEP");
- if (k != m->second.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string> depends = k->second;
- SMakeProjectT::ConvertLibDepends(depends, &depends_ids);
- }
- //requires
- list<string> requires;
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("REQUIRES");
- if (k != m->second.m_Contents.end())
- requires = k->second;
- //project name
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("LIB");
- if (k == m->second.m_Contents.end() ||
- k->second.empty()) {
- LOG_POST(Error << "No LIB key or empty in Makefile.*.lib :"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- string proj_id = k->second.front();
- //LIBS
- list<string> libs_3_party;
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("LIBS");
- if (k != m->second.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string> libs_flags = k->second;
- SMakeProjectT::Create3PartyLibs(libs_flags, &libs_3_party);
- }
- list<string> include_dirs;
- list<string> defines;
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("CPPFLAGS");
- if (k != m->second.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string> cpp_flags = k->second;
- SMakeProjectT::CreateIncludeDirs(cpp_flags,
- source_base_dir, &include_dirs);
- SMakeProjectT::CreateDefines(cpp_flags, &defines);
- }
- CProjKey proj_key(CProjKey::eLib, proj_id);
- tree->m_Projects[proj_key] = CProjItem(CProjKey::eLib,
- proj_name,
- proj_id,
- source_base_dir,
- sources,
- depends_ids,
- requires,
- libs_3_party,
- include_dirs,
- defines);
- return proj_key;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CProjKey SAsnProjectT::DoCreate(const string& source_base_dir,
- const string& proj_name,
- const string& applib_mfilepath,
- const TFiles& makeapp,
- const TFiles& makelib,
- CProjectItemsTree* tree)
- {
- TAsnType asn_type = GetAsnProjectType(applib_mfilepath, makeapp, makelib);
- if (asn_type == eMultiple) {
- return SAsnProjectMultipleT::DoCreate(source_base_dir,
- proj_name,
- applib_mfilepath,
- makeapp,
- makelib,
- tree);
- }
- if(asn_type == eSingle) {
- return SAsnProjectSingleT::DoCreate(source_base_dir,
- proj_name,
- applib_mfilepath,
- makeapp,
- makelib,
- tree);
- }
- LOG_POST(Error << "Unsupported ASN project" + NStr::IntToString(asn_type));
- return CProjKey();
- }
- SAsnProjectT::TAsnType SAsnProjectT::GetAsnProjectType(const string& applib_mfilepath,
- const TFiles& makeapp,
- const TFiles& makelib)
- {
- TFiles::const_iterator p = makeapp.find(applib_mfilepath);
- if ( p != makeapp.end() ) {
- const CSimpleMakeFileContents& fc = p->second;
- if (fc.m_Contents.find("ASN") != fc.m_Contents.end() )
- return eMultiple;
- else
- return eSingle;
- }
- p = makelib.find(applib_mfilepath);
- if ( p != makelib.end() ) {
- const CSimpleMakeFileContents& fc = p->second;
- if (fc.m_Contents.find("ASN") != fc.m_Contents.end() )
- return eMultiple;
- else
- return eSingle;
- }
- LOG_POST(Error << "Can not define ASN project: " + applib_mfilepath);
- return eNoAsn;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CProjKey SAsnProjectSingleT::DoCreate(const string& source_base_dir,
- const string& proj_name,
- const string& applib_mfilepath,
- const TFiles& makeapp,
- const TFiles& makelib,
- CProjectItemsTree* tree)
- {
- CProjItem::TProjType proj_type =
- SMakeProjectT::GetProjType(source_base_dir, proj_name);
- CProjKey proj_id =
- proj_type == CProjKey::eLib?
- SLibProjectT::DoCreate(source_base_dir,
- proj_name, applib_mfilepath, makelib, tree) :
- SAppProjectT::DoCreate(source_base_dir,
- proj_name, applib_mfilepath, makeapp, tree);
- if ( proj_id.Id().empty() )
- return CProjKey();
- TProjects::iterator p = tree->m_Projects.find(proj_id);
- if (p == tree->m_Projects.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Error << "Can not find ASN project with id : " + proj_id.Id());
- return CProjKey();
- }
- CProjItem& project = p->second;
- //Add depends from datatoool for ASN projects
- project.m_Depends.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eApp,
- GetApp().GetDatatoolId()));
- //Will process .asn or .dtd files
- string source_file_path = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(source_base_dir, proj_name);
- if ( CDirEntry(source_file_path + ".asn").Exists() )
- source_file_path += ".asn";
- else if ( CDirEntry(source_file_path + ".dtd").Exists() )
- source_file_path += ".dtd";
- CDataToolGeneratedSrc data_tool_src;
- CDataToolGeneratedSrc::LoadFrom(source_file_path, &data_tool_src);
- if ( !data_tool_src.IsEmpty() )
- project.m_DatatoolSources.push_back(data_tool_src);
- return proj_id;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CProjKey SAsnProjectMultipleT::DoCreate(const string& source_base_dir,
- const string& proj_name,
- const string& applib_mfilepath,
- const TFiles& makeapp,
- const TFiles& makelib,
- CProjectItemsTree* tree)
- {
- CProjItem::TProjType proj_type =
- SMakeProjectT::GetProjType(source_base_dir, proj_name);
- const TFiles& makefile = proj_type == CProjKey::eLib? makelib : makeapp;
- TFiles::const_iterator m = makefile.find(applib_mfilepath);
- if (m == makefile.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Info << "No Makefile.*.lib/app for :"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- const CSimpleMakeFileContents& fc = m->second;
- // ASN
- CSimpleMakeFileContents::TContents::const_iterator k =
- fc.m_Contents.find("ASN");
- if (k == fc.m_Contents.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Error << "No ASN key in multiple ASN project:"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- const list<string> asn_names = k->second;
- string parent_dir_abs = ParentDir(source_base_dir);
- list<CDataToolGeneratedSrc> datatool_sources;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, asn_names) {
- const string& asn = *p;
- // one level up
- string asn_dir_abs = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(parent_dir_abs, asn);
- asn_dir_abs = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(asn_dir_abs);
- asn_dir_abs = CDirEntry::AddTrailingPathSeparator(asn_dir_abs);
- string asn_path_abs = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(asn_dir_abs, asn);
- if ( CDirEntry(asn_path_abs + ".asn").Exists() )
- asn_path_abs += ".asn";
- else if ( CDirEntry(asn_dir_abs + ".dtd").Exists() )
- asn_path_abs += ".dtd";
- CDataToolGeneratedSrc data_tool_src;
- CDataToolGeneratedSrc::LoadFrom(asn_path_abs, &data_tool_src);
- if ( !data_tool_src.IsEmpty() )
- datatool_sources.push_back(data_tool_src);
- }
- // SRC
- k = fc.m_Contents.find("SRC");
- if (k == fc.m_Contents.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Error << "No SRC key in multiple ASN project:"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- const list<string> src_list = k->second;
- list<string> sources;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, src_list) {
- const string& src = *p;
- if ( !CSymResolver::IsDefine(src) )
- sources.push_back(src);
- }
- CProjKey proj_id =
- proj_type == CProjKey::eLib?
- SLibProjectT::DoCreate(source_base_dir,
- proj_name, applib_mfilepath, makelib, tree) :
- SAppProjectT::DoCreate(source_base_dir,
- proj_name, applib_mfilepath, makeapp, tree);
- if ( proj_id.Id().empty() )
- return CProjKey();
- TProjects::iterator p = tree->m_Projects.find(proj_id);
- if (p == tree->m_Projects.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Error << "Can not find ASN project with id : " +proj_id.Id());
- return CProjKey();
- }
- CProjItem& project = p->second;
- // Adjust created proj item
- //SRC -
- project.m_Sources.clear();
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, src_list) {
- const string& src = *p;
- if ( !CSymResolver::IsDefine(src) )
- project.m_Sources.push_front(src);
- }
- project.m_Sources.push_back(proj_name + "__");
- project.m_Sources.push_back(proj_name + "___");
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, asn_names) {
- const string& asn = *p;
- if (asn == proj_name)
- continue;
- string src(1, CDirEntry::GetPathSeparator());
- src += "..";
- src += CDirEntry::GetPathSeparator();
- src += asn;
- src += CDirEntry::GetPathSeparator();
- src += asn;
- project.m_Sources.push_back(src + "__");
- project.m_Sources.push_back(src + "___");
- }
- project.m_DatatoolSources = datatool_sources;
- //Add depends from datatoool for ASN projects
- project.m_Depends.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eApp,
- GetApp().GetDatatoolId()));
- return proj_id;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CProjKey SMsvcProjectT::DoCreate(const string& source_base_dir,
- const string& proj_name,
- const string& applib_mfilepath,
- const TFiles& makemsvc,
- CProjectItemsTree* tree)
- {
- TFiles::const_iterator m = makemsvc.find(applib_mfilepath);
- if (m == makemsvc.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Info << "No User makefile.*.* for :"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- // VCPROJ - will map to src
- CSimpleMakeFileContents::TContents::const_iterator k =
- m->second.m_Contents.find("VCPROJ");
- if (k == m->second.m_Contents.end()) {
- LOG_POST(Warning << "No VCPROJ key in User Makefile.*.* :"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- list<string> sources = k->second;
- // depends -
- list<CProjKey> depends_ids;
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("LIB_DEP");
- if (k != m->second.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string> deps = k->second;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, deps) {
- depends_ids.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eLib, *p));
- }
- }
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("APP_DEP");
- if (k != m->second.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string> deps = k->second;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, deps) {
- depends_ids.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eApp, *p));
- }
- }
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("DLL_DEP");
- if (k != m->second.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string> deps = k->second;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, deps) {
- depends_ids.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll, *p));
- }
- }
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("MSVC_DEP");
- if (k != m->second.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string> deps = k->second;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, deps) {
- depends_ids.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eMsvc, *p));
- }
- }
- //requires
- list<string> requires;
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("REQUIRES");
- if (k != m->second.m_Contents.end())
- requires = k->second;
- //project id
- k = m->second.m_Contents.find("MSVC_PROJ");
- if (k == m->second.m_Contents.end() ||
- k->second.empty()) {
- LOG_POST(Error << "No LIB key or empty in Makefile.*.lib :"
- + applib_mfilepath);
- return CProjKey();
- }
- string proj_id = k->second.front();
- list<string> libs_3_party;
- list<string> include_dirs;
- list<string> defines;
- CProjKey proj_key(CProjKey::eMsvc, proj_id);
- tree->m_Projects[proj_key] = CProjItem(CProjKey::eMsvc,
- proj_name,
- proj_id,
- source_base_dir,
- sources,
- depends_ids,
- requires,
- libs_3_party,
- include_dirs,
- defines);
- return proj_key;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- CProjectTreeBuilder::BuildOneProjectTree(const IProjectFilter* filter,
- const string& root_src_path,
- CProjectItemsTree* tree)
- {
- SMakeFiles subtree_makefiles;
- ProcessDir(root_src_path,
- true,
- filter,
- &subtree_makefiles);
- // Resolve macrodefines
- list<string> metadata_files;
- GetApp().GetMetaDataFiles(&metadata_files);
- CSymResolver resolver;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, metadata_files) {
- resolver += CSymResolver(CDirEntry::ConcatPath(root_src_path, *p));
- }
- ResolveDefs(resolver, subtree_makefiles);
- // Build projects tree
- CProjectItemsTree::CreateFrom(root_src_path,
- subtree_makefiles.m_In,
- subtree_makefiles.m_Lib,
- subtree_makefiles.m_App,
- subtree_makefiles.m_User, tree);
- }
- void
- CProjectTreeBuilder::BuildProjectTree(const IProjectFilter* filter,
- const string& root_src_path,
- CProjectItemsTree* tree)
- {
- // Bulid subtree
- CProjectItemsTree target_tree;
- BuildOneProjectTree(filter, root_src_path, &target_tree);
- // Analyze subtree depends
- list<CProjKey> external_depends;
- target_tree.GetExternalDepends(&external_depends);
- // We have to add more projects to the target tree
- if ( !external_depends.empty() && !filter->PassAll() ) {
- list<CProjKey> depends_to_resolve = external_depends;
- while ( !depends_to_resolve.empty() ) {
- bool modified = false;
- ITERATE(list<CProjKey>, p, depends_to_resolve) {
- // id of project we have to resolve
- const CProjKey& prj_id = *p;
- CProjectItemsTree::TProjects::const_iterator n =
- GetApp().GetWholeTree().m_Projects.find(prj_id);
- if (n != GetApp().GetWholeTree().m_Projects.end()) {
- //insert this project to target_tree
- target_tree.m_Projects[prj_id] = n->second;
- modified = true;
- } else {
- LOG_POST (Error << "No project with id :" + prj_id.Id());
- }
- }
- if (!modified) {
- //we done - no more projects was added to target_tree
- AddDatatoolSourcesDepends(&target_tree);
- *tree = target_tree;
- return;
- } else {
- //continue resolving dependences
- target_tree.GetExternalDepends(&depends_to_resolve);
- }
- }
- }
- AddDatatoolSourcesDepends(&target_tree);
- *tree = target_tree;
- }
- void CProjectTreeBuilder::ProcessDir(const string& dir_name,
- bool is_root,
- const IProjectFilter* filter,
- SMakeFiles* makefiles)
- {
- #if 1
- // Do not collect makefile from root directory
- CDir dir(dir_name);
- CDir::TEntries contents = dir.GetEntries("*");
- ITERATE(CDir::TEntries, i, contents) {
- string name = (*i)->GetName();
- if ( name == "." || name == ".." ||
- name == string(1,CDir::GetPathSeparator()) ) {
- continue;
- }
- string path = (*i)->GetPath();
- if ( (*i)->IsFile() &&
- !is_root &&
- filter->CheckProject(CDirEntry(path).GetDir()) ) {
- if ( SMakeProjectT::IsMakeInFile(name) )
- ProcessMakeInFile(path, makefiles);
- else if ( SMakeProjectT::IsMakeLibFile(name) )
- ProcessMakeLibFile(path, makefiles);
- else if ( SMakeProjectT::IsMakeAppFile(name) )
- ProcessMakeAppFile(path, makefiles);
- else if ( SMakeProjectT::IsUserProjFile(name) )
- ProcessUserProjFile(path, makefiles);
- }
- else if ( (*i)->IsDir() ) {
- ProcessDir(path, false, filter, makefiles);
- }
- }
- #endif
- #if 0
- // Node - should present
- string node_path =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(dir_name,
- GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_TreeNode);
- if ( !CDirEntry(node_path).Exists() )
- return;
- bool process_projects = !is_root && filter->CheckProject(dir_name);
- // Process Makefile.*.lib
- if ( process_projects ) {
- CDir dir(dir_name);
- CDir::TEntries contents = dir.GetEntries("Makefile.*.lib");
- ITERATE(CDir::TEntries, p, contents) {
- const AutoPtr<CDirEntry>& dir_entry = *p;
- if ( SMakeProjectT::IsMakeLibFile(dir_entry->GetName()) )
- ProcessMakeLibFile(dir_entry->GetPath(), makefiles);
- }
- }
- // Process Makefile.*.app
- if ( process_projects ) {
- CDir dir(dir_name);
- CDir::TEntries contents = dir.GetEntries("Makefile.*.app");
- ITERATE(CDir::TEntries, p, contents) {
- const AutoPtr<CDirEntry>& dir_entry = *p;
- if ( SMakeProjectT::IsMakeAppFile(dir_entry->GetName()) )
- ProcessMakeAppFile(dir_entry->GetPath(), makefiles);
- }
- }
- // Process Makefile.*.msvcproj
- if ( process_projects ) {
- CDir dir(dir_name);
- CDir::TEntries contents = dir.GetEntries("Makefile.*.msvcproj");
- ITERATE(CDir::TEntries, p, contents) {
- const AutoPtr<CDirEntry>& dir_entry = *p;
- if ( SMakeProjectT::IsUserProjFile(dir_entry->GetName()) )
- ProcessUserProjFile(dir_entry->GetPath(), makefiles);
- }
- }
- // Process
- list<string> subprojects;
- if ( process_projects ) {
- ProcessMakeInFile(node_path, makefiles);
- TFiles::const_iterator p = makefiles->m_In.find(node_path);
- const CSimpleMakeFileContents& makefile = p->second;
- //
- CSimpleMakeFileContents::TContents::const_iterator k =
- makefile.m_Contents.find("SUB_PROJ");
- if (k != makefile.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string>& values = k->second;
- copy(values.begin(),
- values.end(),
- back_inserter(subprojects));
- }
- k = makefile.m_Contents.find("EXPENDABLE_SUB_PROJ");
- if (k != makefile.m_Contents.end()) {
- const list<string>& values = k->second;
- copy(values.begin(),
- values.end(),
- back_inserter(subprojects));
- }
- }
- subprojects.sort();
- subprojects.unique();
- // Convert subprojects to subdirs
- list<string> subprojects_dirs;
- if ( is_root ) {
- // for root node we'll take all subdirs
- CDir dir(dir_name);
- CDir::TEntries contents = dir.GetEntries("*");
- ITERATE(CDir::TEntries, p, contents) {
- const AutoPtr<CDirEntry>& dir_entry = *p;
- string name = dir_entry->GetName();
- if ( name == "." || name == ".." ||
- name == string(1,CDir::GetPathSeparator()) ) {
- continue;
- }
- if ( dir_entry->IsDir() ) {
- subprojects_dirs.push_back(dir_entry->GetPath());
- }
- }
- } else {
- // for non-root only subprojects
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, subprojects) {
- const string& subproject = *p;
- string subproject_dir =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(dir_name, subproject);
- subprojects_dirs.push_back(subproject_dir);
- }
- }
- // Process subproj ( e.t. subdirs )
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, subprojects_dirs) {
- const string& subproject_dir = *p;
- ProcessDir(subproject_dir, false, filter, makefiles);
- }
- #endif
- }
- void CProjectTreeBuilder::ProcessMakeInFile(const string& file_name,
- SMakeFiles* makefiles)
- {
- LOG_POST(Info << "Processing MakeIn: " + file_name);
- CSimpleMakeFileContents fc(file_name);
- if ( !fc.m_Contents.empty() )
- makefiles->m_In[file_name] = fc;
- }
- void CProjectTreeBuilder::ProcessMakeLibFile(const string& file_name,
- SMakeFiles* makefiles)
- {
- LOG_POST(Info << "Processing MakeLib: " + file_name);
- CSimpleMakeFileContents fc(file_name);
- if ( !fc.m_Contents.empty() )
- makefiles->m_Lib[file_name] = fc;
- }
- void CProjectTreeBuilder::ProcessMakeAppFile(const string& file_name,
- SMakeFiles* makefiles)
- {
- LOG_POST(Info << "Processing MakeApp: " + file_name);
- CSimpleMakeFileContents fc(file_name);
- if ( !fc.m_Contents.empty() )
- makefiles->m_App[file_name] = fc;
- }
- void CProjectTreeBuilder::ProcessUserProjFile(const string& file_name,
- SMakeFiles* makefiles)
- {
- LOG_POST(Info << "Processing MakeApp: " + file_name);
- CSimpleMakeFileContents fc(file_name);
- if ( !fc.m_Contents.empty() )
- makefiles->m_User[file_name] = fc;
- }
- //recursive resolving
- void CProjectTreeBuilder::ResolveDefs(CSymResolver& resolver,
- SMakeFiles& makefiles)
- {
- {{
- //App
- set<string> keys;
- keys.insert("LIB");
- keys.insert("LIBS");
- keys.insert("NCBI_C_LIBS");
- SMakeProjectT::DoResolveDefs(resolver, makefiles.m_App, keys);
- }}
- {{
- //Lib
- set<string> keys;
- keys.insert("LIBS");
- SMakeProjectT::DoResolveDefs(resolver, makefiles.m_Lib, keys);
- }}
- }
- //analyze modules
- void s_CollectDatatoolIds(const CProjectItemsTree& tree,
- map<string, CProjKey>* datatool_ids)
- {
- ITERATE(CProjectItemsTree::TProjects, p, tree.m_Projects) {
- const CProjKey& project_id = p->first;
- const CProjItem& project = p->second;
- ITERATE(list<CDataToolGeneratedSrc>, n, project.m_DatatoolSources) {
- const CDataToolGeneratedSrc& src = *n;
- string src_abs_path =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(src.m_SourceBaseDir, src.m_SourceFile);
- string src_rel_path =
- CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath
- (GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Src,
- src_abs_path);
- (*datatool_ids)[src_rel_path] = project_id;
- }
- }
- }
- void CProjectTreeBuilder::AddDatatoolSourcesDepends(CProjectItemsTree* tree)
- {
- //datatool src rel path / project ID
- // 1. Collect all projects with datatool-generated-sources
- map<string, CProjKey> whole_datatool_ids;
- s_CollectDatatoolIds(GetApp().GetWholeTree(), &whole_datatool_ids);
- // 2. Extent tree to accomodate more ASN projects if necessary
- bool tree_extented = false;
- map<string, CProjKey> datatool_ids;
- do {
- tree_extented = false;
- s_CollectDatatoolIds(*tree, &datatool_ids);
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(CProjectItemsTree::TProjects, p, tree->m_Projects) {
- const CProjKey& project_id = p->first;
- CProjItem& project = p->second;
- ITERATE(list<CDataToolGeneratedSrc>, n, project.m_DatatoolSources) {
- const CDataToolGeneratedSrc& src = *n;
- ITERATE(list<string>, i, src.m_ImportModules) {
- const string& module = *i;
- map<string, CProjKey>::const_iterator j =
- datatool_ids.find(module);
- if (j == datatool_ids.end()) {
- j = whole_datatool_ids.find(module);
- if (j != whole_datatool_ids.end()) {
- const CProjKey& depends_id = j->second;
- tree->m_Projects[depends_id] =
- GetApp().GetWholeTree().m_Projects.find(depends_id)->second;
- tree_extented = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } while( tree_extented );
- // 3. Finally - generate depends
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(CProjectItemsTree::TProjects, p, tree->m_Projects) {
- const CProjKey& project_id = p->first;
- CProjItem& project = p->second;
- ITERATE(list<CDataToolGeneratedSrc>, n, project.m_DatatoolSources) {
- const CDataToolGeneratedSrc& src = *n;
- ITERATE(list<string>, i, src.m_ImportModules) {
- const string& module = *i;
- map<string, CProjKey>::const_iterator j =
- datatool_ids.find(module);
- if (j != datatool_ids.end()) {
- const CProjKey& depends_id = j->second;
- if (depends_id != project_id) {
- project.m_Depends.push_back(depends_id);
- project.m_Depends.sort();
- project.m_Depends.unique();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * $Log: proj_tree_builder.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.3 2004/06/16 17:02:39 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.13 2004/06/16 16:29:11 gorelenk
- * Changed directories traversing proc.
- *
- * Revision 1.12 2004/06/16 14:26:05 gorelenk
- * Re-designed CProjectTreeBuilder::ProcessDir .
- *
- * Revision 1.11 2004/06/15 14:14:31 gorelenk
- * Changed CProjectTreeBuilder::ProcessDir - changed procedure of
- * subdirs iteration .
- *
- * Revision 1.10 2004/06/14 18:57:59 gorelenk
- * Changed CProjectTreeBuilder::ProcessDir
- * - added support of EXPENDABLE_SUB_PROJ .
- *
- * Revision 1.9 2004/06/14 14:18:21 gorelenk
- * Changed CProjectTreeBuilder::ProcessDir - added SUB_PROJ processing.
- *
- * Revision 1.8 2004/05/21 21:41:41 gorelenk
- * Added PCH ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2004/05/13 14:55:35 gorelenk
- * Changed SMakeProjectT::CreateIncludeDirs .
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2004/05/10 19:50:42 gorelenk
- * Implemented SMsvcProjectT .
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2004/04/06 17:15:47 gorelenk
- * Implemented member-functions IsConfigurableDefine and
- * StripConfigurableDefine of struct SMakeProjectT.
- * Changed implementations of SMakeProjectT::DoResolveDefs
- * SMakeProjectT::Create3PartyLibs and SAppProjectT::CreateNcbiCToolkitLibs.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2004/03/23 14:41:50 gorelenk
- * Changed implementations of CProjectTreeBuilder::AddDatatoolSourcesDepends
- * and CProjectTreeBuilder::BuildProjectTree.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2004/03/16 23:53:14 gorelenk
- * Changed implementations of:
- * SAppProjectT::DoCreate and
- * SAppProjectT::CreateNcbiCToolkitLibs .
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2004/03/04 23:31:10 gorelenk
- * Added call to AddDatatoolSourcesDepends in implementation of
- * CProjectTreeBuilder::BuildProjectTree.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2004/03/02 16:23:57 gorelenk
- * Initial revision.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */