- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: msvc_project_context.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.4 2004/06/16 17:02:34 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: msvc_project_context.cpp,v 1000.4 2004/06/16 17:02:34 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Viatcheslav Gorelenkov
- *
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/stl_msvc_usage.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/msvc_project_context.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/msvc_tools_implement.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/proj_builder_app.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/msvc_site.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/msvc_prj_defines.hpp>
- #include <set>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CMsvcPrjProjectContext::CMsvcPrjProjectContext(const CProjItem& project)
- {
- //MSVC project name created from project type and project ID
- m_ProjectName = CreateProjectName(CProjKey(project.m_ProjType,
- project.m_ID));
- m_ProjectId = project.m_ID;
- m_ProjType = project.m_ProjType;
- m_SourcesBaseDir = project.m_SourcesBaseDir;
- m_Requires = project.m_Requires;
- // Get msvc project makefile
- m_MsvcProjectMakefile.reset
- (new CMsvcProjectMakefile
- (CDirEntry::ConcatPath
- (m_SourcesBaseDir,
- CreateMsvcProjectMakefileName(project))));
- // Done if this is ready MSVC project
- if ( project.m_ProjType == CProjKey::eMsvc)
- return;
- // Collect all dirs of source files into m_SourcesDirsAbs:
- set<string> sources_dirs;
- sources_dirs.insert(m_SourcesBaseDir);
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, project.m_Sources) {
- const string& src_rel = *p;
- string src_path = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_SourcesBaseDir, src_rel);
- src_path = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(src_path);
- string dir;
- CDirEntry::SplitPath(src_path, &dir);
- sources_dirs.insert(dir);
- }
- copy(sources_dirs.begin(),
- sources_dirs.end(),
- back_inserter(m_SourcesDirsAbs));
- // Creating project dir:
- if (project.m_ProjType == CProjKey::eDll) {
- //For dll - it is so
- m_ProjectDir = project.m_SourcesBaseDir;
- } else {
- m_ProjectDir = GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Compilers;
- m_ProjectDir =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_ProjectDir,
- GetApp().GetRegSettings().m_CompilersSubdir);
- m_ProjectDir =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_ProjectDir,
- GetApp().GetBuildType().GetTypeStr());
- m_ProjectDir =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_ProjectDir,
- GetApp().GetRegSettings().m_ProjectsSubdir);
- m_ProjectDir =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_ProjectDir,
- CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath
- (GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Src,
- m_SourcesBaseDir));
- m_ProjectDir = CDirEntry::AddTrailingPathSeparator(m_ProjectDir);
- }
- // Generate include dirs:
- // Include dirs for appropriate src dirs
- set<string> include_dirs;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, project.m_Sources) {
- //create full path for src file
- const string& src_rel = *p;
- string src_abs = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_SourcesBaseDir, src_rel);
- src_abs = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(src_abs);
- //part of path (from <src> dir)
- string rel_path =
- CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath(GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Src,
- src_abs);
- //add this part to <include> dir
- string incl_path =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Include,
- rel_path);
- string incl_dir;
- CDirEntry::SplitPath(incl_path, &incl_dir);
- include_dirs.insert(incl_dir);
- //impl include sub-dir
- string impl_dir =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(incl_dir,
- GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Impl);
- impl_dir = CDirEntry::AddTrailingPathSeparator(impl_dir);
- include_dirs.insert(impl_dir);
- }
- copy(include_dirs.begin(),
- include_dirs.end(),
- back_inserter(m_IncludeDirsAbs));
- // Get custom build files and adjust pathes
- GetMsvcProjectMakefile().GetCustomBuildInfo(&m_CustomBuildInfo);
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(list<SCustomBuildInfo>, p, m_CustomBuildInfo) {
- SCustomBuildInfo& build_info = *p;
- string file_path_abs =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_SourcesBaseDir, build_info.m_SourceFile);
- build_info.m_SourceFile =
- CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath(m_ProjectDir, file_path_abs);
- }
- // Collect include dirs, specified in project Makefiles
- m_ProjectIncludeDirs = project.m_IncludeDirs;
- // LIBS from Makefiles
- // m_ProjectLibs = project.m_Libs3Party;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, project.m_Libs3Party) {
- const string& lib_id = *p;
- if ( GetApp().GetSite().IsLibWithChoice(lib_id) ) {
- if ( GetApp().GetSite().GetChoiceForLib(lib_id) == CMsvcSite::eLib )
- m_ProjectLibs.push_back(lib_id);
- } else {
- m_ProjectLibs.push_back(lib_id);
- }
- }
- // Proprocessor definitions from makefiles:
- m_Defines = project.m_Defines;
- if (GetApp().GetBuildType().GetType() == CBuildType::eDll) {
- m_Defines.push_back(GetApp().GetDllsInfo().GetBuildDefine());
- if (project.m_ProjType == CProjKey::eDll) {
- CMsvcDllsInfo::SDllInfo dll_info;
- GetApp().GetDllsInfo().GetDllInfo(project.m_ID, &dll_info);
- m_Defines.push_back(dll_info.m_DllDefine);
- }
- }
- // Pre-Builds for LIB projects:
- if (m_ProjType == CProjKey::eLib) {
- ITERATE(list<CProjKey>, p, project.m_Depends) {
- const CProjKey& proj_key = *p;
- if (proj_key.Type() == CProjKey::eLib) {
- m_PreBuilds.push_back(CreateProjectName(proj_key));
- }
- }
- }
- // Libraries from NCBI C Toolkit
- m_NcbiCLibs = project.m_NcbiCLibs;
- }
- string CMsvcPrjProjectContext::AdditionalIncludeDirectories
- (const SConfigInfo& cfg_info) const
- {
- list<string> add_include_dirs_list;
- add_include_dirs_list.push_back
- (CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath(m_ProjectDir,
- GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Include));
- //take into account project include dirs
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, m_ProjectIncludeDirs) {
- const string& dir_abs = *p;
- add_include_dirs_list.push_back(SameRootDirs(m_ProjectDir,dir_abs) ?
- CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath(m_ProjectDir, dir_abs) :
- dir_abs);
- }
- //MSVC Makefile additional include dirs
- list<string> makefile_add_incl_dirs;
- GetMsvcProjectMakefile().GetAdditionalIncludeDirs(cfg_info,
- &makefile_add_incl_dirs);
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, makefile_add_incl_dirs) {
- const string& dir = *p;
- string dir_abs =
- CDirEntry::AddTrailingPathSeparator
- (CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_SourcesBaseDir, dir));
- dir_abs = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(dir_abs);
- dir_abs =
- CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath
- (m_ProjectDir, dir_abs);
- add_include_dirs_list.push_back(dir_abs);
- }
- // Additional include dirs for 3-party libs
- list<string> libs_list;
- CreateLibsList(&libs_list);
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, libs_list) {
- const string& requires = *p;
- SLibInfo lib_info;
- GetApp().GetSite().GetLibInfo(requires, cfg_info, &lib_info);
- if ( !lib_info.m_IncludeDir.empty() ) {
- const string& dir_abs = lib_info.m_IncludeDir;
- add_include_dirs_list.push_back(SameRootDirs(m_ProjectDir,dir_abs)?
- CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath(m_ProjectDir,
- dir_abs) :
- dir_abs);
- }
- }
- //Leave only unique dirs and join them to string
- add_include_dirs_list.sort();
- add_include_dirs_list.unique();
- return NStr::Join(add_include_dirs_list, ", ");
- }
- string CMsvcPrjProjectContext::AdditionalLinkerOptions
- (const SConfigInfo& cfg_info) const
- {
- list<string> additional_libs;
- // Take into account requires, default and makefiles libs
- list<string> libs_list;
- CreateLibsList(&libs_list);
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, libs_list) {
- const string& requires = *p;
- SLibInfo lib_info;
- GetApp().GetSite().GetLibInfo(requires, cfg_info, &lib_info);
- if ( !lib_info.m_Libs.empty() ) {
- copy(lib_info.m_Libs.begin(),
- lib_info.m_Libs.end(),
- back_inserter(additional_libs));
- }
- }
- // NCBI C Toolkit libs
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, m_NcbiCLibs) {
- string ncbi_lib = *p + ".lib";
- additional_libs.push_back(ncbi_lib);
- }
- additional_libs.sort();
- additional_libs.unique();
- return NStr::Join(additional_libs, " ");
- }
- #if 0
- string CMsvcPrjProjectContext::AdditionalLibrarianOptions
- (const SConfigInfo& cfg_info) const
- {
- return AdditionalLinkerOptions(cfg_info);
- }
- #endif
- string CMsvcPrjProjectContext::AdditionalLibraryDirectories
- (const SConfigInfo& cfg_info) const
- {
- // Take into account requires, default and makefiles libs
- list<string> libs_list;
- CreateLibsList(&libs_list);
- list<string> dir_list;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, libs_list) {
- const string& requires = *p;
- SLibInfo lib_info;
- GetApp().GetSite().GetLibInfo(requires, cfg_info, &lib_info);
- if ( !lib_info.m_LibPath.empty() ) {
- dir_list.push_back(lib_info.m_LibPath);
- }
- }
- dir_list.sort();
- dir_list.unique();
- return NStr::Join(dir_list, ", ");
- }
- void CMsvcPrjProjectContext::CreateLibsList(list<string>* libs_list) const
- {
- libs_list->clear();
- // We'll build libs list.
- *libs_list = m_Requires;
- //take into account default libs from site:
- libs_list->push_back(MSVC_DEFAULT_LIBS_TAG);
- //and LIBS from Makefiles:
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, m_ProjectLibs) {
- const string& lib = *p;
- list<string> components;
- GetApp().GetSite().GetComponents(lib, &components);
- copy(components.begin(),
- components.end(), back_inserter(*libs_list));
- }
- libs_list->sort();
- libs_list->unique();
- }
- const CMsvcCombinedProjectMakefile&
- CMsvcPrjProjectContext::GetMsvcProjectMakefile(void) const
- {
- if ( m_MsvcCombinedProjectMakefile.get() )
- return *m_MsvcCombinedProjectMakefile;
- string rules_dir = GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Compilers;
- rules_dir =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(rules_dir,
- GetApp().GetRegSettings().m_CompilersSubdir);
- // temporary fix with const_cast
- (const_cast<auto_ptr<CMsvcCombinedProjectMakefile>&>
- (m_MsvcCombinedProjectMakefile)).reset(new CMsvcCombinedProjectMakefile
- (m_ProjType,
- m_MsvcProjectMakefile.get(),
- rules_dir,
- m_Requires));
- return *m_MsvcCombinedProjectMakefile;
- }
- bool CMsvcPrjProjectContext::IsRequiresOk(const CProjItem& prj)
- {
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, prj.m_Requires) {
- const string& requires = *p;
- if ( !GetApp().GetSite().IsProvided(requires) )
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool CMsvcPrjProjectContext::IsConfigEnabled(const SConfigInfo& config) const
- {
- list<string> libs_3party;
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, m_ProjectLibs) {
- const string& lib = *p;
- list<string> components;
- GetApp().GetSite().GetComponents(lib, &components);
- copy(components.begin(),
- components.end(), back_inserter(libs_3party));
- }
- // Add requires to test : If there is such library and configuration for
- // this library is disabled then we'll disable this config
- copy(m_Requires.begin(), m_Requires.end(), back_inserter(libs_3party));
- libs_3party.sort();
- libs_3party.unique();
- // Test third-party libs and requires:
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, libs_3party) {
- const string& requires = *p;
- SLibInfo lib_info;
- GetApp().GetSite().GetLibInfo(requires, config, &lib_info);
- if ( lib_info.IsEmpty() )
- continue;
- if ( !GetApp().GetSite().IsLibEnabledInConfig(requires, config) )
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- const list<string> CMsvcPrjProjectContext::Defines(const SConfigInfo& cfg_info) const
- {
- list<string> defines(m_Defines);
- list<string> libs_list;
- CreateLibsList(&libs_list);
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, libs_list) {
- const string& lib_id = *p;
- SLibInfo lib_info;
- GetApp().GetSite().GetLibInfo(lib_id, cfg_info, &lib_info);
- if ( !lib_info.m_LibDefines.empty() ) {
- copy(lib_info.m_LibDefines.begin(),
- lib_info.m_LibDefines.end(),
- back_inserter(defines));
- }
- }
- defines.sort();
- defines.unique();
- return defines;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CMsvcPrjGeneralContext::CMsvcPrjGeneralContext
- (const SConfigInfo& config,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& prj_context)
- :m_Config (config),
- m_MsvcMetaMakefile(GetApp().GetMetaMakefile())
- {
- //m_Type
- switch ( prj_context.ProjectType() ) {
- case CProjKey::eLib:
- m_Type = eLib;
- break;
- case CProjKey::eApp:
- m_Type = eExe;
- break;
- case CProjKey::eDll:
- m_Type = eDll;
- break;
- default:
- //TODO - handle Dll(s)
- NCBI_THROW(CProjBulderAppException, eProjectType,
- NStr::IntToString(prj_context.ProjectType()));
- }
- //m_OutputDirectory;
- // /compilers/msvc7_prj/
- string output_dir_abs = GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Compilers;
- output_dir_abs =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_abs,
- GetApp().GetRegSettings().m_CompilersSubdir);
- output_dir_abs =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_abs,
- GetApp().GetBuildType().GetTypeStr());
- if (m_Type == eLib)
- output_dir_abs = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_abs, "lib");
- else if (m_Type == eExe)
- output_dir_abs = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_abs, "bin");
- else if (m_Type == eDll) // same dir as exe
- output_dir_abs = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_abs, "bin");
- else {
- //TODO - handle Dll(s)
- NCBI_THROW(CProjBulderAppException,
- eProjectType, NStr::IntToString(m_Type));
- }
- output_dir_abs =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_abs, config.m_Name);
- m_OutputDirectory =
- CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath(prj_context.ProjectDir(),
- output_dir_abs);
- #if 0
- const string project_tag(string(1,CDirEntry::GetPathSeparator()) +
- "compilers" +
- CDirEntry::GetPathSeparator() +
- GetApp().GetRegSettings().m_CompilersSubdir +
- CDirEntry::GetPathSeparator());
- string project_dir = prj_context.ProjectDir();
- string output_dir_prefix =
- string (project_dir,
- 0,
- project_dir.find(project_tag) + project_tag.length());
- output_dir_prefix =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_prefix,
- GetApp().GetBuildType().GetTypeStr());
- if (m_Type == eLib)
- output_dir_prefix = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_prefix, "lib");
- else if (m_Type == eExe)
- output_dir_prefix = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_prefix, "bin");
- else if (m_Type == eDll) // same dir as exe
- output_dir_prefix = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_prefix, "bin");
- else {
- //TODO - handle Dll(s)
- NCBI_THROW(CProjBulderAppException,
- eProjectType, NStr::IntToString(m_Type));
- }
- //output to ..staticDebugDLL or ..dllDebugDLL
- string output_dir_abs =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(output_dir_prefix, config.m_Name);
- m_OutputDirectory =
- CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath(project_dir, output_dir_abs);
- #endif
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static IConfiguration* s_CreateConfiguration
- (const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context);
- static ICompilerTool* s_CreateCompilerTool
- (const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context);
- static ILinkerTool* s_CreateLinkerTool
- (const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context);
- static ILibrarianTool* s_CreateLibrarianTool
- (const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context);
- static IResourceCompilerTool* s_CreateResourceCompilerTool
- (const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CMsvcTools::CMsvcTools(const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- //configuration
- m_Configuration.reset
- (s_CreateConfiguration(general_context, project_context));
- //compiler
- m_Compiler.reset
- (s_CreateCompilerTool(general_context, project_context));
- //Linker:
- m_Linker.reset(s_CreateLinkerTool(general_context, project_context));
- //Librarian
- m_Librarian.reset(s_CreateLibrarianTool
- (general_context, project_context));
- //Dummies
- m_CustomBuid.reset (new CCustomBuildToolDummyImpl());
- m_MIDL.reset (new CMIDLToolDummyImpl());
- m_PostBuildEvent.reset(new CPostBuildEventToolDummyImpl());
- //Pre-build event - special case for LIB projects
- if (project_context.ProjectType() == CProjKey::eLib) {
- m_PreBuildEvent.reset(new CPreBuildEventToolLibImpl
- (project_context.PreBuilds()));
- } else {
- m_PreBuildEvent.reset(new CPreBuildEventToolDummyImpl());
- }
- m_PreLinkEvent.reset(new CPreLinkEventToolDummyImpl());
- //Resource Compiler
- m_ResourceCompiler.reset(s_CreateResourceCompilerTool
- (general_context,project_context));
- //Dummies
- m_WebServiceProxyGenerator.reset
- (new CWebServiceProxyGeneratorToolDummyImpl());
- m_XMLDataGenerator.reset
- (new CXMLDataGeneratorToolDummyImpl());
- m_ManagedWrapperGenerator.reset
- (new CManagedWrapperGeneratorToolDummyImpl());
- m_AuxiliaryManagedWrapperGenerator.reset
- (new CAuxiliaryManagedWrapperGeneratorToolDummyImpl());
- }
- IConfiguration* CMsvcTools::Configuration(void) const
- {
- return m_Configuration.get();
- }
- ICompilerTool* CMsvcTools::Compiler(void) const
- {
- return m_Compiler.get();
- }
- ILinkerTool* CMsvcTools::Linker(void) const
- {
- return m_Linker.get();
- }
- ILibrarianTool* CMsvcTools::Librarian(void) const
- {
- return m_Librarian.get();
- }
- ICustomBuildTool* CMsvcTools::CustomBuid(void) const
- {
- return m_CustomBuid.get();
- }
- IMIDLTool* CMsvcTools::MIDL(void) const
- {
- return m_MIDL.get();
- }
- IPostBuildEventTool* CMsvcTools::PostBuildEvent(void) const
- {
- return m_PostBuildEvent.get();
- }
- IPreBuildEventTool* CMsvcTools::PreBuildEvent(void) const
- {
- return m_PreBuildEvent.get();
- }
- IPreLinkEventTool* CMsvcTools::PreLinkEvent(void) const
- {
- return m_PreLinkEvent.get();
- }
- IResourceCompilerTool* CMsvcTools::ResourceCompiler(void) const
- {
- return m_ResourceCompiler.get();
- }
- IWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool* CMsvcTools::WebServiceProxyGenerator(void) const
- {
- return m_WebServiceProxyGenerator.get();
- }
- IXMLDataGeneratorTool* CMsvcTools::XMLDataGenerator(void) const
- {
- return m_XMLDataGenerator.get();
- }
- IManagedWrapperGeneratorTool* CMsvcTools::ManagedWrapperGenerator(void) const
- {
- return m_ManagedWrapperGenerator.get();
- }
- IAuxiliaryManagedWrapperGeneratorTool*
- CMsvcTools::AuxiliaryManagedWrapperGenerator(void) const
- {
- return m_AuxiliaryManagedWrapperGenerator.get();
- }
- CMsvcTools::~CMsvcTools()
- {
- }
- static bool s_IsExe(const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- return general_context.m_Type == CMsvcPrjGeneralContext::eExe;
- }
- static bool s_IsLib(const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- return general_context.m_Type == CMsvcPrjGeneralContext::eLib;
- }
- static bool s_IsDll(const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- return general_context.m_Type == CMsvcPrjGeneralContext::eDll;
- }
- static bool s_IsDebug(const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- return general_context.m_Config.m_Debug;
- }
- static bool s_IsRelease(const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- return !(general_context.m_Config.m_Debug);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Creators:
- static IConfiguration*
- s_CreateConfiguration(const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- if ( s_IsExe(general_context, project_context) )
- return new CConfigurationImpl<SApp>
- (general_context.OutputDirectory(),
- general_context.ConfigurationName());
- if ( s_IsLib(general_context, project_context) )
- return new CConfigurationImpl<SLib>
- (general_context.OutputDirectory(),
- general_context.ConfigurationName());
- if ( s_IsDll(general_context, project_context) )
- return new CConfigurationImpl<SDll>
- (general_context.OutputDirectory(),
- general_context.ConfigurationName());
- return NULL;
- }
- static ICompilerTool*
- s_CreateCompilerTool(const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- return new CCompilerToolImpl
- (project_context.AdditionalIncludeDirectories(general_context.m_Config),
- project_context.GetMsvcProjectMakefile(),
- general_context.m_Config.m_RuntimeLibrary,
- general_context.GetMsvcMetaMakefile(),
- general_context.m_Config,
- general_context.m_Type,
- project_context.Defines(general_context.m_Config));
- }
- static ILinkerTool*
- s_CreateLinkerTool(const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- //---- EXE ----
- if ( s_IsExe (general_context, project_context) )
- return new CLinkerToolImpl<SApp>
- (project_context.AdditionalLinkerOptions
- (general_context.m_Config),
- project_context.AdditionalLibraryDirectories
- (general_context.m_Config),
- project_context.ProjectId(),
- project_context.GetMsvcProjectMakefile(),
- general_context.GetMsvcMetaMakefile(),
- general_context.m_Config);
- //---- LIB ----
- if ( s_IsLib(general_context, project_context) )
- return new CLinkerToolDummyImpl();
- //---- DLL ----
- if ( s_IsDll (general_context, project_context) )
- return new CLinkerToolImpl<SDll>
- (project_context.AdditionalLinkerOptions
- (general_context.m_Config),
- project_context.AdditionalLibraryDirectories
- (general_context.m_Config),
- project_context.ProjectId(),
- project_context.GetMsvcProjectMakefile(),
- general_context.GetMsvcMetaMakefile(),
- general_context.m_Config);
- // unsupported tool
- return NULL;
- }
- static ILibrarianTool*
- s_CreateLibrarianTool(const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- if ( s_IsLib (general_context, project_context) )
- return new CLibrarianToolImpl
- (project_context.ProjectId(),
- project_context.GetMsvcProjectMakefile(),
- general_context.GetMsvcMetaMakefile(),
- general_context.m_Config);
- // dummy tool
- return new CLibrarianToolDummyImpl();
- }
- static IResourceCompilerTool* s_CreateResourceCompilerTool
- (const CMsvcPrjGeneralContext& general_context,
- const CMsvcPrjProjectContext& project_context)
- {
- if ( s_IsDll (general_context, project_context) &&
- s_IsDebug(general_context, project_context) )
- return new CResourceCompilerToolImpl<SDebug>
- (project_context.AdditionalIncludeDirectories(general_context.m_Config),
- project_context.GetMsvcProjectMakefile(),
- general_context.GetMsvcMetaMakefile(),
- general_context.m_Config);
- if ( s_IsDll (general_context, project_context) &&
- s_IsRelease(general_context, project_context) )
- return new CResourceCompilerToolImpl<SRelease>
- (project_context.AdditionalIncludeDirectories(general_context.m_Config),
- project_context.GetMsvcProjectMakefile(),
- general_context.GetMsvcMetaMakefile(),
- general_context.m_Config);
- if ( s_IsExe (general_context, project_context) &&
- s_IsDebug(general_context, project_context) )
- return new CResourceCompilerToolImpl<SDebug>
- (project_context.AdditionalIncludeDirectories(general_context.m_Config),
- project_context.GetMsvcProjectMakefile(),
- general_context.GetMsvcMetaMakefile(),
- general_context.m_Config);
- if ( s_IsExe (general_context, project_context) &&
- s_IsRelease(general_context, project_context) )
- return new CResourceCompilerToolImpl<SRelease>
- (project_context.AdditionalIncludeDirectories(general_context.m_Config),
- project_context.GetMsvcProjectMakefile(),
- general_context.GetMsvcMetaMakefile(),
- general_context.m_Config);
- // dummy tool
- return new CResourceCompilerToolDummyImpl();
- }
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * $Log: msvc_project_context.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.4 2004/06/16 17:02:34 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.33 2004/06/15 19:01:40 gorelenk
- * Fixed compilation errors on GCC 2.95 .
- *
- * Revision 1.32 2004/06/10 15:16:46 gorelenk
- * Changed macrodefines to be comply with GCC 3.4.0 .
- *
- * Revision 1.31 2004/06/07 19:16:07 gorelenk
- * + Taking into account 'impl' in creation of header dir list.
- *
- * Revision 1.30 2004/06/07 13:56:17 gorelenk
- * Changed CMsvcPrjProjectContext::GetMsvcProjectMakefile to accomodate
- * project creation rules.
- *
- * Revision 1.29 2004/05/21 21:41:41 gorelenk
- * Added PCH ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- * Revision 1.28 2004/05/11 15:55:03 gorelenk
- * Changed CMsvcPrjProjectContext::IsConfigEnabled - added test REQUIRES.
- *
- * Revision 1.27 2004/05/10 19:52:04 gorelenk
- * Changed CMsvcPrjProjectContext class constructor .
- *
- * Revision 1.26 2004/04/19 15:44:50 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of class CMsvcPrjProjectContext constructor:
- * added lib choice test while creating list of dependencies (m_ProjectLibs).
- *
- * Revision 1.25 2004/04/13 17:08:55 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of class CMsvcPrjProjectContext constructor.
- *
- * Revision 1.24 2004/03/22 14:50:50 gorelenk
- * Removed implementation of
- * CMsvcPrjProjectContext::AdditionalLibrarianOptions .
- * Added implemetation of CMsvcPrjProjectContext::Defines .
- *
- * Revision 1.23 2004/03/16 21:46:17 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of
- * CMsvcPrjProjectContext::AdditionalIncludeDirectories : implemented
- * uniqueness of include dirs from 3-party libraries.
- *
- * Revision 1.22 2004/03/16 16:37:33 gorelenk
- * Changed msvc7_prj subdirs structure: Separated "static" and "dll" branches.
- *
- * Revision 1.21 2004/03/10 21:28:42 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of class CMsvcPrjProjectContext constructor.
- *
- * Revision 1.20 2004/03/10 16:44:21 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of class CMsvcPrjProjectContext.
- *
- * Revision 1.19 2004/03/08 23:36:11 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of class CMsvcPrjProjectContext constructor.
- *
- * Revision 1.18 2004/03/02 23:33:55 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of class CMsvcPrjGeneralContext constructor.
- *
- * Revision 1.17 2004/02/26 15:15:38 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of CMsvcPrjProjectContext::IsConfigEnabled.
- *
- * Revision 1.16 2004/02/24 20:54:26 gorelenk
- * Added implementation of member-function bool IsConfigEnabled
- * of class CMsvcPrjProjectContext.
- *
- * Revision 1.15 2004/02/24 18:13:26 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of class CMsvcPrjProjectContext constructor.
- * Changed implementation of member-function AdditionalLinkerOptions of
- * class CMsvcPrjProjectContext.
- *
- * Revision 1.14 2004/02/23 20:58:41 gorelenk
- * Fixed double properties apperience in generated MSVC projects.
- *
- * Revision 1.13 2004/02/23 20:42:57 gorelenk
- * Added support of MSVC ResourceCompiler tool.
- *
- * Revision 1.12 2004/02/20 22:53:26 gorelenk
- * Added analysis of ASN projects depends.
- *
- * Revision 1.11 2004/02/06 23:14:59 gorelenk
- * Implemented support of ASN projects, semi-auto configure,
- * CPPFLAGS support. Second working version.
- *
- * Revision 1.10 2004/02/05 16:28:47 gorelenk
- * GetComponents was moved to class CMsvcSite.
- *
- * Revision 1.9 2004/02/05 00:02:08 gorelenk
- * Added support of user site and Makefile defines.
- *
- * Revision 1.8 2004/02/03 17:17:38 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of class CMsvcPrjProjectContext constructor.
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2004/01/29 15:46:44 gorelenk
- * Added support of default libs, defined in user site
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2004/01/28 17:55:49 gorelenk
- * += For msvc makefile support of :
- * Requires tag, ExcludeProject tag,
- * AddToProject section (SourceFiles and IncludeDirs),
- * CustomBuild section.
- * += For support of user local site.
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2004/01/26 19:27:29 gorelenk
- * += MSVC meta makefile support
- * += MSVC project makefile support
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2004/01/22 17:57:54 gorelenk
- * first version
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */