- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: msvc_prj_utils.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.3 2004/06/16 17:02:32 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: msvc_prj_utils.cpp,v 1000.3 2004/06/16 17:02:32 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Viatcheslav Gorelenkov
- *
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/msvc_prj_utils.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/proj_builder_app.hpp>
- #include <app/project_tree_builder/msvc_prj_defines.hpp>
- #include <serial/objostrxml.hpp>
- #include <serial/objistr.hpp>
- #include <serial/serial.hpp>
- CVisualStudioProject * LoadFromXmlFile(const string& file_path)
- {
- auto_ptr<CObjectIStream> in(CObjectIStream::Open(eSerial_Xml,
- file_path,
- eSerial_StdWhenAny));
- if ( in->fail() )
- NCBI_THROW(CProjBulderAppException, eFileOpen, file_path);
- auto_ptr<CVisualStudioProject> prj(new CVisualStudioProject());
- in->Read(prj.get(), prj->GetThisTypeInfo());
- return prj.release();
- }
- void SaveToXmlFile (const string& file_path,
- const CVisualStudioProject& project)
- {
- // Create dir if no such dir...
- string dir;
- CDirEntry::SplitPath(file_path, &dir);
- CDir project_dir(dir);
- if ( !project_dir.Exists() ) {
- CDir(dir).CreatePath();
- }
- CNcbiOfstream ofs(file_path.c_str(),
- IOS_BASE::out | IOS_BASE::trunc );
- if ( !ofs )
- NCBI_THROW(CProjBulderAppException, eFileCreation, file_path);
- CObjectOStreamXml xs(ofs, false);
- xs.SetReferenceDTD(false);
- xs.SetEncoding(CObjectOStreamXml::eEncoding_Windows_1252);
- xs << project;
- }
- void PromoteIfDifferent(const string& present_path,
- const string& candidate_path)
- {
- // Open both files
- CNcbiIfstream ifs_present(present_path.c_str(),
- IOS_BASE::in | IOS_BASE::binary);
- if ( !ifs_present ) {
- NCBI_THROW(CProjBulderAppException, eFileOpen, present_path);
- }
- ifs_present.seekg(0, ios::end);
- size_t file_length_present = ifs_present.tellg() - streampos(0);
- ifs_present.seekg(0, ios::beg);
- CNcbiIfstream ifs_new (candidate_path.c_str(),
- IOS_BASE::in | IOS_BASE::binary);
- if ( !ifs_new ) {
- NCBI_THROW(CProjBulderAppException, eFileOpen, candidate_path);
- }
- ifs_new.seekg(0, ios::end);
- size_t file_length_new = ifs_new.tellg() - streampos(0);
- ifs_new.seekg(0, ios::beg);
- if (file_length_present != file_length_new) {
- ifs_present.close();
- ifs_new.close();
- CDirEntry(present_path).Remove();
- CDirEntry(candidate_path).Rename(present_path);
- return;
- }
- // Load both to memory
- typedef AutoPtr<char, ArrayDeleter<char> > TAutoArray;
- TAutoArray buf_present = TAutoArray(new char [file_length_present]);
- TAutoArray buf_new = TAutoArray(new char [file_length_new]);
-, file_length_present);
- (buf_new.get(), file_length_new);
- ifs_present.close();
- ifs_new.close();
- // If candidate file is not the same as present file it'll be a new file
- if (memcmp(buf_present.get(), buf_new.get(), file_length_present) != 0) {
- CDirEntry(present_path).Remove();
- CDirEntry(candidate_path).Rename(present_path);
- return;
- } else {
- CDirEntry(candidate_path).Remove();
- }
- }
- void SaveIfNewer (const string& file_path,
- const CVisualStudioProject& project)
- {
- // If no such file then simple write it
- if ( !CDirEntry(file_path).Exists() ) {
- SaveToXmlFile(file_path, project);
- return;
- }
- // Save new file to tmp path.
- string candidate_file_path = file_path + ".candidate";
- SaveToXmlFile(candidate_file_path, project);
- PromoteIfDifferent(file_path, candidate_file_path);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CGuidGenerator
- {
- public:
- ~CGuidGenerator(void);
- friend string GenerateSlnGUID(void);
- private:
- CGuidGenerator(void);
- const string root_guid; // root GUID for MSVC solutions
- const string guid_base;
- string Generate12Chars(void);
- unsigned int m_Seed;
- string DoGenerateSlnGUID(void);
- set<string> m_Trace;
- };
- string GenerateSlnGUID(void)
- {
- static CGuidGenerator guid_gen;
- return guid_gen.DoGenerateSlnGUID();
- }
- CGuidGenerator::CGuidGenerator(void)
- :root_guid("8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942"),
- guid_base("8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-"),
- m_Seed(0)
- {
- }
- CGuidGenerator::~CGuidGenerator(void)
- {
- }
- string CGuidGenerator::Generate12Chars(void)
- {
- CNcbiOstrstream ost;
- ost.unsetf(ios::showbase);
- ost.setf (ios::uppercase);
- ost << hex << setw(12) << setfill('A') << m_Seed++ << ends << flush;
- return ost.str();
- }
- string CGuidGenerator::DoGenerateSlnGUID(void)
- {
- for ( ;; ) {
- //GUID prototype
- string proto = guid_base + Generate12Chars();
- if (proto != root_guid && m_Trace.find(proto) == m_Trace.end()) {
- m_Trace.insert(proto);
- return "{" + proto + "}";
- }
- }
- }
- string SourceFileExt(const string& file_path)
- {
- string ext;
- CDirEntry::SplitPath(file_path, NULL, NULL, &ext);
- bool explicit_c = NStr::CompareNocase(ext, ".c" )== 0;
- if (explicit_c && CFile(file_path).Exists()) {
- return ".c";
- }
- bool explicit_cpp = NStr::CompareNocase(ext, ".cpp")== 0;
- if (explicit_cpp && CFile(file_path).Exists()) {
- return ".cpp";
- }
- string file_path_cpp = file_path + ".cpp";
- if ( CFile(file_path_cpp).Exists() )
- return ".cpp";
- string file_path_c = file_path + ".c";
- if ( CFile(file_path_c).Exists() )
- return ".c";
- return "";
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SConfigInfo::SConfigInfo(void)
- :m_Debug(false)
- {
- }
- SConfigInfo::SConfigInfo(const string& name,
- bool debug,
- const string& runtime_library)
- :m_Name (name),
- m_Debug (debug),
- m_RuntimeLibrary(runtime_library)
- {
- }
- void LoadConfigInfoByNames(const CNcbiRegistry& registry,
- const list<string>& config_names,
- list<SConfigInfo>* configs)
- {
- ITERATE(list<string>, p, config_names) {
- const string& config_name = *p;
- SConfigInfo config;
- config.m_Name = config_name;
- config.m_Debug = registry.GetString(config_name,
- "debug",
- "FALSE") != "FALSE";
- config.m_RuntimeLibrary = registry.GetString(config_name,
- "runtimeLibraryOption",
- "0");
- configs->push_back(config);
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CMsvc7RegSettings::CMsvc7RegSettings(void)
- {
- //TODO
- }
- bool IsSubdir(const string& abs_parent_dir, const string& abs_dir)
- {
- return abs_dir.find(abs_parent_dir) == 0;
- }
- string GetOpt(const CNcbiRegistry& registry,
- const string& section,
- const string& opt,
- const string& config)
- {
- string section_spec = section + '.' + config;
- string val_spec = registry.GetString(section_spec, opt, "");
- if ( !val_spec.empty() )
- return val_spec;
- return registry.GetString(section, opt, "");
- }
- string GetOpt(const CNcbiRegistry& registry,
- const string& section,
- const string& opt,
- const SConfigInfo& config)
- {
- string section_spec(section);
- section_spec += config.m_Debug? ".debug": ".release";
- string section_dr(section_spec); //section.debug or section.release
- section_spec += '.';
- section_spec += config.m_Name;
- string val_spec = registry.GetString(section_spec, opt, "");
- if ( !val_spec.empty() )
- return val_spec;
- val_spec = registry.GetString(section_dr, opt, "");
- if ( !val_spec.empty() )
- return val_spec;
- return registry.GetString(section, opt, "");
- }
- string ConfigName(const string& config)
- {
- return config +'|'+ MSVC_PROJECT_PLATFORM;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CSrcToFilterInserterWithPch::CSrcToFilterInserterWithPch
- (const string& project_id,
- const list<SConfigInfo>& configs,
- const string& project_dir)
- :m_ProjectId (project_id),
- m_Configs (configs),
- m_ProjectDir (project_dir)
- {
- }
- CSrcToFilterInserterWithPch::~CSrcToFilterInserterWithPch(void)
- {
- }
- void
- CSrcToFilterInserterWithPch::operator()(CRef<CFilter>& filter,
- const string& rel_source_file)
- {
- CRef< CFFile > file(new CFFile());
- file->SetAttlist().SetRelativePath(rel_source_file);
- //
- TPch pch_usage = DefinePchUsage(m_ProjectDir, rel_source_file);
- //
- ITERATE(list<SConfigInfo>, n , m_Configs) {
- // Iterate all configurations
- const string& config = (*n).m_Name;
- CRef<CFileConfiguration> file_config(new CFileConfiguration());
- file_config->SetAttlist().SetName(ConfigName(config));
- CRef<CTool> compilerl_tool(new CTool(""));
- compilerl_tool->SetAttlist().SetName("VCCLCompilerTool");
- if (pch_usage.first == eCreate) {
- compilerl_tool->SetAttlist().SetPreprocessorDefinitions
- (GetApp().GetMetaMakefile().GetPchUsageDefine());
- compilerl_tool->SetAttlist().SetUsePrecompiledHeader("1");
- compilerl_tool->SetAttlist().SetPrecompiledHeaderThrough
- (pch_usage.second);
- } else if (pch_usage.first == eUse) {
- compilerl_tool->SetAttlist().SetPreprocessorDefinitions
- (GetApp().GetMetaMakefile().GetPchUsageDefine());
- compilerl_tool->SetAttlist().SetUsePrecompiledHeader("3");
- compilerl_tool->SetAttlist().SetPrecompiledHeaderThrough
- (pch_usage.second);
- }
- else {
- compilerl_tool->SetAttlist().SetUsePrecompiledHeader("0");
- compilerl_tool->SetAttlist().SetPrecompiledHeaderThrough("");
- }
- file_config->SetTool(*compilerl_tool);
- file->SetFileConfiguration().push_back(file_config);
- }
- //
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFile(*file);
- filter->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }
- CSrcToFilterInserterWithPch::TPch
- CSrcToFilterInserterWithPch::DefinePchUsage(const string& project_dir,
- const string& rel_source_file)
- {
- // Check global permission
- if ( !GetApp().GetMetaMakefile().IsPchEnabled() )
- return TPch(eNotUse, "");
- string abs_source_file =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(project_dir, rel_source_file);
- abs_source_file = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(abs_source_file);
- // .c files - not use PCH
- string ext;
- CDirEntry::SplitPath(abs_source_file, NULL, NULL, &ext);
- if ( NStr::CompareNocase(ext, ".c") == 0)
- return TPch(eNotUse, "");
- // PCH usage is defined in msvc master makefile
- string pch_file =
- GetApp().GetMetaMakefile().GetUsePchThroughHeader
- (m_ProjectId,
- abs_source_file,
- GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Src);
- // No PCH - not use
- if ( pch_file.empty() )
- return TPch(eNotUse, "");
- if (m_PchHeaders.find(pch_file) == m_PchHeaders.end()) {
- // New PCH - this source file will create it
- m_PchHeaders.insert(pch_file);
- return TPch(eCreate, pch_file);
- } else {
- // Use PCH (previously created)
- return TPch(eUse, pch_file);
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::CBasicProjectsFilesInserter
- (CVisualStudioProject* vcproj,
- const string& project_id,
- const list<SConfigInfo>& configs,
- const string& project_dir)
- :m_Vcproj (vcproj),
- m_SrcInserter(project_id,
- configs,
- project_dir),
- m_Filters (project_dir)
- {
- m_Filters.Initilize();
- }
- CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::~CBasicProjectsFilesInserter(void)
- {
- }
- void CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::AddSourceFile(const string& rel_file_path)
- {
- m_Filters.AddSourceFile(m_SrcInserter, rel_file_path);
- }
- void CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::AddHeaderFile(const string& rel_file_path)
- {
- m_Filters.AddHeaderFile(rel_file_path);
- }
- void CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::AddInlineFile(const string& rel_file_path)
- {
- m_Filters.AddInlineFile(rel_file_path);
- }
- void CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::Finalize(void)
- {
- m_Vcproj->SetFiles().SetFilter().push_back(m_Filters.m_SourceFiles);
- if ( m_Filters.m_HeaderFilesPrivate->IsSetFF() )
- {
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFilter(*m_Filters.m_HeaderFilesPrivate);
- m_Filters.m_HeaderFiles->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }
- if ( m_Filters.m_HeaderFilesImpl->IsSetFF() )
- {
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFilter(*m_Filters.m_HeaderFilesImpl);
- m_Filters.m_HeaderFiles->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }
- m_Vcproj->SetFiles().SetFilter().push_back(m_Filters.m_HeaderFiles);
- m_Vcproj->SetFiles().SetFilter().push_back(m_Filters.m_InlineFiles);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static bool s_IsPrivateHeader(const string& header_abs_path)
- {
- string src_dir = GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Src;
- return header_abs_path.find(src_dir) != NPOS;
- }
- static bool s_IsImplHeader(const string& header_abs_path)
- {
- string src_trait = CDirEntry::GetPathSeparator() +
- GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Impl +
- CDirEntry::GetPathSeparator();
- return header_abs_path.find(src_trait) != NPOS;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::SFiltersItem::SFiltersItem(void)
- {
- }
- CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::SFiltersItem::SFiltersItem
- (const string& project_dir)
- :m_ProjectDir(project_dir)
- {
- }
- void CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::SFiltersItem::Initilize(void)
- {
- m_SourceFiles.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_SourceFiles->SetAttlist().SetName("Source Files");
- m_SourceFiles->SetAttlist().SetFilter
- ("cpp;c;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx");
- m_HeaderFiles.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_HeaderFiles->SetAttlist().SetName("Header Files");
- m_HeaderFiles->SetAttlist().SetFilter("h;hpp;hxx;hm;inc;xsd");
- m_HeaderFilesPrivate.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_HeaderFilesPrivate->SetAttlist().SetName("Private");
- m_HeaderFilesPrivate->SetAttlist().SetFilter("h;hpp;hxx;hm;inc;xsd");
- m_HeaderFilesImpl.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_HeaderFilesImpl->SetAttlist().SetName("Impl");
- m_HeaderFilesImpl->SetAttlist().SetFilter("h;hpp;hxx;hm;inc;xsd");
- m_InlineFiles.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_InlineFiles->SetAttlist().SetName("Inline Files");
- m_InlineFiles->SetAttlist().SetFilter("inl");
- }
- void CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::SFiltersItem::AddSourceFile
- (CSrcToFilterInserterWithPch& inserter_w_pch,
- const string& rel_file_path)
- {
- inserter_w_pch(m_SourceFiles, rel_file_path);
- }
- void CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::SFiltersItem::AddHeaderFile
- (const string& rel_file_path)
- {
- CRef< CFFile > file(new CFFile());
- file->SetAttlist().SetRelativePath(rel_file_path);
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFile(*file);
- string abs_header_path =
- CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_ProjectDir, rel_file_path);
- abs_header_path = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(abs_header_path);
- if ( s_IsPrivateHeader(abs_header_path) ) {
- m_HeaderFilesPrivate->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- } else if ( s_IsImplHeader(abs_header_path) ) {
- m_HeaderFilesImpl->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- } else {
- m_HeaderFiles->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }
- }
- void CBasicProjectsFilesInserter::SFiltersItem::AddInlineFile
- (const string& rel_file_path)
- {
- CRef< CFFile > file(new CFFile());
- file->SetAttlist().SetRelativePath(rel_file_path);
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFile(*file);
- m_InlineFiles->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CDllProjectFilesInserter::CDllProjectFilesInserter
- (CVisualStudioProject* vcproj,
- const CProjKey dll_project_key,
- const list<SConfigInfo>& configs,
- const string& project_dir)
- :m_Vcproj (vcproj),
- m_DllProjectKey (dll_project_key),
- m_ProjectDir (project_dir),
- m_SrcInserter (dll_project_key.Id(),
- configs,
- project_dir),
- m_PrivateFilters(project_dir)
- {
- // Private filters initilization
- m_PrivateFilters.m_SourceFiles.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_PrivateFilters.m_SourceFiles->SetAttlist().SetName("Source Files");
- m_PrivateFilters.m_SourceFiles->SetAttlist().SetFilter
- ("cpp;c;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx");
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFiles.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFiles->SetAttlist().SetName("Header Files");
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFiles->SetAttlist().SetFilter("h;hpp;hxx;hm;inc;xsd");
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFilesPrivate.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFilesPrivate->SetAttlist().SetName("Private");
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFilesPrivate->SetAttlist().SetFilter("h;hpp;hxx;hm;inc;xsd");
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFilesImpl.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFilesImpl->SetAttlist().SetName("Impl");
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFilesImpl->SetAttlist().SetFilter("h;hpp;hxx;hm;inc;xsd");
- m_PrivateFilters.m_InlineFiles.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_PrivateFilters.m_InlineFiles->SetAttlist().SetName("Inline Files");
- m_PrivateFilters.m_InlineFiles->SetAttlist().SetFilter("inl");
- // Hosted Libraries filter (folder)
- m_HostedLibrariesRootFilter.Reset(new CFilter());
- m_HostedLibrariesRootFilter->SetAttlist().SetName("Hosted Libraries");
- m_HostedLibrariesRootFilter->SetAttlist().SetFilter("");
- }
- CDllProjectFilesInserter::~CDllProjectFilesInserter(void)
- {
- }
- void CDllProjectFilesInserter::AddSourceFile (const string& rel_file_path)
- {
- string abs_path = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_ProjectDir, rel_file_path);
- abs_path = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(abs_path);
- CProjKey proj_key = GetApp().GetDllFilesDistr().GetSourceLib(abs_path, m_DllProjectKey);
- if (proj_key == CProjKey()) {
- m_PrivateFilters.AddSourceFile(m_SrcInserter, rel_file_path);
- return;
- }
- THostedLibs::iterator p = m_HostedLibs.find(proj_key);
- if (p != m_HostedLibs.end()) {
- TFiltersItem& filters_item = p->second;
- filters_item.AddSourceFile(m_SrcInserter, rel_file_path);
- return;
- }
- TFiltersItem new_item(m_ProjectDir);
- new_item.Initilize();
- new_item.AddSourceFile(m_SrcInserter, rel_file_path);
- m_HostedLibs[proj_key] = new_item;
- }
- void CDllProjectFilesInserter::AddHeaderFile(const string& rel_file_path)
- {
- string abs_path = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_ProjectDir, rel_file_path);
- abs_path = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(abs_path);
- CProjKey proj_key = GetApp().GetDllFilesDistr().GetHeaderLib(abs_path, m_DllProjectKey);
- if (proj_key == CProjKey()) {
- m_PrivateFilters.AddHeaderFile(rel_file_path);
- return;
- }
- THostedLibs::iterator p = m_HostedLibs.find(proj_key);
- if (p != m_HostedLibs.end()) {
- TFiltersItem& filters_item = p->second;
- filters_item.AddHeaderFile(rel_file_path);
- return;
- }
- TFiltersItem new_item(m_ProjectDir);
- new_item.Initilize();
- new_item.AddHeaderFile(rel_file_path);
- m_HostedLibs[proj_key] = new_item;
- }
- void CDllProjectFilesInserter::AddInlineFile(const string& rel_file_path)
- {
- string abs_path = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(m_ProjectDir, rel_file_path);
- abs_path = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(abs_path);
- CProjKey proj_key = GetApp().GetDllFilesDistr().GetInlineLib(abs_path, m_DllProjectKey);
- if (proj_key == CProjKey()) {
- m_PrivateFilters.AddInlineFile(rel_file_path);
- return;
- }
- THostedLibs::iterator p = m_HostedLibs.find(proj_key);
- if (p != m_HostedLibs.end()) {
- TFiltersItem& filters_item = p->second;
- filters_item.AddInlineFile(rel_file_path);
- return;
- }
- TFiltersItem new_item(m_ProjectDir);
- new_item.Initilize();
- new_item.AddInlineFile(rel_file_path);
- m_HostedLibs[proj_key] = new_item;
- }
- void CDllProjectFilesInserter::Finalize(void)
- {
- m_Vcproj->SetFiles().SetFilter().push_back(m_PrivateFilters.m_SourceFiles);
- if ( !m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFilesPrivate->IsSetFF() )
- {
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFilter(*m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFilesPrivate);
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFiles->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }
- if ( !m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFilesImpl->IsSetFF() )
- {
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFilter(*m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFilesImpl);
- m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFiles->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }
- m_Vcproj->SetFiles().SetFilter().push_back(m_PrivateFilters.m_HeaderFiles);
- m_Vcproj->SetFiles().SetFilter().push_back(m_PrivateFilters.m_InlineFiles);
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(THostedLibs, p, m_HostedLibs) {
- const CProjKey& proj_key = p->first;
- TFiltersItem& filters_item = p->second;
- CRef<CFilter> hosted_lib_filter(new CFilter());
- hosted_lib_filter->SetAttlist().SetName(CreateProjectName(proj_key));
- hosted_lib_filter->SetAttlist().SetFilter("");
- {{
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFilter(*(filters_item.m_SourceFiles));
- hosted_lib_filter->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }}
- if ( filters_item.m_HeaderFilesPrivate->IsSetFF() )
- {
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFilter(*filters_item.m_HeaderFilesPrivate);
- filters_item.m_HeaderFiles->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }
- if ( filters_item.m_HeaderFilesImpl->IsSetFF() )
- {
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFilter(*filters_item.m_HeaderFilesImpl);
- filters_item.m_HeaderFiles->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }
- {{
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFilter(*(filters_item.m_HeaderFiles));
- hosted_lib_filter->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }}
- {{
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFilter(*(filters_item.m_InlineFiles));
- hosted_lib_filter->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }}
- {{
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFilter(*hosted_lib_filter);
- m_HostedLibrariesRootFilter->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }}
- }
- m_Vcproj->SetFiles().SetFilter().push_back(m_HostedLibrariesRootFilter);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void AddCustomBuildFileToFilter(CRef<CFilter>& filter,
- const list<SConfigInfo> configs,
- const string& project_dir,
- const SCustomBuildInfo& build_info)
- {
- CRef<CFFile> file(new CFFile());
- file->SetAttlist().SetRelativePath
- (CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath(project_dir,
- build_info.m_SourceFile));
- ITERATE(list<SConfigInfo>, n , configs) {
- // Iterate all configurations
- const string& config = (*n).m_Name;
- CRef<CFileConfiguration> file_config(new CFileConfiguration());
- file_config->SetAttlist().SetName(ConfigName(config));
- CRef<CTool> custom_build(new CTool(""));
- custom_build->SetAttlist().SetName("VCCustomBuildTool");
- custom_build->SetAttlist().SetDescription(build_info.m_Description);
- custom_build->SetAttlist().SetCommandLine(build_info.m_CommandLine);
- custom_build->SetAttlist().SetOutputs(build_info.m_Outputs);
- custom_build->SetAttlist().SetAdditionalDependencies
- (build_info.m_AdditionalDependencies);
- file_config->SetTool(*custom_build);
- file->SetFileConfiguration().push_back(file_config);
- }
- CRef< CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E > ce(new CFilter_Base::C_FF::C_E());
- ce->SetFile(*file);
- filter->SetFF().SetFF().push_back(ce);
- }
- bool SameRootDirs(const string& dir1, const string& dir2)
- {
- if ( dir1.empty() )
- return false;
- if ( dir2.empty() )
- return false;
- return dir1[0] == dir2[0];
- }
- void CreateUtilityProject(const string& name,
- const list<SConfigInfo>& configs,
- CVisualStudioProject* project)
- {
- {{
- //Attributes:
- project->SetAttlist().SetProjectType (MSVC_PROJECT_PROJECT_TYPE);
- project->SetAttlist().SetVersion (MSVC_PROJECT_VERSION);
- project->SetAttlist().SetName (name);
- project->SetAttlist().SetRootNamespace
- project->SetAttlist().SetKeyword (MSVC_MASTERPROJECT_KEYWORD);
- }}
- {{
- //Platforms
- CRef<CPlatform> platform(new CPlatform(""));
- platform->SetAttlist().SetName(MSVC_PROJECT_PLATFORM);
- project->SetPlatforms().SetPlatform().push_back(platform);
- }}
- ITERATE(list<SConfigInfo>, p , configs) {
- // Iterate all configurations
- const string& config = (*p).m_Name;
- CRef<CConfiguration> conf(new CConfiguration());
- #define SET_ATTRIBUTE( node, X, val ) node->SetAttlist().Set##X(val)
- {{
- //Configuration
- SET_ATTRIBUTE(conf, Name, ConfigName(config));
- OutputDirectory,
- "$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)");
- IntermediateDirectory,
- "$(ConfigurationName)");
- SET_ATTRIBUTE(conf, ConfigurationType, "10");
- SET_ATTRIBUTE(conf, CharacterSet, "2");
- SET_ATTRIBUTE(conf, ManagedExtensions, "TRUE");
- }}
- {{
- //VCCustomBuildTool
- CRef<CTool> tool(new CTool(""));
- SET_ATTRIBUTE(tool, Name, "VCCustomBuildTool" );
- conf->SetTool().push_back(tool);
- }}
- {{
- //VCMIDLTool
- CRef<CTool> tool(new CTool(""));
- SET_ATTRIBUTE(tool, Name, "VCMIDLTool" );
- conf->SetTool().push_back(tool);
- }}
- {{
- //VCPostBuildEventTool
- CRef<CTool> tool(new CTool(""));
- SET_ATTRIBUTE(tool, Name, "VCPostBuildEventTool" );
- conf->SetTool().push_back(tool);
- }}
- {{
- //VCPreBuildEventTool
- CRef<CTool> tool(new CTool(""));
- SET_ATTRIBUTE(tool, Name, "VCPreBuildEventTool" );
- conf->SetTool().push_back(tool);
- }}
- project->SetConfigurations().SetConfiguration().push_back(conf);
- }
- {{
- //References
- project->SetReferences("");
- }}
- {{
- //Globals
- project->SetGlobals("");
- }}
- }
- string CreateProjectName(const CProjKey& project_id)
- {
- switch (project_id.Type()) {
- case CProjKey::eApp:
- return project_id.Id() + ".exe";
- case CProjKey::eLib:
- return project_id.Id() + ".lib";
- case CProjKey::eDll:
- return project_id.Id() + ".dll";
- case CProjKey::eMsvc:
- return project_id.Id() + ".vcproj";
- default:
- NCBI_THROW(CProjBulderAppException, eProjectType, project_id.Id());
- return "";
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CBuildType::CBuildType(bool dll_flag)
- :m_Type(dll_flag? eDll: eStatic)
- {
- }
- CBuildType::EBuildType CBuildType::GetType(void) const
- {
- return m_Type;
- }
- string CBuildType::GetTypeStr(void) const
- {
- switch (m_Type) {
- case eStatic:
- return "static";
- case eDll:
- return "dll";
- }
- NCBI_THROW(CProjBulderAppException,
- eProjectType,
- NStr::IntToString(m_Type));
- return "";
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CDllSrcFilesDistr::CDllSrcFilesDistr(void)
- {
- }
- void CDllSrcFilesDistr::RegisterSource(const string& src_file_path,
- const CProjKey& dll_project_id,
- const CProjKey& lib_project_id)
- {
- m_SourcesMap[ TDllSrcKey(src_file_path,dll_project_id) ] = lib_project_id;
- }
- void CDllSrcFilesDistr::RegisterHeader(const string& hdr_file_path,
- const CProjKey& dll_project_id,
- const CProjKey& lib_project_id)
- {
- m_HeadersMap[ TDllSrcKey(hdr_file_path,dll_project_id) ] = lib_project_id;
- }
- void CDllSrcFilesDistr::RegisterInline(const string& inl_file_path,
- const CProjKey& dll_project_id,
- const CProjKey& lib_project_id)
- {
- m_InlinesMap[ TDllSrcKey(inl_file_path,dll_project_id) ] = lib_project_id;
- }
- CProjKey CDllSrcFilesDistr::GetSourceLib(const string& src_file_path,
- const CProjKey& dll_project_id) const
- {
- TDllSrcKey key(src_file_path, dll_project_id);
- TDistrMap::const_iterator p = m_SourcesMap.find(key);
- if (p != m_SourcesMap.end()) {
- const CProjKey& lib_id = p->second;
- return lib_id;
- }
- return CProjKey();
- }
- CProjKey CDllSrcFilesDistr::GetHeaderLib(const string& hdr_file_path,
- const CProjKey& dll_project_id) const
- {
- TDllSrcKey key(hdr_file_path, dll_project_id);
- TDistrMap::const_iterator p = m_HeadersMap.find(key);
- if (p != m_HeadersMap.end()) {
- const CProjKey& lib_id = p->second;
- return lib_id;
- }
- return CProjKey();
- }
- CProjKey CDllSrcFilesDistr::GetInlineLib(const string& inl_file_path,
- const CProjKey& dll_project_id) const
- {
- TDllSrcKey key(inl_file_path, dll_project_id);
- TDistrMap::const_iterator p = m_InlinesMap.find(key);
- if (p != m_InlinesMap.end()) {
- const CProjKey& lib_id = p->second;
- return lib_id;
- }
- return CProjKey();
- }
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * $Log: msvc_prj_utils.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.3 2004/06/16 17:02:32 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.31 2004/06/15 19:01:08 gorelenk
- * Changed CGuidGenerator::Generate12Chars to fix compilation errors on
- * GCC 2.95.
- *
- * Revision 1.30 2004/06/14 20:59:23 gorelenk
- * Added *correct* conversion from streampos to size_t .
- *
- * Revision 1.29 2004/06/14 20:41:20 gorelenk
- * Changed PromoteIfDifferent : added conversion state to avoid compilation
- * errors on GCC 3.3.3 .
- *
- * Revision 1.28 2004/06/14 19:19:08 gorelenk
- * Changed definition of enum in CBuildType .
- *
- * Revision 1.27 2004/06/14 18:02:29 gorelenk
- * Changed size_t to streampos in PromoteIfDifferent .
- *
- * Revision 1.26 2004/06/08 16:32:25 gorelenk
- * Added static functions s_IsPrivateHeader and s_IsImplHeader.
- * Changed imlementation of SFiltersItem ( to take into account
- * new struct members ). Changed implementation of classes
- * CBasicProjectsFilesInserter and CDllProjectFilesInserter.
- *
- * Revision 1.25 2004/05/26 17:59:07 gorelenk
- * Old inserter -> CSrcToFilterInserterWithPch.
- * Implemented CBasicProjectsFilesInserter and CDllProjectFilesInserter .
- *
- * Revision 1.24 2004/05/21 21:41:41 gorelenk
- * Added PCH ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- * Revision 1.23 2004/05/17 16:14:17 gorelenk
- * Implemented class CDllSrcFilesDistr .
- *
- * Revision 1.22 2004/05/17 14:40:30 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of CSourceFileToProjectInserter::operator():
- * get rid of hard-coded define for PCH usage.
- *
- * Revision 1.21 2004/05/13 16:15:24 gorelenk
- * Changed CSourceFileToProjectInserter::operator() .
- *
- * Revision 1.20 2004/05/10 19:53:43 gorelenk
- * Changed CreateProjectName .
- *
- * Revision 1.19 2004/05/10 14:29:03 gorelenk
- * Implemented CSourceFileToProjectInserter .
- *
- * Revision 1.18 2004/04/22 18:15:38 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of SourceFileExt .
- *
- * Revision 1.17 2004/03/10 16:42:44 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of class CMsvc7RegSettings.
- *
- * Revision 1.16 2004/03/02 23:32:54 gorelenk
- * Added implemetation of class CBuildType member-functions.
- *
- * Revision 1.15 2004/02/20 22:53:26 gorelenk
- * Added analysis of ASN projects depends.
- *
- * Revision 1.14 2004/02/13 20:39:51 gorelenk
- * Minor cosmetic changes.
- *
- * Revision 1.13 2004/02/12 23:15:29 gorelenk
- * Implemented utility projects creation and configure re-build of the app.
- *
- * Revision 1.12 2004/02/12 16:27:57 gorelenk
- * Changed generation of command line for datatool.
- *
- * Revision 1.11 2004/02/10 18:09:12 gorelenk
- * Added definitions of functions SaveIfNewer and PromoteIfDifferent
- * - support for file overwriting only if it was changed.
- *
- * Revision 1.10 2004/02/06 23:14:59 gorelenk
- * Implemented support of ASN projects, semi-auto configure,
- * CPPFLAGS support. Second working version.
- *
- * Revision 1.9 2004/02/05 16:29:49 gorelenk
- * GetComponents was moved to class CMsvcSite.
- *
- * Revision 1.8 2004/02/04 23:35:17 gorelenk
- * Added definition of functions GetComponents and SameRootDirs.
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2004/02/03 17:19:04 gorelenk
- * Changed implementation of class CMsvc7RegSettings.
- * Added implementation of function GetComponents.
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2004/01/30 20:46:55 gorelenk
- * Added support of ASN projects.
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2004/01/28 17:55:49 gorelenk
- * += For msvc makefile support of :
- * Requires tag, ExcludeProject tag,
- * AddToProject section (SourceFiles and IncludeDirs),
- * CustomBuild section.
- * += For support of user local site.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2004/01/26 19:27:28 gorelenk
- * += MSVC meta makefile support
- * += MSVC project makefile support
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2004/01/22 17:57:54 gorelenk
- * first version
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */