- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: ncbi_socket_cxx.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.3 2004/06/01 18:45:29 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: ncbi_socket_cxx.cpp,v 1000.3 2004/06/01 18:45:29 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Anton Lavrentiev
- *
- * File Description:
- * C++ wrappers for the C "SOCK" API (UNIX, MS-Win, MacOS, Darwin)
- * Implementation of out-of-line methods
- *
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <connect/ncbi_socket.hpp>
- #include <limits.h> // for PATH_MAX
- #if defined(NCBI_OS_MSWIN) && !defined(PATH_MAX)
- # define PATH_MAX 512 // will actually use less than 32 chars
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CSocket::
- //
- CSocket::CSocket(void)
- : m_Socket(0),
- m_IsOwned(eTakeOwnership),
- o_timeout(0), r_timeout(0), w_timeout(0), c_timeout(0)
- {
- return;
- }
- CSocket::CSocket(const string& host,
- unsigned short port,
- const STimeout* timeout,
- ESwitch log)
- : m_IsOwned(eTakeOwnership),
- r_timeout(0), w_timeout(0), c_timeout(0)
- {
- const char* x_host = host.c_str();
- if (timeout && timeout != kDefaultTimeout) {
- oo_timeout = *timeout;
- o_timeout = &oo_timeout;
- } else
- o_timeout = 0;
- if (SOCK_CreateEx(x_host, port, o_timeout, &m_Socket, 0, 0, log)
- != eIO_Success) {
- m_Socket = 0;
- }
- }
- CSocket::~CSocket(void)
- {
- if (m_Socket && m_IsOwned != eNoOwnership)
- SOCK_Close(m_Socket);
- }
- void CSocket::Reset(SOCK sock, EOwnership if_to_own, ECopyTimeout whence)
- {
- if (m_Socket && m_IsOwned != eNoOwnership)
- SOCK_Close(m_Socket);
- m_Socket = sock;
- m_IsOwned = if_to_own;
- if ( sock ) {
- if (whence == eCopyTimeoutsFromSOCK) {
- const STimeout* timeout;
- timeout = SOCK_GetTimeout(sock, eIO_Read);
- if ( timeout ) {
- rr_timeout = *timeout;
- r_timeout = &rr_timeout;
- } else
- r_timeout = 0;
- timeout = SOCK_GetTimeout(sock, eIO_Write);
- if ( timeout ) {
- ww_timeout = *timeout;
- w_timeout = &ww_timeout;
- } else
- w_timeout = 0;
- timeout = SOCK_GetTimeout(sock, eIO_Close);
- if ( timeout ) {
- cc_timeout = *timeout;
- c_timeout = &cc_timeout;
- } else
- c_timeout = 0;
- } else {
- SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Read, r_timeout);
- SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Write, w_timeout);
- SOCK_SetTimeout(sock, eIO_Close, c_timeout);
- }
- }
- }
- EIO_Status CSocket::Connect(const string& host,
- unsigned short port,
- const STimeout* timeout,
- ESwitch log)
- {
- if ( m_Socket ) {
- if (SOCK_Status(m_Socket, eIO_Open) != eIO_Closed)
- return eIO_Unknown;
- SOCK_Close(m_Socket);
- }
- const char* x_host = host.c_str();
- if (timeout != kDefaultTimeout) {
- if ( timeout ) {
- oo_timeout = *timeout;
- o_timeout = &oo_timeout;
- } else
- o_timeout = 0;
- }
- EIO_Status status = SOCK_CreateEx(x_host, port, o_timeout,
- &m_Socket, 0, 0, log);
- if (status == eIO_Success) {
- SOCK_SetTimeout(m_Socket, eIO_Read, r_timeout);
- SOCK_SetTimeout(m_Socket, eIO_Write, w_timeout);
- SOCK_SetTimeout(m_Socket, eIO_Close, c_timeout);
- } else
- m_Socket = 0;
- return status;
- }
- EIO_Status CSocket::Reconnect(const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- if (timeout != kDefaultTimeout) {
- if ( timeout ) {
- oo_timeout = *timeout;
- o_timeout = &oo_timeout;
- } else
- o_timeout = 0;
- }
- return m_Socket ? SOCK_Reconnect(m_Socket, 0, 0, o_timeout) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- EIO_Status CSocket::Close(void)
- {
- if ( !m_Socket )
- return eIO_Success;
- EIO_Status status = m_IsOwned != eNoOwnership
- ? SOCK_CloseEx(m_Socket, 0) : eIO_Success;
- return status;
- }
- EIO_Status CSocket::SetTimeout(EIO_Event event, const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- if (timeout == kDefaultTimeout)
- return eIO_Success;
- switch (event) {
- case eIO_Open:
- if ( timeout ) {
- oo_timeout = *timeout;
- o_timeout = &oo_timeout;
- } else
- o_timeout = 0;
- break;
- case eIO_Read:
- if ( timeout ) {
- rr_timeout = *timeout;
- r_timeout = &rr_timeout;
- } else
- r_timeout = 0;
- break;
- case eIO_Write:
- if ( timeout ) {
- ww_timeout = *timeout;
- w_timeout = &ww_timeout;
- } else
- w_timeout = 0;
- break;
- case eIO_ReadWrite:
- if ( timeout ) {
- rr_timeout = *timeout;
- ww_timeout = *timeout;
- r_timeout = &rr_timeout;
- w_timeout = &ww_timeout;
- } else {
- r_timeout = 0;
- w_timeout = 0;
- }
- break;
- case eIO_Close:
- if ( timeout ) {
- cc_timeout = *timeout;
- c_timeout = &cc_timeout;
- } else
- c_timeout = 0;
- break;
- default:
- return eIO_InvalidArg;
- }
- return m_Socket ? SOCK_SetTimeout(m_Socket, event, timeout) : eIO_Success;
- }
- const STimeout* CSocket::GetTimeout(EIO_Event event) const
- {
- switch (event) {
- case eIO_Open:
- return o_timeout;
- case eIO_Read:
- return r_timeout;
- case eIO_Write:
- return w_timeout;
- case eIO_ReadWrite:
- if ( !r_timeout )
- return w_timeout;
- if ( !w_timeout )
- return r_timeout;
- return ((unsigned long) r_timeout->sec*1000000 + r_timeout->usec >
- (unsigned long) w_timeout->sec*1000000 + w_timeout->usec)
- ? w_timeout : r_timeout;
- case eIO_Close:
- return c_timeout;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return kDefaultTimeout;
- }
- EIO_Status CSocket::Read(void* buf,
- size_t size,
- size_t* n_read,
- EIO_ReadMethod how)
- {
- if ( m_Socket )
- return SOCK_Read(m_Socket, buf, size, n_read, how);
- if ( n_read )
- *n_read = 0;
- return eIO_Closed;
- }
- EIO_Status CSocket::Write(const void* buf,
- size_t size,
- size_t* n_written,
- EIO_WriteMethod how)
- {
- if ( m_Socket )
- return SOCK_Write(m_Socket, buf, size, n_written, how);
- if ( n_written )
- *n_written = 0;
- return eIO_Closed;
- }
- void CSocket::GetPeerAddress(unsigned int* host, unsigned short* port,
- ENH_ByteOrder byte_order) const
- {
- if ( !m_Socket ) {
- if ( host )
- *host = 0;
- if ( port )
- *port = 0;
- } else
- SOCK_GetPeerAddress(m_Socket, host, port, byte_order);
- }
- string CSocket::GetPeerAddress(void) const
- {
- char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
- if (m_Socket &&
- SOCK_GetPeerAddressString(m_Socket, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0) {
- return string(buf);
- }
- return "";
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDatagramSocket::
- //
- CDatagramSocket::CDatagramSocket(ESwitch log)
- {
- if (DSOCK_CreateEx(&m_Socket, log) != eIO_Success)
- m_Socket = 0;
- }
- EIO_Status CDatagramSocket::Bind(unsigned short port)
- {
- return m_Socket ? DSOCK_Bind(m_Socket, port) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- EIO_Status CDatagramSocket::Connect(const string& host,
- unsigned short port)
- {
- return m_Socket ? DSOCK_Connect(m_Socket, host.c_str(), port) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- EIO_Status CDatagramSocket::Send(const void* data,
- size_t datalen,
- const string& host,
- unsigned short port)
- {
- return m_Socket
- ? DSOCK_SendMsg(m_Socket, host.c_str(), port, data, datalen)
- : eIO_Closed;
- }
- EIO_Status CDatagramSocket::Recv(void* buf,
- size_t buflen,
- size_t* msglen,
- string* sender_host,
- unsigned short* sender_port,
- size_t maxmsglen)
- {
- if ( !m_Socket )
- return eIO_Closed;
- unsigned int addr;
- EIO_Status status = DSOCK_RecvMsg(m_Socket, buf, buflen, maxmsglen,
- msglen, &addr, sender_port);
- if ( sender_host )
- *sender_host = CSocketAPI::ntoa(addr);
- return status;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CListeningSocket::
- //
- CListeningSocket::CListeningSocket(void)
- : m_Socket(0),
- m_IsOwned(eTakeOwnership)
- {
- return;
- }
- CListeningSocket::CListeningSocket(unsigned short port, unsigned short backlog)
- : m_Socket(0),
- m_IsOwned(eTakeOwnership)
- {
- if (LSOCK_Create(port, backlog, &m_Socket) != eIO_Success)
- m_Socket = 0;
- }
- CListeningSocket::~CListeningSocket(void)
- {
- Close();
- }
- EIO_Status CListeningSocket::Listen(unsigned short port,
- unsigned short backlog)
- {
- if ( m_Socket )
- return eIO_Unknown;
- EIO_Status status = LSOCK_Create(port, backlog, &m_Socket);
- if (status != eIO_Success)
- m_Socket = 0;
- return status;
- }
- EIO_Status CListeningSocket::Accept(CSocket*& sock,
- const STimeout* timeout) const
- {
- if ( !m_Socket )
- return eIO_Closed;
- SOCK x_sock;
- EIO_Status status = LSOCK_Accept(m_Socket, timeout, &x_sock);
- if (status != eIO_Success) {
- sock = 0;
- } else if ( !(sock = new CSocket) ) {
- SOCK_CloseEx(x_sock, 1);
- status = eIO_Unknown;
- } else
- sock->Reset(x_sock, eTakeOwnership, eCopyTimeoutsToSOCK);
- return status;
- }
- EIO_Status CListeningSocket::Accept(CSocket& sock,
- const STimeout* timeout) const
- {
- if ( !m_Socket )
- return eIO_Closed;
- SOCK x_sock;
- EIO_Status status = LSOCK_Accept(m_Socket, timeout, &x_sock);
- if (status == eIO_Success)
- sock.Reset(x_sock, eTakeOwnership, eCopyTimeoutsToSOCK);
- return status;
- }
- EIO_Status CListeningSocket::Close(void)
- {
- if ( !m_Socket )
- return eIO_Success;
- EIO_Status status = m_IsOwned != eNoOwnership
- ? LSOCK_Close(m_Socket) : eIO_Success;
- m_Socket = 0;
- return status;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CSocketAPI::
- //
- string CSocketAPI::gethostname(void)
- {
- char hostname[256];
- if (SOCK_gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)) != 0)
- *hostname = 0;
- return string(hostname);
- }
- string CSocketAPI::ntoa(unsigned int host)
- {
- char ipaddr[64];
- if (SOCK_ntoa(host, ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr)) != 0)
- *ipaddr = 0;
- return string(ipaddr);
- }
- string CSocketAPI::gethostbyaddr(unsigned int host)
- {
- char hostname[256];
- if ( !SOCK_gethostbyaddr(host, hostname, sizeof(hostname)) )
- *hostname = 0;
- return string(hostname);
- }
- unsigned int CSocketAPI::gethostbyname(const string& hostname)
- {
- const char* host = hostname.c_str();
- return SOCK_gethostbyname(*host ? host : 0);
- }
- EIO_Status CSocketAPI::Poll(vector<SPoll>& polls,
- const STimeout* timeout,
- size_t* n_ready)
- {
- size_t x_n = polls.size();
- SPOLLABLE_Poll* x_polls = 0;
- if (x_n && !(x_polls = new SPOLLABLE_Poll[x_n]))
- return eIO_Unknown;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < x_n; i++) {
- CPollable* p = polls[i].m_Pollable;
- EIO_Event event = polls[i].m_Event;
- if (p && event) {
- CSocket* s = dynamic_cast<CSocket*> (p);
- if (!s) {
- CListeningSocket* ls = dynamic_cast<CListeningSocket*> (p);
- x_polls[i].poll = POLLABLE_FromLSOCK(ls ? ls->GetLSOCK() : 0);
- } else {
- x_polls[i].poll =
- POLLABLE_FromSOCK(s->GetStatus(eIO_Open) == eIO_Success ?
- s->GetSOCK() : 0);
- }
- x_polls[i].event = event;
- } else
- x_polls[i].poll = 0;
- }
- size_t x_ready;
- EIO_Status status = POLLABLE_Poll(x_n, x_polls, timeout, &x_ready);
- if (status == eIO_Success) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < x_n; i++)
- polls[i].m_REvent = x_polls[i].revent;
- }
- if ( n_ready )
- *n_ready = x_ready;
- delete[] x_polls;
- return status;
- }
- /*
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Log: ncbi_socket_cxx.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.3 2004/06/01 18:45:29 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 6.24 2004/05/17 20:58:13 gorelenk
- * Added include of PCH ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- * Revision 6.23 2003/11/25 15:09:47 lavr
- * Allow CSocket::Connect() after closing with CSocket::Close()
- *
- * Revision 6.22 2003/11/12 17:47:58 lavr
- * Few fixes of return status; take advantage of SOCK_CloseEx()
- *
- * Revision 6.21 2003/10/24 16:51:36 lavr
- * GetTimeout(eIO_ReadWrite): return the lesser of eIO_Read and eIO_Write
- *
- * Revision 6.20 2003/08/25 14:42:42 lavr
- * Employ new k..Timeout constants; reimplement more generic form of Poll()
- *
- * Revision 6.19 2003/07/15 19:04:04 lavr
- * Yet another fix for MS-Win compilation
- *
- * Revision 6.18 2003/07/15 18:16:44 lavr
- * Fix MS-Win compilation
- *
- * Revision 6.17 2003/07/15 18:09:51 lavr
- * Use <limits.h> instead of <stdlib.h> to fetch PATH_MAX
- *
- * Revision 6.16 2003/07/15 16:50:57 lavr
- * Implementation of CSocket::GetPeerAddress(void) added
- *
- * Revision 6.15 2003/05/14 03:50:54 lavr
- * Match changes in ncbi_socket.hpp
- *
- * Revision 6.14 2003/04/30 17:03:33 lavr
- * Modified prototypes for CDatagramSocket::Send() and CDatagramSocket::Recv()
- *
- * Revision 6.13 2003/04/11 20:59:30 lavr
- * CDatagramSocket:: API defined completely
- *
- * Revision 6.12 2003/02/20 17:55:39 lavr
- * Inlining CSocket::Shutdown() and CSocket::Wait()
- *
- * Revision 6.11 2003/02/14 22:03:43 lavr
- * Add internal CSocket timeouts and document them
- *
- * Revision 6.10 2003/01/24 23:01:19 lavr
- * Added class CDatagramSocket
- *
- * Revision 6.9 2002/12/04 16:56:02 lavr
- * Employ SOCK_CreateEx()
- *
- * Revision 6.8 2002/11/14 01:11:49 lavr
- * Minor formatting changes
- *
- * Revision 6.7 2002/11/01 20:13:15 lavr
- * Expand hostname buffers to hold up to 256 chars
- *
- * Revision 6.6 2002/09/17 20:43:49 lavr
- * Style conforming tiny little change
- *
- * Revision 6.5 2002/09/16 22:32:49 vakatov
- * Allow to change ownership for the underlying sockets "on-the-fly";
- * plus some minor (mostly formal) code and comments rearrangements
- *
- * Revision 6.4 2002/08/15 18:48:01 lavr
- * Change all internal variables to have "x_" prefix in CSocketAPI::Poll()
- *
- * Revision 6.3 2002/08/14 15:16:25 lavr
- * Do not use kEmptyStr for not to depend on xncbi(corelib) library
- *
- * Revision 6.2 2002/08/13 19:29:02 lavr
- * Move most methods out-of-line to this file
- *
- * Revision 6.1 2002/08/12 15:15:36 lavr
- * Initial revision
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */