- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: ncbi_http_connector.c,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.3 2004/02/12 21:52:44 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: ncbi_http_connector.c,v 1000.3 2004/02/12 21:52:44 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Anton Lavrentiev, Denis Vakatov
- *
- * File Description:
- * Implement CONNECTOR for the HTTP-based network connection
- *
- * See in "ncbi_connector.h" for the detailed specification of the underlying
- * connector("CONNECTOR", "SConnectorTag") methods and structures.
- *
- */
- #include "ncbi_ansi_ext.h"
- #include "ncbi_priv.h"
- #include <connect/ncbi_http_connector.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- /***********************************************************************
- * INTERNAL -- Auxiliary types and static functions
- ***********************************************************************/
- /* If the connector is allowed to connect
- */
- typedef enum {
- eCC_None,
- eCC_Once,
- eCC_Unlimited
- } ECanConnect;
- typedef unsigned EBCanConnect;
- typedef unsigned TBHCC_Flags;
- /* All internal data necessary to perform the (re)connect and I/O
- *
- * The following states are defined:
- * "sock" | "read_header" | State description
- * ---------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------
- * NULL | <whatever> | User "WRITE" mode: accumulate data in buffer
- * non-NULL | non-zero | HTTP header is being read
- * non-NULL | zero | HTTP body is being read (user "READ" mode)
- * ---------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------
- */
- typedef struct {
- SConnNetInfo* net_info; /* network configuration parameters*/
- FHttpParseHTTPHeader parse_http_hdr; /* callback to parse HTTP reply hdr*/
- FHttpAdjustNetInfo adjust_net_info; /* for on-the-fly net_info adjust */
- FHttpAdjustCleanup adjust_cleanup; /* supplemental user data... */
- void* adjust_data; /* ...and cleanup routine */
- TBHCC_Flags flags:10; /* as passed to constructor */
- unsigned reserved:1;
- unsigned error_header:1; /* only err.HTTP header on SOME dbg*/
- EBCanConnect can_connect:2; /* whether more conns permitted */
- unsigned read_header:1; /* whether reading header */
- unsigned shut_down:1; /* whether shut down for write */
- unsigned short failure_count; /* incr each failure since open */
- SOCK sock; /* socket; NULL if not in "READ" mode*/
- const STimeout* o_timeout; /* NULL(infinite), dflt or ptr to next*/
- STimeout oo_timeout; /* storage for (finite) open timeout */
- const STimeout* w_timeout; /* NULL(infinite), dflt or ptr to next*/
- STimeout ww_timeout; /* storage for a (finite) write tmo */
- BUF http; /* storage for HTTP reply header */
- BUF r_buf; /* storage to accumulate input data */
- BUF w_buf; /* storage to accumulate output data */
- size_t w_len; /* pending message body size */
- } SHttpConnector;
- /* Try to fix connection parameters (called for an unconnected connector) */
- static int/*bool*/ s_Adjust(SHttpConnector* uuu,
- char** redirect,
- int/*bool*/ drop_unread)
- {
- assert(!uuu->sock && uuu->can_connect != eCC_None);
- /* we're here because something is going wrong */
- if (++uuu->failure_count >= uuu->net_info->max_try) {
- if (*redirect) {
- free(*redirect);
- *redirect = 0;
- }
- if (!drop_unread && uuu->failure_count > 1) {
- CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Error, ("[HTTP] Too many failed attempts (%d),"
- " giving up", uuu->failure_count));
- }
- uuu->can_connect = eCC_None;
- return 0/*failure*/;
- }
- /* adjust info before yet another connection attempt */
- if (*redirect) {
- int status = ConnNetInfo_ParseURL(uuu->net_info, *redirect);
- free(*redirect);
- *redirect = 0;
- if (!status) {
- CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "[HTTP] Unable to parse redirect");
- uuu->can_connect = eCC_None;
- return 0/*failure*/;
- }
- } else if (!uuu->adjust_net_info ||
- uuu->adjust_net_info(uuu->net_info,
- uuu->adjust_data,
- uuu->failure_count) == 0) {
- if (!drop_unread && uuu->failure_count > 1) {
- CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Error, ("[HTTP] Retry attempts (%d) exhausted,"
- " giving up", uuu->failure_count));
- }
- uuu->can_connect = eCC_None;
- return 0/*failure*/;
- }
- ConnNetInfo_AdjustForHttpProxy(uuu->net_info);
- if (uuu->net_info->debug_printout)
- ConnNetInfo_Log(uuu->net_info, CORE_GetLOG());
- return 1/*success*/;
- }
- /* Unconditionally drop the connection; timeout may specify time allowance */
- static void s_DropConnection(SHttpConnector* uuu, const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- size_t http_size = BUF_Size(uuu->http);
- assert(uuu->sock);
- if (http_size && BUF_Read(uuu->http, 0, http_size) != http_size) {
- CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "[HTTP] Cannot discard HTTP header buffer");
- assert(0);
- }
- SOCK_SetTimeout(uuu->sock, eIO_Close, timeout);
- SOCK_Close(uuu->sock);
- uuu->sock = 0;
- }
- /* Connect to the HTTP server, specified by uuu->net_info's "port:host".
- * Return eIO_Success only if socket connection has succeeded and uuu->sock
- * is non-zero. If unsuccessful, try to adjust uuu->net_info by s_Adjust(),
- * and then re-try the connection attempt.
- */
- static EIO_Status s_Connect(SHttpConnector* uuu, int/*bool*/ drop_unread)
- {
- assert(!uuu->sock);
- if (uuu->can_connect == eCC_None) {
- CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "[HTTP] Connector is no longer usable");
- return eIO_Closed;
- }
- /* the re-try loop... */
- for (;;) {
- int/*bool*/ reset_user_header = 0;
- char* http_user_header = 0;
- char* null = 0;
- uuu->w_len = BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf);
- if (uuu->net_info->http_user_header)
- http_user_header = strdup(uuu->net_info->http_user_header);
- if (!uuu->net_info->http_user_header == !http_user_header) {
- ConnNetInfo_ExtendUserHeader
- (uuu->net_info, "User-Agent: NCBIHttpConnector"
- " (C++ Toolkit)"
- #else
- " (C Toolkit)"
- #endif
- "rn");
- reset_user_header = 1;
- }
- /* connect & send HTTP header */
- uuu->sock = URL_Connect
- (uuu->net_info->host, uuu->net_info->port,
- uuu->net_info->path, uuu->net_info->args,
- uuu->net_info->req_method, uuu->w_len,
- uuu->o_timeout, uuu->w_timeout,
- uuu->net_info->http_user_header,
- (int/*bool*/) (uuu->flags & fHCC_UrlEncodeArgs),
- uuu->net_info->debug_printout == eDebugPrintout_Data
- ? eOn : (uuu->net_info->debug_printout == eDebugPrintout_None
- ? eOff : eDefault));
- if (reset_user_header) {
- ConnNetInfo_SetUserHeader(uuu->net_info, 0);
- uuu->net_info->http_user_header = http_user_header;
- }
- if (uuu->sock) {
- if (!(uuu->flags & fHCC_NoUpread))
- SOCK_SetReadOnWrite(uuu->sock, eOn);
- return eIO_Success;
- }
- /* connection failed, no socket was created */
- if (!s_Adjust(uuu, &null, drop_unread))
- break;
- }
- return eIO_Closed;
- }
- /* Connect to the server specified by uuu->net_info, then compose and form
- * relevant HTTP header, and flush the accumulated output data(uuu->w_buf)
- * after the HTTP header. If connection/write unsuccessful, retry to reconnect
- * and send the data again until permitted by s_Adjust().
- */
- static EIO_Status s_ConnectAndSend(SHttpConnector* uuu,int/*bool*/ drop_unread)
- {
- EIO_Status status;
- for (;;) {
- char* null = 0;
- if (!uuu->sock) {
- if ((status = s_Connect(uuu, drop_unread)) != eIO_Success)
- break;
- assert(uuu->sock);
- uuu->read_header = 1/*true*/;
- uuu->shut_down = 0/*false*/;
- } else
- status = eIO_Success;
- if (uuu->w_len) {
- size_t off = BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf) - uuu->w_len;
- SOCK_SetTimeout(uuu->sock, eIO_Write, uuu->w_timeout);
- do {
- char buf[4096];
- size_t n_written;
- size_t n_write = BUF_PeekAt(uuu->w_buf, off, buf, sizeof(buf));
- status = SOCK_Write(uuu->sock, buf, n_write,
- &n_written, eIO_WritePlain);
- if (status != eIO_Success)
- break;
- uuu->w_len -= n_written;
- off += n_written;
- } while (uuu->w_len);
- } else if (!uuu->shut_down)
- status = SOCK_Write(uuu->sock, 0, 0, 0, eIO_WritePlain);
- if (status == eIO_Success) {
- assert(uuu->w_len == 0);
- if (!uuu->shut_down) {
- /* 10/07/03: While this call here is perfectly legal, it could
- * cause connection severed by a buggy CISCO load-balancer. */
- /* 10/28/03: CISCO's beta patch for their LB shows that the
- * problem has been fixed; no more 2'30" drops in connections
- * that shut down for write. We still leave this commented
- * out to allow unpatched clients work seamlessly... */
- /*SOCK_Shutdown(uuu->sock, eIO_Write);*/
- uuu->shut_down = 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (status == eIO_Timeout && uuu->w_timeout &&
- !uuu->w_timeout->sec && !uuu->w_timeout->usec) {
- break;
- }
- ("[HTTP] Error writing body at offset %lu (%s)",
- (unsigned long) (BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf) - uuu->w_len),
- IO_StatusStr(status)));
- /* write failed; close and try to use another server */
- SOCK_Abort(uuu->sock);
- s_DropConnection(uuu, 0/*no wait*/);
- if (!s_Adjust(uuu, &null, drop_unread)) {
- status = eIO_Closed;
- break;
- }
- }
- return status;
- }
- /* Parse HTTP header */
- static EIO_Status s_ReadHeader(SHttpConnector* uuu, char** redirect)
- {
- int/*bool*/ moved = 0/*false*/;
- int server_error = 0;
- int http_status = 0;
- char* header;
- size_t size;
- assert(uuu->sock && uuu->read_header);
- *redirect = 0;
- if (uuu->flags & fHCC_KeepHeader) {
- uuu->read_header = 0;
- return eIO_Success;
- }
- /* line by line HTTP header input */
- for (;;) {
- EIO_Status status;
- /* do we have full header yet? */
- size = BUF_Size(uuu->http);
- if (!(header = (char*) malloc(size + 1))) {
- CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Error, ("[HTTP] Cannot allocate header, %lu bytes",
- (unsigned long) size));
- return eIO_Unknown;
- }
- verify(BUF_Peek(uuu->http, header, size) == size);
- header[size] = ' ';
- if (size >= 4 && strcmp(&header[size - 4], "rnrn") == 0)
- break/*full header captured*/;
- free(header);
- status = SOCK_StripToPattern(uuu->sock, "rn", 2, &uuu->http, 0);
- if (status != eIO_Success) {
- const STimeout* tmo = SOCK_GetTimeout(uuu->sock, eIO_Read);
- if (tmo && (tmo->sec || tmo->usec)) {
- CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Error, ("[HTTP] Error reading header (%s)",
- IO_StatusStr(status)));
- }
- return status;
- }
- }
- uuu->read_header = 0/*false*/; /* the entire header has been read */
- if (BUF_Read(uuu->http, 0, size) != size) {
- CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "[HTTP] Cannot discard HTTP header buffer");
- assert(0);
- }
- /* HTTP status must come on the first line of the reply */
- if (sscanf(header, " HTTP/%*d.%*d %d ", &http_status) != 1 ||
- http_status < 200 || 299 < http_status) {
- server_error = http_status;
- if (http_status == 301 || http_status == 302)
- moved = 1;
- else if (http_status == 403 || http_status == 404)
- uuu->net_info->max_try = 0;
- }
- if ((server_error || !uuu->error_header) &&
- uuu->net_info->debug_printout == eDebugPrintout_Some) {
- /* HTTP header gets printed as part of data logging when
- uuu->net_info->debug_printout == eDebugPrintout_Data. */
- const char* header_header;
- if (!server_error)
- header_header = "HTTP header";
- else if (moved)
- header_header = "HTTP header (moved)";
- else if (!uuu->net_info->max_try)
- header_header = "HTTP header (unrecoverable error)";
- else
- header_header = "HTTP header (server error, can retry)";
- CORE_DATA(header, size, header_header);
- }
- if (uuu->parse_http_hdr) {
- if (!(*uuu->parse_http_hdr)
- (header, uuu->adjust_data, server_error))
- server_error = 1;
- }
- if (moved) {
- /* parsing "Location" pointer */
- const char k_LocationTag[] = "nLocation: ";
- char* location = strstr(header, k_LocationTag);
- if (location) {
- char* s;
- location += sizeof(k_LocationTag) - 1;
- if (!(s = strchr(location, 'r')))
- *strchr(location, 'n') = 0;
- else
- *s = 0;
- while (*location) {
- if (isspace((unsigned char)(*location)))
- location++;
- else
- break;
- }
- for (s = location; *s; s++)
- if (isspace((unsigned char)(*s)))
- break;
- *s = 0;
- if (*location)
- *redirect = strdup(location);
- }
- }
- if (header)
- free(header);
- /* skip & printout the content, if server error was flagged */
- if (server_error && uuu->net_info->debug_printout == eDebugPrintout_Some) {
- BUF buf = 0;
- EIO_Status status;
- char* body;
- SOCK_SetTimeout(uuu->sock, eIO_Read, 0);
- status = SOCK_StripToPattern(uuu->sock, 0, 0, &buf, 0);
- assert(status != eIO_Success); /* because reading until EOF */
- if (!(size = BUF_Size(buf))) {
- CORE_LOG(eLOG_Trace, "[HTTP] No body received with this error");
- } else if ((body = (char*) malloc(size)) != 0) {
- size_t n = BUF_Read(buf, body, size);
- if (n != size) {
- CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Error, ("[HTTP] Cannot read server error "
- "body from buffer (%lu out of %lu)",
- (unsigned long) n,
- (unsigned long) size));
- }
- CORE_DATA(body, n, "HTTP server error body");
- free(body);
- } else {
- CORE_LOGF(eLOG_Error, ("[HTTP] Cannot allocate server error "
- "body, %lu bytes", (unsigned long) size));
- }
- BUF_Destroy(buf);
- }
- return server_error ? eIO_Unknown : eIO_Success;
- }
- /* Prepare connector for reading. Open socket if necessary and
- * make initial connect and send, re-trying if possible until success.
- * Return codes:
- * eIO_Success = success, connector is ready for reading (uuu->sock != NULL);
- * eIO_Timeout = maybe (check uuu->sock) connected and no data yet available;
- * other code = error, not connected (uuu->sock == NULL).
- */
- static EIO_Status s_PreRead(SHttpConnector* uuu,
- const STimeout* timeout,
- int/*bool*/ drop_unread)
- {
- char* redirect = 0;
- EIO_Status status;
- for (;;) {
- status = s_ConnectAndSend(uuu, drop_unread);
- if (!uuu->sock) {
- assert(status != eIO_Success);
- break;
- }
- if (status != eIO_Success) {
- if (status != eIO_Timeout ||
- status == SOCK_Status(uuu->sock, eIO_Read)/*pending*/)
- break;
- }
- /* set timeout */
- SOCK_SetTimeout(uuu->sock, eIO_Read, timeout);
- if (!uuu->read_header)
- break;
- if ((status = s_ReadHeader(uuu, &redirect)) == eIO_Success) {
- size_t w_size = BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf);
- assert(!uuu->read_header);
- /* pending output data no longer needed */
- if (BUF_Read(uuu->w_buf, 0, w_size) != w_size) {
- CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "[HTTP] Cannot discard output buffer");
- assert(0);
- }
- break;
- }
- /* if polling then bail out with eIO_Timeout */
- if(status == eIO_Timeout && timeout && !timeout->sec && !timeout->usec)
- break;
- /* HTTP header read error; disconnect and try to use another server */
- SOCK_Abort(uuu->sock);
- s_DropConnection(uuu, 0/*no wait*/);
- if (!s_Adjust(uuu, &redirect, drop_unread))
- break;
- assert(redirect == 0);
- }
- assert(redirect == 0);
- return status;
- }
- /* Read non-header data from connection */
- static EIO_Status s_Read(SHttpConnector* uuu, void* buf,
- size_t size, size_t* n_read)
- {
- assert(uuu->sock);
- /* just read, with no URL-decoding */
- if (!(uuu->flags & fHCC_UrlDecodeInput))
- return SOCK_Read(uuu->sock, buf, size, n_read, eIO_ReadPlain);
- /* read and URL-decode */
- {{
- EIO_Status status;
- size_t n_peeked, n_decoded;
- size_t peek_size = 3 * size;
- void* peek_buf = malloc(peek_size);
- /* peek the data */
- status= SOCK_Read(uuu->sock,peek_buf,peek_size,&n_peeked,eIO_ReadPeek);
- if (status != eIO_Success) {
- *n_read = 0;
- free(peek_buf);
- return status;
- }
- /* decode, then discard the successfully decoded data from the input */
- if (URL_Decode(peek_buf, n_peeked, &n_decoded, buf, size, n_read)) {
- if (n_decoded) {
- size_t x_read;
- SOCK_Read(uuu->sock,peek_buf,n_decoded,&x_read,eIO_ReadPlain);
- assert(x_read == n_decoded);
- status = eIO_Success;
- } else if (SOCK_Status(uuu->sock, eIO_Read) == eIO_Closed)
- /* we are at EOF, and the remaining data cannot be decoded */
- status = eIO_Unknown;
- } else
- status = eIO_Unknown;
- if (status != eIO_Success)
- CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "[HTTP] Cannot URL-decode data");
- free(peek_buf);
- return status;
- }}
- }
- /* Reset/readout input data and close socket */
- static EIO_Status s_Disconnect(SHttpConnector* uuu,
- int/*bool*/ drop_unread,
- const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- EIO_Status status = eIO_Success;
- if (drop_unread) {
- size_t r_size = BUF_Size(uuu->r_buf);
- if (r_size && BUF_Read(uuu->r_buf, 0, r_size) != r_size) {
- CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "[HTTP] Cannot drop input buffer");
- assert(0);
- }
- } else if ((status = s_PreRead(uuu, timeout, 0/*nodrop*/)) == eIO_Success){
- do {
- char buf[4096];
- size_t x_read;
- status = s_Read(uuu, buf, sizeof(buf), &x_read);
- if (!BUF_Write(&uuu->r_buf, buf, x_read))
- status = eIO_Unknown;
- } while (status == eIO_Success);
- if (status == eIO_Closed)
- status = eIO_Success;
- }
- if (uuu->sock) /* s_PreRead() might have dropped the connection already */
- s_DropConnection(uuu, timeout);
- if (uuu->can_connect == eCC_Once)
- uuu->can_connect = eCC_None;
- return status;
- }
- /* Send the accumulated output data(if any) to server, then close socket.
- * Regardless of the flush, clear both input and output buffer.
- * This function is only called to either re-open or close the connector.
- */
- static void s_FlushAndDisconnect(SHttpConnector* uuu,
- const STimeout* timeout,
- int/*bool*/ close)
- {
- size_t w_size = BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf);
- /* store timeouts for later use */
- if (timeout) {
- uuu->oo_timeout = *timeout;
- uuu->o_timeout = &uuu->oo_timeout;
- uuu->ww_timeout = *timeout;
- uuu->w_timeout = &uuu->ww_timeout;
- } else {
- uuu->o_timeout = timeout;
- uuu->w_timeout = timeout;
- }
- if (close && uuu->can_connect != eCC_None && !uuu->sock &&
- ((uuu->flags & fHCC_SureFlush) || BUF_Size(uuu->w_buf))) {
- /* "WRITE" mode and data (or just flag) pending */
- s_PreRead(uuu, timeout, 1/*drop_unread*/);
- }
- s_Disconnect(uuu, 1/*drop_unread*/, timeout);
- assert(!uuu->sock);
- /* clear pending output data, if any */
- if (w_size && BUF_Read(uuu->w_buf, 0, w_size) != w_size) {
- CORE_LOG(eLOG_Error, "[HTTP] Cannot drop output buffer");
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************************
- * INTERNAL -- "s_VT_*" functions for the "virt. table" of connector methods
- ***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- static const char* s_VT_GetType (CONNECTOR connector);
- static char* s_VT_Descr (CONNECTOR connector);
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Open (CONNECTOR connector,
- const STimeout* timeout);
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Wait (CONNECTOR connector,
- EIO_Event event,
- const STimeout* timeout);
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Write (CONNECTOR connector,
- const void* buf,
- size_t size,
- size_t* n_written,
- const STimeout* timeout);
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Flush (CONNECTOR connector,
- const STimeout* timeout);
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Read (CONNECTOR connector,
- void* buf,
- size_t size,
- size_t* n_read,
- const STimeout* timeout);
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Status (CONNECTOR connector,
- EIO_Event dir);
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Close (CONNECTOR connector,
- const STimeout* timeout);
- static void s_Setup (SMetaConnector *meta,
- CONNECTOR connector);
- static void s_Destroy (CONNECTOR connector);
- # ifdef IMPLEMENTED__CONN_WaitAsync
- static EIO_Status s_VT_WaitAsync(CONNECTOR connector,
- FConnectorAsyncHandler func,
- SConnectorAsyncHandler* data);
- # endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- } /* extern "C" */
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- static const char* s_VT_GetType
- (CONNECTOR connector)
- {
- return "HTTP";
- }
- static char* s_VT_Descr
- (CONNECTOR connector)
- {
- SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) connector->handle;
- size_t len = 7/*"http://"*/ + strlen(uuu->net_info->host) +
- (uuu->net_info->port == 80 ? 0 : 6/*:port*/) +
- strlen(uuu->net_info->path) +
- (*uuu->net_info->args ? 2 + strlen(uuu->net_info->args) : 1);
- char* buf = (char*) malloc(len);
- if (buf) {
- len = sprintf(buf, "http://%s", uuu->net_info->host);
- if (uuu->net_info->port != 80)
- len += sprintf(&buf[len], ":%hu", uuu->net_info->port);
- sprintf(&buf[len], "%s%s%s", uuu->net_info->path,
- *uuu->net_info->args ? "&" : "", uuu->net_info->args);
- }
- return buf;
- }
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Open
- (CONNECTOR connector,
- const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) connector->handle;
- /* NOTE: the real connect will be performed on the first "READ", or
- * "CLOSE", or on "WAIT" on read -- see in "s_ConnectAndSend()";
- * we just close underlying socket and prepare to open it later */
- s_FlushAndDisconnect(uuu, timeout, 0/*open*/);
- /* reset the auto-reconnect feature */
- uuu->can_connect = uuu->flags & fHCC_AutoReconnect
- ? eCC_Unlimited : eCC_Once;
- uuu->failure_count = 0;
- return eIO_Success;
- }
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Wait
- (CONNECTOR connector,
- EIO_Event event,
- const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) connector->handle;
- switch (event) {
- case eIO_Read:
- if (uuu->can_connect == eCC_None)
- return eIO_Closed;
- if (!uuu->sock || uuu->read_header) {
- EIO_Status status = s_PreRead(uuu, timeout, 0/*no drop unread*/);
- if (status != eIO_Success || BUF_Size(uuu->r_buf))
- return status;
- assert(uuu->sock);
- }
- return SOCK_Wait(uuu->sock, eIO_Read, timeout);
- case eIO_Write:
- /* Return 'Closed' if no more writes are allowed (and now - reading) */
- return uuu->can_connect == eCC_None ||
- (uuu->sock && uuu->can_connect == eCC_Once)
- ? eIO_Closed : eIO_Success;
- default:
- assert(0);
- return eIO_InvalidArg;
- }
- }
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Write
- (CONNECTOR connector,
- const void* buf,
- size_t size,
- size_t* n_written,
- const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) connector->handle;
- /* if trying to "WRITE" after "READ" then close the socket,
- * and so switch to "WRITE" mode */
- if (uuu->sock) {
- EIO_Status status = s_Disconnect(uuu,
- uuu->flags & fHCC_DropUnread,
- timeout);
- if (status != eIO_Success)
- return status;
- }
- if (uuu->can_connect == eCC_None)
- return eIO_Closed; /* no more connects permitted */
- /* accumulate all output in the memory buffer */
- if (uuu->flags & fHCC_UrlEncodeOutput) {
- /* with URL-encoding */
- size_t dst_size = 3 * size;
- void* dst = malloc(dst_size);
- size_t dst_written;
- URL_Encode(buf, size, n_written, dst, dst_size, &dst_written);
- assert(*n_written == size);
- if (!BUF_Write(&uuu->w_buf, dst, dst_written)) {
- free(dst);
- return eIO_Unknown;
- }
- free(dst);
- } else {
- /* "as is" (without URL-encoding) */
- if (!BUF_Write(&uuu->w_buf, buf, size))
- return eIO_Unknown;
- *n_written = size;
- }
- /* store the write timeout */
- if (timeout) {
- uuu->ww_timeout = *timeout;
- uuu->w_timeout = &uuu->ww_timeout;
- } else
- uuu->w_timeout = timeout;
- return eIO_Success;
- }
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Flush
- (CONNECTOR connector,
- const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) connector->handle;
- /* The real flush will be performed on the first "READ" (or "CLOSE"),
- * or on "WAIT". Here, we just store the write timeout, that's all...
- */
- if (timeout) {
- uuu->ww_timeout = *timeout;
- uuu->w_timeout = &uuu->ww_timeout;
- } else
- uuu->w_timeout = timeout;
- return eIO_Success;
- }
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Read
- (CONNECTOR connector,
- void* buf,
- size_t size,
- size_t* n_read,
- const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) connector->handle;
- EIO_Status status = s_PreRead(uuu, timeout, 0/*no drop unread*/);
- size_t x_read = BUF_Read(uuu->r_buf, buf, size);
- *n_read = x_read;
- if (x_read < size) {
- if (status != eIO_Success)
- return status;
- status = s_Read(uuu, (char*) buf + x_read, size - x_read, n_read);
- *n_read += x_read;
- } else
- status = eIO_Success;
- return *n_read ? eIO_Success : status;
- }
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Status
- (CONNECTOR connector,
- EIO_Event dir)
- {
- SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) connector->handle;
- return uuu->sock ? SOCK_Status(uuu->sock, dir) :
- (uuu->can_connect == eCC_None ? eIO_Closed : eIO_Success);
- }
- static EIO_Status s_VT_Close
- (CONNECTOR connector,
- const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- s_FlushAndDisconnect((SHttpConnector*) connector->handle,
- timeout, 1/*close*/);
- return eIO_Success;
- }
- #ifdef IMPLEMENTED__CONN_WaitAsync
- static EIO_Status s_VT_WaitAsync
- (void* connector,
- FConnectorAsyncHandler func,
- SConnectorAsyncHandler* data)
- {
- return eIO_NotSupported;
- }
- #endif
- static void s_Setup(SMetaConnector *meta, CONNECTOR connector)
- {
- SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) connector->handle;
- /* initialize virtual table */
- CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, get_type, s_VT_GetType, connector);
- CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, descr, s_VT_Descr, connector);
- CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, open, s_VT_Open, connector);
- CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, wait, s_VT_Wait, connector);
- CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, write, s_VT_Write, connector);
- CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, flush, s_VT_Flush, connector);
- CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, read, s_VT_Read, connector);
- CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, status, s_VT_Status, connector);
- CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, close, s_VT_Close, connector);
- #ifdef IMPLEMENTED__CONN_WaitAsync
- CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, wait_async, s_VT_WaitAsync, connector);
- #endif
- CONN_SET_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT(meta, uuu->net_info->timeout);
- }
- static void s_Destroy(CONNECTOR connector)
- {
- SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) connector->handle;
- if (uuu->adjust_cleanup)
- uuu->adjust_cleanup(uuu->adjust_data);
- ConnNetInfo_Destroy(uuu->net_info);
- BUF_Destroy(uuu->http);
- BUF_Destroy(uuu->r_buf);
- BUF_Destroy(uuu->w_buf);
- free(uuu);
- connector->handle = 0;
- free(connector);
- }
- /***********************************************************************
- * EXTERNAL -- the connector's "constructor"
- ***********************************************************************/
- extern CONNECTOR HTTP_CreateConnector
- (const SConnNetInfo* info,
- const char* user_header,
- THCC_Flags flags)
- {
- SConnNetInfo *net_info;
- CONNECTOR connector;
- net_info = info ? ConnNetInfo_Clone(info) : ConnNetInfo_Create(0);
- if (user_header)
- ConnNetInfo_SetUserHeader(net_info, user_header);
- connector = HTTP_CreateConnectorEx(net_info, flags, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ConnNetInfo_Destroy(net_info);
- return connector;
- }
- extern CONNECTOR HTTP_CreateConnectorEx
- (const SConnNetInfo* net_info,
- THCC_Flags flags,
- FHttpParseHTTPHeader parse_http_hdr,
- FHttpAdjustNetInfo adjust_net_info,
- void* adjust_data,
- FHttpAdjustCleanup adjust_cleanup)
- {
- CONNECTOR ccc = (SConnector *) malloc(sizeof(SConnector ));
- SHttpConnector* uuu = (SHttpConnector*) malloc(sizeof(SHttpConnector));
- /* initialize internal data structure */
- uuu->net_info = net_info ?
- ConnNetInfo_Clone(net_info) : ConnNetInfo_Create(0);
- ConnNetInfo_AdjustForHttpProxy(uuu->net_info);
- if (uuu->net_info->debug_printout)
- ConnNetInfo_Log(uuu->net_info, CORE_GetLOG());
- uuu->parse_http_hdr = parse_http_hdr;
- uuu->adjust_net_info = adjust_net_info;
- uuu->adjust_cleanup = adjust_cleanup;
- uuu->adjust_data = adjust_data;
- uuu->flags = flags;
- if (flags & fHCC_UrlDecodeInput)
- uuu->flags &= ~fHCC_KeepHeader;
- uuu->can_connect = eCC_Once; /* will be properly set at open */
- uuu->error_header = getenv("HTTP_ERROR_HEADER_ONLY") ? 1 : 0;
- uuu->sock = 0;
- uuu->o_timeout = kDefaultTimeout; /* deliberately bad values -- */
- uuu->w_timeout = kDefaultTimeout; /* will be reset prior to use */
- uuu->http = 0;
- uuu->r_buf = 0;
- uuu->w_buf = 0;
- /* there are some unintialized fields left -- they are initted later */
- /* initialize connector structure */
- ccc->handle = uuu;
- ccc->next = 0;
- ccc->meta = 0;
- ccc->setup = s_Setup;
- ccc->destroy = s_Destroy;
- return ccc;
- }
- /*
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Log: ncbi_http_connector.c,v $
- * Revision 1000.3 2004/02/12 21:52:44 gouriano
- * PRODUCTION: UPGRADED [CORE_001] Dev-tree R6.63
- *
- * Revision 6.63 2004/02/12 16:50:02 lavr
- * Heed warning about uninited variable use
- *
- * Revision 6.62 2003/11/26 12:57:11 lavr
- * s_ReadHeader(): check header size first before looking for end-of-header
- *
- * Revision 6.61 2003/11/03 17:37:42 lavr
- * Fix previous accidental commit and provide corrent change log info:
- * 1. Added more notes about SOCK_Shutdown() being left commented out;
- * 2. Do not print HTTP error body if data trace mode set to "DATA".
- *
- * Revision 6.59 2003/10/29 14:09:08 lavr
- * Log levels and messages changed in some error reports
- *
- * Revision 6.58 2003/10/23 12:27:38 lavr
- * Do not double HTTP header when full data logging is explicitly on
- *
- * Revision 6.57 2003/10/07 20:00:10 lavr
- * Remove SOCK_Shutdown() after sending the HTTP header and request body
- *
- * Revision 6.56 2003/09/30 19:44:08 lavr
- * Fix typos in error messages
- *
- * Revision 6.55 2003/08/25 14:40:29 lavr
- * Employ new k..Timeout constants
- *
- * Revision 6.54 2003/06/09 19:52:42 lavr
- * New env.var. HTTP_ERROR_HEADER_ONLY to control header output on SOME tracing
- *
- * Revision 6.53 2003/06/04 20:58:13 lavr
- * s_Adjust() to return failure if no adjustment callback specified
- * s_VT_Status() to return eIO_Closed if connector failed/closed
- *
- * Revision 6.52 2003/05/31 05:15:15 lavr
- * Add ARGSUSED where args are meant to be unused
- *
- * Revision 6.51 2003/05/21 17:54:16 lavr
- * s_VT_Read() to return eIO_Success if some data have been read
- *
- * Revision 6.50 2003/05/20 23:54:00 lavr
- * Reinstate ConnNetInfo_Destroy() accidently deleted from s_Destroy()
- *
- * Revision 6.49 2003/05/20 21:26:40 lavr
- * Restructure SHttpConnector; add SHttpConnector::shut_down; enable to
- * call SOCK_Shutdown() again (after doing a dummy write of 0 bytes)
- *
- * Revision 6.48 2003/05/19 21:03:50 lavr
- * Remove SOCK_Shutdown() temporarily
- *
- * Revision 6.47 2003/05/19 16:48:39 lavr
- * Pending HTTP body write implemented ({0,0}-timeout tolerant)
- *
- * Revision 6.46 2003/05/14 03:57:48 lavr
- * Better logging; implementation of CONN_Description(); support of
- * {0,0} connect timeouts; bug workaround of MSVC's lame shutdown() is
- * now in ncbi_socket.c and moved away from this module
- *
- * Revision 6.45 2003/04/30 17:01:42 lavr
- * One (unnecessary) variable removed from s_ReadHeader()
- *
- * Revision 6.44 2003/02/04 22:04:11 lavr
- * Minor fix in comment
- *
- * Revision 6.43 2003/01/31 21:18:49 lavr
- * Fullfil max tries even in the absence of connection adjustment routine
- *
- * Revision 6.42 2003/01/17 19:44:46 lavr
- * Reduce dependencies
- *
- * Revision 6.41 2003/01/15 20:27:29 lavr
- * Fix breeding of NCBIHttpConnector token in User-Agent: header tag
- *
- * Revision 6.40 2003/01/10 14:51:29 lavr
- * Revert to R6.37 but properly handle drop of w_buf in s_FlushAndDisconnect()
- *
- * Revision 6.37 2002/12/13 21:19:40 lavr
- * Extend User-Agent: header tag
- *
- * Revision 6.36 2002/11/19 19:20:37 lavr
- * Server error parsing slightly changed
- *
- * Revision 6.35 2002/10/28 15:46:20 lavr
- * Use "ncbi_ansi_ext.h" privately
- *
- * Revision 6.34 2002/10/22 15:11:24 lavr
- * Zero connector's handle to crash if revisited
- *
- * Revision 6.33 2002/09/06 15:46:45 lavr
- * Few bug fixes about corner cases of I/O waiting, flushing and logging
- *
- * Revision 6.32 2002/08/12 15:12:23 lavr
- * Use persistent SOCK_Write()
- *
- * Revision 6.31 2002/08/07 16:33:04 lavr
- * Changed EIO_ReadMethod enums accordingly; log moved to end
- *
- * Revision 6.30 2002/07/25 20:20:43 lavr
- * Do not report header read error on {0, 0} timeout
- *
- * Revision 6.29 2002/07/25 13:59:35 lavr
- * More diagnostic messages added
- *
- * Revision 6.28 2002/06/19 18:08:02 lavr
- * Fixed some wrong assumptions on use of s_PreRead(); more comments added
- *
- * Revision 6.27 2002/06/10 19:51:20 lavr
- * Small prettifying
- *
- * Revision 6.26 2002/05/06 19:13:48 lavr
- * Output to stderr replaced with calls to logger
- *
- * Revision 6.25 2002/04/26 16:36:56 lavr
- * Added setting of default timeout in meta-connector's setup routine
- * Remove all checks for kDefaultTimeout: now supplied good from CONN
- *
- * Revision 6.24 2002/04/22 19:31:33 lavr
- * Reading/waiting redesigned to be more robust in case of network errors
- *
- * Revision 6.23 2002/03/22 19:52:16 lavr
- * Do not include <stdio.h>: included from ncbi_util.h or ncbi_priv.h
- *
- * Revision 6.22 2002/02/11 20:36:44 lavr
- * Use "ncbi_config.h"
- *
- * Revision 6.21 2002/02/05 22:04:12 lavr
- * Included header files rearranged
- *
- * Revision 6.20 2001/12/31 14:53:46 lavr
- * #include <connect/ncbi_ansi_ext.h> for Mac to be happy (noted by J.Kans)
- *
- * Revision 6.19 2001/12/30 20:00:00 lavr
- * Redirect on non-empty location only
- *
- * Revision 6.18 2001/12/30 19:41:07 lavr
- * Process error codes 301 and 302 (document moved) and reissue HTTP request
- *
- * Revision 6.17 2001/09/28 20:48:23 lavr
- * Comments revised; parameter (and SHttpConnector's) names adjusted
- * Retry logic moved entirely into s_Adjust()
- *
- * Revision 6.16 2001/09/10 21:15:56 lavr
- * Readability issue: FParseHTTPHdr -> FParseHTTPHeader
- *
- * Revision 6.15 2001/05/23 21:52:44 lavr
- * +fHCC_NoUpread
- *
- * Revision 6.14 2001/05/17 15:02:51 lavr
- * Typos corrected
- *
- * Revision 6.13 2001/05/08 20:26:27 lavr
- * Patches in re-try code
- *
- * Revision 6.12 2001/04/26 20:21:34 lavr
- * Reorganized and and made slightly more effective
- *
- * Revision 6.11 2001/04/24 21:41:47 lavr
- * Reorganized code to allow reconnects in case of broken connections at
- * stage of connection, sending data and receiving HTTP header. Added
- * code to pull incoming data from connection while sending - stall protection.
- *
- * Revision 6.10 2001/03/02 20:08:47 lavr
- * Typo fixed
- *
- * Revision 6.9 2001/01/25 16:53:24 lavr
- * New flag for HTTP_CreateConnectorEx: fHCC_DropUnread
- *
- * Revision 6.8 2001/01/23 23:11:20 lavr
- * Status virtual method implemented
- *
- * Revision 6.7 2001/01/11 16:38:17 lavr
- * free(connector) removed from s_Destroy function
- * (now always called from outside, in METACONN_Remove)
- *
- * Revision 6.6 2001/01/03 22:32:43 lavr
- * Redundant calls to 'adjust_info' removed
- *
- * Revision 6.5 2000/12/29 17:57:16 lavr
- * Adapted for use of new connector structure;
- * parse header callback added; some internal functions renamed.
- *
- * Revision 6.4 2000/11/15 18:52:02 vakatov
- * Call SOCK_Shutdown() after the HTTP request is sent.
- * Use SOCK_Status() instead of SOCK_Eof().
- *
- * Revision 6.3 2000/10/12 21:43:14 vakatov
- * Minor cosmetic fix...
- *
- * Revision 6.2 2000/09/26 22:02:57 lavr
- * HTTP request method added
- *
- * Revision 6.1 2000/04/21 19:41:01 vakatov
- * Initial revision
- *
- * ==========================================================================
- */