- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: stress.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.1 2004/06/01 19:40:47 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: stress.cpp,v 1000.1 2004/06/01 19:40:47 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Anatoliy Kuznetsov
- *
- *
- */
- //#define BM64OPT
- //#define BM_SET_MMX_GUARD
- //#define BMSSE2OPT
- #define BMCOUNTOPT
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <util/bitset/bm.h>
- #include <util/bitset/bmalgo.h>
- using namespace bm;
- using namespace std;
- #include "rlebtv.h"
- #include <util/bitset/encoding.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #define POOL_SIZE 5000
- //#define MEM_POOL
- template<class T> T* pool_allocate(T** pool, int& i, size_t n)
- {
- return i ? pool[i--] : (T*) ::malloc(n * sizeof(T));
- }
- inline void* pool_allocate2(void** pool, int& i, size_t n)
- {
- return i ? pool[i--] : malloc(n * sizeof(void*));
- }
- template<class T> void pool_free(T** pool, int& i, T* p)
- {
- i < POOL_SIZE ? (free(p),(void*)0) : pool[++i]=p;
- }
- class pool_block_allocator
- {
- public:
- static bm::word_t* allocate(size_t n, const void *)
- {
- int *idx = 0;
- bm::word_t** pool = 0;
- switch (n)
- {
- case bm::set_block_size:
- idx = &bit_blocks_idx_;
- pool = free_bit_blocks_;
- break;
- case 64:
- idx = &gap_blocks_idx0_;
- pool = gap_bit_blocks0_;
- break;
- case 128:
- idx = &gap_blocks_idx1_;
- pool = gap_bit_blocks1_;
- break;
- case 256:
- idx = &gap_blocks_idx2_;
- pool = gap_bit_blocks2_;
- break;
- case 512:
- idx = &gap_blocks_idx3_;
- pool = gap_bit_blocks3_;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- return pool_allocate(pool, *idx, n);
- }
- static void deallocate(bm::word_t* p, size_t n)
- {
- int *idx = 0;
- bm::word_t** pool = 0;
- switch (n)
- {
- case bm::set_block_size:
- idx = &bit_blocks_idx_;
- pool = free_bit_blocks_;
- break;
- case 64:
- idx = &gap_blocks_idx0_;
- pool = gap_bit_blocks0_;
- break;
- case 128:
- idx = &gap_blocks_idx1_;
- pool = gap_bit_blocks1_;
- break;
- case 256:
- idx = &gap_blocks_idx2_;
- pool = gap_bit_blocks2_;
- break;
- case 512:
- idx = &gap_blocks_idx3_;
- pool = gap_bit_blocks3_;
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- pool_free(pool, *idx, p);
- }
- private:
- static bm::word_t* free_bit_blocks_[];
- static int bit_blocks_idx_;
- static bm::word_t* gap_bit_blocks0_[];
- static int gap_blocks_idx0_;
- static bm::word_t* gap_bit_blocks1_[];
- static int gap_blocks_idx1_;
- static bm::word_t* gap_bit_blocks2_[];
- static int gap_blocks_idx2_;
- static bm::word_t* gap_bit_blocks3_[];
- static int gap_blocks_idx3_;
- };
- bm::word_t* pool_block_allocator::free_bit_blocks_[POOL_SIZE];
- int pool_block_allocator::bit_blocks_idx_ = 0;
- bm::word_t* pool_block_allocator::gap_bit_blocks0_[POOL_SIZE];
- int pool_block_allocator::gap_blocks_idx0_ = 0;
- bm::word_t* pool_block_allocator::gap_bit_blocks1_[POOL_SIZE];
- int pool_block_allocator::gap_blocks_idx1_ = 0;
- bm::word_t* pool_block_allocator::gap_bit_blocks2_[POOL_SIZE];
- int pool_block_allocator::gap_blocks_idx2_ = 0;
- bm::word_t* pool_block_allocator::gap_bit_blocks3_[POOL_SIZE];
- int pool_block_allocator::gap_blocks_idx3_ = 0;
- class pool_ptr_allocator
- {
- public:
- static void* allocate(size_t n, const void *)
- {
- return pool_allocate2(free_ptr_blocks_, ptr_blocks_idx_, n);
- }
- static void deallocate(void* p, size_t)
- {
- pool_free(free_ptr_blocks_, ptr_blocks_idx_, p);
- }
- private:
- static void* free_ptr_blocks_[];
- static int ptr_blocks_idx_;
- };
- void* pool_ptr_allocator::free_ptr_blocks_[POOL_SIZE];
- int pool_ptr_allocator::ptr_blocks_idx_ = 0;
- //#define MEM_DEBUG
- #ifdef MEM_DEBUG
- class dbg_block_allocator
- {
- public:
- static unsigned na_;
- static unsigned nf_;
- static bm::word_t* allocate(size_t n, const void *)
- {
- ++na_;
- assert(n);
- bm::word_t* p =
- (bm::word_t*) ::malloc((n+1) * sizeof(bm::word_t));
- *p = n;
- return ++p;
- }
- static void deallocate(bm::word_t* p, size_t n)
- {
- ++nf_;
- --p;
- if(*p != n)
- {
- printf("Block memory deallocation error!n");
- exit(1);
- }
- ::free(p);
- }
- static int balance()
- {
- return nf_ - na_;
- }
- };
- unsigned dbg_block_allocator::na_ = 0;
- unsigned dbg_block_allocator::nf_ = 0;
- class dbg_ptr_allocator
- {
- public:
- static unsigned na_;
- static unsigned nf_;
- static void* allocate(size_t n, const void *)
- {
- ++na_;
- assert(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void*));
- void* p = ::malloc((n+1) * sizeof(void*));
- size_t* s = (size_t*) p;
- *s = n;
- return (void*)++s;
- }
- static void deallocate(void* p, size_t n)
- {
- ++nf_;
- size_t* s = (size_t*) p;
- --s;
- if(*s != n)
- {
- printf("Ptr memory deallocation error!n");
- exit(1);
- }
- ::free(s);
- }
- static int balance()
- {
- return nf_ - na_;
- }
- };
- unsigned dbg_ptr_allocator::na_ = 0;
- unsigned dbg_ptr_allocator::nf_ = 0;
- typedef mem_alloc<dbg_block_allocator, dbg_ptr_allocator> dbg_alloc;
- typedef bm::bvector<dbg_alloc> bvect;
- typedef bm::bvector_mini<dbg_block_allocator> bvect_mini;
- #else
- #ifdef MEM_POOL
- typedef mem_alloc<pool_block_allocator, pool_ptr_allocator> pool_alloc;
- typedef bm::bvector<pool_alloc> bvect;
- typedef bm::bvector_mini<bm::block_allocator> bvect_mini;
- #else
- typedef bm::bvector<> bvect;
- typedef bm::bvector_mini<bm::block_allocator> bvect_mini;
- #endif
- #endif
- //const unsigned BITVECT_SIZE = 100000000 * 8;
- // This this setting program will consume around 150M of RAM
- const unsigned BITVECT_SIZE = 100000000 * 2;
- const unsigned ITERATIONS = 100000;
- const unsigned PROGRESS_PRINT = 2000000;
- void CheckVectors(bvect_mini &bvect_min,
- bvect &bvect_full,
- unsigned size,
- bool detailed = false);
- unsigned random_minmax(unsigned min, unsigned max)
- {
- unsigned r = (rand() << 16) | rand();
- return r % (max-min) + min;
- }
- void FillSets(bvect_mini* bvect_min,
- bvect* bvect_full,
- unsigned min,
- unsigned max,
- unsigned fill_factor)
- {
- unsigned i;
- unsigned id;
- //Random filling
- if(fill_factor == 0)
- {
- unsigned n_id = (max - min) / 100;
- printf("random filling : %in", n_id);
- for (i = 0; i < n_id; i++)
- {
- id = random_minmax(min, max);
- bvect_min->set_bit(id);
- bvect_full->set_bit(id);
- {
- if ( (i % PROGRESS_PRINT) == 0)
- {
- cout << "+" << flush;
- }
- }
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- printf("fill_factor random filling : factor = %in", fill_factor);
- for(i = 0; i < fill_factor; i++)
- {
- int k = rand() % 10;
- if (k == 0)
- k+=2;
- //Calculate start
- unsigned start = min + (max - min) / (fill_factor * k);
- //Randomize start
- start += random_minmax(1, (max - min) / (fill_factor * 10));
- if (start > max)
- {
- start = min;
- }
- //Calculate end
- unsigned end = start + (max - start) / (fill_factor *2);
- //Randomize end
- end -= random_minmax(1, (max - start) / (fill_factor * 10));
- if (end > max )
- {
- end = max;
- }
- if (fill_factor > 1)
- {
- for(; start < end;)
- {
- int r = rand() % 8;
- if (r > 7)
- {
- int inc = rand() % 3;
- ++inc;
- unsigned end2 = start + rand() % 1000;
- if (end2 > end)
- end2 = end;
- while (start < end2)
- {
- bvect_min->set_bit(start);
- bvect_full->set_bit(start);
- start += inc;
- }
- {
- if ( ( ((i+1)*(end-start)) % PROGRESS_PRINT) == 0)
- {
- cout << "+" << flush;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (r)
- {
- bvect_min->set_bit(start);
- bvect_full->set_bit(start);
- ++start;
- }
- else
- {
- start+=r;
- bvect_min->set_bit(start);
- bvect_full->set_bit(start);
- }
- {
- if ( ( ((i+1)*(end-start)) % PROGRESS_PRINT) == 0)
- {
- cout << "+" << flush;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int c = rand() % 15;
- if (c == 0)
- ++c;
- for(; start < end; ++start)
- {
- bvect_min->set_bit(start);
- bvect_full->set_bit(start);
- if (start % c)
- {
- start += c;
- }
- {
- if ( ( ((i+1)*(end-start)) % PROGRESS_PRINT) == 0)
- {
- cout << "+" << flush;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // Interval filling.
- // 111........111111........111111..........11111111.......1111111...
- //
- void FillSetsIntervals(bvect_mini* bvect_min,
- bvect* bvect_full,
- unsigned min,
- unsigned max,
- unsigned fill_factor,
- bool set_flag=true)
- {
- while(fill_factor==0)
- {
- fill_factor=rand()%10;
- }
- cout << "Intervals filling. Factor="
- << fill_factor << endl << endl;
- unsigned i, j;
- unsigned factor = 70 * fill_factor;
- for (i = min; i < max; ++i)
- {
- unsigned len, end;
- do
- {
- len = rand() % factor;
- end = i+len;
- } while (end >= max);
- /*
- if (set_flag == false)
- {
- cout << "Cleaning: " << i << "-" << end << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- cout << "Add: " << i << "-" << end << endl;
- }
- */
- if (i < end)
- {
- bvect_full->set_range(i, end-1, set_flag);
- }
- for (j = i; j < end; ++j)
- {
- if (set_flag)
- {
- bvect_min->set_bit(j);
- //bvect_full->set_bit(j);
- }
- else
- {
- bvect_min->clear_bit(j);
- //bvect_full->clear_bit(j);
- /*
- if (g_cnt_check)
- {
- bool b = bvect_full->count_check();
- if(!b)
- {
- cout << "Count check failed (clear)!" << endl;
- cout << "bit=" << j << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- */
- }
- } // j
- //cout << "Checking range filling " << from << "-" << to << endl;
- //CheckVectors(*bvect_min, *bvect_full, 100000000);
- i = end;
- len = rand() % (factor* 10 * bm::gap_max_bits);
- if (len % 2)
- {
- len *= rand() % (factor * 10);
- }
- i+=len;
- if ( (len % 6) == 0)
- {
- /*
- if (set_flag == false)
- {
- cout << "Additional Cleaning: " << i << "-" << end << endl;
- }
- */
- for(unsigned k=0; k < 1000 && i < max; k+=3,i+=3)
- {
- if (set_flag)
- {
- bvect_min->set_bit(i);
- bvect_full->set_bit(i);
- }
- else
- {
- bvect_min->clear_bit(j);
- bvect_full->clear_bit(j);
- }
- }
- }
- } // for i
- }
- void FillSetClearIntervals(bvect_mini* bvect_min,
- bvect* bvect_full,
- unsigned min,
- unsigned max,
- unsigned fill_factor)
- {
- FillSetsIntervals(bvect_min, bvect_full, min, max, fill_factor, true);
- FillSetsIntervals(bvect_min, bvect_full, min, max, fill_factor, false);
- }
- void FillSetsRandom(bvect_mini* bvect_min,
- bvect* bvect_full,
- unsigned min,
- unsigned max,
- unsigned fill_factor)
- {
- unsigned diap = max - min;
- unsigned count;
- switch (fill_factor)
- {
- case 0:
- count = diap / 1000;
- break;
- case 1:
- count = diap / 100;
- break;
- default:
- count = diap / 10;
- break;
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- {
- unsigned bn = rand() % count;
- bn += min;
- if (bn > max)
- {
- bn = max;
- }
- bvect_min->set_bit(bn);
- bvect_full->set_bit(bn);
- if ( (i % PROGRESS_PRINT) == 0)
- {
- cout << "+" << flush;
- }
- }
- cout << "Ok" << endl;
- }
- //
- // Quasi random filling with choosing randomizing method.
- //
- //
- void FillSetsRandomMethod(bvect_mini* bvect_min,
- bvect* bvect_full,
- unsigned min,
- unsigned max,
- int optimize = 0,
- int method = -1)
- {
- if (method == -1)
- {
- method = rand() % 5;
- }
- unsigned factor;
- //method = 4;
- switch (method)
- {
- case 0:
- cout << "Random filling: method - FillSets - factor(0)" << endl;
- FillSets(bvect_min, bvect_full, min, max, 0);
- break;
- case 1:
- cout << "Random filling: method - FillSets - factor(random)" << endl;
- factor = rand()%3;
- FillSets(bvect_min, bvect_full, min, max, factor?factor:1);
- break;
- case 2:
- cout << "Random filling: method - Set-Clear Intervals - factor(random)" << endl;
- factor = rand()%10;
- FillSetClearIntervals(bvect_min, bvect_full, min, max, factor);
- break;
- case 3:
- cout << "Random filling: method - FillRandom - factor(random)" << endl;
- factor = rand()%3;
- FillSetsRandom(bvect_min, bvect_full, min, max, factor?factor:1);
- break;
- default:
- cout << "Random filling: method - Set Intervals - factor(random)" << endl;
- factor = rand()%10;
- FillSetsIntervals(bvect_min, bvect_full, min, max, factor);
- break;
- } // switch
- if (optimize && (method <= 1))
- {
- cout << "Vector optimization..." << flush;
- bvect_full->optimize();
- cout << "OK" << endl;
- }
- }
- void print_mv(const bvect_mini &bvect_min, unsigned size)
- {
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- bool bflag = bvect_min.is_bit_true(i) != 0;
- if (bflag)
- printf("1");
- else
- printf("0");
- if ((i % 31) == 0 && (i != 0))
- printf(".");
- }
- printf("n");
- }
- void print_gap(const gap_vector& gap_vect, unsigned size)
- {
- const gap_word_t *buf = gap_vect.get_buf();
- unsigned len = gap_length(buf);
- printf("[%i:]", *buf++ & 1);
- for (unsigned i = 1; i < len; ++i)
- {
- printf("%i,", *buf++);
- }
- printf("n");
- }
- void CheckGAPMin(const gap_vector& gapv, const bvect_mini& bvect_min, unsigned len)
- {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- {
- int bit1 = (gapv.is_bit_true(i) == 1);
- int bit2 = (bvect_min.is_bit_true(i) != 0);
- if(bit1 != bit2)
- {
- cout << "Bit comparison failed. " << "Bit N=" << i << endl;
- assert(0);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- void CheckIntervals(const bvect& bv, unsigned max_bit)
- {
- unsigned cnt0 = count_intervals(bv);
- unsigned cnt1 = 1;
- bool bit_prev = bv.test(0);
- for (unsigned i = 1; i < max_bit; ++i)
- {
- bool bit = bv.test(i);
- cnt1 += bit_prev ^ bit;
- bit_prev = bit;
- }
- if (cnt0 != cnt1)
- {
- cout << "CheckIntervals error. " << "bm count=" << cnt0
- << " Control = " << cnt1 << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- template<class T> void CheckCountRange(const T& vect,
- unsigned left,
- unsigned right,
- unsigned* block_count_arr=0)
- {
- unsigned cnt1 = vect.count_range(left, right, block_count_arr);
- unsigned cnt2 = 0;
- //cout << endl;
- for (unsigned i = left; i <= right; ++i)
- {
- if (vect.test(i))
- {
- // cout << i << " " << flush;
- ++cnt2;
- }
- }
- //cout << endl;
- if (cnt1 != cnt2)
- {
- cout << "Bitcount range failed!" << "left=" << left
- << " right=" << right << endl
- << "count_range()=" << cnt1
- << " check=" << cnt2;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- unsigned BitCountChange(unsigned word)
- {
- unsigned count = 1;
- unsigned bit_prev = word & 1;
- word >>= 1;
- for (unsigned i = 1; i < 32; ++i)
- {
- unsigned bit = word & 1;
- count += bit ^ bit_prev;
- bit_prev = bit;
- word >>= 1;
- }
- return count;
- }
- void DetailedCheckVectors(const bvect_mini &bvect_min,
- const bvect &bvect_full,
- unsigned size)
- {
- cout << "Detailed check" << endl;
- //bvect_full.stat();
- // detailed bit by bit comparison. Paranoia check.
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- bool bv_m_flag = bvect_min.is_bit_true(i) != 0;
- bool bv_f_flag = bvect_full.get_bit(i) != 0;
- if (bv_m_flag != bv_f_flag)
- {
- printf("Bit %u is non conformant. vect_min=%i vect_full=%in",
- i, (int)bv_m_flag, (int)bv_f_flag);
- cout << "Non-conformant block number is: " << unsigned(i >> bm::set_block_shift) << endl;
- // throw 110;
- exit(1);
- }
- {
- if ( (i % PROGRESS_PRINT) == 0)
- {
- printf(".");
- }
- }
- }
- printf("n detailed check ok.n");
- }
- // vectors comparison check
- void CheckVectors(bvect_mini &bvect_min,
- bvect &bvect_full,
- unsigned size,
- bool detailed)
- {
- cout << "nVectors checking...bits to compare = " << size << endl;
- cout << "Bitcount summary : " << endl;
- unsigned min_count = bvect_min.bit_count();
- cout << "minvector count = " << min_count << endl;
- unsigned count = bvect_full.count();
- unsigned full_count = bvect_full.recalc_count();
- cout << "fullvector re-count = " << full_count << endl;
- if (min_count != full_count)
- {
- cout << "fullvector count = " << count << endl;
- cout << "Count comparison failed !!!!" << endl;
- bvect_full.stat();
- DetailedCheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, size);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (full_count)
- {
- bool any = bvect_full.any();
- if (!any)
- {
- cout << "Anycheck failed!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- // get_next comparison
- cout << "Positive bits comparison..." << flush;
- unsigned nb_min = bvect_min.get_first();
- unsigned nb_ful = bvect_full.get_first();
- bvect::counted_enumerator en = bvect_full.first();
- unsigned nb_en = *en;
- if (nb_min != nb_ful)
- {
- cout << "!!!! First bit comparison failed. Full id = "
- << nb_ful << " Min id = " << nb_min
- << endl;
- bool bit_f = bvect_full.get_bit(nb_ful);
- cout << "Full vector'd bit #" << nb_ful << "is:"
- << bit_f << endl;
- bool bit_m = (bvect_min.is_bit_true(nb_min) == 1);
- cout << "Min vector'd bit #" << nb_min << "is:"
- << bit_m << endl;
- bvect_full.stat();
- DetailedCheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, size);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (full_count)
- {
- unsigned bit_count = 1;
- unsigned en_prev = nb_en;
- do
- {
- nb_min = bvect_min.get_next(nb_min);
- if (nb_min == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- en_prev = nb_en;
- ++en;
- nb_en = *en;
- // nb_en = bvect_full.get_next(nb_en);
- ++bit_count;
- if (nb_en != nb_min)
- {
- nb_ful = bvect_full.get_next(en_prev);
- cout << "!!!!! next bit comparison failed. Full id = "
- << nb_ful << " Min id = " << nb_min
- << " Enumerator = " << nb_en
- << endl;
- // bvect_full.stat();
- // DetailedCheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, size);
- exit(1);
- }
- if ( (bit_count % PROGRESS_PRINT) == 0)
- {
- cout << "." << flush;
- }
- } while (en.valid());
- if (bit_count != min_count)
- {
- cout << " Bit count failed."
- << " min = " << min_count
- << " bit = " << bit_count
- << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- cout << "OK" << endl;
- return;
- }
- void ClearAllTest()
- {
- bvect bvect_full;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
- {
- bvect_full.set_bit(i);
- }
- bvect_full.optimize();
- bvect_full.clear();
- bvect_full.stat();
- int count = bvect_full.count();
- assert(count == 0);
- bvect_full.stat();
- }
- void WordCmpTest()
- {
- cout << "---------------------------- WordCmp test" << endl;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i)
- {
- unsigned w1 = rand();
- unsigned w2 = rand();
- int res = wordcmp0(w1, w2);
- int res2 = wordcmp(w1, w2);
- if (res != res2)
- {
- printf("WordCmp failed !n");
- exit(1);
- }
- res = wordcmp0((unsigned)0U, (unsigned)w2);
- res2 = wordcmp((unsigned)0U, (unsigned)w2);
- if (res != res2)
- {
- printf("WordCmp 0 test failed !n");
- exit(1);
- }
- res = wordcmp0((unsigned)~0U, (unsigned)w2);
- res2 = wordcmp((unsigned)~0U, (unsigned)w2);
- if (res != res2)
- {
- printf("WordCmp ~0 test failed !n");
- exit(1);
- }
- res = wordcmp0((unsigned)w2, (unsigned)0);
- res2 = wordcmp((unsigned)w2, (unsigned)0);
- if (res != res2)
- {
- printf("WordCmp 0-2 test failed !n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- cout << "Ok." << endl;
- }
- void BasicFunctionalityTest()
- {
- cout << "---------------------------- Basic functinality test" << endl;
- bvect_mini bvect_min(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full;
- bvect bvect_full1;
- printf("nBasic functionality test.n");
- // filling vectors with regular values
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
- {
- bvect_min.set_bit(i);
- bvect_full.set_bit(i);
- }
- bvect_full1.set_range(0, ITERATIONS-1);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, 0, ITERATIONS);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, 10, ITERATIONS+10);
- if (bvect_full1 != bvect_full)
- {
- cout << "set_range failed!" << endl;
- bvect_full1.stat();
- exit(1);
- }
- bvect_full.stat();
- bvect_full1.stat();
- // checking the results
- unsigned count_min = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
- {
- if (bvect_min.is_bit_true(i))
- ++count_min;
- }
- unsigned count_full = bvect_full.count();
- if (count_min == count_full)
- {
- printf("simple count test ok.n");
- }
- else
- {
- printf("simple count test failed count_min = %i count_full = %in",
- count_min, count_full);
- exit(1);
- }
- // detailed vectors verification
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, ITERATIONS);
- // now clearning
- for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i+=2)
- {
- bvect_min.clear_bit(i);
- bvect_full.clear_bit(i);
- bvect_full1.set_range(i, i, false);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, ITERATIONS);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full1, ITERATIONS);
- for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
- {
- bvect_min.clear_bit(i);
- }
- bvect_full.clear();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, ITERATIONS);
- cout << "Random step filling" << endl;
- for (i = rand()%10; i < ITERATIONS; i+=rand()%10)
- {
- bvect_min.clear_bit(i);
- bvect_full.clear_bit(i);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, ITERATIONS);
- bvect bv1;
- bvect bv2;
- bv1[10] = true;
- bv1[1000] = true;
- bv2[200] = bv2[700] = bv2[500] = true;
- bv1.swap(bv2);
- if (bv1.count() != 3)
- {
- cout << "Swap test failed!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- if (bv2.count() != 2)
- {
- cout << "Swap test failed!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- void SimpleRandomFillTest()
- {
- cout << "-------------------------- SimpleRandomFillTest" << endl;
- {
- printf("Simple random fill test 1.");
- bvect_mini bvect_min(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full;
- bvect_full.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- unsigned iter = ITERATIONS / 5;
- printf("nSimple Random fill test ITERATIONS = %in", iter);
- bvect_min.set_bit(0);
- bvect_full.set_bit(0);
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < iter; ++i)
- {
- unsigned num = ::rand() % iter;
- bvect_min.set_bit(num);
- bvect_full.set_bit(num);
- if ((i % 1000) == 0) cout << "." << flush;
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, 0, num);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, num, num+iter);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, iter);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, 0, iter);
- printf("Simple random fill test 2.");
- for(i = 0; i < iter; ++i)
- {
- unsigned num = ::rand() % iter;
- bvect_min.clear_bit(num);
- bvect_full.clear_bit(num);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, iter);
- }
- {
- printf("nSimple random fill test 3.n");
- bvect_mini bvect_min(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full(bm::BM_GAP);
- unsigned iter = ITERATIONS;
- printf("nSimple Random fill test ITERATIONS = %in", iter);
- unsigned i;
- for(i = 0; i < iter; ++i)
- {
- unsigned num = ::rand() % iter;
- bvect_min.set_bit(num);
- bvect_full.set_bit(num);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, 0, 65535);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, 0, num);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, num, num+iter);
- if ((i % 1000) == 0) cout << "." << flush;
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, iter);
- printf("Simple random fill test 4.");
- for(i = 0; i < iter; ++i)
- {
- unsigned num = ::rand() % iter;
- bvect_min.clear_bit(num);
- bvect_full.clear_bit(num);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, 0, num);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, num, num+iter);
- if ((i % 1000) == 0) cout << "." << flush;
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, iter);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, 0, iter);
- }
- }
- void RangeRandomFillTest()
- {
- cout << "----------------------------------- RangeRandomFillTest" << endl;
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full;
- printf("Range Random fill testn");
- unsigned min = BITVECT_SIZE / 2;
- unsigned max = BITVECT_SIZE / 2 + ITERATIONS;
- if (max > BITVECT_SIZE)
- max = BITVECT_SIZE - 1;
- FillSets(&bvect_min, &bvect_full, min, max, 0);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, BITVECT_SIZE);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, min, max);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full;
- printf("Range Random fill testn");
- unsigned min = BITVECT_SIZE / 2;
- unsigned max = BITVECT_SIZE / 2 + ITERATIONS;
- if (max > BITVECT_SIZE)
- max = BITVECT_SIZE - 1;
- FillSetsIntervals(&bvect_min, &bvect_full, min, max, 4);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, BITVECT_SIZE);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full, min, max);
- }
- }
- void AndOperationsTest()
- {
- cout << "----------------------------------- AndOperationTest" << endl;
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(256);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(256);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- printf("AND testn");
- bvect_min1.set_bit(1);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(12);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(13);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(12);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(13);
- bvect_min1.combine_and(bvect_min2);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(1);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(12);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(13);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(12);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(13);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_and(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_and(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, 256);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, 256);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- printf("AND test stage 1.n");
- for (int i = 0; i < 112; ++i)
- {
- bvect_min1.set_bit(i);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(i);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(i);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(i);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- // FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/7, 0);
- // FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/7, 0);
- bvect_min1.combine_and(bvect_min2);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_and(bvect_full1,bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_and(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- printf("AND test stage 2.n");
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/7, 0);
- FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/7, 0);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_and(bvect_full1,bvect_full2);
- bvect_min1.combine_and(bvect_min2);
- bvect_full1.bit_and(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- bvect_full1.stat();
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
- printf("AND test stage 3.n");
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/5, 2);
- FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/5, 2);
- bvect_min1.combine_and(bvect_min2);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_and(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_and(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.optimize();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE/2, BITVECT_SIZE);
- }
- }
- void OrOperationsTest()
- {
- cout << "----------------------------------- OrOperationTest" << endl;
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(256);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(256);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- printf("OR testn");
- bvect_min1.set_bit(1);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(12);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(13);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(12);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(13);
- bvect_min1.combine_or(bvect_min2);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(1);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(12);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(13);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(12);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(13);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_or(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_or(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- cout << predicted_count << " " << count << endl;
- bvect_full1.stat();
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, 256);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, 256);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 128, 256);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- printf("OR test stage 2.n");
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/7, 0);
- FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/7, 0);
- bvect_min1.combine_or(bvect_min2);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_or(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_or(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
- printf("OR test stage 3.n");
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/5, 2);
- FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/5, 2);
- bvect_min1.combine_or(bvect_min2);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_or(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_or(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.optimize();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE);
- }
- cout << "Testing combine_or" << endl;
- {
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- unsigned ids[10000];
- unsigned to_add = 10000;
- unsigned bn = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < to_add; ++i)
- {
- ids[i] = bn;
- bvect_full2.set(bn);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(bn);
- bn += 15;
- }
- unsigned* first = ids;
- unsigned* last = ids + to_add;
- bm::combine_or(bvect_full1, first, last);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- bm::combine_or(bvect_full1, first, last);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- }
- {
- unsigned ids[] = {0, 65536, 65535, 65535*3, 65535*2, 10};
- unsigned to_add = sizeof(ids)/sizeof(unsigned);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- unsigned bn = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < to_add; ++i)
- {
- ids[i] = bn;
- bvect_full2.set(bn);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(bn);
- bn += 15;
- }
- unsigned* first = ids;
- unsigned* last = ids + to_add;
- bm::combine_or(bvect_full1, first, last);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- bm::combine_or(bvect_full1, first, last);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- }
- }
- void SubOperationsTest()
- {
- cout << "----------------------------------- SubOperationTest" << endl;
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(256);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(256);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- printf("SUB testn");
- bvect_min1.set_bit(1);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(12);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(13);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(12);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(13);
- bvect_min1.combine_sub(bvect_min2);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(1);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(12);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(13);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(12);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(13);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_sub(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_sub(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, 256);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, 256);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- printf("SUB test stage 2.n");
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/7, 0);
- FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/7, 0);
- bvect_min1.combine_sub(bvect_min2);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_sub(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_sub(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- cout << predicted_count << " " << count << endl;
- bvect_full1.stat();
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
- printf("SUB test stage 3.n");
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/5, 2);
- FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/5, 2);
- bvect_min1.combine_sub(bvect_min2);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_sub(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_sub(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.optimize();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE);
- }
- }
- void XorOperationsTest()
- {
- cout << "----------------------------------- XorOperationTest" << endl;
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(256);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(256);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- printf("XOR testn");
- bvect_min1.set_bit(1);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(12);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(13);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(12);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(13);
- bvect_min1.combine_xor(bvect_min2);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(1);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(12);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(13);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(12);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(13);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_xor(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_xor(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "1.Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, 256);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, 256);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 128, 256);
- }
- {
- bvect bvect1;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect2;
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- for (int i = 0; i < 150000; ++i)
- {
- bvect2.set_bit(i);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(i);
- }
- bvect2.optimize();
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_xor(bvect1, bvect2);
- bvect1.bit_xor(bvect2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "2.Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bvect_min1.combine_xor(bvect_min2);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect1, BITVECT_SIZE, true);
- CheckCountRange(bvect1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE);
- }
- {
- bvect bvect1;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect2;
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- for (int i = 0; i < 150000; ++i)
- {
- bvect1.set_bit(i);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(i);
- }
- bvect1.optimize();
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_xor(bvect1, bvect2);
- bvect1.bit_xor(bvect2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "3.Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bvect_min1.combine_xor(bvect_min2);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect1, BITVECT_SIZE, true);
- }
- {
- bvect bvect1;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect2;
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- for (int i = 0; i < 150000; ++i)
- {
- bvect1.set_bit(i);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(i);
- bvect2.set_bit(i);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(i);
- }
- bvect1.optimize();
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_xor(bvect1, bvect2);
- bvect1.bit_xor(bvect2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "4.Predicted count error!" << endl;
- cout << count << " " << predicted_count << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bvect_min1.combine_xor(bvect_min2);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect1, BITVECT_SIZE, true);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- printf("XOR test stage 2.n");
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/7, 0);
- FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/7, 0);
- bvect_min1.combine_xor(bvect_min2);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_xor(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1.bit_xor(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "5.Predicted count error!" << endl;
- cout << count << " " << predicted_count << endl;
- bvect_full1.stat();
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE/10+10);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
- printf("XOR test stage 3.n");
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/5, 2);
- FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE/5, 2);
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_xor(bvect_full1, bvect_full2);
- bvect_min1.combine_xor(bvect_min2);
- bvect_full1.bit_xor(bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1.count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "6.Predicted count error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.optimize();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- CheckCountRange(bvect_full1, 0, BITVECT_SIZE);
- }
- cout << "Testing combine_xor" << endl;
- {
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- unsigned ids[10000];
- unsigned to_add = 10000;
- unsigned bn = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < to_add; ++i)
- {
- ids[i] = bn;
- bvect_full2.set(bn);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(bn);
- bn += 15;
- }
- unsigned* first = ids;
- unsigned* last = ids + to_add;
- bm::combine_xor(bvect_full1, first, last);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- bm::combine_xor(bvect_full1, first, last);
- if (bvect_full1.count())
- {
- cout << "combine_xor count failed!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- {
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- unsigned ids[10000]={0,};
- unsigned to_add = 10000;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < to_add; i+=100)
- {
- ids[i] = i;
- bvect_full2.set(i);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(i);
- }
- unsigned* first = ids;
- unsigned* last = ids + to_add;
- bm::combine_xor(bvect_full1, first, last);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- bm::combine_xor(bvect_full1, first, last);
- if (bvect_full1.count())
- {
- cout << "combine_xor count failed!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- {
- unsigned ids[] = {0, 65536, 65535, 65535*3, 65535*2, 10};
- unsigned to_add = sizeof(ids)/sizeof(unsigned);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- unsigned bn = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < to_add; ++i)
- {
- ids[i] = bn;
- bvect_full2.set(bn);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(bn);
- bn += 15;
- }
- unsigned* first = ids;
- unsigned* last = ids + to_add;
- bm::combine_xor(bvect_full1, first, last);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- bm::combine_xor(bvect_full1, first, last);
- if (bvect_full1.count())
- {
- cout << "combine_xor count failed!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- {
- unsigned ids[] = {0, 65536, 65535, 65535*3, 65535*2, 10};
- unsigned to_add = sizeof(ids)/sizeof(unsigned);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- unsigned bn = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < to_add; ++i)
- {
- ids[i] = bn;
- bvect_full2.set(bn);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(bn);
- bn += 15;
- }
- unsigned* first = ids;
- unsigned* last = ids + to_add;
- bm::combine_xor(bvect_full1, first, last);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- bm::combine_xor(bvect_full1, first, last);
- if (bvect_full1.count())
- {
- cout << "combine_xor count failed!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- void ComparisonTest()
- {
- cout << "-------------------------------------- ComparisonTest" << endl;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- int res1, res2;
- bvect_full1.set_bit(31);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(63);
- res1 =;
- if (res1 != 1)
- {
- printf("Comparison test failed 1n");
- exit(1);
- }
- bvect_full1.clear();
- bvect_full2.clear();
- bvect_min1.set_bit(10);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(10);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(10);
- bvect_full2.set_bit(10);
- res1 =;
- res2 =;
- if (res1 != res2)
- {
- printf("Comparison test failed 1n");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("Comparison 2.n");
- bvect_min1.set_bit(11);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(11);
- res1 =;
- res2 =;
- if (res1 != res2 && res1 != 1)
- {
- printf("Comparison test failed 2n");
- exit(1);
- }
- res1 =;
- res2 =;
- if (res1 != res2 && res1 != -1)
- {
- printf("Comparison test failed 2.1n");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("Comparison 3.n");
- bvect_full1.optimize();
- res1 =;
- res2 =;
- if (res1 != res2 && res1 != 1)
- {
- printf("Comparison test failed 3n");
- exit(1);
- }
- res1 =;
- res2 =;
- if (res1 != res2 && res1 != -1)
- {
- printf("Comparison test failed 3.1n");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("Comparison 4.n");
- bvect_full2.optimize();
- res1 =;
- res2 =;
- if (res1 != res2 && res1 != 1)
- {
- printf("Comparison test failed 4n");
- exit(1);
- }
- res1 =;
- res2 =;
- if (res1 != res2 && res1 != -1)
- {
- printf("Comparison test failed 4.1n");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("Comparison 5.n");
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < 65536; ++i)
- {
- bvect_full1.set_bit(i);
- }
- res1 =;
- res2 =;
- if (res1 != res2 && res1 != 1)
- {
- printf("Comparison test failed 5n");
- exit(1);
- }
- bvect_full1.optimize();
- res1 =;
- res2 =;
- if (res1 != res2 && res1 != -1)
- {
- printf("Comparison test failed 5.1n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- void DesrializationTest2()
- {
- bvect bvtotal;
- unsigned size = BITVECT_SIZE - 10;
- bvect bv1;
- bvect bv2;
- int i;
- for (i = 10; i < 165536; i+=2)
- {
- bv1.set_bit(i);
- }
- bv1.optimize();
- bv1.stat();
- struct bvect::statistics st1;
- bv1.calc_stat(&st1);
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st1.max_serialize_mem];
- unsigned slen2 = bv1.serialize(sermem);
- assert(slen2);
- slen2 = 0;
- bvtotal.deserialize(sermem);
- bvtotal.optimize();
- for (i = 55000; i < 165536; ++i)
- {
- bv2.set_bit(i);
- }
- bv2.optimize();
- bv2.stat();
- struct bvect::statistics st2;
- bv2.calc_stat(&st2);
- unsigned char* sermem2 = new unsigned char[st2.max_serialize_mem];
- unsigned slen = bv2.serialize(sermem2);
- assert(slen);
- slen = 0;
- bvtotal.deserialize(sermem2);
- bvtotal.stat();
- // bvtotal.optimize();
- // bvtotal.stat();
- bvtotal.deserialize(sermem2);
- bvtotal.deserialize(sermem);
- delete [] sermem;
- delete [] sermem2;
- bvtotal.clear();
- int clcnt = 0;
- int repetitions = 25;
- for (i = 0; i < repetitions; ++i)
- {
- cout << endl << "Deserialization STEP " << i << endl;
- bvect_mini* bvect_min1= new bvect_mini(size);
- bvect* bvect_full1= new bvect();
- FillSetsRandomMethod(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, 1, size, 1);
- struct bvect::statistics st;
- bvect_full1->calc_stat(&st);
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- unsigned slen = bvect_full1->serialize(sermem);
- unsigned char* smem = new unsigned char[slen];
- ::memcpy(smem, sermem, slen);
- // cout << "Serialized vector" << endl;
- // bvect_full1->stat();
- // cout << "Before deserialization" << endl;
- // bvtotal.stat();
- bvtotal.deserialize(smem);
- // cout << "After deserialization" << endl;
- // bvtotal.stat();
- bvtotal.optimize();
- // cout << "After optimization" << endl;
- // bvtotal.stat();
- if (++clcnt == 5)
- {
- clcnt = 0;
- bvtotal.clear();
- // cout << "Post clear." << endl;
- // bvtotal.stat();
- }
- delete [] sermem;
- delete [] smem;
- delete bvect_min1;
- delete bvect_full1;
- } // for i
- }
- void StressTest(int repetitions)
- {
- unsigned RatioSum = 0;
- unsigned SRatioSum = 0;
- unsigned DeltaSum = 0;
- unsigned SDeltaSum = 0;
- unsigned clear_count = 0;
- bvect bvtotal;
- bvtotal.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- cout << "----------------------------StressTest" << endl;
- unsigned size = BITVECT_SIZE - 10;
- //size = BITVECT_SIZE / 10;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < repetitions; ++i)
- {
- cout << endl << " - - - - - - - - - - - - STRESS STEP " << i << endl;
- switch (rand() % 3)
- {
- case 0:
- size = BITVECT_SIZE / 10;
- break;
- case 1:
- size = BITVECT_SIZE / 2;
- break;
- default:
- size = BITVECT_SIZE - 10;
- break;
- } // switch
- bvect_mini* bvect_min1= new bvect_mini(size);
- bvect_mini* bvect_min2= new bvect_mini(size);
- bvect* bvect_full1= new bvect();
- bvect* bvect_full2= new bvect();
- bvect_full1->set_new_blocks_strat(i&1 ? bm::BM_GAP : bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full2->set_new_blocks_strat(i&1 ? bm::BM_GAP : bm::BM_BIT);
- int opt = rand() % 2;
- unsigned start1 = 0;
- switch (rand() % 3)
- {
- case 1:
- start1 += size / 5;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- unsigned start2 = 0;
- switch (rand() % 3)
- {
- case 1:
- start2 += size / 5;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /*
- if (i == 3)
- {
- g_cnt_check = 1;
- }
- */
- FillSetsRandomMethod(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, start1, size, opt);
- FillSetsRandomMethod(bvect_min2, bvect_full2, start2, size, opt);
- unsigned arr[bm::set_total_blocks]={0,};
- bm::id_t cnt = bvect_full1->count();
- unsigned last_block = bvect_full1->count_blocks(arr);
- unsigned sum = bm::sum_arr(&arr[0], &arr[last_block+1]);
- if (sum != cnt)
- {
- cout << "Error in function count_blocks." << endl;
- cout << "Array sum = " << sum << endl;
- cout << "BitCount = " << cnt << endl;
- cnt = bvect_full1->count();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i <= last_block; ++i)
- {
- if (arr[i])
- {
- cout << "[" << i << ":" << arr[i] << "]";
- }
- }
- cout << endl;
- cout << "================" << endl;
- bvect_full1->stat();
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckCountRange(*bvect_full1, start1, BITVECT_SIZE, arr);
- CheckIntervals(*bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- CheckCountRange(*bvect_full2, start2, BITVECT_SIZE);
- CheckCountRange(*bvect_full1, 0, start1, arr);
- CheckCountRange(*bvect_full2, 0, start2);
- /*
- cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min1, *bvect_full1, size);
- cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min2, *bvect_full2, size);
- cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
- bvect_full1->stat();
- cout << " --" << endl;
- bvect_full2->stat();
- */
- int operation = rand()%4;
- //operation = 2;
- switch(operation)
- {
- case 0:
- cout << "Operation OR" << endl;
- bvect_min1->combine_or(*bvect_min2);
- break;
- case 1:
- cout << "Operation SUB" << endl;
- bvect_min1->combine_sub(*bvect_min2);
- break;
- case 2:
- cout << "Operation XOR" << endl;
- bvect_min1->combine_xor(*bvect_min2);
- break;
- default:
- cout << "Operation AND" << endl;
- bvect_min1->combine_and(*bvect_min2);
- break;
- }
- int cres1 = bvect_min1->compare(*bvect_min2);
- delete bvect_min2;
- switch(operation)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- cout << "Operation OR" << endl;
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_or(*bvect_full1, *bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1->bit_or(*bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1->count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- cout << "Count = " << count << "Predicted count = " << predicted_count << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- {
- cout << "Operation SUB" << endl;
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_sub(*bvect_full1, *bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1->bit_sub(*bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1->count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- cout << "Count = " << count << "Predicted count = " << predicted_count << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- {
- cout << "Operation XOR" << endl;
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_xor(*bvect_full1, *bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1->bit_xor(*bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1->count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- cout << "Count = " << count << "Predicted count = " << predicted_count << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- cout << "Operation AND" << endl;
- bm::id_t predicted_count = bm::count_and(*bvect_full1, *bvect_full2);
- bvect_full1->bit_and(*bvect_full2);
- bm::id_t count = bvect_full1->count();
- if (count != predicted_count)
- {
- cout << "Predicted count error!" << endl;
- cout << "Count = " << count << "Predicted count = " << predicted_count << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- cout << "Operation comparison" << endl;
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min1, *bvect_full1, size);
- int cres2 = bvect_full1->compare(*bvect_full2);
- CheckIntervals(*bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- if (cres1 != cres2)
- {
- cout << cres1 << " " << cres2 << endl;
- cout << bvect_full1->get_first() << " " << bvect_full1->count() << endl;
- cout << bvect_full2->get_first() << " " << bvect_full2->count() << endl;
- // bvect_full1->stat(1000);
- cout << endl;
- // bvect_full2->stat(1000);
- printf("Bitset comparison operation failed.n");
- exit(1);
- }
- delete bvect_full2;
- struct bvect::statistics st1;
- bvect_full1->calc_stat(&st1);
- bvect_full1->optimize();
- bvect_full1->optimize_gap_size();
- struct bvect::statistics st2;
- bvect_full1->calc_stat(&st2);
- unsigned Ratio = (st2.memory_used * 100)/st1.memory_used;
- RatioSum+=Ratio;
- DeltaSum+=st1.memory_used - st2.memory_used;
- cout << "Optimization statistics: " << endl
- << " MemUsedBefore=" << st1.memory_used
- << " MemUsed=" << st2.memory_used
- << " Ratio=" << Ratio << "%"
- << " Delta=" << st1.memory_used - st2.memory_used
- << endl;
- cout << "Optimization comparison" << endl;
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min1, *bvect_full1, size);
- bvect_full1->set_gap_levels(gap_len_table_min<true>::_len);
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min1, *bvect_full1, size);
- CheckIntervals(*bvect_full1, BITVECT_SIZE);
- //CheckCountRange(*bvect_full1, 0, size);
- // Serialization
- bvect_full1->calc_stat(&st2);
- cout << "Memory allocation: " << st2.max_serialize_mem << endl;
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st2.max_serialize_mem];
- // bvect_full1->stat();
- cout << "Serialization...";
- unsigned slen = bvect_full1->serialize(sermem);
- cout << "Ok" << endl;
- delete bvect_full1;
- unsigned SRatio = (slen*100)/st2.memory_used;
- SRatioSum+=SRatio;
- SDeltaSum+=st2.memory_used - slen;
- cout << "Serialized mem_max = " << st2.max_serialize_mem
- << " size= " << slen
- << " Ratio=" << SRatio << "%"
- << " Delta=" << st2.memory_used - slen
- << endl;
- bvect* bvect_full3= new bvect();
- unsigned char* new_sermem = new unsigned char[slen];
- memcpy(new_sermem, sermem, slen);
- delete [] sermem;
- cout << "Deserialization...";
- bvect_full3->deserialize(new_sermem);
- bvtotal.deserialize(new_sermem);
- cout << "Ok." << endl;
- delete [] new_sermem;
- cout << "Optimization...";
- bvtotal.optimize();
- cout << "Ok." << endl;
- ++clear_count;
- if (clear_count == 4)
- {
- bvtotal.clear();
- clear_count = 0;
- }
- cout << "Serialization comparison" << endl;
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min1, *bvect_full3, size, true);
- delete bvect_min1;
- delete bvect_full3;
- }
- --i;
- cout << "Repetitions:" << i <<
- " AVG optimization ratio:" << RatioSum/i
- << " AVG Delta:" << DeltaSum/i
- << endl
- << " AVG serialization Ratio:"<< SRatioSum/i
- << " Delta:" << SDeltaSum/i
- << endl;
- }
- void GAPCheck()
- {
- cout << "-------------------------------------------GAPCheck" << endl;
- {
- gap_vector gapv(0);
- bvect_mini bvect_min(bm::gap_max_bits);
- unsigned i;
- for( i = 0; i < 454; ++i)
- {
- bvect_min.set_bit(i);
- gapv.set_bit(i);
- }
- for(i = 0; i < 254; ++i)
- {
- bvect_min.clear_bit(i);
- gapv.clear_bit(i);
- }
- for(i = 5; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- bvect_min.set_bit(i);
- gapv.set_bit(i);
- }
- for( i = 0; i < bm::gap_max_bits; ++i)
- {
- int bit1 = (gapv.is_bit_true(i) == 1);
- int bit2 = (bvect_min.is_bit_true(i) != 0);
- int bit3 = (gapv.test(i) == 1);
- if (bit1 != bit2)
- {
- cout << "problem with bit comparison " << i << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- if (bit1 != bit3)
- {
- cout << "problem with bit test comparison " << i << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- gap_vector gapv(1);
- int bit = gapv.is_bit_true(65535);
- if (bit != 1)
- {
- cout << "Bit != 1" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 65536; ++i)
- {
- bit = gapv.is_bit_true(i);
- if (bit != 1)
- {
- cout << "2.Bit != 1" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- unsigned cnt = gapv.count_range(0, 65535);
- if (cnt != 65536)
- {
- cout << "count_range failed:" << cnt << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 10, 20);
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 0, 20);
- printf("gapv 1 check okn");
- }
- {
- gap_vector gapv(0);
- int bit = gapv.is_bit_true(65535);
- int bit1 = gapv.test(65535);
- if(bit != 0)
- {
- cout << "Bit != 0" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 65536; ++i)
- {
- bit = gapv.is_bit_true(i);
- bit1 = gapv.test(i);
- if (bit != 0)
- {
- cout << "2.Bit != 0 bit =" << i << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- if (bit1 != 0)
- {
- cout << "2.Bit test != 0 bit =" << i << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- unsigned cnt = gapv.count_range(0, 65535);
- if (cnt != 0)
- {
- cout << "count_range failed:" << cnt << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 10, 20);
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 0, 20);
- printf("gapv 2 check okn");
- }
- {
- gap_vector gapv(0);
- gapv.set_bit(1);
- gapv.set_bit(0);
- gapv.control();
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 0, 20);
- int bit = gapv.is_bit_true(0);
- if (bit != 1)
- {
- cout << "Trouble" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bit = gapv.is_bit_true(1);
- if (bit != 1)
- {
- cout << "Trouble 2." << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bit = gapv.is_bit_true(2);
- if(bit != 0)
- {
- cout << "Trouble 3." << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- {
- gap_vector gapv(0);
- gapv.set_bit(0);
- gapv.control();
- gapv.set_bit(1);
- gapv.control();
- gapv.set_bit(4);
- gapv.control();
- gapv.set_bit(5);
- gapv.control();
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 4, 5);
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 3, 5);
- gapv.set_bit(3);
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 3, 3);
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 3, 5);
- gapv.control();
- int bit = gapv.is_bit_true(0);
- if(bit!=1)
- {
- cout << "Bug" << endl;
- }
- bit = gapv.is_bit_true(1);
- if(bit!=1)
- {
- cout << "Bug2" << endl;
- }
- gapv.control();
- gapv.set_bit(4);
- gapv.control();
- printf("gapv 3 check okn");
- }
- {
- gap_vector gapv(0);
- bvect_mini bvect_min(bm::gap_max_bits);
- cout << "++++++1" << endl;
- print_gap(gapv, 10);
- gapv.set_bit(bm::gap_max_bits-1);
- gapv.control();
- print_gap(gapv, 10);
- //cout << "++++++2" << endl;
- //cout << "m_buf=" << bvect_min.m_buf << endl;
- bvect_min.set_bit(bm::gap_max_bits-1);
- cout << "++++++3" << endl;
- gapv.set_bit(5);
- print_gap(gapv,15);
- gapv.control();
- bvect_min.set_bit(5);
- cout << "++++++4" << endl;
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 13, 150);
- gapv.control();
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < bm::gap_max_bits; ++i)
- {
- if (i == 65535)
- printf("%in", i);
- int bit1 = (gapv.is_bit_true(i) == 1);
- int bit2 = (bvect_min.is_bit_true(i) != 0);
- int bit3 = (gapv.test(i) == 1);
- if (bit1 != bit2)
- {
- cout << "problem with bit comparison " << i << endl;
- }
- if (bit1 != bit3)
- {
- cout << "problem with bit test comparison " << i << endl;
- }
- }
- gapv.clear_bit(5);
- bvect_min.clear_bit(5);
- gapv.control();
- for ( i = 0; i < bm::gap_max_bits; ++i)
- {
- if (i == 65535)
- printf("%in", i);
- int bit1 = (gapv.is_bit_true(i) == 1);
- int bit2 = (bvect_min.is_bit_true(i) != 0);
- int bit3 = (gapv.test(i) == 1);
- if (bit1 != bit2)
- {
- cout << "2.problem with bit comparison " << i << endl;
- }
- if (bit1 != bit3)
- {
- cout << "2.problem with bit test comparison " << i << endl;
- }
- }
- printf("gapv check 4 ok.n");
- }
- {
- gap_vector gapv(0);
- bvect_mini bvect_min(65536);
- int i;
- for (i = 10; i > 0; i-=2)
- {
- bvect_min.set_bit(i);
- gapv.set_bit(i);
- gapv.control();
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 0, i);
- int bit1 = (gapv.is_bit_true(i) == 1);
- int bit2 = (bvect_min.is_bit_true(i) != 0);
- int bit3 = (gapv.test(i) != 0);
- if (bit1 != bit2)
- {
- cout << "3.problem with bit comparison " << i << endl;
- }
- if (bit1 != bit3)
- {
- cout << "3.problem with bit test comparison " << i << endl;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < (int)bm::gap_max_bits; ++i)
- {
- int bit1 = (gapv.is_bit_true(i) == 1);
- int bit2 = (bvect_min.is_bit_true(i) != 0);
- int bit3 = (gapv.test(i) == 1);
- if (bit1 != bit2)
- {
- cout << "3.problem with bit comparison " << i << endl;
- }
- if (bit1 != bit3)
- {
- cout << "3.problem with bit test comparison " << i << endl;
- }
- }
- printf("gapv check 5 ok.n");
- }
- {
- gap_vector gapv(0);
- bvect_mini bvect_min(bm::gap_max_bits);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
- {
- unsigned id = random_minmax(0, bm::gap_max_bits);
- bvect_min.set_bit(id);
- gapv.set_bit(id);
- gapv.control();
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 0, id);
- CheckCountRange(gapv, id, 65535);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < (int)bm::gap_max_bits; ++i)
- {
- int bit1 = (gapv.is_bit_true(i) == 1);
- int bit2 = (bvect_min.is_bit_true(i) != 0);
- if (bit1 != bit2)
- {
- cout << "4.problem with bit comparison " << i << endl;
- }
- }
- for (i = bm::gap_max_bits; i < 0; --i)
- {
- int bit1 = (gapv.is_bit_true(i) == 1);
- int bit2 = (bvect_min.is_bit_true(i) != 0);
- if (bit1 != bit2)
- {
- cout << "5.problem with bit comparison " << i << endl;
- }
- }
- printf("gapv check 6 ok.n");
- }
- printf("gapv random bit set check ok.n");
- // conversion functions test
- {
- // aligned position test
- bvect bvect;
- bvect.set_bit(1);
- bvect.clear();
- unsigned* buf = (unsigned*) bvect.get_block(0);
- bm::or_bit_block(buf, 0, 4);
- unsigned cnt = bm::bit_block_calc_count_range(buf, 0, 3);
- assert(cnt == 4);
- bool bit = bvect.get_bit(0);
- assert(bit);
- bit = bvect.get_bit(1);
- assert(bit);
- bit = bvect.get_bit(2);
- assert(bit);
- bit = bvect.get_bit(3);
- assert(bit);
- bit = bvect.get_bit(4);
- assert(bit==0);
- bm::or_bit_block(buf, 0, 36);
- cnt = bm::bit_block_calc_count_range(buf, 0, 35);
- assert(cnt == 36);
- for (int i = 0; i < 36; ++i)
- {
- bit = (bvect.get_bit(i) != 0);
- assert(bit);
- }
- bit = (bvect.get_bit(36) != 0);
- assert(bit==0);
- unsigned count = bvect.recalc_count();
- assert(count == 36);
- cout << "Aligned position test ok." << endl;
- }
- {
- // unaligned position test
- bvect bvect;
- bvect.set_bit(0);
- bvect.clear();
- unsigned* buf = (unsigned*) bvect.get_block(0);
- bm::or_bit_block(buf, 5, 32);
- bool bit = (bvect.get_bit(4) != 0);
- assert(bit==0);
- unsigned cnt = bm::bit_block_calc_count_range(buf, 5, 5+32-1);
- assert(cnt == 32);
- cnt = bm::bit_block_calc_count_range(buf, 5, 5+32);
- assert(cnt == 32);
- int i;
- for (i = 5; i < 4 + 32; ++i)
- {
- bit = bvect.get_bit(i);
- assert(bit);
- }
- int count = bvect.recalc_count();
- assert(count==32);
- cout << "Unaligned position ok." << endl;
- }
- // random test
- {
- cout << "random test" << endl;
- bvect bvect;
- bvect.set_bit(0);
- bvect.clear();
- unsigned* buf = (unsigned*) bvect.get_block(0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
- {
- unsigned start = rand() % 65535;
- unsigned end = rand() % 65535;
- if (start > end)
- {
- unsigned tmp = end;
- end = start;
- start = tmp;
- }
- unsigned len = end - start;
- if (len)
- {
- bm::or_bit_block(buf, start, len);
- unsigned cnt = bm::bit_block_calc_count_range(buf, start, end);
- if (cnt != len)
- {
- cout << "random test: count_range comparison failed. "
- << " LEN = " << len << " cnt = " << cnt
- << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- unsigned count = bvect.recalc_count();
- if (count != len)
- {
- cout << "random test: count comparison failed. "
- << " LEN = " << len << " count = " << count
- << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- for (unsigned j = start; j < end; ++j)
- {
- bool bit = bvect.get_bit(j);
- if (!bit)
- {
- cout << "random test: bit comparison failed. bit#"
- << i << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- } // for j
- }
- bvect.clear();
- if ((i % 100)==0)
- {
- cout << "*" << flush;
- }
- } // for i
- cout << endl << "Random test Ok." << endl;
- }
- // conversion test
- cout << "Conversion test" << endl;
- {
- gap_vector gapv(0);
- bvect bvect;
- gapv.set_bit(0);
- gapv.set_bit(2);
- gapv.set_bit(10);
- gapv.set_bit(11);
- gapv.set_bit(12);
- CheckCountRange(gapv, 3, 15);
- print_gap(gapv, 100);
- bvect.set_bit(0);
- bvect.clear();
- unsigned* buf = (unsigned*) bvect.get_block(0);
- gapv.convert_to_bitset(buf);
- unsigned bitcount = bvect.recalc_count();
- if (bitcount != 5)
- {
- cout << "test failed: bitcout = " << bitcount << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- gap_vector gapv1(0);
- gap_word_t* gap_buf = gapv1.get_buf();
- *gap_buf = 0;
- bit_convert_to_gap(gap_buf, buf, bm::gap_max_bits, bm::gap_max_buff_len);
- print_gap(gapv1, 100);
- bitcount = gapv1.bit_count();
- if(bitcount != 5)
- {
- cout << "2.test_failed: bitcout = " << bitcount << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("conversion test ok.n");
- }
- // gap AND test
- {
- // special case 1: operand is all 1
- gap_vector gapv1(0);
- gapv1.set_bit(2);
- gap_vector gapv2(1);
- gapv1.combine_and(gapv2.get_buf());
- gapv1.control();
- print_gap(gapv1, 0);
- int count = gapv1.bit_count();
- assert(count == 1);
- int bit = gapv1.is_bit_true(2);
- if(bit == 0)
- {
- cout << "Wrong bit" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckCountRange(gapv1, 0, 17);
- }
- {
- // special case 2: src is all 1
- gap_vector gapv1(1);
- gap_vector gapv2(0);
- gapv2.set_bit(2);
- gapv1.combine_and(gapv2.get_buf());
- gapv1.control();
- print_gap(gapv1, 0);
- int count = gapv1.bit_count();
- assert(count == 1);
- int bit = gapv1.is_bit_true(2);
- assert(bit);
- }
- {
- gap_vector gapv;
- gap_vector gapv1(0);
- gapv1.set_bit(3);
- gapv1.set_bit(4);
- print_gap(gapv1, 0);
- gap_vector gapv2(0);
- gapv2.set_bit(2);
- gapv2.set_bit(3);
- print_gap(gapv2, 0);
- bm::gap_buff_op((gap_word_t*)gapv.get_buf(),
- gapv1.get_buf(), 0,
- gapv2.get_buf(), 0, bm::and_op);
- print_gap(gapv, 0);
- gapv.control();
- int bit1 = (gapv.is_bit_true(3) == 1);
- if(bit1 == 0)
- {
- cout << "Checking failed." << endl;
- exit(0);
- }
- gapv1.combine_or(gapv2);
- print_gap(gapv1, 0);
- gapv1.control();
- }
- {
- printf("gap AND test 1.n");
- gap_vector gapv1(0);
- gap_vector gapv2(0);
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(65536);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(65536);
- gapv1.set_bit(65535);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(65535);
- gapv1.set_bit(4);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(4);
- gapv2.set_bit(65535);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(65535);
- gapv2.set_bit(3);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(3);
- CheckCountRange(gapv2, 3, 65535);
- gapv2.control();
- printf("vect1:"); print_gap(gapv1, 0);
- printf("vect2:");print_gap(gapv2, 0);
- gapv1.combine_and(gapv2.get_buf());
- printf("vect1:");print_gap(gapv1, 0);
- gapv1.control();
- unsigned bit1 = gapv1.is_bit_true(65535);
- assert(bit1);
- bvect_min1.combine_and(bvect_min2);
- CheckGAPMin(gapv1, bvect_min1, bm::gap_max_bits);
- }
- {
- printf("gap random AND test.n");
- gap_vector gapv1(0);
- gap_vector gapv2(0);
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(65536);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(65536);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
- {
- unsigned id = random_minmax(0, 65535);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(id);
- gapv1.set_bit(id);
- gapv1.control();
- CheckCountRange(gapv1, 0, id);
- CheckCountRange(gapv1, id, 65535);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
- {
- unsigned id = random_minmax(0, 65535);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(id);
- gapv2.set_bit(id);
- gapv2.control();
- }
- gapv1.combine_and(gapv2.get_buf());
- gapv1.control();
- gapv2.control();
- bvect_min1.combine_and(bvect_min2);
- CheckGAPMin(gapv1, bvect_min1, bm::gap_max_bits);
- printf("gap random AND test ok.n");
- }
- {
- printf("gap OR test.n");
- gap_vector gapv1(0);
- gap_vector gapv2(0);
- gapv1.set_bit(2);
- gapv2.set_bit(3);
- gapv1.combine_or(gapv2);
- gapv1.control();
- print_gap(gapv1, 0);
- int bit1 = (gapv1.is_bit_true(0) == 1);
- assert(bit1==0);
- bit1=(gapv1.is_bit_true(2) == 1);
- assert(bit1);
- bit1=(gapv1.is_bit_true(3) == 1);
- assert(bit1);
- }
- {
- printf("gap XOR test.n");
- gap_vector gapv1(0);
- gap_vector gapv2(0);
- gapv1.set_bit(2);
- gapv2.set_bit(3);
- gapv1.set_bit(4);
- gapv2.set_bit(4);
- print_gap(gapv1, 0);
- print_gap(gapv2, 0);
- gapv1.combine_xor(gapv2);
- gapv1.control();
- print_gap(gapv1, 0);
- int bit1 = (gapv1.is_bit_true(0) == 0);
- assert(bit1);
- bit1=(gapv1.is_bit_true(2) == 1);
- assert(bit1);
- bit1=(gapv1.is_bit_true(3) == 1);
- assert(bit1);
- bit1=(gapv1.is_bit_true(4) == 0);
- assert(bit1);
- }
- {
- int i;
- printf("gap random OR test.n");
- gap_vector gapv1(0);
- gap_vector gapv2(0);
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(bm::gap_max_bits);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(bm::gap_max_bits);
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- unsigned id = random_minmax(0, 100);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(id);
- gapv1.set_bit(id);
- gapv1.control();
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- unsigned id = random_minmax(0, 100);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(id);
- gapv2.set_bit(id);
- gapv2.control();
- }
- print_mv(bvect_min1, 64);
- print_mv(bvect_min2, 64);
- gapv1.combine_or(gapv2);
- gapv1.control();
- gapv2.control();
- bvect_min1.combine_or(bvect_min2);
- print_mv(bvect_min1, 64);
- CheckGAPMin(gapv1, bvect_min1, bm::gap_max_bits);
- printf("gap random OR test ok.n");
- }
- {
- int i;
- printf("gap random SUB test.n");
- gap_vector gapv1(0);
- gap_vector gapv2(0);
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(bm::gap_max_bits);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(bm::gap_max_bits);
- for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
- {
- unsigned id = random_minmax(0, 100);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(id);
- gapv1.set_bit(id);
- gapv1.control();
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
- {
- unsigned id = random_minmax(0, 100);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(id);
- gapv2.set_bit(id);
- gapv2.control();
- }
- print_mv(bvect_min1, 64);
- print_mv(bvect_min2, 64);
- gapv1.combine_sub(gapv2);
- gapv1.control();
- gapv2.control();
- bvect_min1.combine_sub(bvect_min2);
- print_mv(bvect_min1, 64);
- CheckGAPMin(gapv1, bvect_min1, bm::gap_max_bits);
- printf("gap random SUB test ok.n");
- }
- {
- printf("GAP comparison test.n");
- gap_vector gapv1(0);
- gap_vector gapv2(0);
- gapv1.set_bit(3);
- gapv2.set_bit(3);
- int res =;
- if (res != 0)
- {
- printf("GAP comparison failed!");
- exit(1);
- }
- gapv1.set_bit(4);
- gapv2.set_bit(4);
- res =;
- if (res != 0)
- {
- printf("GAP comparison failed!");
- exit(1);
- }
- gapv1.set_bit(0);
- gapv1.set_bit(1);
- res =;
- if (res != 1)
- {
- printf("GAP comparison failed!");
- exit(1);
- }
- gapv2.set_bit(0);
- gapv2.set_bit(1);
- res =;
- if (res != 0)
- {
- printf("GAP comparison failed!");
- exit(1);
- }
- gapv1.clear_bit(1);
- res =;
- if (res != -1)
- {
- printf("GAP comparison failed!");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void MutationTest()
- {
- cout << "--------------------------------- MutationTest" << endl;
- bvect_mini bvect_min(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full;
- printf("nMutation test.n");
- bvect_full.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full.set_bit(5);
- bvect_full.set_bit(5);
- bvect_min.set_bit(5);
- bvect_full.set_bit(65535);
- bvect_full.set_bit(65537);
- bvect_min.set_bit(65535);
- bvect_min.set_bit(65537);
- bvect_min.set_bit(100000);
- bvect_full.set_bit(100000);
- bvect_full.stat();
- // detailed vectors verification
- ::CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, ITERATIONS, false);
- int i;
- for (i = 5; i < 20000; i+=3)
- {
- bvect_min.set_bit(i);
- bvect_full.set_bit(i);
- }
- bvect_full.stat();
- ::CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, ITERATIONS, false);
- for (i = 100000; i < 200000; i+=3)
- {
- bvect_min.set_bit(i);
- bvect_full.set_bit(i);
- }
- ::CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, 300000);
- // set-clear functionality
- {
- printf("Set-clear functionality test.");
- bvect_mini bvect_min(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full;
- bvect_full.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- int i;
- for (i = 100000; i < 100010; ++i)
- {
- bvect_min.set_bit(i);
- bvect_full.set_bit(i);
- }
- ::CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, 300000);
- for (i = 100000; i < 100010; ++i)
- {
- bvect_min.clear_bit(i);
- bvect_full.clear_bit(i);
- }
- ::CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, 300000);
- bvect_full.optimize();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min, bvect_full, 65536);//max+10);
- }
- }
- void MutationOperationsTest()
- {
- cout << "------------------------------------ MutationOperationsTest" << endl;
- printf("Mutation operations test 1.n");
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(100);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(100);
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 10000; i+=2)
- {
- bvect_full2.set_bit(i);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(i);
- }
- bvect_full2.stat();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min2, bvect_full2, 65536, true);
- bvect_min1.combine_and(bvect_min2);
- bvect_full1.bit_and(bvect_full2);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, 65536);//max+10);
- }
- printf("Mutation operations test 2.n");
- {
- unsigned delta = 65536;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 1000; i+=1)
- {
- bvect_full1.set_bit(delta+i);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(delta+i);
- }
- for(i = 0; i < 100; i+=2)
- {
- bvect_full2.set_bit(delta+i);
- bvect_min2.set_bit(delta+i);
- }
- // CheckVectors(bvect_min2, bvect_full2, 65536);
- bvect_min1.combine_and(bvect_min2);
- bvect_full1.bit_and(bvect_full2);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, 65536);//max+10);
- bvect_full1.optimize();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, 65536);//max+10);
- }
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect_full1.set_bit(3);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(3);
- struct bvect::statistics st;
- bvect_full1.calc_stat(&st);
- // serialization
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- unsigned slen = bvect_full1.serialize(sermem);
- cout << "BVECTOR SERMEM=" << slen << endl;
- bvect bvect_full3;
- bvect_full3.deserialize(sermem);
- bvect_full3.stat();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full3, 100, true);
- }
- printf("Mutation operations test 3.n");
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini bvect_min2(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect bvect_full2;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- unsigned min = BITVECT_SIZE / 2 - ITERATIONS;
- unsigned max = BITVECT_SIZE / 2 + ITERATIONS;
- if (max > BITVECT_SIZE)
- max = BITVECT_SIZE - 1;
- unsigned len = max - min;
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, min, max, 0);
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 0, len, 5);
- printf("Bvect_FULL 1 STATn");
- bvect_full1.stat();
- // CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, max+10, false);
- FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, min, max, 0);
- FillSets(&bvect_min2, &bvect_full2, 0, len, 0);
- printf("Bvect_FULL 2 STATn");
- bvect_full2.stat();
- // CheckVectors(bvect_min2, bvect_full2, max+10);
- bvect_min1.combine_and(bvect_min2);
- bvect_full1.bit_and(bvect_full2);
- printf("Bvect_FULL 1 STAT after ANDn");
- bvect_full1.stat();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, max+10, false);
- struct bvect::statistics st;
- bvect_full1.calc_stat(&st);
- cout << "BVECTOR: GAP=" << st.gap_blocks << " BIT=" << st.bit_blocks
- << " MEM=" << st.memory_used << " SERMAX=" << st.max_serialize_mem
- << endl;
- cout << "MINIVECT: " << bvect_min1.mem_used() << endl;
- bvect_full1.optimize();
- bvect_full1.stat();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, max+10, false);
- bvect_full1.calc_stat(&st);
- cout << "BVECTOR: GAP=" << st.gap_blocks << " BIT=" << st.bit_blocks
- << " MEM=" << st.memory_used << " SERMAX=" << st.max_serialize_mem
- << endl;
- cout << "MINIVECT: " << bvect_min1.mem_used() << endl;
- // serialization
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- unsigned slen = bvect_full1.serialize(sermem);
- cout << "BVECTOR SERMEM=" << slen << endl;
- bvect bvect_full3;
- bvect_full3.deserialize(sermem);
- bvect_full3.stat();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full3, max+10, true);
- delete [] sermem;
- cout << "Copy constructor check." << endl;
- {
- bvect bvect_full4(bvect_full3);
- bvect_full3.stat();
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full4, max+10, true);
- }
- }
- }
- void SerializationTest()
- {
- cout << " ----------------------------------- SerializationTest" << endl;
- cout << "Serialization STEP 0" << endl;
- {
- unsigned size = BITVECT_SIZE/6000;
- bvect_mini* bvect_min1= new bvect_mini(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect* bvect_full1= new bvect();
- bvect* bvect_full2= new bvect();
- bvect_full1->set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full2->set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- bvect_full1->set_bit(i);
- bvect_min1->set_bit(i);
- }
- bvect_full1->optimize();
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min1, *bvect_full1, size, true);
- bvect::statistics st;
- bvect_full1->calc_stat(&st);
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- unsigned slen = bvect_full1->serialize(sermem);
- cout << "Serialized mem_max = " << st.max_serialize_mem
- << " size= " << slen
- << " Ratio=" << (slen*100)/st.max_serialize_mem << "%"
- << endl;
- bvect_full2->deserialize(sermem);
- delete [] sermem;
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min1, *bvect_full2, size, true);
- delete bvect_full2;
- delete bvect_min1;
- delete bvect_full1;
- }
- {
- unsigned size = BITVECT_SIZE/6000;
- bvect_mini* bvect_min1= new bvect_mini(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect* bvect_full1= new bvect();
- bvect* bvect_full2= new bvect();
- bvect_full1->set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full2->set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full1->set_bit(131072);
- bvect_min1->set_bit(131072);
- bvect_full1->optimize();
- bvect::statistics st;
- bvect_full1->calc_stat(&st);
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- unsigned slen = bvect_full1->serialize(sermem);
- cout << "Serialized mem_max = " << st.max_serialize_mem
- << " size= " << slen
- << " Ratio=" << (slen*100)/st.max_serialize_mem << "%"
- << endl;
- bvect_full2->deserialize(sermem);
- delete [] sermem;
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min1, *bvect_full2, size, true);
- delete bvect_full2;
- delete bvect_min1;
- delete bvect_full1;
- }
- cout << "Serialization STEP 1." << endl;
- {
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- unsigned min = BITVECT_SIZE / 2 - ITERATIONS;
- unsigned max = BITVECT_SIZE / 2 + ITERATIONS;
- if (max > BITVECT_SIZE)
- max = BITVECT_SIZE - 1;
- unsigned len = max - min;
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, min, max, 0);
- FillSets(&bvect_min1, &bvect_full1, 0, len, 5);
- // shot some random bits
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
- {
- unsigned bit = rand() % BITVECT_SIZE;
- bvect_full1.set_bit(bit);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(bit);
- }
- bvect::statistics st;
- bvect_full1.calc_stat(&st);
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- bvect_full1.stat();
- unsigned slen = bvect_full1.serialize(sermem);
- cout << "Serialized len = " << slen << endl;
- bvect bvect_full3;
- bvect_full3.deserialize(sermem);
- CheckVectors(bvect_min1, bvect_full3, max+10, true);
- delete [] sermem;
- }
- cout << "Stage 2" << endl;
- {
- bvect_mini* bvect_min1= new bvect_mini(BITVECT_SIZE);
- // bm::bvect_mini* bvect_min2= new bm::bvect_mini(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect* bvect_full1= new bvect();
- bvect* bvect_full2= new bvect();
- bvect_full1->set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2->set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- FillSetsRandomMethod(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE-10, 1);
- // FillSetsRandomMethod(bvect_min2, bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE-10, 1);
- //bvect_full1->stat();
- cout << "Filling. OK." << endl;
- bvect::statistics st;
- bvect_full1->calc_stat(&st);
- cout << st.max_serialize_mem << endl;
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- cout << "Serialization" << endl;
- unsigned slen = bvect_full1->serialize(sermem);
- cout << "Serialized mem_max = " << st.max_serialize_mem
- << " size= " << slen
- << " Ratio=" << (slen*100)/st.max_serialize_mem << "%"
- << endl;
- cout << "Deserialization" << endl;
- bvect_full2->deserialize(sermem);
- cout << "Deserialization ok" << endl;
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min1, *bvect_full2, BITVECT_SIZE, true);
- delete [] sermem;
- delete bvect_full2;
- delete bvect_min1;
- delete bvect_full1;
- }
- cout << "Stage 3" << endl;
- {
- bvect_mini* bvect_min1= new bvect_mini(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_mini* bvect_min2= new bvect_mini(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect* bvect_full1= new bvect();
- bvect* bvect_full2= new bvect();
- bvect_full1->set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect_full2->set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- FillSetsRandomMethod(bvect_min1, bvect_full1, 1, BITVECT_SIZE-10, 1);
- FillSetsRandomMethod(bvect_min2, bvect_full2, 1, BITVECT_SIZE-10, 1);
- bvect::statistics st;
- bvect_full1->calc_stat(&st);
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- unsigned slen = bvect_full1->serialize(sermem);
- delete bvect_full1;
- cout << "Serialized mem_max = " << st.max_serialize_mem
- << " size= " << slen
- << " Ratio=" << (slen*100)/st.max_serialize_mem << "%"
- << endl;
- bvect_full2->deserialize(sermem);
- delete [] sermem;
- bvect_min2->combine_or(*bvect_min1);
- delete bvect_min1;
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min2, *bvect_full2, BITVECT_SIZE, true);
- delete bvect_full2;
- delete bvect_min2;
- }
- cout << "Stage 4. " << endl;
- {
- unsigned size = BITVECT_SIZE/3;
- bvect_mini* bvect_min1= new bvect_mini(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect* bvect_full1= new bvect();
- bvect* bvect_full2= new bvect();
- bvect_full1->set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full2->set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_BIT);
- unsigned i;
- for(i = 0; i < 65000; ++i)
- {
- bvect_full1->set_bit(i);
- bvect_min1->set_bit(i);
- }
- for(i = 65536; i < 65536+65000; ++i)
- {
- bvect_full1->set_bit(i);
- bvect_min1->set_bit(i);
- }
- for (i = 65536*2; i < size/6; ++i)
- {
- bvect_full1->set_bit(i);
- bvect_min1->set_bit(i);
- }
- bvect_full1->optimize();
- bvect_full1->stat();
- bvect::statistics st;
- bvect_full1->calc_stat(&st);
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- unsigned slen = bvect_full1->serialize(sermem);
- cout << "Serialized mem_max = " << st.max_serialize_mem
- << " size= " << slen
- << " Ratio=" << (slen*100)/st.max_serialize_mem << "%"
- << endl;
- unsigned char* new_sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- ::memcpy(new_sermem, sermem, slen);
- bvect_full2->deserialize(new_sermem);
- delete [] sermem;
- delete [] new_sermem;
- CheckVectors(*bvect_min1, *bvect_full2, size, true);
- delete bvect_full2;
- delete bvect_min1;
- delete bvect_full1;
- }
- }
- void GetNextTest()
- {
- cout << "-------------------------------------------- GetNextTest" << endl;
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- cout << "Strategy " << i << endl;
- {
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(i ? bm::BM_GAP : bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(0);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(0);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(65536);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(65536);
- unsigned nbit1 = bvect_full1.get_first();
- unsigned nbit2 = bvect_min1.get_first();
- if (nbit1 != nbit2)
- {
- cout << "1. get_first failed() " << nbit1 << " " << nbit2 << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- nbit1 = bvect_full1.get_next(nbit1);
- nbit2 = bvect_min1.get_next(nbit2);
- if ((nbit1 != nbit2) || (nbit1 != 65536))
- {
- cout << "1. get_next failed() " << nbit1 << " " << nbit2 << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- {
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(i ? bm::BM_GAP : bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(65535);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(65535);
- unsigned nbit1 = bvect_full1.get_first();
- unsigned nbit2 = bvect_min1.get_first();
- if ((nbit1 != nbit2) || (nbit1 != 65535))
- {
- cout << "1. get_first failed() " << nbit1 << " " << nbit2 << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- nbit1 = bvect_full1.get_next(nbit1);
- nbit2 = bvect_min1.get_next(nbit2);
- if (nbit1 != nbit2 )
- {
- cout << "1. get_next failed() " << nbit1 << " " << nbit2 << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- {
- cout << "--------------" << endl;
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(i ? bm::BM_GAP : bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(655350);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(655350);
- unsigned nbit1 = bvect_full1.get_first();
- unsigned nbit2 = bvect_min1.get_first();
- if (nbit1 != nbit2 || nbit1 != 655350)
- {
- cout << "1. get_first failed() " << nbit1 << " " << nbit2 << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- nbit1 = bvect_full1.get_next(nbit1);
- nbit2 = bvect_min1.get_next(nbit2);
- if (nbit1 != nbit2)
- {
- cout << "1. get_next failed() " << nbit1 << " " << nbit2 << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- {
- bvect bvect_full1;
- bvect_mini bvect_min1(BITVECT_SIZE);
- bvect_full1.set_new_blocks_strat(i ? bm::BM_GAP : bm::BM_BIT);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(256);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(256);
- // bvect_full1.clear_bit(256);
- bvect_full1.set_bit(65536);
- bvect_min1.set_bit(65536);
- unsigned nbit1 = bvect_full1.get_first();
- unsigned nbit2 = bvect_min1.get_first();
- if (nbit1 != nbit2)
- {
- cout << "get_first failed " << nbit1 << " " << nbit2 << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- while (nbit1)
- {
- cout << nbit1 << endl;
- nbit1 = bvect_full1.get_next(nbit1);
- nbit2 = bvect_min1.get_next(nbit2);
- if (nbit1 != nbit2)
- {
- cout << "get_next failed " << nbit1 << " " << nbit2 << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- } // while
- }
- }// for
- }
- // Test contributed by Maxim Shemanarev.
- void MaxSTest()
- {
- bvect vec;
- int i, j;
- unsigned id;
- for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
- {
- int n = rand() % 2000 + 1;
- id = 1;
- for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
- {
- id += rand() % 10 + 1;
- vec.set_bit(id);
- }
- vec.optimize();
- vec.clear();
- fprintf(stderr, ".");
- }
- }
- void CalcBeginMask()
- {
- printf("BeginMask:n");
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
- {
- unsigned mask = 0;
- for(int j = i; j < 32; ++j)
- {
- unsigned nbit = j;
- nbit &= bm::set_word_mask;
- bm::word_t mask1 = (((bm::word_t)1) << j);
- mask |= mask1;
- }
- printf("0x%x, ", mask);
- }
- printf("n");
- }
- void CalcEndMask()
- {
- printf("EndMask:n");
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
- {
- unsigned mask = 1;
- for(int j = i; j > 0; --j)
- {
- unsigned nbit = j;
- nbit &= bm::set_word_mask;
- bm::word_t mask1 = (((bm::word_t)1) << j);
- mask |= mask1;
- }
- printf("0x%x,", mask);
- }
- printf("n");
- }
- void EnumeratorTest()
- {
- cout << "-------------------------------------------- EnumeratorTest" << endl;
- {
- bvect bvect1;
- bvect1.set_bit(100);
- bvect::enumerator en = bvect1.first();
- if (*en != 100)
- {
- cout << "Enumerator error !" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bvect1.clear_bit(100);
- bvect1.set_bit(2000000000);
- en.go_first();
- if (*en != 2000000000)
- {
- cout << "Enumerator error !" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- {
- bvect bvect1;
- bvect1.set_bit(0);
- bvect1.set_bit(10);
- bvect1.set_bit(35);
- bvect1.set_bit(1000);
- bvect1.set_bit(2016519);
- bvect1.set_bit(2034779);
- bvect1.set_bit(bm::id_max-1);
- bvect::enumerator en = bvect1.first();
- unsigned num = bvect1.get_first();
- bvect::enumerator end = bvect1.end();
- while (en < end)
- {
- if (*en != num)
- {
- cout << "Enumeration comparison failed !" <<
- " enumerator = " << *en <<
- " get_next() = " << num << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- ++en;
- num = bvect1.get_next(num);
- }
- if (num != 0)
- {
- cout << "Enumeration error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /*
- {
- bvect bvect1;
- bvect1.set();
- bvect::enumerator en = bvect1.first();
- unsigned num = bvect1.get_first();
- while (en < bvect1.end())
- {
- if (*en != num)
- {
- cout << "Enumeration comparison failed !" <<
- " enumerator = " << *en <<
- " get_next() = " << num << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- ++en;
- num = bvect1.get_next(num);
- }
- if (num != 0)
- {
- cout << "Enumeration error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- */
- {
- bvect bvect1;
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 65536; ++i)
- {
- bvect1.set_bit(i);
- }
- /*
- for(i = 65536*10; i < 65536*20; i+=3)
- {
- bvect1.set_bit(i);
- }
- */
- bvect::enumerator en = bvect1.first();
- unsigned num = bvect1.get_first();
- while (en < bvect1.end())
- {
- if (*en != num)
- {
- cout << "Enumeration comparison failed !" <<
- " enumerator = " << *en <<
- " get_next() = " << num << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- ++en;
- num = bvect1.get_next(num);
- if (num == 31)
- {
- num = num + 0;
- }
- }
- if (num != 0)
- {
- cout << "Enumeration error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- {
- bvect bvect1;
- bvect1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect1.set_bit(100);
- bvect::enumerator en = bvect1.first();
- if (*en != 100)
- {
- cout << "Enumerator error !" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bvect1.clear_bit(100);
- bvect1.set_bit(2000000);
- en.go_first();
- if (*en != 2000000)
- {
- cout << "Enumerator error !" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bvect1.stat();
- }
- {
- bvect bvect1;
- bvect1.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bvect1.set_bit(0);
- bvect1.set_bit(1);
- bvect1.set_bit(10);
- bvect1.set_bit(100);
- bvect1.set_bit(1000);
- bvect::enumerator en = bvect1.first();
- unsigned num = bvect1.get_first();
- while (en < bvect1.end())
- {
- if (*en != num)
- {
- cout << "Enumeration comparison failed !" <<
- " enumerator = " << *en <<
- " get_next() = " << num << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- ++en;
- num = bvect1.get_next(num);
- }
- if (num != 0)
- {
- cout << "Enumeration error!" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- void BlockLevelTest()
- {
- bvect bv;
- bvect bv2;
- bv.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- bv2.set_new_blocks_strat(bm::BM_GAP);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 500; i+=1)
- {
- bv.set_bit(i);
- }
- bv.stat();
- for (i = 0; i < 1000; i+=2)
- {
- bv2.set_bit(i);
- }
- bv2.stat();
- struct bvect::statistics st;
- bv2.calc_stat(&st);
- unsigned char* sermem = new unsigned char[st.max_serialize_mem];
- unsigned slen = bv2.serialize(sermem);
- assert(slen);
- slen = 0;
- bv.deserialize(sermem);
- // bv.optimize();
- bv.stat();
- }
- /*
- __int64 CalcBitCount64(__int64 b)
- {
- b = (b & 0x5555555555555555) + (b >> 1 & 0x5555555555555555);
- b = (b & 0x3333333333333333) + (b >> 2 & 0x3333333333333333);
- b = b + (b >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F;
- b = b + (b >> 8);
- b = b + (b >> 16);
- b = b + (b >> 32) & 0x0000007F;
- return b;
- }
- unsigned CalcBitCount32(unsigned b)
- {
- b = (b & 0x55555555) + (b >> 1 & 0x55555555);
- b = (b & 0x33333333) + (b >> 2 & 0x33333333);
- b = b + (b >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
- b = b + (b >> 8);
- b = b + (b >> 16) & 0x0000003F;
- return b;
- }
- */
- void SyntaxTest()
- {
- cout << "----------------------------- Syntax test." << endl;
- bvect bv1;
- bvect bv2(bv1);
- bvect bv3;
- bv3.swap(bv1);
- bv1[100] = true;
- bool v = bv1[100];
- assert(v);
- v = false;
- bv1[100] = false;
- bv2 |= bv1;
- bv2 &= bv1;
- bv2 ^= bv1;
- bv2 -= bv1;
- bv3 = bv1 | bv2;
- if (bv1 < bv2)
- {
- }
- bvect::reference ref = bv1[10];
- bool bn = !ref;
- bool bn2 = ~ref;
- bn = bn2 = false;
- ref.flip();
- bvect bvn = ~bv1;
- cout << "----------------------------- Syntax test ok." << endl;
- }
- void SetTest()
- {
- unsigned cnt;
- bvect bv;
- bv.set();
- cnt = bv.count();
- if (cnt != bm::id_max)
- {
- cout << "Set test failed!." << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bv.invert();
- cnt = bv.count();
- if (cnt != 0)
- {
- cout << "Set invert test failed!." << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bv.set(0);
- bv.set(bm::id_max-1);
- cnt = bv.count();
- assert(cnt == 2);
- bv.invert();
- bv.stat();
- cnt = bv.count();
- if (cnt != bm::id_max-2)
- {
- cout << "Set invert test failed!." << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- template<class A, class B> void CompareMiniSet(const A& ms,
- const B& bvm)
- {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < bm::set_total_blocks; ++i)
- {
- bool ms_val = ms.test(i)!=0;
- bool bvm_val = bvm.is_bit_true(i)!=0;
- if (ms_val != bvm_val)
- {
- printf("MiniSet comparison error: %un",i);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- void MiniSetTest()
- {
- cout << "----------------------- MiniSetTest" << endl;
- {
- bm::miniset<bm::block_allocator, bm::set_total_blocks> ms;
- bvect_mini bvm(bm::set_total_blocks);
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- ms.set(1);
- bvm.set_bit(1);
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
- {
- ms.set(i);
- bvm.set_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
- {
- ms.set(i, false);
- bvm.clear_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- for (i = 1; i < 10; i+=3)
- {
- ms.set(i);
- bvm.set_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- for (i = 1; i < 5; i+=3)
- {
- ms.set(i, false);
- bvm.clear_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- }
- {
- bm::miniset<bm::block_allocator, bm::set_total_blocks> ms;
- bvect_mini bvm(bm::set_total_blocks);
- ms.set(1);
- bvm.set_bit(1);
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 1; i < bm::set_total_blocks; i+=3)
- {
- ms.set(i);
- bvm.set_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- for (i = 1; i < bm::set_total_blocks/2; i+=3)
- {
- ms.set(i, false);
- bvm.clear_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- }
- {
- bm::bvmini<bm::set_total_blocks> ms(0);
- bvect_mini bvm(bm::set_total_blocks);
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- ms.set(1);
- bvm.set_bit(1);
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
- {
- ms.set(i);
- bvm.set_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
- {
- ms.set(i, false);
- bvm.clear_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- for (i = 1; i < bm::set_total_blocks; i+=3)
- {
- ms.set(i);
- bvm.set_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- for (i = 1; i < bm::set_total_blocks/2; i+=3)
- {
- ms.set(i, false);
- bvm.clear_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- }
- {
- bm::miniset<bm::block_allocator, bm::set_total_blocks> ms;
- bvect_mini bvm(bm::set_total_blocks);
- ms.set(1);
- bvm.set_bit(1);
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 1; i < 15; i+=3)
- {
- ms.set(i);
- bvm.set_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- for (i = 1; i < 7; i+=3)
- {
- ms.set(i, false);
- bvm.clear_bit(i);
- }
- CompareMiniSet(ms, bvm);
- }
- cout << "----------------------- MiniSetTest ok" << endl;
- }
- unsigned CalcBitCount32(unsigned b)
- {
- b = (b & 0x55555555) + (b >> 1 & 0x55555555);
- b = (b & 0x33333333) + (b >> 2 & 0x33333333);
- b = b + (b >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
- b = b + (b >> 8);
- b = b + (b >> 16) & 0x0000003F;
- return b;
- }
- void PrintGapLevels(const gap_word_t* glevel)
- {
- cout << "Gap levels:" << endl;
- unsigned i;
- for (i = 0; i < bm::gap_levels; ++i)
- {
- cout << glevel[i] << ",";
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- void OptimGAPTest()
- {
- gap_word_t glevel[bm::gap_levels];
- ::memcpy(glevel, gap_len_table<true>::_len, bm::gap_levels * sizeof(gap_word_t));
- {
- gap_word_t length[] = { 2, 2, 5, 5, 10, 11, 12 };
- unsigned lsize = sizeof(length) / sizeof(gap_word_t);
- bm::improve_gap_levels(length, length + lsize, glevel);
- PrintGapLevels(glevel);
- }
- {
- gap_word_t length[] = { 3, 5, 15, 15, 100, 110, 120 };
- unsigned lsize = sizeof(length) / sizeof(gap_word_t);
- bm::improve_gap_levels(length, length + lsize, glevel);
- PrintGapLevels(glevel);
- }
- {
- gap_word_t length[] = { 15, 80, 5, 3, 100, 110, 95 };
- unsigned lsize = sizeof(length) / sizeof(gap_word_t);
- bm::improve_gap_levels(length, length + lsize, glevel);
- PrintGapLevels(glevel);
- }
- {
- gap_word_t length[] =
- { 16,30,14,24,14,30,18,14,12,16,8,38,28,4,20,18,28,22,32,14,12,16,10,8,14,18,14,8,
- 16,30,8,8,58,28,18,4,26,14,52,12,18,10,14,18,22,18,20,70,12,6,26,6,8,22,12,4,8,8,
- 8,54,18,6,8,4,4,10,4,4,4,4,4,6,22,14,38,40,56,50,6,10,8,18,82,16,6,18,20,12,12,
- 16,8,14,14,10,16,12,10,16,14,12,18,14,18,34,14,12,18,18,10,20,10,18,8,14,14,22,16,
- 10,10,18,8,20,14,10,14,12,12,14,16,16,6,10,14,6,10,10,10,10,12,4,8,8,8,10,10,8,
- 8,12,10,10,14,14,14,8,4,4,10,10,4,10,4,8,6,52,104,584,218
- };
- unsigned lsize = sizeof(length) / sizeof(gap_word_t);
- bm::improve_gap_levels(length, length + lsize, glevel);
- PrintGapLevels(glevel);
- }
- {
- gap_word_t length[] = {
- 30,46,26,4,4,68,72,6,10,4,6,14,6,42,198,22,12,4,6,24,12,8,18,4,6,10,6,4,6,6,12,6
- ,6,4,4,78,38,8,52,4,8,10,6,8,8,6,10,4,6,6,4,10,6,8,16,22,28,14,10,10,16,10,20,10
- ,14,12,8,18,4,8,10,6,10,4,6,12,16,12,6,4,8,4,14,14,6,8,4,10,10,8,8,6,8,6,8,4,8,4
- ,8,10,6,4,6
- };
- unsigned lsize = sizeof(length) / sizeof(gap_word_t);
- bm::improve_gap_levels(length, length + lsize, glevel);
- PrintGapLevels(glevel);
- }
- }
- void BitCountChangeTest()
- {
- cout << "---------------------------- BitCountChangeTest " << endl;
- unsigned i;
- for(i = 0xFFFFFFFF; i; i <<= 1)
- {
- unsigned a0 = bm::bit_count_change(i);
- unsigned a1 = BitCountChange(i);
- if (a0 != a1)
- {
- cout << hex
- << "Bit count change test failed!"
- << " i = " << i << " return = "
- << a0 << " check = " << a1
- << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- cout << "---------------------------- STEP 2 " << endl;
- for(i = 0xFFFFFFFF; i; i >>= 1)
- {
- unsigned a0 = bm::bit_count_change(i);
- unsigned a1 = BitCountChange(i);
- if (a0 != a1)
- {
- cout << "Bit count change test failed!"
- << " i = " << i << " return = "
- << a0 << " check = " << a1
- << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- cout << "---------------------------- STEP 3 " << endl;
- for (i = 0; i < 0xFFFFFFF; ++i)
- {
- unsigned a0 = bm::bit_count_change(i);
- unsigned a1 = BitCountChange(i);
- if (a0 != a1)
- {
- cout << "Bit count change test failed!"
- << " i = " << i << " return = "
- << a0 << " check = " << a1
- << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- bm::word_t arr[16] = {0,};
- arr[0] = (bm::word_t)(1 << 31);
- arr[1] = 1; //(bm::word_t)(1 << 31);
- bm::id_t cnt;
- cnt = bm::bit_count_change(arr[1]);
- cout << cnt << endl;
- if (cnt != 2)
- {
- cout << "0.count_change() failed " << cnt << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- cnt = bm::bit_block_calc_count_change(arr, arr+4);
- if (cnt != 3)
- {
- cout << "1.count_intervals() failed " << cnt << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- arr[0] = arr[1] = arr[2] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- arr[3] = (bm::word_t)(0xFFFFFFFF >> 1);
- cnt = bm::bit_block_calc_count_change(arr, arr+4);
- cout << cnt << endl;
- if (cnt != 2)
- {
- cout << "1.1 count_intervals() failed " << cnt << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- cout << "---------------------------- STEP 4 " << endl;
- bvect bv1;
- cnt = bm::count_intervals(bv1);
- if (cnt != 1)
- {
- cout << "1.count_intervals() failed " << cnt << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckIntervals(bv1, 65536);
- bv1.invert();
- cnt = count_intervals(bv1);
- cout << "Inverted cnt=" << cnt << endl;
- if (cnt != 2)
- {
- cout << "2.inverted count_intervals() failed " << cnt << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- bv1.invert();
- for (i = 10; i < 100000; ++i)
- {
- bv1.set(i);
- }
- cnt = count_intervals(bv1);
- if (cnt != 3)
- {
- cout << "3.count_intervals() failed " << cnt << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- cout << "-----" << endl;
- CheckIntervals(bv1, 65536*2);
- cout << "Optmization..." << endl;
- bv1.optimize();
- cnt = count_intervals(bv1);
- if (cnt != 3)
- {
- cout << "4.count_intervals() failed " << cnt << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- CheckIntervals(bv1, 65536*2);
- cout << "---------------------------- BitCountChangeTest Ok." << endl;
- }
- /*
- #define POWER_CHECK(w, mask)
- (bm::bit_count_table<true>::_count[(w&mask) ^ ((w&mask)-1)])
- void BitListTest()
- {
- unsigned bits[64] = {0,};
- unsigned w = 0;
- w = (1 << 3) | 1;
- int bn3 = POWER_CHECK(w, 1 << 3) - 1;
- int bn2 = POWER_CHECK(w, 1 << 2) - 1;
- int bn0 = POWER_CHECK(w, 1 << 0) - 1;
- bit_list(w, bits+1);
- }
- */
- int main(void)
- {
- time_t start_time = time(0);
- time_t finish_time;
- OptimGAPTest();
- CalcBeginMask();
- CalcEndMask();
- // cout << sizeof(__int64) << endl;
- // ::srand((unsigned)::time(NULL));
- MiniSetTest();
- SyntaxTest();
- SetTest();
- BitCountChangeTest();
- EnumeratorTest();
- BasicFunctionalityTest();
- ClearAllTest();
- GAPCheck();
- MaxSTest();
- GetNextTest();
- SimpleRandomFillTest();
- RangeRandomFillTest();
- AndOperationsTest();
- OrOperationsTest();
- XorOperationsTest();
- SubOperationsTest();
- WordCmpTest();
- ComparisonTest();
- MutationTest();
- MutationOperationsTest();
- SerializationTest();
- DesrializationTest2();
- BlockLevelTest();
- StressTest(800);
- finish_time = time(0);
- cout << "Test execution time = " << finish_time - start_time << endl;
- #ifdef MEM_DEBUG
- cout << "Number of BLOCK allocations = " << dbg_block_allocator::na_ << endl;
- cout << "Number of PTR allocations = " << dbg_ptr_allocator::na_ << endl << endl;
- assert(dbg_block_allocator::balance() == 0);
- assert(dbg_ptr_allocator::balance() == 0);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }