- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: sequtil_manip.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.1 2004/06/01 19:42:20 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: sequtil_manip.cpp,v 1000.1 2004/06/01 19:42:20 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Mati Shomrat
- *
- * File Description:
- *
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
- #include <corelib/ncbistr.hpp>
- #include <vector>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <util/sequtil/sequtil.hpp>
- #include <util/sequtil/sequtil_expt.hpp>
- #include <util/sequtil/sequtil_manip.hpp>
- #include <util/sequtil/sequtil_convert.hpp>
- #include "sequtil_shared.hpp"
- #include "sequtil_tables.hpp"
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Reverse
- // When reversing a sequence the packed formats ncbi2na and ncbi4na
- // get "special" treatment, since the requesetd interval might not
- // fall on a byte boundry.
- // Other formats perform a simple conversion on the sequence. Note that
- // if the original sequnece is erroneous (e.g. lower case) the reverse
- // isn't "fixed".
- static SIZE_TYPE s_2naReverse
- (const char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- const char* begin = src + (pos / 4);
- const char* end = src + ((pos + length - 1) / 4) + 1;
- const char* iter = end;
- size_t offset = (pos + length - 1) % 4;
- const Uint1* table = C2naReverse::GetTable(offset);
- if ( offset == 3 ) { // byte boundry when viewed from the end
- for ( ; iter != begin; ++dst ) {
- *dst = table[static_cast<Uint1>(*--iter)];
- }
- --dst;
- } else {
- --iter;
- for ( size_t count = length / 4; count; --count, ++dst ) {
- *dst =
- table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2 + 1] |
- table[static_cast<Uint1>(*(iter - 1)) * 2];
- --iter;
- }
- // handle the overhang
- if ( length % 4 != 0 ) {
- *dst = table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2 + 1];
- if ( iter != begin ) {
- --iter;
- *dst |= table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2];
- }
- }
- }
- // now, take care of the last byte
- *dst &= (0xFF << ((4 - (length % 4)) % 4) * 2);
- return length;
- }
- static SIZE_TYPE s_4naReverse
- (const char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- size_t start_offset = (pos + length - 1) % 2;
- const Uint1* table = C4naReverse::GetTable();
- const char* begin = src + (pos / 2);
- const char* end = src + ((pos + length - 1) / 2) + 1;
- const char* iter = end;
- switch ( start_offset ) {
- case 1:
- // byte boundry
- {{
- for ( ; iter != begin; ++dst ) {
- *dst = table[static_cast<Uint1>(*--iter)];
- }
- --dst;
- if ( length % 2 != 0 ) {
- *dst &= 0xF0;
- }
- }}
- break;
- case 0:
- {{
- for ( size_t count = length / 2; count; --count, ++dst ) {
- --iter;
- *dst = (static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) & 0xF0) |
- (static_cast<Uint1>(*(iter - 1)) & 0x0F);
- }
- if ( length % 2 != 0 ) {
- --iter;
- *dst = static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) & 0xF0;
- }
- }}
- break;
- }
- return length;
- }
- template <typename SrcCont, typename DstCont>
- SIZE_TYPE s_Reverse
- (const SrcCont& src,
- CSeqUtil::TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- DstCont& dst)
- {
- _ASSERT(!OutOfRange(pos, src, src_coding));
- if ( src.empty() || (length == 0) ) {
- return 0;
- }
- AdjustLength(src, src_coding, pos, length);
- ResizeDst(dst, src_coding, length);
- return CSeqManip::Reverse(&*src.begin(), src_coding,
- pos, length, &*dst.begin());
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::Reverse
- (const string& src,
- TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- string& dst)
- {
- // call the templated version
- return s_Reverse(src, src_coding, pos, length, dst);
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::Reverse
- (const vector<char>& src,
- TCoding coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- vector<char>& dst)
- {
- // call the templated version
- return s_Reverse(src, coding,pos, length, dst);
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::Reverse
- (const char* src,
- TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- _ASSERT((dst != 0) && (src != 0));
- switch ( src_coding ) {
- // "special" treatment
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na:
- return s_2naReverse(src, pos, length, dst);
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi4na:
- return s_4naReverse(src, pos, length, dst);
- // a simple reverse
- default:
- reverse_copy(src + pos, src + pos + length, dst);
- return length;
- }
- NCBI_THROW(CSeqUtilException, eInvalidCoding, "Unknown coding");
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Complement
- template <typename SrcCont, typename DstCont>
- SIZE_TYPE s_Complement
- (const SrcCont& src,
- CSeqUtil::TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- DstCont& dst)
- {
- _ASSERT(!OutOfRange(pos, src, src_coding));
- if ( src.empty() || (length == 0) ) {
- return 0;
- }
- AdjustLength(src, src_coding, pos, length);
- ResizeDst(dst, src_coding, length);
- return CSeqManip::Complement(&*src.begin(), src_coding,
- pos, length, &*dst.begin());
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::Complement
- (const string& src,
- TCoding coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- string& dst)
- {
- // call the templated version
- return s_Complement(src, coding,pos, length, dst);
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::Complement
- (const vector<char>& src,
- TCoding coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- vector<char>& dst)
- {
- // call the templated version
- return s_Complement(src, coding,pos, length, dst);
- }
- static SIZE_TYPE s_Ncbi2naComplement
- (const char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- const char* iter = src + (pos / 4);
- const char* end = src + ((pos + length - 1) / 4) + 1;
- if ( pos % 4 == 0 ) {
- for ( ; iter != end; ++iter, ++dst ) {
- *dst = ~(*iter);
- }
- if ( length % 4 != 0 ) {
- *(--dst) &= (0xFF << (8 - (length % 4) * 2));
- }
- } else {
- const Uint1* table = C2naCmp::GetTable(pos % 4);
- for ( size_t count = length / 4; count; --count, ++dst, ++iter ) {
- *dst=
- table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2] |
- table[static_cast<Uint1>(*(iter + 1)) * 2 + 1];
- }
- // handle the overhang
- if ( length % 4 != 0 ) {
- *dst = table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2];
- if ( ++iter != end ) {
- *dst |= table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2 + 1];
- }
- }
- }
- // now, take care of the last byte
- *dst &= (0xFF << ((4 - (length % 4)) % 4) * 2);
- return length;
- }
- static SIZE_TYPE s_Ncbi2naExpandComplement
- (const char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- const char* end = src + pos + length;
- const char* iter = src + pos;
- for ( ; iter != end; ++iter, ++dst ) {
- *dst = 3 - static_cast<Uint1>(*iter);
- }
- return length;
- }
- static SIZE_TYPE s_Ncbi4naComplement
- (const char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- const char* iter = src + (pos / 2);
- const char* end = src + (pos + length - 1) / 2 + 1;
- const Uint1* table = C4naCmp::GetTable(pos % 2);
- switch ( pos % 2 ) {
- case 0:
- {{
- for ( ; iter != end; ++iter, ++dst ) {
- *dst = table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter)];
- }
- if ( length % 2 != 0 ) {
- *dst &= 0xF0;
- }
- }}
- break;
- case 1:
- {{
- for ( size_t count = length / 2; count; --count, ++iter, ++dst ) {
- *dst =
- table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2] |
- table[static_cast<Uint1>(*(iter + 1)) * 2 + 1];
- }
- if ( length % 2 != 0 ) {
- *dst = table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2];
- }
- }}
- break;
- }
- return length;
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::Complement
- (const char* src,
- TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- _ASSERT((dst != 0) && (src != 0));
- switch ( src_coding ) {
- case CSeqUtil::e_Iupacna:
- return convert_1_to_1(src, pos, length, dst, CIupacnaCmp::GetTable());
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na:
- return s_Ncbi2naComplement(src, pos, length, dst);
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na_expand:
- return s_Ncbi2naExpandComplement(src, pos, length, dst);
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi4na:
- return s_Ncbi4naComplement(src, pos, length, dst);
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi8na:
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi4na_expand:
- return convert_1_to_1(src, pos, length, dst, C8naCmp::GetTable());
- }
- NCBI_THROW(CSeqUtilException, eInvalidCoding,
- "There is no complement for the specified coding.");
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // ReverseComplement
- template <typename SrcCont, typename DstCont>
- SIZE_TYPE s_ReverseComplement
- (const SrcCont& src,
- CSeqUtil::TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- DstCont& dst)
- {
- _ASSERT(!OutOfRange(pos, src, src_coding));
- if ( src.empty() || (length == 0) ) {
- return 0;
- }
- AdjustLength(src, src_coding, pos, length);
- ResizeDst(dst, src_coding, length);
- return CSeqManip::ReverseComplement(&*src.begin(), src_coding,
- pos, length, &*dst.begin());
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::ReverseComplement
- (const string& src,
- TCoding coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- string& dst)
- {
- // call the templated version
- return s_ReverseComplement(src, coding,pos, length, dst);
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::ReverseComplement
- (const vector<char>& src,
- TCoding coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- vector<char>& dst)
- {
- // call the templated version
- return s_ReverseComplement(src, coding,pos, length, dst);
- }
- static SIZE_TYPE s_Ncbi2naRevCmp
- (const char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- size_t offset = (pos + length - 1) % 4;
- const Uint1* table = C2naRevCmp::GetTable(offset);
- const char* begin = src + (pos / 4);
- const char* iter = src + (pos + length - 1) / 4 + 1;
- switch ( offset ) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- --iter;
- for ( size_t count = length / 4; count; --count, ++dst, --iter ) {
- *dst =
- table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2] |
- table[static_cast<Uint1>(*(iter - 1)) * 2 + 1];
- }
- // handle the overhang
- if ( length % 4 != 0 ) {
- *dst = table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2];
- if ( iter != begin ) {
- --iter;
- *dst |= table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2 + 1];
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- // aligned operation
- for ( ; iter != begin; ++dst ) {
- *dst = table[static_cast<Uint1>(*--iter)];
- }
- break;
- }
- // zero redundent bits
- *dst &= (0xFF << ((4 - (length % 4)) % 4) * 2);
- return length;
- }
- static SIZE_TYPE s_Ncbi2naExpandRevCmp
- (const char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- const char* begin = src + pos;
- const char* iter = src + pos + length;
- for ( ; iter != begin; ++dst ) {
- *dst = 3 - static_cast<Uint1>(*--iter);
- }
- return length;
- }
- static SIZE_TYPE s_Ncbi4naRevCmp
- (const char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- const char* begin = src + (pos / 2);
- const char* iter = src + ((pos + length - 1) / 2) + 1;
- size_t offset = (pos + length - 1) % 2;
- const Uint1* table = C4naRevCmp::GetTable(offset);
- switch ( offset ) {
- case 0:
- {{
- --iter;
- for ( size_t count = length / 2; count; --count, --iter, ++dst ) {
- *dst =
- table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2] |
- table[static_cast<Uint1>(*(iter - 1)) * 2 + 1];
- }
- if ( length % 2 != 0 ) {
- *dst = table[static_cast<Uint1>(*iter) * 2];
- }
- }}
- break;
- case 1:
- {{
- for ( ; iter != begin; ++dst ) {
- *dst = table[static_cast<Uint1>(*--iter)];
- }
- if ( length % 2 != 0 ) {
- *dst &= 0xF0;
- }
- }}
- break;
- }
- return length;
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::ReverseComplement
- (const char* src,
- TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length,
- char* dst)
- {
- _ASSERT((dst != 0) && (src != 0));
- switch ( src_coding ) {
- case CSeqUtil::e_Iupacna:
- return copy_1_to_1_reverse(src, pos, length, dst,
- CIupacnaCmp::GetTable());
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na:
- return s_Ncbi2naRevCmp(src, pos, length, dst);
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na_expand:
- return s_Ncbi2naExpandRevCmp(src, pos, length, dst);
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi4na:
- return s_Ncbi4naRevCmp(src, pos, length, dst);
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi8na:
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi4na_expand:
- return copy_1_to_1_reverse(src, pos, length, dst,
- C8naCmp::GetTable());
- }
- NCBI_THROW(CSeqUtilException, eInvalidCoding,
- "There is no complement for the specified coding.");
- }
- // in place
- template <typename SrcCont>
- SIZE_TYPE s_ReverseComplement
- (SrcCont& src,
- CSeqUtil::TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length)
- {
- _ASSERT(!OutOfRange(pos, src, src_coding));
- if ( src.empty() || (length == 0) ) {
- return 0;
- }
- AdjustLength(src, src_coding, pos, length);
- return CSeqManip::ReverseComplement(&*src.begin(), src_coding,
- pos, length);
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::ReverseComplement
- (string& src,
- TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length)
- {
- // call the templated version
- return s_ReverseComplement(src, src_coding, pos, length);
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::ReverseComplement
- (vector<char>& src,
- TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length)
- {
- // call the templated version
- return s_ReverseComplement(src, src_coding, pos, length);
- }
- static SIZE_TYPE s_Ncbi2naExpandRevCmp
- (char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length)
- {
- char* first = src + pos;
- char* last = first + length;
- char temp;
- for ( ; first <= last; ++first, --last ) {
- temp = 3 - *first;
- *first = 3 - *last;
- *last = temp;
- }
- if ( pos != 0 ) {
- copy(src + pos, src + pos + length, src);
- }
- return length;
- }
- static SIZE_TYPE s_Ncbi2naRevCmp
- (char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length)
- {
- char* buf = new char(length);
- CSeqConvert::Convert(src, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na, pos, length,
- buf, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na_expand);
- s_Ncbi2naExpandRevCmp(buf, 0, length);
- CSeqConvert::Convert(buf, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na_expand, 0, length,
- src, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na);
- delete[] buf;
- return length;
- }
- static SIZE_TYPE s_Ncbi4naRevCmp
- (char* src,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length)
- {
- char* buf = new char(length);
- CSeqConvert::Convert(src, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi4na, pos, length,
- buf, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi8na);
- revcmp(buf, pos, length, C8naCmp::GetTable());
- CSeqConvert::Convert(buf, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi8na, 0, length,
- src, CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi4na);
- delete[] buf;
- return length;
- }
- SIZE_TYPE CSeqManip::ReverseComplement
- (char* src,
- TCoding src_coding,
- TSeqPos pos,
- TSeqPos length)
- {
- _ASSERT(src != 0);
- switch ( src_coding ) {
- case CSeqUtil::e_Iupacna:
- return revcmp(src, pos, length, CIupacnaCmp::GetTable());
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na:
- return s_Ncbi2naRevCmp(src, pos, length);
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi2na_expand:
- return s_Ncbi2naExpandRevCmp(src, pos, length);
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi4na:
- return s_Ncbi4naRevCmp(src, pos, length);
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi8na:
- case CSeqUtil::e_Ncbi4na_expand:
- return revcmp(src, pos, length, C8naCmp::GetTable());
- }
- NCBI_THROW(CSeqUtilException, eInvalidCoding,
- "There is no complement for the specified coding.");
- }
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * $Log: sequtil_manip.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.1 2004/06/01 19:42:20 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2004/05/17 21:08:53 gorelenk
- * Added include of PCH ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2003/10/14 14:51:14 ucko
- * Fix for GCC 2.95, whose operator[] const returns a copy rather than a
- * const reference, by substituting *x.begin().
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2003/10/08 13:35:24 shomrat
- * Initial version
- *
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */