- # data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
- version 1.0105
- do_not_include_H_from_C
- header_name {testchild_.hpp}
- code_name {testchild_.cpp}
- decl {/* $Id: testchild.fl,v 1000.1 2004/06/01 21:14:24 gouriano Exp $ */} {public
- }
- decl {/* $Id: testchild.fl,v 1000.1 2004/06/01 21:14:24 gouriano Exp $ */} {}
- decl {#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>} {selected
- }
- class CTestChild {} {
- Function {CTestChild()} {open
- } {
- Fl_Window m_Child {open
- xywh {567 375 400 330} type Double hide resizable
- code0 {#include <gui/widgets/toplevel/child.hpp>}
- class CChild
- } {
- Fl_Menu_Bar {} {
- xywh {0 0 400 25}
- } {
- submenu {} {
- label File open
- xywh {0 0 100 20}
- } {
- menuitem {} {
- label Exit
- xywh {0 0 100 20}
- }
- }
- submenu {} {
- label Help open
- xywh {0 0 100 20}
- } {
- menuitem {} {
- label {About...}
- xywh {0 0 100 20}
- }
- }
- }
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {0 25 400 305} resizable
- } {
- Fl_Box {} {
- label {Test Widget inside of a child! (OpenGL panel below, disregard bad rendering)}
- xywh {0 25 400 65} align 128
- }
- Fl_Group {} {open
- xywh {10 90 380 230} resizable
- class Fl_Gl_Window
- } {}
- }
- }
- code {static int counter = 0;
- m_TitleStr = "Child #" + NStr::IntToString(++counter);
- m_Child->label(m_TitleStr.c_str());} {}
- }
- decl {~CTestChild();} {public
- }
- decl {string m_TitleStr;} {}
- }