- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: test_ncbitime.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.3 2004/06/01 19:10:23 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: test_ncbitime.cpp,v 1000.3 2004/06/01 19:10:23 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Authors: Anton Butanayev, Denis Vakatov, Vladimir Ivanov
- *
- * File Description:
- * Test for CTime - the standard Date/Time class
- *
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <corelib/ncbitime.hpp>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <test/test_assert.h> /* This header must go last */
- //============================================================================
- //
- // TestMisc
- //
- //============================================================================
- static void s_TestMisc(void)
- {
- cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
- cout << "Test Misc" << endl;
- cout << "---------------------------" << endl << endl;
- // Print current time
- {{
- CTime t(CTime::eCurrent);
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- cout << "[" << (t++).AsString() << "]" << endl;
- cout << "[" << (t++).AsString() << "]" << endl;
- cout << "[" << (t++).AsString() << "]" << endl;
- cout << "[" << (++t).AsString() << "]" << endl;
- cout << "[" << (++t).AsString() << "]" << endl;
- }}
- // Month and Day name<->num conversion
- {{
- assert(CTime::MonthNameToNum("Jan") == CTime::eJanuary);
- assert(CTime::MonthNameToNum("January") == 1);
- assert(CTime::MonthNameToNum("Dec") == CTime::eDecember);
- assert(CTime::MonthNameToNum("December") == 12);
- assert(CTime::MonthNumToName(CTime::eJanuary) == "January");
- assert(CTime::MonthNumToName(1, CTime::eAbbr) == "Jan");
- assert(CTime::MonthNumToName(CTime::eDecember,
- CTime::eFull) == "December");
- assert(CTime::MonthNumToName(12,CTime::eAbbr) == "Dec");
- assert(CTime::DayOfWeekNameToNum("Sun") == CTime::eSunday);
- assert(CTime::DayOfWeekNameToNum("Sunday") == 0);
- assert(CTime::DayOfWeekNameToNum("Sat") == CTime::eSaturday);
- assert(CTime::DayOfWeekNameToNum("Saturday") == 6);
- assert(CTime::DayOfWeekNumToName(CTime::eSunday) == "Sunday");
- assert(CTime::DayOfWeekNumToName(0,CTime::eAbbr) == "Sun");
- assert(CTime::DayOfWeekNumToName(CTime::eSaturday,
- CTime::eFull) == "Saturday");
- assert(CTime::DayOfWeekNumToName(6,CTime::eAbbr) == "Sat");
- cout << "Throw exception below:" << endl;
- try {
- CTime::MonthNameToNum("Month");
- } catch (CTimeException& e) {
- }
- }}
- // String <-> CTime conversion
- {{
- {{
- CTime t;
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "");
- }}
- {{
- CTime t(2000, 365 / 2);
- CTime::SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s");
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "06/30/2000 00:00:00");
- }}
- cout << endl;
- {{
- CTime::SetFormat("M/D/Y");
- cout << "Year 2000 problem:" << endl << endl;
- CTime t(1999, 12, 30);
- t++; cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "12/31/1999");
- t++; cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "01/01/2000");
- t++; cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "01/02/2000");
- t="02/27/2000";
- t++; cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "02/28/2000");
- t++; cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "02/29/2000");
- t++; cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "03/01/2000");
- t++; cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "03/02/2000");
- }}
- cout << endl;
- {{
- CTime::SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s");
- cout << "String assignment:" << endl;
- try {
- CTime t("02/15/2000 01:12:33");
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "02/15/2000 01:12:33");
- t = "3/16/2001 02:13:34";
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "03/16/2001 02:13:34");
- } catch (CException& e) {
- }
- }}
- cout << endl;
- }}
- // Addition
- {{
- CTime::SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s.S");
- {{
- cout << "Adding Nanoseconds:" << endl;
- CTime t;
- for (CTime tmp(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999995);
- tmp <= CTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 000000003);
- t = tmp, tmp.AddNanoSecond(2)) {
- cout << "[" << tmp.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- }
- assert(t.AsString() == "01/01/2000 00:00:00.000000003");
- }}
- cout << endl;
- {{
- cout << "Current time with NS (10 cicles)" << endl;
- CTime t;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- t.SetCurrent();
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- }
- }}
- cout << endl;
- CTime::SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s");
- {{
- cout << "Adding seconds:" << endl;
- CTime t;
- for (CTime tmp(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 5);
- tmp <= CTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 1, 20);
- t = tmp, tmp.AddSecond(11)) {
- cout << "[" << tmp.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- }
- assert(t.AsString() == "01/01/2000 00:01:17");
- }}
- cout << endl;
- {{
- cout << "Adding minutes:" << endl;
- for (CTime t(1999, 12, 31, 23, 45);
- t <= CTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 15);
- t.AddMinute(11)) {
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- }
- }}
- cout << endl;
- {{
- cout << "Adding hours:" << endl;
- for (CTime t(1999, 12, 31);
- t <= CTime(2000, 1, 1, 15);
- t.AddHour(11)) {
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- }
- }}
- cout << endl;
- {{
- cout << "Adding months:" << endl;
- for (CTime t(1998, 12, 29);
- t <= CTime(1999, 4, 1);
- t.AddMonth()) {
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- }
- }}
- cout << endl;
- }}
- // Difference
- {{
- CTime t7(2000, 10, 1, 12, 3, 45,1);
- CTime t8(2000, 10, 2, 14, 55, 1,2);
- cout << "[" << t7.AsString() << " - " << t8.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- printf("DiffDay = %.2fn", t8.DiffDay (t7));
- assert((t8.DiffDay(t7)-1.12) < 0.01);
- printf("DiffHour = %.2fn", t8.DiffHour (t7));
- assert((t8.DiffHour(t7)-26.85) < 0.01);
- printf("DiffMinute = %.2fn", t8.DiffMinute(t7));
- assert((t8.DiffMinute(t7)-1611.27) < 0.01);
- printf("DiffSecond = %dn", t8.DiffSecond(t7));
- assert(t8.DiffSecond(t7) == 96676);
- printf("DiffNanoSecond = %.0fn", t8.DiffNanoSecond(t7));
- }}
- // Datebase formats conversion
- {{
- CTime t1(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10000000);
- CTime::SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s.S");
- cout << endl << "DB time formats [" << t1.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- TDBTimeU dbu = t1.GetTimeDBU();
- TDBTimeI dbi = t1.GetTimeDBI();
- cout << "DBU days = " << dbu.days << endl;
- cout << "DBU time (min) = " << dbu.time << endl;
- cout << "DBI days = " << dbi.days << endl;
- cout << "DBI time (1/300 sec) = " << dbi.time << endl;
- cout << endl;
- CTime t2;
- t2.SetTimeDBU(dbu);
- cout << "Time from DBU = " << t2.AsString() << endl;
- t2.SetTimeDBI(dbi);
- cout << "Time from DBI = " << t2.AsString() << endl;
- CTime::SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s");
- dbi.days = 37093;
- dbi.time = 12301381;
- t2.SetTimeDBI(dbi);
- cout << "Time from DBI = " << t2.AsString() << endl;
- assert(t2.AsString() == "07/23/2001 11:23:24");
- }}
- // Set* functions
- {{
- CTime::SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s");
- CTime t(2000, 1, 31);
- t.SetMonth(2);
- assert(t.AsString() == "02/29/2000 00:00:00");
- t.SetYear(2001);
- assert(t.AsString() == "02/28/2001 00:00:00");
- t.SetMonth(4);
- assert(t.AsString() == "04/28/2001 00:00:00");
- t.SetDay(31);
- assert(t.AsString() == "04/30/2001 00:00:00");
- t.SetHour(6);
- assert(t.AsString() == "04/30/2001 06:00:00");
- t.SetMinute(37);
- assert(t.AsString() == "04/30/2001 06:37:00");
- t.SetSecond(59);
- assert(t.AsString() == "04/30/2001 06:37:59");
- }}
- // Day of week
- {{
- CTime t(1900, 1, 1);
- int i;
- for (i = 1; t <= CTime(2030, 12, 31); t++,i++) {
- assert(t.DayOfWeek() == (i%7));
- }
- }}
- // Number of days in the month
- {{
- CTime t(2000, 1, 31);
- assert(t.DaysInMonth() == 31);
- t.SetMonth(2);
- assert(t.DaysInMonth() == 29);
- t.SetYear(2001);
- assert(t.DaysInMonth() == 28);
- t.SetMonth(4);
- assert(t.DaysInMonth() == 30);
- }}
- // Week number in the year/month
- {{
- CTime t(1970, 1, 1);
- int i;
- char buf[3];
- time_t gt = t.GetTimeT();
- for (i = 1; t <= CTime(2030, 12, 31); i++, t++, gt += 24*3600) {
- struct tm *today = gmtime(>);
- assert(today != 0);
- int week_num_rtl, week_num, month_week_num;
- // Sunday-based weeks
- strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%U", today);
- week_num_rtl = NStr::StringToInt(buf) + 1;
- week_num = t.YearWeekNumber(/*CTime::eSunday*/);
- assert(week_num_rtl == week_num);
- month_week_num = t.MonthWeekNumber(/*CTime::eSunday*/);
- assert(month_week_num >= 1 && month_week_num <= 6);
- // Monday-based weeks
- strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%W", today);
- week_num_rtl = NStr::StringToInt(buf) + 1;
- week_num = t.YearWeekNumber(CTime::eMonday);
- assert(week_num_rtl == week_num);
- month_week_num = t.MonthWeekNumber(CTime::eMonday);
- assert(month_week_num >= 1 && month_week_num <= 6);
- }
- }}
- cout << endl;
- }
- //============================================================================
- //
- // TestFormats
- //
- //============================================================================
- static void s_TestFormats(void)
- {
- static const char* s_Fmt[] = {
- "w, D b Y h:m:s Z",
- "M/D/Y h:m:s",
- "M/D/Y h:m:s.S",
- "M/D/y h:m:s",
- "M/DY h:m:s",
- "M/Dy h:m:s",
- "M/D/Y hm:s",
- "M/D/Y h:ms",
- "M/D/Y hms",
- "MD/y h:m:s",
- "MD/Y h:m:s",
- "MYD m:h:s",
- "M/D/Y smh",
- "YMD h:sm",
- "yDM h:ms",
- "yMD h:ms",
- "D B Y h:m:s",
- "D b Y h:m:s",
- "M/D/Y h:m:s z",
- "M/D/Y Z h:m:s",
- "smhyMD",
- "y||||M++++D h===ms",
- " yM[][D h:,.,.,ms ",
- "tkkkMy++D h:msn",
- 0
- };
- cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
- cout << "Test Formats" << endl;
- cout << "---------------------------" << endl << endl;
- for (const char** fmt = s_Fmt; *fmt; fmt++) {
- CTime t1(2001, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0,
- strchr(*fmt, 'Z') ? CTime::eGmt : CTime::eLocal);
- CTime::SetFormat(*fmt);
- string t1_str = t1.AsString();
- cout << "[" << t1_str << "]";
- CTime::SetFormat("MDY__s");
- CTime t2(t1_str, *fmt);
- cout << " --> [" << t1_str << "]" << endl;
- assert(t1 == t2);
- CTime::SetFormat(*fmt);
- string t2_str = t2;
- assert(t1_str.compare(t2_str) == 0);
- }
- // Check against well-known dates
- const char fmtstr[] = "M/D/Y h:m:s Z W";
- {{
- CTime t(2003, 2, 10, 20, 40, 30, 0, CTime::eGmt);
- t.SetFormat(fmtstr);
- string s = t.AsString();
- assert(s.compare("02/10/2003 20:40:30 GMT Monday") == 0);
- }}
- {{
- CTime t(1998, 2, 10, 20, 40, 30, 0, CTime::eGmt);
- t.SetFormat(fmtstr);
- string s = t.AsString();
- assert(s.compare("02/10/1998 20:40:30 GMT Tuesday") == 0);
- }}
- {{
- CTime t(2003, 3, 13, 15, 49, 30, 0, CTime::eGmt);
- t.SetFormat(fmtstr);
- string s = t.AsString();
- assert(s.compare("03/13/2003 15:49:30 GMT Thursday") == 0);
- }}
- {{
- CTime t(2001, 3, 13, 15, 49, 30, 0, CTime::eGmt);
- t.SetFormat(fmtstr);
- string s = t.AsString();
- assert(s.compare("03/13/2001 15:49:30 GMT Tuesday") == 0);
- }}
- {{
- CTime t(2002, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 0, CTime::eGmt);
- t.SetFormat(fmtstr);
- string s = t.AsString();
- assert(s.compare("12/31/2002 23:59:59 GMT Tuesday") == 0);
- }}
- {{
- CTime t(2003, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, CTime::eGmt);
- t.SetFormat(fmtstr);
- string s = t.AsString();
- assert(s.compare("01/01/2003 00:00:00 GMT Wednesday") == 0);
- }}
- {{
- CTime t(2002, 12, 13, 12, 34, 56, 0, CTime::eGmt);
- t.SetFormat(fmtstr);
- string s = t.AsString();
- assert(s.compare("12/13/2002 12:34:56 GMT Friday") == 0);
- }}
- }
- //============================================================================
- //
- // TestGMT
- //
- //============================================================================
- static void s_TestGMT(void)
- {
- cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
- cout << "Test GMT and Local time" << endl;
- cout << "---------------------------" << endl << endl;
- {{
- cout << "Write time in timezone format" << endl;
- CTime::SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s Z");
- CTime t1(2001, 3, 12, 11, 22, 33, 999, CTime::eGmt);
- cout << "[" << t1.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(t1.AsString() == "03/12/2001 11:22:33 GMT");
- CTime t2(2001, 3, 12, 11, 22, 33, 999, CTime::eLocal);
- cout << "[" << t2.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(t2.AsString() == "03/12/2001 11:22:33 ");
- CTime t3(CTime::eCurrent, CTime::eLocal);
- cout << "Local time [" << t3.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- CTime t4(CTime::eCurrent, CTime::eGmt);
- cout << "GMT time [" << t4.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- cout << endl;
- }}
- {{
- cout << "Process timezone string" << endl;
- CTime t;
- t.SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s Z");
- t="03/12/2001 11:22:33 GMT";
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "03/12/2001 11:22:33 GMT");
- t="03/12/2001 11:22:33 ";
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(t.AsString() == "03/12/2001 11:22:33 ");
- cout << endl;
- }}
- {{
- cout << "Day of week" << endl;
- CTime t(2001, 4, 1);
- t.SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s w");
- int i;
- for (i = 0; t <= CTime(2001, 4, 10); t++,i++) {
- cout << t.AsString() << " is " << t.DayOfWeek() << endl;
- assert(t.DayOfWeek() == (i%7));
- }
- cout << endl;
- }}
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {{
- cout << "Test GetTimeT" << endl;
- time_t timer=time(0);
- CTime tg(CTime::eCurrent, CTime::eGmt, CTime::eTZPrecisionDefault);
- CTime tl(CTime::eCurrent, CTime::eLocal, CTime::eTZPrecisionDefault);
- CTime t(timer);
- cout << "[" << t.AsString() << "] " << endl;
- cout << tg.GetTimeT()/3600 << " - " << tl.GetTimeT()/3600 << " - ";
- cout << t.GetTimeT()/3600 << " - " << timer/3600 << endl;
- assert(timer == tg.GetTimeT());
- assert(timer == tl.GetTimeT());
- assert(timer == t.GetTimeT());
- cout << endl;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- CTime tt(2001, 4, 1, i>0 ? 2 : 1, i>0 ? (i-1) : 59,
- 0, 0, CTime::eLocal, CTime::eHour);
- cout << tt.AsString() << " - " << tt.GetTimeT() / 3600 << endl;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- CTime tt(2001, 10, 28, i > 0 ? 1 : 0, i > 0 ? (i-1) : 59,
- 0, 0, CTime::eLocal, CTime::eHour);
- cout << tt.AsString() << " - " << tt.GetTimeT() / 3600 << endl;
- }
- cout << endl;
- }}
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {{
- cout << "Test TimeZoneDiff (1)" << endl;
- CTime tw(2001, 1, 1, 12);
- CTime ts(2001, 6, 1, 12);
- cout << "[" << tw.AsString() << "] diff from GMT = " <<
- tw.TimeZoneDiff() / 3600 << endl;
- assert(tw.TimeZoneDiff() / 3600 == -5);
- cout << "[" << ts.AsString() << "] diff from GMT = " <<
- ts.TimeZoneDiff() / 3600 << endl;
- assert(ts.TimeZoneDiff()/3600 == -4);
- for (; tw < ts; tw++) {
- if ((tw.TimeZoneDiff() / 3600) == -4) {
- cout << "First daylight saving day = [" <<
- tw.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- cout << endl;
- }}
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {{
- cout << "Test TimeZoneDiff (2)" << endl;
- CTime tw(2001, 6, 1, 12);
- CTime ts(2002, 1, 1, 12);
- cout << "[" << tw.AsString() << "] diff from GMT = " <<
- tw.TimeZoneDiff() / 3600 << endl;
- assert(tw.TimeZoneDiff() / 3600 == -4);
- cout << "[" << ts.AsString() << "] diff from GMT = " <<
- ts.TimeZoneDiff() / 3600 << endl;
- assert(ts.TimeZoneDiff() / 3600 == -5);
- for (; tw < ts; tw++) {
- if ((tw.TimeZoneDiff() / 3600) == -5) {
- cout << "First non daylight saving day = [" <<
- tw.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- cout << endl;
- }}
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {{
- cout << "Test AdjustTime" << endl;
- CTime::SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s");
- CTime t("04/01/2001 01:01:00");
- CTime tn;
- t.SetTimeZonePrecision(CTime::eTZPrecisionDefault);
- cout << "init [" << t.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- t.SetTimeZoneFormat(CTime::eGmt);
- cout << "GMT" << endl;
- tn = t + 5;
- cout << "+5d [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "04/06/2001 01:01:00");
- tn = t + 40;
- cout << "+40d [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "05/11/2001 01:01:00");
- t.SetTimeZoneFormat(CTime::eLocal);
- cout << "Local eNone" << endl;
- t.SetTimeZonePrecision(CTime::eNone);
- tn=t+5; cout << "+5d [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "04/06/2001 01:01:00");
- tn=t+40; cout << "+40d [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "05/11/2001 01:01:00");
- t.SetTimeZonePrecision(CTime::eMonth);
- cout << "Local eMonth" << endl;
- tn = t + 5;
- cout << "+5d [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- tn = t;
- tn.AddMonth(-1);
- cout << "-1m [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "03/01/2001 01:01:00");
- tn = t;
- tn.AddMonth(+1);
- cout << "+1m [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "05/01/2001 02:01:00");
- t.SetTimeZonePrecision(CTime::eDay);
- cout << "Local eDay" << endl;
- tn = t - 1;
- cout << "-1d [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "03/31/2001 01:01:00");
- tn++;
- cout << "+0d [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "04/01/2001 01:01:00");
- tn = t + 1;
- cout << "+1d [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "04/02/2001 02:01:00");
- cout << "Local eHour" << endl;
- t.SetTimeZonePrecision(CTime::eHour);
- tn = t;
- tn.AddHour(-3);
- CTime te = t;
- te.AddHour(3);
- cout << "-3h [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "03/31/2001 22:01:00");
- cout << "+3h [" << te.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(te.AsString() == "04/01/2001 05:01:00");
- CTime th = tn;
- th.AddHour(49);
- cout << "+49h [" << th.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(th.AsString() == "04/03/2001 00:01:00");
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++, tn.AddHour()) {
- cout << (((tn.TimeZoneDiff()/3600) == -4) ? " ":"*")
- << " [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- }
- cout << endl;
- tn.AddHour(-1);
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++, tn.AddHour(-1)) {
- cout << (((tn.TimeZoneDiff()/3600) == -4) ? " ":"*")
- << " [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- }
- cout << endl;
- tn = "10/28/2001 00:01:00";
- cout << "init [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- tn.SetTimeZonePrecision(CTime::eHour);
- te = tn;
- tn.AddHour(-3);
- te.AddHour(9);
- cout << "-3h [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "10/27/2001 21:01:00");
- cout << "+9h [" << te.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(te.AsString() == "10/28/2001 08:01:00");
- th = tn;
- th.AddHour(49);
- cout << "+49h [" << th.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(th.AsString() == "10/29/2001 21:01:00");
- tn.AddHour(+2);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++, tn.AddHour()) {
- cout << (((tn.TimeZoneDiff()/3600) == -4) ? " ":"*")
- << " [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- }
- cout << endl;
- tn.AddHour(-1);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++, tn.AddHour(-1)) {
- cout << (((tn.TimeZoneDiff()/3600) == -4) ? " ":"*")
- << " [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- }
- cout << endl;
- tn = "10/28/2001 09:01:00";
- cout << "init [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- tn.SetTimeZonePrecision(CTime::eHour);
- te = tn;
- tn.AddHour(-10);
- te.AddHour(+10);
- cout << "-10h [" << tn.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(tn.AsString() == "10/28/2001 00:01:00");
- cout << "+10h [" << te.AsString() << "]" << endl;
- assert(te.AsString() == "10/28/2001 19:01:00");
- cout << endl;
- cout << endl;
- }}
- }
- //============================================================================
- //
- // TestGMTSpeedRun
- //
- //============================================================================
- static void s_TestGMTSpeedRun(string comment, CTime::ETimeZone tz,
- CTime::ETimeZonePrecision tzp)
- {
- CTime t(CTime::eCurrent, tz, tzp);
- CStopWatch timer;
- double duration;
- #if defined NCBI_OS_MSWIN
- const long kCount=100000L;
- #elif defined NCBI_OS_UNIX
- const long kCount=10000L;
- #else // NCBI_OS_MAC
- const long kCount=100000L;
- #endif
- t.SetFormat("M/D/Y h:m:s");
- t = "03/31/2001 00:00:00";
- cout << "Minute add, "<< comment << endl;
- cout << "Iterations = " << kCount << endl;
- timer.Start();
- for (long i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
- t.AddMinute();
- }
- duration = timer.Elapsed();
- cout << "Duration = " << duration << " sec." << endl;
- cout << endl;
- }
- //============================================================================
- //
- // TestGMTSpeed
- //
- //============================================================================
- static void s_TestGMTSpeed(void)
- {
- cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
- cout << "Test CTime Speed" << endl;
- cout << "---------------------------" << endl << endl;
- s_TestGMTSpeedRun("eLocal - eMinute", CTime::eLocal, CTime::eMinute);
- s_TestGMTSpeedRun("eLocal - eHour" , CTime::eLocal, CTime::eHour);
- s_TestGMTSpeedRun("eLocal - eMonth" , CTime::eLocal, CTime::eMonth);
- s_TestGMTSpeedRun("eLocal - eNone" , CTime::eLocal, CTime::eNone);
- s_TestGMTSpeedRun("eGmt - eNone" , CTime::eGmt, CTime::eNone);
- }
- //============================================================================
- //
- // MAIN
- //
- //============================================================================
- int main()
- {
- // Set err.-posting and tracing to maximum
- SetDiagTrace(eDT_Enable);
- SetDiagPostFlag(eDPF_All);
- SetDiagPostLevel(eDiag_Info);
- // Reinit global timezone variables
- tzset();
- // Run tests
- try {
- s_TestMisc();
- s_TestFormats();
- s_TestGMT();
- s_TestGMTSpeed();
- } catch (CException& e) {
- ERR_POST(Fatal << e);
- }
- // Success
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * $Log: test_ncbitime.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.3 2004/06/01 19:10:23 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 6.22 2004/05/14 13:59:51 gorelenk
- * Added include of ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- * Revision 6.21 2004/03/25 17:35:17 ivanov
- * Added tests for 'z' time format
- *
- * Revision 6.20 2003/11/25 20:03:56 ivanov
- * Fixed misspelled eTZPrecisionDefault
- *
- * Revision 6.19 2003/11/25 19:56:38 ivanov
- * Renamed eDefault to eTZPrecisionDefault.
- * Some cosmetic changes.
- *
- * Revision 6.18 2003/10/03 18:27:20 ivanov
- * Added tests for month and day of week names conversion functions
- *
- * Revision 6.17 2003/07/15 19:37:50 vakatov
- * Added test with weekday and timezone
- *
- * Revision 6.16 2003/04/16 20:29:26 ivanov
- * Using class CStopWatch instead clock()
- *
- * Revision 6.15 2003/02/10 17:46:25 lavr
- * Added more checks for well-known dates
- *
- * Revision 6.14 2002/10/17 16:56:03 ivanov
- * Added tests for 'b' and 'B' time format symbols
- *
- * Revision 6.13 2002/07/15 18:17:26 gouriano
- * renamed CNcbiException and its descendents
- *
- * Revision 6.12 2002/07/11 14:18:29 gouriano
- * exceptions replaced by CNcbiException-type ones
- *
- * Revision 6.11 2002/04/16 18:49:09 ivanov
- * Centralize threatment of assert() in tests.
- * Added #include <test/test_assert.h>. CVS log moved to end of file.
- *
- * Revision 6.10 2001/09/27 18:02:45 ivanov
- * Fixed division at zero in test of speed CTime class on fast computers.
- *
- * Revision 6.9 2001/07/23 15:51:46 ivanov
- * Changed test for work with DB-time formats
- *
- * Revision 6.8 2001/07/06 15:08:36 ivanov
- * Added tests for DataBase-time's
- *
- * Revision 6.7 2001/05/29 16:14:02 ivanov
- * Return to nanosecond-revision. Corrected mistake of the work with local
- * time on Linux. Polish and improvement source code.
- * Renamed AsTimeT() -> GetTimerT().
- *
- * Revision 6.6 2001/04/30 22:01:31 lavr
- * Rollback to pre-nanosecond-revision due to necessity to use
- * configure to figure out names of global variables governing time zones
- *
- * Revision 6.5 2001/04/29 03:06:10 lavr
- * #include <time.h>" moved from .cpp to ncbitime.hpp
- *
- * Revision 6.4 2001/04/27 20:39:47 ivanov
- * Tests for check Local/UTC time and Nanoseconds added.
- * Also speed test added.
- *
- * Revision 6.3 2000/11/21 18:15:05 butanaev
- * Fixed bug in operator ++/-- (int)
- *
- * Revision 6.2 2000/11/21 15:22:57 vakatov
- * Do not enforce "_DEBUG" -- it messes up the MSVC++ compilation
- *
- * Revision 6.1 2000/11/20 22:17:49 vakatov
- * Added NCBI date/time class CTime ("ncbitime.[ch]pp") and
- * its test suite ("test/test_ncbitime.cpp")
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */