- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: validator.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.3 2004/06/01 19:47:36 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: validator.cpp,v 1000.3 2004/06/01 19:47:36 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Jonathan Kans, Clifford Clausen, Aaron Ucko.......
- *
- * File Description:
- * Validates CSeq_entries and CSeq_submits
- *
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
- #include <serial/serialbase.hpp>
- #include <objmgr/object_manager.hpp>
- #include <objtools/validator/validator.hpp>
- #include "validatorp.hpp"
- BEGIN_SCOPE(objects)
- BEGIN_SCOPE(validator)
- // *********************** CValidator implementation **********************
- CValidator::CValidator(CObjectManager& objmgr) :
- m_ObjMgr(&objmgr),
- m_PrgCallback(0),
- m_UserData(0)
- {
- }
- CValidator::~CValidator(void)
- {
- }
- CConstRef<CValidError> CValidator::Validate
- (const CSeq_entry& se,
- CScope* scope,
- Uint4 options)
- {
- CRef<CValidError> errors(new CValidError());
- CValidError_imp imp(*m_ObjMgr, &(*errors), options);
- imp.SetProgressCallback(m_PrgCallback, m_UserData);
- if ( !imp.Validate(se, 0, scope) ) {
- errors.Reset();
- }
- return errors;
- }
- CConstRef<CValidError> CValidator::Validate
- (const CSeq_submit& ss,
- CScope* scope,
- Uint4 options)
- {
- CRef<CValidError> errors(new CValidError());
- CValidError_imp imp(*m_ObjMgr, &(*errors), options);
- imp.Validate(ss, scope);
- return errors;
- }
- CConstRef<CValidError> CValidator::Validate
- (const CSeq_annot& sa,
- CScope* scope,
- Uint4 options)
- {
- CRef<CValidError> errors(new CValidError());
- CValidError_imp imp(*m_ObjMgr, &(*errors), options);
- imp.Validate(sa, scope);
- return errors;
- }
- void CValidator::SetProgressCallback(TProgressCallback callback, void* user_data)
- {
- m_PrgCallback = callback;
- m_UserData = user_data;
- }
- // *********************** CValidError implementation **********************
- CValidError::CValidError(void)
- {
- }
- void CValidError::AddValidErrItem(const CValidErrItem* item)
- {
- m_ErrItems.push_back(CConstRef<CValidErrItem>(item));
- m_Stats[item->GetSeverity()]++;
- }
- CValidError::~CValidError()
- {
- }
- // *********************** CValidErrItem implementation ********************
- CValidErrItem::CValidErrItem
- (EDiagSev sev,
- unsigned int ei,
- const string& msg,
- const CSerialObject& obj)
- : m_Severity (sev),
- m_ErrIndex (ei),
- m_Message (msg),
- m_Object (&obj, obj.GetThisTypeInfo())
- {
- }
- CValidErrItem::~CValidErrItem(void)
- {
- }
- EDiagSev CValidErrItem::GetSeverity(void) const
- {
- return m_Severity;
- }
- const string& CValidErrItem::GetSevAsStr(void) const
- {
- static const string str_sev[] = {
- "Info",
- "Warning",
- "Error",
- "Critical",
- "Fatal",
- "Trace"
- };
- return str_sev[GetSeverity()];
- }
- const string& CValidErrItem::GetErrCode(void) const
- {
- if (m_ErrIndex <= eErr_UNKNOWN) {
- return sm_Terse [m_ErrIndex];
- }
- return sm_Terse [eErr_UNKNOWN];
- }
- const string& CValidErrItem::GetMsg(void) const
- {
- return m_Message;
- }
- const string& CValidErrItem::GetVerbose(void) const
- {
- if (m_ErrIndex <= eErr_UNKNOWN) {
- return sm_Verbose [m_ErrIndex];
- }
- return sm_Verbose [eErr_UNKNOWN];
- }
- const CConstObjectInfo& CValidErrItem::GetObject(void) const
- {
- return m_Object;
- }
- // ************************ CValidError_CI implementation **************
- CValidError_CI::CValidError_CI(void) :
- m_Validator(0),
- m_ErrCodeFilter(kEmptyStr), // eErr_UNKNOWN
- m_MinSeverity(eDiagSevMin),
- m_MaxSeverity(eDiagSevMax)
- {
- }
- CValidError_CI::CValidError_CI
- (const CValidError& ve,
- const string& errcode,
- EDiagSev minsev,
- EDiagSev maxsev) :
- m_Validator(&ve),
- m_Current(ve.m_ErrItems.begin()),
- m_ErrCodeFilter(errcode),
- m_MinSeverity(minsev),
- m_MaxSeverity(maxsev)
- {
- if ( !Filter(**m_Current) ) {
- Next();
- }
- }
- CValidError_CI::CValidError_CI(const CValidError_CI& other)
- {
- if ( this != &other ) {
- *this = other;
- }
- }
- CValidError_CI::~CValidError_CI(void)
- {
- }
- CValidError_CI& CValidError_CI::operator=(const CValidError_CI& iter)
- {
- if (this == &iter) {
- return *this;
- }
- m_Validator = iter.m_Validator;
- m_Current = iter.m_Current;
- m_ErrCodeFilter = iter.m_ErrCodeFilter;
- m_MinSeverity = iter.m_MinSeverity;
- m_MaxSeverity = iter.m_MaxSeverity;
- return *this;
- }
- CValidError_CI& CValidError_CI::operator++(void)
- {
- Next();
- return *this;
- }
- CValidError_CI::operator bool (void) const
- {
- return m_Current != m_Validator->m_ErrItems.end();
- }
- const CValidErrItem& CValidError_CI::operator*(void) const
- {
- return **m_Current;
- }
- const CValidErrItem* CValidError_CI::operator->(void) const
- {
- return &(**m_Current);
- }
- bool CValidError_CI::Filter(const CValidErrItem& item) const
- {
- EDiagSev item_sev = (*m_Current)->GetSeverity();
- if ( (m_ErrCodeFilter.empty() ||
- NStr::StartsWith(item.GetErrCode(), m_ErrCodeFilter)) &&
- ((item_sev >= m_MinSeverity) && (item_sev <= m_MaxSeverity)) ) {
- return true;;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CValidError_CI::Next(void)
- {
- if ( AtEnd() ) {
- return;
- }
- do {
- ++m_Current;
- } while ( !AtEnd() && !Filter(**m_Current) );
- }
- bool CValidError_CI::AtEnd(void) const
- {
- return m_Current == m_Validator->m_ErrItems.end();
- }
- // External terse error type explanation
- const string CValidErrItem::sm_Terse [] = {
- "SEQ_INST_ExtNotAllowed",
- "SEQ_INST_ExtBadOrMissing",
- "SEQ_INST_SeqDataNotFound",
- "SEQ_INST_SeqDataNotAllowed",
- "SEQ_INST_ReprInvalid",
- "SEQ_INST_CircularProtein",
- "SEQ_INST_DSProtein",
- "SEQ_INST_MolNotSet",
- "SEQ_INST_MolOther",
- "SEQ_INST_FuzzyLen",
- "SEQ_INST_InvalidLen",
- "SEQ_INST_InvalidAlphabet",
- "SEQ_INST_SeqDataLenWrong",
- "SEQ_INST_SeqPortFail",
- "SEQ_INST_InvalidResidue",
- "SEQ_INST_StopInProtein",
- "SEQ_INST_PartialInconsistent",
- "SEQ_INST_ShortSeq",
- "SEQ_INST_NoIdOnBioseq",
- "SEQ_INST_BadDeltaSeq",
- "SEQ_INST_LongHtgsSequence",
- "SEQ_INST_LongLiteralSequence",
- "SEQ_INST_SequenceExceeds350kbp",
- "SEQ_INST_ConflictingIdsOnBioseq",
- "SEQ_INST_MolNuclAcid",
- "SEQ_INST_ConflictingBiomolTech",
- "SEQ_INST_SeqIdNameHasSpace",
- "SEQ_INST_IdOnMultipleBioseqs",
- "SEQ_INST_DuplicateSegmentReferences",
- "SEQ_INST_TrailingX",
- "SEQ_INST_BadSeqIdFormat",
- "SEQ_INST_PartsOutOfOrder",
- "SEQ_INST_BadSecondaryAccn",
- "SEQ_INST_ZeroGiNumber",
- "SEQ_INST_RnaDnaConflict",
- "SEQ_INST_HistoryGiCollision",
- "SEQ_INST_GiWithoutAccession",
- "SEQ_INST_MultipleAccessions",
- "SEQ_INST_HistAssemblyMissing",
- "SEQ_INST_TerminalNs",
- "SEQ_INST_UnexpectedIdentifierChange",
- "SEQ_INST_InternalNsInSeqLit",
- "SEQ_INST_SeqLitGapLength0",
- "SEQ_INST_TpaAssmeblyProblem",
- "SEQ_INST_SeqLocLength",
- "SEQ_DESCR_BioSourceMissing",
- "SEQ_DESCR_InvalidForType",
- "SEQ_DESCR_FileOpenCollision",
- "SEQ_DESCR_Unknown",
- "SEQ_DESCR_NoPubFound",
- "SEQ_DESCR_NoOrgFound",
- "SEQ_DESCR_MultipleBioSources",
- "SEQ_DESCR_NoMolInfoFound",
- "SEQ_DESCR_BadCountryCode",
- "SEQ_DESCR_NoTaxonID",
- "SEQ_DESCR_InconsistentBioSources",
- "SEQ_DESCR_MissingLineage",
- "SEQ_DESCR_SerialInComment",
- "SEQ_DESCR_BioSourceNeedsFocus",
- "SEQ_DESCR_BadOrganelle",
- "SEQ_DESCR_MultipleChromosomes",
- "SEQ_DESCR_BadSubSource",
- "SEQ_DESCR_BadOrgMod",
- "SEQ_DESCR_InconsistentProteinTitle",
- "SEQ_DESCR_Inconsistent",
- "SEQ_DESCR_ObsoleteSourceLocation",
- "SEQ_DESCR_ObsoleteSourceQual",
- "SEQ_DESCR_StructuredSourceNote",
- "SEQ_DESCR_MultipleTitles",
- "SEQ_DESCR_Obsolete",
- "SEQ_DESCR_UnnecessaryBioSourceFocus",
- "SEQ_DESCR_RefGeneTrackingWithoutStatus",
- "SEQ_DESCR_UnwantedCompleteFlag",
- "GENERIC_NonAsciiAsn",
- "GENERIC_Spell",
- "GENERIC_AuthorListHasEtAl",
- "GENERIC_MissingPubInfo",
- "GENERIC_UnnecessaryPubEquiv",
- "GENERIC_BadPageNumbering",
- "SEQ_PKG_NoCdRegionPtr",
- "SEQ_PKG_NucProtProblem",
- "SEQ_PKG_SegSetProblem",
- "SEQ_PKG_EmptySet",
- "SEQ_PKG_NucProtNotSegSet",
- "SEQ_PKG_SegSetNotParts",
- "SEQ_PKG_SegSetMixedBioseqs",
- "SEQ_PKG_PartsSetMixedBioseqs",
- "SEQ_PKG_PartsSetHasSets",
- "SEQ_PKG_FeaturePackagingProblem",
- "SEQ_PKG_GenomicProductPackagingProblem",
- "SEQ_PKG_InconsistentMolInfoBiomols",
- "SEQ_PKG_GraphPackagingProblem",
- "SEQ_FEAT_InvalidForType",
- "SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem",
- "SEQ_FEAT_PartialsInconsistent",
- "SEQ_FEAT_InvalidType",
- "SEQ_FEAT_Range",
- "SEQ_FEAT_MixedStrand",
- "SEQ_FEAT_SeqLocOrder",
- "SEQ_FEAT_CdTransFail",
- "SEQ_FEAT_StartCodon",
- "SEQ_FEAT_InternalStop",
- "SEQ_FEAT_NoProtein",
- "SEQ_FEAT_MisMatchAA",
- "SEQ_FEAT_TransLen",
- "SEQ_FEAT_NoStop",
- "SEQ_FEAT_TranslExcept",
- "SEQ_FEAT_NoProtRefFound",
- "SEQ_FEAT_NotSpliceConsensus",
- "SEQ_FEAT_OrfCdsHasProduct",
- "SEQ_FEAT_GeneRefHasNoData",
- "SEQ_FEAT_ExceptInconsistent",
- "SEQ_FEAT_ProtRefHasNoData",
- "SEQ_FEAT_GenCodeMismatch",
- "SEQ_FEAT_RNAtype0",
- "SEQ_FEAT_UnknownImpFeatKey",
- "SEQ_FEAT_UnknownImpFeatQual",
- "SEQ_FEAT_WrongQualOnImpFeat",
- "SEQ_FEAT_MissingQualOnImpFeat",
- "SEQ_FEAT_PsuedoCdsHasProduct",
- "SEQ_FEAT_IllegalDbXref",
- "SEQ_FEAT_FarLocation",
- "SEQ_FEAT_DuplicateFeat",
- "SEQ_FEAT_UnnecessaryGeneXref",
- "SEQ_FEAT_TranslExceptPhase",
- "SEQ_FEAT_TrnaCodonWrong",
- "SEQ_FEAT_BadTrnaAA",
- "SEQ_FEAT_BothStrands",
- "SEQ_FEAT_CDSgeneRange",
- "SEQ_FEAT_CDSmRNArange",
- "SEQ_FEAT_OverlappingPeptideFeat",
- "SEQ_FEAT_SerialInComment",
- "SEQ_FEAT_MultipleCDSproducts",
- "SEQ_FEAT_FocusOnBioSourceFeature",
- "SEQ_FEAT_PeptideFeatOutOfFrame",
- "SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue",
- "SEQ_FEAT_MultipleMRNAproducts",
- "SEQ_FEAT_mRNAgeneRange",
- "SEQ_FEAT_TranscriptLen",
- "SEQ_FEAT_TranscriptMismatches",
- "SEQ_FEAT_CDSproductPackagingProblem",
- "SEQ_FEAT_DuplicateInterval",
- "SEQ_FEAT_PolyAsiteNotPoint",
- "SEQ_FEAT_ImpFeatBadLoc",
- "SEQ_FEAT_LocOnSegmentedBioseq",
- "SEQ_FEAT_UnnecessaryCitPubEquiv",
- "SEQ_FEAT_ImpCDShasTranslation",
- "SEQ_FEAT_ImpCDSnotPseudo",
- "SEQ_FEAT_MissingMRNAproduct",
- "SEQ_FEAT_AbuttingIntervals",
- "SEQ_FEAT_CollidingGeneNames",
- "SEQ_FEAT_CollidingLocusTags",
- "SEQ_FEAT_MultiIntervalGene",
- "SEQ_FEAT_FeatContentDup",
- "SEQ_FEAT_BadProductSeqId",
- "SEQ_FEAT_RnaProductMismatch",
- "SEQ_FEAT_DifferntIdTypesInSeqLoc",
- "SEQ_FEAT_MissingCDSproduct",
- "SEQ_FEAT_MissingLocation",
- "SEQ_FEAT_OnlyGeneXrefs",
- "SEQ_FEAT_UTRdoesNotAbutCDS",
- "SEQ_FEAT_MultipleCdsOnMrna",
- "SEQ_FEAT_BadConflictFlag",
- "SEQ_FEAT_ConflictFlagSet",
- "SEQ_FEAT_LocusTagProblem",
- "SEQ_FEAT_AltStartCodon",
- "SEQ_FEAT_GenesInconsistent",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_SeqIdProblem",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_StrandRev",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_DensegLenStart",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_StartMorethanBiolen",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_EndMorethanBiolen",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_LenMorethanBiolen",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_SumLenStart",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_SegsDimMismatch",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_SegsNumsegMismatch",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_SegsStartsMismatch",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_SegsPresentMismatch",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_SegsPresentStartsMismatch",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_SegsPresentStrandsMismatch",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_FastaLike",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_SegmentGap",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_SegsInvalidDim",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_Segtype",
- "SEQ_ALIGN_BlastAligns",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphMin",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphMax",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphBelow",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphAbove",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphByteLen",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphOutOfOrder",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphBioseqLen",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphSeqLitLen",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphSeqLocLen",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphStartPhase",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphStopPhase",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphDiffNumber",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphACGTScore",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphNScore",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphGapScore",
- "SEQ_GRAPH_GraphOverlap",
- "Internal_Exception",
- };
- // External verbose error type explanation
- const string CValidErrItem::sm_Verbose [] = {
- /* SEQ_INST */
- // SEQ_INST_ExtNotAllowed
- "A Bioseq 'extension' is used for special classes of Bioseq. This class
- of Bioseq should not have one but it does. This is probably a software
- error.",
- // SEQ_INST_ExtBadOrMissing
- "This class of Bioseq requires an 'extension' but it is missing or of
- the wrong type. This is probably a software error.",
- // SEQ_INST_SeqDataNotFound
- "No actual sequence data was found on this Bioseq. This is probably a
- software problem.",
- // SEQ_INST_SeqDataNotAllowed
- "The wrong type of sequence data was found on this Bioseq. This is
- probably a software problem.",
- // SEQ_INST_ReprInvalid
- "This Bioseq has an invalid representation class. This is probably a
- software error.",
- // SEQ_INST_CircularProtein
- "This protein Bioseq is represented as circular. Circular topology is
- normally used only for certain DNA molecules, for example, plasmids.",
- // SEQ_INST_DSProtein
- "This protein Bioseq has strandedness indicated. Strandedness is
- normally a property only of DNA sequences. Please unset the
- strandedness.",
- // SEQ_INST_MolNotSet
- "It is not clear whether this sequence is nucleic acid or protein.
- Please set the appropriate molecule type (Bioseq.mol).",
- // SEQ_INST_MolOther
- "Most sequences are either nucleic acid or protein. However, the
- molecule type (Bioseq.mol) is set to 'other'. It should probably be set
- to nucleic acid or a protein.",
- // SEQ_INST_FuzzyLen
- "This sequence is marked as having an uncertain length, but the length
- is known exactly.",
- // SEQ_INST_InvalidLen
- "The length indicated for this sequence is invalid. This is probably a
- software error.",
- // SEQ_INST_InvalidAlphabet
- "This Bioseq has an invalid alphabet (e.g. protein codes on a nucleic
- acid or vice versa). This is probably a software error.",
- // SEQ_INST_SeqDataLenWrong
- "The length of this Bioseq does not agree with the length of the actual
- data. This is probably a software error.",
- // SEQ_INST_SeqPortFail
- "Something is very wrong with this entry. The validator cannot open a
- SeqPort on the Bioseq. Further testing cannot be done.",
- // SEQ_INST_InvalidResidue
- "Invalid residue codes were found in this Bioseq.",
- // SEQ_INST_StopInProtein
- "Stop codon symbols were found in this protein Bioseq.",
- // SEQ_INST_PartialInconsistent
- "This segmented sequence is described as complete or incomplete in
- several places, but these settings are inconsistent.",
- // SEQ_INST_ShortSeq
- "This Bioseq is unusually short (less than 4 amino acids or less than 11
- nucleic acids). GenBank does not usually accept such short sequences.",
- // SEQ_INST_NoIdOnBioseq
- "No SeqIds were found on this Bioseq. This is probably a software
- error.",
- // SEQ_INST_BadDeltaSeq
- "Delta sequences should only be HTGS-1 or HTGS-2.",
- // SEQ_INST_LongHtgsSequence
- "HTGS-1 or HTGS-2 sequences must be < 350 KB in length.",
- // SEQ_INST_LongLiteralSequence
- "Delta literals must be < 350 KB in length.",
- // SEQ_INST_SequenceExceeds350kbp
- "Individual sequences must be < 350 KB in length, unless they represent
- a single gene.",
- // SEQ_INST_ConflictingIdsOnBioseq
- "Two SeqIds of the same class was found on this Bioseq. This is probably
- a software error.",
- // SEQ_INST_MolNuclAcid
- "The specific type of this nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) is not set.",
- // SEQ_INST_ConflictingBiomolTech
- "HTGS/STS/GSS records should be genomic DNA. There is a conflict between
- the technique and expected molecule type.",
- // SEQ_INST_SeqIdNameHasSpace
- "The field should be a single word without any whitespace.
- This should be fixed by the database staff.",
- // SEQ_INST_IdOnMultipleBioseqs
- "There are multiple occurrences of the same Seq-id in this record.
- Sequence identifiers must be unique within a record.",
- // SEQ_INST_DuplicateSegmentReferences
- "The segmented sequence refers multiple times to the same Seq-id. This
- may be due to a software error. Please consult with the database staff
- to fix this record.",
- // SEQ_INST_TrailingX
- "The protein sequence ends with one or more X (unknown) amino acids.",
- // SEQ_INST_BadSeqIdFormat
- "A nucleotide sequence identifier should be 1 letter plus 5 digits or 2
- letters plus 6 digits, and a protein sequence identifer should be 3
- letters plus 5 digits.",
- // SEQ_INST_PartsOutOfOrder
- "The parts inside a segmented set should correspond to the seq_ext of
- the segmented bioseq. A difference will affect how the flatfile is
- displayed.",
- // SEQ_INST_BadSecondaryAccn
- "A secondary accession usually indicates a record replaced or subsumed
- by the current record. In this case, the current accession and
- secondary are the same.",
- // SEQ_INST_ZeroGiNumber
- "GI numbers are assigned to sequences by NCBI's sequence tracking
- database. 0 is not a legal value for a gi number.",
- // SEQ_INST_RnaDnaConflict
- "The MolInfo biomol field is inconsistent with the Bioseq molecule type
- field.",
- // SEQ_INST_HistoryGiCollision
- "The Bioseq history gi refers to this Bioseq, not to its predecessor or
- successor.",
- // SEQ_INST_GiWithoutAccession
- "The Bioseq has a gi identifier but no GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession
- identifier.",
- // SEQ_INST_MultipleAccessions
- "The Bioseq has a gi identifier and more than one GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ
- accession identifier.",
- // SEQ_INST_HistAssemblyMissing
- "The Bioseq has a TPA identifier but does not have a Seq-hist.assembly alignment.
- This should be annotated or calculated by the database, resulting in a PRIMARY
- block visible in the flatfile.",
- // SEQ_INST_TerminalNs
- "The Bioseq has one or more N bases at the end.",
- // SEQ_INST_UnexpectedIdentifierChange
- "The set of sequence identifiers on a Bioseq are not consistent with the
- previous version of the record in the database.",
- // SEQ_INST_InternalNsInSeqLit
- "There are runs of many Ns inside the SeqLit component of a delta Bioseq.",
- // SEQ_INST_SeqLitGapLength0
- "A SeqLit component of a delta Bioseq can specify a gap, but it should
- not be a gap of 0 length.",
- // SEQ_INST_TpaAssmeblyProblem
- "Third party annotation records should have a TpaAssembly user object and a
- Seq-hist.assembly alignment for the PRIMARY block.",
- // SEQ_INST_SeqLocLength
- "A SeqLoc component of a delta Bioseq is suspiciously small.",
- /* SEQ_DESCR */
- // SEQ_DESCR_BioSourceMissing
- "The biological source of this sequence has not been described
- correctly. A Bioseq must have a BioSource descriptor that covers the
- entire molecule. Additional BioSource features may also be added to
- recombinant molecules, natural or otherwise, to designate the parts of
- the molecule. Please add the source information.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_InvalidForType
- "This descriptor cannot be used with this Bioseq. A descriptor placed at
- the BioseqSet level applies to all of the Bioseqs in the set. Please
- make sure the descriptor is consistent with every sequence to which it
- applies.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_FileOpenCollision
- "FileOpen is unable to find a local file. This is normal, and can be
- ignored.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_Unknown
- "An unknown or 'other' modifier was used.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_NoPubFound
- "No publications were found in this entry which refer to this Bioseq. If
- a publication descriptor is added to a BioseqSet, it will apply to all
- of the Bioseqs in the set. A publication feature should be used if the
- publication applies only to a subregion of a sequence.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_NoOrgFound
- "This entry does not specify the organism that was the source of the
- sequence. Please name the organism.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_MultipleBioSources
- "There are multiple BioSource or OrgRef descriptors in the same chain
- with the same taxonomic name. Their information should be combined into
- a single BioSource descriptor.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_NoMolInfoFound
- "This sequence does not have a Mol-info descriptor applying to it. This
- indicates genomic vs. message, sequencing technique, and whether the
- sequence is incomplete.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_BadCountryCode
- "The country code (up to the first colon) is not on the approved list of
- countries.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_NoTaxonID
- "The BioSource is missing a taxonID database identifier. This will be
- inserted by the automated taxonomy lookup called by Clean Up Record.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_InconsistentBioSources
- "This population study has BioSource descriptors with different
- taxonomic names. All members of a population study should be from the
- same organism.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_MissingLineage
- "A BioSource should have a taxonomic lineage, which can be obtained from
- the taxonomy network server.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_SerialInComment
- "Comments that refer to the conclusions of a specific reference should
- not be cited by a serial number inside brackets (e.g., [3]), but should
- instead be attached as a REMARK on the reference itself.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_BioSourceNeedsFocus
- "Focus must be set on a BioSource descriptor in records where there is a
- BioSource feature with a different organism name.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_BadOrganelle
- "Note that only Kinetoplastida have kinetoplasts, and that only
- Chlorarchniophyta and Cryptophyta have nucleomorphs.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_MultipleChromosomes
- "There are multiple chromosome qualifiers on this Bioseq. With the
- exception of some pseudoautosomal genes, this is likely to be a
- biological annotation error.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_BadSubSource
- "Unassigned SubSource subtype.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_BadOrgMod
- "Unassigned OrgMod subtype.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_InconsistentProteinTitle
- "An instantiated protein title descriptor should normally be the same as
- the automatically generated title. This may be a curated exception, or
- it may be out of synch with the current annotation.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_Inconsistent
- "There are two descriptors of the same type which are inconsistent with
- each other. Please make them consistent.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_ObsoleteSourceLocation
- "There is a source location that is no longer legal for use in GenBank
- records.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_ObsoleteSourceQual
- "There is a source qualifier that is no longer legal for use in GenBank
- records.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_StructuredSourceNote
- "The name of a structured source field is present as text in a note.
- The data should probably be put into the appropriate field instead.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_MultipleTitles
- "There are multiple title descriptors in the same chain.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_Obsolete
- "Obsolete descriptor type.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_UnnecessaryBioSourceFocus
- "Focus should not be set on a BioSource descriptor in records where there is no
- BioSource feature.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_RefGeneTrackingWithoutStatus
- "The RefGeneTracking user object does not have the required Status field set.",
- // SEQ_DESCR_UnwantedCompleteFlag
- "The Mol-info.completeness flag should not be set on a genomic sequence unless
- the title also says it is a complete sequence or complete genome.",
- // GENERIC_NonAsciiAsn
- "There is a non-ASCII type character in this entry.",
- // GENERIC_Spell
- "There is a potentially misspelled word in this entry.",
- // GENERIC_AuthorListHasEtAl
- "The author list contains et al, which should be replaced with the
- remaining author names.",
- // GENERIC_MissingPubInfo
- "The publication is missing essential information, such as title or
- authors.",
- // GENERIC_UnnecessaryPubEquiv
- "A nested Pub-equiv is not normally expected in a publication. This may
- prevent proper display of all publication information.",
- // GENERIC_BadPageNumbering
- "The publication page numbering is suspect.",
- /* SEQ_PKG */
- // SEQ_PKG_NoCdRegionPtr
- "A protein is found in this entry, but the coding region has not been
- described. Please add a CdRegion feature to the nucleotide Bioseq.",
- // SEQ_PKG_NucProtProblem
- "Both DNA and protein sequences were expected, but one of the two seems
- to be missing. Perhaps this is the wrong package to use.",
- // SEQ_PKG_SegSetProblem
- "A segmented sequence was expected, but it was not found. Perhaps this
- is the wrong package to use.",
- // SEQ_PKG_EmptySet
- "No Bioseqs were found in this BioseqSet. Is that what was intended?",
- // SEQ_PKG_NucProtNotSegSet
- "A nuc-prot set should not contain any other BioseqSet except segset.",
- // SEQ_PKG_SegSetNotParts
- "A segset should not contain any other BioseqSet except parts.",
- // SEQ_PKG_SegSetMixedBioseqs
- "A segset should not contain both nucleotide and protein Bioseqs.",
- // SEQ_PKG_PartsSetMixedBioseqs
- "A parts set should not contain both nucleotide and protein Bioseqs.",
- // SEQ_PKG_PartsSetHasSets
- "A parts set should not contain BioseqSets.",
- // SEQ_PKG_FeaturePackagingProblem
- "A feature should be packaged on its bioseq, or on a set containing the
- Bioseq.",
- // SEQ_PKG_GenomicProductPackagingProblem
- "The product of an mRNA feature in a genomic product set should point to
- a cDNA Bioseq packaged in the set, perhaps within a nuc-prot set.
- RefSeq records may however be referenced remotely.",
- // SEQ_PKG_InconsistentMolInfoBiomols
- "Mol-info.biomol is inconsistent within a segset or parts set.",
- // SEQ_PKG_GraphPackagingProblem
- "A graph should be packaged on its bioseq, or on a set containing the Bioseq.",
- /* SEQ_FEAT */
- // SEQ_FEAT_InvalidForType
- "This feature type is illegal on this type of Bioseq.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_PartialProblem
- "There are several places in an entry where a sequence can be described
- as either partial or complete. In this entry, these settings are
- inconsistent. Make sure that the location and product Seq-locs, the
- Bioseqs, and the SeqFeat partial flag all agree in describing this
- SeqFeat as partial or complete.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_PartialsInconsistent
- "This segmented sequence is described as complete or incomplete in several
- places, but these settings are inconsistent.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_InvalidType
- "A feature with an invalid type has been detected. This is most likely a
- software problem.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_Range
- "The coordinates describing the location of a feature do not fall within
- the sequence itself. A feature location or a product Seq-loc is out of
- range of the Bioseq it points to.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_MixedStrand
- "Mixed strands (plus and minus) have been found in the same location.
- While this is biologically possible, it is very unusual. Please check
- that this is really what you mean.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_SeqLocOrder
- "This location has intervals that are out of order. While whis is
- biologically possible, it is very unusual. Please check that this is
- really what you mean.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_CdTransFail
- "A fundamental error occurred in software while attempting to translate
- this coding region. It is either a software problem or sever data
- corruption.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_StartCodon
- "An illegal start codon was used. Some possible explanations are: (1)
- the wrong genetic code may have been selected; (2) the wrong reading
- frame may be in use; or (3) the coding region may be incomplete at the
- 5' end, in which case a partial location should be indicated.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_InternalStop
- "Internal stop codons are found in the protein sequence. Some possible
- explanations are: (1) the wrong genetic code may have been selected; (2)
- the wrong reading frame may be in use; (3) the coding region may be
- incomplete at the 5' end, in which case a partial location should be
- indicated; or (4) the CdRegion feature location is incorrect.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_NoProtein
- "Normally a protein sequence is supplied. This sequence can then be
- compared with the translation of the coding region. In this entry, no
- protein Bioseq was found, and the comparison could not be made.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_MisMatchAA
- "The protein sequence that was supplied is not identical to the
- translation of the coding region. Mismatching amino acids are found
- between these two sequences.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_TransLen
- "The protein sequence that was supplied is not the same length as the
- translation of the coding region. Please determine why they are
- different.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_NoStop
- "A coding region that is complete should have a stop codon at the 3'end.
- A stop codon was not found on this sequence, although one was
- expected.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_TranslExcept
- "An unparsed transl_except qualifier was found. This indicates a parser
- problem.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_NoProtRefFound
- "The name and description of the protein is missing from this entry.
- Every protein Bioseq must have one full-length Prot-ref feature to
- provide this information.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_NotSpliceConsensus
- "Splice junctions typically have GT as the first two bases of the intron
- (splice donor) and AG as the last two bases of the intron (splice
- acceptor). This intron does not conform to that pattern.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_OrfCdsHasProduct
- "A coding region flagged as orf has a protein product. There should be
- no protein product bioseq on an orf.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_GeneRefHasNoData
- "A gene feature exists with no locus name or other fields filled in.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_ExceptInconsistent
- "A coding region has an exception gbqual but the excpt flag is not
- set.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_ProtRefHasNoData
- "A protein feature exists with no name or other fields filled in.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_GenCodeMismatch
- "The genetic code stored in the BioSource is different than that for
- this CDS.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_RNAtype0
- "RNA type 0 (unknown RNA) should be type 255 (other).",
- // SEQ_FEAT_UnknownImpFeatKey
- "An import feature has an unrecognized key.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_UnknownImpFeatQual
- "An import feature has an unrecognized qualifier.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_WrongQualOnImpFeat
- "This qualifier is not legal for this feature.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_MissingQualOnImpFeat
- "An essential qualifier for this feature is missing.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_PsuedoCdsHasProduct
- "A coding region flagged as pseudo has a protein product. There should
- be no protein product bioseq on a pseudo CDS.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_IllegalDbXref
- "The database in a cross-reference is not on the list of officially
- recognized database abbreviations.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_FarLocation
- "The location has a reference to a bioseq that is not packaged in this
- record.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_DuplicateFeat
- "The intervals on this feature are identical to another feature of the
- same type, but the label or comment are different.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_UnnecessaryGeneXref
- "This feature has a gene xref that is identical to the overlapping gene.
- This is redundant, and probably should be removed.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_TranslExceptPhase
- "A /transl_except qualifier was not on a codon boundary.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_TrnaCodonWrong
- "The tRNA codon recognized does not code for the indicated amino acid
- using the specified genetic code.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_BadTrnaAA
- "The tRNA encoded amino acid is an illegal value.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_BothStrands
- "Feature location indicates that it is on both strands. This is not
- biologically possible for this kind of feature. Please indicate the
- correct strand (plus or minus) for this feature.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_CDSgeneRange
- "A CDS is overlapped by a gene feature, but is not completely contained
- by it. This may be an annotation error.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_CDSmRNArange
- "A CDS is overlapped by an mRNA feature, but the mRNA does not cover all
- intervals (i.e., exons) on the CDS. This may be an annotation error.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_OverlappingPeptideFeat
- "The intervals on this processed protein feature overlap another protein
- feature. This may be caused by errors in originally annotating these
- features on DNA coordinates, where start or stop positions do not occur
- in between codon boundaries. These then appear as errors when the
- features are converted to protein coordinates by mapping through the
- CDS.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_SerialInComment
- "Comments that refer to the conclusions of a specific reference should
- not be cited by a serial number inside brackets (e.g., [3]), but should
- instead be attached as a REMARK on the reference itself.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_MultipleCDSproducts
- "More than one CDS feature points to the same protein product. This can
- happen with viral long terminal repeats (LTRs), but GenBank policy is to
- have each equivalent CDS point to a separately accessioned protein
- Bioseq.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_FocusOnBioSourceFeature
- "The /focus flag is only appropriate on BioSource descriptors, not
- BioSource features.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_PeptideFeatOutOfFrame
- "The start or stop positions of this processed peptide feature do not
- occur in between codon boundaries. This may incorrectly overlap other
- peptides when the features are converted to protein coordinates by
- mapping through the CDS.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_InvalidQualifierValue
- "The value of this qualifier is constrained to a particular vocabulary
- of style. This value does not conform to those constraints. Please see
- the feature table documentation for more information.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_MultipleMRNAproducts
- "More than one mRNA feature points to the same cDNA product. This is an
- error in the genomic product set. Each mRNA feature should have a
- unique product Bioseq.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_mRNAgeneRange
- "An mRNA is overlapped by a gene feature, but is not completely
- contained by it. This may be an annotation error.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_TranscriptLen
- "The mRNA sequence that was supplied is not the same length as the
- transcription of the mRNA feature. Please determine why they are
- different.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_TranscriptMismatches
- "The mRNA sequence and the transcription of the mRNA feature are
- different. If the number is large, it may indicate incorrect intron/exon
- boundaries.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_CDSproductPackagingProblem
- "The nucleotide location and protein product of the CDS are not packaged
- together in the same nuc-prot set. This may be an error in the software
- used to create the record.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_DuplicateInterval
- "The location has identical adjacent intervals, e.g., a duplicate exon
- reference.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_PolyAsiteNotPoint
- "A polyA_site should be at a single nucleotide position.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_ImpFeatBadLoc
- "An import feature loc field does not equal the feature location. This
- should be corrected, and then the loc field should be cleared.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_LocOnSegmentedBioseq
- "Feature locations traditionally go on the individual parts of a
- segmented bioseq, not on the segmented sequence itself. These features
- are invisible in asn2ff reports, and are now being flagged for
- correction.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_UnnecessaryCitPubEquiv
- "A set of citations on a feature should not normally have a nested
- Pub-equiv construct. This may prevent proper matching to the correct
- publication.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_ImpCDShasTranslation
- "A CDS that has known translation errors cannot have a /translation
- qualifier.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_ImpCDSnotPseudo
- "A CDS that has known translation errors must be marked as pseudo to
- suppress the translation.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_MissingMRNAproduct
- "The mRNA feature points to a cDNA product that is not packaged in the
- record. This is an error in the genomic product set.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_AbuttingIntervals
- "The start of one interval is next to the stop of another. A single
- interval may be desirable in this case.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_CollidingGeneNames
- "Two gene features should not have the same name.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_CollidingLocusTags
- "Two gene features should not have the same locus_tag, which is supposed
- to be a unique identifer.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_MultiIntervalGene
- "A gene feature on a single Bioseq should have a single interval
- spanning everything considered to be under that gene.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_FeatContentDup
- "The intervals on this feature are identical to another feature of the
- same type, and the label and comment are also identical. This is likely
- to be an error in annotating the record. Note that GenBank format
- suppresses duplicate features, so use of Graphic view is recommended.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_BadProductSeqId
- "The feature product refers to a database ID that has a locus name
- but no accession. This is probably an error in parsing of a submission.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_RnaProductMismatch
- "The RNA feature product type does not correspond to the RNA feature type.
- These need to be consistent.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_DifferntIdTypesInSeqLoc
- "All ids in a single seq-loc which refer to the same bioseq should be of the
- same id type",
- // SEQ_FEAT_MissingCDSproduct
- "The CDS should have a product, but does not. Pseudo or short CDSs (less than 6
- amino acids), or those marked with a rearrangement required for product exception,
- are exempt from needing a product.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_MissingLocation
- "A feature must specify its location.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_OnlyGeneXrefs
- "There are gene xrefs but no gene features. Records should normally have
- single-interval gene features covering other biological features. Gene
- xrefs are used only to override the inheritance by overlap.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_UTRdoesNotAbutCDS
- "The 5'UTR and 3'UTR features should exactly abut the CDS feature.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_MultipleCdsOnMrna
- "Only a single Cdregion feature should be annotated on mRNA bioseq.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_BadConflictFlag
- "The coding region conflict flag is set, but the translated product is the
- same as the instantiated product Bioseq.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_ConflictFlagSet
- "The coding region conflict flag is appropriately set, but this record should
- be brought to the attention of the source database for possible correction.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_LocusTagProblem
- "A gene locus_tag should be a single token, with no spaces.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_AltStartCodon
- "An alternative start codon was used. This is rare, and it is expected that
- confirmatory evidence will be cited.",
- // SEQ_FEAT_GenesInconsistent
- "The gene on the genomic sequence of a genomic product set should be the
- same as the gene on the cDNA product of the mRNA feature.",
- /* SEQ_ALIGN */
- // SEQ_ALIGN_SeqIdProblem
- "The seqence referenced by an alignment SeqID is not packaged in the record.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_StrandRev
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_DensegLenStart
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_StartMorethanBiolen
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_EndMorethanBiolen
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_LenMorethanBiolen
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_SumLenStart
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_SegsDimMismatch
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_SegsNumsegMismatch
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_SegsStartsMismatch
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_SegsPresentMismatch
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_SegsPresentStartsMismatch
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_SegsPresentStrandsMismatch
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_FastaLike
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_SegmentGap
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_SegsInvalidDim
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_Segtype
- "Please contact the sequence database for further help with this error.",
- // SEQ_ALIGN_BlastAligns
- "BLAST alignments are not desired in records submitted to the sequence database.",
- /* SEQ_GRAPH */
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphMin
- "The graph minimum value is outside of the 0-100 range.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphMax
- "The graph maximum value is outside of the 0-100 range.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphBelow
- "Some quality scores are below the stated graph minimum value.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphAbove
- "Some quality scores are above the stated graph maximum value.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphByteLen
- "The number of bytes in the quality graph does not correspond to the
- stated length of the graph.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphOutOfOrder
- "The quality graphs are not packaged in order - may be due to an old
- fa2htgs bug.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphBioseqLen
- "The length of the quality graph does not correspond to the length of
- the Bioseq.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphSeqLitLen
- "The length of the quality graph does not correspond to the length of
- the delta Bioseq literal component.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphSeqLocLen
- "The length of the quality graph does not correspond to the length of
- the delta Bioseq location component.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphStartPhase
- "The quality graph does not start or stop on a sequence segment
- boundary.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphStopPhase
- "The quality graph does not start or stop on a sequence segment
- boundary.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphDiffNumber
- "The number quality graph does not equal the number of sequence
- segments.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphACGTScore
- "Quality score values for known bases should be above 0.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphNScore
- "Quality score values for unknown bases should not be above 0.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphGapScore
- "Gap positions should not have quality scores above 0.",
- // SEQ_GRAPH_GraphOverlap
- "Quality graphs overlap - may be due to an old fa2htgs bug.",
- // Internal_Exception
- "Exception was caught while performing validation. Vaidation terminated.",
- };
- END_SCOPE(validator)
- END_SCOPE(objects)
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * $Log: validator.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.3 2004/06/01 19:47:36 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.44 2004/05/21 21:42:56 gorelenk
- * Added PCH ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- * Revision 1.43 2004/03/25 18:31:41 shomrat
- * + SEQ_FEAT_GenesInconsistent
- *
- * Revision 1.42 2004/03/19 14:47:56 shomrat
- * + SEQ_FEAT_PartialsInconsistent
- *
- * Revision 1.41 2004/03/10 21:22:35 shomrat
- * + SEQ_DESCR_UnwantedCompleteFlag
- *
- * Revision 1.40 2004/03/01 18:38:58 shomrat
- * Added alternative start codon error
- *
- * Revision 1.39 2004/02/25 15:52:15 shomrat
- * Added CollidingLocusTags error
- *
- * Revision 1.38 2004/01/16 20:08:35 shomrat
- * Added LocusTagProblem error
- *
- * Revision 1.37 2003/12/17 19:13:58 shomrat
- * Added SEQ_PKG_GraphPackagingProblem
- *
- * Revision 1.36 2003/12/16 17:34:23 shomrat
- * Added SEQ_INST_SeqLocLength
- *
- * Revision 1.35 2003/12/16 16:17:43 shomrat
- * Added SEQ_FEAT_BadConflictFlag and SEQ_FEAT_ConflictFlagSet
- *
- * Revision 1.34 2003/11/14 15:55:09 shomrat
- * added SEQ_INST_TpaAssemblyProblem
- *
- * Revision 1.33 2003/11/12 20:30:24 shomrat
- * added SEQ_FEAT_MultipleCdsOnMrna
- *
- * Revision 1.32 2003/10/27 14:54:11 shomrat
- * added SEQ_FEAT_UTRdoesNotAbutCDS
- *
- * Revision 1.31 2003/10/27 14:14:41 shomrat
- * added SEQ_INST_SeqLitGapLength0
- *
- * Revision 1.30 2003/10/20 16:07:07 shomrat
- * Added SEQ_FEAT_OnlyGeneXrefs
- *
- * Revision 1.29 2003/10/13 18:45:23 shomrat
- * Added SEQ_FEAT_BadTrnaAA
- *
- * Revision 1.28 2003/09/03 18:24:46 shomrat
- * added SEQ_DESCR_RefGeneTrackingWithoutStatus
- *
- * Revision 1.27 2003/08/06 15:04:30 shomrat
- * Added SEQ_INST_InternalNsInSeqLit
- *
- * Revision 1.26 2003/07/21 21:17:45 shomrat
- * Added SEQ_FEAT_MissingLocation
- *
- * Revision 1.25 2003/06/02 16:06:43 dicuccio
- * Rearranged src/objects/ subtree. This includes the following shifts:
- * - src/objects/asn2asn --> arc/app/asn2asn
- * - src/objects/testmedline --> src/objects/ncbimime/test
- * - src/objects/objmgr --> src/objmgr
- * - src/objects/util --> src/objmgr/util
- * - src/objects/alnmgr --> src/objtools/alnmgr
- * - src/objects/flat --> src/objtools/flat
- * - src/objects/validator --> src/objtools/validator
- * - src/objects/cddalignview --> src/objtools/cddalignview
- * In addition, libseq now includes six of the objects/seq... libs, and libmmdb
- * replaces the three libmmdb? libs.
- *
- * Revision 1.24 2003/05/28 16:22:13 shomrat
- * Added MissingCDSProduct error.
- *
- * Revision 1.23 2003/05/14 20:33:31 shomrat
- * Using CRef instead of auto_ptr
- *
- * Revision 1.22 2003/05/05 15:32:16 shomrat
- * Added SEQ_FEAT_MissingCDSproduct
- *
- * Revision 1.21 2003/04/29 14:56:08 shomrat
- * Changes to SeqAlign related validation
- *
- * Revision 1.20 2003/04/15 14:55:37 shomrat
- * Implemented a progress callback mechanism
- *
- * Revision 1.19 2003/04/07 14:55:17 shomrat
- * Added SEQ_FEAT_DifferntIdTypesInSeqLoc
- *
- * Revision 1.18 2003/04/04 18:36:55 shomrat
- * Added Internal_Exception error; Changed limits of min/max severity
- *
- * Revision 1.17 2003/03/31 14:41:07 shomrat
- * $id: -> $id$
- *
- * Revision 1.16 2003/03/28 16:27:40 shomrat
- * Added comments
- *
- * Revision 1.15 2003/03/21 21:10:26 shomrat
- * Added SEQ_DESCR_UnnecessaryBioSourceFocus
- *
- * Revision 1.14 2003/03/21 16:20:33 shomrat
- * Added error SEQ_INST_UnexpectedIdentifierChange
- *
- * Revision 1.13 2003/03/20 18:54:00 shomrat
- * Added CValidator implementation
- *
- * Revision 1.12 2003/03/10 18:12:50 shomrat
- * Record statistics information for each item
- *
- * Revision 1.11 2003/03/06 19:33:02 shomrat
- * Bug fix and code cleanup in CVAlidError_CI
- *
- * Revision 1.10 2003/02/24 20:20:18 shomrat
- * Pass the CValidError object to the implementation class instead of the internal TErrs vector
- *
- * Revision 1.9 2003/02/12 17:38:58 shomrat
- * Added eErr_SEQ_DESCR_Obsolete
- *
- * Revision 1.8 2003/02/07 21:10:55 shomrat
- * Added eErr_SEQ_INST_TerminalNs
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2003/01/24 21:17:19 shomrat
- * Added missing verbose strings
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2003/01/07 20:00:57 shomrat
- * Member function GetMessage() changed to GetMsg() due o conflict
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2002/12/26 16:34:43 shomrat
- * Typo
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2002/12/24 16:51:41 shomrat
- * Changes to include directives
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2002/12/23 20:19:22 shomrat
- * Redundan character removed
- *
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */