- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: alngraphic.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.0 2004/06/01 19:48:35 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: alngraphic.cpp,v 1000.0 2004/06/01 19:48:35 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Jian Ye
- *
- * File Description:
- * Alignment graphic overview (using HTML table)
- *
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <objtools/align/alngraphic.hpp>
- #include <util/range.hpp>
- #include <serial/iterator.hpp>
- #include <objects/seq/Bioseq.hpp>
- #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_loc.hpp>
- #include <objects/seqloc/Seq_id.hpp>
- #include <objects/seqalign/Seq_align.hpp>
- #include <objects/seqalign/Seq_align_set.hpp>
- #include <objects/seqalign/Score.hpp>
- #include <objects/seqalign/Dense_seg.hpp>
- #include <objects/seqalign/Std_seg.hpp>
- #include <objects/seqalign/Dense_diag.hpp>
- #include <objects/seqalign/seqalign_exception.hpp>
- #include <objects/general/Object_id.hpp>
- #include <objmgr/util/sequence.hpp>
- #include <html/html.hpp>
- BEGIN_SCOPE (objects)
- USING_SCOPE (sequence);
- static string kDigitGif[] = {"0.gif", "1.gif", "2.gif", "3.gif", "4.gif",
- "5.gif", "6.gif", "7.gif", "8.gif", "9.gif"};
- static const TSeqPos kScoreMargin = 50;
- static const TSeqPos kScoreLength = 500;
- static const TSeqPos kScoreHeight = 40;
- static const TSeqPos kBlankBarHeight = 4;
- static const TSeqPos kMasterHeight = 10;
- static const TSeqPos kMasterPixel = kScoreLength;
- static const TSeqPos kMasterBarLength = 550;
- static const TSeqPos kScaleMarginAdj = 1;
- static const TSeqPos kScaleWidth = 2;
- static const TSeqPos kScaleHeight = 10;
- static const TSeqPos kDigitWidth = 10;
- static const TSeqPos kDigitHeight = 13;
- static const TSeqPos kGapHeight = 1;
- static const TSeqPos kNumMark = 6;
- static const int kDeflineLength = 55;
- /*two ranges are considered overlapping even if they do not overlap but
- they differ only by this number*/
- static const int kOverlapDiff = 5;
- //gif images
- static const string kGifWhite = "white.gif";
- static const string kGifMaster ="query_no_scale.gif";
- static const string kGifScore = "score.gif";
- static const string kGifGrey = "grey.gif";
- static const string kGifScale = "scale.gif";
- static string s_GetGif(int bits){
- string gif = NcbiEmptyString;
- if(bits < 40){
- gif = "black.gif";
- } else if (bits < 50) {
- gif = "blue.gif";
- } else if (bits < 80) {
- gif = "green.gif";
- } else if (bits < 200) {
- gif = "purple.gif";
- } else {
- gif = "red.gif";
- }
- //for alignment with no bits info
- if(bits == 0){
- gif = "red.gif";
- }
- return gif;
- }
- //Round the number. i.e., 290 => 250, 735 => 700.
- static int s_GetRoundNumber (int number){
- int round = 0;
- if (number > 10) {
- string num_str = NStr::IntToString(number);
- int trail_num = NStr::StringToInt(num_str.substr(1, num_str.size() - 1));
- round = number - trail_num;
- string mid_num_str;
- int mid_num = 0;
- if(num_str.size() > 2) {
- string trail_zero (num_str.size() - 2, '0');
- mid_num_str = "5" + trail_zero;
- mid_num = NStr::StringToInt(mid_num_str);
- }
- if (number >= round + mid_num) {
- round += mid_num;
- }
- } else {
- round = number;
- }
- return round;
- }
- CRange<TSeqPos>* CAlnGraphic::x_GetEffectiveRange(TAlnInfoList& alninfo_list){
- CRange<TSeqPos>* range = NULL;
- if(!alninfo_list.empty()){
- range = new CRange<TSeqPos>(alninfo_list.front()->range->GetFrom(),
- alninfo_list.back()->range->GetTo());
- }
- return range;
- }
- void CAlnGraphic::x_MergeDifferentSeq(double pixel_factor){
- TAlnInfoListList::iterator iter_temp;
- list<CRange<TSeqPos>* > effective_range_list;
- CRange<TSeqPos> *effective_range = NULL, *temp_range = NULL;
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(TAlnInfoListList, iter, m_AlninfoListList) {
- iter_temp = iter; //current list
- iter_temp ++; //the next list
- if(!(*iter)->empty() && iter_temp != m_AlninfoListList.end()){
- /*effective ranges means the range covering all ranges for
- alignment from the same seq*/
- temp_range = x_GetEffectiveRange(**iter);
- if(temp_range){
- effective_range_list.push_back(temp_range);
- }
- /*compare the range in current list to range in all other lists.
- If the latter does not overlap with the ranges in the current
- list, move it to the current one*/
- while(iter_temp != m_AlninfoListList.end()){
- /* Get effective range. Note that, except the current list,
- all other list contains only one effective range. The
- current list may have more than one because the range
- from other list may be moved to it*/
- effective_range = x_GetEffectiveRange(**iter_temp);
- bool overlap = false;
- if(effective_range){
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(list<CRange<TSeqPos>*>,
- iter2,
- effective_range_list){
- CRange<TSeqPos>* temp_range2 = *iter2;
- int min_to = min(effective_range->GetTo(),
- temp_range2->GetTo());
- int max_from = max(effective_range->GetFrom(),
- temp_range2->GetFrom());
- //iter2 = ranges in current list
- if((int)((max_from - min_to)*pixel_factor) <= kOverlapDiff){
- //Not overlap but has only overlap_diff is still
- //considered overlap as it's difficult to see the
- //difference of only 1 pixel
- overlap = true;
- break; //overlaps, do nothing
- }
- }
- //if no overlap, move this list to the current list
- if(!overlap){
- (*iter)->merge(**iter_temp);
- effective_range_list.push_back(effective_range);
- }
- if(overlap){
- delete effective_range;
- }
- }
- iter_temp ++;
- }
- ITERATE(list<CRange<TSeqPos>* >, iter4, effective_range_list){
- delete *iter4;
- }
- effective_range_list.clear();
- }
- (*iter)->sort(FromRangeAscendingSort);
- }
- }
- void CAlnGraphic::x_MergeSameSeq(TAlnInfoList& alninfo_list){
- TAlnInfoList::iterator prev_iter;
- int i = 0;
- NON_CONST_ITERATE (TAlnInfoList, iter, alninfo_list){
- if(i > 0 && (*prev_iter)->range->IntersectingWith(*((*iter)->range))){
- //merge range
- (*iter)->range->Set(min((*prev_iter)->range->GetFrom(),
- (*iter)->range->GetFrom()),
- max((*prev_iter)->range->GetTo(),
- (*iter)->range->GetTo()));
- //take the maximal score and evalue
- if((*iter)->bits < (*prev_iter)->bits){
- (*iter)->bits = (*prev_iter)->bits;
- (*iter)->info = (*prev_iter)->info;
- }
- delete (*prev_iter)->range;
- delete *prev_iter;
- alninfo_list.erase(prev_iter);
- }
- i ++;
- prev_iter = iter;
- }
- }
- template<class container>
- static bool s_GetBlastScore(const container& scoreList,
- int& score,
- double& bits,
- double& evalue){
- bool hasScore = false;
- ITERATE (typename container, iter, scoreList) {
- const CObject_id& id=(*iter)->GetId();
- if (id.IsStr()) {
- hasScore = true;
- if (id.GetStr()=="score"){
- score = (*iter)->GetValue().GetInt();
- } else if (id.GetStr()=="bit_score"){
- bits = (*iter)->GetValue().GetReal();
- } else if (id.GetStr()=="e_value" || id.GetStr()=="sum_e") {
- evalue = (*iter)->GetValue().GetReal();
- }
- }
- }
- return hasScore;
- }
- static void s_GetAlnScores(const CSeq_align& aln,
- int& score,
- double& bits,
- double& evalue){
- bool hasScore = false;
- //look for scores at seqalign level first
- hasScore = s_GetBlastScore(aln.GetScore(), score, bits, evalue);
- //look at the seg level
- if(!hasScore){
- const CSeq_align::TSegs& seg = aln.GetSegs();
- if(seg.Which() == CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_Std){
- s_GetBlastScore(seg.GetStd().front()->GetScores(),
- score, bits, evalue);
- } else if (seg.Which() == CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_Dendiag){
- s_GetBlastScore(seg.GetDendiag().front()->GetScores(),
- score, bits, evalue);
- } else if (seg.Which() == CSeq_align::C_Segs::e_Denseg){
- s_GetBlastScore(seg.GetDenseg().GetScores(), score, bits, evalue);
- }
- }
- }
- void CAlnGraphic::x_GetAlnInfo(const CSeq_align& aln, const CSeq_id& id,
- SAlignInfo* aln_info){
- string info;
- int score = 0;
- double evalue = 0;
- double bits = 0;
- string bit_str, evalue_str;
- string title;
- const CBioseq_Handle& handle = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(id);
- if(handle){
- const CBioseq::TId& ids = handle.GetBioseqCore()->GetId();
- CRef<CSeq_id> wid = FindBestChoice(ids, CSeq_id::WorstRank);
- aln_info->id = wid;
- aln_info->gi = FindGi(ids);
- wid->GetLabel(&info, CSeq_id::eContent, 0);
- title = GetTitle(handle);
- if (title.size() > kDeflineLength){
- title = title.substr(0, kDeflineLength) + "..";
- }
- info += " " + title;
- } else {
- aln_info->gi = 0;
- aln_info->id = &id;
- aln_info->id->GetLabel(&info, CSeq_id::eContent, 0);
- }
- s_GetAlnScores(aln, score, bits, evalue);
- NStr::DoubleToString(bit_str, (int)bits);
- NStr::DoubleToString(evalue_str, evalue);
- CNcbiOstrstream ostream;
- ostream << setprecision (2) << evalue;
- string formatted_evalue = CNcbiOstrstreamToString(ostream);
- info += " S=" + bit_str + " E=" + formatted_evalue;
- aln_info->info = info;
- aln_info->bits = bits;
- }
- CAlnGraphic::CAlnGraphic(const CSeq_align_set& seqalign, CScope& scope)
- :m_AlnSet(&seqalign), m_Scope(&scope) {
- m_NumAlignToShow = 1200;
- m_View = eCompactView;
- m_BarHeight = e_Height4;
- m_ImagePath = "./";
- m_MouseOverFormName = "document.forms[0]";
- m_NumLine = 55;
- }
- CAlnGraphic::~CAlnGraphic(){
- //deallocate memory
- ITERATE(TAlnInfoListList, iter, m_AlninfoListList) {
- ITERATE(TAlnInfoList, iter2, **iter){
- delete (*iter2)->range;
- delete *iter2;
- }
- (*iter)->clear();
- }
- m_AlninfoListList.clear();
- }
- void CAlnGraphic::AlnGraphicDisplay(CNcbiOstream& out){
- /*Note we can't just show each alnment as we go because we will
- need to put all hsp's with the same id on one line*/
- TAlnInfoList* alninfo_list = NULL;
- bool is_first_aln = true;
- int num_align = 0;
- int master_len = 0;
- CNodeRef center;
- CRef<CHTML_table> tbl_box;
- CHTML_tc* tbl_box_tc;
- tbl_box = new CHTML_table; //draw a box around the graphics
- center = new CHTML_center; //align all graphic in center
- tbl_box->SetCellSpacing(0)->SetCellPadding(10)->SetAttribute("border", "1");
- tbl_box->SetAttribute("bordercolorlight", "#0000FF");
- tbl_box->SetAttribute("bordercolordark", "#0000FF");
- CConstRef<CSeq_id> previous_id, subid, master_id;
- for (CSeq_align_set::Tdata::const_iterator iter = m_AlnSet->Get().begin();
- iter != m_AlnSet->Get().end() && num_align < m_NumAlignToShow;
- iter++, num_align++){
- if(!alninfo_list){
- alninfo_list = new TAlnInfoList;
- }
- //get start and end seq position for master sequence
- CRange<TSeqPos>* seq_range = new CRange<TSeqPos>((*iter)->GetSeqRange(0));
- //for minus strand
- if(seq_range->GetFrom() > seq_range->GetTo()){
- seq_range->Set(seq_range->GetTo(), seq_range->GetFrom());
- }
- subid = &((*iter)->GetSeq_id(1));
- if(is_first_aln) {
- master_id = &((*iter)->GetSeq_id(0));
- const CBioseq_Handle& handle = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(*master_id);
- if(!handle){
- NCBI_THROW(CException, eUnknown, "Master sequence is not found!");
- }
- master_len = handle.GetBioseqCore()->GetInst().GetLength();
- x_DisplayMaster(master_len, &(*center), &(*tbl_box), tbl_box_tc);
- }
- if(!is_first_aln && !subid->Match(*previous_id)) {
- //this aln is a new id, show result for previous id
- //save ranges for the same seqid
- m_AlninfoListList.push_back(alninfo_list);
- alninfo_list = new TAlnInfoList;
- }
- SAlignInfo* alninfo = new SAlignInfo;
- alninfo->range = seq_range;
- //get aln info
- x_GetAlnInfo(**iter, *subid, alninfo);
- alninfo_list->push_back(alninfo);
- is_first_aln = false;
- previous_id = subid;
- }
- //save last set of seqs with the same id
- if(alninfo_list){
- m_AlninfoListList.push_back(alninfo_list);
- }
- //merge range for seq with the same id
- ITERATE(TAlnInfoListList, iter, m_AlninfoListList) {
- (*iter)->sort(FromRangeAscendingSort);
- x_MergeSameSeq(**iter);
- }
- //merge non-overlapping range list so that they can be put on
- //the same line to compress the results
- if(m_View & eCompactView){
- double pixel_factor = ((double)kMasterPixel)/master_len;
- x_MergeDifferentSeq(pixel_factor);
- }
- //display the graphic
- x_BuildHtmlTable(master_len, &(*tbl_box), tbl_box_tc);
- center->AppendChild(&(*tbl_box));
- center->Print(out);
- CHTML_hr hr;
- hr.Print(out);
- }
- //print score legend, master label
- void CAlnGraphic::x_PrintTop (CNCBINode* center, CHTML_table* tbl_box, CHTML_tc*& tbl_box_tc){
- if(m_View & eMouseOverInfo){
- CRef<CHTML_input> textbox(new CHTML_input("text", "defline"));
- CNodeRef centered_text;
- textbox->SetAttribute("size", 85);
- textbox->SetAttribute("value",
- "Mouse over to see the defline, click to show alignments");
- center->AppendChild(&(*textbox));
- }
- //score legend graph
- CRef<CHTML_table> tbl(new CHTML_table);
- CHTML_tc* tc;
- tbl->SetCellSpacing(1)->SetCellPadding(0)->SetAttribute("border", "0");
- CRef<CHTML_img> score_margin_img(new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifWhite,
- kScoreMargin, m_BarHeight));
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, 0, score_margin_img);
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- CRef<CHTML_img> score(new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifScore, kScoreLength,
- kScoreHeight));
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, 1, score);
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- tbl_box_tc = tbl_box->InsertAt(0, 0, tbl);
- tbl_box_tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tbl_box_tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- //master graph
- tbl = new CHTML_table;
- tbl->SetCellSpacing(1)->SetCellPadding(0)->SetAttribute("border", "0");
- CRef<CHTML_img> master(new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifMaster,
- kMasterBarLength, kMasterHeight));
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, 0, master);
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- tbl_box_tc->AppendChild(&(*tbl));
- }
- void CAlnGraphic::x_DisplayMaster(int master_len, CNCBINode* center, CHTML_table* tbl_box, CHTML_tc*& tbl_box_tc){
- x_PrintTop(&(*center), &(*tbl_box), tbl_box_tc);
- //scale
- CRef<CHTML_table> tbl(new CHTML_table);
- CHTML_tc* tc;
- CRef<CHTML_img> image;
- int column = 0;
- tbl->SetCellSpacing(0)->SetCellPadding(0)->SetAttribute("border", "0");
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifWhite, kScoreMargin + kScaleMarginAdj, m_BarHeight);
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- column ++;
- //first scale
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifScale, kScaleWidth, kScaleHeight);
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- column ++;
- //second scale mark and on
- float scale_unit = ((float)(master_len))/(kNumMark - 1);
- int round_number = s_GetRoundNumber(scale_unit);
- int spacer_length;
- double pixel_factor = ((double)kMasterPixel)/master_len;
- for (int i = 1; i*round_number <= master_len; i++) {
- spacer_length = pixel_factor*round_number - kScaleWidth;
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifWhite, spacer_length, m_BarHeight);
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- column ++;
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifScale, kScaleWidth, kScaleHeight);
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- column ++;
- }
- tbl_box_tc->AppendChild(&(*tbl));
- //digits
- //first scale digit
- string digit_str, previous_digitstr;
- int previous_digit;
- column = 0;
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifWhite, kScoreMargin, m_BarHeight);
- tbl = new CHTML_table;
- tbl->SetCellSpacing(0)->SetCellPadding(0)->SetAttribute("border", "0");
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- column ++;
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kDigitGif[0], kDigitWidth, kDigitHeight);
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- column ++;
- previous_digit = 0;
- previous_digitstr = NStr::IntToString(0);
- //print scale digits from second mark and on
- for (TSeqPos i = 1; i*round_number <= master_len; i++) {
- digit_str = NStr::IntToString(i*round_number);
- spacer_length = pixel_factor*round_number
- - kDigitWidth*(previous_digitstr.size()
- - previous_digitstr.size()/2)
- - kDigitWidth*(digit_str.size()/2);
- previous_digitstr = digit_str;
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifWhite, spacer_length, m_BarHeight);
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- column ++;
- //digits
- for(size_t j = 0; j < digit_str.size(); j ++){
- string one_digit(1, digit_str[j]);
- int digit = NStr::StringToInt(one_digit);
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kDigitGif[digit], kDigitWidth,
- kDigitHeight);
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- column ++;
- }
- }
- tbl_box_tc->AppendChild(&(*tbl));
- CRef<CHTML_br> br(new CHTML_br);
- tbl_box_tc->AppendChild(br);
- }
- //alignment bar graph
- void CAlnGraphic::x_BuildHtmlTable(int master_len, CHTML_table* tbl_box, CHTML_tc*& tbl_box_tc) {
- CHTML_tc* tc;
- double pixel_factor = ((double)kMasterPixel)/master_len;
- int count = 0;
- //print out each alignment
- ITERATE(TAlnInfoListList, iter, m_AlninfoListList){ //iter = each line
- if(count > m_NumLine){
- break;
- }
- CRef<CHTML_table> tbl; //each table represents one line
- CRef<CHTML_img> image;
- CConstRef<CSeq_id> previous_id, current_id;
- CRef<CHTML_a> ad;
- double temp_value ;
- int previous_end = -1;
- int front_margin = 0;
- int bar_length = 0;
- int column = 0;
- if(!(*iter)->empty()){ //table for starting white spacer
- count ++;
- tbl = new CHTML_table;
- tbl->SetCellSpacing(0)->SetCellPadding(0)->SetAttribute("border", "0");
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifWhite, kScoreMargin, m_BarHeight);
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- column ++;
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- }
- ITERATE(TAlnInfoList, iter2, **iter){ //iter2 = each alignments on one line
- current_id = (*iter2)->id;
- //white space in front of this alignment
- temp_value = ((*iter2)->range->GetFrom() - (previous_end + 1))*pixel_factor;
- //rounding to int this way as round() is not portable
- front_margin = temp_value + (temp_value < 0.0 ? -0.5 : 0.5);
- //Need to add white space
- if(temp_value > 0) {
- //Need to show at least one gap
- if(front_margin < 1){
- front_margin = 1;
- }
- //connecting the alignments with the same id
- if(m_View & eCompactView && !previous_id.Empty()
- && previous_id->Match(*current_id)){
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifGrey, front_margin,
- kGapHeight);
- } else {
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifWhite, front_margin,
- m_BarHeight);
- }
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- column ++;
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- }
- previous_end = (*iter2)->range->GetTo();
- previous_id = current_id;
- temp_value = (*iter2)->range->GetLength()*pixel_factor;
- bar_length = temp_value + (temp_value < 0.0 ? -0.5 : 0.5);
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + s_GetGif((*iter2)->bits),
- bar_length, m_BarHeight);
- image->SetAttribute("border", 0);
- if(m_View & eMouseOverInfo){
- image->SetAttribute("ONMouseOver", m_MouseOverFormName
- + ".defline.value=" + "'" + (*iter2)->info
- + "'");
- image->SetAttribute("ONMOUSEOUT", m_MouseOverFormName +
- ".defline.value='Mouse-over to show defline and scores, click to show alignments'");
- }
- if(m_View & eAnchorLink){
- string acc;
- (*iter2)->id->GetLabel(&acc, CSeq_id::eContent, 0);
- string seqid = (*iter2)->gi ==
- 0 ? acc : NStr::IntToString((*iter2)->gi);
- ad = new CHTML_a("#" + seqid, image);
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, ad);
- } else {
- tc = tbl->InsertAt(0, column, image);
- }
- column ++;
- tc->SetAttribute("valign", "CENTER");
- tc->SetAttribute("align", "LEFT");
- }
- if(!tbl.Empty()){
- tbl_box_tc->AppendChild(&(*tbl));
- //table for space between bars
- tbl = new CHTML_table;
- image = new CHTML_img(m_ImagePath + kGifWhite, kScoreMargin
- + kScoreLength, kBlankBarHeight);
- tbl->SetCellSpacing(0)->SetCellPadding(0)->SetAttribute("border", "0");
- tbl->InsertAt(0, 0, image);
- tbl_box_tc->AppendChild(&(*tbl));
- }
- }
- }
- END_SCOPE(objects)
- /*
- *============================================================
- *$Log: alngraphic.cpp,v $
- *Revision 1000.0 2004/06/01 19:48:35 gouriano
- *
- *Revision 1.2 2004/05/21 21:42:51 gorelenk
- *Added PCH ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- *Revision 1.1 2004/04/30 15:40:41 jianye
- *Initial checkin
- *
- *===========================================================
- */