- -- $Id: docsum.asn,v 1000.1 2004/06/01 19:31:58 gouriano Exp $
- EXPORTS NSE-BaseURLSet, NSE-SubmitterList, NSE-AssayList, NSE-PopList, NSE-ExchangeSet;
- version VisibleString, -- version number of docsum.asn/docsum.dtd specification
- dbSNP-build-number INTEGER, -- build number of database for this export
- generated NSE-Date OPTIONAL , -- Date set-list generated
- query VisibleString OPTIONAL , -- Query terms or search constraints
- set-type INTEGER {
- full-dump (1), -- Complete set of records in dbSNP
- from-query (2), -- Set that satisfies query
- single (3) } , -- A single record
- url-set SET OF NSE-BaseURL -- Set of URLs for resource integration
- }
- NSE-BaseURL ::= SEQUENCE { -- list of base URLs for queries to other integrated resources
- resource-id INTEGER, -- integer pointer to base URL BaseURLList.url_id
- resource VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- name of the resource BaseURLList.resource
- field-id VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- name of the data object used to link BaseURLList.resource_id
- base-url VisibleString OPTIONAL -- Base URL to which identifier is appended to form full URL BaseURLList.base_url
- }
- NSE-SubmitterList ::= SEQUENCE { -- set of contact information for all handles defined in dbSNP
- version VisibleString, -- version number of docsum.asn/docsum.dtd specification
- dbSNP-build-number INTEGER, -- build number of database for this export
- generated NSE-Date OPTIONAL , -- Date set-list generated
- query VisibleString OPTIONAL , -- Query terms or search constraints
- set-type INTEGER {
- full-dump (1), -- Complete set of records in dbSNP
- from-query (2), -- Set that satisfies query
- single (3) } , -- A single record
- submitter-list SET OF NSE-Submitter
- }
- NSE-Submitter ::= SEQUENCE {
- handle VisibleString, -- Short name, or handle as supplied by NCBI
- name VisibleString, -- Name of Principal Investigator for lab or submitting group
- fax VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- FAX number for submitter
- tel VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- telephone number for submitter
- email VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- email for submitter
- lab VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- Laboratory providing SNP
- inst VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- Institution Name
- addr SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL -- Address strings
- }
- NSE-AssayList ::= SEQUENCE { -- Table of batch characteristics for all SNP batches in dbSNP
- version VisibleString, -- version number of docsum.asn/docsum.dtd specification
- dbSNP-build-number INTEGER, -- build number of database for this export
- generated NSE-Date OPTIONAL , -- Date set-list generated
- query VisibleString OPTIONAL , -- Query terms or search constraints
- set-type INTEGER {
- full-dump (1), -- Complete set of records in dbSNP
- from-query (2), -- Set that satisfies query
- single (3) } , -- A single record
- assay-list SET OF NSE-Assay
- }
- NSE-Assay ::= SEQUENCE {
- handle VisibleString,
- batch VisibleString, -- Submitter (local) batch id
- batch-id INTEGER, -- dbSNP batch_id. Use to join assay to subsnp and validation data (NSE-ss, NSE-ss, below).
- batch-type ENUMERATED { -- distinguishes submission batches from follow-up confirmation of refSNPs.
- -- Join to appropriate object by batch-id.
- snpassay (1), -- detailed assay conditions for NSE-ss.
- validation (2), -- refSNPs confirmed by subsequent experimental data. Data for NSE-rs.validated-in-other-pop
- doublehit (3) }, -- refSNPs with both alleles seen twice. Data for NSE-rs.validated-by-2hit-2allele
- moltype ENUMERATED {
- genomic (1),
- cDNA (2),
- mito (3),
- chloro (4)
- },
- method VisibleString, -- local method id
- method-ex SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- description of deviation from/addition to given method
- samplesize INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- number of chromosomes examined during ascertainment
- organism VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- Scientific Name
- taxid INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- taxonomy ID for organism from NCBI taxonomy database
- population VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- Population surveyed for variation
- strains SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- Strains used in survey for variation
- citation SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL,
- linkout-url VisibleString OPTIONAL,
- comment SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL
- }
- NSE-PopList ::= SEQUENCE { -- Table of batch characteristics for all allele frequency batches in dbSNP
- version VisibleString, -- version number of docsum.asn/docsum.dtd specification
- dbSNP-build-number INTEGER, -- build number of database for this export
- generated NSE-Date OPTIONAL , -- Date set-list generated
- query VisibleString OPTIONAL , -- Query terms or search constraints
- set-type INTEGER {
- full-dump (1), -- Complete set of records in dbSNP
- from-query (2), -- Set that satisfies query
- single (3) } , -- A single record
- pop-list SET OF NSE-Pop
- }
- NSE-Pop ::= SEQUENCE {
- handle VisibleString,
- batch VisibleString, -- Submitter (local) batch id
- batch-id INTEGER, -- dbSNP batch_id. Use to join population allele data to subsnp data
- method VisibleString, -- local method id
- method-ex SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- description of deviation from/addition to given method
- citation SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL,
- comment SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL
- }
- NSE-ExchangeSet ::= SEQUENCE {
- copyright SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL,
- version VisibleString, -- version number of docsum.asn/docsum.dtd specification
- dbSNP-build-number INTEGER, -- build number of database for this export
- generated NSE-Date OPTIONAL , -- Date set-list generated
- query VisibleString OPTIONAL , -- Query terms or search constraints
- source-dbs SET OF VisibleString OPTIONAL , -- List of source databases
- set-type INTEGER {
- full-dump (1), -- Complete set of records in dbSNP
- from-query (2), -- Set that satisfies query
- single (3) } , -- A single record
- set-depth INTEGER {
- brief-set (1), -- only summary information included in NSE-rs objects
- full-set (2) } , -- all information included in NSE-rs objects (data on subsnps in rs group)
- rs-set SET OF NSE-rs, -- Set of Reference SNP docsums and grouped subSNP members
- num-refsnp-ids INTEGER OPTIONAL , -- Total number of refsnp-ids
- total-seq-length INTEGER OPTIONAL , -- Total length of exemplar flanking sequences
- num-contig-locs INTEGER OPTIONAL , -- Total number of contig locations from SNPContigLoc
- num-locus-ids INTEGER OPTIONAL , -- Total number of locus ids from SNPContigLocusId
- num-gi-hits INTEGER OPTIONAL , -- Total number of gi hits from MapLink
- num-3d-structs INTEGER OPTIONAL , -- Total number of 3D structures from SNP3D
- num-allele-freqs INTEGER OPTIONAL , -- Total number of allele frequences from SubPopAllele
- num-sts-hits INTEGER OPTIONAL , -- Total number of STS hits from SnpInSts
- num-unigene-cids INTEGER OPTIONAL -- Total number of unigene cluster ids from UnigeneSnp
- }
- NSE-rs ::= SEQUENCE { -- defines the docsum structure for refSNP clusters, where a refSNP cluster (rs) is
- -- a grouping of individual dbSNP submissions that all refer to the same variation.
- -- The refsnp provides a single unified record for annotation of NCBI resources such
- -- as reference genome sequence.
- -- #######################################################
- -- ######
- -- ###### Data defined for both brief-sets and full-sets
- -- ######
- -- #######################################################
- refsnp-id INTEGER, -- refSNP (rs) number
- taxid INTEGER, -- NCBI Taxonomy Database ID. 9606 for Homo sapiens
- organism VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- species abbreviation
- snp-class ENUMERATED {
- snp (1), -- single nucleotide variation: alleles of length=1 and from set of {A,T,C,G}
- in-del (2), -- insertion / deletion variation: alleles of different length or include '-' character
- het (3), -- heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)'
- microsat (4), -- microsatellite variation: allele string contains numbers and '(motif)' pattern
- named (5), -- insertion/deletion of named object (length unknown)
- no-variation (6), -- novariation asserted for sequence
- mixed (7), -- mixed class
- mnp (8)}, -- Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism. All alleles of same length > 1
- snp-type ENUMERATED {
- notwithdrawn (1), -- variation is OK, default case
- artifact (2), -- variation determined to be experimental artifact
- gene-dup (3), -- variation artifact of duplicated gene region
- duplicatesub (4), -- variation was duplicate submission
- notspecified (5), -- no reason specified for withdrawal
- ambiguousloc (6), -- variation has excessive number of potional locations in genome
- lowmapquality (7) -- evidence for calling variation deemed insufficient
- },
- moltype ENUMERATED { -- moltype from exemplar ss
- genomic (1),
- cDNA (2),
- mito (3),
- chloro (4)
- },
- create-date NSE-Date, -- date the refsnp cluster was instantiated
- update-date NSE-Date OPTIONAL, -- most recent date the cluster was updated (member added or deleted)
- create-build INTEGER, -- build number when the cluster was created
- update-build INTEGER, -- latest build number when the cluster was updated
- observed VisibleString, -- list of all alleles observed in ss-list members, correcting for reverse
- -- complementation of memebers reported in reverse orientation
- seq-5 SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- 5' sequence that flanks the variation
- seq-3 SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- 3' sequence that flanks the variation
- -- all sequences are in forward orientation, complete sequence
- -- lower case letters indicate repetetitive or low-complexity sequence by RepeatMasker
- -- flanking sequence is reported in strings of 255 b.p. and multiple strings
- -- should be concatenated in order to reconstruct the complete flanking sequence.
- -- Sequence should be assembled as seq-5 + observed + seq-3
- seq-ss-exemplar INTEGER, -- dbSNP ss# selected as source of refSNP flanking sequence, ss# part of ss-list below
- ncbi-build-id INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- NCBI build number for data on genome mapping to synchronize with NCBI MapViewer
- ncbi-num-chr-hits INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- total number of distinct chromosomes in contig-mapset
- ncbi-num-ctg-hits INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- total number of distinct contig-ids in contig-mapset
- ncbi-num-seq-loc INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- total number of distinct seq-loc's in contig-mapset
- ncbi-mapweight INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- location quality score for NCBI map display
- het REAL OPTIONAL, -- average heterozygosity
- het-SE REAL OPTIONAL, -- standard error of heterozygosity
- valid-prob-min INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- minimum reported success rate of all submissions in cluster
- valid-prob-max INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- maximum reported success rate of all submissions in cluster
- validated-other-pop BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- at least one ss in cluster was validated by independent assay
- val-other-pop-batches SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- dbSNP batch-id's for independent assay validation data. Use batch-ids to get methods etc.
- validated-by-frequency BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- at least one subsnp in cluster has frequency data submitted
- validated-by-cluster BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- cluster has 2+ submissions, with 1+ submissions assayed with a non-computational method
- validated-by-2hit-2allele BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, --all alleles have been observed in 2+ chromosomes
- val-2hit-2allele SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- dbSNP batch-id's for double-hit snp validation data. Use batch-id to get methods, etc.
- validated-by-hapmap BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- validated by HapMap project
- genotype BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- at least one genotype reported for this refSNP
- linkout BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- YES if linkout to at least one submitter website
- last-action NSE-Date OPTIONAL, -- Date of update or create
- link-data SET OF NSE-rslink OPTIONAL, -- link data for external resources
- ss-list SET OF NSE-ss, -- set of all subsnp id's in the refSNP cluster
- contig-mapset SET OF NSE-rsContigHit OPTIONAL, -- list of hits to genome in NT_ contig coordinates and functional relationships
- -- between variations and genes as annotated on contig sequence
- -- data from SNPContigLoc & ContigInfo tables
- sequence-mapset SET OF NSE-rsSeqHit OPTIONAL, -- list of hits to genome in sequence component coordinates from MapLink and MapLinkArchive
- gene-info SET OF NSE-rsLocusID OPTIONAL, -- set of gene information inferred by blast similarity of variation and GenBank sequences.
- -- analysis is independent of annotation of genome sequence (contig-mapset, above) and
- -- includes variations mapped to mRNAs or genomic sequences that do not yet have a reference contig.
- sts-info SET OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- set of STS ids from SnpInSts
- unigene-info SET OF NSE-rsUnigene OPTIONAL, -- Unigene info from UnigeneSnp
- structure-data SET OF NSE-rsStruct OPTIONAL -- set of snp to protein structure data based on map coordinates
- -- and protein structure neighbors
- }
- NSE-rslink ::= SEQUENCE { -- link data for anther resource
- resource-id INTEGER, -- BaseURLList.url_id
- link-value VisibleString -- value to append to NSE-ResourceURL.base-url for complete link
- }
- NSE-ss ::= SEQUENCE { -- data for an individual submission to dbSNP. All submssions (subsnps, ss#) are
- -- grouped into reference SNP clusters (rs) above.
- -- #######################################################
- -- ######
- -- ###### Data defined in both NSE-rs.brief-sets and full-sets
- -- ######
- -- #######################################################
- handle VisibleString, -- Tag for the submitting laboratory
- batch-id INTEGER, -- dbSNP number for batch submission
- subsnp-id INTEGER, -- dbSNP accession number for submission (ss#)
- loc-snp-id VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- submitter (local) subsnp ID
- subsnp-class ENUMERATED { -- SubSNP classification by type of variation SubSNP.subsnp_class
- snp (1), -- true single nucleotide polymorphism
- in-del (2), -- insertion deletion polymorophism, deletions represented by '-' in allele string
- het (3), -- variation has unknown sequence composition, but is observed to be heterozygous
- microsat (4), -- microsatellite / simple sequence repeat
- named (5), -- allele sequences defined by name tag instead of raw sequence, e.g. (Alu)/-
- no-variation (6), -- submission reports invariant region in surveyed sequence
- mnp (8)}, -- multiple nucleotide polymorphism (all alleles same length where length>1)
- orient ENUMERATED { -- orientation of refsnp cluster members to refsnp cluster sequence
- forward (1), -- ss flanking sequence is in same orientation as seq-ss-exemplar (above)
- reversed (2) }, -- flanking sequence and alleles are reverse complement of refSNP as defined
- -- by seq-ss-exemplar.
- strand ENUMERATED { -- strand is defined as TOP/BOTTOM by nature of flanking nucleotide sequence itself
- top (1), --
- bottom (2) } OPTIONAL,
- moltype ENUMERATED { -- moltype from Batch table
- genomic (1),
- cDNA (2),
- mito (3),
- chloro (4)
- },
- build-id INTEGER, -- dbSNP build number when ss# was added to a refSNP (rs#) cluster
- method-class ENUMERATED { -- class of method used to assay for the variation
- dhplc (1), -- Denaturing High Pressure Liquid Chromatography used to detect SNP
- hybridize (2), -- a hybridization method (e.g. chip) was used to assay for variation
- computed (3), -- variation was mined from sequence alignment with software
- sscp (5), -- single stranded conformational polymorphism used to detect variation
- other (6), -- other method used to detect variation
- unknown (7), -- unknown method used to detect variation (not reported)
- rflp (8), -- variation in enzyme restriction site used to detect variation
- sequence (9)} OPTIONAL, -- samples were sequenced and resulting alignment used to define variation
- validated ENUMERATED {
- by-submitter (1), -- subsnp has been experimentally validated by submitter
- by-frequency (2), -- subsnp has frequency data submitted
- by-cluster (3), -- has 2+ submissions, with 1+ submission assayed with a non-computational method.
- no-info (4) -- subsnp is not validated
- linkout-url VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- append loc-snp-id to this base URL to construct a pointer to submitter data.
- -- #######################################################
- -- ######
- -- ###### Additional data supplied in full-set
- -- ######
- -- #######################################################
- snp-link VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- submission includes reference to another ss# (snp-link value) in dbSNP
- accession SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- GenBank or dbSTS sequence accessions used to define local sequence context
- comment SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- submitter notes on discovery protocol or measure of evidence for the submission
- meth-failure SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL,-- notes if submitter reports failure to detect or confirm snp with specific methods
- genename VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- gene snp was associated with by submitter
- locus-id VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- NCBI LocusLink ID for gene
- flank-5 SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- flanking sequence not surveyed, but appended for minimum length requirements
- assay-5 SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- flanking sequence surveyedd in [NSE-Assay.samplesize] chromosomes
- observed VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- /-delimited string of alleles observed by submitter
- assay-3 SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- flanking sequence surveyed in [NSE-Assay.samplesize] chromosomes
- flank-3 SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- flanking sequence not surveyed, but appended for minimum length requirements
- -- n.b. the complete 5' flanking sequence for a submission is constructed as
- -- flank-5 strings in order + assay-5 strings in order
- -- the complete 3' flanking sequence is constructed as
- -- assay-3 strings in order + flank-3 strings in order
- pop-info SET OF NSE-ss-popinfo OPTIONAL
- }
- NSE-rsContigHit ::= SEQUENCE { -- data from SNPContigLoc, ContigInfo tables, & SNPContigLocusId tables
- contig-id VisibleString, -- Id of contig when naming files for refSNPs x contig
- locations SET OF NSE-rsMaploc, -- set of all valid locations for variation on contig
- accession VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- Accession number of the contig
- version INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- version number of the contig
- chromosome VisibleString OPTIONAL -- Chromosome number
- }
- NSE-rsMaploc ::= SEQUENCE { -- Position of a single hit of a variation on a contig
- asn-from INTEGER, -- beginning of variation as feature on contig SNPContigLoc.asn_from
- asn-to INTEGER, -- end of variation as feature on contig SNPContigLoc.asn_to
- loc-type ENUMERATED { -- defines the seq-loc symbol if asn_from != asn_to SNPContigLoc.loc_type
- range (1), -- asn-from < asn-to write as "asn-from..asn-to"
- exact (2), -- asn-from = asn-to write as "asn-from"
- between (3) }, -- asn-to = asn-from+1 write as "asn-from^asn-to"
- hit-quality ENUMERATED {
- high (1), -- if SNPContigLoc.proc_status = 0 (high quality hit)
- loose (2), -- if SNPContigLoc.proc_status = 1 (lower quality hit admits dirty flanks)
- dense (3) } OPTIONAL, -- if SNPContigLoc.proc_status = 8 (region of high SNP density like HLA)
- orient ENUMERATED { -- orientation of refSNP sequence to contig sequence
- forward (1), -- if SNPContigLoc.orientation = 0
- reverse (2) } OPTIONAL, -- if SNPContigLoc.orientation = 1
- physmap-str VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- chromosome position of var as seq-loc in # of bases SNPContigLoc.phys_pos
- physmap-int INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- chromosome position as integer for sorting SNPContigLoc.phys_pos_from
- fxn-set SET OF NSE-FxnSet OPTIONAL -- functional relationship of SNP (and possibly alleles) to genes at contig location
- -- fxn-set analysis is only available for NCBI contig-set
- }
- NSE-FxnSet ::= SEQUENCE {
- locusid INTEGER, -- locus-id of gene as aligned to contig SNPContigLocusId.locus_id
- symbol VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- symbol (official if present in LocusLink) of gene SNPContigLocusId.locus_symbol
- mrna-acc VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- mRNA accession if variation in transcript SNPContigLocusId.mrna_acc
- prot-acc VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- protein accession if variation in coding region interval SNPContigLocusId.protein_acc
- fxn-class-contig ENUMERATED {
- locus-region (1), -- variation in region of gene, but not in transcript SNPContigLocusId.fxn_class
- coding (2), -- variation in coding region of gene, assigned if allele-specific class unknown
- coding-synon (3), -- no change in peptide for allele with respect to contig seq **allele-specific class**
- coding-nonsynon (4), -- change in peptide with respect to contig sequence **allele-specific class**
- mrna-utr (5), -- variation in transcript, but not in coding region interval
- intron (6), -- variation in intron, but not in first 2 or last 2 bases of intron
- splice-site (7), -- variation in first 2 or last to bases of intron
- reference (8), -- allele observed in reference contig sequence **allele-specific class**
- exception (9) -- variation in coding region with exception raised on
- -- alignment. This occurs when protein with gap in sequence
- -- is aligned back to contig sequence. variations 3' of
- -- the gap have undefined functional inference.
- } ,
- reading-frame INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- position of variation in reading frame of transcript SNPContigLocusId.reading_Frame
- allele VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- allele, * denotes allele observed in contig sequence SNPContigLocusId.allele
- residue VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- translated amino acid residue for allele SNPContigLocusId.residue
- aa-position INTEGER OPTIONAL -- position of the variant residue in peptide sequence SNPContigLocusId.aa_position
- }
- NSE-rsSeqHit ::= SEQUENCE { -- Properties of individual mapping result from finished & draft sequences
- accession VisibleString, -- Accession of the sequence
- version INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- version number of the sequence (reports most recent ver.)
- loc SET OF NSE-SeqLoc -- set of all valid locations on accession
- }
- NSE-SeqLoc ::= SEQUENCE {
- asn-from INTEGER, -- beginning position of variation on sequence
- asn-to INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- end position of variation on sequence
- loc-type ENUMERATED {
- range (1), -- asn-from < asn-to: write as "asn-from..asn-to"
- exact (2), -- asn-from = asn-to: write as "asn-from"
- between (3) -- asn-from = asn-to - 1: write as "asn-from^asn-to"
- source-db ENUMERATED {
- ref-mrna (1), -- NCBI RefSeq mRNA
- gb-sts (2), -- GenBank STS division
- gb-mrna (4), -- Genbank mrna
- ref-genome(5), -- NCBI RefSeq genomic
- gb-small (6), -- Genbank genomic < 30kb in length
- hgs-finish (10), -- genome sequence, finished
- hgs-draft (11), -- genome sequence, draft
- bes (12) -- BAC-end sequence
- orient ENUMERATED {
- forward (1), -- if MapLink.orientation = 0
- reverse (2) } OPTIONAL -- if MapLink.orientation = 1
- }
- NSE-rsLocusID ::= SEQUENCE {
- locus-id INTEGER,
- symbol VisibleString OPTIONAL,
- fxn-class-mrna ENUMERATED { -- these values are the same encoding as Fxn-Set.fxn-class (above)
- locus-region (1),
- coding (2),
- coding-synon (3),
- coding-nonsynon (4),
- mrna-UTR (5),
- intron (6),
- splice-site (7),
- reference (8),
- exception (9)
- }
- NSE-rsStruct ::= SEQUENCE {
- prot-acc VisibleString, -- accession of the protein with variation (SNP3D.protein_acc)
- prot-gi INTEGER, -- GI of the protein with variation (SNP3D.master_gi)
- prot-loc INTEGER, -- position of the residue for the protein GI (SNP3D.aa_position)
- prot-res VisibleString, -- residue specified for protein at prot-loc location (SNP3D.contig_res)
- rs-res VisibleString, -- alternative residue specified by variation sequence (SNP3D.var_res)
- struct-gi INTEGER, -- GI of the structure neighbor (SNP3D.neighbor_gi)
- struct-loc INTEGER, -- position of the residue for the structure GI (SNP3D.neighbor_pos)
- struct-res VisibleString -- residue specified for protein at struct-loc location (SNP3D.neighbor_res)
- }
- NSE-rsUnigene ::= SEQUENCE {
- cluster-id INTEGER, -- unigene_cid from UnigeneSnp
- gi-set SET OF INTEGER -- list of gi's per unigene cluster
- }
- NSE-ss-popinfo ::= SEQUENCE {
- type VisibleString, -- batch type (HET, ALLE) SubPop.type
- handle VisibleString, -- submitter抯 handle
- batch-id INTEGER,
- pop-name VisibleString, -- submitter population ID SubPop.loc_pop_id
- pop-id INTEGER, -- dbSNP population ID SubPop.pop_id
- pop-class VisibleString OPTIONAL, --dbSNP population class
- samplesize INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- sample size SubPop.samplesize
- sub-het REAL OPTIONAL, -- submitted heterozygosity SubPop.sub_heterozygosity
- est-het REAL OPTIONAL, -- estimated heterogygosity SubPop.est_heterozygosity
- est-het-se-sq REAL OPTIONAL, -- est het std. error
- sub-het-se-sq REAL OPTIONAL, -- submitted het std. error
- allele-info SET OF NSE-alleleinfo OPTIONAL -- allele frequency data, genotype frequency data
- -- available in Genotype Report
- }
- NSE-alleleinfo ::= SEQUENCE {
- snp-allele VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- allele if ACTG
- other-allele VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- all other cases
- freq REAL OPTIONAL, -- frequency as percentage
- count REAL OPTIONAL -- frequency as count
- }
- NSE-Date ::= CHOICE {
- str VisibleString , -- for those unparsed dates
- std NSE-Date-std } -- use this if you can
- NSE-Date-std ::= SEQUENCE { -- NOTE: this is NOT a unix tm struct
- year INTEGER , -- full year (including 1900)
- month INTEGER OPTIONAL , -- month (1-12)
- day INTEGER OPTIONAL , -- day of month (1-31)
- season VisibleString OPTIONAL } -- for "spring", "may-june", etc
- -- $Log: docsum.asn,v $
- -- Revision 1000.1 2004/06/01 19:31:58 gouriano
- -- PRODUCTION: UPGRADED [GCC34_MSVC7] Dev-tree R1.42
- --
- -- Revision 1.42 2004/05/27 18:15:35 kholodov
- -- Modified: allele info moved to popinfo structure
- --
- -- Revision 1.41 2004/05/24 18:38:34 kholodov
- -- Changed val-hapmap to validated-by-hapmap
- --
- -- Revision 1.40 2004/05/24 14:07:44 kholodov
- -- Added: val-hapmap field
- --
- -- Revision 1.39 2003/10/15 14:24:33 kholodov
- -- Modified: sequences now optional for NSE-rs
- --
- -- Revision 1.38 2003/09/22 20:14:58 kholodov
- -- Added: copyright notice
- --
- -- Revision 1.37 2003/07/09 19:36:33 kholodov
- -- Syntax error fixed
- --
- -- Revision 1.36 2003/07/09 18:10:39 sherry
- -- *** empty log message ***
- --
- -- Revision 1.35 2002/12/03 20:18:51 kholodov
- -- Modified: validation status is represented by 4 boolean values
- --
- -- Revision 1.34 2002/09/03 20:09:59 kholodov
- -- Added moltype for rs and ss, create-build, update-build for rs
- --
- -- Revision 1.33 2002/06/12 14:02:54 kholodov
- -- sts-info and unigene-info added
- --
- -- Revision 1.32 2002/04/12 13:53:14 kholodov
- -- Fixed wrong type name NSE-date to NSE-Date
- --
- -- Revision 1.31 2002/04/11 20:40:41 sherry
- -- added NSE-ss linkout-url, validation status; NSE-rs create-date, update-date; NSE-popinfo pop-class, and new section NSE-rsStruct with 3D structure data
- --
- -- Revision 1.30 2002/03/15 16:39:58 sherry
- -- added subsnp method-class and dbSNP-build-id
- --
- -- Revision 1.29 2002/01/22 16:27:16 kholodov
- -- Fixed syntax bug
- --
- -- Revision 1.27 2002/01/18 19:20:29 sherry
- -- added dense option to hit-quality for SNPs mapped to dense regions like HLA
- --
- -- Revision 1.26 2001/11/28 21:41:42 sherry
- -- correction to golden path (UCSC) contig hits
- --
- -- Revision 1.25 2001/11/28 20:58:42 sherry
- -- added UCSC mapping coordinates, and added amino-acid position to function-set
- --
- -- Revision 1.24 2001/08/21 14:52:56 sherry
- -- added subsnp-class (8) = mnp for multiple nucleotide polymorphisms with alleles of common length > 1 bp
- --
- -- Revision 1.23 2001/08/20 20:27:57 sherry
- -- added source-db (5) for RefSeq-genomic and ncbi-build-id for build number of genome mapping data
- --
- -- Revision 1.22 2001/08/20 20:19:45 sherry
- -- source-db (2) defined for GenBank STS division
- --
- -- Revision 1.21 2001/08/03 14:29:11 sherry
- -- added snp-class 'mnp' for variants with allele length > 1
- --
- -- Revision 1.20 2001/07/11 13:08:05 sherry
- -- typo correction and clarification of fxn-class names to fxn-class-contig and fxn-class-mrna
- --
- -- Revision 1.19 2001/06/08 14:18:59 sherry
- -- added exception value (9) to fxn-set
- --
- -- Revision 1.18 2001/05/02 15:11:19 kholodov
- -- Fixed: NSE-ss::orient: refersed -> reversed.
- --
- -- Revision 1.17 2001/05/01 14:23:44 sherry
- -- added seq-ss-exemplar and NSE-ss.orient to report orientation of cluster members to NSE-rs and its exemplar sequence, NSE-rs.seq-ss-exemplar.
- --
- -- Revision 1.16 2001/04/30 15:21:21 sherry
- -- added reference fxn-class if SNP allele is observed on reference contig sequence
- --
- -- Revision 1.15 2001/04/09 14:21:31 sherry
- -- additional documentation regarding refSNP flanking sequence: lowercase for repetititve regions and segmentation of long flanking sequences
- --
- -- Revision 1.14 2001/03/23 16:17:44 sherry
- -- removed unnecessary samplesize from NSE-Pop.. data in NSE-ss-popinfo
- --
- -- Revision 1.13 2001/03/23 14:10:22 sherry
- -- added samplesize to NSE-Pop
- --
- -- Revision 1.12 2001/03/22 14:04:54 sherry
- -- strain added to NSE-Assay
- --
- -- Revision 1.11 2001/02/01 17:53:01 sherry
- -- added MapLinkArchive to Table Source for sequence-mapset
- --
- -- Revision 1.10 2001/02/01 14:30:45 sherry
- -- added orientation to NSE-SeqLoc
- --
- -- Revision 1.9 2000/12/19 22:32:11 sherry
- -- added orientation/hit quality to contig hits, added source database to genbank hits
- --
- -- Revision 1.8 2000/12/19 22:19:48 sherry
- -- added subsnp frequency data and refsnp function via contig annotation
- --
- -- Revision 1.7 2000/12/05 19:19:57 kholodov
- -- Minor errors fixed
- --
- -- Revision 1.6 2000/12/05 17:06:35 sherry
- -- merged docsum.asn and export.asn in this version for a single data structure that can be populated as a brief-set (to emulate docsum.asn) or as a full-set for data exchange (to emulate exchange.asn)
- --
- --
- -- ###
- -- ### Revisions to earlier versions of exchange.asn
- -- ###
- --
- -- Revision exchange.asn 1.10 2000/11/03 15:26:41 sherry
- -- added subsnp-id to export.asn and made loc-snp-id optional in both export.asn and docsum.asn
- --
- -- Revision exchange.asn 1.9 2000/11/02 20:58:14 kholodov
- -- fixed incorrect field name
- --
- -- Revision exchange.asn 1.8 2000/10/18 22:07:11 sherry
- -- added XML version number and dbSNP_build number to ExchangeSet
- --
- -- Revision exchange.asn 1.7 2000/10/13 16:08:20 kholodov
- -- added commented CVS log
- --
- -- ###
- -- ### Revisions to earlier versions of docsum.asn
- -- ###
- --
- -- Revision docsum.asn 1.5 2000/11/03 15:26:41 sherry
- -- added subsnp-id to export.asn and made loc-snp-id optional in both export.asn and docsum.asn
- --
- -- Revision docsum.asn 1.4 2000/10/20 19:21:41 sherry
- -- added ambiguousloc and lowmapquality to legal withdrawn reasons
- --
- -- Revision docsum.asn 1.3 2000/08/24 14:47:53 sherry
- -- added subsnp-class and mixed snp-class type
- --
- --08/23/00: changed source of NCBI-RefSNPDocsum.taxid to new taxid column in SNP table
- -- added NCBI-RefSNPDocsum.snp-class type (7) for cases of mixed subsnp-class in single refSNP (none currently in database)
- -- added NCBI-subsnp-id.subsnp-class to define allele class for subSNP as well as SNP
- --06/20/00: Added 'duplicatesub' and 'NotSpecified' as WITHDRAWN reason for snp-type
- --05/22/00: Added splice to fxn-class,
- -- added map coordinates in contig component coordinates (RefSNPSeqHit),
- -- changed RefSNPMaphit to RefSNPContigHit
- --04/18/00: Added subsnp set membership, flanking sequence
- --03/22/00: Added changes to fxn-class and validated
- --03/01/00: Added het-SE for standard error of mean heterozygosity
- --02/09/00: Added unigene/UID/loc_cnt
- --02/08/00: Added mapping, fixed taxid, mapstring definitions
- --02/03/00: Added RefSNP Docsum definitions
- -- Short version of ASN1 for development of genome annotation code