- --
- -- ===========================================================================
- -- PRODUCTION $Log: mmdb3.asn,v $
- -- PRODUCTION Revision 1000.0 2003/10/29 21:22:13 gouriano
- -- ===========================================================================
- --
- --$Revision: 1000.0 $
- --**********************************************************************
- --
- -- Biological Macromolecule 3-D Structure Data Types for MMDB,
- -- A Molecular Modeling Database
- --
- -- Definitions for structural features and biostruc addressing
- --
- -- By Hitomi Ohkawa, Jim Ostell, Chris Hogue and Steve Bryant
- --
- -- National Center for Biotechnology Information
- -- National Institutes of Health
- -- Bethesda, MD 20894 USA
- --
- -- July, 1996
- --
- --**********************************************************************
- EXPORTS Biostruc-feature-set, Chem-graph-pntrs, Atom-pntrs,
- Chem-graph-alignment, Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, Brick, Transform,
- Biostruc-feature-set-id, Biostruc-feature-id;
- Molecule-id, Residue-id, Atom-id FROM MMDB-Chemical-graph
- Model-id, Model-coordinate-set-id FROM MMDB-Structural-model
- User-object FROM NCBI-General
- Pub FROM NCBI-Pub;
- -- Named model features refer to sets of residues or atoms, or a region in
- -- the model space. A few specific feature types are allowed for compatibility
- -- with PDB usage, but the purpose of a named model feature is simply to
- -- associate various types of information with a set of atoms or
- -- residues, or a spatially-defined region of the model structure. They also
- -- support association of various properties with each residue or atom of a
- -- set.
- -- PDB-derived secondary structure defines a single feature, represented as a
- -- sequence of residue motifs, as are the contents of PDB SITE and
- -- FTNOTE records. NCBI-assigned core and secondary structure descriptions
- -- are also represented as a sequence of residue motifs.
- Biostruc-feature-set ::= SEQUENCE {
- id Biostruc-feature-set-id,
- descr SEQUENCE OF Biostruc-feature-set-descr OPTIONAL,
- features SEQUENCE OF Biostruc-feature }
- Biostruc-feature-set-id ::= INTEGER
- Biostruc-feature-set-descr ::= CHOICE {
- name VisibleString,
- pdb-comment VisibleString,
- other-comment VisibleString,
- attribution Pub }
- -- An explicitly specified type in Biostruc-feature allows for
- -- efficient extraction and indexing of feature sets of a specific type.
- -- Special types are provided for coloring and rendering, as
- -- as needed by molecular graphics programs.
- Biostruc-feature ::= SEQUENCE {
- id Biostruc-feature-id OPTIONAL,
- name VisibleString OPTIONAL,
- type INTEGER { helix(1),
- strand(2),
- sheet(3),
- turn(4),
- site(5),
- footnote(6),
- comment(7), -- new
- subgraph(100), -- NCBI domain reserved
- region(101),
- core(102), -- user core definition
- supercore(103), -- NCBI reserved
- color(150), -- new
- render(151), -- new
- label(152), -- new
- transform(153), -- new
- camera(154), -- new
- script(155), -- for scripts
- alignment(200), -- VAST reserved
- similarity(201),
- multalign(202), -- multiple alignment
- indirect(203), -- new
- cn3dstate(254), -- Cn3D reserved
- other(255) } OPTIONAL,
- property CHOICE {
- color Color-prop,
- render Render-prop,
- transform Transform,
- camera Camera,
- script Biostruc-script,
- user User-object } OPTIONAL,
- location CHOICE {
- subgraph Chem-graph-pntrs,
- region Region-pntrs,
- alignment Chem-graph-alignment,
- similarity Region-similarity,
- indirect Other-feature } OPTIONAL } -- new
- -- Other-feature allows for specifying location via reference to another
- -- Biostruc-feature and its location.
- Other-feature ::= SEQUENCE {
- biostruc-id Biostruc-id,
- set Biostruc-feature-set-id,
- feature Biostruc-feature-id }
- Biostruc-feature-id ::= INTEGER
- -- Atom, residue or molecule motifs describe a substructure defined by a set
- -- of nodes from the chemical graph. PDB secondary structure features are
- -- described as a residue motif, since they are not associated with any one of
- -- the multiple models that may be provided in a PDB file. NCBI-assigned
- -- secondary structure is represented in the same way, even though it is
- -- model specific, since this allows for simple mapping of the structural
- -- feature onto a sequence-only representation. This addressing mode may also
- -- be used to describe features to be associated with particular atoms,
- -- as, for example, the chemical shift observed in an NMR experiment.
- Chem-graph-pntrs ::= CHOICE {
- atoms Atom-pntrs,
- residues Residue-pntrs,
- molecules Molecule-pntrs }
- Atom-pntrs ::= SEQUENCE {
- number-of-ptrs INTEGER,
- molecule-ids SEQUENCE OF Molecule-id,
- residue-ids SEQUENCE OF Residue-id,
- atom-ids SEQUENCE OF Atom-id }
- Residue-pntrs ::= CHOICE {
- explicit Residue-explicit-pntrs,
- interval SEQUENCE OF Residue-interval-pntr }
- Residue-explicit-pntrs ::= SEQUENCE {
- number-of-ptrs INTEGER,
- molecule-ids SEQUENCE OF Molecule-id,
- residue-ids SEQUENCE OF Residue-id }
- Residue-interval-pntr ::= SEQUENCE {
- molecule-id Molecule-id,
- from Residue-id,
- to Residue-id }
- Molecule-pntrs ::= SEQUENCE {
- number-of-ptrs INTEGER,
- molecule-ids SEQUENCE OF Molecule-id }
- -- Region motifs describe features defined by spatial location, such as the
- -- site specified by a coordinate value, or a rgeion within a bounding volume.
- Region-pntrs ::= SEQUENCE {
- model-id Model-id,
- region CHOICE {
- site SEQUENCE OF Region-coordinates,
- boundary SEQUENCE OF Region-boundary } }
- -- Coordinate sites describe a region in space by reference to individual
- -- coordinates, in a particular model. These coordinates may be either the
- -- x, y and z values of atomic coordinates, the triangles of a surface mesh,
- -- or the grid points of a density model. All are addressed in the same manner,
- -- as coordinate indices which give offsets from the beginning of the
- -- coordinate data arrays. A coordinate-index of 5, for example, refers to
- -- the 5th x, y and z values of an atomic coordinate set, the 5th v1, v2, and v3
- -- values of a triangle mesh, or the 5th value in a density grid.
- -- PDB SITE and FTNOTE records refer to particular atomic coordinates, and they
- -- are represented as a region motif with addresses of type Region-coordinates.
- -- Any names or descriptions provided by PDB are thus associated with the
- -- indicated sites, in the indicated model.
- Region-coordinates ::= SEQUENCE {
- model-coord-set-id Model-coordinate-set-id,
- number-of-coords INTEGER OPTIONAL,
- coordinate-indices SEQUENCE OF INTEGER OPTIONAL }
- -- Region boundaries are defined by regular solids located in the model space.
- Region-boundary ::= CHOICE { sphere Sphere,
- cone Cone,
- cylinder Cylinder,
- brick Brick }
- -- A biostruc alignment establishes an equivalence of nodes in the chemical
- -- graphs of two or more biostrucs. This may be mapped to a sequence
- -- alignment in the case of biopolymers.
- -- The 'dimension' component indicates the number of participants
- -- in the alignment. For pairwise alignments, such as VAST
- -- structure-structure alignments, the dimension will be always 2, with
- -- biostruc-ids, alignment, and domain each containing two entries for an
- -- aligned pair. The 'alignment' component contains a pair of Chem-graph-pntrs
- -- specifying a like number of corresponding residues in each structure.
- -- The 'domain' component specifies a region of each structure considered
- -- in the alignment. Only one transform (for the second structure) and
- -- one aligndata (for the pair) are provided for each VAST alignment.
- --
- -- For multiple alignments, a set of components are treated as
- -- parallel arrays of length 'dimension'.
- -- The 'transform' component moves each structure to align it with
- -- the structure specified as the first element in the "parallel" array,
- -- so necessarily the first transform is a NULL transform.
- -- Align-stats are placeholders for scores.
- Chem-graph-alignment ::= SEQUENCE {
- dimension INTEGER DEFAULT 2,
- biostruc-ids SEQUENCE OF Biostruc-id,
- alignment SEQUENCE OF Chem-graph-pntrs,
- domain SEQUENCE OF Chem-graph-pntrs OPTIONAL,
- transform SEQUENCE OF Transform OPTIONAL,
- aligndata SEQUENCE OF Align-stats OPTIONAL }
- Align-stats ::= SEQUENCE {
- descr VisibleString OPTIONAL,
- scale-factor INTEGER OPTIONAL,
- vast-score INTEGER OPTIONAL,
- vast-mlogp INTEGER OPTIONAL,
- blast-score INTEGER OPTIONAL,
- blast-mlogp INTEGER OPTIONAL,
- other-score INTEGER OPTIONAL }
- -- A biostruc similarity describes spatial features which are similar between
- -- two or more biostrucs. Similarities are model dependent, and the model and
- -- coordinate set ids of the biostrucs must be specified. They do not
- -- necessarily map to a sequence alignment, as the regions referenced may
- -- be pieces of a surface or grid, and thus not uniquely mapable to particular
- -- chemical components.
- Region-similarity ::= SEQUENCE {
- dimension INTEGER DEFAULT 2,
- biostruc-ids SEQUENCE OF Biostruc-id,
- similarity SEQUENCE OF Region-pntrs,
- transform SEQUENCE OF Transform }
- -- Geometrical primitives are used in the definition of region motifs, and
- -- also non-atomic coordinates. Spheres, cones, cylinders and bricks are
- -- defined by a few points in the model space.
- Sphere ::= SEQUENCE {
- center Model-space-point,
- radius RealValue }
- Cone ::= SEQUENCE {
- axis-top Model-space-point,
- axis-bottom Model-space-point,
- radius-bottom RealValue }
- Cylinder ::= SEQUENCE {
- axis-top Model-space-point,
- axis-bottom Model-space-point,
- radius RealValue }
- -- A brick is defined by the coordinates of eight corners. These are assumed
- -- to appear in the order 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111, where the
- -- digits 0 and 1 refer to respectively to the x, y and z axes of a unit cube.
- -- Opposite edges are assumed to be parallel.
- Brick ::= SEQUENCE {
- corner-000 Model-space-point,
- corner-001 Model-space-point,
- corner-010 Model-space-point,
- corner-011 Model-space-point,
- corner-100 Model-space-point,
- corner-101 Model-space-point,
- corner-110 Model-space-point,
- corner-111 Model-space-point }
- Model-space-point ::= SEQUENCE {
- scale-factor INTEGER,
- RealValue ::= SEQUENCE {
- scale-factor INTEGER,
- scaled-integer-value INTEGER }
- Transform ::= SEQUENCE {
- moves SEQUENCE OF Move }
- Move ::= CHOICE {
- rotate Rot-matrix,
- translate Trans-matrix }
- -- A rotation matrix is defined by 9 numbers, given by row, i.e.,
- -- with column indices varying fastest.
- -- Coordinates, as a matrix with columns x, y, an z, are rotated
- -- via multiplication with the rotation matrix.
- -- A translation matrix is defined by 3 numbers, which is added to
- -- the rotated coordinates for specified amount of translation.
- Rot-matrix ::= SEQUENCE {
- scale-factor INTEGER,
- rot-11 INTEGER,
- rot-12 INTEGER,
- rot-13 INTEGER,
- rot-21 INTEGER,
- rot-22 INTEGER,
- rot-23 INTEGER,
- rot-31 INTEGER,
- rot-32 INTEGER,
- rot-33 INTEGER }
- Trans-matrix ::= SEQUENCE {
- scale-factor INTEGER,
- tran-1 INTEGER,
- tran-2 INTEGER,
- tran-3 INTEGER }
- -- The camera is a position relative to the world coordinates
- -- of the structure referred to by a location.
- -- this is used to set the initial position of the
- -- camera using OpenGL. scale is the value used to scale the
- -- other values from floating point to integer
- Camera ::= SEQUENCE {
- distance INTEGER,
- angle INTEGER,
- scale INTEGER,
- modelview GL-matrix }
- GL-matrix ::= SEQUENCE {
- scale INTEGER,
- m11 INTEGER,
- m12 INTEGER,
- m13 INTEGER,
- m14 INTEGER,
- m21 INTEGER,
- m22 INTEGER,
- m23 INTEGER,
- m24 INTEGER,
- m31 INTEGER,
- m32 INTEGER,
- m33 INTEGER,
- m34 INTEGER,
- m41 INTEGER,
- m42 INTEGER,
- m43 INTEGER,
- m44 INTEGER }
- Color-prop ::= SEQUENCE {
- name VisibleString OPTIONAL }
- -- Note that Render-prop is compatible with the Annmm specification,
- -- i.e., its numbering schemes do not clash with those in Render-prop.
- Render-prop ::= INTEGER {
- default (0), -- Default view
- wire (1), -- use wireframe
- space (2), -- use spacefill
- stick (3), -- use stick model (thin cylinders)
- ballNStick (4), -- use ball & stick model
- thickWire (5), -- thicker wireframe
- hide (9), -- don't show this
- name (10), -- display its name next to it
- number (11), -- display its number next to it
- pdbNumber (12), -- display its PDB number next to it
- objWireFrame (150), -- display MMDB surface object as wireframe
- objPolygons (151), -- display MMDB surface object as polygons
- colorsetCPK (225), -- color atoms like CPK models
- colorsetbyChain (226), -- color each chain different
- colorsetbyTemp (227), -- color using isotropic Temp factors
- colorsetbyRes (228), -- color using residue properties
- colorsetbyLen (229), -- color changes along chain length
- colorsetbySStru (230), -- color by secondary structure
- colorsetbyHydro (231), -- color by hydrophobicity
- colorsetbyObject(246), -- color each object differently
- colorsetbyDomain(247), -- color each domain differently
- other (255)
- }
- -- When a Biostruc-Feature with a Biostruc-script is initiated,
- -- it should play the specified steps one at a time, setting the feature-do
- -- list as the active display.
- -- The camera can be set using a feature-do,
- -- but it may be moved independently with
- -- camera-move, which specifies how to move
- -- the camera dynamically during the step along the path defined (e.g.,
- -- a zoom, a rotate).
- -- Any value of pause (in 1:10th's of a second) will force a pause
- -- after an image is shown.
- -- If waitevent is TRUE, it will await a mouse or keypress and ignore
- -- the pause value.
- Biostruc-script ::= SEQUENCE OF Biostruc-script-step
- Biostruc-script-step ::= SEQUENCE {
- step-id Step-id,
- step-name VisibleString OPTIONAL,
- feature-do SEQUENCE OF Other-feature OPTIONAL,
- camera-move Transform OPTIONAL,
- waitevent BOOLEAN,
- extra INTEGER,
- jump Step-id OPTIONAL }
- Step-id ::= INTEGER