- --
- -- ===========================================================================
- -- PRODUCTION $Log: mla.asn,v $
- -- PRODUCTION Revision 1000.0 2003/10/29 21:20:39 gouriano
- -- ===========================================================================
- --
- --$Revision: 1000.0 $
- --********************************************************************
- --
- -- Network MEDLINE Archive message formats
- -- Ostell 1993
- --
- --
- --*********************************************************************
- --
- -- mla.asn
- --
- -- messages for medline archive data access
- --
- --*********************************************************************
- IMPORTS Medline-entry FROM NCBI-Medline
- Medlars-entry FROM NCBI-Medlars
- Pubmed-entry FROM NCBI-PubMed
- Medline-si FROM NCBI-Medline
- Title, PubMedId FROM NCBI-Biblio;
- --**********************************
- -- requests
- --
- Mla-request ::= CHOICE {
- init [0] NULL, -- DlInit
- getmle [1] INTEGER, -- get MedlineEntry
- getpub [2] INTEGER, -- get citation by muid
- gettitle [3] Title-msg, -- match titles
- citmatch [4] Pub, --
- fini [5] NULL, -- DlFini
- getmriuids [6] INTEGER, -- Get MUIDs for an MRI
- getaccuids [7] Medline-si, -- Get MUIDs for an Accessions
- uidtopmid [8] INTEGER, -- get PMID for MUID
- pmidtouid [9] PubMedId, -- get MUID for PMID
- getmlepmid [10] PubMedId, -- get MedlineEntry by PubMed id
- getpubpmid [11] PubMedId, -- get citation by PubMed id
- citmatchpmid [12] Pub, -- citation match, PMID on out
- getmripmids [13] INTEGER, -- get PMIDs for an MRI
- getaccpmids [14] Medline-si,-- get PMIDs for an Accessions
- citlstpmids [15] Pub, -- generate list of PMID for Pub
- getmleuid [16] INTEGER, -- get MedlineEntry by Medline id
- getmlrpmid [17] PubMedId, -- get MedlarsEntry by PubMed id
- getmlruid [18] INTEGER -- get MedlarsEntry by Medline id
- }
- --**********************************************************************
- --
- -- if request = all
- -- if one row returned
- -- reply=all, return every column
- -- else
- -- reply=ml-jta for each row
- --
- -- if request = not-set, reply=ml-jta
- --
- -- otherwise,
- -- if request != ml-jta
- -- if column exist, reply=column, else reply=ml-jta
- --
- --**********************************************************************
- Title-type ::= ENUMERATED {
- not-set (0), -- request=ml-jta (default), reply=not-found
- name (1),
- tsub (2),
- trans (3),
- jta (4),
- iso-jta (5),
- ml-jta (6),
- coden (7),
- issn (8),
- abr (9),
- isbn (10),
- all (255)
- }
- Title-msg ::= SEQUENCE { -- Title match request/response
- type Title-type, -- type to get, or type returned
- title Title -- title(s) to look up, or title(s) found
- }
- Title-msg-list ::= SEQUENCE {
- num INTEGER, -- number of titles
- titles SEQUENCE OF Title-msg
- }
- Error-val ::= ENUMERATED {
- not-found (0), -- Entry was not found
- operational-error (1), -- A run-time operation error was occurred
- cannot-connect-jrsrv (2), -- Cannot connect to Journal server
- cannot-connect-pmdb (3), -- Cannot connect to PubMed
- journal-not-found (4), -- Journal title not found
- citation-not-found (5), -- Volume, Page and Author do not match any
- -- article
- citation-ambiguous (6), -- More than one article found
- citation-too-many (7) -- Too many article was found
- }
- Mla-back ::= CHOICE {
- init [0] NULL, -- DlInit
- error [1] Error-val, -- not found for getmle/getpub/citmatch
- getmle [2] Medline-entry, -- got Medline Entry
- getpub [3] Pub,
- gettitle [4] Title-msg-list, -- match titles
- citmatch [5] INTEGER, -- citation lookup muid or 0
- fini [6] NULL, -- DlFini
- getuids [7] SEQUENCE OF INTEGER, -- got a set of MUIDs
- getpmids [8] SEQUENCE OF INTEGER,-- got a set of PMIDs
- outuid [9] INTEGER, -- result muid or 0 if not found
- outpmid [10] PubMedId, -- result pmid or 0 if not found
- getpme [11] Pubmed-entry, -- got Pubmed Entry
- getmlr [12] Medlars-entry -- got Medlars Entry
- }