- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: su_block_multiple_alignment.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.0 2004/06/01 18:14:28 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: su_block_multiple_alignment.cpp,v 1000.0 2004/06/01 18:14:28 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Authors: Paul Thiessen
- *
- * File Description:
- * Classes to hold alignment data
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
- #include <corelib/ncbi_limits.hpp>
- #include <util/tables/raw_scoremat.h>
- #include <objects/seqalign/Dense_diag.hpp>
- #include "su_block_multiple_alignment.hpp"
- #include "su_sequence_set.hpp"
- #include "su_private.hpp"
- // C-toolkit stuff for PSSM calculation
- #include <objalign.h>
- #include <blast.h>
- #include <blastkar.h>
- #include <cddutil.h>
- #include <thrdatd.h>
- #include <thrddecl.h>
- USING_SCOPE(objects);
- BEGIN_SCOPE(struct_util)
- // from su_sequence_set.cpp
- extern BioseqPtr GetOrCreateBioseq(const Sequence *sequence);
- extern void AddCSeqId(SeqIdPtr *sid, const ncbi::objects::CSeq_id& cppid);
- static const int SCALING_FACTOR = 1000000;
- static const string ThreaderResidues = "ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV";
- static const string BLASTResidues = "-ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWXYZU*";
- BlockMultipleAlignment::BlockMultipleAlignment(const SequenceList& sequenceList)
- {
- m_sequences = sequenceList;
- m_pssm = NULL;
- InitCache();
- m_rowDoubles.resize(m_sequences.size(), 0.0);
- m_rowStrings.resize(m_sequences.size());
- }
- void BlockMultipleAlignment::InitCache(void)
- {
- m_cachePrevRow = eUndefined;
- m_cachePrevBlock = NULL;
- m_cacheBlockIterator = m_blocks.begin();
- }
- BlockMultipleAlignment::~BlockMultipleAlignment(void)
- {
- RemovePSSM();
- }
- BlockMultipleAlignment * BlockMultipleAlignment::Clone(void) const
- {
- BlockMultipleAlignment *copy = new BlockMultipleAlignment(m_sequences);
- BlockList::const_iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b)
- copy->m_blocks.push_back(CRef<Block>((*b)->Clone(copy)));
- copy->UpdateBlockMap();
- copy->m_rowDoubles = m_rowDoubles;
- copy->m_rowStrings = m_rowStrings;
- return copy;
- }
- static inline unsigned int ScreenResidueCharacter(char original)
- {
- char ch = toupper(original);
- switch (ch) {
- case 'A': case 'R': case 'N': case 'D': case 'C':
- case 'Q': case 'E': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I':
- case 'L': case 'K': case 'M': case 'F': case 'P':
- case 'S': case 'T': case 'W': case 'Y': case 'V':
- case 'B': case 'Z':
- break;
- default:
- ch = 'X'; // make all but natural aa's just 'X'
- }
- return ch;
- }
- static int GetBLOSUM62Score(char a, char b)
- {
- static SNCBIFullScoreMatrix Blosum62Matrix;
- static bool unpacked = false;
- if (!unpacked) {
- NCBISM_Unpack(&NCBISM_Blosum62, &Blosum62Matrix);
- unpacked = true;
- }
- return Blosum62Matrix.s[ScreenResidueCharacter(a)][ScreenResidueCharacter(b)];
- }
- // creates a SeqAlign from a BlockMultipleAlignment
- static SeqAlignPtr CreateCSeqAlign(const BlockMultipleAlignment& multiple)
- {
- // one SeqAlign (chained into a linked list) for each slave row
- SeqAlignPtr prevSap = NULL, firstSap = NULL;
- for (unsigned int row=1; row<multiple.NRows(); ++row) {
- SeqAlignPtr sap = SeqAlignNew();
- if (prevSap) prevSap->next = sap;
- prevSap = sap;
- if (!firstSap) firstSap = sap;
- sap->type = SAT_PARTIAL;
- sap->dim = 2;
- sap->segtype = SAS_DENDIAG;
- DenseDiagPtr prevDd = NULL;
- BlockMultipleAlignment::UngappedAlignedBlockList blocks;
- multiple.GetUngappedAlignedBlocks(&blocks);
- BlockMultipleAlignment::UngappedAlignedBlockList::const_iterator b, be = blocks.end();
- for (b=blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- DenseDiagPtr dd = DenseDiagNew();
- if (prevDd) prevDd->next = dd;
- prevDd = dd;
- if (b == blocks.begin()) sap->segs = dd;
- dd->dim = 2;
- AddCSeqId(&(dd->id), multiple.GetSequenceOfRow(0)->GetPreferredIdentifier());
- AddCSeqId(&(dd->id), multiple.GetSequenceOfRow(row)->GetPreferredIdentifier());
- dd->len = (*b)->m_width;
- dd->starts = (Int4Ptr) MemNew(2 * sizeof(Int4));
- const Block::Range *range = (*b)->GetRangeOfRow(0);
- dd->starts[0] = range->from;
- range = (*b)->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- dd->starts[1] = range->from;
- }
- }
- return firstSap;
- }
- static void CreateAllBioseqs(const BlockMultipleAlignment& multiple)
- {
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<multiple.NRows(); ++row)
- GetOrCreateBioseq(multiple.GetSequenceOfRow(row));
- }
- static Seq_Mtf * CreateSeqMtf(const BlockMultipleAlignment& multiple,
- double weightPSSM, BLAST_KarlinBlkPtr karlinBlock)
- {
- // special case for "PSSM" of single-row "alignment" - just use BLOSUM62 score
- if (multiple.NRows() == 1) {
- Seq_Mtf *seqMtf = NewSeqMtf(multiple.GetMaster()->Length(), ThreaderResidues.size());
- for (unsigned int res=0; res<multiple.GetMaster()->Length(); ++res)
- for (unsigned int aa=0; aa<ThreaderResidues.size(); ++aa)
- seqMtf->ww[res][aa] = ThrdRound(weightPSSM * SCALING_FACTOR *
- GetBLOSUM62Score(multiple.GetMaster()->m_sequenceString[res], ThreaderResidues[aa]));
- WARNING_MESSAGE("Created Seq_Mtf (PSSM) from BLOSUM62 scores");
- return seqMtf;
- }
- // convert all sequences to Bioseqs
- CreateAllBioseqs(multiple);
- // create SeqAlign from this BlockMultipleAlignment
- SeqAlignPtr seqAlign = CreateCSeqAlign(multiple);
- // "spread" unaligned residues between aligned blocks, for PSSM construction
- CddDegapSeqAlign(seqAlign);
- Seq_Mtf *seqMtf = NULL;
- for (int i=11; i>=1; --i) {
- // first try auto-determined pseudocount (-1); if fails, find higest <= 10 that works
- int pseudocount = (i == 11) ? -1 : i;
- seqMtf = CddDenDiagCposComp2KBP(
- GetOrCreateBioseq(multiple.GetMaster()),
- pseudocount,
- seqAlign,
- weightPSSM,
- karlinBlock
- );
- if (seqMtf)
- break;
- else
- WARNING_MESSAGE("Cannot use " << ((pseudocount == -1) ? "(empirical) " : "")
- << "pseudocount of " << pseudocount);
- }
- if (seqMtf)
- TRACE_MESSAGE("created Seq_Mtf (PSSM)");
- else
- ERROR_MESSAGE("Cannot find any pseudocount that yields an acceptable PSSM!");
- SeqAlignSetFree(seqAlign);
- return seqMtf;
- }
- // gives BLAST residue number for a character (or # for 'X' if char not found)
- int LookupBLASTResidueNumberFromCharacter(unsigned char r)
- {
- typedef map < unsigned char, int > Char2Int;
- static Char2Int charMap;
- if (charMap.size() == 0) {
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<BLASTResidues.size(); ++i)
- charMap[BLASTResidues[i]] = i;
- }
- Char2Int::const_iterator n = charMap.find(toupper(r));
- if (n != charMap.end())
- return n->second;
- else
- return charMap.find('X')->second;
- }
- // gives BLAST residue number for a threader residue number (or # for 'X' if char == -1)
- static int LookupBLASTResidueNumberFromThreaderResidueNumber(unsigned char r)
- {
- r = toupper(r);
- return LookupBLASTResidueNumberFromCharacter(
- (r < ThreaderResidues.size()) ? ThreaderResidues[r] : 'X');
- }
- static Int4 Round(double d)
- {
- if (d >= 0.0)
- return (Int4) (d + 0.5);
- else
- return (Int4) (d - 0.5);
- }
- const BLAST_Matrix * BlockMultipleAlignment::GetPSSM(void) const
- {
- if (m_pssm) return m_pssm;
- // for now, use threader's SeqMtf
- BLAST_KarlinBlkPtr karlinBlock = BlastKarlinBlkCreate();
- Seq_Mtf *seqMtf = CreateSeqMtf(*this, 1.0, karlinBlock);
- m_pssm = (BLAST_Matrix *) MemNew(sizeof(BLAST_Matrix));
- m_pssm->is_prot = TRUE;
- m_pssm->name = StringSave("BLOSUM62");
- m_pssm->karlinK = karlinBlock->K;
- m_pssm->rows = seqMtf->n + 1;
- m_pssm->columns = 26;
- int i, j;
- m_pssm->matrix = (Int4 **) MemNew(m_pssm->rows * sizeof(Int4 *));
- for (i=0; i<m_pssm->rows; ++i) {
- m_pssm->matrix[i] = (Int4 *) MemNew(m_pssm->columns * sizeof(Int4));
- // set scores from threader matrix
- if (i < seqMtf->n) {
- // initialize all rows with custom score, or BLAST_SCORE_MIN; to match what Aron's function creates
- for (j=0; j<m_pssm->columns; ++j)
- m_pssm->matrix[i][j] = (j == 21 ? -1 : (j == 25 ? -4 : BLAST_SCORE_MIN));
- for (j=0; j<seqMtf->AlphabetSize; ++j) {
- m_pssm->matrix[i][LookupBLASTResidueNumberFromThreaderResidueNumber(j)] =
- Round(((double) seqMtf->ww[i][j]) / SCALING_FACTOR);
- }
- } else {
- // initialize last row with BLAST_SCORE_MIN
- for (j=0; j<m_pssm->columns; ++j)
- m_pssm->matrix[i][j] = BLAST_SCORE_MIN;
- }
- }
- m_pssm->posFreqs = NULL;
- FreeSeqMtf(seqMtf);
- BlastKarlinBlkDestruct(karlinBlock);
- return m_pssm;
- }
- void BlockMultipleAlignment::RemovePSSM(void) const
- {
- if (m_pssm) {
- BLAST_MatrixDestruct(m_pssm);
- m_pssm = NULL;
- }
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::CheckAlignedBlock(const Block *block) const
- {
- if (!block || !block->IsAligned()) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("CheckAlignedBlock() - checks aligned blocks only");
- return false;
- }
- if (block->NSequences() != m_sequences.size()) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("CheckAlignedBlock() - block size mismatch");
- return false;
- }
- // make sure ranges are reasonable for each sequence
- unsigned int row;
- const Block
- *prevBlock = GetBlockBefore(block),
- *nextBlock = GetBlockAfter(block);
- const Block::Range *range, *prevRange = NULL, *nextRange = NULL;
- SequenceList::const_iterator sequence = m_sequences.begin();
- for (row=0; row<block->NSequences(); ++row, ++sequence) {
- range = block->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- if (prevBlock) prevRange = prevBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- if (nextBlock) nextRange = nextBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- if (range->to - range->from + 1 != block->m_width || // check block m_width
- (prevRange && range->from <= prevRange->to) || // check for range overlap
- (nextRange && range->to >= nextRange->from) || // check for range overlap
- range->from > range->to || // check range values
- range->to >= (*sequence)->Length()) // check bounds of end
- {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("CheckAlignedBlock() - range error");
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::AddAlignedBlockAtEnd(UngappedAlignedBlock *newBlock)
- {
- m_blocks.push_back(CRef<Block>(newBlock));
- return CheckAlignedBlock(newBlock);
- }
- UnalignedBlock * BlockMultipleAlignment::
- CreateNewUnalignedBlockBetween(const Block *leftBlock, const Block *rightBlock)
- {
- if ((leftBlock && !leftBlock->IsAligned()) ||
- (rightBlock && !rightBlock->IsAligned())) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("CreateNewUnalignedBlockBetween() - passed an unaligned block");
- return NULL;
- }
- unsigned int row, from, to, length;
- SequenceList::const_iterator s, se = m_sequences.end();
- UnalignedBlock *newBlock = new UnalignedBlock(this);
- newBlock->m_width = 0;
- for (row=0, s=m_sequences.begin(); s!=se; ++row, ++s) {
- if (leftBlock)
- from = leftBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row)->to + 1;
- else
- from = 0;
- if (rightBlock)
- to = rightBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row)->from - 1;
- else
- to = (*s)->Length() - 1;
- newBlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, from, to);
- length = to - from + 1;
- if ((to - from + 1) < 0) { // just to make sure...
- ERROR_MESSAGE("CreateNewUnalignedBlockBetween() - unaligned length < 0");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (length > newBlock->m_width)
- newBlock->m_width = length;
- }
- if (newBlock->m_width == 0) {
- delete newBlock;
- return NULL;
- } else
- return newBlock;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::AddUnalignedBlocks(void)
- {
- BlockList::iterator a, ae = m_blocks.end();
- const Block *alignedBlock = NULL, *prevAlignedBlock = NULL;
- Block *newUnalignedBlock;
- // unaligned m_blocks to the left of each aligned block
- for (a=m_blocks.begin(); a!=ae; ++a) {
- alignedBlock = *a;
- newUnalignedBlock = CreateNewUnalignedBlockBetween(prevAlignedBlock, alignedBlock);
- if (newUnalignedBlock)
- m_blocks.insert(a, CRef<Block>(newUnalignedBlock));
- prevAlignedBlock = alignedBlock;
- }
- // right tail
- newUnalignedBlock = CreateNewUnalignedBlockBetween(alignedBlock, NULL);
- if (newUnalignedBlock) {
- m_blocks.insert(a, CRef<Block>(newUnalignedBlock));
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::UpdateBlockMap(bool clearRowInfo)
- {
- unsigned int i = 0, j, n = 0;
- BlockList::iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- // reset old stuff, recalculate m_width
- m_totalWidth = 0;
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b)
- m_totalWidth += (*b)->m_width;
- // fill out the block map
- m_blockMap.resize(m_totalWidth);
- UngappedAlignedBlock *aBlock;
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- aBlock = dynamic_cast<UngappedAlignedBlock*>(b->GetPointer());
- if (aBlock)
- ++n;
- for (j=0; j<(*b)->m_width; ++j, ++i) {
- m_blockMap[i].block = *b;
- m_blockMap[i].blockColumn = j;
- m_blockMap[i].alignedBlockNum = aBlock ? n : eUndefined;
- }
- }
- // if alignment changes, any pssm/scores/status become invalid
- RemovePSSM();
- if (clearRowInfo) ClearRowInfo();
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::GetCharacterAt(
- unsigned int alignmentColumn, unsigned int row, eUnalignedJustification justification,
- char *character) const
- {
- const Sequence *sequence;
- unsigned int seqIndex;
- bool isAligned;
- if (!GetSequenceAndIndexAt(alignmentColumn, row, justification, &sequence, &seqIndex, &isAligned))
- return false;
- *character = (seqIndex >= 0) ? sequence->m_sequenceString[seqIndex] : '~';
- if (isAligned)
- *character = toupper(*character);
- else
- *character = tolower(*character);
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::GetSequenceAndIndexAt(
- unsigned int alignmentColumn, unsigned int row, eUnalignedJustification requestedJustification,
- const Sequence **sequence, unsigned int *index, bool *isAligned) const
- {
- if (sequence)
- *sequence = m_sequences[row];
- const BlockInfo& blockInfo = m_blockMap[alignmentColumn];
- if (!blockInfo.block->IsAligned()) {
- if (isAligned)
- *isAligned = false;
- // override requested justification for end m_blocks
- if (blockInfo.block == m_blocks.back().GetPointer()) // also true if there's a single aligned block
- requestedJustification = eLeft;
- else if (blockInfo.block == m_blocks.front().GetPointer())
- requestedJustification = eRight;
- } else
- if (isAligned)
- *isAligned = true;
- if (index)
- *index = blockInfo.block->GetIndexAt(blockInfo.blockColumn, row, requestedJustification);
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::IsAligned(unsigned int row, unsigned int seqIndex) const
- {
- const Block *block = GetBlock(row, seqIndex);
- return (block && block->IsAligned());
- }
- const Block * BlockMultipleAlignment::GetBlock(unsigned int row, unsigned int seqIndex) const
- {
- // make sure we're in range for this sequence
- if (row < 0 || seqIndex < 0 || row >= NRows() || seqIndex >= m_sequences[row]->Length()) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::GetBlock() - coordinate out of range");
- return NULL;
- }
- const Block::Range *range;
- // first check to see if it's in the same block as last time.
- if (m_cachePrevBlock) {
- range = m_cachePrevBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- if (seqIndex >= range->from && seqIndex <= range->to)
- return m_cachePrevBlock;
- ++m_cacheBlockIterator; // start search at next block
- } else {
- m_cacheBlockIterator = m_blocks.begin();
- }
- // otherwise, perform block search. This search is most efficient when queries
- // happen in order from left to right along a given row.
- do {
- if (m_cacheBlockIterator == m_blocks.end())
- m_cacheBlockIterator = m_blocks.begin();
- range = (*m_cacheBlockIterator)->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- if (seqIndex >= range->from && seqIndex <= range->to) {
- m_cachePrevBlock = *m_cacheBlockIterator; // cache this block
- return m_cachePrevBlock;
- }
- ++m_cacheBlockIterator;
- } while (1);
- }
- unsigned int BlockMultipleAlignment::GetFirstAlignedBlockPosition(void) const
- {
- BlockList::const_iterator b = m_blocks.begin();
- if (m_blocks.size() > 0 && (*b)->IsAligned()) // first block is aligned
- return 0;
- else if (m_blocks.size() >= 2 && (*(++b))->IsAligned()) // second block is aligned
- return m_blocks.front()->m_width;
- else
- return eUndefined;
- }
- unsigned int BlockMultipleAlignment::GetAlignedSlaveIndex(unsigned int masterSeqIndex, unsigned int slaveRow) const
- {
- const UngappedAlignedBlock
- *aBlock = dynamic_cast<const UngappedAlignedBlock*>(GetBlock(0, masterSeqIndex));
- if (!aBlock)
- return eUndefined;
- const Block::Range
- *masterRange = aBlock->GetRangeOfRow(0),
- *slaveRange = aBlock->GetRangeOfRow(slaveRow);
- return (slaveRange->from + masterSeqIndex - masterRange->from);
- }
- void BlockMultipleAlignment::GetAlignedBlockPosition(unsigned int alignmentIndex,
- unsigned int *blockColumn, unsigned int *blockWidth) const
- {
- *blockColumn = *blockWidth = eUndefined;
- const BlockInfo& info = m_blockMap[alignmentIndex];
- if (info.block->IsAligned()) {
- *blockColumn = info.blockColumn;
- *blockWidth = info.block->m_width;
- }
- }
- Block * BlockMultipleAlignment::GetBlockBefore(const Block *block)
- {
- Block *prevBlock = NULL;
- BlockList::iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- if (*b == block) break;
- prevBlock = b->GetPointer();
- }
- return prevBlock;
- }
- const Block * BlockMultipleAlignment::GetBlockBefore(const Block *block) const
- {
- const Block *prevBlock = NULL;
- BlockList::const_iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- if (*b == block) break;
- prevBlock = b->GetPointer();
- }
- return prevBlock;
- }
- Block * BlockMultipleAlignment::GetBlockAfter(const Block *block)
- {
- BlockList::iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- if (*b == block) {
- ++b;
- if (b == be) break;
- return *b;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- const Block * BlockMultipleAlignment::GetBlockAfter(const Block *block) const
- {
- BlockList::const_iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- if (*b == block) {
- ++b;
- if (b == be) break;
- return *b;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- const UnalignedBlock * BlockMultipleAlignment::GetUnalignedBlockBefore(
- const UngappedAlignedBlock *aBlock) const
- {
- const Block *prevBlock;
- if (aBlock)
- prevBlock = GetBlockBefore(aBlock);
- else
- prevBlock = m_blocks.back().GetPointer();
- return dynamic_cast<const UnalignedBlock*>(prevBlock);
- }
- void BlockMultipleAlignment::InsertBlockBefore(Block *newBlock, const Block *insertAt)
- {
- BlockList::iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- if (*b == insertAt) {
- m_blocks.insert(b, CRef<Block>(newBlock));
- return;
- }
- }
- WARNING_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::InsertBlockBefore() - couldn't find insertAt block");
- }
- void BlockMultipleAlignment::InsertBlockAfter(const Block *insertAt, Block *newBlock)
- {
- BlockList::iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- if (*b == insertAt) {
- ++b;
- m_blocks.insert(b, CRef<Block>(newBlock));
- return;
- }
- }
- WARNING_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::InsertBlockBefore() - couldn't find insertAt block");
- }
- void BlockMultipleAlignment::RemoveBlock(Block *block)
- {
- BlockList::iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- if (*b == block) {
- m_blocks.erase(b);
- InitCache();
- return;
- }
- }
- WARNING_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::RemoveBlock() - couldn't find block");
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::MoveBlockBoundary(unsigned int columnFrom, unsigned int columnTo)
- {
- unsigned int blockColumn, blockWidth;
- GetAlignedBlockPosition(columnFrom, &blockColumn, &blockWidth);
- if (blockColumn == eUndefined || blockWidth == 0 || blockWidth == eUndefined) return false;
- TRACE_MESSAGE("trying to move block boundary from " << columnFrom << " to " << columnTo);
- const BlockInfo& info = m_blockMap[columnFrom];
- unsigned int row;
- int requestedShift = columnTo - columnFrom, actualShift = 0;
- const Block::Range *range;
- // shrink block from left
- if (blockColumn == 0 && requestedShift > 0 && requestedShift < (int) info.block->m_width) {
- actualShift = requestedShift;
- TRACE_MESSAGE("shrinking block from left");
- for (row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- range = info.block->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- info.block->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from + requestedShift, range->to);
- }
- info.block->m_width -= requestedShift;
- Block *prevBlock = GetBlockBefore(info.block);
- if (prevBlock && !prevBlock->IsAligned()) {
- for (row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- range = prevBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- prevBlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from, range->to + requestedShift);
- }
- prevBlock->m_width += requestedShift;
- } else {
- Block *newUnalignedBlock = CreateNewUnalignedBlockBetween(prevBlock, info.block);
- if (newUnalignedBlock)
- InsertBlockBefore(newUnalignedBlock, info.block);
- TRACE_MESSAGE("added new unaligned block");
- }
- }
- // shrink block from right (requestedShift < 0)
- else if (blockColumn == info.block->m_width - 1 &&
- requestedShift < 0 && ((unsigned int) -requestedShift) < info.block->m_width) {
- actualShift = requestedShift;
- TRACE_MESSAGE("shrinking block from right");
- for (row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- range = info.block->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- info.block->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from, range->to + requestedShift);
- }
- info.block->m_width += requestedShift;
- Block *nextBlock = GetBlockAfter(info.block);
- if (nextBlock && !nextBlock->IsAligned()) {
- for (row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- range = nextBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- nextBlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from + requestedShift, range->to);
- }
- nextBlock->m_width -= requestedShift;
- } else {
- Block *newUnalignedBlock = CreateNewUnalignedBlockBetween(info.block, nextBlock);
- if (newUnalignedBlock)
- InsertBlockAfter(info.block, newUnalignedBlock);
- TRACE_MESSAGE("added new unaligned block");
- }
- }
- // grow block to right
- else if (blockColumn == info.block->m_width - 1 && requestedShift > 0) {
- Block *nextBlock = GetBlockAfter(info.block);
- if (nextBlock && !nextBlock->IsAligned()) {
- int nRes;
- actualShift = requestedShift;
- for (row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- range = nextBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- nRes = range->to - range->from + 1;
- if (nRes < actualShift)
- actualShift = nRes;
- }
- if (actualShift) {
- TRACE_MESSAGE("growing block to right");
- for (row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- range = info.block->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- info.block->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from, range->to + actualShift);
- range = nextBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- nextBlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from + actualShift, range->to);
- }
- info.block->m_width += actualShift;
- nextBlock->m_width -= actualShift;
- if (nextBlock->m_width == 0) {
- RemoveBlock(nextBlock);
- TRACE_MESSAGE("removed empty block");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // grow block to left (requestedShift < 0)
- else if (blockColumn == 0 && requestedShift < 0) {
- Block *prevBlock = GetBlockBefore(info.block);
- if (prevBlock && !prevBlock->IsAligned()) {
- int nRes;
- actualShift = requestedShift;
- for (row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- range = prevBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- nRes = range->to - range->from + 1;
- if (nRes < -actualShift) actualShift = -nRes;
- }
- if (actualShift) {
- TRACE_MESSAGE("growing block to left");
- for (row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- range = info.block->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- info.block->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from + actualShift, range->to);
- range = prevBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- prevBlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from, range->to + actualShift);
- }
- info.block->m_width -= actualShift;
- prevBlock->m_width += actualShift;
- if (prevBlock->m_width == 0) {
- RemoveBlock(prevBlock);
- TRACE_MESSAGE("removed empty block");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (actualShift != 0) {
- UpdateBlockMap();
- return true;
- } else
- return false;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::ShiftRow(unsigned int row, unsigned int fromAlignmentIndex, unsigned int toAlignmentIndex,
- eUnalignedJustification justification)
- {
- if (fromAlignmentIndex == toAlignmentIndex)
- return false;
- Block
- *blockFrom = m_blockMap[fromAlignmentIndex].block,
- *blockTo = m_blockMap[toAlignmentIndex].block;
- // at least one end of the drag must be in an aligned block
- UngappedAlignedBlock *ABlock =
- dynamic_cast<UngappedAlignedBlock*>(blockFrom);
- if (ABlock) {
- if (blockTo != blockFrom && blockTo->IsAligned())
- return false;
- } else {
- ABlock = dynamic_cast<UngappedAlignedBlock*>(blockTo);
- if (!ABlock)
- return false;
- }
- // and the other must be in the same aligned block or an adjacent unaligned block
- UnalignedBlock
- *prevUABlock = dynamic_cast<UnalignedBlock*>(GetBlockBefore(ABlock)),
- *nextUABlock = dynamic_cast<UnalignedBlock*>(GetBlockAfter(ABlock));
- if (blockFrom != blockTo &&
- ((ABlock == blockFrom && prevUABlock != blockTo && nextUABlock != blockTo) ||
- (ABlock == blockTo && prevUABlock != blockFrom && nextUABlock != blockFrom)))
- return false;
- int requestedShift, actualShift = 0, width = 0;
- // slightly different behaviour when dragging from unaligned to aligned...
- if (!blockFrom->IsAligned()) {
- unsigned int fromSeqIndex, toSeqIndex;
- GetSequenceAndIndexAt(fromAlignmentIndex, row, justification, NULL, &fromSeqIndex, NULL);
- GetSequenceAndIndexAt(toAlignmentIndex, row, justification, NULL, &toSeqIndex, NULL);
- if (fromSeqIndex == eUndefined || toSeqIndex == eUndefined)
- return false;
- requestedShift = toSeqIndex - fromSeqIndex;
- }
- // vs. dragging from aligned
- else {
- requestedShift = toAlignmentIndex - fromAlignmentIndex;
- }
- const Block::Range *prevRange = NULL, *nextRange = NULL, *range = ABlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- if (prevUABlock) prevRange = prevUABlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- if (nextUABlock) nextRange = nextUABlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- if (requestedShift > 0) {
- if (prevUABlock)
- width = prevRange->to - prevRange->from + 1;
- actualShift = (width > requestedShift) ? requestedShift : width;
- } else {
- if (nextUABlock)
- width = nextRange->to - nextRange->from + 1;
- actualShift = (width > -requestedShift) ? requestedShift : -width;
- }
- if (actualShift == 0) return false;
- TRACE_MESSAGE("shifting row " << row << " by " << actualShift);
- ABlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from - actualShift, range->to - actualShift);
- if (prevUABlock) {
- prevUABlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, prevRange->from, prevRange->to - actualShift);
- prevUABlock->m_width = 0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<NRows(); ++i) {
- prevRange = prevUABlock->GetRangeOfRow(i);
- width = prevRange->to - prevRange->from + 1;
- if (width < 0)
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::ShiftRow() - negative width on left");
- if ((unsigned int) width > prevUABlock->m_width)
- prevUABlock->m_width = width;
- }
- if (prevUABlock->m_width == 0) {
- TRACE_MESSAGE("removing zero-m_width unaligned block on left");
- RemoveBlock(prevUABlock);
- }
- } else {
- TRACE_MESSAGE("creating unaligned block on left");
- prevUABlock = CreateNewUnalignedBlockBetween(GetBlockBefore(ABlock), ABlock);
- InsertBlockBefore(prevUABlock, ABlock);
- }
- if (nextUABlock) {
- nextUABlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, nextRange->from - actualShift, nextRange->to);
- nextUABlock->m_width = 0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<NRows(); ++i) {
- nextRange = nextUABlock->GetRangeOfRow(i);
- width = nextRange->to - nextRange->from + 1;
- if (width < 0)
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::ShiftRow() - negative width on right");
- if ((unsigned int) width > nextUABlock->m_width)
- nextUABlock->m_width = width;
- }
- if (nextUABlock->m_width == 0) {
- TRACE_MESSAGE("removing zero-m_width unaligned block on right");
- RemoveBlock(nextUABlock);
- }
- } else {
- TRACE_MESSAGE("creating unaligned block on right");
- nextUABlock = CreateNewUnalignedBlockBetween(ABlock, GetBlockAfter(ABlock));
- InsertBlockAfter(ABlock, nextUABlock);
- }
- if (!CheckAlignedBlock(ABlock))
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::ShiftRow() - shift failed to create valid aligned block");
- UpdateBlockMap();
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::SplitBlock(unsigned int alignmentIndex)
- {
- const BlockInfo& info = m_blockMap[alignmentIndex];
- if (!info.block->IsAligned() || info.block->m_width < 2 || info.blockColumn == 0)
- return false;
- TRACE_MESSAGE("splitting block");
- UngappedAlignedBlock *newAlignedBlock = new UngappedAlignedBlock(this);
- newAlignedBlock->m_width = info.block->m_width - info.blockColumn;
- info.block->m_width = info.blockColumn;
- const Block::Range *range;
- unsigned int oldTo;
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- range = info.block->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- oldTo = range->to;
- info.block->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from, range->from + info.block->m_width - 1);
- newAlignedBlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, oldTo - newAlignedBlock->m_width + 1, oldTo);
- }
- InsertBlockAfter(info.block, newAlignedBlock);
- if (!CheckAlignedBlock(info.block) || !CheckAlignedBlock(newAlignedBlock))
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::SplitBlock() - split failed to create valid m_blocks");
- UpdateBlockMap();
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::MergeBlocks(unsigned int fromAlignmentIndex, unsigned int toAlignmentIndex)
- {
- Block
- *expandedBlock = m_blockMap[fromAlignmentIndex].block,
- *lastBlock = m_blockMap[toAlignmentIndex].block;
- if (expandedBlock == lastBlock)
- return false;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=fromAlignmentIndex; i<=toAlignmentIndex; ++i)
- if (!m_blockMap[i].block->IsAligned())
- return false;
- TRACE_MESSAGE("merging block(s)");
- for (i=0; i<NRows(); ++i)
- expandedBlock->SetRangeOfRow(i, expandedBlock->GetRangeOfRow(i)->from, lastBlock->GetRangeOfRow(i)->to);
- expandedBlock->m_width = lastBlock->GetRangeOfRow(0)->to - expandedBlock->GetRangeOfRow(0)->from + 1;
- Block *deletedBlock = NULL, *blockToDelete;
- for (i=fromAlignmentIndex; i<=toAlignmentIndex; ++i) {
- blockToDelete = m_blockMap[i].block;
- if (blockToDelete == expandedBlock)
- continue;
- if (blockToDelete != deletedBlock) {
- deletedBlock = blockToDelete;
- RemoveBlock(blockToDelete);
- }
- }
- if (!CheckAlignedBlock(expandedBlock))
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::MergeBlocks() - merge failed to create valid block");
- UpdateBlockMap();
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::CreateBlock(unsigned int fromAlignmentIndex, unsigned int toAlignmentIndex,
- eUnalignedJustification justification)
- {
- const BlockInfo& info = m_blockMap[fromAlignmentIndex];
- UnalignedBlock *prevUABlock = dynamic_cast<UnalignedBlock*>(info.block);
- if (!prevUABlock || info.block != m_blockMap[toAlignmentIndex].block)
- return false;
- unsigned int row, seqIndexFrom, seqIndexTo,
- newBlockWidth = toAlignmentIndex - fromAlignmentIndex + 1,
- origWidth = prevUABlock->m_width;
- vector < unsigned int > seqIndexesFrom(NRows()), seqIndexesTo(NRows());
- const Sequence *seq;
- bool ignored;
- for (row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- if (!GetSequenceAndIndexAt(fromAlignmentIndex, row, justification, &seq, &seqIndexFrom, &ignored) ||
- !GetSequenceAndIndexAt(toAlignmentIndex, row, justification, &seq, &seqIndexTo, &ignored) ||
- seqIndexFrom < 0 || seqIndexTo < 0 ||
- seqIndexTo - seqIndexFrom + 1 != newBlockWidth)
- return false;
- seqIndexesFrom[row] = seqIndexFrom;
- seqIndexesTo[row] = seqIndexTo;
- }
- TRACE_MESSAGE("creating new aligned and unaligned blocks");
- UnalignedBlock *nextUABlock = new UnalignedBlock(this);
- UngappedAlignedBlock *ABlock = new UngappedAlignedBlock(this);
- prevUABlock->m_width = nextUABlock->m_width = 0;
- bool deletePrevUABlock = true, deleteNextUABlock = true;
- const Block::Range *prevRange;
- int rangeWidth;
- for (row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- prevRange = prevUABlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- nextUABlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, seqIndexesTo[row] + 1, prevRange->to);
- rangeWidth = prevRange->to - seqIndexesTo[row];
- if (rangeWidth < 0)
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::CreateBlock() - negative nextRange width");
- else if (rangeWidth > 0) {
- if ((unsigned int) rangeWidth > nextUABlock->m_width)
- nextUABlock->m_width = rangeWidth;
- deleteNextUABlock = false;
- }
- prevUABlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, prevRange->from, seqIndexesFrom[row] - 1);
- rangeWidth = seqIndexesFrom[row] - prevRange->from;
- if (rangeWidth < 0)
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::CreateBlock() - negative prevRange width");
- else if (rangeWidth > 0) {
- if ((unsigned int) rangeWidth > prevUABlock->m_width)
- prevUABlock->m_width = rangeWidth;
- deletePrevUABlock = false;
- }
- ABlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, seqIndexesFrom[row], seqIndexesTo[row]);
- }
- ABlock->m_width = newBlockWidth;
- if (prevUABlock->m_width + ABlock->m_width + nextUABlock->m_width != origWidth)
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::CreateBlock() - bad block m_widths sum");
- InsertBlockAfter(prevUABlock, ABlock);
- InsertBlockAfter(ABlock, nextUABlock);
- if (deletePrevUABlock) {
- TRACE_MESSAGE("deleting zero-width unaligned block on left");
- RemoveBlock(prevUABlock);
- }
- if (deleteNextUABlock) {
- TRACE_MESSAGE("deleting zero-width unaligned block on right");
- RemoveBlock(nextUABlock);
- }
- if (!CheckAlignedBlock(ABlock))
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::CreateBlock() - failed to create valid block");
- UpdateBlockMap();
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::DeleteBlock(unsigned int alignmentIndex)
- {
- Block *block = m_blockMap[alignmentIndex].block;
- if (!block || !block->IsAligned())
- return false;
- TRACE_MESSAGE("deleting block");
- Block
- *prevBlock = GetBlockBefore(block),
- *nextBlock = GetBlockAfter(block);
- // unaligned m_blocks on both sides - note that total alignment m_width can change!
- if (prevBlock && !prevBlock->IsAligned() && nextBlock && !nextBlock->IsAligned()) {
- const Block::Range *prevRange, *nextRange;
- unsigned int maxWidth = 0, width;
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- prevRange = prevBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- nextRange = nextBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- width = nextRange->to - prevRange->from + 1;
- prevBlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, prevRange->from, nextRange->to);
- if (width > maxWidth)
- maxWidth = width;
- }
- prevBlock->m_width = maxWidth;
- TRACE_MESSAGE("removing extra unaligned block");
- RemoveBlock(nextBlock);
- }
- // unaligned block on left only
- else if (prevBlock && !prevBlock->IsAligned()) {
- const Block::Range *prevRange, *range;
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- prevRange = prevBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- range = block->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- prevBlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, prevRange->from, range->to);
- }
- prevBlock->m_width += block->m_width;
- }
- // unaligned block on right only
- else if (nextBlock && !nextBlock->IsAligned()) {
- const Block::Range *range, *nextRange;
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<NRows(); ++row) {
- range = block->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- nextRange = nextBlock->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- nextBlock->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from, nextRange->to);
- }
- nextBlock->m_width += block->m_width;
- }
- // no adjacent unaligned m_blocks
- else {
- TRACE_MESSAGE("creating new unaligned block");
- Block *newBlock = CreateNewUnalignedBlockBetween(prevBlock, nextBlock);
- if (prevBlock)
- InsertBlockAfter(prevBlock, newBlock);
- else if (nextBlock)
- InsertBlockBefore(newBlock, nextBlock);
- else
- m_blocks.push_back(CRef<Block>(newBlock));
- }
- RemoveBlock(block);
- UpdateBlockMap();
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::DeleteAllBlocks(void)
- {
- if (m_blocks.size() == 0)
- return false;
- m_blocks.clear();
- InitCache();
- AddUnalignedBlocks(); // one single unaligned block for whole alignment
- UpdateBlockMap();
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::DeleteRow(unsigned int row)
- {
- if (row >= NRows()) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::DeleteRow() - row out of range");
- return false;
- }
- // remove sequence from list
- SequenceList::iterator s = m_sequences.begin();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<row; ++i)
- ++s;
- m_sequences.erase(s);
- // delete row from all m_blocks, removing any zero-m_width m_blocks
- BlockList::iterator b = m_blocks.begin(), br, be = m_blocks.end();
- while (b != be) {
- (*b)->DeleteRow(row);
- if ((*b)->m_width == 0) {
- br = b;
- ++b;
- TRACE_MESSAGE("deleting block resized to zero width");
- RemoveBlock(*br);
- } else
- ++b;
- }
- // update total alignment m_width
- UpdateBlockMap();
- InitCache();
- return true;
- }
- void BlockMultipleAlignment::GetUngappedAlignedBlocks(UngappedAlignedBlockList *uabs) const
- {
- uabs->clear();
- uabs->reserve(m_blocks.size());
- BlockList::const_iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- const UngappedAlignedBlock *uab = dynamic_cast<const UngappedAlignedBlock*>(b->GetPointer());
- if (uab)
- uabs->push_back(uab);
- }
- uabs->resize(uabs->size());
- }
- void BlockMultipleAlignment::GetModifiableUngappedAlignedBlocks(ModifiableUngappedAlignedBlockList *uabs)
- {
- uabs->clear();
- uabs->reserve(m_blocks.size());
- BlockList::iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- UngappedAlignedBlock *uab = dynamic_cast<UngappedAlignedBlock*>(b->GetPointer());
- if (uab)
- uabs->push_back(uab);
- }
- uabs->resize(uabs->size());
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::ExtractRows(
- const vector < unsigned int >& slavesToRemove, AlignmentList *pairwiseAlignments)
- {
- if (slavesToRemove.size() == 0) return false;
- // make a bool list of rows to remove, also checking to make sure slave list items are in range
- unsigned int i;
- vector < bool > removeRows(NRows(), false);
- for (i=0; i<slavesToRemove.size(); ++i) {
- if (slavesToRemove[i] > 0 && slavesToRemove[i] < NRows()) {
- removeRows[slavesToRemove[i]] = true;
- } else {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::ExtractRows() - can't extract row "
- << slavesToRemove[i]);
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (pairwiseAlignments) {
- TRACE_MESSAGE("creating new pairwise alignments");
- SetDiagPostLevel(eDiag_Warning); // otherwise, info messages take a long time if lots of rows
- UngappedAlignedBlockList uaBlocks;
- GetUngappedAlignedBlocks(&uaBlocks);
- UngappedAlignedBlockList::const_iterator u, ue = uaBlocks.end();
- for (i=0; i<slavesToRemove.size(); ++i) {
- // create new pairwise alignment from each removed row
- SequenceList newSeqs(2);
- newSeqs[0] = m_sequences[0];
- newSeqs[1] = m_sequences[slavesToRemove[i]];
- BlockMultipleAlignment *newAlignment = new BlockMultipleAlignment(newSeqs);
- for (u=uaBlocks.begin(); u!=ue; ++u) {
- UngappedAlignedBlock *newABlock = new UngappedAlignedBlock(newAlignment);
- const Block::Range *range = (*u)->GetRangeOfRow(0);
- newABlock->SetRangeOfRow(0, range->from, range->to);
- range = (*u)->GetRangeOfRow(slavesToRemove[i]);
- newABlock->SetRangeOfRow(1, range->from, range->to);
- newABlock->m_width = range->to - range->from + 1;
- newAlignment->AddAlignedBlockAtEnd(newABlock);
- }
- if (!newAlignment->AddUnalignedBlocks() ||
- !newAlignment->UpdateBlockMap()) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::ExtractRows() - error creating new alignment");
- return false;
- }
- pairwiseAlignments->push_back(newAlignment);
- }
- SetDiagPostLevel(eDiag_Info);
- }
- // remove sequences
- TRACE_MESSAGE("deleting sequences");
- VectorRemoveElements(m_sequences, removeRows, slavesToRemove.size());
- VectorRemoveElements(m_rowDoubles, removeRows, slavesToRemove.size());
- VectorRemoveElements(m_rowStrings, removeRows, slavesToRemove.size());
- // delete row from all blocks, removing any zero-width blocks
- TRACE_MESSAGE("deleting alignment rows from blocks");
- BlockList::iterator b = m_blocks.begin(), br, be = m_blocks.end();
- while (b != be) {
- (*b)->DeleteRows(removeRows, slavesToRemove.size());
- if ((*b)->m_width == 0) {
- br = b;
- ++b;
- TRACE_MESSAGE("deleting block resized to zero width");
- RemoveBlock(*br);
- } else
- ++b;
- }
- // update total alignment m_width
- UpdateBlockMap();
- InitCache();
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::MergeAlignment(const BlockMultipleAlignment *newAlignment)
- {
- // check to see if the alignment is compatible - must have same master sequence
- // and blocks of new alignment must contain m_blocks of this alignment; at same time,
- // build up map of aligned blocks in new alignment that correspond to aligned blocks
- // of this object, for convenient lookup later
- if (newAlignment->GetMaster() != GetMaster())
- return false;
- const Block::Range *newRange, *thisRange;
- BlockList::const_iterator nb, nbe = newAlignment->m_blocks.end();
- BlockList::iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- typedef map < UngappedAlignedBlock *, const UngappedAlignedBlock * > AlignedBlockMap;
- AlignedBlockMap correspondingNewBlocks;
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b) {
- if (!(*b)->IsAligned())
- continue;
- for (nb=newAlignment->m_blocks.begin(); nb!=nbe; ++nb) {
- if (!(*nb)->IsAligned())
- continue;
- newRange = (*nb)->GetRangeOfRow(0);
- thisRange = (*b)->GetRangeOfRow(0);
- if (newRange->from <= thisRange->from && newRange->to >= thisRange->to) {
- correspondingNewBlocks[dynamic_cast<UngappedAlignedBlock*>(b->GetPointer())] =
- dynamic_cast<const UngappedAlignedBlock*>(nb->GetPointer());
- break;
- }
- }
- if (nb == nbe) return false; // no corresponding block found
- }
- // add slave sequences from new alignment; also copy scores/status
- unsigned int i, nNewRows = newAlignment->m_sequences.size() - 1;
- m_sequences.resize(m_sequences.size() + nNewRows);
- m_rowDoubles.resize(m_rowDoubles.size() + nNewRows);
- m_rowStrings.resize(m_rowStrings.size() + nNewRows);
- for (i=0; i<nNewRows; ++i) {
- m_sequences[m_sequences.size() + i - nNewRows] = newAlignment->m_sequences[i + 1];
- SetRowDouble(NRows() + i - nNewRows, newAlignment->GetRowDouble(i + 1));
- SetRowStatusLine(NRows() + i - nNewRows, newAlignment->GetRowStatusLine(i + 1));
- }
- // now that we know blocks are compatible, add new rows at end of this alignment, containing
- // all rows (except master) from new alignment; only that part of the aligned blocks from
- // the new alignment that intersect with the aligned blocks from this object are added, so
- // that this object's block structure is unchanged
- // resize all aligned blocks
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b)
- (*b)->AddRows(nNewRows);
- // set ranges of aligned blocks, and add them to the list
- AlignedBlockMap::const_iterator ab, abe = correspondingNewBlocks.end();
- const Block::Range *thisMaster, *newMaster;
- for (ab=correspondingNewBlocks.begin(); ab!=abe; ++ab) {
- thisMaster = ab->first->GetRangeOfRow(0);
- newMaster = ab->second->GetRangeOfRow(0);
- for (i=0; i<nNewRows; ++i) {
- newRange = ab->second->GetRangeOfRow(i + 1);
- ab->first->SetRangeOfRow(NRows() + i - nNewRows,
- newRange->from + thisMaster->from - newMaster->from,
- newRange->to + thisMaster->to - newMaster->to);
- }
- }
- // delete then recreate the unaligned blocks, in case a merge requires the
- // creation of a new unaligned block
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ) {
- if (!(*b)->IsAligned()) {
- BlockList::iterator bb(b);
- ++bb;
- m_blocks.erase(b);
- b = bb;
- } else
- ++b;
- }
- InitCache();
- // update this alignment, but leave row scores/status alone
- if (!AddUnalignedBlocks() || !UpdateBlockMap(false)) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::MergeAlignment() - internal update after merge failed");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- template < class T >
- bool ReorderVector(T& v, const std::vector < unsigned int >& newOrder)
- {
- // check validity of new ordering
- if (newOrder.size() != v.size()) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("ReorderVector() - wrong size newOrder");
- return false;
- }
- vector < bool > isPresent(v.size(), false);
- unsigned int r;
- for (r=0; r<v.size(); r++) {
- if (isPresent[newOrder[r]]) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("ReorderVector() - invalid newOrder: repeated/missing row");
- return false;
- }
- isPresent[newOrder[r]] = true;
- }
- // not terribly efficient - makes a whole new copy with the new order, then re-copies back
- T reordered(v.size());
- for (r=0; r<v.size(); r++)
- reordered[r] = v[newOrder[r]];
- v = reordered;
- return true;
- }
- bool BlockMultipleAlignment::ReorderRows(const std::vector < unsigned int >& newOrder)
- {
- // can't reorder master
- if (newOrder[0] != 0) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("ReorderRows() - can't move master row");
- return false;
- }
- bool okay =
- (ReorderVector(m_sequences, newOrder) &&
- ReorderVector(m_rowDoubles, newOrder) &&
- ReorderVector(m_rowStrings, newOrder));
- if (!okay) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("reordering of sequences and status info failed");
- return false;
- }
- BlockList::iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b)
- okay = (okay && (*b)->ReorderRows(newOrder));
- if (!okay)
- ERROR_MESSAGE("reordering of block ranges failed");
- return okay;
- }
- CSeq_align * CreatePairwiseSeqAlignFromMultipleRow(const BlockMultipleAlignment *multiple,
- const BlockMultipleAlignment::UngappedAlignedBlockList& m_blocks, unsigned int slaveRow)
- {
- if (!multiple || slaveRow >= multiple->NRows()) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("CreatePairwiseSeqAlignFromMultipleRow() - bad parameters");
- return NULL;
- }
- CSeq_align *seqAlign = new CSeq_align();
- seqAlign->SetType(CSeq_align::eType_partial);
- seqAlign->SetDim(2);
- CSeq_align::C_Segs::TDendiag& denDiags = seqAlign->SetSegs().SetDendiag();
- denDiags.resize((m_blocks.size() > 0) ? m_blocks.size() : 1);
- CSeq_align::C_Segs::TDendiag::iterator d, de = denDiags.end();
- BlockMultipleAlignment::UngappedAlignedBlockList::const_iterator b = m_blocks.begin();
- const Block::Range *range;
- for (d=denDiags.begin(); d!=de; ++d, ++b) {
- CDense_diag *denDiag = new CDense_diag();
- d->Reset(denDiag);
- denDiag->SetDim(2);
- denDiag->SetIds().resize(2);
- // master row
- CRef < CSeq_id > id(new CSeq_id());
- id->Assign(multiple->GetSequenceOfRow(0)->GetPreferredIdentifier());
- denDiag->SetIds().front() = id;
- if (m_blocks.size() > 0) {
- range = (*b)->GetRangeOfRow(0);
- denDiag->SetStarts().push_back(range->from);
- } else
- denDiag->SetStarts().push_back(0);
- // slave row
- id.Reset(new CSeq_id());
- id->Assign(multiple->GetSequenceOfRow(slaveRow)->GetPreferredIdentifier());
- denDiag->SetIds().back() = id;
- if (m_blocks.size() > 0) {
- range = (*b)->GetRangeOfRow(slaveRow);
- denDiag->SetStarts().push_back(range->from);
- } else
- denDiag->SetStarts().push_back(0);
- // block m_width
- denDiag->SetLen((m_blocks.size() > 0) ? (*b)->m_width : 0);
- }
- return seqAlign;
- }
- unsigned int BlockMultipleAlignment::NAlignedBlocks(void) const
- {
- unsigned int n = 0;
- BlockList::const_iterator b, be = m_blocks.end();
- for (b=m_blocks.begin(); b!=be; ++b)
- if ((*b)->IsAligned())
- ++n;
- return n;
- }
- unsigned int BlockMultipleAlignment::GetAlignmentIndex(unsigned int row, unsigned int seqIndex, eUnalignedJustification justification)
- {
- if (row >= NRows() || seqIndex >= GetSequenceOfRow(row)->Length()) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::GetAlignmentIndex() - coordinate out of range");
- return eUndefined;
- }
- unsigned int alignmentIndex, blockColumn;
- const Block *block = NULL;
- const Block::Range *range;
- for (alignmentIndex=0; alignmentIndex<m_totalWidth; ++alignmentIndex) {
- // check each block to see if index is in range
- if (block != m_blockMap[alignmentIndex].block) {
- block = m_blockMap[alignmentIndex].block;
- range = block->GetRangeOfRow(row);
- if (seqIndex >= range->from && seqIndex <= range->to) {
- // override requested justification for end blocks
- if (block == m_blocks.back()) // also true if there's a single aligned block
- justification = eLeft;
- else if (block == m_blocks.front())
- justification = eRight;
- // search block columns to find index (inefficient, but avoids having to write
- // inverse functions of Block::GetIndexAt()
- for (blockColumn=0; blockColumn<block->m_width; ++blockColumn) {
- if (seqIndex == block->GetIndexAt(blockColumn, row, justification))
- return alignmentIndex + blockColumn;
- }
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::GetAlignmentIndex() - can't find index in block");
- return eUndefined;
- }
- }
- }
- // should never get here...
- ERROR_MESSAGE("BlockMultipleAlignment::GetAlignmentIndex() - confused");
- return eUndefined;
- }
- bool Block::ReorderRows(const std::vector < unsigned int >& newOrder)
- {
- return ReorderVector(m_ranges, newOrder);
- }
- ///// UngappedAlignedBlock methods /////
- char UngappedAlignedBlock::GetCharacterAt(unsigned int blockColumn, unsigned int row) const
- {
- return m_parentAlignment->GetSequenceOfRow(row)->m_sequenceString[GetIndexAt(blockColumn, row)];
- }
- Block * UngappedAlignedBlock::Clone(const BlockMultipleAlignment *newMultiple) const
- {
- UngappedAlignedBlock *copy = new UngappedAlignedBlock(newMultiple);
- const Block::Range *range;
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<NSequences(); ++row) {
- range = GetRangeOfRow(row);
- copy->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from, range->to);
- }
- copy->m_width = m_width;
- return copy;
- }
- void UngappedAlignedBlock::DeleteRow(unsigned int row)
- {
- RangeList::iterator r = m_ranges.begin();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<row; ++i)
- ++r;
- m_ranges.erase(r);
- }
- void UngappedAlignedBlock::DeleteRows(vector < bool >& removeRows, unsigned int nToRemove)
- {
- VectorRemoveElements(m_ranges, removeRows, nToRemove);
- }
- ///// UnalignedBlock methods /////
- unsigned int UnalignedBlock::GetIndexAt(unsigned int blockColumn, unsigned int row,
- BlockMultipleAlignment::eUnalignedJustification justification) const
- {
- const Block::Range *range = GetRangeOfRow(row);
- unsigned int seqIndex = BlockMultipleAlignment::eUndefined, rangeWidth, rangeMiddle, extraSpace;
- switch (justification) {
- case BlockMultipleAlignment::eLeft:
- seqIndex = range->from + blockColumn;
- break;
- case BlockMultipleAlignment::eRight:
- seqIndex = range->to - m_width + blockColumn + 1;
- break;
- case BlockMultipleAlignment::eCenter:
- rangeWidth = (range->to - range->from + 1);
- extraSpace = (m_width - rangeWidth) / 2;
- if (blockColumn < extraSpace || blockColumn >= extraSpace + rangeWidth)
- seqIndex = BlockMultipleAlignment::eUndefined;
- else
- seqIndex = range->from + blockColumn - extraSpace;
- break;
- case BlockMultipleAlignment::eSplit:
- rangeWidth = (range->to - range->from + 1);
- rangeMiddle = (rangeWidth / 2) + (rangeWidth % 2);
- extraSpace = m_width - rangeWidth;
- if (blockColumn < rangeMiddle)
- seqIndex = range->from + blockColumn;
- else if (blockColumn >= extraSpace + rangeMiddle)
- seqIndex = range->to - m_width + blockColumn + 1;
- else
- seqIndex = BlockMultipleAlignment::eUndefined;
- break;
- }
- if (seqIndex < range->from || seqIndex > range->to)
- seqIndex = BlockMultipleAlignment::eUndefined;
- return seqIndex;
- }
- void UnalignedBlock::Resize(void)
- {
- m_width = 0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<NSequences(); ++i) {
- unsigned int blockWidth = m_ranges[i].to - m_ranges[i].from + 1;
- if (blockWidth > m_width)
- m_width = blockWidth;
- }
- }
- void UnalignedBlock::DeleteRow(unsigned int row)
- {
- RangeList::iterator r = m_ranges.begin();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<row; ++i)
- ++r;
- m_ranges.erase(r);
- Resize();
- }
- void UnalignedBlock::DeleteRows(vector < bool >& removeRows, unsigned int nToRemove)
- {
- VectorRemoveElements(m_ranges, removeRows, nToRemove);
- Resize();
- }
- Block * UnalignedBlock::Clone(const BlockMultipleAlignment *newMultiple) const
- {
- UnalignedBlock *copy = new UnalignedBlock(newMultiple);
- const Block::Range *range;
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<NSequences(); ++row) {
- range = GetRangeOfRow(row);
- copy->SetRangeOfRow(row, range->from, range->to);
- }
- copy->m_width = m_width;
- return copy;
- }
- END_SCOPE(struct_util)
- /*
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Log: su_block_multiple_alignment.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.0 2004/06/01 18:14:28 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.9 2004/05/28 10:07:39 thiessen
- * fix GCC warning
- *
- * Revision 1.8 2004/05/28 09:46:57 thiessen
- * restructure C-toolkit header usage ; move C Bioseq storage into su_sequence_set
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2004/05/27 21:34:08 thiessen
- * add PSSM calculation (requires C-toolkit)
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2004/05/26 14:49:59 thiessen
- * UNDEFINED -> eUndefined
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2004/05/26 14:30:16 thiessen
- * adjust handling of alingment data ; add row ordering
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2004/05/26 02:40:24 thiessen
- * progress towards LOO - all but PSSM and row ordering
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2004/05/25 16:24:50 thiessen
- * remove WorkShop warnings
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2004/05/25 16:12:30 thiessen
- * fix GCC warnings
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2004/05/25 15:52:17 thiessen
- * add BlockMultipleAlignment, IBM algorithm
- *
- */