- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: gene_finder.hpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.1 2003/11/21 21:31:53 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- #ifndef __GENE_FINDER__HPP
- #define __GENE_FINDER__HPP
- /* $Id: gene_finder.hpp,v 1000.1 2003/11/21 21:31:53 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Authors: Alexandre Souvorov
- *
- * File Description:
- *
- */
- #include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
- #include <corelib/ncbi_limits.hpp>
- #include <algo/gnomon/gnomon_exception.hpp>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include <list>
- #include <set>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <math.h>
- typedef vector<char> CVec;
- typedef vector<int> IVec;
- typedef vector<double> DVec;
- struct IPair : pair<int,int>
- {
- IPair(int f, int s) : pair<int,int>(f,s) {}
- bool operator<(const IPair& p) const { return second < p.first; }
- bool operator>(const IPair& p) const { return first > p.second; }
- bool Intersect(const IPair& p) const { return !(*this < p || *this > p); }
- bool Include(int i) const { return (i >= first && i <= second); }
- };
- enum Nucleotides { nA, nC, nG, nT, nN };
- enum { Plus, Minus };
- extern const double BadScore;
- extern const double LnHalf;
- extern const double LnThree;
- extern const int toMinus[5];
- extern const int TooFarLen;
- extern const char* aa_table;
- template<int order> class MarkovChain
- {
- public:
- void InitScore(CNcbiIfstream& from);
- double Score(const int* seq) const { return next[*(seq-order)].Score(seq); }
- private:
- typedef MarkovChain<order> Type;
- friend class MarkovChain<order+1>;
- void Init(CNcbiIfstream& from);
- void Average(Type& mc0, Type& mc1, Type& mc2, Type& mc3);
- void toScore();
- MarkovChain<order-1> next[5];
- };
- template<> class MarkovChain<0>
- {
- public:
- void InitScore(CNcbiIfstream& from);
- double Score(const int* seq) const { return score[*seq]; }
- private:
- typedef MarkovChain<0> Type;
- friend class MarkovChain<1>;
- void Init(CNcbiIfstream& from);
- void Average(Type& mc0, Type& mc1, Type& mc2, Type& mc3);
- void toScore();
- double score[5];
- };
- template<int order> class MarkovChainArray
- {
- public:
- void InitScore(int l, CNcbiIfstream& from);
- double Score(const int* seq) const;
- private:
- int length;
- vector< MarkovChain<order> > mc;
- };
- class InputModel
- {
- public:
- virtual ~InputModel() = 0;
- protected:
- static void Error(const string& label) {
- NCBI_THROW(CGnomonException, eGenericError, label);
- }
- static pair<int,int> FindContent(CNcbiIfstream& from, const string& label, int cgcontent);
- };
- //Terminal's score is located on the last position of the left state
- class Terminal : public InputModel
- {
- public:
- int InExon() const { return inexon; }
- int InIntron() const { return inintron; }
- int Left() const { return left; }
- int Right() const { return right; }
- virtual double Score(const IVec& seq, int i) const = 0;
- ~Terminal() {}
- protected:
- int inexon, inintron, left, right;
- };
- class MDD_Donor : public Terminal
- {
- public:
- MDD_Donor(const string& file, int cgcontent);
- double Score(const IVec& seq, int i) const;
- private:
- IVec position, consensus;
- vector< MarkovChainArray<0> > matrix;
- };
- template<int order> class WAM_Donor : public Terminal
- {
- public:
- WAM_Donor(const string& file, int cgcontent);
- double Score(const IVec& seq, int i) const;
- private:
- MarkovChainArray<order> matrix;
- };
- template<int order> class WAM_Acceptor : public Terminal
- {
- public:
- WAM_Acceptor(const string& file, int cgcontent);
- double Score(const IVec& seq, int i) const;
- private:
- MarkovChainArray<order> matrix;
- };
- class WMM_Start : public Terminal
- {
- public:
- WMM_Start(const string& file, int cgcontent);
- double Score(const IVec& seq, int i) const;
- private:
- MarkovChainArray<0> matrix;
- };
- class WAM_Stop : public Terminal
- {
- public:
- WAM_Stop(const string& file, int cgcontent);
- double Score(const IVec& seq, int i) const;
- private:
- MarkovChainArray<1> matrix;
- };
- class CodingRegion : public InputModel
- {
- public:
- virtual double Score(const IVec& seq, int i, int codonshift) const = 0;
- ~CodingRegion() {}
- };
- template<int order> class MC3_CodingRegion : public CodingRegion
- {
- public:
- MC3_CodingRegion(const string& file, int cgcontent);
- double Score(const IVec& seq, int i, int codonshift) const;
- private:
- MarkovChain<order> matrix[3];
- };
- class NonCodingRegion : public InputModel
- {
- public:
- virtual double Score(const IVec& seq, int i) const = 0;
- ~NonCodingRegion() {}
- };
- template<int order> class MC_NonCodingRegion : public NonCodingRegion
- {
- public:
- MC_NonCodingRegion(const string& file, int cgcontent);
- double Score(const IVec& seq, int i) const;
- private:
- MarkovChain<order> matrix;
- };
- class NullRegion : public NonCodingRegion
- {
- public:
- double Score(const IVec& seq, int i) const { return 0; };
- };
- class AlignVec : public vector<IPair>
- {
- public:
- typedef vector<IPair>::iterator It;
- typedef vector<IPair>::const_iterator ConstIt;
- enum { Prot, EST, mRNA, RefSeq, RefSeqBest, Wall};
- AlignVec(int s = Plus, int i = 0, int t = EST, IPair cdl = IPair(-1,-1)) : type(t), strand(s), id(i),
- limits(numeric_limits<int>::max(),0), cds_limits(cdl), score(BadScore) {}
- void Insert(IPair p);
- void Erase(int i);
- IPair Limits() const { return limits; }
- IPair CdsLimits() const { return cds_limits; }
- void SetCdsLimits(IPair p) { cds_limits = p; }
- bool Intersect(const AlignVec& a) const
- {
- return limits.Intersect(a.limits);
- }
- void SetStrand(int s) { strand = s; }
- int Strand() const { return strand; }
- void SetType(int t) { type = t; }
- int Type() const { return type; }
- void SetID(int i) { id = i; }
- int ID() const { return id; }
- bool operator<(const AlignVec& a) const { return limits < a.limits; }
- void Init();
- void SetScore(double s) { score = s; }
- double Score() const { return score; }
- void Extend(const AlignVec& a);
- private:
- int type, strand, id;
- IPair limits, cds_limits;
- double score;
- };
- CNcbiIstream& operator>>(CNcbiIstream& s, AlignVec& a);
- CNcbiOstream& operator<<(CNcbiOstream& s, const AlignVec& a);
- class CCluster : public list<AlignVec>
- {
- public:
- typedef list<AlignVec>::iterator It;
- typedef list<AlignVec>::const_iterator ConstIt;
- CCluster(int f = numeric_limits<int>::max(), int s = 0, int t = AlignVec::Prot) : limits(f,s), type(t) {}
- void Insert(const AlignVec& a);
- void Insert(const CCluster& c);
- IPair Limits() const { return limits; }
- int Type() const { return type; }
- bool operator<(const CCluster& c) const { return limits < c.limits; }
- void Init(int first, int second, int t);
- private:
- IPair limits;
- int type;
- };
- CNcbiIstream& operator>>(CNcbiIstream& s, CCluster& c);
- CNcbiOstream& operator<<(CNcbiOstream& s, const CCluster& c);
- class CClusterSet : public set<CCluster>
- {
- public:
- typedef set<CCluster>::iterator It;
- typedef set<CCluster>::const_iterator ConstIt;
- CClusterSet() {}
- CClusterSet(string c) : contig(c) {}
- void InsertAlignment(const AlignVec& a);
- void InsertCluster(CCluster c);
- string Contig() const { return contig; }
- void Init(string cnt);
- private:
- string contig;
- };
- CNcbiIstream& operator>>(CNcbiIstream& s, CClusterSet& cls);
- CNcbiOstream& operator<<(CNcbiOstream& s, const CClusterSet& cls);
- class CFrameShiftInfo
- {
- public:
- CFrameShiftInfo(int l, bool is_i, char i_v = 0) : loc(l), is_insert(is_i), insert_value(i_v) {}
- int Loc() const { return loc; }
- bool IsInsertion() const { return is_insert; }
- bool IsDeletion() const { return !is_insert; }
- char InsertValue() const { return insert_value; }
- bool operator<(const CFrameShiftInfo& fsi) const { return loc < fsi.loc; }
- private:
- int loc; // location for deletion, insertion before location
- // incertion - when I INCERT a new base in sequence
- bool is_insert;
- char insert_value;
- };
- typedef vector<CFrameShiftInfo> TFrameShifts;
- class SeqScores
- {
- public:
- SeqScores (Terminal& a, Terminal& d, Terminal& stt, Terminal& stp,
- CodingRegion& cr, NonCodingRegion& ncr, NonCodingRegion& ing,
- CVec& sequence, int from, int to, const CClusterSet& cls,
- const TFrameShifts& initial_fshifts, bool repeats, bool leftwall,
- bool rightwall, string cntg);
- int Shift() const { return shift; }
- int AcceptorNumber(int strand) const { return anum[strand]; }
- int DonorNumber(int strand) const { return dnum[strand]; }
- int StartNumber(int strand) const { return sttnum[strand]; }
- int StopNumber(int strand) const { return stpnum[strand]; }
- double AcceptorScore(int i, int strand) const { return ascr[strand][i]; }
- double DonorScore(int i, int strand) const { return dscr[strand][i]; }
- double StartScore(int i, int strand) const { return sttscr[strand][i]; }
- double StopScore(int i, int strand) const { return stpscr[strand][i]; }
- Terminal& Acceptor() const { return acceptor; }
- Terminal& Donor() const { return donor; }
- Terminal& Start() const { return start; }
- Terminal& Stop() const { return stop; }
- const CClusterSet& Alignments() const { return cluster_set; }
- const TFrameShifts& SeqFrameShifts() const { return fshifts; }
- string Contig() const { return contig; }
- bool StopInside(int a, int b, int strand, int frame) const;
- bool OpenCodingRegion(int a, int b, int strand, int frame) const;
- double CodingScore(int a, int b, int strand, int frame) const;
- bool OpenNonCodingRegion(int a, int b, int strand) const;
- double NonCodingScore(int a, int b, int strand) const;
- bool OpenIntergenicRegion(int a, int b) const;
- bool InAlignment(int a, int b) const;
- double IntergenicScore(int a, int b, int strand) const;
- int SeqLen() const { return seq[0].size(); }
- bool SplittedStop(int id, int ia, int strand, int ph) const
- { return (dsplit[strand][ph][id]&asplit[strand][ph][ia]) ? true : false; }
- bool isStart(int i, int strand) const;
- bool isStop(int i, int strand) const;
- bool isAG(int i, int strand) const;
- bool isGT(int i, int strand) const;
- bool isConsensusIntron(int i, int j, int strand) const;
- const int* SeqPtr(int i, int strand) const;
- int SeqMap(int i, bool forwrd) const; // maps new coordinates to old coordinates,
- // if insertion gives next or previous point
- // depending on forwrd
- int RevSeqMap(int i, bool forwrd) const; // maps old coordinates to new coordinates,
- // if deletion gives next or previous point
- // depending on forwrd
- private:
- Terminal &acceptor, &donor, &start, &stop;
- CodingRegion &cdr;
- NonCodingRegion &ncdr, &intrg;
- const CClusterSet& cluster_set;
- TFrameShifts fshifts;
- IVec seq[2], laststop[2][3], notinexon[2][3], notinintron[2], notining;
- IVec seq_map, rev_seq_map;
- DVec ascr[2], dscr[2], sttscr[2], stpscr[2], ncdrscr[2], ingscr[2], cdrscr[2][3];
- IVec asplit[2][2], dsplit[2][2];
- IVec inalign;
- int anum[2], dnum[2], sttnum[2], stpnum[2];
- int shift;
- string contig;
- };
- struct StateScores
- {
- double score,branch,length,region,term;
- };
- template<class State> StateScores CalcStateScores(const State& st)
- {
- StateScores sc;
- if(st.NoLeftEnd())
- {
- if(st.NoRightEnd()) sc.length = st.ThroughLengthScore();
- else sc.length = st.InitialLengthScore();
- }
- else
- {
- if(st.NoRightEnd()) sc.length = st.ClosingLengthScore();
- else sc.length = st.LengthScore();
- }
- sc.region = st.RgnScore();
- sc.term = st.TermScore();
- if(sc.term == BadScore) sc.term = 0;
- sc.score = st.Score();
- if(st.LeftState()) sc.score -= st.LeftState()->Score();
- sc.branch = sc.score-sc.length-sc.region-sc.term;
- return sc;
- }
- class Lorentz
- {
- public:
- bool Init(CNcbiIstream& from, const string& label);
- double Score(int l) const { return score[(l-1)/step]; }
- double ClosingScore(int l) const;
- int MinLen() const { return minl; }
- int MaxLen() const { return maxl; }
- double AvLen() const { return avlen; }
- double Through(int seqlen) const;
- private:
- int minl, maxl, step;
- double A, L, avlen, lnthrough;
- DVec score, clscore;
- };
- class HMM_State : public InputModel
- {
- public:
- HMM_State(int strn, int point);
- const HMM_State* LeftState() const { return leftstate; }
- const Terminal* TerminalPtr() const { return terminal; }
- void UpdateLeftState(const HMM_State& left) { leftstate = &left; }
- void UpdateScore(double scr) { score = scr; }
- int MaxLen() const { return numeric_limits<int>::max(); };
- int MinLen() const;
- bool StopInside() const { return false; }
- bool InAlignment() const { return false; }
- int Strand() const { return strand; }
- bool isPlus() const { return (strand == Plus); }
- bool isMinus() const { return (strand == Minus); }
- double Score() const { return score; }
- int Start() const { return leftstate ? leftstate->stop+1 : 0; }
- bool NoRightEnd() const { return stop < 0; }
- bool NoLeftEnd() const { return leftstate == 0; }
- int Stop() const { return NoRightEnd() ? seqscr->SeqLen()-1 : stop; }
- int RegionStart() const;
- int RegionStop() const;
- virtual StateScores GetStateScores() const = 0;
- virtual string GetStateName() const = 0;
- static void SetSeqScores(const SeqScores& s) { seqscr = &s; }
- protected:
- int stop, strand;
- double score;
- const HMM_State* leftstate;
- const Terminal* terminal;
- static const SeqScores* seqscr;
- };
- class Intron;
- class Intergenic;
- class Exon : public HMM_State
- {
- public:
- static void Init(const string& file, int cgcontent);
- Exon(int strn, int point, int ph) : HMM_State(strn,point), phase(ph),
- prevexon(0), mscore(BadScore) {}
- int Phase() const { return phase; }
- bool StopInside() const;
- bool OpenRgn() const;
- double RgnScore() const;
- double DenScore() const { return 0; }
- double ThroughLengthScore() const { return BadScore; }
- double InitialLengthScore() const { return BadScore; }
- double ClosingLengthScore() const { return BadScore; }
- void UpdatePrevExon(const Exon& e);
- double MScore() const { return mscore; }
- protected:
- int phase;
- const Exon* prevexon;
- double mscore;
- static double firstphase[3], internalphase[3][3];
- static Lorentz firstlen, internallen, lastlen, singlelen;
- static bool initialised;
- };
- class SingleExon : public Exon
- {
- public:
- ~SingleExon() {}
- SingleExon(int strn, int point);
- int MaxLen() const { return singlelen.MaxLen(); }
- int MinLen() const { return singlelen.MinLen(); }
- const SingleExon* PrevExon() const { return static_cast<const SingleExon*>(prevexon); }
- double LengthScore() const;
- double TermScore() const;
- double BranchScore(const HMM_State& next) const { return BadScore; }
- double BranchScore(const Intergenic& next) const;
- StateScores GetStateScores() const { return CalcStateScores(*this); }
- string GetStateName() const { return "SingleExon"; }
- };
- class FirstExon : public Exon
- {
- public:
- ~FirstExon() {}
- FirstExon(int strn, int ph, int point);
- int MaxLen() const { return firstlen.MaxLen(); }
- int MinLen() const { return firstlen.MinLen(); }
- const FirstExon* PrevExon() const { return static_cast<const FirstExon*>(prevexon); }
- double LengthScore() const;
- double TermScore() const;
- double BranchScore(const HMM_State& next) const { return BadScore; }
- double BranchScore(const Intron& next) const;
- StateScores GetStateScores() const { return CalcStateScores(*this); }
- string GetStateName() const { return "FirstExon"; }
- };
- class InternalExon : public Exon
- {
- public:
- ~InternalExon() {}
- InternalExon(int strn, int ph, int point);
- int MaxLen() const { return internallen.MaxLen(); }
- int MinLen() const { return internallen.MinLen(); }
- const InternalExon* PrevExon() const { return static_cast<const InternalExon*>(prevexon); }
- double LengthScore() const;
- double TermScore() const;
- double BranchScore(const HMM_State& next) const { return BadScore; }
- double BranchScore(const Intron& next) const;
- StateScores GetStateScores() const { return CalcStateScores(*this); }
- string GetStateName() const { return "InternalExon"; }
- };
- class LastExon : public Exon
- {
- public:
- ~LastExon() {}
- LastExon(int strn, int ph, int point);
- int MaxLen() const { return lastlen.MaxLen(); }
- int MinLen() const { return lastlen.MinLen(); }
- const LastExon* PrevExon() const { return static_cast<const LastExon*>(prevexon); }
- double LengthScore() const;
- double TermScore() const;
- double BranchScore(const HMM_State& next) const { return BadScore; }
- double BranchScore(const Intergenic& next) const;
- StateScores GetStateScores() const { return CalcStateScores(*this); }
- string GetStateName() const { return "LastExon"; }
- };
- class Intron : public HMM_State
- {
- public:
- static void Init(const string& file, int cgcontent, int seqlen);
- ~Intron() {}
- Intron(int strn, int ph, int point);
- static int MinIntron() { return intronlen.MinLen(); } // used for introducing frameshifts
- int MinLen() const { return intronlen.MinLen(); }
- int MaxLen() const { return intronlen.MaxLen(); }
- int Phase() const { return phase; }
- bool OpenRgn() const;
- double RgnScore() const { return 0; } // Intron scores are substructed from all others
- double TermScore() const;
- double DenScore() const { return lnDen[Phase()]; }
- double LengthScore() const;
- double ClosingLengthScore() const;
- double ThroughLengthScore() const { return lnThrough[Phase()]; }
- double InitialLengthScore() const;
- double BranchScore(const HMM_State& next) const { return BadScore; }
- double BranchScore(const LastExon& next) const;
- double BranchScore(const InternalExon& next) const;
- bool SplittedStop() const;
- StateScores GetStateScores() const { return CalcStateScores(*this); }
- string GetStateName() const { return "Intron"; }
- protected:
- int phase;
- static double lnThrough[3], lnDen[3];
- static double lnTerminal, lnInternal;
- static Lorentz intronlen;
- static bool initialised;
- };
- class Intergenic : public HMM_State
- {
- public:
- static void Init(const string& file, int cgcontent, int seqlen);
- ~Intergenic() {}
- Intergenic(int strn, int point);
- bool OpenRgn() const;
- double RgnScore() const;
- double TermScore() const;
- double DenScore() const { return lnDen; }
- double LengthScore() const { return intergeniclen.Score(Stop()-Start()+1); }
- double ClosingLengthScore() const { return intergeniclen.ClosingScore(Stop()-Start()+1); }
- double ThroughLengthScore() const { return lnThrough; }
- double InitialLengthScore() const { return lnDen+ClosingLengthScore(); }
- double BranchScore(const HMM_State& next) const { return BadScore; }
- double BranchScore(const FirstExon& next) const;
- double BranchScore(const SingleExon& next) const;
- bool InAlignment() const;
- StateScores GetStateScores() const { return CalcStateScores(*this); }
- string GetStateName() const { return "Intergenic"; }
- protected:
- static double lnThrough, lnDen;
- static double lnSingle, lnMulti;
- static Lorentz intergeniclen;
- static bool initialised;
- };
- template<class T> class ParseVec : public vector<T>
- {
- public:
- ParseVec() : num(-1) {}
- int num;
- };
- class Gene;
- class Parse
- {
- public:
- Parse(const SeqScores& ss);
- const HMM_State* Path() const { return path; }
- int PrintGenes(CNcbiOstream& to = cout, CNcbiOstream& toprot = cout,
- bool complete = false) const;
- void PrintInfo() const;
- list<Gene> GetGenes() const;
- //typedef list<Gene>::iterator GenIt;
- private:
- const SeqScores& seqscr;
- const HMM_State* path;
- ParseVec<Intergenic> igplus, igminus;
- ParseVec<Intron> inplus[3], inminus[3];
- ParseVec<FirstExon> feplus[3], feminus;
- ParseVec<InternalExon> ieplus[3], ieminus[3];
- ParseVec<LastExon> leplus, leminus[3];
- ParseVec<SingleExon> seplus, seminus;
- };
- class ExonData
- {
- friend list<Gene> Parse::GetGenes() const;
- public:
- ExonData(int stt, int stp, int tp) : start(stt), stop(stp), type(tp) {}
- int Start() const { return start; }
- int Stop() const { return stop; }
- int Type() const { return type; }
- const set<int>& ChainID() const { return chain_id; }
- const set<int>& ProtID() const { return prot_id; }
- const TFrameShifts& ExonFrameShifts() const { return fshifts; }
- bool Identical(const ExonData& ed) const { return (ed.start == start && ed.stop == stop); }
- bool operator<(const ExonData& ed) const { return (stop < ed.start); }
- enum {Cds, Utr};
- private:
- int start, stop, type;
- set<int> chain_id, prot_id;
- TFrameShifts fshifts;
- };
- class Gene : public vector<ExonData>
- {
- friend list<Gene> Parse::GetGenes() const;
- public:
- Gene(int s, bool l = true, bool r = true, int csf = 0) :
- strand(s), leftend(l), rightend(r), cds_shift(csf) {}
- int Strand() const { return strand; }
- int CDS_Shift() const { return cds_shift; }
- const IVec& CDS() const { return cds; }
- bool LeftComplete() const { return leftend; }
- bool RightComplete() const { return rightend; }
- bool Complete() const { return (leftend && rightend); }
- private:
- int strand, cds_shift;
- bool leftend, rightend;
- IVec cds;
- };
- void LogicalCheck(const HMM_State& st, const SeqScores& ss);
- #include "models.hpp"
- #include "states.hpp"
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * $Log: gene_finder.hpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.1 2003/11/21 21:31:53 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2003/11/06 15:02:21 ucko
- * Use iostream interface from ncbistre.hpp for GCC 2.95 compatibility.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2003/10/24 15:07:25 dicuccio
- * Initial revision
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- #endif // __GENE_FINDER__HPP