- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: splign.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.0 2004/06/01 18:12:28 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: splign.cpp,v 1000.0 2004/06/01 18:12:28 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * public DOMAIN NOTICE
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Yuri Kapustin
- *
- * File Description:
- * CSplign class implementation
- *
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include "splign_compartment_finder.hpp"
- #include "splign_util.hpp"
- #include <algo/align/splign/splign.hpp>
- #include <algo/align/nw_formatter.hpp>
- #include <algo/align/align_exception.hpp>
- #include <deque>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <algorithm>
- CSplign::CSplign( void )
- {
- m_min_query_coverage = 0.25;
- m_compartment_penalty = 0.65;
- m_minidty = 0.75;
- m_endgaps = true;
- m_strand = true;
- m_max_genomic_ext = 100000;
- m_nopolya = false;
- m_model_id = 0;
- }
- void CSplign::SetAligner( CRef<CSplicedAligner>& aligner ) {
- m_aligner = aligner;
- }
- const CRef<CSplicedAligner>& CSplign::GetAligner( void ) const {
- return m_aligner;
- }
- void CSplign::SetSeqAccessor( CRef<CSplignSeqAccessor>& sa ) {
- m_sa = sa;
- }
- const CRef<CSplignSeqAccessor>& CSplign::GetSeqAccessor( void ) const {
- return m_sa;
- }
- void CSplign::SetEndGapDetection( bool on ) {
- m_endgaps = on;
- }
- bool CSplign::GetEndGapDetection( void ) const {
- return m_endgaps;
- }
- void CSplign::SetPolyaDetection( bool on ) {
- m_nopolya = !on;
- }
- bool CSplign::GetPolyaDetection( void ) const {
- return !m_nopolya;
- }
- void CSplign::SetStrand( bool strand ) {
- m_strand = strand;
- }
- bool CSplign::GetStrand( void ) const {
- return m_strand;
- }
- void CSplign::SetMinExonIdentity( double idty )
- {
- if(!(0 <= idty && idty <= 1)) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException,
- eBadParameter,
- "Identity threshold must be between 0 and 1" );
- }
- else {
- m_minidty = idty;
- }
- }
- double CSplign::GetMinExonIdentity( void ) const {
- return m_minidty;
- }
- void CSplign::SetMaxGenomicExtension( size_t ext ) {
- m_max_genomic_ext = ext;
- }
- size_t CSplign::GetMaxGenomicExtension( void ) const {
- return m_max_genomic_ext;
- }
- void CSplign::SetMinQueryCoverage( double cov )
- {
- if(cov < 0 || cov > 1) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException,
- eBadParameter,
- "Min query coverage out of range");
- }
- m_min_query_coverage = cov;
- }
- double CSplign::GetMinQueryCoverage( void ) const
- {
- return m_min_query_coverage;
- }
- void CSplign::SetCompartmentPenalty(double penalty)
- {
- if(penalty < 0 || penalty > 1) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException,
- eBadParameter,
- "Min query coverage out of range");
- }
- m_compartment_penalty = penalty;
- }
- double CSplign::GetCompartmentPenalty( void ) const
- {
- return m_compartment_penalty;
- }
- void CSplign::x_SetPattern(THits* hits)
- {
- sort(hits->begin(), hits->end(), CHit::PPrecedeQ);
- vector<size_t> pattern0;
- for(size_t i = 0, n = hits->size(); i < n; ++i) {
- const CHit& h = (*hits)[i];
- if(1 + h.m_ai[1] - h.m_ai[0] >= 10) {
- pattern0.push_back( h.m_ai[0] );
- pattern0.push_back( h.m_ai[1] );
- pattern0.push_back( h.m_ai[2] );
- pattern0.push_back( h.m_ai[3] );
- }
- }
- const char* Seq1 = &m_mrna.front();
- const size_t SeqLen1 = m_polya_start < kMax_UInt?
- m_polya_start: m_mrna.size();
- const char* Seq2 = &m_genomic.front();
- const size_t SeqLen2 = m_genomic.size();
- // verify some conditions on the input hit pattern
- size_t dim = pattern0.size();
- const char* err = 0;
- if(dim % 4 == 0) {
- for(size_t i = 0; i < dim; i += 4) {
- if(pattern0[i] > pattern0[i+1] || pattern0[i+2] > pattern0[i+3]) {
- err = "Pattern hits must be specified in plus strand";
- break;
- }
- if(i > 4) {
- if(pattern0[i]<=pattern0[i-3] || pattern0[i+2]<=pattern0[i-2]){
- err = "Pattern hits coordinates must be sorted";
- break;
- }
- }
- if(pattern0[i+1] >= SeqLen1 || pattern0[i+3] >= SeqLen2) {
- err = "One or several pattern hits are out of range";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- err = "Pattern must have a dimension multiple of four";
- }
- if(err) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException, eBadParameter, err );
- }
- else {
- m_alnmap.clear();
- m_pattern.clear();
- // copy from pattern0 to pattern so that each hit is not too large
- const size_t max_len = kMax_UInt;// turn this off: sometimes we really
- // need just the longest perf match
- // and there is no direct relationship
- // btw hits and exons
- vector<size_t> pattern;
- for(size_t i = 0; i < dim; i += 4) {
- size_t lenq = 1 + pattern0[i+1] - pattern0[i];
- if(lenq <= max_len) {
- copy(pattern0.begin() + i,
- pattern0.begin() + i + 4,
- back_inserter(pattern));
- }
- else {
- const size_t d = (lenq-1) / max_len + 1;
- const size_t inc = lenq / d + 1;
- for(size_t a = pattern0[i], b = a , c = pattern0[i+2], d = c;
- a < pattern0[i+1]; (a = b + 1), (c = d + 1) ) {
- b = a + inc - 1;
- d = c + inc - 1;
- if(b > pattern0[i+1] || d > pattern0[i+3]) {
- b = pattern0[i+1];
- d = pattern0[i+3];
- }
- pattern.push_back(a);
- pattern.push_back(b);
- pattern.push_back(c);
- pattern.push_back(d);
- }
- }
- }
- dim = pattern.size();
- SAlnMapElem map_elem;
- map_elem.m_box[0] = map_elem.m_box[2] = 0;
- map_elem.m_pattern_start = map_elem.m_pattern_end = -1;
- // realign pattern hits and build the alignment map
- for(size_t i = 0; i < dim; i += 4) {
- CNWAligner nwa ( Seq1 + pattern[i],
- pattern[i+1] - pattern[i] + 1,
- Seq2 + pattern[i+2],
- pattern[i+3] - pattern[i+2] + 1 );
- nwa.Run();
- size_t L1, R1, L2, R2;
- const size_t max_seg_size = nwa.GetLongestSeg(&L1, &R1, &L2, &R2);
- if(max_seg_size) {
- const size_t hitlen_q = pattern[i + 1] - pattern[i] + 1;
- const size_t hlq3 = hitlen_q/3;
- const size_t sh = hlq3;
- size_t delta = sh > L1? sh - L1: 0;
- size_t q0 = pattern[i] + L1 + delta;
- size_t s0 = pattern[i+2] + L2 + delta;
- const size_t h2s_right = hitlen_q - R1 - 1;
- delta = sh > h2s_right? sh - h2s_right: 0;
- size_t q1 = pattern[i] + R1 - delta;
- size_t s1 = pattern[i+2] + R2 - delta;
- if(q0 > q1 || s0 > s1) { // longest seg was probably too short
- q0 = pattern[i] + L1;
- s0 = pattern[i+2] + L2;
- q1 = pattern[i] + R1;
- s1 = pattern[i+2] + R2;
- }
- m_pattern.push_back(q0); m_pattern.push_back(q1);
- m_pattern.push_back(s0); m_pattern.push_back(s1);
- const size_t pattern_dim = m_pattern.size();
- if(map_elem.m_pattern_start == -1) {
- map_elem.m_pattern_start = pattern_dim - 4;;
- }
- map_elem.m_pattern_end = pattern_dim - 1;
- }
- map_elem.m_box[1] = pattern[i+1];
- map_elem.m_box[3] = pattern[i+3];
- }
- map_elem.m_box[1] = SeqLen1 - 1;
- map_elem.m_box[3] = SeqLen2 - 1;
- m_alnmap.push_back(map_elem);
- }
- }
- void CSplign::Run( THits* phits )
- {
- if(!phits) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException,
- eInternal,
- "Unexpected NULL pointers" );
- }
- THits& hits = *phits;
- if(m_sa.IsNull()) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException,
- eNotInitialized,
- "Sequence accessor object not specified" );
- }
- if(m_aligner.IsNull()) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException,
- eNotInitialized,
- "Spliced aligner object not specified" );
- }
- if(hits.size() == 0) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException,
- eNoData,
- "Empty hit vector passed to CSplign" );
- }
- const string query ( hits[0].m_Query );
- const string subj ( hits[0].m_Subj );
- m_result.clear();
- // pre-load the spliced sequence and calculate min coverage
- m_mrna.clear();
- m_sa->Load(query, &m_mrna, 0, kMax_UInt);
- const size_t mrna_size = m_mrna.size();
- const size_t min_coverage = size_t(m_min_query_coverage * mrna_size);
- const size_t comp_penalty_bps = size_t(m_compartment_penalty * mrna_size);
- // iterate through compartments
- CCompartmentAccessor comps (hits.begin(), hits.end(),
- comp_penalty_bps, min_coverage);
- THits comp_hits;
- size_t smin = 0, smax = kMax_UInt;
- bool same_strand = false;
- for(size_t i = 0, dim = comps.GetCount(); i < dim; ++i) {
- comps.Get(i, comp_hits);
- // limit the space beyond the compartment
- // to avoid shared exons
- if(i+1 == dim) {
- smax = kMax_UInt;
- same_strand = false;
- }
- else {
- bool strand_this = comps.GetStrand(i);
- bool strand_next = comps.GetStrand(i+1);
- same_strand = strand_this == strand_next;
- if(same_strand) {
- const size_t* box0 = comps.GetBox(i);
- const size_t* box1 = box0 + 4;
- const size_t dist = box1[2] - box0[3];
- size_t qdim0, qdim1;
- if(strand_this) {
- qdim0 = mrna_size - box0[1] - 1;
- qdim1 = box1[0];
- }
- else {
- qdim0 = box0[0];
- qdim1 = mrna_size - box1[1] - 1;
- }
- const size_t qdim = qdim0 + qdim1;
- if(qdim == 0) {
- smax = box1[2] - 1;
- }
- else {
- const double a0 = double(qdim0) / qdim;
- smax = size_t(floor (box0[3] + a0*dist));
- if(smax == box1[2]) {
- --smax;
- }
- }
- }
- else { // !same_strand
- smax = kMax_UInt;
- }
- }
- try {
- SAlignedCompartment ac = x_RunOnCompartment(&comp_hits, smin, smax);
- ac.m_id = ++m_model_id;
- ac.m_segments = m_segments;
- ac.m_error = false;
- ac.m_msg = "Ok";
- m_result.push_back(ac);
- }
- catch(CException& e) {
- m_result.push_back(SAlignedCompartment(0, true, e.GetMsg().c_str()));
- }
- smin = same_strand? (smax + 1): 0;
- }
- }
- // naive polya detection
- size_t CSplign::x_TestPolyA(void)
- {
- const size_t dim = m_mrna.size();
- int i = dim - 1;
- for(; i >= 0; --i) {
- if(m_mrna[i] != 'A') break;
- }
- const size_t len = dim - i - 1;;
- return len > 3 ? i + 1 : kMax_UInt;
- }
- CSplign::SAlignedCompartment CSplign::x_RunOnCompartment( THits* hits,
- size_t range_left,
- size_t range_right )
- {
- SAlignedCompartment rv;
- m_segments.clear();
- if(range_left > range_right) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException, eInternal, "Invalid range data");
- }
- XFilter(hits);
- if(hits->size() == 0) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException, eNoData,
- "No hits left after filtering");
- }
- const string query ( hits->front().m_Query );
- const string subj ( hits->front().m_Subj );
- const size_t mrna_size = m_mrna.size();
- if( !m_strand ) {
- // make reverse complimentary
- reverse (m_mrna.begin(), m_mrna.end());
- transform(m_mrna.begin(), m_mrna.end(), m_mrna.begin(),
- SCompliment());
- // adjust the hits
- for(size_t i = 0, n = hits->size(); i < n; ++i) {
- CHit& h = (*hits)[i];
- bool plus = h.IsStraight();
- size_t a0 = mrna_size - h.m_ai[0] + 1;
- size_t a1 = mrna_size - h.m_ai[1] + 1;
- h.m_an[0] = h.m_ai[0] = a1;
- h.m_an[1] = h.m_ai[1] = a0;
- // change strand
- if(plus) {
- h.m_an[2] = h.m_ai[3];
- h.m_an[3] = h.m_ai[2];
- }
- else {
- h.m_an[2] = h.m_ai[2];
- h.m_an[3] = h.m_ai[3];
- }
- }
- }
- m_polya_start = m_nopolya? kMax_UInt: x_TestPolyA();
- if(m_polya_start < kMax_UInt) {
- CleaveOffByTail(hits, m_polya_start + 1); // cleave off hits beyond cds
- if(hits->size() == 0) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException,
- eNoData,
- "No hits found beyond Poly(A), if any");
- }
- }
- // find regions of interest on mRna (query)
- // and contig (subj)
- size_t qmin, qmax, smin, smax;
- GetHitsMinMax(*hits, &qmin, &qmax, &smin, &smax);
- --qmin; --qmax; --smin; --smax;
- qmin = 0;
- qmax = m_polya_start < kMax_UInt? m_polya_start - 1: mrna_size - 1;
- smin = max(0, int(smin - m_max_genomic_ext));
- smax += m_max_genomic_ext;
- if(smin < range_left) {
- smin = range_left;
- }
- if(smax > range_right) {
- smax = range_right;
- }
- bool ctg_strand = (*hits)[0].IsStraight();
- m_genomic.clear();
- m_sa->Load(subj, &m_genomic, smin, smax);
- const size_t ctg_end = smin + m_genomic.size();
- if(ctg_end - 1 < smax) { // perhabs adjust smax
- smax = ctg_end - 1;
- }
- if(!ctg_strand) {
- // make reverse complementary
- // for the contig's area of interest
- reverse (m_genomic.begin(), m_genomic.end());
- transform(m_genomic.begin(), m_genomic.end(), m_genomic.begin(),
- SCompliment());
- // flip the hits
- for(size_t i = 0, n = hits->size(); i < n; ++i) {
- CHit& h = (*hits)[i];
- size_t a2 = smax - (h.m_ai[3] - smin) + 2;
- size_t a3 = smax - (h.m_ai[2] - smin) + 2;
- h.m_an[2] = h.m_ai[2] = a2;
- h.m_an[3] = h.m_ai[3] = a3;
- }
- }
- rv.m_QueryStrand = m_strand;
- rv.m_SubjStrand = ctg_strand;
- rv.m_qmin = qmin;
- rv.m_smin = smin;
- rv.m_smax = smax;
- rv.m_mrnasize = mrna_size;
- // shift hits so that they originate from qmin, smin;
- // also make them zero-based
- for(size_t i = 0, n = hits->size(); i < n; ++i) {
- CHit& h = (*hits)[i];
- h.m_an[0] = h.m_ai[0] -= qmin + 1;
- h.m_an[1] = h.m_ai[1] -= qmin + 1;
- h.m_an[2] = h.m_ai[2] -= smin + 1;
- h.m_an[3] = h.m_ai[3] -= smin + 1;
- }
- x_SetPattern( hits );
- x_Run(&m_mrna.front(), &m_genomic.front());
- const size_t seg_dim = m_segments.size();
- if(seg_dim == 0) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException, eNoData, "No alignment found.");
- }
- // try to extend the last segment into the PolyA area
- if(m_polya_start < kMax_UInt && seg_dim && m_segments[seg_dim-1].m_exon) {
- CSplign::SSegment& s = const_cast<CSplign::SSegment&>(
- m_segments[seg_dim-1]);
- const char* p0 = &m_mrna.front() + s.m_box[1] + 1;
- const char* q = &m_genomic.front() + s.m_box[3] + 1;
- const char* p = p0;
- const char* pe = &m_mrna.front() + mrna_size;
- const char* qe = &m_genomic.front() + m_genomic.size();
- for(; p < pe && q < qe; ++p, ++q) {
- if(*p != 'A') break;
- if(*p != *q) break;
- }
- const size_t sh = p - p0;
- if(sh) {
- // resize
- s.m_box[1] += sh;
- s.m_box[3] += sh;
- s.m_details.append(sh, 'M');
- s.RestoreIdentity();
- // correct annotation
- const size_t ann_dim = s.m_annot.size();
- if(ann_dim > 2 && s.m_annot[ann_dim - 3] == '>') {
- ++q;
- s.m_annot[ann_dim - 2] = q < qe? *q: ' ';
- ++q;
- s.m_annot[ann_dim - 1] = q < qe? *q: ' ';
- }
- m_polya_start += sh;
- }
- }
- int j = seg_dim - 1;
- // look for PolyA in trailing segments:
- // if a segment is mostly 'A's then we add it to PolyA
- for(; j >= 0; --j) {
- const CSplign::SSegment& s = m_segments[j];
- const char* p0 = &m_mrna[qmin] + s.m_box[0];
- const char* p1 = &m_mrna[qmin] + s.m_box[1] + 1;
- size_t count = 0;
- for(const char* pc = p0; pc != p1; ++pc) {
- if(*pc == 'A') ++count;
- }
- const size_t len = p1 - p0;
- double min_a_content = 0.799;
- // also check splices
- if(s.m_exon && j > 0 && m_segments[j-1].m_exon) {
- if(!IsConsensus(m_segments[j-1].GetDonor(), s.GetAcceptor())) {
- min_a_content = 0.599;
- }
- }
- if(!s.m_exon) {
- min_a_content = 0.599;
- }
- if(double(count)/len < min_a_content) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if(j >= 0 && j < int(seg_dim - 1)) {
- m_polya_start = m_segments[j].m_box[1] + 1;
- }
- // test if we have at least one exon
- bool some_exons = false;
- for(int i = 0; i <= j; ++i ) {
- if(m_segments[i].m_exon) {
- some_exons = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!some_exons) {
- NCBI_THROW( CAlgoAlignException, eNoData,
- "No exons found above identity limit.");
- }
- m_segments.resize(j + 1);
- return rv;
- }
- void CSplign::x_Run(const char* Seq1, const char* Seq2)
- {
- deque<SSegment> segments;
- for(size_t i = 0, map_dim = m_alnmap.size(); i < map_dim; ++i) {
- const SAlnMapElem& zone = m_alnmap[i];
- // setup sequences
- m_aligner->SetSequences(Seq1 + zone.m_box[0],
- zone.m_box[1] - zone.m_box[0] + 1,
- Seq2 + zone.m_box[2],
- zone.m_box[3] - zone.m_box[2] + 1,
- false);
- // prepare the pattern
- vector<size_t> pattern;
- if(zone.m_pattern_start >= 0) {
- copy(m_pattern.begin() + zone.m_pattern_start,
- m_pattern.begin() + zone.m_pattern_end + 1,
- back_inserter(pattern));
- for(size_t j = 0, pt_dim = pattern.size(); j < pt_dim; j += 4) {
- //#define DBG_DUMP_PATTERN
- cerr << pattern[j] << 't' << pattern[j+1] << 't'
- << pattern[j+2] << 't' << pattern[j+3] << endl;
- #endif
- pattern[j] -= zone.m_box[0];
- pattern[j+1] -= zone.m_box[0];
- pattern[j+2] -= zone.m_box[2];
- pattern[j+3] -= zone.m_box[2];
- }
- if(pattern.size()) {
- m_aligner->SetPattern(pattern);
- }
- // setup esf
- m_aligner->SetEndSpaceFree(true, true, true, true);
- // align
- m_aligner->Run();
- // #define DBG_DUMP_TYPE2
- #ifdef DBG_DUMP_TYPE2
- {{
- CNWFormatter fmt (*m_aligner);
- string txt;
- fmt.AsText(&txt, CNWFormatter::eFormatType2);
- cerr << txt;
- }}
- #endif
- // create list of segments
- CNWFormatter formatter (*m_aligner);
- string exons;
- formatter.AsText(&exons, CNWFormatter::eFormatExonTableEx);
- CNcbiIstrstream iss_exons (exons.c_str());
- while(iss_exons) {
- string id1, id2, txt, repr;
- size_t q0, q1, s0, s1, size;
- double idty;
- iss_exons >> id1 >> id2 >> idty >> size
- >> q0 >> q1 >> s0 >> s1 >> txt >> repr;
- if(!iss_exons) break;
- q0 += zone.m_box[0];
- q1 += zone.m_box[0];
- s0 += zone.m_box[2];
- s1 += zone.m_box[2];
- SSegment e;
- e.m_exon = true;
- e.m_idty = idty;
- e.m_len = size;
- e.m_box[0] = q0; e.m_box[1] = q1;
- e.m_box[2] = s0; e.m_box[3] = s1;
- e.m_annot = txt;
- e.m_details = repr;
- segments.push_back(e);
- }
- // append a gap
- if(i + 1 < map_dim) {
- SSegment g;
- g.m_exon = false;
- g.m_box[0] = zone.m_box[1] + 1;
- g.m_box[1] = m_alnmap[i+1].m_box[0] - 1;
- g.m_box[2] = zone.m_box[3] + 1;
- g.m_box[3] = m_alnmap[i+1].m_box[2] - 1;
- g.m_idty = 0;
- g.m_len = g.m_box[1] - g.m_box[0] + 1;
- g.m_annot = "<GAP>";
- g.m_details.append(Seq1+g.m_box[0], g.m_box[1]-g.m_box[0]+1);
- segments.push_back(g);
- }
- }
- } // zone iterations end
- // segment-level postprocessing
- size_t seg_dim = segments.size();
- if(seg_dim == 0) {
- return;
- }
- // First go from the ends and see if we
- // can improve boundary exons
- size_t k0 = 0;
- while(k0 < seg_dim) {
- SSegment& s = segments[k0];
- if(s.m_exon) {
- if(s.m_idty < m_minidty || m_endgaps) {
- s.ImproveFromLeft(Seq1, Seq2);
- }
- if(s.m_idty >= m_minidty) {
- break;
- }
- }
- ++k0;
- }
- // fill the left-hand gap, if any
- if(segments[0].m_exon && segments[0].m_box[0] > 0) {
- segments.push_front(SSegment());
- SSegment& g = segments.front();
- g.m_exon = false;
- g.m_box[0] = 0;
- g.m_box[1] = segments[0].m_box[0] - 1;
- g.m_box[2] = 0;
- g.m_box[3] = segments[0].m_box[2] - 1;
- g.m_idty = 0;
- g.m_len = segments[0].m_box[0];
- g.m_annot = "<GAP>";
- g.m_details = string(Seq1 + g.m_box[0], g.m_box[1] + 1 - g.m_box[0]);
- ++seg_dim;
- ++k0;
- }
- int k1 = int(seg_dim - 1);
- while(k1 >= int(k0)) {
- SSegment& s = segments[k1];
- if(s.m_exon) {
- if(s.m_idty < m_minidty || m_endgaps) {
- s.ImproveFromRight(Seq1, Seq2);
- }
- if(s.m_idty >= m_minidty) {
- break;
- }
- }
- --k1;
- }
- const size_t SeqLen2 = m_genomic.size();
- const size_t SeqLen1 = m_polya_start == kMax_UInt? m_mrna.size():
- m_polya_start;
- // fill the right-hand gap, if any
- if( segments[seg_dim - 1].m_exon &&
- segments[seg_dim - 1].m_box[1] < SeqLen1 - 1) {
- SSegment g;
- g.m_exon = false;
- g.m_box[0] = segments[seg_dim - 1].m_box[1] + 1;
- g.m_box[1] = SeqLen1 - 1;
- g.m_box[2] = segments[seg_dim - 1].m_box[3] + 1;
- g.m_box[3] = SeqLen2 - 1;
- g.m_idty = 0;
- g.m_len = g.m_box[1] - g.m_box[0] + 1;
- g.m_annot = "<GAP>";
- g.m_details = string(Seq1 + g.m_box[0], g.m_box[1] + 1 - g.m_box[0]);
- segments.push_back(g);
- ++seg_dim;
- }
- // turn to gaps exons with low identity
- for(size_t k = 0; k < seg_dim; ++k) {
- SSegment& s = segments[k];
- if(s.m_exon && s.m_idty < m_minidty) {
- s.m_exon = false;
- s.m_idty = 0;
- s.m_len = s.m_box[1] - s.m_box[0] + 1;
- s.m_annot = "<GAP>";
- s.m_details.resize(0);
- s.m_details.append(Seq1 + s.m_box[0],
- s.m_box[1] + 1 - s.m_box[0]);
- }
- }
- // turn to gaps extra-short exons preceeded/followed by gaps
- bool gap_prev = false;
- for(size_t k = 0; k < seg_dim; ++k) {
- SSegment& s = segments[k];
- if(s.m_exon == false) {
- gap_prev = true;
- }
- else {
- size_t length = s.m_box[1] - s.m_box[0] + 1;
- bool gap_next = false;
- if(k + 1 < seg_dim) {
- gap_next = !segments[k+1].m_exon;
- }
- if(length <= 5 && (gap_prev || gap_next)) {
- s.m_exon = false;
- s.m_idty = 0;
- s.m_len = s.m_box[1] - s.m_box[0] + 1;
- s.m_annot = "<GAP>";
- s.m_details.resize(0);
- s.m_details.append(Seq1 + s.m_box[0],
- s.m_box[1] + 1 - s.m_box[0]);
- }
- gap_prev = false;
- }
- }
- // now merge all adjacent gaps
- int gap_start_idx = -1;
- if(segments.size() && segments[0].m_exon == false) {
- gap_start_idx = 0;
- }
- size_t segs_dim = segments.size();
- for(size_t k = 0; k < segs_dim; ++k) {
- SSegment& s = segments[k];
- if(!s.m_exon) {
- if(gap_start_idx == -1) {
- gap_start_idx = int(k);
- if(k > 0) {
- s.m_box[0] = segments[k-1].m_box[1] + 1;
- s.m_box[2] = segments[k-1].m_box[3] + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if(gap_start_idx >= 0) {
- SSegment& g = segments[gap_start_idx];
- g.m_box[1] = s.m_box[0] - 1;
- g.m_box[3] = s.m_box[2] - 1;
- g.m_len = g.m_box[1] - g.m_box[0] + 1;
- g.m_details.resize(0);
- g.m_details.append(Seq1 + g.m_box[0],
- g.m_box[1] + 1 - g.m_box[0]);
- m_segments.push_back(g);
- gap_start_idx = -1;
- }
- m_segments.push_back(s);
- }
- }
- if(gap_start_idx >= 0) {
- SSegment& g = segments[gap_start_idx];
- g.m_box[1] = segments[segs_dim-1].m_box[1];
- g.m_box[3] = segments[segs_dim-1].m_box[3];
- g.m_len = g.m_box[1] - g.m_box[0] + 1;
- g.m_details.resize(0);
- g.m_details.append(Seq1 + g.m_box[0], g.m_box[1] + 1 - g.m_box[0]);
- m_segments.push_back(g);
- }
- }
- // try improving the segment by cutting it from the left
- void CSplign::SSegment::ImproveFromLeft(const char* seq1, const char* seq2)
- {
- const size_t min_query_size = 4;
- int i0 = int(m_box[1] - m_box[0] + 1), i0_max = i0;
- if(i0 < int(min_query_size)) {
- return;
- }
- // find the top score suffix
- int i1 = int(m_box[3] - m_box[2] + 1), i1_max = i1;
- CNWAligner::TScore score_max = 0, s = 0;
- const CNWAligner::TScore wm = 1;
- const CNWAligner::TScore wms = -1;
- const CNWAligner::TScore wg = 0;
- const CNWAligner::TScore ws = -1;
- string::reverse_iterator irs0 = m_details.rbegin(),
- irs1 = m_details.rend(), irs = irs0, irs_max = irs0;
- for( ; irs != irs1; ++irs) {
- switch(*irs) {
- case 'M': {
- s += wm;
- --i0;
- --i1;
- }
- break;
- case 'R': {
- s += wms;
- --i0;
- --i1;
- }
- break;
- case 'I': {
- s += ws;
- if(irs > irs0 && *(irs-1)!='I') s += wg;
- --i1;
- }
- break;
- case 'D': {
- s += ws;
- if(irs > irs0 && *(irs-1)!='D') s += wg;
- --i0;
- }
- }
- if(s >= score_max) {
- score_max = s;
- i0_max = i0;
- i1_max = i1;
- irs_max = irs;
- }
- }
- // work around a weird case of equally optimal
- // but detrimental for our purposes alignment
- // -check the actual sequence chars
- size_t head = 0;
- while(i0_max > 0 && i1_max > 0) {
- if(seq1[m_box[0]+i0_max-1] == seq2[m_box[2]+i1_max-1]) {
- --i0_max; --i1_max;
- ++head;
- }
- else {
- break;
- }
- }
- // if the resulting segment is still long enough
- if(m_box[1] - m_box[0] + 1 - i0_max >= min_query_size
- && i0_max > 0) {
- // resize
- m_box[0] += i0_max;
- m_box[2] += i1_max;
- m_details.erase(0, m_details.size() - (irs_max - irs0 + 1));
- m_details.insert(m_details.begin(), head, 'M');
- RestoreIdentity();
- // update the first two annotation symbols
- if(m_annot.size() > 2 && m_annot[2] == '<') {
- int j1 = m_box[2] - 2;
- char c1 = j1 >= 0? seq2[j1]: ' ';
- m_annot[0] = c1;
- int j2 = m_box[2] - 2;
- char c2 = j2 >= 0? seq2[j2]: ' ';
- m_annot[1] = c2;
- }
- }
- }
- // try improving the segment by cutting it from the right
- void CSplign::SSegment::ImproveFromRight(const char* seq1, const char* seq2)
- {
- const size_t min_query_size = 4;
- if(m_box[1] - m_box[0] + 1 < min_query_size) {
- return;
- }
- // find the top score prefix
- int i0 = -1, i0_max = i0;
- int i1 = -1, i1_max = i1;
- CNWAligner::TScore score_max = 0, s = 0;
- const CNWAligner::TScore wm = 1;
- const CNWAligner::TScore wms = -1;
- const CNWAligner::TScore wg = 0;
- const CNWAligner::TScore ws = -1;
- string::iterator irs0 = m_details.begin(),
- irs1 = m_details.end(), irs = irs0, irs_max = irs0;
- for( ; irs != irs1; ++irs) {
- switch(*irs) {
- case 'M': {
- s += wm;
- ++i0;
- ++i1;
- }
- break;
- case 'R': {
- s += wms;
- ++i0;
- ++i1;
- }
- break;
- case 'I': {
- s += ws;
- if(irs > irs0 && *(irs-1) != 'I') s += wg;
- ++i1;
- }
- break;
- case 'D': {
- s += ws;
- if(irs > irs0 && *(irs-1) != 'D') s += wg;
- ++i0;
- }
- }
- if(s >= score_max) {
- score_max = s;
- i0_max = i0;
- i1_max = i1;
- irs_max = irs;
- }
- }
- int dimq = int(m_box[1] - m_box[0] + 1);
- int dims = int(m_box[3] - m_box[2] + 1);
- // work around a weird case of equally optimal
- // but detrimental for our purposes alignment
- // -check the actual sequences
- size_t tail = 0;
- while(i0_max < dimq - 1 && i1_max < dims - 1) {
- if(seq1[m_box[0]+i0_max+1] == seq2[m_box[2]+i1_max+1]) {
- ++i0_max; ++i1_max;
- ++tail;
- }
- else {
- break;
- }
- }
- dimq += tail;
- dims += tail;
- // if the resulting segment is still long enough
- if(i0_max >= int(min_query_size) && i0_max < dimq - 1) {
- m_box[1] = m_box[0] + i0_max;
- m_box[3] = m_box[2] + i1_max;
- m_details.resize(irs_max - irs0 + 1);
- m_details.insert(m_details.end(), tail, 'M');
- RestoreIdentity();
- // update the last two annotation chars
- const size_t adim = m_annot.size();
- if(adim > 2 && m_annot[adim - 3] == '>') {
- m_annot[adim-2] = seq2[m_box[3] + 1];
- m_annot[adim-1] = seq2[m_box[3] + 2];
- }
- }
- }
- void CSplign::SSegment::RestoreIdentity()
- {
- // restore length and identity
- m_len = m_details.size();
- string::const_iterator ib = m_details.begin(), ie = m_details.end();
- size_t count = 0; // not using std::count here due to known incompatibilty
- for(string::const_iterator ii = ib; ii != ie; ++ii) {
- if(*ii == 'M') ++count;
- }
- m_idty = double(count) / m_len;
- }
- const char* CSplign::SSegment::GetDonor() const
- {
- const size_t adim = m_annot.size();
- return
- (adim > 2 && m_annot[adim - 3] == '>')? (m_annot.c_str() + adim - 2): 0;
- }
- const char* CSplign::SSegment::GetAcceptor() const
- {
- const size_t adim = m_annot.size();
- return (adim > 3 && m_annot[2] == '<')? m_annot.c_str(): 0;
- }
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * $Log: splign.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.0 2004/06/01 18:12:28 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.12 2004/05/24 16:13:57 gorelenk
- * Added PCH ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- * Revision 1.11 2004/05/19 13:37:48 kapustin
- * Remove test dumping code
- *
- * Revision 1.10 2004/05/18 21:43:40 kapustin
- * Code cleanup
- *
- * Revision 1.9 2004/05/04 15:23:45 ucko
- * Split splign code out of xalgoalign into new xalgosplign.
- *
- * Revision 1.8 2004/05/03 15:22:18 johnson
- * added typedefs for public stl types
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2004/04/30 15:00:47 kapustin
- * Support ASN formatting
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2004/04/26 15:38:45 kapustin
- * Add model_id as a CSplign member
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2004/04/23 18:43:47 ucko
- * <cmath> -> <math.h>, since some older compilers (MIPSpro) lack the wrappers.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2004/04/23 16:52:04 kapustin
- * Change the way we get donor address
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2004/04/23 14:37:44 kapustin
- * *** empty log message ***
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */