- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: bme.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.1 2004/06/01 18:09:50 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: bme.cpp,v 1000.1 2004/06/01 18:09:50 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Richard Desper
- *
- * File Description: bme.cpp
- *
- * A part of the Miminum Evolution algorithm
- *
- */
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "graph.h"
- #include "fastme.h"
- BEGIN_SCOPE(fastme)
- meEdge *siblingEdge(meEdge *e);
- boolean leaf(meNode *v);
- meEdge *depthFirstTraverse(meTree *T, meEdge *e);
- meEdge *topFirstTraverse(meTree *T, meEdge *e);
- void BalWFext(meEdge *e, double **A) /*works except when e is the one edge
- inserted to new vertex v by firstInsert*/
- {
- meEdge *f, *g;
- if ((leaf(e->head)) && (leaf(e->tail)))
- e->distance = A[e->head->index][e->head->index];
- else if (leaf(e->head))
- {
- f = e->tail->parentEdge;
- g = siblingEdge(e);
- e->distance = 0.5*(A[e->head->index][g->head->index]
- + A[e->head->index][f->head->index]
- - A[g->head->index][f->head->index]);
- }
- else
- {
- f = e->head->leftEdge;
- g = e->head->rightEdge;
- e->distance = 0.5*(A[g->head->index][e->head->index]
- + A[f->head->index][e->head->index]
- - A[f->head->index][g->head->index]);
- }
- }
- void BalWFint(meEdge *e, double **A)
- {
- int up, down, left, right;
- up = e->tail->index;
- down = (siblingEdge(e))->head->index;
- left = e->head->leftEdge->head->index;
- right = e->head->rightEdge->head->index;
- e->distance = 0.25*(A[up][left] + A[up][right] + A[left][down] + A[right][down]) - 0.5*(A[down][up] + A[left][right]);
- }
- void assignBMEWeights(meTree *T, double **A)
- {
- meEdge *e;
- e = depthFirstTraverse(T,NULL);
- while (NULL != e) {
- if ((leaf(e->head)) || (leaf(e->tail)))
- BalWFext(e,A);
- else
- BalWFint(e,A);
- e = depthFirstTraverse(T,e);
- }
- }
- void BMEcalcDownAverage(meTree *T, meNode *v, meEdge *e, double **D, double **A)
- {
- meEdge *left, *right;
- if (leaf(e->head))
- A[e->head->index][v->index] = D[v->index2][e->head->index2];
- else
- {
- left = e->head->leftEdge;
- right = e->head->rightEdge;
- A[e->head->index][v->index] = 0.5 * A[left->head->index][v->index]
- + 0.5 * A[right->head->index][v->index];
- }
- }
- void BMEcalcUpAverage(meTree *T, meNode *v, meEdge *e, double **D, double **A)
- {
- meEdge *up,*down;
- if (T->root == e->tail)
- A[v->index][e->head->index] = D[v->index2][e->tail->index2];
- /*for now, use convention
- v->index first => looking up
- v->index second => looking down */
- else
- {
- up = e->tail->parentEdge;
- down = siblingEdge(e);
- A[v->index][e->head->index] = 0.5 * A[v->index][up->head->index]
- +0.5 * A[down->head->index][v->index];
- }
- }
- void BMEcalcNewvAverages(meTree *T, meNode *v, double **D, double **A)
- {
- /*loop over edges*/
- /*depth-first search*/
- meEdge *e;
- e = NULL;
- e = depthFirstTraverse(T,e); /*the downward averages need to be
- calculated from bottom to top */
- while(NULL != e)
- {
- BMEcalcDownAverage(T,v,e,D,A);
- e = depthFirstTraverse(T,e);
- }
- e = topFirstTraverse(T,e); /*the upward averages need to be calculated
- from top to bottom */
- while(NULL != e)
- {
- BMEcalcUpAverage(T,v,e,D,A);
- e = topFirstTraverse(T,e);
- }
- }
- /*update Pair updates A[nearEdge][farEdge] and makes recursive call to subtree
- beyond farEdge*/
- /*root is head or tail of meEdge being split, depending on direction toward
- v*/
- void updatePair(double **A, meEdge *nearEdge, meEdge *farEdge, meNode *v,
- meNode *root, double dcoeff, int direction)
- {
- meEdge *sib;
- switch(direction) /*the various cases refer to where the new vertex has
- been inserted, in relation to the meEdge nearEdge*/
- {
- case UP: /*this case is called when v has been inserted above
- or skew to farEdge*/
- /*do recursive calls first!*/
- if (NULL != farEdge->head->leftEdge)
- updatePair(A,nearEdge,farEdge->head->leftEdge,v,root,dcoeff,UP);
- if (NULL != farEdge->head->rightEdge)
- updatePair(A,nearEdge,farEdge->head->rightEdge,v,root,dcoeff,UP);
- A[farEdge->head->index][nearEdge->head->index] =
- A[nearEdge->head->index][farEdge->head->index]
- = A[farEdge->head->index][nearEdge->head->index]
- + dcoeff*A[farEdge->head->index][v->index]
- - dcoeff*A[farEdge->head->index][root->index];
- break;
- case DOWN: /*called when v has been inserted below farEdge*/
- if (NULL != farEdge->tail->parentEdge)
- updatePair(A,nearEdge,farEdge->tail->parentEdge,v,root,dcoeff,DOWN);
- sib = siblingEdge(farEdge);
- if (NULL != sib)
- updatePair(A,nearEdge,sib,v,root,dcoeff,UP);
- A[farEdge->head->index][nearEdge->head->index] =
- A[nearEdge->head->index][farEdge->head->index]
- = A[farEdge->head->index][nearEdge->head->index]
- + dcoeff*A[v->index][farEdge->head->index]
- - dcoeff*A[farEdge->head->index][root->index];
- }
- }
- void updateSubTree(double **A, meEdge *nearEdge, meNode *v, meNode *root,
- meNode *newNode, double dcoeff, int direction)
- {
- meEdge *sib;
- switch(direction)
- {
- case UP: /*newNode is above the meEdge nearEdge*/
- A[v->index][nearEdge->head->index] = A[nearEdge->head->index][v->index];
- A[newNode->index][nearEdge->head->index] =
- A[nearEdge->head->index][newNode->index] =
- A[nearEdge->head->index][root->index];
- if (NULL != nearEdge->head->leftEdge)
- updateSubTree(A, nearEdge->head->leftEdge, v, root, newNode, 0.5*dcoeff, UP);
- if (NULL != nearEdge->head->rightEdge)
- updateSubTree(A, nearEdge->head->rightEdge, v, root, newNode, 0.5*dcoeff, UP);
- updatePair(A, nearEdge, nearEdge, v, root, dcoeff, UP);
- break;
- case DOWN: /*newNode is below the meEdge nearEdge*/
- A[nearEdge->head->index][v->index] = A[v->index][nearEdge->head->index];
- A[newNode->index][nearEdge->head->index] =
- A[nearEdge->head->index][newNode->index] =
- 0.5*(A[nearEdge->head->index][root->index]
- + A[v->index][nearEdge->head->index]);
- sib = siblingEdge(nearEdge);
- if (NULL != sib)
- updateSubTree(A, sib, v, root, newNode, 0.5*dcoeff, SKEW);
- if (NULL != nearEdge->tail->parentEdge)
- updateSubTree(A, nearEdge->tail->parentEdge, v, root, newNode, 0.5*dcoeff, DOWN);
- updatePair(A, nearEdge, nearEdge, v, root, dcoeff, DOWN);
- break;
- case SKEW: /*newNode is neither above nor below nearEdge*/
- A[v->index][nearEdge->head->index] = A[nearEdge->head->index][v->index];
- A[newNode->index][nearEdge->head->index] =
- A[nearEdge->head->index][newNode->index] =
- 0.5*(A[nearEdge->head->index][root->index] +
- A[nearEdge->head->index][v->index]);
- if (NULL != nearEdge->head->leftEdge)
- updateSubTree(A, nearEdge->head->leftEdge, v, root, newNode, 0.5*dcoeff,SKEW);
- if (NULL != nearEdge->head->rightEdge)
- updateSubTree(A, nearEdge->head->rightEdge, v, root, newNode, 0.5*dcoeff,SKEW);
- updatePair(A, nearEdge, nearEdge, v, root, dcoeff, UP);
- }
- }
- /*we update all the averages for nodes (u1,u2), where the insertion point of
- v is in "direction" from both u1 and u2 */
- /*The general idea is to proceed in a direction from those edges already corrected
- */
- /*r is the root of the meTree relative to the inserted node*/
- void BMEupdateAveragesMatrix(double **A, meEdge *e, meNode *v,meNode *newNode)
- {
- meEdge *sib, *par, *left, *right;
- /*first, update the v,newNode entries*/
- A[newNode->index][newNode->index] = 0.5*(A[e->head->index][e->head->index]
- + A[v->index][e->head->index]);
- A[v->index][newNode->index] = A[newNode->index][v->index] =
- A[v->index][e->head->index];
- A[v->index][v->index] =
- 0.5*(A[e->head->index][v->index] + A[v->index][e->head->index]);
- left = e->head->leftEdge;
- right = e->head->rightEdge;
- if (NULL != left)
- updateSubTree(A,left,v,e->head,newNode,0.25,UP); /*updates left and below*/
- if (NULL != right)
- updateSubTree(A,right,v,e->head,newNode,0.25,UP); /*updates right and below*/
- sib = siblingEdge(e);
- if (NULL != sib)
- updateSubTree(A,sib,v,e->head,newNode,0.25,SKEW); /*updates sib and below*/
- par = e->tail->parentEdge;
- if (NULL != par)
- updateSubTree(A,par,v,e->head,newNode,0.25,DOWN); /*updates par and above*/
- /*must change values A[e->head][*] last, as they are used to update
- the rest of the matrix*/
- A[newNode->index][e->head->index] = A[e->head->index][newNode->index]
- = A[e->head->index][e->head->index];
- A[v->index][e->head->index] = A[e->head->index][v->index];
- updatePair(A,e,e,v,e->head,0.5,UP); /*updates e->head fields only*/
- }
- /*A is meTree below sibling, B is meTree below edge, C is meTree above edge*/
- double wf3(double D_AB, double D_AC, double D_kB, double D_kC)
- {
- return(D_AC + D_kB - D_AB - D_kC);
- }
- void BMEtestEdge(meEdge *e, meNode *v, double **A)
- {
- meEdge *up, *down;
- down = siblingEdge(e);
- up = e->tail->parentEdge;
- e->totalweight = wf3(A[e->head->index][down->head->index],
- A[down->head->index][e->tail->index],
- A[e->head->index][v->index],
- A[v->index][e->tail->index])
- + up->totalweight;
- }
- void BMEsplitEdge(meTree *T, meNode *v, meEdge *e, double **A)
- {
- meEdge *newPendantEdge;
- meEdge *newInternalEdge;
- meNode *newNode;
- char nodeLabel[NODE_LABEL_LENGTH];
- char edgeLabel1[EDGE_LABEL_LENGTH];
- char edgeLabel2[EDGE_LABEL_LENGTH];
- sprintf(nodeLabel,"I%d",T->size+1);
- sprintf(edgeLabel1,"E%d",T->size);
- sprintf(edgeLabel2,"E%d",T->size+1);
- /*make the new meNode and edges*/
- newNode = makeNewNode(nodeLabel,T->size+1);
- newPendantEdge = makeEdge(edgeLabel1,newNode,v,0.0);
- newInternalEdge = makeEdge(edgeLabel2,newNode,e->head,0.0);
- /*update the matrix of average distances*/
- BMEupdateAveragesMatrix(A,e,v,newNode);
- /*put them in the correct topology*/
- newNode->parentEdge = e;
- e->head->parentEdge = newInternalEdge;
- v->parentEdge = newPendantEdge;
- e->head = newNode;
- T->size = T->size + 2;
- if (e->tail->leftEdge == e)
- /*actually this is totally arbitrary and probably unnecessary*/
- {
- newNode->leftEdge = newInternalEdge;
- newNode->rightEdge = newPendantEdge;
- }
- else
- {
- newNode->leftEdge = newInternalEdge;
- newNode->rightEdge = newPendantEdge;
- }
- }
- meTree *BMEaddSpecies(meTree *T,meNode *v, double **D, double **A)
- /*the key function of the program addSpeices inserts
- the meNode v to the meTree T. It uses testEdge to see what the relative
- weight would be if v split a particular edge. Once insertion point
- is found, v is added to T, and A is updated. Edge weights
- are not assigned until entire meTree is build*/
- {
- meTree *T_e;
- meEdge *e; /*loop variable*/
- meEdge *e_min; /*points to best meEdge seen thus far*/
- double w_min = 0.0; /*used to keep track of meTree weights*/
- /*initialize variables as necessary*/
- /*CASE 1: T is empty, v is the first node*/
- if (NULL == T) /*create a meTree with v as only vertex, no edges*/
- {
- T_e = newTree();
- T_e->root = v;
- /*note that we are rooting T arbitrarily at a leaf.
- T->root is not the phylogenetic root*/
- v->index = 0;
- T_e->size = 1;
- return(T_e);
- }
- /*CASE 2: T is a single-vertex tree*/
- if (1 == T->size)
- {
- v->index = 1;
- e = makeEdge("",T->root,v,0.0);
- sprintf(e->label,"E1");
- A[v->index][v->index] = D[v->index2][T->root->index2];
- T->root->leftEdge = v->parentEdge = e;
- T->size = 2;
- return(T);
- }
- /*CASE 3: T has at least two nodes and an edge. Insert new node
- by breaking one of the edges*/
- v->index = T->size;
- BMEcalcNewvAverages(T,v,D,A);
- /*calcNewvAverages will update A for the row and column
- include the meNode v. Will do so using pre-existing averages in T and
- information from A,D*/
- e_min = T->root->leftEdge;
- e = e_min->head->leftEdge;
- while (NULL != e)
- {
- BMEtestEdge(e,v,A);
- /*testEdge tests weight of meTree if loop variable
- e is the meEdge split, places this value in the e->totalweight field */
- if (e->totalweight < w_min)
- {
- e_min = e;
- w_min = e->totalweight;
- }
- e = topFirstTraverse(T,e);
- }
- /*e_min now points at the meEdge we want to split*/
- if (verbose)
- printf("Inserting %s between %s and %s on %sn",v->label,e_min->tail->label,
- e_min->head->label,e_min->label);
- BMEsplitEdge(T,v,e_min,A);
- return(T);
- }
- /*calcUpAverages will ensure that A[e->head->index][f->head->index] is
- filled for any f >= g. Works recursively*/
- void calcUpAverages(double **D, double **A, meEdge *e, meEdge *g)
- {
- meNode *u,*v;
- meEdge *s;
- if (!(leaf(g->tail)))
- {
- calcUpAverages(D,A,e,g->tail->parentEdge);
- s = siblingEdge(g);
- u = g->tail;
- v = s->head;
- A[e->head->index][g->head->index] = A[g->head->index][e->head->index]
- = 0.5*(A[e->head->index][u->index] + A[e->head->index][v->index]);
- }
- }
- void makeBMEAveragesTable(meTree *T, double **D, double **A)
- {
- meEdge *e, *f, *exclude;
- meNode *u,*v;
- /*first, let's deal with the averages involving the root of T*/
- e = T->root->leftEdge;
- f = depthFirstTraverse(T,NULL);
- while (NULL != f) {
- if (leaf(f->head))
- A[e->head->index][f->head->index] = A[f->head->index][e->head->index]
- = D[e->tail->index2][f->head->index2];
- else
- {
- u = f->head->leftEdge->head;
- v = f->head->rightEdge->head;
- A[e->head->index][f->head->index] = A[f->head->index][e->head->index]
- = 0.5*(A[e->head->index][u->index] + A[e->head->index][v->index]);
- }
- f = depthFirstTraverse(T,f);
- }
- e = depthFirstTraverse(T,NULL);
- while (T->root->leftEdge != e) {
- f = exclude = e;
- while (T->root->leftEdge != f) {
- if (f == exclude)
- exclude = exclude->tail->parentEdge;
- else if (leaf(e->head))
- {
- if (leaf(f->head))
- A[e->head->index][f->head->index] =
- A[f->head->index][e->head->index]
- = D[e->head->index2][f->head->index2];
- else
- {
- u = f->head->leftEdge->head; /*since f is chosen using a
- depth-first search, other values
- have been calculated*/
- v = f->head->rightEdge->head;
- A[e->head->index][f->head->index]
- = A[f->head->index][e->head->index]
- = 0.5*(A[e->head->index][u->index] + A[e->head->index][v->index]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- u = e->head->leftEdge->head;
- v = e->head->rightEdge->head;
- A[e->head->index][f->head->index] = A[f->head->index][e->head->index] = 0.5*(A[f->head->index][u->index] + A[f->head->index][v->index]);
- }
- f = depthFirstTraverse(T,f);
- }
- e = depthFirstTraverse(T,e);
- }
- e = depthFirstTraverse(T,NULL);
- while (T->root->leftEdge != e)
- {
- calcUpAverages(D,A,e,e); /*calculates averages for
- A[e->head->index][g->head->index] for
- any meEdge g in path from e to root of tree*/
- e = depthFirstTraverse(T,e);
- }
- } /*makeAveragesMatrix*/
- END_SCOPE(fastme)
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * $Log: bme.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.1 2004/06/01 18:09:50 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2004/05/21 21:41:03 gorelenk
- * Added PCH ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2004/02/10 15:16:00 jcherry
- * Initial version
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */