- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: queue_poll.cpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:06:48 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: queue_poll.cpp,v 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:06:48 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Kevin Bealer
- *
- */
- /** @file queue_poll.cpp
- * Queueing and Polling code for remote_blast.
- */
- static char const rcsid[] =
- "$Id: queue_poll.cpp,v 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:06:48 gouriano Exp $";
- #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- // CRemoteBlast
- #include <algo/blast/api/remote_blast.hpp>
- // Local
- #include "queue_poll.hpp"
- // Corelib
- #include <corelib/ncbi_system.hpp>
- // Objects
- #include <objects/blast/Blast4_subject.hpp>
- #include <objects/blast/Blast4_queue_search_reques.hpp>
- #include <objects/blast/Blast4_parameter.hpp>
- #include <objects/blast/Blast4_parameters.hpp>
- #include <objects/blast/Blast4_value.hpp>
- #include <objects/blast/blastclient.hpp>
- #include <objects/blast/Blast4_queue_search_reply.hpp>
- #include <objects/blast/Blas_get_searc_resul_reque.hpp>
- #include <objects/blast/Blas_get_searc_resul_reply.hpp>
- #include <objects/blast/Blast4_error.hpp>
- #include <objects/blast/Blast4_error_code.hpp>
- #include <objects/seqalign/Seq_align_set.hpp>
- // Object Manager
- #include <objmgr/object_manager.hpp>
- #include <objmgr/scope.hpp>
- #include <objtools/data_loaders/genbank/gbloader.hpp>
- // Objtools
- #include <objtools/readers/fasta.hpp>
- // Use _exit() if available.
- #if defined(NCBI_OS_UNIX)
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- USING_SCOPE(blast);
- USING_SCOPE(objects);
- typedef list< CRef<CBlast4_error> > TErrorList;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Helper Functions
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define BLAST4_POLL_DELAY_SEC 15
- #define BLAST4_IGNORE_ERRS 5
- static inline bool
- s_QueryIsAmino(const string & program)
- {
- // Should the FASTA be NUC or PROT data?
- return (program == "blastp") || (program == "tblastn");
- }
- void
- s_Setp(list<CRef<CBlast4_parameter> >& l, string n, CRef<CBlast4_cutoff> x)
- {
- CRef<CBlast4_value> v(new CBlast4_value);
- v->SetCutoff(*x);
- CRef<CBlast4_parameter> p(new CBlast4_parameter);
- p->SetName(n);
- p->SetValue(*v);
- l.push_back(p);
- }
- void
- s_Setp(list<CRef<CBlast4_parameter> >& l, string n, const string x)
- {
- CRef<CBlast4_value> v(new CBlast4_value);
- v->SetString(x);
- CRef<CBlast4_parameter> p(new CBlast4_parameter);
- p->SetName(n);
- p->SetValue(*v);
- l.push_back(p);
- }
- void
- s_Setp(list<CRef<CBlast4_parameter> >& l, string n, const int & x)
- {
- CRef<CBlast4_value> v(new CBlast4_value);
- v->SetInteger(x);
- CRef<CBlast4_parameter> p(new CBlast4_parameter);
- p->SetName(n);
- p->SetValue(*v);
- l.push_back(p);
- }
- void
- s_Setp(list<CRef<CBlast4_parameter> >& l, string n, const bool & x)
- {
- CRef<CBlast4_value> v(new CBlast4_value);
- v->SetBoolean(x);
- CRef<CBlast4_parameter> p(new CBlast4_parameter);
- p->SetName(n);
- p->SetValue(*v);
- l.push_back(p);
- }
- void
- s_Setp(list<CRef<CBlast4_parameter> >& l, string n, const double & x)
- {
- CRef<CBlast4_value> v(new CBlast4_value);
- v->SetReal(x);
- CRef<CBlast4_parameter> p(new CBlast4_parameter);
- p->SetName(n);
- p->SetValue(*v);
- l.push_back(p);
- }
- template <class T1, class T2, class T3>
- void
- s_SetpOpt(T1 & params, T2 & name, T3 & object)
- {
- if (object.Exists()) {
- s_Setp(params, name, object.GetValue());
- }
- }
- template <class T>
- void
- s_Output(CNcbiOstream & os, CRef<T> t)
- {
- auto_ptr<CObjectOStream> x(CObjectOStream::Open(eSerial_AsnText, os));
- *x << *t;
- os.flush();
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Queueing and Polling
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- static CRef<CBioseq_set>
- s_SetupQuery(CNcbiIstream & query_in,
- CRef<CScope> scope,
- TReadFastaFlags fasta_flags)
- {
- CRef<CSeq_entry> seqentry = ReadFasta(query_in, fasta_flags, 0, 0);
- scope->AddTopLevelSeqEntry(*seqentry);
- CRef<CBioseq_set> seqset(new CBioseq_set);
- seqset->SetSeq_set().push_back(seqentry);
- return seqset;
- }
- class CSearchParamBuilder : public COptionWalker
- {
- public:
- template <class T>
- void Local(T &,
- CUserOpt,
- CArgKey,
- COptDesc)
- { }
- template <class ValueT, class MethodT, class OptsT>
- void Same(ValueT & valobj,
- CUserOpt,
- MethodT param,
- CArgKey,
- COptDesc,
- OptsT & cboh)
- {
- if (valobj.Exists()) {
- param.Set(cboh, valobj.GetValue());
- }
- }
- template <class ValueT, class MethodT, class OptsT>
- void Remote(ValueT & valobj,
- MethodT param,
- OptsT & cboh)
- {
- if (valobj.Exists()) {
- param.Set(cboh, valobj.GetValue());
- }
- }
- bool NeedRemote(void) { return true; }
- };
- template<class T> void
- s_SetSearchParams(CRef<CRemoteBlast> & cb4o,
- CNetblastSearchOpts & opts)
- {
- CRef<T> cboh;
- cboh.Reset(new T(CBlastOptions::eRemote));
- cb4o.Reset(new CRemoteBlast(cboh));
- CSearchParamBuilder spb;
- opts.Apply(spb, cboh, cb4o);
- }
- static CRef<CRemoteBlast>
- s_SetBlast4Params(string & program,
- string & service,
- string & database,
- CNetblastSearchOpts & opts,
- CRef<CBioseq_set> query,
- string & err)
- {
- CRef<CRemoteBlast> cb4o;
- // NOTE: If adding new types here, add them also to the code in
- // search_opts.hpp that handles argument setting, i.e. the
- if (program == "blastp" && service == "plain") {
- s_SetSearchParams<CBlastProteinOptionsHandle>(cb4o, opts);
- }
- else if (program == "blastn" &&
- (service == "plain" || service == "megablast")) {
- s_SetSearchParams<CBlastNucleotideOptionsHandle>(cb4o, opts);
- }
- else if (program == "tblastn" && service == "plain") {
- s_SetSearchParams<CTBlastnOptionsHandle>(cb4o, opts);
- }
- else if (program == "tblastx" && service == "plain") {
- s_SetSearchParams<CTBlastxOptionsHandle>(cb4o, opts);
- }
- else if (program == "blastx" && service == "plain") {
- s_SetSearchParams<CBlastxOptionsHandle>(cb4o, opts);
- }
- else if (program == "blastx" && service == "plain") {
- s_SetSearchParams<CBlastxOptionsHandle>(cb4o, opts);
- }
- if (cb4o.Empty()) {
- err +="Combination of program [";
- err += program;
- err += "] and service [";
- err += service;
- err += " is not supported.n";
- } else {
- cb4o->SetDatabase(database);
- // Should the following adjustment / workaround be in...
- // ... CRemoteBlast ?
- // ... blast4 server?
- // ... right here?
- if (query->GetSeq_set().front()->IsSeq()) {
- cb4o->SetQueries(query);
- } else {
- const CBioseq_set * myset = & query->GetSeq_set().front()->GetSet();
- CBioseq_set * myset2 = (CBioseq_set *) myset;
- cb4o->SetQueries(CRef<CBioseq_set>(myset2));
- }
- cb4o->SetQueries (query);
- }
- return cb4o;
- }
- static CRef<CRemoteBlast>
- s_QueueSearch(string & program,
- string & service,
- string & database,
- CNetblastSearchOpts & opts,
- CRef<CBioseq_set> query,
- string & err)
- {
- CRef<CRemoteBlast> cb4o
- = s_SetBlast4Params(program,
- service,
- database,
- opts,
- query,
- err);
- if (cb4o.NotEmpty()) {
- string cb4err(cb4o->GetErrors());
- if (cb4err.size()) {
- err += cb4err + "n";
- }
- }
- return cb4o;
- }
- inline double dbl_time(void)
- {
- struct timeval tv;
- gettimeofday(& tv, 0);
- return tv.tv_sec + double(tv.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
- }
- static void
- s_ShowAlign(CNcbiOstream & os,
- CRef<CRemoteBlast> cb4o,
- CRef<CScope> scope,
- CAlignParms & alparms,
- bool /*gapped*/)
- {
- CRef<CSeq_align_set> alignments = cb4o->GetAlignments();
- if (alignments.Empty()) {
- os << "This search did not find any matches.n";
- return;
- }
- list <CDisplaySeqalign::SeqlocInfo*> none1;
- list <CDisplaySeqalign::FeatureInfo*> none2;
- AutoPtr<CDisplaySeqalign> dsa_ptr;
- // if (async_mode || (! gapped)) {
- // 1. The "prepare" function needs to be called in ungapped mode.
- // 2. It's safe to call this even if it is not needed (i.e. gapped mode).
- // 3. If not needed, it takes almost no time compared to the actual display,
- // the ratio seems to be about 80,000 to 1.
- // 4. We can't tell if we are in gapped mode in the async case.
- // 5. So, we always call the prepare function.
- CRef<CSeq_align_set> newalign =
- CDisplaySeqalign::PrepareBlastUngappedSeqalign(*alignments);
- dsa_ptr = new CDisplaySeqalign(*newalign, none1, none2, 0, * scope);
- // } else {
- // dsa_ptr = new CDisplaySeqalign(*alignments, none1, none2, 0, * scope);
- // }
- alparms.AdjustDisplay(*dsa_ptr);
- dsa_ptr->DisplaySeqalign(os);
- }
- void ShowResults(CRef<CRemoteBlast> cb4o,
- CRef<CScope> scope,
- CAlignParms & alparms,
- bool async_mode,
- bool raw_asn)
- {
- bool display = false;
- if (async_mode) {
- // Note that in ASYNC mode, we ONLY report status. The user
- // can rerun without -async_mode to get results. This is to
- // facilitate script writers (...is this a good decision?)
- bool rid_done = cb4o->CheckDone();
- string err = cb4o->GetErrors();
- if (! err.empty()) {
- cout << "STATUS [error:" << err << "] RID [" << cb4o->GetRID() << "]" << endl;
- } else {
- string status = (rid_done ? "done" : "pending");
- cout << "STATUS [" << status << "] RID [" << cb4o->GetRID() << "]" << endl;
- }
- } else {
- cb4o->SubmitSync();
- string err = cb4o->GetErrors();
- if (! err.empty()) {
- cout << "STATUS [error:" << err << "] RID [" << cb4o->GetRID() << "]" << endl;
- } else {
- display = true;
- }
- }
- if (display) {
- bool gapped = true;
- // if (opts.Gapped().Exists()) {
- // gapped = opts.Gapped().GetValue();
- // }
- if (raw_asn) {
- s_Output(NcbiCout, cb4o->GetAlignments());
- } else {
- s_ShowAlign(NcbiCout, cb4o, scope, alparms, gapped);
- }
- }
- }
- // Int4
- // QueueAndPoll(string program,
- // string service,
- // string database,
- // CNetblastSearchOpts & opts,
- // CNcbiIstream & query_in,
- // bool verbose,
- // bool trust_defline,
- // bool raw_asn,
- // CAlignParms & alparms,
- // bool async_mode,
- // string get_RID)
- // {
- // // no dice
- // return 123;
- // }
- Int4
- QueueAndPoll(string program,
- string service,
- string database,
- CNetblastSearchOpts & opts,
- CNcbiIstream & query_in,
- bool verbose,
- bool trust_defline,
- bool raw_asn,
- CAlignParms & alparms,
- bool async_mode,
- string get_RID)
- {
- Int4 err_ret = 0;
- // Read the FASTA input data
- string fasta_line1;
- string fasta_block;
- // Queue and poll
- CRef<CObjectManager> objmgr(new CObjectManager);
- CRef<CScope> scope (new CScope(*objmgr));
- objmgr->RegisterDataLoader(*new CGBDataLoader("ID", 0, 2),
- CObjectManager::eDefault);
- scope->AddDefaults();
- string err;
- CRef<CRemoteBlast> cb4o;
- CRef<CBioseq_set> cbss;
- bool amino = s_QueryIsAmino(program);
- int flags = fReadFasta_AllSeqIds; // | fReadFasta_OneSeq;
- if (amino) {
- flags |= fReadFasta_AssumeProt;
- } else {
- flags |= fReadFasta_AssumeNuc;
- }
- if (! trust_defline) {
- flags |= fReadFasta_NoParseID;
- }
- cbss = s_SetupQuery(query_in, scope, flags);
- if (get_RID.empty()) {
- cb4o = s_QueueSearch(program,
- service,
- database,
- opts,
- cbss,
- err);
- if (cb4o.Empty() && err.empty()) {
- err = "Internal: Did not get search object from s_QueueSearch()n";
- }
- if (err.empty() && verbose) {
- cb4o->SetVerbose(CRemoteBlast::eDebug);
- }
- if (err.empty()) {
- if (async_mode) {
- cb4o->Submit();
- } else {
- cb4o->SubmitSync();
- }
- } else {
- err_ret = 1;
- }
- } else {
- cb4o.Reset( new CRemoteBlast(get_RID) );
- }
- if (! err.empty()) {
- cerr << err << endl;
- } else {
- ShowResults(cb4o, scope, alparms, async_mode, raw_asn);
- }
- return err_ret;
- }
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * $Log: queue_poll.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:06:48 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2004/05/21 21:41:03 gorelenk
- * Added PCH ncbi_pch.hpp
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2004/05/19 14:52:02 camacho
- * 1. Added doxygen tags to enable doxygen processing of algo/blast/core
- * 2. Standardized copyright, CVS $Id string, $Log and rcsid formatting and i
- * location
- * 3. Added use of @todo doxygen keyword
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2004/04/19 14:37:52 bealer
- * - Fix compiler warnings.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2004/03/22 20:46:21 bealer
- * - Fix non-literate comments to look less like doxygen comments.
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2004/02/18 20:28:18 bealer
- * - Always call prepare function.
- * - Set verbosity flag earlier.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2004/02/18 17:04:41 bealer
- * - Adapt blast_client code for Remote Blast API, merging code into the
- * remote_blast demo application.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */