- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: phi_lookup.c,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:08:29 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: phi_lookup.c,v 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:08:29 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's offical duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Ilya Dondoshansky
- *
- */
- /** @file phi_lookup.c
- * Functions for accessing the lookup table for PHI-BLAST
- * @todo FIXME needs doxygen comments and lines shorter than 80 characters
- */
- static char const rcsid[] =
- "$Id: phi_lookup.c,v 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:08:29 gouriano Exp $";
- #include <algo/blast/core/blast_def.h>
- #include <algo/blast/core/blast_util.h>
- #include <algo/blast/core/pattern.h>
- #include <algo/blast/core/phi_lookup.h>
- #include <algo/blast/core/blast_message.h>
- #define seedepsilon 0.00001
- #define allone ((1 << ALPHABET_SIZE) - 1)
- typedef struct seedSearchItems {
- double charMultiple[ALPHABET_SIZE];
- double paramC; /*used in e-value computation*/
- double paramLambda; /*used in e-value computation*/
- double paramK; /*used in the bit score computation*/
- Int4 cutoffScore; /*lower bound for what is a hit*/
- double standardProb[ALPHABET_SIZE]; /*probability of each letter*/
- char order[ASCII_SIZE];
- char pchars[ALPHABET_SIZE+1];
- char name_space[BUF_SIZE]; /*name of a pattern*/
- char pat_space[PATTERN_SPACE_SIZE]; /*string description
- of pattern*/
- } seedSearchItems;
- /*Initialize the order of letters in the alphabet, the score matrix,
- and the row sums of the score matrix. matrixToFill is the
- score matrix, program_flag says which variant of the program is
- used; is_dna tells whether the strings are DNA or protein*/
- static void init_order(Int4 **matrix, Int4 program_flag, Boolean is_dna, seedSearchItems *seedSearch)
- {
- Uint1 i, j; /*loop indices for matrix*/
- Int4 *matrixRow; /*row of matrixToFill*/
- double rowSum; /*sum of scaled substitution probabilities on matrixRow*/
- if (is_dna) {
- seedSearch->order['A'] = 0;
- seedSearch->order['C'] = 1;
- seedSearch->order['G'] = 2;
- seedSearch->order['T'] = 3;
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++)
- seedSearch->order[(Uint1)seedSearch->pchars[i]] = i;
- }
- if (program_flag == SEED_FLAG) {
- for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++)
- seedSearch->charMultiple[i] = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) {
- if (seedSearch->standardProb[i] > seedepsilon) {
- matrixRow = matrix[i];
- rowSum= 0;
- for (j = 0; j < ALPHABET_SIZE; j++) {
- if (seedSearch->standardProb[j] > seedepsilon)
- rowSum += seedSearch->standardProb[j]*exp(-(seedSearch->paramLambda)*matrixRow[j]);
- }
- seedSearch->charMultiple[i] = rowSum;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*Initialize occurrence probabilities for each amino acid*/
- static void initProbs(seedSearchItems * seedSearch)
- {
- double totalCount; /*for Robinson frequencies*/
- seedSearch->pchars[0] = '-';
- seedSearch->pchars[1] = 'A';
- seedSearch->pchars[2] = 'B';
- seedSearch->pchars[3] = 'C';
- seedSearch->pchars[4] = 'D';
- seedSearch->pchars[5] = 'E';
- seedSearch->pchars[6] = 'F';
- seedSearch->pchars[7] = 'G';
- seedSearch->pchars[8] = 'H';
- seedSearch->pchars[9] = 'I';
- seedSearch->pchars[10] = 'K';
- seedSearch->pchars[11] = 'L';
- seedSearch->pchars[12] = 'M';
- seedSearch->pchars[13] = 'N';
- seedSearch->pchars[14] = 'P';
- seedSearch->pchars[15] = 'Q';
- seedSearch->pchars[16] = 'R';
- seedSearch->pchars[17] = 'S';
- seedSearch->pchars[18] = 'T';
- seedSearch->pchars[19] = 'V';
- seedSearch->pchars[20] = 'W';
- seedSearch->pchars[21] = 'X';
- seedSearch->pchars[22] = 'Y';
- seedSearch->pchars[23] = 'Z';
- seedSearch->pchars[24] = 'U';
- seedSearch->pchars[25] = '*';
- totalCount = 78.0 + 19.0 + 54.0 + 63.0 + 39.0 +
- 74.0 + 22.0 + 52.0 + 57.0 + 90.0 + 22.0 + 45.0 + 52.0 +
- 43.0 + 51.0 + 71.0 + 59.0 + 64.0 + 13.0 + 32.0;
- seedSearch->standardProb[0] = 0.0;
- seedSearch->standardProb[1] = 78.0/totalCount; /*A*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[2] = 0.0;
- seedSearch->standardProb[3] = 19.0/totalCount; /*C*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[4] = 54.0/totalCount; /*D*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[5] = 63.0/totalCount; /*E*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[6] = 39.0/totalCount; /*F*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[7] = 74.0/totalCount; /*G*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[8] = 22.0/totalCount; /*H*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[9] = 52.0/totalCount; /*I*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[10] = 57.0/totalCount; /*K*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[11] = 90.0/totalCount; /*L*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[12] = 22.0/totalCount; /*M*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[13] = 45.0/totalCount; /*N*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[14] = 52.0/totalCount; /*P*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[15] = 43.0/totalCount; /*Q*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[16] = 51.0/totalCount; /*R*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[17] = 71.0/totalCount; /*S*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[18] = 59.0/totalCount; /*T*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[19] = 64.0/totalCount; /*V*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[20] = 13.0/totalCount; /*W*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[21] = 0.0; /*X*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[22] = 32.0/totalCount; /*Y*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[23] = 0.0; /*Z*/
- seedSearch->standardProb[24] = 0.0; /*U*/
- }
- /*set uo matches for words that encode 4 DNA characters; figure out
- for each of 256 possible DNA 4-mers, where a prefix matches the pattern
- and where a suffix matches the pattern; store in prefixPos and
- suffixPos; mask has 1 bits for whatever lengths of string
- the pattern can match, mask2 has 4 1 bits corresponding to
- the last 4 positions of a match; they are used to
- do the prefixPos and suffixPos claculations with bit arithmetic*/
- static void setting_tt(Int4* S, Int4 mask, Int4 mask2, Uint4* prefixPos,
- Uint4* suffixPos)
- {
- Int4 i; /*index over possible DNA encoded words, 4 bases per word*/
- Int4 tmp; /*holds different mask combinations*/
- Int4 maskLeftPlusOne; /*mask shifted left 1 plus 1; guarantees 1
- 1 character match effectively */
- Uint1 a1, a2, a3, a4; /*four bases packed into an integer*/
- maskLeftPlusOne = (mask << 1)+1;
- for (i = 0; i < ASCII_SIZE; i++) {
- /*find out the 4 bases packed in integer i*/
- a1 = NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(i, 3);
- a2 = NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(i, 2);
- a3 = NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(i, 1);
- a4 = NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(i, 0);
- /*what positions match a prefix of a4 followed by a3*/
- tmp = ((S[a4]>>1) | mask) & S[a3];
- /*what positions match a prefix of a4 followed by a3 followed by a2*/
- tmp = ((tmp >>1) | mask) & S[a2];
- /*what positions match a prefix of a4, a3, a2,a1*/
- prefixPos[i] = mask2 & ((tmp >>1) | mask) & S[a1];
- /*what positions match a suffix of a2, a1*/
- tmp = ((S[a1]<<1) | maskLeftPlusOne) & S[a2];
- /* what positions match a suffix of a3, a2, a1*/
- tmp = ((tmp <<1) | maskLeftPlusOne) & S[a3];
- /*what positions match a suffix of a4, a3, a2, a1*/
- suffixPos[i] = ((((tmp <<1) | maskLeftPlusOne) & S[a4]) << 1) | maskLeftPlusOne;
- }
- }
- /*initialize mask and other arrays for DNA patterns*/
- static void init_pattern_DNA(patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- Int4 mask1; /*mask for one word in a set position*/
- Int4 compositeMask; /*superimposed mask1 in 4 adjacent positions*/
- Int4 wordIndex; /*index over words in pattern*/
- if (patternSearch->flagPatternLength != ONE_WORD_PATTERN) {
- for (wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < patternSearch->numWords; wordIndex++) {
- mask1 = patternSearch->match_maskL[wordIndex];
- compositeMask = mask1 + (mask1>>1)+(mask1>>2)+(mask1>>3);
- setting_tt(patternSearch->SLL[wordIndex],
- patternSearch->match_maskL[wordIndex],
- compositeMask, patternSearch->DNAprefixSLL[wordIndex], patternSearch->DNAsuffixSLL[wordIndex]);
- }
- }
- else {
- compositeMask = patternSearch->match_mask +
- (patternSearch->match_mask>>1) +
- (patternSearch->match_mask>>2) + (patternSearch->match_mask>>3);
- patternSearch->DNAwhichPrefixPosPtr = patternSearch->DNAwhichPrefixPositions;
- patternSearch->DNAwhichSuffixPosPtr = patternSearch->DNAwhichSuffixPositions;
- setting_tt(patternSearch->whichPositionsByCharacter,
- patternSearch->match_mask, compositeMask,
- patternSearch->DNAwhichPrefixPositions, patternSearch->DNAwhichSuffixPositions);
- }
- }
- /*length is the length of inputPattern, maxLength is a limit on
- how long inputPattern can get;
- return the final length of the pattern or -1 if too long*/
- static Int4 expanding(Int4 *inputPatternMasked, Uint1 *inputPattern,
- Int4 length, Int4 maxLength)
- {
- Int4 i, j; /*pattern indices*/
- Int4 numPos; /*number of positions index*/
- Int4 k, t; /*loop indices*/
- Int4 recReturnValue1, recReturnValue2; /*values returned from
- recursive calls*/
- Int4 thisPlaceMasked; /*value of one place in inputPatternMasked*/
- Int4 tempPatternMask[MaxP]; /*used as a local representation of
- part of inputPatternMasked*/
- Uint1 tempPattern[MaxP]; /*used as a local representation of part of
- inputPattern*/
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- thisPlaceMasked = -inputPatternMasked[i];
- if (thisPlaceMasked > 0) { /*represented variable wildcard*/
- inputPatternMasked[i] = allone;
- for (j = 0; j < length; j++) {
- /*use this to keep track of pattern*/
- tempPatternMask[j] = inputPatternMasked[j];
- tempPattern[j] = inputPattern[j];
- }
- recReturnValue2 = recReturnValue1 =
- expanding(inputPatternMasked, inputPattern, length, maxLength);
- if (recReturnValue1 == -1)
- return -1;
- for (numPos = 0; numPos <= thisPlaceMasked; numPos++) {
- if (numPos == 1)
- continue;
- for (k = 0; k < length; k++) {
- if (k == i) {
- for (t = 0; t < numPos; t++) {
- inputPatternMasked[recReturnValue1++] = allone;
- if (recReturnValue1 >= maxLength)
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- else {
- inputPatternMasked[recReturnValue1] = tempPatternMask[k];
- inputPattern[recReturnValue1++] = tempPattern[k];
- if (recReturnValue1 >= maxLength)
- return(-1);
- }
- if (recReturnValue1 >= maxLength)
- return (-1);
- }
- recReturnValue1 =
- expanding(&inputPatternMasked[recReturnValue2],
- &inputPattern[recReturnValue2],
- length + numPos - 1,
- maxLength - recReturnValue2);
- if (recReturnValue1 == -1)
- return -1;
- recReturnValue2 += recReturnValue1;
- recReturnValue1 = recReturnValue2;
- }
- return recReturnValue1;
- }
- }
- return length;
- }
- /*Pack the next length bytes of inputPattern into a bit vector
- where the bit is 1 if and only if the byte is non-0
- Returns packed bit vector*/
- static Int4 packing(Uint1 *inputPattern, Int4 length)
- {
- Int4 i; /*loop index*/
- Int4 returnValue = 0; /*value to return*/
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- if (inputPattern[i])
- returnValue += (1 << i);
- }
- return returnValue;
- }
- /*Pack the bit representation of the inputPattern into
- the array patternSearch->match_maskL
- numPlaces is the number of positions in
- inputPattern
- Also packs patternSearch->bitPatternByLetter */
- static void longpacking(Int4 numPlaces, Uint1 *inputPattern, patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- Int4 charIndex; /*index over characters in alphabet*/
- Int4 bitPattern; /*bit pattern for one word to pack*/
- Int4 i; /*loop index over places*/
- Int4 wordIndex; /*loop counter over words to pack into*/
- patternSearch->numWords = (numPlaces-1) / BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD +1;
- for (wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < patternSearch->numWords; wordIndex++) {
- bitPattern = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD; i++) {
- if (inputPattern[wordIndex*BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD+i])
- bitPattern += (1 << i);
- }
- patternSearch->match_maskL[wordIndex] = bitPattern;
- }
- for (charIndex = 0; charIndex < ALPHABET_SIZE; charIndex++) {
- for (wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < patternSearch->numWords; wordIndex++) {
- bitPattern = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD; i++) {
- if ((1<< charIndex) & patternSearch->inputPatternMasked[wordIndex*BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD + i])
- bitPattern = bitPattern | (1 << i);
- }
- patternSearch->bitPatternByLetter[charIndex][wordIndex] =
- bitPattern;
- }
- }
- }
- /*Return the number of 1 bits in the base 2 representation of a*/
- static Int4 num_of_one(Int4 a)
- {
- Int4 returnValue;
- returnValue = 0;
- while (a > 0) {
- if (a % 2 == 1)
- returnValue++;
- a = (a >> 1);
- }
- return returnValue;
- }
- /*Sets up field in patternSearch when pattern is very long*/
- static void longpacking2(Int4 *inputPatternMasked, Int4 numPlacesInPattern, patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- Int4 placeIndex; /*index over places in pattern rep.*/
- Int4 wordIndex; /*index over words*/
- Int4 placeInWord, placeInWord2; /*index for places in a single word*/
- Int4 charIndex; /*index over characters in alphabet*/
- Int4 oneWordMask; /*mask of matching characters for one word in
- pattern representation*/
- double patternWordProbability;
- double most_specific; /*lowest probability of a word in the pattern*/
- Int4 *oneWordSLL; /*holds patternSearch->SLL for one word*/
- most_specific = 1.0;
- patternSearch->whichMostSpecific = 0;
- patternWordProbability = 1.0;
- for (placeIndex = 0, wordIndex = 0, placeInWord=0;
- placeIndex <= numPlacesInPattern; placeIndex++, placeInWord++) {
- if (placeIndex==numPlacesInPattern || inputPatternMasked[placeIndex] < 0
- || placeInWord == BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD ) {
- patternSearch->match_maskL[wordIndex] = 1 << (placeInWord-1);
- oneWordSLL = patternSearch->SLL[wordIndex];
- for (charIndex = 0; charIndex < ALPHABET_SIZE; charIndex++) {
- oneWordMask = 0;
- for (placeInWord2 = 0; placeInWord2 < placeInWord; placeInWord2++) {
- if ((1<< charIndex) &
- inputPatternMasked[placeIndex-placeInWord+placeInWord2])
- oneWordMask |= (1 << placeInWord2);
- }
- oneWordSLL[charIndex] = oneWordMask;
- }
- patternSearch->numPlacesInWord[wordIndex] = placeInWord;
- if (patternWordProbability < most_specific) {
- most_specific = patternWordProbability;
- patternSearch->whichMostSpecific = wordIndex;
- }
- if (placeIndex == numPlacesInPattern)
- patternSearch->spacing[wordIndex++] = 0;
- else
- if (inputPatternMasked[placeIndex] < 0) {
- patternSearch->spacing[wordIndex++] = -inputPatternMasked[placeIndex];
- }
- else {
- placeIndex--;
- patternSearch->spacing[wordIndex++] = 0;
- }
- placeInWord = -1;
- patternWordProbability = 1.0;
- }
- else {
- patternWordProbability *= (double)
- num_of_one(inputPatternMasked[placeIndex])/ (double) ALPHABET_SIZE;
- }
- }
- patternSearch->numWords = wordIndex;
- }
- /*pattern is a string describing the pattern to search for;
- is_dna is a boolean describing the strings are DNA or protein*/
- static Int4
- init_pattern(Uint1 *pattern, Boolean is_dna, BlastScoreBlk* sbp,
- patternSearchItems* *pattern_info,
- Blast_Message* *error_msg)
- {
- Uint4 i; /*index over string describing the pattern*/
- Uint4 j; /*index for position in pattern*/
- Int4 charIndex; /*index over characters in alphabet*/
- Int4 secondIndex; /*second index into pattern*/
- Int4 numIdentical; /*number of consec. positions with identical specification*/
- Uint4 charSetMask; /*index over masks for specific characters*/
- Int4 currentSetMask, prevSetMask ; /*mask for current and previous character positions*/
- Int4 thisMask; /*integer representing a bit pattern for a
- set of characters*/
- Int4 minWildcard, maxWildcard; /*used for variable number of wildcard
- positions*/
- Uint4 tj=0; /*temporary copy of j*/
- Int4 tempInputPatternMasked[MaxP]; /*local copy of parts
- of inputPatternMasked*/
- Uint1 c; /*character occurring in pattern*/
- Uint1 localPattern[MaxP]; /*local variable to hold
- for each position whether it is
- last in pattern (1) or not (0) */
- double positionProbability; /*probability of a set of characters
- allowed in one position*/
- Int4 currentWildcardProduct; /*product of wildcard lengths for
- consecutive character positions that
- overlap*/
- seedSearchItems *seedSearch;
- patternSearchItems* patternSearch;
- seedSearch = (seedSearchItems*) calloc(1, sizeof(seedSearchItems));
- patternSearch = *pattern_info =
- (patternSearchItems*) calloc(1, sizeof(patternSearchItems));
- initProbs(seedSearch);
- init_order(sbp->matrix, PAT_SEED_FLAG, FALSE, seedSearch);
- patternSearch->flagPatternLength = ONE_WORD_PATTERN;
- patternSearch->patternProbability = 1.0;
- patternSearch->minPatternMatchLength = 0;
- patternSearch->wildcardProduct = 1;
- currentWildcardProduct = 1;
- prevSetMask = 0;
- currentSetMask = 0;
- for (i = 0 ; i < MaxP; i++) {
- patternSearch->inputPatternMasked[i] = 0;
- localPattern[i] = 0;
- }
- for (i = 0, j = 0; i < strlen((Char *) pattern); i++) {
- if ((c=pattern[i]) == '-' || c == 'n' || c == '.' || c =='>' || c ==' '
- || c == '<') /*spacers that mean nothing*/
- continue;
- if ( c != '[' && c != '{') { /*not the start of a set of characters*/
- if (c == 'x' || c== 'X') { /*wild-card character matches anything*/
- /*next line checks to see if wild card is for multiple positions*/
- if (pattern[i+1] == '(') {
- i++;
- secondIndex = i;
- /*find end of description of how many positions are wildcarded
- will look like x(2) or x(2,5) */
- while (pattern[secondIndex] != ',' && pattern[secondIndex] != ')')
- secondIndex++;
- if (pattern[secondIndex] == ')') { /*fixed number of positions wildcarded*/
- i -= 1;
- /*wildcard, so all characters are allowed*/
- charSetMask=allone;
- positionProbability = 1;
- }
- else { /*variable number of positions wildcarded*/
- sscanf((Char*) &pattern[++i], "%d,%d", &minWildcard, &maxWildcard);
- maxWildcard = maxWildcard - minWildcard;
- currentWildcardProduct *= (maxWildcard + 1);
- if (currentWildcardProduct > patternSearch->wildcardProduct)
- patternSearch->wildcardProduct = currentWildcardProduct;
- patternSearch->minPatternMatchLength += minWildcard;
- while (minWildcard-- > 0) {
- /*use one position each for the minimum number of
- wildcard spaces required */
- patternSearch->inputPatternMasked[j++] = allone;
- if (j >= MaxP) {
- Blast_MessageWrite(error_msg, BLAST_SEV_WARNING, 2, 1,
- "pattern too long");
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- if (maxWildcard != 0) {
- /*negative masking used to indicate variability
- in number of wildcard spaces; e.g., if pattern looks
- like x(3,5) then variability is 2 and there will
- be three wildcard positions with mask allone followed
- by a single position with mask -2*/
- patternSearch->inputPatternMasked[j++] = -maxWildcard;
- patternSearch->patternProbability *= maxWildcard;
- }
- /*now skip over wildcard description with the i index*/
- while (pattern[++i] != ')') ;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else { /*wild card is for one position only*/
- charSetMask=allone;
- positionProbability =1;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (c == 'U') { /*look for special U character*/
- charSetMask = allone*2+1;
- positionProbability = 1;
- }
- else {
- /*exactly one character matches*/
- prevSetMask = currentSetMask;
- currentSetMask = charSetMask = (1 << seedSearch->order[c]);
- if (!(prevSetMask & currentSetMask)) /*character sets don't overlap*/
- currentWildcardProduct = 1;
- positionProbability =
- seedSearch->standardProb[(Uint1)seedSearch->order[c]];
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (c == '[') { /*start of a set of characters allowed*/
- charSetMask = 0;
- positionProbability = 0;
- /*For each character in the set add it to the mask and
- add its probability to positionProbability*/
- while ((c=pattern[++i]) != ']') { /*end of set*/
- if ((c < 'A') || (c > 'Z') || (c == ' ')) {
- Blast_MessageWrite(error_msg, BLAST_SEV_WARNING, 2, 1,
- "pattern description has a non-alphabetic"
- "character inside a bracket");
- return(-1);
- }
- charSetMask = charSetMask | (1 << seedSearch->order[c]);
- positionProbability += seedSearch->standardProb[(Uint1)seedSearch->order[c]];
- }
- prevSetMask = currentSetMask;
- currentSetMask = charSetMask;
- if (!(prevSetMask & currentSetMask)) /*character sets don't overlap*/
- currentWildcardProduct = 1;
- }
- else { /*start of a set of characters forbidden*/
- /*For each character forbidden remove it to the mask and
- subtract its probability from positionProbability*/
- charSetMask = allone;
- positionProbability = 1;
- while ((c=pattern[++i]) != '}') { /*end of set*/
- charSetMask = charSetMask - (charSetMask & (1 << seedSearch->order[c]));
- positionProbability -= seedSearch->standardProb[(Uint1)seedSearch->order[c]];
- }
- prevSetMask = currentSetMask;
- currentSetMask = charSetMask;
- if (!(prevSetMask & currentSetMask)) /*character sets don't overlap*/
- currentWildcardProduct = 1;
- }
- }
- /*handle a number of positions that are the same */
- if (pattern[i+1] == '(') { /*read opening paren*/
- i++;
- numIdentical = atoi((Char *) &pattern[++i]); /*get number of positions*/
- patternSearch->minPatternMatchLength += numIdentical;
- while (pattern[++i] != ')') ; /*skip over piece in pattern*/
- while ((numIdentical--) > 0) {
- /*set up mask for these positions*/
- patternSearch->inputPatternMasked[j++] = charSetMask;
- patternSearch->patternProbability *= positionProbability;
- }
- }
- else { /*specification is for one posiion only*/
- patternSearch->inputPatternMasked[j++] = charSetMask;
- patternSearch->minPatternMatchLength++;
- patternSearch->patternProbability *= positionProbability;
- }
- if (j >= MaxP) {
- Blast_MessageWrite(error_msg, BLAST_SEV_WARNING, 2, 1,
- "pattern too long");
- }
- }
- localPattern[j-1] = 1;
- if (patternSearch->patternProbability > 1.0)
- patternSearch->patternProbability = 1.0;
- for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
- tempInputPatternMasked[i] = patternSearch->inputPatternMasked[i];
- tj = j;
- }
- j = expanding(patternSearch->inputPatternMasked, localPattern, j, MaxP);
- if ((j== -1) || ((j > BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD) && is_dna)) {
- patternSearch->flagPatternLength = PATTERN_TOO_LONG;
- longpacking2(tempInputPatternMasked, tj, patternSearch);
- for (i = 0; i < tj; i++)
- patternSearch->inputPatternMasked[i] = tempInputPatternMasked[i];
- patternSearch->highestPlace = tj;
- if (is_dna)
- init_pattern_DNA(patternSearch);
- return 1;
- }
- patternSearch->flagPatternLength = MULTI_WORD_PATTERN;
- longpacking(j, localPattern, patternSearch);
- return j;
- }
- /*make a bit mask out of local pattern of length j*/
- patternSearch->match_mask = packing(localPattern, j);
- /*store for each character a bit mask of which positions
- that character can occur in*/
- for (charIndex = 0; charIndex < ALPHABET_SIZE; charIndex++) {
- thisMask = 0;
- for (charSetMask = 0; charSetMask < j; charSetMask++) {
- if ((1<< charIndex) & patternSearch->inputPatternMasked[charSetMask])
- thisMask |= (1 << charSetMask);
- }
- patternSearch->whichPositionsByCharacter[charIndex] = thisMask;
- }
- patternSearch->whichPositionPtr = patternSearch->whichPositionsByCharacter;
- if (is_dna)
- init_pattern_DNA(patternSearch);
- return j; /*return number of places for pattern representation*/
- }
- Int2 PHILookupTableNew(const LookupTableOptions* opt, PHILookupTable* * lut,
- Boolean is_dna, BlastScoreBlk* sbp)
- {
- PHILookupTable* lookup = *lut =
- (PHILookupTable*) malloc(sizeof(PHILookupTable));
- Blast_Message* error_msg = NULL;
- if (!lookup)
- return -1;
- lookup->is_dna = is_dna;
- init_pattern((Uint1*)opt->phi_pattern, is_dna, sbp, &lookup->pattern_info,
- &error_msg);
- lookup->num_matches = 0;
- lookup->allocated_size = MIN_PHI_LOOKUP_SIZE;
- if ((lookup->start_offsets =
- (Int4*) malloc(MIN_PHI_LOOKUP_SIZE*sizeof(Int4))) == NULL)
- return -1;
- if ((lookup->lengths = (Int4*) malloc(MIN_PHI_LOOKUP_SIZE*sizeof(Int4)))
- == NULL)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- PHILookupTable* PHILookupTableDestruct(PHILookupTable* lut)
- {
- sfree(lut->pattern_info);
- sfree(lut->start_offsets);
- sfree(lut->lengths);
- sfree(lut);
- return NULL;
- }
- static Int2 PHIBlastAddPatternHit(PHILookupTable* lookup, Int4 offset,
- Int4 length)
- {
- if (lookup->num_matches >= lookup->allocated_size) {
- lookup->start_offsets = (Int4*) realloc(lookup->start_offsets,
- 2*lookup->allocated_size);
- lookup->lengths = (Int4*) realloc(lookup->lengths,
- 2*lookup->allocated_size);
- if (!lookup->start_offsets || !lookup->lengths)
- return -1;
- lookup->allocated_size *= 2;
- }
- lookup->start_offsets[lookup->num_matches] = offset;
- lookup->lengths[lookup->num_matches] = length;
- ++lookup->num_matches;
- return 0;
- }
- Int4 PHIBlastIndexQuery(PHILookupTable* lookup,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* query, ListNode* location, Boolean is_dna)
- {
- ListNode* loc;
- Int4 from, to;
- Int4 loc_length;
- Uint1* sequence;
- patternSearchItems* pattern_info = lookup->pattern_info;
- Int4* hitArray;
- Int4 i, twiceNumHits;
- hitArray = (Int4 *) calloc(2*query->length, sizeof(Int4));
- for(loc=location; loc; loc=loc->next) {
- from = ((SSeqRange*) loc->ptr)->left;
- to = ((SSeqRange*) loc->ptr)->right;
- loc_length = to - from + 1;
- sequence = query->sequence + from;
- twiceNumHits = FindPatternHits(hitArray, sequence, loc_length, is_dna,
- pattern_info);
- for (i = 0; i < twiceNumHits; i += 2) {
- PHIBlastAddPatternHit(lookup, hitArray[i+1]+from,
- hitArray[i]-hitArray[i+1]+1);
- }
- }
- return lookup->num_matches;
- }
- static Boolean
- PHIBlastMatchPatterns(Uint1* subject, Uint1* query, Int4 length)
- {
- Int4 index;
- for (index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
- if (subject[index] != query[index])
- break;
- }
- return (index == length);
- }
- Int4 PHIBlastScanSubject(const LookupTableWrap* lookup_wrap,
- const BLAST_SequenceBlk *query_blk,
- const BLAST_SequenceBlk *subject_blk,
- Int4* offset_ptr, Uint4 * query_offsets, Uint4 * subject_offsets,
- Int4 array_size)
- {
- Uint1* subject, *query;
- PHILookupTable* lookup = (PHILookupTable*) lookup_wrap->lut;
- Int4 index, count = 0, twiceNumHits, i;
- Int4 *start_offsets = lookup->start_offsets;
- Int4 *pat_lengths = lookup->lengths;
- Int4 offset, length;
- Int4 hitArray[MAX_HIT];
- query = query_blk->sequence;
- subject = subject_blk->sequence;
- /* It must be guaranteed that all pattern matches for a given
- subject sequence are processed in one call to this function.
- */
- *offset_ptr = subject_blk->length;
- twiceNumHits = FindPatternHits(hitArray, subject, subject_blk->length,
- lookup->is_dna, lookup->pattern_info);
- for (i = 0; i < twiceNumHits; i += 2) {
- #if 0
- if (count > array_size - lookup->num_matches)
- break;
- #endif
- length = hitArray[i] - hitArray[i+1] + 1;
- offset = hitArray[i+1];
- for (index = 0; index < lookup->num_matches; ++index) {
- /* Match pattern lengths in subject in query first; then
- check for identical match of pattern */
- if (length == pat_lengths[index] &&
- PHIBlastMatchPatterns(subject+offset, query+start_offsets[index],
- length))
- {
- /* Pattern has matched completely. Save index into the array
- of pattern start offsets in query (so pattern length will
- be accessible in the word finder later), and the subject
- offset. */
- query_offsets[count] = index;
- subject_offsets[count] = offset;
- ++count;
- }
- }
- }
- return count;
- }