- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: greedy_align.c,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:08:02 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: greedy_align.c,v 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:08:02 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Webb Miller and Co. Adopted for NCBI libraries by Sergey Shavirin
- *
- * Initial Creation Date: 10/27/1999
- *
- */
- /** @file greedy_align.c
- * Greedy gapped alignment functions
- */
- static char const rcsid[] =
- "$Id: greedy_align.c,v 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:08:02 gouriano Exp $";
- #include <algo/blast/core/greedy_align.h>
- #include <algo/blast/core/blast_util.h> /* for NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE macros */
- enum {
- EDIT_OP_MASK = 0x3,
- EDIT_OP_ERR = 0x0,
- EDIT_OP_INS = 0x1,
- EDIT_OP_DEL = 0x2,
- EDIT_OP_REP = 0x3
- };
- enum { /* half of the (fixed) match score */
- ERROR_FRACTION=2, /* 1/this */
- MAX_SPACE=1000000,
- sC = 0, sI = 1, sD = 2, LARGE=100000000
- };
- /* -------- From original file edit.c ------------- */
- static Uint4 edit_val_get(edit_op_t op)
- {
- return op >> 2;
- }
- static Uint4 edit_opc_get(edit_op_t op)
- {
- return op & EDIT_OP_MASK;
- }
- static edit_op_t edit_op_cons(Uint4 op, Uint4 val)
- {
- return (val << 2) | (op & EDIT_OP_MASK);
- }
- static edit_op_t edit_op_inc(edit_op_t op, Uint4 n)
- {
- return edit_op_cons(edit_opc_get(op), edit_val_get(op) + n);
- }
- static edit_op_t edit_op_inc_last(MBGapEditScript *es, Uint4 n)
- {
- edit_op_t *last;
- ASSERT (es->num > 0);
- last = &(es->op[es->num-1]);
- *last = edit_op_inc(*last, n);
- return *last;
- }
- static Int4 edit_script_ready(MBGapEditScript *es, Uint4 n)
- {
- edit_op_t *p;
- Uint4 m = n + n/2;
- if (es->size <= n) {
- p = realloc(es->op, m*sizeof(edit_op_t));
- if (p == 0) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- es->op = p;
- es->size = m;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static Int4 edit_script_readyplus(MBGapEditScript *es, Uint4 n)
- {
- if (es->size - es->num <= n)
- return edit_script_ready(es, n + es->num);
- return 1;
- }
- static Int4 edit_script_put(MBGapEditScript *es, Uint4 op, Uint4 n)
- {
- if (!edit_script_readyplus(es, 2))
- return 0;
- es->last = op;
- ASSERT(op != 0);
- es->op[es->num] = edit_op_cons(op, n);
- es->num += 1;
- es->op[es->num] = 0; /* sentinal */
- return 1;
- }
- static MBGapEditScript *edit_script_init(MBGapEditScript *es)
- {
- es->op = 0;
- es->size = es->num = 0;
- es->last = 0;
- edit_script_ready(es, 8);
- return es;
- }
- static edit_op_t *edit_script_first(MBGapEditScript *es)
- {
- return es->num > 0 ? &es->op[0] : 0;
- }
- static edit_op_t *edit_script_next(MBGapEditScript *es, edit_op_t *op)
- {
- /* XXX - assumes flat address space */
- if (&es->op[0] <= op && op < &es->op[es->num-1])
- return op+1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- static Int4 edit_script_more(MBGapEditScript *data, Uint4 op, Uint4 k)
- {
- if (op == EDIT_OP_ERR) {
- ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0,
- "edit_script_more: bad opcode %d:%d", op, k);
- #endif
- return -1;
- }
- if (edit_opc_get(data->last) == op)
- edit_op_inc_last(data, k);
- else
- edit_script_put(data, op, k);
- return 0;
- }
- MBGapEditScript *MBGapEditScriptAppend(MBGapEditScript *es, MBGapEditScript *et)
- {
- edit_op_t *op;
- for (op = edit_script_first(et); op; op = edit_script_next(et, op))
- edit_script_more(es, edit_opc_get(*op), edit_val_get(*op));
- return es;
- }
- MBGapEditScript *MBGapEditScriptNew(void)
- {
- MBGapEditScript *es = calloc(1, sizeof(*es));
- if (!es)
- return 0;
- return edit_script_init(es);
- }
- MBGapEditScript *MBGapEditScriptFree(MBGapEditScript *es)
- {
- if (es) {
- if (es->op)
- sfree(es->op);
- memset(es, 0, sizeof(*es));
- sfree(es);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static Int4 edit_script_del(MBGapEditScript *data, Uint4 k)
- {
- return edit_script_more(data, EDIT_OP_DEL, k);
- }
- static Int4 edit_script_ins(MBGapEditScript *data, Uint4 k)
- {
- return edit_script_more(data, EDIT_OP_INS, k);
- }
- static Int4 edit_script_rep(MBGapEditScript *data, Uint4 k)
- {
- return edit_script_more(data, EDIT_OP_REP, k);
- }
- static MBGapEditScript *edit_script_reverse_inplace(MBGapEditScript *es)
- {
- Uint4 i;
- const Uint4 num = es->num;
- const Uint4 mid = num/2;
- const Uint4 end = num-1;
- for (i = 0; i < mid; ++i) {
- const edit_op_t t = es->op[i];
- es->op[i] = es->op[end-i];
- es->op[end-i] = t;
- }
- return es;
- }
- SMBSpace* MBSpaceNew()
- {
- SMBSpace* p;
- Int4 amount;
- p = (SMBSpace*) malloc(sizeof(SMBSpace));
- amount = MAX_SPACE;
- p->space_array = (SThreeVal*) malloc(sizeof(SThreeVal)*amount);
- if (p->space_array == NULL) {
- sfree(p);
- return NULL;
- }
- p->used = 0;
- p->size = amount;
- p->next = NULL;
- return p;
- }
- static void refresh_mb_space(SMBSpace* sp)
- {
- while (sp) {
- sp->used = 0;
- sp = sp->next;
- }
- }
- void MBSpaceFree(SMBSpace* sp)
- {
- SMBSpace* next_sp;
- while (sp) {
- next_sp = sp->next;
- sfree(sp->space_array);
- sfree(sp);
- sp = next_sp;
- }
- }
- static SThreeVal* get_mb_space(SMBSpace* S, Int4 amount)
- {
- SThreeVal* s;
- if (amount < 0)
- return NULL;
- while (S->used+amount > S->size) {
- if (S->next == NULL)
- if ((S->next = MBSpaceNew()) == NULL) {
- ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING, 0, 0, "Cannot get new space for greedy extension");
- #endif
- return NULL;
- }
- S = S->next;
- }
- s = S->space_array+S->used;
- S->used += amount;
- return s;
- }
- /* ----- */
- static Int4 gcd(Int4 a, Int4 b)
- {
- Int4 c;
- if (a < b) {
- c = a;
- a = b; b = c;
- }
- while ((c = a % b) != 0) {
- a = b; b = c;
- }
- return b;
- }
- static Int4 gdb3(Int4* a, Int4* b, Int4* c)
- {
- Int4 g;
- if (*b == 0) g = gcd(*a, *c);
- else g = gcd(*a, gcd(*b, *c));
- if (g > 1) {
- *a /= g;
- *b /= g;
- *c /= g;
- }
- return g;
- }
- static Int4 get_lastC(SThreeVal** flast_d, Int4* lower, Int4* upper,
- Int4* d, Int4 diag, Int4 Mis_cost, Int4* row1)
- {
- Int4 row;
- if (diag >= lower[(*d)-Mis_cost] && diag <= upper[(*d)-Mis_cost]) {
- row = flast_d[(*d)-Mis_cost][diag].C;
- if (row >= MAX(flast_d[*d][diag].I, flast_d[*d][diag].D)) {
- *d = *d-Mis_cost;
- *row1 = row;
- return sC;
- }
- }
- if (flast_d[*d][diag].I > flast_d[*d][diag].D) {
- *row1 = flast_d[*d][diag].I;
- return sI;
- } else {
- *row1 = flast_d[*d][diag].D;
- return sD;
- }
- }
- static Int4 get_last_ID(SThreeVal** flast_d, Int4* lower, Int4* upper,
- Int4* d, Int4 diag, Int4 GO_cost,
- Int4 GE_cost, Int4 IorD)
- {
- Int4 ndiag;
- Int4 row;
- if (IorD == sI) { ndiag = diag -1;} else ndiag = diag+1;
- if (ndiag >= lower[(*d)-GE_cost] && ndiag <=upper[(*d)-GE_cost])
- row = (IorD == sI)? flast_d[(*d)-GE_cost][ndiag].I: flast_d[(*d)-GE_cost][ndiag].D;
- else row = -100;
- if (ndiag >= lower[(*d)-GO_cost-GE_cost] && ndiag <= upper[(*d)-GO_cost-GE_cost] && row < flast_d[(*d)-GO_cost-GE_cost][ndiag].C) {
- *d = (*d)-GO_cost-GE_cost;
- return sC;
- }
- *d = (*d)-GE_cost;
- return IorD;
- }
- static Int4 get_lastI(SThreeVal** flast_d, Int4* lower, Int4* upper,
- Int4* d, Int4 diag, Int4 GO_cost, Int4 GE_cost)
- {
- return get_last_ID(flast_d, lower, upper, d, diag, GO_cost, GE_cost, sI);
- }
- static int get_lastD(SThreeVal** flast_d, Int4* lower, Int4* upper,
- Int4* d, Int4 diag, Int4 GO_cost, Int4 GE_cost)
- {
- return get_last_ID(flast_d, lower, upper, d, diag, GO_cost, GE_cost, sD);
- }
- /* --- From file align.c --- */
- /* ----- */
- static Int4 get_last(Int4 **flast_d, Int4 d, Int4 diag, Int4 *row1)
- {
- if (flast_d[d-1][diag-1] > MAX(flast_d[d-1][diag], flast_d[d-1][diag+1])) {
- *row1 = flast_d[d-1][diag-1];
- return diag-1;
- }
- if (flast_d[d-1][diag] > flast_d[d-1][diag+1]) {
- *row1 = flast_d[d-1][diag];
- return diag;
- }
- *row1 = flast_d[d-1][diag+1];
- return diag+1;
- }
- /*
- Version to search a (possibly) packed nucl. sequence against
- an unpacked sequence. s2 is the packed nucl. sequence.
- s1 can be packed or unpacked. If rem == 4, then s1 is unpacked.
- len2 corresponds to the unpacked (true) length.
- * Basic O(ND) time, O(N) space, alignment function.
- * Parameters:
- * s1, len1 - first sequence and its length
- * s2, len2 - second sequence and its length
- * reverse - direction of alignment
- * xdrop_threshold -
- * mismatch_cost -
- * e1, e2 - endpoint of the computed alignment
- * edit_script -
- * rem - offset shift within a packed sequence
- */
- Int4 BLAST_GreedyAlign(const Uint1* s1, Int4 len1,
- const Uint1* s2, Int4 len2,
- Boolean reverse, Int4 xdrop_threshold,
- Int4 match_cost, Int4 mismatch_cost,
- Int4* e1, Int4* e2,
- SGreedyAlignMem* gamp, MBGapEditScript *S,
- Uint1 rem)
- {
- #define ICEIL(x,y) ((((x)-1)/(y))+1)
- Int4 col, /* column number */
- d, /* current distance */
- k, /* current diagonal */
- flower, fupper, /* boundaries for searching diagonals */
- row, /* row number */
- MAX_D, /* maximum cost */
- return_val = 0;
- Int4** flast_d = gamp->flast_d; /* rows containing the last d */
- Int4* max_row; /* reached for cost d=0, ... len1. */
- Int4 X_pen = xdrop_threshold;
- Int4 M_half = match_cost/2;
- Int4 Op_cost = mismatch_cost + M_half*2;
- Int4 D_diff = ICEIL(X_pen+M_half, Op_cost);
- Int4 x, cur_max, b_diag = 0, best_diag = INT4_MAX/2;
- Int4* max_row_free = gamp->max_row_free;
- char nlower = 0, nupper = 0;
- SMBSpace* space = gamp->space;
- Int4 max_len = len2;
- MAX_D = (Int4) (len1/ERROR_FRACTION + 1);
- ORIGIN = MAX_D + 2;
- *e1 = *e2 = 0;
- if (reverse) {
- if (!(rem & 4)) {
- for (row = 0; row < len2 && row < len1 &&
- (s2[len2-1-row] ==
- NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(s1[(len1-1-row)/4],
- 3-(len1-1-row)%4));
- row++)
- /*empty*/ ;
- } else {
- for (row = 0; row < len2 && row < len1 && (s2[len2-1-row] == s1[len1-1-row]); row++)
- /*empty*/ ;
- }
- } else {
- if (!(rem & 4)) {
- for (row = 0; row < len2 && row < len1 &&
- (s2[row] ==
- NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(s1[(row+rem)/4],
- 3-(row+rem)%4));
- row++)
- /*empty*/ ;
- } else {
- for (row = 0; row < len2 && row < len1 && (s2[row] == s1[row]); row++)
- /*empty*/ ;
- }
- }
- *e1 = row;
- *e2 = row;
- if (row == len1) {
- if (S != NULL)
- edit_script_rep(S, row);
- /* hit last row; stop search */
- return 0;
- }
- if (S==NULL) {
- space = 0;
- } else if (!space) {
- gamp->space = space = MBSpaceNew();
- } else {
- refresh_mb_space(space);
- }
- max_row = max_row_free + D_diff;
- for (k = 0; k < D_diff; k++)
- max_row_free[k] = 0;
- flast_d[0][ORIGIN] = row;
- max_row[0] = (row + row)*M_half;
- flower = ORIGIN - 1;
- fupper = ORIGIN + 1;
- d = 1;
- while (d <= MAX_D) {
- Int4 fl0, fu0;
- flast_d[d - 1][flower - 1] = flast_d[d - 1][flower] = -1;
- flast_d[d - 1][fupper] = flast_d[d - 1][fupper + 1] = -1;
- x = max_row[d - D_diff] + Op_cost * d - X_pen;
- x = ICEIL(x, M_half);
- cur_max = 0;
- fl0 = flower;
- fu0 = fupper;
- for (k = fl0; k <= fu0; k++) {
- row = MAX(flast_d[d - 1][k + 1], flast_d[d - 1][k]) + 1;
- row = MAX(row, flast_d[d - 1][k - 1]);
- col = row + k - ORIGIN;
- if (row + col >= x)
- fupper = k;
- else {
- if (k == flower)
- flower++;
- else
- flast_d[d][k] = -1;
- continue;
- }
- if (row > max_len || row < 0) {
- flower = k+1; nlower = 1;
- } else {
- /* Slide down the diagonal. */
- if (reverse) {
- if (!(rem & 4)) {
- while (row < len2 && col < len1 && s2[len2-1-row] ==
- NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(s1[(len1-1-col)/4],
- 3-(len1-1-col)%4)) {
- ++row;
- ++col;
- }
- } else {
- while (row < len2 && col < len1 &&
- s2[len2-1-row] == s1[len1-1-col]) {
- ++row;
- ++col;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!(rem & 4)) {
- while (row < len2 && col < len1 && s2[row] ==
- NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(s1[(col+rem)/4],
- 3-(col+rem)%4)) {
- ++row;
- ++col;
- }
- } else {
- while (row < len2 && col < len1 && s2[row] == s1[col]) {
- ++row;
- ++col;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- flast_d[d][k] = row;
- if (row + col > cur_max) {
- cur_max = row + col;
- b_diag = k;
- }
- if (row == len2) {
- flower = k+1; nlower = 1;
- }
- if (col == len1) {
- fupper = k-1; nupper = 1;
- }
- }
- k = cur_max*M_half - d * Op_cost;
- if (max_row[d - 1] < k) {
- max_row[d] = k;
- return_val = d;
- best_diag = b_diag;
- *e2 = flast_d[d][b_diag];
- *e1 = (*e2)+b_diag-ORIGIN;
- } else {
- max_row[d] = max_row[d - 1];
- }
- if (flower > fupper)
- break;
- d++;
- if (!nlower) flower--;
- if (!nupper) fupper++;
- if (S==NULL)
- flast_d[d] = flast_d[d - 2];
- else {
- /* space array consists of SThreeVal structures which are
- 3 times larger than Int4, so divide requested amount by 3
- */
- flast_d[d] = (Int4*) get_mb_space(space, (fupper-flower+7)/3);
- if (flast_d[d] != NULL)
- flast_d[d] = flast_d[d] - flower + 2;
- else
- return return_val;
- }
- }
- if (S!=NULL) { /*trace back*/
- Int4 row1, col1, diag1, diag;
- d = return_val; diag = best_diag;
- row = *e2; col = *e1;
- while (d > 0) {
- diag1 = get_last(flast_d, d, diag, &row1);
- col1 = row1+diag1-ORIGIN;
- if (diag1 == diag) {
- if (row-row1 > 0) edit_script_rep(S, row-row1);
- } else if (diag1 < diag) {
- if (row-row1 > 0) edit_script_rep(S, row-row1);
- edit_script_ins(S,1);
- } else {
- if (row-row1-1> 0) edit_script_rep(S, row-row1-1);
- edit_script_del(S, 1);
- }
- d--; diag = diag1; col = col1; row = row1;
- }
- edit_script_rep(S, flast_d[0][ORIGIN]);
- if (!reverse)
- edit_script_reverse_inplace(S);
- }
- return return_val;
- }
- Int4 BLAST_AffineGreedyAlign (const Uint1* s1, Int4 len1,
- const Uint1* s2, Int4 len2,
- Boolean reverse, Int4 xdrop_threshold,
- Int4 match_score, Int4 mismatch_score,
- Int4 gap_open, Int4 gap_extend,
- Int4* e1, Int4* e2,
- SGreedyAlignMem* gamp, MBGapEditScript *S,
- Uint1 rem)
- {
- Int4 col, /* column number */
- d, /* current distance */
- k, /* current diagonal */
- flower, fupper, /* boundaries for searching diagonals */
- row, /* row number */
- MAX_D, /* maximum cost */
- return_val = 0;
- SThreeVal** flast_d; /* rows containing the last d */
- Int4* max_row_free = gamp->max_row_free;
- Int4* max_row; /* reached for cost d=0, ... len1. */
- Int4 Mis_cost, GO_cost, GE_cost;
- Int4 D_diff, gd;
- Int4 M_half;
- Int4 max_cost;
- Int4 *lower, *upper;
- Int4 x, cur_max, b_diag = 0, best_diag = INT4_MAX/2;
- char nlower = 0, nupper = 0;
- SMBSpace* space = gamp->space;
- Int4 stop_condition;
- Int4 max_d;
- Int4* uplow_free;
- Int4 max_len = len2;
- if (match_score % 2 == 1) {
- match_score *= 2;
- mismatch_score *= 2;
- xdrop_threshold *= 2;
- gap_open *= 2;
- gap_extend *= 2;
- }
- M_half = match_score/2;
- if (gap_open == 0 && gap_extend == 0) {
- return BLAST_GreedyAlign(s1, len1, s2, len2, reverse,
- xdrop_threshold, match_score,
- mismatch_score, e1, e2, gamp, S, rem);
- }
- Mis_cost = mismatch_score + match_score;
- GO_cost = gap_open;
- GE_cost = gap_extend+M_half;
- gd = gdb3(&Mis_cost, &GO_cost, &GE_cost);
- D_diff = ICEIL(xdrop_threshold+M_half, gd);
- MAX_D = (Int4) (len1/ERROR_FRACTION + 1);
- max_d = MAX_D*GE_cost;
- ORIGIN = MAX_D + 2;
- max_cost = MAX(Mis_cost, GO_cost+GE_cost);
- *e1 = *e2 = 0;
- if (reverse) {
- if (!(rem & 4)) {
- for (row = 0; row < len2 && row < len1 &&
- (s2[len2-1-row] ==
- NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(s1[(len1-1-row)/4],
- 3-(len1-1-row)%4));
- row++)
- /*empty*/ ;
- } else {
- for (row = 0; row < len2 && row < len1 && (s2[len2-1-row] == s1[len1-1-row]); row++)
- /*empty*/ ;
- }
- } else {
- if (!(rem & 4)) {
- for (row = 0; row < len2 && row < len1 &&
- (s2[row] ==
- NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(s1[(row+rem)/4],
- 3-(row+rem)%4));
- row++)
- /*empty*/ ;
- } else {
- for (row = 0; row < len2 && row < len1 && (s2[row] == s1[row]); row++)
- /*empty*/ ;
- }
- }
- *e1 = row;
- *e2 = row;
- if (row == len1 || row == len2) {
- if (S != NULL)
- edit_script_rep(S, row);
- /* hit last row; stop search */
- return row*match_score;
- }
- flast_d = gamp->flast_d_affine;
- if (S==NULL) {
- space = 0;
- } else if (!space) {
- gamp->space = space = MBSpaceNew();
- } else {
- refresh_mb_space(space);
- }
- max_row = max_row_free + D_diff;
- for (k = 0; k < D_diff; k++)
- max_row_free[k] = 0;
- uplow_free = gamp->uplow_free;
- lower = uplow_free;
- upper = uplow_free+max_d+1+max_cost;
- /* next 3 lines set boundary for -1,-2,...,-max_cost+1*/
- for (k = 0; k < max_cost; k++) {lower[k] =LARGE; upper[k] = -LARGE;}
- lower += max_cost;
- upper += max_cost;
- flast_d[0][ORIGIN].C = row;
- flast_d[0][ORIGIN].I = flast_d[0][ORIGIN].D = -2;
- max_row[0] = (row + row)*M_half;
- lower[0] = upper[0] = ORIGIN;
- flower = ORIGIN - 1;
- fupper = ORIGIN + 1;
- d = 1;
- stop_condition = 1;
- while (d <= max_d) {
- Int4 fl0, fu0;
- x = max_row[d - D_diff] + gd * d - xdrop_threshold;
- x = ICEIL(x, M_half);
- if (x < 0) x=0;
- cur_max = 0;
- fl0 = flower;
- fu0 = fupper;
- for (k = fl0; k <= fu0; k++) {
- row = -2;
- if (k+1 <= upper[d-GO_cost-GE_cost] && k+1 >= lower[d-GO_cost-GE_cost])
- row = flast_d[d-GO_cost-GE_cost][k+1].C;
- if (k+1 <= upper[d-GE_cost] && k+1 >= lower[d-GE_cost] &&
- row < flast_d[d-GE_cost][k+1].D)
- row = flast_d[d-GE_cost][k+1].D;
- row++;
- if (row+row+k-ORIGIN >= x)
- flast_d[d][k].D = row;
- else flast_d[d][k].D = -2;
- row = -1;
- if (k-1 <= upper[d-GO_cost-GE_cost] && k-1 >= lower[d-GO_cost-GE_cost])
- row = flast_d[d-GO_cost-GE_cost][k-1].C;
- if (k-1 <= upper[d-GE_cost] && k-1 >= lower[d-GE_cost] &&
- row < flast_d[d-GE_cost][k-1].I)
- row = flast_d[d-GE_cost][k-1].I;
- if (row+row+k-ORIGIN >= x)
- flast_d[d][k].I = row;
- else flast_d[d][k].I = -2;
- row = MAX(flast_d[d][k].I, flast_d[d][k].D);
- if (k <= upper[d-Mis_cost] && k >= lower[d-Mis_cost])
- row = MAX(flast_d[d-Mis_cost][k].C+1,row);
- col = row + k - ORIGIN;
- if (row + col >= x)
- fupper = k;
- else {
- if (k == flower)
- flower++;
- else
- flast_d[d][k].C = -2;
- continue;
- }
- if (row > max_len || row < -2) {
- flower = k; nlower = k+1;
- } else {
- /* slide down the diagonal */
- if (reverse) {
- if (!(rem & 4)) {
- while (row < len2 && col < len1 && s2[len2-1-row] ==
- NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(s1[(len1-1-col)/4],
- 3-(len1-1-col)%4)) {
- ++row;
- ++col;
- }
- } else {
- while (row < len2 && col < len1 && s2[len2-1-row] ==
- s1[len1-1-col]) {
- ++row;
- ++col;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!(rem & 4)) {
- while (row < len2 && col < len1 && s2[row] ==
- NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(s1[(col+rem)/4],
- 3-(col+rem)%4)) {
- ++row;
- ++col;
- }
- } else {
- while (row < len2 && col < len1 && s2[row] == s1[col]) {
- ++row;
- ++col;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- flast_d[d][k].C = row;
- if (row + col > cur_max) {
- cur_max = row + col;
- b_diag = k;
- }
- if (row == len2) {
- flower = k; nlower = k+1;
- }
- if (col == len1) {
- fupper = k; nupper = k-1;
- }
- }
- k = cur_max*M_half - d * gd;
- if (max_row[d - 1] < k) {
- max_row[d] = k;
- return_val = d;
- best_diag = b_diag;
- *e2 = flast_d[d][b_diag].C;
- *e1 = (*e2)+b_diag-ORIGIN;
- } else {
- max_row[d] = max_row[d - 1];
- }
- if (flower <= fupper) {
- stop_condition++;
- lower[d] = flower; upper[d] = fupper;
- } else {
- lower[d] = LARGE; upper[d] = -LARGE;
- }
- if (lower[d-max_cost] <= upper[d-max_cost]) stop_condition--;
- if (stop_condition == 0) break;
- d++;
- flower = MIN(lower[d-Mis_cost], MIN(lower[d-GO_cost-GE_cost], lower[d-GE_cost])-1);
- if (nlower) flower = MAX(flower, nlower);
- fupper = MAX(upper[d-Mis_cost], MAX(upper[d-GO_cost-GE_cost], upper[d-GE_cost])+1);
- if (nupper) fupper = MIN(fupper, nupper);
- if (d > max_cost) {
- if (S==NULL) {
- /*if (d > max_cost)*/
- flast_d[d] = flast_d[d - max_cost-1];
- } else {
- flast_d[d] = get_mb_space(space, fupper-flower+1)-flower;
- if (flast_d[d] == NULL)
- return return_val;
- }
- }
- }
- if (S!=NULL) { /*trace back*/
- Int4 row1, diag, state;
- d = return_val; diag = best_diag;
- row = *e2; state = sC;
- while (d > 0) {
- if (state == sC) {
- /* diag will not be changed*/
- state = get_lastC(flast_d, lower, upper, &d, diag, Mis_cost, &row1);
- if (row-row1 > 0) edit_script_rep(S, row-row1);
- row = row1;
- } else {
- if (state == sI) {
- /*row unchanged */
- state = get_lastI(flast_d, lower, upper, &d, diag, GO_cost, GE_cost);
- diag--;
- edit_script_ins(S,1);
- } else {
- edit_script_del(S,1);
- state = get_lastD(flast_d, lower, upper, &d, diag, GO_cost, GE_cost);
- diag++;
- row--;
- }
- }
- }
- edit_script_rep(S, flast_d[0][ORIGIN].C);
- if (!reverse)
- edit_script_reverse_inplace(S);
- }
- return_val = max_row[return_val];
- return return_val;
- }