- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: pattern.c,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:08:25 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: pattern.c,v 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:08:25 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's offical duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Ilya Dondoshansky
- *
- */
- /** @file pattern.c
- * Functions for finding pattern matches in sequence.
- * @todo FIXME needs doxygen comments and lines shorter than 80 characters
- */
- static char const rcsid[] =
- "$Id: pattern.c,v 1000.2 2004/06/01 18:08:25 gouriano Exp $";
- #include <algo/blast/core/blast_def.h>
- #include <algo/blast/core/pattern.h>
- /*Looks for 1 bits in the same position of s and mask
- Let rightOne be the rightmost position where s and mask both have
- a 1.
- Let rightMaskOnly < rightOne be the rightmost position where mask has a 1, if any
- or -1 otherwise
- returns (rightOne - rightMaskOnly) */
- static Int4 lenof(Int4 s, Int4 mask)
- {
- Int4 checkingMatches = s & mask; /*look for 1 bits in same position*/
- Int4 rightOne; /*loop index looking for 1 in checkingMatches*/
- Int4 rightMaskOnly; /*rightnost bit that is 1 in the mask only*/
- rightMaskOnly = -1;
- /*AAS Changed upper bound on loop here*/
- for (rightOne = 0; rightOne < BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD; rightOne++) {
- if ((checkingMatches >> rightOne) % 2 == 1)
- return rightOne - rightMaskOnly;
- if ((mask >> rightOne) %2 == 1)
- rightMaskOnly = rightOne;
- }
- /*ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0, "wrongn");*/
- return(-1);
- }
- /* routine to find hits of pattern to sequence when sequence is proteins
- hitArray is an array of matches to pass back
- seq is the input sequence
- len1 is the length of the input sequence
- patternSearch carries variables that keep track of
- search parameters
- returns the number of matches*/
- static Int4 find_hitsS(Int4 *hitArray, const Uint1* seq, Int4 len1,
- patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- Int4 i; /*loop index on sequence*/
- Int4 prefixMatchedBitPattern = 0; /*indicates where pattern aligns
- with seq; e.g., if value is 9 = 0101 then
- last 3 chars of seq match first 3 positions in pattern
- and last 1 char of seq matches 1 position of pattern*/
- Int4 numMatches = 0; /*number of matches found*/
- Int4 mask; /*mask of input pattern positions after which
- a match can be declared*/
- Int4 maskShiftPlus1; /*mask shifted left 1 plus 1 */
- mask = patternSearch->match_mask;
- maskShiftPlus1 = (mask << 1) + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
- /*shift the positions matched by 1 and try to match up against
- the next character, also allow next character to match the
- first position*/
- prefixMatchedBitPattern =
- ((prefixMatchedBitPattern << 1) | maskShiftPlus1) &
- patternSearch->whichPositionPtr[seq[i]];
- if (prefixMatchedBitPattern & mask) {
- /*first part of pair is index of place in seq where match
- ends; second part is where match starts*/
- hitArray[numMatches++] = i;
- hitArray[numMatches++] = i - lenof(prefixMatchedBitPattern, mask)+1;
- if (numMatches == MAX_HIT)
- {
- /*ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING, 0, 0,
- "%ld matches saved, discarding others", numMatches);*/
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return numMatches;
- }
- /*find hits when sequence is DNA and pattern is short
- returns twice the number of hits
- pos indicates the starting position
- len is length of sequence seq
- hitArray stores the results*/
- static Int4 find_hitsS_DNA(Int4* hitArray, const Uint1* seq, Int4 pos, Int4 len,
- patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- /*Some variables and the algorithm are similar to what is
- used in find_hits() above; see more detailed comments there*/
- Uint4 prefixMatchedBitPattern; /*indicates where pattern aligns
- with sequence*/
- Uint4 mask2; /*mask to match agaist*/
- Int4 maskShiftPlus1; /*mask2 shifted plus 1*/
- Uint4 tmp; /*intermediate result of masked comparisons*/
- Int4 i; /*index on seq*/
- Int4 end; /*count of number of 4-mer iterations needed*/
- Int4 remain; /*0,1,2,3 DNA letters left over*/
- Int4 j; /*index on suffixRemnant*/
- Int4 twiceNumHits = 0; /*twice the number of hits*/
- mask2 = patternSearch->match_mask*BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD+15;
- maskShiftPlus1 = (patternSearch->match_mask << 1)+1;
- if (pos != 0) {
- pos = 4 - pos;
- prefixMatchedBitPattern = ((patternSearch->match_mask * ((1 << (pos+1))-1)*2) +
- (1 << (pos+1))-1)& patternSearch->DNAwhichSuffixPosPtr[seq[0]];
- seq++;
- end = (len-pos)/4;
- remain = (len-pos) % 4;
- }
- else {
- prefixMatchedBitPattern = maskShiftPlus1;
- end = len/4;
- remain = len % 4;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < end; i++) {
- if ( (tmp = (prefixMatchedBitPattern &
- patternSearch->DNAwhichPrefixPosPtr[seq[i]]))) {
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
- if (tmp & patternSearch->match_mask) {
- hitArray[twiceNumHits++] = i*4+j + pos;
- hitArray[twiceNumHits++] = i*4+j + pos -lenof(tmp & patternSearch->match_mask,
- patternSearch->match_mask)+1;
- }
- tmp = (tmp << 1);
- }
- }
- prefixMatchedBitPattern = (((prefixMatchedBitPattern << 4) | mask2) & patternSearch->DNAwhichSuffixPosPtr[seq[i]]);
- }
- /* In the last byte check bits only up to 'remain' */
- if ( (tmp = (prefixMatchedBitPattern &
- patternSearch->DNAwhichPrefixPosPtr[seq[i]]))) {
- for (j = 0; j < remain; j++) {
- if (tmp & patternSearch->match_mask) {
- hitArray[twiceNumHits++] = i*4+j + pos;
- hitArray[twiceNumHits++] = i*4+j + pos - lenof(tmp & patternSearch->match_mask, patternSearch->match_mask)+1;
- }
- tmp = (tmp << 1);
- }
- }
- return twiceNumHits;
- }
- /*Top level routine when pattern has a short description
- hitArray is to return the hits
- seq is the input sequence
- start is what position to start at in seq
- len is the length of seq
- is_dna is 1 if and only if seq is a DNA sequence
- the return value from the appropriate lower level routine is passed
- back*/
- static Int4 find_hitsS_head(Int4* hitArray, const Uint1* seq, Int4 start, Int4 len,
- Uint1 is_dna, patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- if (is_dna)
- return find_hitsS_DNA(hitArray, &seq[start/4], start % 4, len, patternSearch);
- return find_hitsS(hitArray, &seq[start], len, patternSearch);
- }
- /*Shift each word in the array left by 1 bit and add bit b,
- if the new values is bigger that OVERFLOW1, then subtract OVERFLOW1 */
- static void lmove(Int4 *a, Uint1 b, patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- Int4 x;
- Int4 i; /*index on words*/
- for (i = 0; i < patternSearch->numWords; i++) {
- x = (a[i] << 1) + b;
- if (x >= OVERFLOW1) {
- a[i] = x - OVERFLOW1;
- b = 1;
- }
- else {
- a[i] = x;
- b = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*Do a word-by-word bit-wise or of a and b and put the result back in a*/
- static void or(Int4 *a, Int4 *b, patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- Int4 i; /*index over words*/
- for (i = 0; i < patternSearch->numWords; i++)
- a[i] = (a[i] | b[i]);
- }
- /*Do a word-by-word bit-wise or of a and b and put the result in
- result; return 1 if there are any non-zero words*/
- static Int4 and(Int4 *result, Int4 *a, Int4 *b, patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- Int4 i; /*index over words*/
- Int4 returnValue = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < patternSearch->numWords; i++)
- if ( (result[i] = (a[i] & b[i]) ) )
- returnValue = 1;
- return returnValue;
- }
- /*Let F be the number of the first bit in s that is 1
- Let G be the first bit in mask that is one such that G < F;
- Else let G = -1;
- Returns F - G*/
- static Int4 lenofL(Int4 *s, Int4 *mask, patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- Int4 bitIndex; /*loop index over bits in a word*/
- Int4 wordIndex; /*loop index over words*/
- Int4 firstOneInMask;
- firstOneInMask = -1;
- for (wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < patternSearch->numWords; wordIndex++) {
- for (bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD; bitIndex++) {
- if ((s[wordIndex] >> bitIndex) % 2 == 1)
- return wordIndex*BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD+bitIndex-firstOneInMask;
- if ((mask[wordIndex] >> bitIndex) %2 == 1)
- firstOneInMask = wordIndex*BITS_PACKED_PER_WORD+bitIndex;
- }
- }
- /*ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0, "wrongn");*/
- return(-1);
- }
- /* Finds places where pattern matches seq and returns them as
- pairs of positions in consecutive entries of hitArray;
- similar to find_hitsS
- hitArray is array of hits to return
- seq is the input sequence and len1 is its length
- patternSearch carries all the pattern variables
- return twice the number of hits*/
- static Int4 find_hitsL(Int4 *hitArray, const Uint1* seq, Int4 len1,
- patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- Int4 wordIndex; /*index on words in mask*/
- Int4 i; /*loop index on seq */
- Int4 *prefixMatchedBitPattern; /*see similar variable in
- find_hitsS*/
- Int4 twiceNumHits = 0; /*counter for hitArray*/
- Int4 *mask; /*local copy of match_maskL version of pattern
- indicates after which positions a match can be declared*/
- Int4 *matchResult; /*Array of words to hold the result of the
- final test for a match*/
- matchResult = (Int4 *) calloc(patternSearch->numWords, sizeof(Int4));
- mask = (Int4 *) calloc(patternSearch->numWords, sizeof(Int4));
- prefixMatchedBitPattern = (Int4 *) calloc(patternSearch->numWords, sizeof(Int4));
- for (wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < patternSearch->numWords; wordIndex++) {
- mask[wordIndex] = patternSearch->match_maskL[wordIndex];
- prefixMatchedBitPattern[wordIndex] = 0;
- }
- /*This is a multiword version of the algorithm in find_hitsS*/
- lmove(mask, 1, patternSearch);
- for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
- lmove(prefixMatchedBitPattern, 0, patternSearch);
- or(prefixMatchedBitPattern, mask, patternSearch);
- and(prefixMatchedBitPattern, prefixMatchedBitPattern, patternSearch->bitPatternByLetter[seq[i]], patternSearch);
- if (and(matchResult, prefixMatchedBitPattern, patternSearch->match_maskL, patternSearch)) {
- hitArray[twiceNumHits++] = i;
- hitArray[twiceNumHits++] = i-lenofL(matchResult, patternSearch->match_maskL, patternSearch)+1;
- }
- }
- sfree(prefixMatchedBitPattern);
- sfree(matchResult);
- sfree(mask);
- return twiceNumHits;
- }
- /*find matches when pattern is very long,
- hitArray is used to pass back pairs of end position. start position for hits
- seq is the sequence; len is its length
- is_dna indicates if the sequence is DNA or protein*/
- static Int4 find_hitsLL(Int4 *hitArray, const Uint1* seq, Int4 len, Boolean is_dna,
- patternSearchItems *patternSearch)
- {
- Int4 twiceNumHits; /*twice the number of matches*/
- Int4 twiceHitsOneCall; /*twice the number of hits in one call to
- find_hitsS */
- Int4 wordIndex; /*index over words in pattern*/
- Int4 start; /*start position in sequence for calls to find_hitsS */
- Int4 hitArray1[MAX_HIT]; /*used to get hits against different words*/
- Int4 nextPosInHitArray; /*next available position in hitArray1 */
- Int4 hitIndex1, hitIndex2; /*indices over hitArray1*/
- patternSearch->whichPositionPtr =
- patternSearch->SLL[patternSearch->whichMostSpecific];
- patternSearch->match_mask =
- patternSearch->match_maskL[patternSearch->whichMostSpecific];
- if (is_dna) {
- patternSearch->DNAwhichPrefixPosPtr = patternSearch->DNAprefixSLL[patternSearch->whichMostSpecific];
- patternSearch->DNAwhichSuffixPosPtr = patternSearch->DNAsuffixSLL[patternSearch->whichMostSpecific];
- }
- /*find matches to most specific word of pattern*/
- twiceNumHits = find_hitsS_head(hitArray, seq, 0, len, is_dna, patternSearch);
- if (twiceNumHits < 2)
- return 0;
- /*extend matches word by word*/
- for (wordIndex = patternSearch->whichMostSpecific+1;
- wordIndex < patternSearch->numWords; wordIndex++) {
- patternSearch->whichPositionPtr =
- patternSearch->SLL[wordIndex];
- patternSearch->match_mask = patternSearch->match_maskL[wordIndex];
- if (is_dna) {
- patternSearch->DNAwhichPrefixPosPtr = patternSearch->DNAprefixSLL[wordIndex];
- patternSearch->DNAwhichSuffixPosPtr = patternSearch->DNAsuffixSLL[wordIndex];
- }
- nextPosInHitArray = 0;
- for (hitIndex2 = 0; hitIndex2 < twiceNumHits; hitIndex2 += 2) {
- twiceHitsOneCall = find_hitsS_head(&hitArray1[nextPosInHitArray], seq,
- hitArray[hitIndex2]+1, MIN(len-hitArray[hitIndex2]-1,
- patternSearch->spacing[wordIndex-1] + patternSearch->numPlacesInWord[wordIndex]), is_dna, patternSearch);
- for (hitIndex1 = 0; hitIndex1 < twiceHitsOneCall; hitIndex1+= 2) {
- hitArray1[nextPosInHitArray+hitIndex1] =
- hitArray[hitIndex2]+hitArray1[nextPosInHitArray+hitIndex1]+1;
- hitArray1[nextPosInHitArray+hitIndex1+1] = hitArray[hitIndex2+1];
- }
- nextPosInHitArray += twiceHitsOneCall;
- }
- twiceNumHits = nextPosInHitArray;
- if (twiceNumHits < 2)
- return 0;
- /*copy back matches that extend */
- for (hitIndex2 = 0; hitIndex2 < nextPosInHitArray; hitIndex2++)
- hitArray[hitIndex2] = hitArray1[hitIndex2];
- }
- /*extend each match back one word at a time*/
- for (wordIndex = patternSearch->whichMostSpecific-1; wordIndex >=0;
- wordIndex--) {
- patternSearch->whichPositionPtr =
- patternSearch->SLL[wordIndex];
- patternSearch->match_mask = patternSearch->match_maskL[wordIndex];
- if (is_dna) {
- patternSearch->DNAwhichPrefixPosPtr = patternSearch->DNAprefixSLL[wordIndex];
- patternSearch->DNAwhichSuffixPosPtr = patternSearch->DNAsuffixSLL[wordIndex];
- }
- nextPosInHitArray = 0;
- for (hitIndex2 = 0; hitIndex2 < twiceNumHits; hitIndex2 += 2) {
- start = hitArray[hitIndex2+1]-patternSearch->spacing[wordIndex]-patternSearch->numPlacesInWord[wordIndex];
- if (start < 0)
- start = 0;
- twiceHitsOneCall = find_hitsS_head(&hitArray1[nextPosInHitArray], seq, start,
- hitArray[hitIndex2+1]-start, is_dna, patternSearch);
- for (hitIndex1 = 0; hitIndex1 < twiceHitsOneCall; hitIndex1+= 2) {
- hitArray1[nextPosInHitArray+hitIndex1] = hitArray[hitIndex2];
- hitArray1[nextPosInHitArray+hitIndex1+1] = start +
- hitArray1[nextPosInHitArray+hitIndex1+1];
- }
- nextPosInHitArray += twiceHitsOneCall;
- }
- twiceNumHits = nextPosInHitArray;
- if (twiceNumHits < 2)
- return 0;
- /*copy back matches that extend*/
- for (hitIndex2 = 0; hitIndex2 < nextPosInHitArray; hitIndex2++)
- hitArray[hitIndex2] = hitArray1[hitIndex2];
- }
- return twiceNumHits;
- }
- Int4 FindPatternHits(Int4 *hitArray, const Uint1* seq, Int4 len,
- Boolean is_dna, patternSearchItems * patternSearch)
- {
- if (patternSearch->flagPatternLength == ONE_WORD_PATTERN)
- return find_hitsS_head(hitArray, seq, 0, len, is_dna, patternSearch);
- if (patternSearch->flagPatternLength == MULTI_WORD_PATTERN)
- return find_hitsL(hitArray, seq, len, patternSearch);
- return find_hitsLL(hitArray, seq, len, is_dna, patternSearch);
- }