- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: mb_lookup.c,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.4 2004/06/01 18:08:17 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: mb_lookup.c,v 1000.4 2004/06/01 18:08:17 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's offical duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Ilya Dondoshansky
- *
- */
- /** @file mb_lookup.c
- * Functions responsible for the creation of a lookup table
- * @todo FIXME @sa mb_lookup.h
- */
- static char const rcsid[] =
- "$Id: mb_lookup.c,v 1000.4 2004/06/01 18:08:17 gouriano Exp $";
- #include <algo/blast/core/blast_options.h>
- #include <algo/blast/core/blast_def.h>
- #include <algo/blast/core/mb_lookup.h>
- #include "blast_inline.h"
- MBLookupTable* MBLookupTableDestruct(MBLookupTable* mb_lt)
- {
- if (!mb_lt)
- return NULL;
- if (mb_lt->hashtable)
- sfree(mb_lt->hashtable);
- if (mb_lt->next_pos)
- sfree(mb_lt->next_pos);
- if (mb_lt->next_pos2)
- sfree(mb_lt->next_pos2);
- sfree(mb_lt->pv_array);
- sfree(mb_lt);
- return mb_lt;
- }
- /** Convert weight, template length and template type from input options into
- an MBTemplateType enum
- */
- static DiscTemplateType GetDiscTemplateType(Int2 weight, Uint1 length,
- DiscWordType type)
- {
- if (weight == 11) {
- if (length == 16) {
- if (type == MB_WORD_CODING || type == MB_TWO_TEMPLATES)
- return TEMPL_11_16;
- else if (type == MB_WORD_OPTIMAL)
- return TEMPL_11_16_OPT;
- } else if (length == 18) {
- if (type == MB_WORD_CODING || type == MB_TWO_TEMPLATES)
- return TEMPL_11_18;
- else if (type == MB_WORD_OPTIMAL)
- return TEMPL_11_18_OPT;
- } else if (length == 21) {
- if (type == MB_WORD_CODING || type == MB_TWO_TEMPLATES)
- return TEMPL_11_21;
- else if (type == MB_WORD_OPTIMAL)
- return TEMPL_11_21_OPT;
- }
- } else if (weight == 12) {
- if (length == 16) {
- if (type == MB_WORD_CODING || type == MB_TWO_TEMPLATES)
- return TEMPL_12_16;
- else if (type == MB_WORD_OPTIMAL)
- return TEMPL_12_16_OPT;
- } else if (length == 18) {
- if (type == MB_WORD_CODING || type == MB_TWO_TEMPLATES)
- return TEMPL_12_18;
- else if (type == MB_WORD_OPTIMAL)
- return TEMPL_12_18_OPT;
- } else if (length == 21) {
- if (type == MB_WORD_CODING || type == MB_TWO_TEMPLATES)
- return TEMPL_12_21;
- else if (type == MB_WORD_OPTIMAL)
- return TEMPL_12_21_OPT;
- }
- }
- return TEMPL_CONTIGUOUS; /* All unsupported cases default to 0 */
- }
- #define SMALL_QUERY_CUTOFF 15000
- #define LARGE_QUERY_CUTOFF 800000
- /* Documentation in mb_lookup.h */
- Int2 MB_LookupTableNew(BLAST_SequenceBlk* query, ListNode* location,
- MBLookupTable** mb_lt_ptr,
- const LookupTableOptions* lookup_options)
- {
- Int4 query_length;
- Uint1* seq,* pos;
- Int4 index;
- Int4 ecode;
- Int4 mask;
- Int4 ecode1, ecode2;
- Uint1 val, nuc_mask = 0xfc;
- MBLookupTable* mb_lt;
- Int4 masked_word_count = 0;
- PV_ARRAY_TYPE *pv_array=NULL;
- Int4 pv_shift, pv_array_bts, pv_size, pv_index;
- Int2 word_length, extra_length;
- Int4 last_offset;
- Int4 table_entries;
- Int4 hash_shift, hash_mask, crc, size, length;
- Uint1* hash_buf;
- #endif
- DiscTemplateType template_type;
- Boolean amb_cond;
- Boolean two_templates =
- (lookup_options->mb_template_type == MB_TWO_TEMPLATES);
- Int2 bytes_in_word;
- Uint1 width;
- Int4 from, to;
- ListNode* loc;
- Int4 longest_chain = 0;
- Int4 pcount, pcount1=0;
- if (!location) {
- /* Empty sequence location provided */
- *mb_lt_ptr = NULL;
- return -1;
- }
- template_type = GetDiscTemplateType(lookup_options->word_size,
- lookup_options->mb_template_length,
- (DiscWordType)lookup_options->mb_template_type);
- query_length = query->length;
- mb_lt = (MBLookupTable*) calloc(1, sizeof(MBLookupTable));
- bytes_in_word = (lookup_options->word_size + 1)/ 4;
- if (bytes_in_word < 3)
- width = 2;
- else
- width = 3;
- mb_lt->template_type = template_type;
- mb_lt->two_templates = two_templates;
- if (two_templates)
- /* For now leave only one possibility for the second template */
- mb_lt->second_template_type = template_type + 1;
- /* Make hash table size the smallest power of 2 greater than query length */
- for (length=query_length,size=1; length>0; length=length>>1,size++);
- mb_lt->hashsize = 1<<size;
- hash_shift = (32 - size)/2;
- hash_mask = mb_lt->hashsize - 1;
- pv_shift = 0;
- #else
- if (width == 2) {
- mb_lt->hashsize = 1 << 16;
- pv_shift = 0;
- }
- else {
- /* determine the approximate number of hashtable entries */
- table_entries = 0;
- for (loc = location; loc; loc = loc->next) {
- from = ((SSeqRange*) loc->ptr)->left;
- to = ((SSeqRange*) loc->ptr)->right;
- table_entries += (to - from);
- }
- /* To fit in the external cache of latter-day micro-
- processors, the PV array must be compressed. pv_shift
- below is the power of two that the array size is
- divided by. The target PV array size is 128 kBytes.
- If the query is too small or too large, the compression
- should be higher. Small queries don't reuse the PV array,
- and large queries saturate it. In either case, cache
- is better used on other data. */
- if (lookup_options->word_size == 11 && lookup_options->mb_template_length > 0) {
- mb_lt->hashsize = 1 << 22;
- if( table_entries <= SMALL_QUERY_CUTOFF ||
- table_entries >= LARGE_QUERY_CUTOFF )
- pv_shift = 3;
- else
- pv_shift = 2;
- }
- else {
- mb_lt->hashsize = 1 << 24;
- if( table_entries <= SMALL_QUERY_CUTOFF ||
- table_entries >= LARGE_QUERY_CUTOFF )
- pv_shift = 5;
- else
- pv_shift = 4;
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (lookup_options->mb_template_length > 0) {
- mb_lt->discontiguous = TRUE;
- mb_lt->compressed_wordsize = width + 1;
- word_length = mb_lt->word_length = COMPRESSION_RATIO*(width+1);
- mb_lt->template_length = lookup_options->mb_template_length;
- extra_length = mb_lt->template_length - word_length;
- mb_lt->mask = (Int4) (-1);
- mask = (1 << (8*(width+1) - 2)) - 1;
- } else {
- mb_lt->compressed_wordsize = width;
- word_length = COMPRESSION_RATIO*width;
- mb_lt->word_length = lookup_options->word_size;
- mb_lt->template_length = COMPRESSION_RATIO*width;
- mb_lt->mask = mb_lt->hashsize - 1;
- mask = (1 << (8*width - 2)) - 1;
- extra_length = 0;
- }
- /* Scan step must be set in lookup_options; even if it is not, still
- try to set it reasonably in mb_lt - it can't remain 0 */
- if (lookup_options->scan_step)
- mb_lt->scan_step = lookup_options->scan_step;
- else
- mb_lt->scan_step = COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- mb_lt->full_byte_scan = (mb_lt->scan_step % COMPRESSION_RATIO == 0);
- if ((mb_lt->hashtable = (Int4*)
- calloc(mb_lt->hashsize, sizeof(Int4))) == NULL) {
- MBLookupTableDestruct(mb_lt);
- return -1;
- }
- if ((mb_lt->next_pos = (Int4*)
- calloc((query_length+1), sizeof(Int4))) == NULL) {
- MBLookupTableDestruct(mb_lt);
- return -1;
- }
- if (two_templates) {
- if ((mb_lt->hashtable2 = (Int4*)
- calloc(mb_lt->hashsize, sizeof(Int4))) == NULL) {
- MBLookupTableDestruct(mb_lt);
- return -1;
- }
- if ((mb_lt->next_pos2 = (Int4*)
- calloc((query_length+1), sizeof(Int4))) == NULL) {
- MBLookupTableDestruct(mb_lt);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- for (loc = location; loc; loc = loc->next) {
- /* We want index to be always pointing to the start of the word.
- Since sequence pointer points to the end of the word, subtract
- word length from the loop boundaries.
- */
- from = ((SSeqRange*) loc->ptr)->left;
- to = ((SSeqRange*) loc->ptr)->right - word_length;
- seq = query->sequence_start + from;
- pos = seq + word_length;
- ecode = 0;
- /* Also add 1 to all indices, because lookup table indices count
- from 1. */
- from -= word_length - 2;
- last_offset = to - extra_length + 2;
- amb_cond = TRUE;
- for (index = from; index <= last_offset; index++) {
- val = *++seq;
- if ((val & nuc_mask) != 0) { /* ambiguity or gap */
- ecode = 0;
- pos = seq + word_length;
- } else {
- /* get next base */
- ecode = ((ecode & mask) << 2) + val;
- if (seq >= pos) {
- if (extra_length) {
- switch (template_type) {
- case TEMPL_11_18: case TEMPL_12_18:
- amb_cond = !GET_AMBIG_CONDITION_18(seq);
- break;
- case TEMPL_11_18_OPT: case TEMPL_12_18_OPT:
- amb_cond = !GET_AMBIG_CONDITION_18_OPT(seq);
- break;
- case TEMPL_11_21: case TEMPL_12_21:
- amb_cond = !GET_AMBIG_CONDITION_21(seq);
- break;
- case TEMPL_11_21_OPT: case TEMPL_12_21_OPT:
- amb_cond = !GET_AMBIG_CONDITION_21_OPT(seq);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (amb_cond) {
- switch (template_type) {
- case TEMPL_11_16:
- ecode1 = GET_WORD_INDEX_11_16(ecode);
- break;
- case TEMPL_12_16:
- ecode1 = GET_WORD_INDEX_12_16(ecode);
- break;
- case TEMPL_11_16_OPT:
- ecode1 = GET_WORD_INDEX_11_16_OPT(ecode);
- break;
- case TEMPL_12_16_OPT:
- ecode1 = GET_WORD_INDEX_12_16_OPT(ecode);
- break;
- case TEMPL_11_18:
- ecode1 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_11_18(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_18(seq));
- break;
- case TEMPL_12_18:
- ecode1 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_12_18(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_18(seq));
- break;
- case TEMPL_11_18_OPT:
- ecode1 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_11_18_OPT(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_18_OPT(seq));
- break;
- case TEMPL_12_18_OPT:
- ecode1 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_12_18_OPT(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_18_OPT(seq));
- break;
- case TEMPL_11_21:
- ecode1 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_11_21(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_21(seq));
- break;
- case TEMPL_12_21:
- ecode1 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_12_21(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_21(seq));
- break;
- case TEMPL_11_21_OPT:
- ecode1 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_11_21_OPT(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_21_OPT(seq));
- break;
- case TEMPL_12_21_OPT:
- ecode1 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_12_21_OPT(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_21_OPT(seq));
- break;
- default: /* Contiguous word */
- ecode1 = ecode;
- break;
- }
- hash_buf = (Uint1*)&ecode1;
- CRC32(crc, hash_buf);
- ecode1 = (crc>>hash_shift) & hash_mask;
- #endif
- if (two_templates) {
- switch (template_type) {
- case TEMPL_11_16:
- ecode2 = GET_WORD_INDEX_11_16_OPT(ecode);
- break;
- case TEMPL_12_16:
- ecode2 = GET_WORD_INDEX_12_16_OPT(ecode);
- break;
- case TEMPL_11_18:
- ecode2 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_11_18_OPT(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_18_OPT(seq));
- break;
- case TEMPL_12_18:
- ecode2 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_12_18_OPT(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_18_OPT(seq));
- break;
- case TEMPL_11_21:
- ecode2 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_11_21_OPT(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_21_OPT(seq));
- break;
- case TEMPL_12_21:
- ecode2 = (GET_WORD_INDEX_12_21_OPT(ecode)) |
- (GET_EXTRA_CODE_21_OPT(seq));
- break;
- default:
- ecode2 = 0; break;
- }
- hash_buf = (Uint1*)&ecode2;
- CRC32(crc, hash_buf);
- ecode2 = (crc>>hash_shift) & hash_mask;
- #endif
- if (mb_lt->hashtable[ecode1] == 0 ||
- mb_lt->hashtable2[ecode2] == 0)
- mb_lt->num_unique_pos_added++;
- mb_lt->next_pos2[index] = mb_lt->hashtable2[ecode2];
- mb_lt->hashtable2[ecode2] = index;
- } else {
- if (mb_lt->hashtable[ecode1] == 0)
- mb_lt->num_unique_pos_added++;
- }
- mb_lt->next_pos[index] = mb_lt->hashtable[ecode1];
- mb_lt->hashtable[ecode1] = index;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- mb_lt->pv_array_bts = pv_array_bts = PV_ARRAY_BTS + pv_shift;
- if (mb_lt->num_unique_pos_added <
- (PV_ARRAY_FACTOR*(mb_lt->hashsize>>pv_shift))) {
- #endif
- pv_size = mb_lt->hashsize>>pv_array_bts;
- /* Size measured in PV_ARRAY_TYPE's */
- pv_array = calloc(PV_ARRAY_BYTES, pv_size);
- for (index=0; index<mb_lt->hashsize; index++) {
- if (mb_lt->hashtable[index] != 0 ||
- (two_templates && mb_lt->hashtable2[index] != 0))
- pv_array[index>>pv_array_bts] |=
- (((PV_ARRAY_TYPE) 1)<<(index&PV_ARRAY_MASK));
- }
- mb_lt->pv_array = pv_array;
- }
- #endif
- /* Now remove the hash entries that have too many positions */
- #if 0
- if (lookup_options->max_positions>0) {
- #endif
- for (pv_index = 0; pv_index < pv_size; ++pv_index) {
- if (pv_array[pv_index]) {
- for (ecode = pv_index<<pv_array_bts;
- ecode < (pv_index+1)<<pv_array_bts; ++ecode) {
- for (index=mb_lt->hashtable[ecode], pcount=0;
- index>0; index=mb_lt->next_pos[index], pcount++);
- if (two_templates) {
- for (index=mb_lt->hashtable2[ecode], pcount1=0;
- index>0; index=mb_lt->next_pos2[index], pcount1++);
- }
- if ((pcount=MAX(pcount,pcount1))>lookup_options->max_positions) {
- mb_lt->hashtable[ecode] = 0;
- if (two_templates)
- mb_lt->hashtable2[ecode] = 0;
- ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING, 0, 0, "%lx - %d", ecode, pcount);
- #endif
- masked_word_count++;
- }
- longest_chain = MAX(longest_chain, pcount);
- }
- }
- }
- if (masked_word_count) {
- ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING, 0, 0, "Masked %d %dmers", masked_word_count,
- 4*width);
- #endif
- }
- #if 0
- }
- #endif
- mb_lt->longest_chain = longest_chain;
- *mb_lt_ptr = mb_lt;
- return 0;
- }
- Int4 MB_AG_ScanSubject(const LookupTableWrap* lookup_wrap,
- const BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject, Int4 start_offset,
- Uint4* q_offsets, Uint4* s_offsets, Int4 max_hits,
- Int4* end_offset)
- {
- MBLookupTable* mb_lt = (MBLookupTable*) lookup_wrap->lut;
- Uint1* s;
- Uint1* abs_start;
- Int4 index=0, s_off;
- Int4 q_off;
- PV_ARRAY_TYPE *pv_array = mb_lt->pv_array;
- Int4 total_hits = 0;
- Int4 compressed_wordsize, compressed_scan_step, word_size;
- Boolean full_byte_scan = mb_lt->full_byte_scan;
- Uint1 pv_array_bts = mb_lt->pv_array_bts;
- /* Since the test for number of hits here is done after adding them,
- subtract the longest chain length from the allowed offset array size. */
- max_hits -= mb_lt->longest_chain;
- abs_start = subject->sequence;
- s = abs_start + start_offset/COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- compressed_scan_step = mb_lt->scan_step / COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- compressed_wordsize = mb_lt->compressed_wordsize;
- word_size = compressed_wordsize*COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- index = 0;
- /* NB: s in this function always points to the start of the word!
- */
- if (full_byte_scan) {
- Uint1* s_end = abs_start + subject->length/COMPRESSION_RATIO -
- compressed_wordsize;
- for ( ; s <= s_end; s += compressed_scan_step) {
- BlastNaLookupInitIndex(compressed_wordsize, s, &index);
- if (NA_PV_TEST(pv_array, index, pv_array_bts)) {
- q_off = mb_lt->hashtable[index];
- s_off = (s - abs_start)*COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- if (q_off && (total_hits >= max_hits))
- break;
- while (q_off) {
- q_offsets[total_hits] = q_off - 1;
- s_offsets[total_hits++] = s_off;
- q_off = mb_lt->next_pos[q_off];
- }
- }
- }
- *end_offset = (s - abs_start)*COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- } else {
- Int4 last_offset = subject->length - word_size;
- Uint1 bit;
- Int4 adjusted_index;
- for (s_off = start_offset; s_off <= last_offset;
- s_off += mb_lt->scan_step) {
- s = abs_start + (s_off / COMPRESSION_RATIO);
- bit = 2*(s_off % COMPRESSION_RATIO);
- /* Compute index for a word made of full bytes */
- s = BlastNaLookupInitIndex(compressed_wordsize, s, &index);
- /* Adjust the word index by the base within a byte */
- adjusted_index = BlastNaLookupAdjustIndex(s, index, mb_lt->mask,
- bit);
- if (NA_PV_TEST(pv_array, adjusted_index, pv_array_bts)) {
- q_off = mb_lt->hashtable[adjusted_index];
- if (q_off && (total_hits >= max_hits))
- break;
- while (q_off) {
- q_offsets[total_hits] = q_off - 1;
- s_offsets[total_hits++] = s_off;
- q_off = mb_lt->next_pos[q_off];
- }
- }
- }
- *end_offset = s_off;
- }
- return total_hits;
- }
- Int4 MB_ScanSubject(const LookupTableWrap* lookup,
- const BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject, Int4 start_offset,
- Uint4* q_offsets, Uint4* s_offsets, Int4 max_hits,
- Int4* end_offset)
- {
- Uint1* abs_start,* s_end;
- Uint1* s;
- Int4 hitsfound = 0;
- Uint4 query_offset, subject_offset;
- Int4 index;
- MBLookupTable* mb_lt = (MBLookupTable*) lookup->lut;
- Uint4* q_ptr = q_offsets,* s_ptr = s_offsets;
- PV_ARRAY_TYPE *pv_array = mb_lt->pv_array;
- Uint1 pv_array_bts = mb_lt->pv_array_bts;
- Int4 compressed_wordsize = mb_lt->compressed_wordsize;
- #ifdef DEBUG_LOG
- FILE *logfp0 = fopen("new0.log", "a");
- #endif
- /* Since the test for number of hits here is done after adding them,
- subtract the longest chain length from the allowed offset array size.
- */
- max_hits -= mb_lt->longest_chain;
- abs_start = subject->sequence;
- s = abs_start + start_offset/COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- s_end = abs_start + (*end_offset)/COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- s = BlastNaLookupInitIndex(mb_lt->compressed_wordsize, s, &index);
- /* In the following code, s points to the byte right after the end of
- the word. */
- while (s <= s_end) {
- if (NA_PV_TEST(pv_array, index, pv_array_bts)) {
- query_offset = mb_lt->hashtable[index];
- subject_offset =
- ((s - abs_start) - compressed_wordsize)*COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- if (query_offset && (hitsfound >= max_hits))
- break;
- while (query_offset) {
- #ifdef DEBUG_LOG
- fprintf(logfp0, "%ldt%ldt%ldn", query_offset,
- subject_offset, index);
- #endif
- *(q_ptr++) = query_offset - 1;
- *(s_ptr++) = subject_offset;
- ++hitsfound;
- query_offset = mb_lt->next_pos[query_offset];
- }
- }
- /* Compute the next value of the lookup index
- (shifting sequence by a full byte) */
- index = BlastNaLookupComputeIndex(FULL_BYTE_SHIFT, mb_lt->mask,
- s++, index);
- }
- *end_offset =
- ((s - abs_start) - compressed_wordsize)*COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- #ifdef DEBUG_LOG
- fclose(logfp0);
- #endif
- return hitsfound;
- }
- Int4 MB_DiscWordScanSubject(const LookupTableWrap* lookup,
- const BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject, Int4 start_offset,
- Uint4* q_offsets, Uint4* s_offsets, Int4 max_hits,
- Int4* end_offset)
- {
- Uint1* s;
- Uint1* s_start,* abs_start,* s_end;
- Int4 hitsfound = 0;
- Uint4 query_offset, subject_offset;
- Int4 word, index, index2=0;
- MBLookupTable* mb_lt = (MBLookupTable*) lookup->lut;
- Uint4* q_ptr = q_offsets,* s_ptr = s_offsets;
- Boolean full_byte_scan = mb_lt->full_byte_scan;
- Boolean two_templates = mb_lt->two_templates;
- Uint1 template_type = mb_lt->template_type;
- Uint1 second_template_type = mb_lt->second_template_type;
- PV_ARRAY_TYPE *pv_array = mb_lt->pv_array;
- Uint1 pv_array_bts = mb_lt->pv_array_bts;
- Int4 compressed_wordsize = mb_lt->compressed_wordsize;
- #ifdef DEBUG_LOG
- FILE *logfp0 = fopen("new0.log", "a");
- #endif
- /* Since the test for number of hits here is done after adding them,
- subtract the longest chain length from the allowed offset array size. */
- max_hits -= mb_lt->longest_chain;
- abs_start = subject->sequence;
- s_start = abs_start + start_offset/COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- s_end = abs_start + (*end_offset)/COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- s = BlastNaLookupInitIndex(mb_lt->compressed_wordsize, s_start, &word);
- /* s now points to the byte right after the end of the current word */
- if (full_byte_scan) {
- while (s <= s_end) {
- index = ComputeDiscontiguousIndex(s, word, template_type);
- if (two_templates) {
- index2 = ComputeDiscontiguousIndex(s, word, second_template_type);
- }
- if (NA_PV_TEST(pv_array, index, pv_array_bts)) {
- query_offset = mb_lt->hashtable[index];
- subject_offset =
- ((s - abs_start) - compressed_wordsize)*COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- if (query_offset && (hitsfound >= max_hits))
- break;
- while (query_offset) {
- #ifdef DEBUG_LOG
- fprintf(logfp0, "%ldt%ldt%ldn", query_offset,
- subject_offset, index);
- #endif
- *(q_ptr++) = query_offset - 1;
- *(s_ptr++) = subject_offset;
- ++hitsfound;
- query_offset = mb_lt->next_pos[query_offset];
- }
- }
- if (two_templates && NA_PV_TEST(pv_array, index2, pv_array_bts)) {
- query_offset = mb_lt->hashtable2[index2];
- subject_offset =
- ((s - abs_start) - compressed_wordsize)*COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- if (query_offset && (hitsfound >= max_hits))
- break;
- while (query_offset) {
- q_offsets[hitsfound] = query_offset - 1;
- s_offsets[hitsfound++] = subject_offset;
- query_offset = mb_lt->next_pos2[query_offset];
- }
- }
- word = BlastNaLookupComputeIndex(FULL_BYTE_SHIFT,
- mb_lt->mask, s++, word);
- }
- } else {
- Int4 scan_shift = 2*mb_lt->scan_step;
- Uint1 bit = 2*(start_offset % COMPRESSION_RATIO);
- Int4 adjusted_word;
- while (s <= s_end) {
- /* Adjust the word index by the base within a byte */
- adjusted_word = BlastNaLookupAdjustIndex(s, word, mb_lt->mask,
- bit);
- index = ComputeDiscontiguousIndex_1b(s, adjusted_word, bit,
- template_type);
- if (two_templates)
- index2 = ComputeDiscontiguousIndex_1b(s, adjusted_word, bit,
- second_template_type);
- if (NA_PV_TEST(pv_array, index, pv_array_bts)) {
- query_offset = mb_lt->hashtable[index];
- subject_offset =
- ((s - abs_start) - compressed_wordsize)*COMPRESSION_RATIO
- + bit/2;
- if (query_offset && (hitsfound >= max_hits))
- break;
- while (query_offset) {
- #ifdef DEBUG_LOG
- fprintf(logfp0, "%ldt%ldt%ldn", query_offset,
- subject_offset, index);
- #endif
- *(q_ptr++) = query_offset - 1;
- *(s_ptr++) = subject_offset;
- ++hitsfound;
- query_offset = mb_lt->next_pos[query_offset];
- }
- }
- if (two_templates && NA_PV_TEST(pv_array, index2, pv_array_bts)) {
- query_offset = mb_lt->hashtable2[index2];
- subject_offset =
- ((s - abs_start) - compressed_wordsize)*COMPRESSION_RATIO
- + bit/2;
- if (query_offset && (hitsfound >= max_hits))
- break;
- while (query_offset) {
- q_offsets[hitsfound] = query_offset - 1;
- s_offsets[hitsfound++] = subject_offset;
- query_offset = mb_lt->next_pos2[query_offset];
- }
- }
- bit += scan_shift;
- if (bit >= FULL_BYTE_SHIFT) {
- /* Advance to the next full byte */
- word = BlastNaLookupComputeIndex(FULL_BYTE_SHIFT,
- mb_lt->mask, s++, word);
- }
- }
- }
- *end_offset =
- ((s - abs_start) - compressed_wordsize)*COMPRESSION_RATIO;
- #ifdef DEBUG_LOG
- fclose(logfp0);
- #endif
- return hitsfound;
- }