- if (best_score - score > x_dropoff) {
- if (first_b_index == b_index)
- first_b_index = b_index + 1;
- else
- score_array[b_index].best = MININT;
- }
- else {
- last_b_index = b_index + 1;
- score_array[b_index].best = score;
- score_array[b_index].best_gap = score_gap_col - gap_extend;
- score_row2 -= gap_extend;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (best_score - score > x_dropoff) {
- if (first_b_index == b_index)
- first_b_index = b_index + 1;
- else
- score_array[b_index].best = MININT;
- }
- else {
- last_b_index = b_index + 1;
- score_array[b_index].best = score;
- if (score > best_score) {
- best_score = score;
- *a_offset = a_index;
- *b_offset = b_index;
- }
- score -= gap_open_extend;
- score_row2 -= gap_extend;
- score_row2 = MAX(score, score_row2);
- score_array[b_index].best_gap = MAX(score,
- score_gap_col - gap_extend);
- }
- }
- if (++b_index >= b_size) {
- score = score_row2;
- score_row2 = score_row1;
- score_row1 = score_row3;
- score_row3 = score;
- break;
- }
- /* FRAME 2 */
- score = MAX(score_other_frame1, score_other_frame2) - shift_penalty;
- score = MAX(score, score_col3) +
- matrix_row[ B[ b_index * increment ] ];
- score_other_frame1 = score_other_frame2;
- score_other_frame2 = MAX(score_col3, score_array[b_index].best);
- score_col3 = score_array[b_index].best;
- score_gap_col = score_array[b_index].best_gap;
- if (score < MAX(score_gap_col, score_row3)) {
- score = MAX(score_gap_col, score_row3);
- if (best_score - score > x_dropoff) {
- if (first_b_index == b_index)
- first_b_index = b_index + 1;
- else
- score_array[b_index].best = MININT;
- }
- else {
- last_b_index = b_index + 1;
- score_array[b_index].best = score;
- score_array[b_index].best_gap = score_gap_col - gap_extend;
- score_row3 -= gap_extend;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (best_score - score > x_dropoff) {
- if (first_b_index == b_index)
- first_b_index = b_index + 1;
- else
- score_array[b_index].best = MININT;
- }
- else {
- last_b_index = b_index + 1;
- score_array[b_index].best = score;
- if (score > best_score) {
- best_score = score;
- *a_offset = a_index;
- *b_offset = b_index;
- }
- score -= gap_open_extend;
- score_row3 -= gap_extend;
- score_row3 = MAX(score, score_row3);
- score_array[b_index].best_gap = MAX(score,
- score_gap_col - gap_extend);
- }
- }
- b_index++;
- }
- /* Finish aligning if the best scores for all positions
- of B will fail the X-dropoff test, i.e. the inner loop
- bounds have converged to each other */
- if (first_b_index == b_size)
- break;
- if (last_b_index < b_size) {
- /* This row failed the X-dropoff test earlier than
- the last row did; just shorten the loop bounds
- before doing the next row */
- b_size = last_b_index;
- }
- else {
- /* The inner loop finished without failing the X-dropoff
- test; initialize extra bookkeeping structures until
- the X dropoff test fails or we run out of letters in B.
- The next inner loop will have larger bounds.
- Keep initializing extra structures until the X dropoff
- test fails in all frames for this row */
- score = MAX(score_row1, MAX(score_row2, score_row3));
- last_b_index = b_size + (score - (best_score - x_dropoff)) /
- gap_extend;
- last_b_index = MIN(last_b_index, N+2);
- while (b_size < last_b_index) {
- score_array[b_size].best = score_row1;
- score_array[b_size].best_gap = score_row1 - gap_open_extend;
- score_row1 -= gap_extend;
- if (++b_size > last_b_index)
- break;
- score_array[b_size].best = score_row2;
- score_array[b_size].best_gap = score_row2 - gap_open_extend;
- score_row2 -= gap_extend;
- if (++b_size > last_b_index)
- break;
- score_array[b_size].best = score_row3;
- score_array[b_size].best_gap = score_row3 - gap_open_extend;
- score_row3 -= gap_extend;
- if (++b_size > last_b_index)
- break;
- }
- }
- /* chop off the best score in each frame */
- last_b_index = MIN(b_size + 4, N + 3);
- while (b_size < last_b_index) {
- score_array[b_size].best = MININT;
- score_array[b_size].best_gap = MININT;
- b_size++;
- }
- }
- if (!reversed) {
- /* The sequence was shifted, so length should be adjusted as well */
- *b_offset -= 2;
- }
- sfree(score_array);
- return best_score;
- }
- /** Callback function for a sorting of initial HSPs by diagonal */
- static int
- diag_compare_match(const void* v1, const void* v2)
- {
- BlastInitHSP* h1,* h2;
- h1 = *((BlastInitHSP**) v1);
- h2 = *((BlastInitHSP**) v2);
- if (!h1 || !h2)
- return 0;
- return (h1->q_off - h1->s_off) - (h2->q_off - h2->s_off);
- }
- /** Find the HSP offsets relative to the individual query sequence instead of
- * the concatenated sequence.
- * @param query Query sequence block [in]
- * @param query_info Query information structure, including context offsets
- * array [in]
- * @param init_hsp Initial HSP [in] [out]
- * @param query_out Optional: query sequence block with modified sequence
- * pointer and sequence length [out]
- * @param init_hsp_out Optional: Pointer to initial HSP structure to hold
- * adjusted offsets; the input init_hsp will be modified if
- * this parameter is NULL [out]
- * @param context_out Which context this HSP belongs to? [out]
- */
- static void
- GetRelativeCoordinates(const BLAST_SequenceBlk* query,
- BlastQueryInfo* query_info,
- BlastInitHSP* init_hsp, BLAST_SequenceBlk* query_out,
- BlastInitHSP* init_hsp_out, Int4* context_out)
- {
- Int4 context;
- Int4 query_start, query_length;
- context = BSearchInt4(init_hsp->q_off, query_info->context_offsets,
- query_info->last_context+2);
- if (query && query->oof_sequence) {
- /* Out-of-frame blastx case: all frames of the same parity are mixed
- together in a special sequence. */
- Int4 mixed_frame_context = context - context%CODON_LENGTH;
- query_start = query_info->context_offsets[mixed_frame_context];
- query_length =
- query_info->context_offsets[mixed_frame_context+CODON_LENGTH] -
- query_start - 1;
- } else {
- query_start = query_info->context_offsets[context];
- query_length = BLAST_GetQueryLength(query_info, context);
- }
- if (query && query_out) {
- if (query->oof_sequence) {
- query_out->sequence = NULL;
- query_out->oof_sequence = query->oof_sequence + query_start;
- } else {
- query_out->sequence = query->sequence + query_start;
- query_out->oof_sequence = NULL;
- }
- query_out->length = query_length;
- }
- if (init_hsp_out) {
- init_hsp_out->q_off = init_hsp->q_off - query_start;
- init_hsp_out->s_off = init_hsp->s_off;
- if (init_hsp->ungapped_data) {
- if (!init_hsp_out->ungapped_data) {
- init_hsp_out->ungapped_data = (BlastUngappedData*)
- BlastMemDup(init_hsp->ungapped_data, sizeof(BlastUngappedData));
- } else {
- memcpy(init_hsp_out->ungapped_data, init_hsp->ungapped_data,
- sizeof(BlastUngappedData));
- }
- init_hsp_out->ungapped_data->q_start =
- init_hsp->ungapped_data->q_start - query_start;
- }
- } else {
- init_hsp->q_off -= query_start;
- if (init_hsp->ungapped_data)
- init_hsp->ungapped_data->q_start -= query_start;
- }
- *context_out = context;
- }
- Int2 BLAST_MbGetGappedScore(Uint1 program_number,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* query, BlastQueryInfo* query_info,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject,
- BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params,
- const BlastExtensionParameters* ext_params,
- const BlastHitSavingParameters* hit_params,
- BlastInitHitList* init_hitlist,
- BlastHSPList** hsp_list_ptr, BlastGappedStats* gapped_stats)
- {
- const BlastExtensionOptions* ext_options = ext_params->options;
- Int4 index, i;
- Boolean delete_hsp;
- BlastInitHSP* init_hsp;
- BlastInitHSP** init_hsp_array;
- BlastHSPList* hsp_list;
- BlastHSP* hsp;
- const BlastHitSavingOptions* hit_options = hit_params->options;
- BLAST_SequenceBlk query_tmp;
- Int4 context;
- if (*hsp_list_ptr == NULL)
- *hsp_list_ptr = hsp_list = Blast_HSPListNew(hit_options->hsp_num_max);
- else
- hsp_list = *hsp_list_ptr;
- init_hsp_array = (BlastInitHSP**)
- malloc(init_hitlist->total*sizeof(BlastInitHSP*));
- for (index=0; index<init_hitlist->total; ++index)
- init_hsp_array[index] = &init_hitlist->init_hsp_array[index];
- qsort(init_hsp_array, init_hitlist->total,
- sizeof(BlastInitHSP*), diag_compare_match);
- for (index=0; index<init_hitlist->total; index++) {
- init_hsp = init_hsp_array[index];
- /* Change query coordinates to relative in the initial HSP right here */
- GetRelativeCoordinates(query, query_info, init_hsp, &query_tmp, NULL,
- &context);
- delete_hsp = FALSE;
- for (i = hsp_list->hspcnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- hsp = hsp_list->hsp_array[i];
- if (context != hsp->context)
- continue;
- if (!MB_HSP_CLOSE(init_hsp->q_off, hsp->query.offset,
- init_hsp->s_off, hsp->subject.offset, MB_DIAG_NEAR))
- break;
- /* Do not extend an HSP already contained in another HSP, unless
- its ungapped score is higher than that HSP's gapped score,
- which indicates wrong starting offset for previously extended HSP.
- */
- if (MB_HSP_CONTAINED(init_hsp->q_off, hsp->query.offset,
- hsp->query.end, init_hsp->s_off,
- hsp->subject.offset, hsp->subject.end, MB_DIAG_CLOSE) &&
- (!init_hsp->ungapped_data ||
- init_hsp->ungapped_data->score < hsp->score))
- {
- delete_hsp = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!delete_hsp) {
- Boolean good_hit = TRUE;
- if (gapped_stats)
- ++gapped_stats->extensions;
- BLAST_GreedyGappedAlignment(query_tmp.sequence,
- subject->sequence, query_tmp.length, subject->length, gap_align,
- score_params, init_hsp->q_off, init_hsp->s_off,
- (Boolean) TRUE, (Boolean) (ext_options->ePrelimGapExt == eGreedyWithTracebackExt));
- /* For neighboring we have a stricter criterion to keep an HSP */
- if (hit_options->is_neighboring) {
- Int4 hsp_length;
- hsp_length =
- MIN(gap_align->query_stop-gap_align->query_start,
- gap_align->subject_stop-gap_align->subject_start) + 1;
- if (hsp_length < MIN_NEIGHBOR_HSP_LENGTH ||
- gap_align->percent_identity < MIN_NEIGHBOR_PERC_IDENTITY)
- good_hit = FALSE;
- }
- if (good_hit && gap_align->score >= hit_options->cutoff_score) {
- /* gap_align contains alignment endpoints; init_hsp contains
- the offsets to start the alignment from, if traceback is to
- be performed later */
- BlastHSP* new_hsp;
- Blast_HSPInit(gap_align->query_start, gap_align->query_stop,
- gap_align->subject_start, gap_align->subject_stop,
- init_hsp->q_off, init_hsp->s_off,
- context, 1, gap_align->score,
- &(gap_align->edit_block), &new_hsp);
- Blast_HSPListSaveHSP(hsp_list, new_hsp);
- }
- }
- }
- if (ext_options->ePrelimGapExt != eGreedyExt)
- /* Set the flag that traceback is already done for this HSP list */
- hsp_list->traceback_done = TRUE;
- sfree(init_hsp_array);
- return 0;
- }
- /** Auxiliary function to transform one style of edit script into
- * another.
- */
- static GapEditScript*
- MBToGapEditScript (MBGapEditScript* ed_script)
- {
- /* Moved from greedy_align.h because it's only needed in this function */
- #define EDIT_VAL(op) (op >> 2)
- #define EDIT_OPC(op) (op & 0x3) /* EDIT_OP_MASK == 0x3 */
- GapEditScript* esp_start = NULL,* esp,* esp_prev = NULL;
- Uint4 i;
- if (ed_script==NULL || ed_script->num == 0)
- return NULL;
- for (i=0; i<ed_script->num; i++) {
- esp = (GapEditScript*) calloc(1, sizeof(GapEditScript));
- esp->num = EDIT_VAL(ed_script->op[i]);
- switch (EDIT_OPC(ed_script->op[i])) {
- case 1:
- esp->op_type = eGapAlignDel; break;
- case 2:
- esp->op_type = eGapAlignIns; break;
- case 3:
- esp->op_type = eGapAlignSub; break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "op_type = 3n"); break;
- }
- if (i==0)
- esp_start = esp_prev = esp;
- else {
- esp_prev->next = esp;
- esp_prev = esp;
- }
- }
- return esp_start;
- }
- /** Fills the BlastGapAlignStruct structure with the results of a gapped
- * extension.
- * @param gap_align the initialized gapped alignment structure [in] [out]
- * @param q_start The starting offset in query [in]
- * @param s_start The starting offset in subject [in]
- * @param q_end The ending offset in query [in]
- * @param s_end The ending offset in subject [in]
- * @param query_length Length of the query sequence [in]
- * @param subject_length Length of the subject sequence [in]
- * @param score The alignment score [in]
- * @param esp The edit script containing the traceback information [in]
- */
- static Int2
- BLAST_GapAlignStructFill(BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align, Int4 q_start,
- Int4 s_start, Int4 q_end, Int4 s_end, Uint4 query_length,
- Uint4 subject_length, Int4 score, GapEditScript* esp)
- {
- gap_align->query_start = q_start;
- gap_align->query_stop = q_end;
- gap_align->subject_start = s_start;
- gap_align->subject_stop = s_end;
- gap_align->score = score;
- if (esp) {
- gap_align->edit_block = GapEditBlockNew(q_start, s_start);
- gap_align->edit_block->start1 = q_start;
- gap_align->edit_block->start2 = s_start;
- gap_align->edit_block->length1 = query_length;
- gap_align->edit_block->length2 = subject_length;
- gap_align->edit_block->original_length1 = query_length;
- gap_align->edit_block->original_length2 = subject_length;
- gap_align->edit_block->frame1 = gap_align->edit_block->frame2 = 1;
- gap_align->edit_block->reverse = 0;
- gap_align->edit_block->esp = esp;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- Int2
- BLAST_GreedyGappedAlignment(Uint1* query, Uint1* subject,
- Int4 query_length, Int4 subject_length, BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params,
- Int4 q_off, Int4 s_off, Boolean compressed_subject, Boolean do_traceback)
- {
- Uint1* q;
- Uint1* s;
- Int4 score;
- Int4 X;
- Int4 q_avail, s_avail;
- /* Variables for the call to MegaBlastGreedyAlign */
- Int4 q_ext_l, q_ext_r, s_ext_l, s_ext_r;
- MBGapEditScript *ed_script_fwd=NULL, *ed_script_rev=NULL;
- Uint1 rem;
- GapEditScript* esp = NULL;
- q_avail = query_length - q_off;
- s_avail = subject_length - s_off;
- q = query + q_off;
- if (!compressed_subject) {
- s = subject + s_off;
- rem = 4; /* Special value to indicate that sequence is already
- uncompressed */
- } else {
- s = subject + s_off/4;
- rem = s_off % 4;
- }
- /* Find where positive scoring starts & ends within the word hit */
- score = 0;
- X = gap_align->gap_x_dropoff;
- if (do_traceback) {
- ed_script_fwd = MBGapEditScriptNew();
- ed_script_rev = MBGapEditScriptNew();
- }
- /* extend to the right */
- score = BLAST_AffineGreedyAlign(s, s_avail, q, q_avail, FALSE, X,
- score_params->reward, -score_params->penalty,
- score_params->gap_open, score_params->gap_extend,
- &s_ext_r, &q_ext_r, gap_align->greedy_align_mem,
- ed_script_fwd, rem);
- if (compressed_subject)
- rem = 0;
- /* extend to the left */
- score += BLAST_AffineGreedyAlign(subject, s_off,
- query, q_off, TRUE, X,
- score_params->reward, -score_params->penalty,
- score_params->gap_open, score_params->gap_extend,
- &s_ext_l, &q_ext_l, gap_align->greedy_align_mem,
- ed_script_rev, rem);
- /* In basic case the greedy algorithm returns number of
- differences, hence we need to convert it to score */
- if (score_params->gap_open==0 && score_params->gap_extend==0) {
- /* Take advantage of an opportunity to easily calculate percent
- identity, to avoid parsing the traceback later */
- gap_align->percent_identity =
- 100*(1 - ((double)score) / MIN(q_ext_l+q_ext_r, s_ext_l+s_ext_r));
- score =
- (q_ext_r + s_ext_r + q_ext_l + s_ext_l)*score_params->reward/2 -
- score*(score_params->reward - score_params->penalty);
- } else if (score_params->reward % 2 == 1) {
- score /= 2;
- }
- if (do_traceback) {
- MBGapEditScriptAppend(ed_script_rev, ed_script_fwd);
- esp = MBToGapEditScript(ed_script_rev);
- }
- MBGapEditScriptFree(ed_script_fwd);
- MBGapEditScriptFree(ed_script_rev);
- BLAST_GapAlignStructFill(gap_align, q_off-q_ext_l,
- s_off-s_ext_l, q_off+q_ext_r,
- s_off+s_ext_r, query_length, subject_length, score, esp);
- return 0;
- }
- /** Performs dynamic programming style gapped extension, given an initial
- * HSP (offset pair), two sequence blocks and scoring and extension options.
- * Note: traceback is not done in this function.
- * @param query_blk The query sequence [in]
- * @param subject_blk The subject sequence [in]
- * @param gap_align The auxiliary structure for gapped alignment [in]
- * @param score_params Parameters related to scoring [in]
- * @param init_hsp The initial HSP that needs to be extended [in]
- */
- static Int2 BLAST_DynProgNtGappedAlignment(BLAST_SequenceBlk* query_blk,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject_blk, BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params, BlastInitHSP* init_hsp)
- {
- Boolean found_start, found_end;
- Int4 q_length=0, s_length=0, score_right, score_left,
- private_q_start, private_s_start;
- Uint1 offset_adjustment;
- Uint1* query,* subject;
- found_start = FALSE;
- found_end = FALSE;
- query = query_blk->sequence;
- subject = subject_blk->sequence;
- score_left = 0;
- /* If subject offset is not at the start of a full byte,
- BLAST_AlignPackedNucl won't work, so shift the alignment start
- to the left */
- offset_adjustment =
- q_length = init_hsp->q_off + offset_adjustment;
- s_length = init_hsp->s_off + offset_adjustment;
- if (q_length != 0 && s_length != 0) {
- found_start = TRUE;
- score_left = BLAST_AlignPackedNucl(query, subject, q_length, s_length,
- &private_q_start, &private_s_start, gap_align,
- score_params, TRUE);
- if (score_left < 0)
- return -1;
- gap_align->query_start = q_length - private_q_start;
- gap_align->subject_start = s_length - private_s_start;
- }
- score_right = 0;
- if (q_length < query_blk->length &&
- s_length < subject_blk->length)
- {
- found_end = TRUE;
- score_right = BLAST_AlignPackedNucl(query+q_length-1,
- subject+(s_length+3)/COMPRESSION_RATIO - 1,
- query_blk->length-q_length,
- subject_blk->length-s_length, &(gap_align->query_stop),
- &(gap_align->subject_stop), gap_align, score_params, FALSE);
- if (score_right < 0)
- return -1;
- gap_align->query_stop += q_length;
- gap_align->subject_stop += s_length;
- }
- if (found_start == FALSE) {
- /* Start never found */
- gap_align->query_start = init_hsp->q_off;
- gap_align->subject_start = init_hsp->s_off;
- }
- if (found_end == FALSE) {
- gap_align->query_stop = init_hsp->q_off - 1;
- gap_align->subject_stop = init_hsp->s_off - 1;
- }
- gap_align->score = score_right+score_left;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Aligns two nucleotide sequences, one (A) should be packed in the
- * same way as the BLAST databases, the other (B) should contain one
- * basepair/byte. Traceback is not done in this function.
- * @param B The query sequence [in]
- * @param A The subject sequence [in]
- * @param N Maximal extension length in query [in]
- * @param M Maximal extension length in subject [in]
- * @param b_offset Resulting starting offset in query [out]
- * @param a_offset Resulting starting offset in subject [out]
- * @param gap_align The auxiliary structure for gapped alignment [in]
- * @param score_params Parameters related to scoring [in]
- * @param reverse_sequence Reverse the sequence.
- * @return The best alignment score found.
- */
- static Int4 BLAST_AlignPackedNucl(Uint1* B, Uint1* A, Int4 N, Int4 M,
- Int4* b_offset, Int4* a_offset,
- BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params,
- Boolean reverse_sequence)
- {
- BlastGapDP* score_array; /* sequence pointers and indices */
- Int4 i;
- Int4 a_index, a_base_pair;
- Int4 b_index, b_size, first_b_index, last_b_index, b_increment;
- Uint1* b_ptr;
- Int4 gap_open; /* alignment penalty variables */
- Int4 gap_extend;
- Int4 gap_open_extend;
- Int4 decline_penalty;
- Int4 x_dropoff;
- Int4* *matrix; /* pointers to the score matrix */
- Int4* matrix_row;
- Int4 score; /* score tracking variables */
- Int4 score_gap_row;
- Int4 score_gap_col;
- Int4 score_decline;
- Int4 next_score;
- Int4 next_score_decline;
- Int4 best_score;
- /* do initialization and sanity-checking */
- matrix = gap_align->sbp->matrix;
- *a_offset = 0;
- *b_offset = 0;
- gap_open = score_params->gap_open;
- gap_extend = score_params->gap_extend;
- gap_open_extend = gap_open + gap_extend;
- decline_penalty = score_params->decline_align;
- x_dropoff = gap_align->gap_x_dropoff;
- if (x_dropoff < gap_open_extend)
- x_dropoff = gap_open_extend;
- if(N <= 0 || M <= 0)
- return 0;
- /* Allocate and fill in the auxiliary
- bookeeping structures (one struct
- per letter of B) */
- score_array = (BlastGapDP*)malloc((N + 2) * sizeof(BlastGapDP));
- score = -gap_open_extend;
- score_array[0].best = 0;
- score_array[0].best_gap = -gap_open_extend;
- score_array[0].best_decline = -gap_open_extend - decline_penalty;
- for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
- if (score < -x_dropoff)
- break;
- score_array[i].best = score;
- score_array[i].best_gap = score - gap_open_extend;
- score_array[i].best_decline = score - gap_open_extend - decline_penalty;
- score -= gap_extend;
- }
- /* The inner loop below examines letters of B from
- index 'first_b_index' to 'b_size' */
- b_size = i;
- best_score = 0;
- first_b_index = 0;
- if (reverse_sequence)
- b_increment = -1;
- else
- b_increment = 1;
- for (a_index = 1; a_index <= M; a_index++) {
- /* pick out the row of the score matrix
- appropriate for A[a_index] */
- if(reverse_sequence) {
- a_base_pair = NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(A[(M-a_index)/4],
- ((a_index-1)%4));
- matrix_row = matrix[a_base_pair];
- }
- else {
- a_base_pair = NCBI2NA_UNPACK_BASE(A[1+((a_index-1)/4)],
- (3-((a_index-1)%4)));
- matrix_row = matrix[a_base_pair];
- }
- if(reverse_sequence)
- b_ptr = &B[N - first_b_index];
- else
- b_ptr = &B[first_b_index];
- /* initialize running-score variables */
- score = MININT;
- score_gap_row = MININT;
- score_decline = MININT;
- last_b_index = first_b_index;
- for (b_index = first_b_index; b_index < b_size; b_index++) {
- b_ptr += b_increment;
- score_gap_col = score_array[b_index].best_gap;
- next_score = score_array[b_index].best + matrix_row[ *b_ptr ];
- next_score_decline = score_array[b_index].best_decline;
- /* decline the alignment if that improves the score */
- score = MAX(score, score_decline);
- /* decline the best row score if that improves it;
- if not, make it the new high score if it's
- an improvement */
- if (score_gap_col < score_decline)
- score_gap_col = score_decline;
- else if (score < score_gap_col)
- score = score_gap_col;
- /* decline the best column score if that improves it;
- if not, make it the new high score if it's
- an improvement */
- if (score_gap_row < score_decline)
- score_gap_row = score_decline;
- else if (score < score_gap_row)
- score = score_gap_row;
- if (best_score - score > x_dropoff) {
- /* the current best score failed the X-dropoff
- criterion. Note that this does not stop the
- inner loop, only forces future iterations to
- skip this column of B.
- Also, if the very first letter of B that was
- tested failed the X dropoff criterion, make
- sure future inner loops start one letter to
- the right */
- if (b_index == first_b_index)
- first_b_index++;
- else
- score_array[b_index].best = MININT;
- }
- else {
- last_b_index = b_index;
- if (score > best_score) {
- best_score = score;
- *a_offset = a_index;
- *b_offset = b_index;
- }
- /* If starting a gap at this position will improve
- the best row, column, or declined alignment score,
- update them to reflect that. */
- score_gap_row -= gap_extend;
- score_gap_col -= gap_extend;
- score_array[b_index].best_gap = MAX(score - gap_open_extend,
- score_gap_col);
- score_gap_row = MAX(score - gap_open_extend, score_gap_row);
- score_array[b_index].best_decline =
- MAX(score_decline, score - gap_open) - decline_penalty;
- score_array[b_index].best = score;
- }
- score = next_score;
- score_decline = next_score_decline;
- }
- /* Finish aligning if the best scores for all positions
- of B will fail the X-dropoff test, i.e. the inner loop
- bounds have converged to each other */
- if (first_b_index == b_size)
- break;
- if (last_b_index < b_size - 1) {
- /* This row failed the X-dropoff test earlier than
- the last row did; just shorten the loop bounds
- before doing the next row */
- b_size = last_b_index + 1;
- }
- else {
- /* The inner loop finished without failing the X-dropoff
- test; initialize extra bookkeeping structures until
- the X dropoff test fails or we run out of letters in B.
- The next inner loop will have larger bounds */
- while (score_gap_row >= (best_score - x_dropoff) && b_size <= N) {
- score_array[b_size].best = score_gap_row;
- score_array[b_size].best_gap = score_gap_row - gap_open_extend;
- score_array[b_size].best_decline = score_gap_row - gap_open -
- decline_penalty;
- score_gap_row -= gap_extend;
- b_size++;
- }
- }
- if (b_size <= N) {
- score_array[b_size].best = MININT;
- score_array[b_size].best_gap = MININT;
- score_array[b_size].best_decline = MININT;
- b_size++;
- }
- }
- sfree(score_array);
- return best_score;
- }
- /** Callback for sorting initial HSPs by score. */
- static int
- score_compare_match(const void* v1, const void* v2)
- {
- BlastInitHSP* h1,* h2;
- h1 = *(BlastInitHSP**) v1;
- h2 = *(BlastInitHSP**) v2;
- if (h1 == NULL || h2 == NULL ||
- !h1->ungapped_data || !h2->ungapped_data)
- return 0;
- if (h1->ungapped_data->score < h2->ungapped_data->score)
- return 1;
- if (h1->ungapped_data->score > h2->ungapped_data->score)
- return -1;
- /* Tie breaks: starting offset in subject; then length
- * (equivalent to ending offset in subject).
- */
- if (h1->ungapped_data->s_start < h2->ungapped_data->s_start)
- return 1;
- if (h1->ungapped_data->s_start > h2->ungapped_data->s_start )
- return -1;
- if (h1->ungapped_data->length < h2->ungapped_data->length)
- return 1;
- if (h1->ungapped_data->length > h2->ungapped_data->length)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- #define HSP_MAX_WINDOW 11
- Int4
- BlastGetStartForGappedAlignment (Uint1* query, Uint1* subject,
- const BlastScoreBlk* sbp, Uint4 q_start, Uint4 q_length,
- Uint4 s_start, Uint4 s_length)
- {
- Int4 index1, max_offset, score, max_score, hsp_end;
- Uint1* query_var,* subject_var;
- Boolean positionBased = (sbp->posMatrix != NULL);
- if (q_length <= HSP_MAX_WINDOW) {
- max_offset = q_start + q_length/2;
- return max_offset;
- }
- hsp_end = q_start + HSP_MAX_WINDOW;
- query_var = query + q_start;
- subject_var = subject + s_start;
- score=0;
- for (index1=q_start; index1<hsp_end; index1++) {
- if (!(positionBased))
- score += sbp->matrix[*query_var][*subject_var];
- else
- score += sbp->posMatrix[index1][*subject_var];
- query_var++; subject_var++;
- }
- max_score = score;
- max_offset = hsp_end - 1;
- hsp_end = q_start + MIN(q_length, s_length);
- for (index1=q_start + HSP_MAX_WINDOW; index1<hsp_end; index1++) {
- if (!(positionBased)) {
- score -= sbp->matrix[*(query_var-HSP_MAX_WINDOW)][*(subject_var-HSP_MAX_WINDOW)];
- score += sbp->matrix[*query_var][*subject_var];
- } else {
- score -= sbp->posMatrix[index1-HSP_MAX_WINDOW][*(subject_var-HSP_MAX_WINDOW)];
- score += sbp->posMatrix[index1][*subject_var];
- }
- if (score > max_score) {
- max_score = score;
- max_offset = index1;
- }
- query_var++; subject_var++;
- }
- if (max_score > 0)
- max_offset -= HSP_MAX_WINDOW/2;
- else
- max_offset = q_start;
- return max_offset;
- }
- static Boolean
- Blast_GappedScorePrelimTest(Uint1 program_number,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* query, BlastQueryInfo* query_info,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject,
- BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params,
- const BlastExtensionParameters* ext_params,
- const BlastHitSavingParameters* hit_params,
- BlastInitHSP** init_hsp_array, Int4 init_hsp_count,
- BlastGappedStats* gapped_stats)
- {
- BlastInitHSP* init_hsp = NULL;
- BlastInitHSP init_hsp_tmp;
- Int4 index;
- BLAST_SequenceBlk query_tmp;
- Int4 context;
- Int4 **orig_pssm;
- Boolean further_process = FALSE;
- Int4 gap_trigger;
- Int4 cutoff_score;
- Boolean is_prot;
- Int4 max_offset;
- Int2 status = 0;
- gap_trigger = ext_params->gap_trigger;
- cutoff_score = hit_params->cutoff_score;
- is_prot = (program_number != blast_type_blastn);
- orig_pssm = gap_align->sbp->posMatrix;
- qsort(init_hsp_array, init_hsp_count,
- sizeof(BlastInitHSP*), score_compare_match);
- /* If no initial HSP passes the e-value threshold so far, check if any
- would do after gapped alignment, and exit if none are found.
- Only attempt to extend initial HSPs whose scores are already above
- gap trigger */
- if (init_hsp_array[0]->ungapped_data &&
- init_hsp_array[0]->ungapped_data->score < cutoff_score) {
- init_hsp_tmp.ungapped_data = NULL;
- for (index=0; index<init_hsp_count; index++) {
- init_hsp = init_hsp_array[index];
- if (init_hsp->ungapped_data &&
- init_hsp->ungapped_data->score < gap_trigger)
- break;
- if (gapped_stats) {
- ++gapped_stats->extra_extensions;
- ++gapped_stats->extensions;
- }
- /* Don't modify initial HSP's coordinates here, because it will be
- done again if further processing is required */
- GetRelativeCoordinates(query, query_info, init_hsp, &query_tmp,
- &init_hsp_tmp, &context);
- if (orig_pssm)
- gap_align->sbp->posMatrix = orig_pssm +
- query_info->context_offsets[context];
- if(is_prot && !score_params->options->is_ooframe) {
- max_offset =
- BlastGetStartForGappedAlignment(query_tmp.sequence,
- subject->sequence, gap_align->sbp,
- init_hsp_tmp.ungapped_data->q_start,
- init_hsp_tmp.ungapped_data->length,
- init_hsp_tmp.ungapped_data->s_start,
- init_hsp_tmp.ungapped_data->length);
- init_hsp_tmp.s_off += max_offset - init_hsp_tmp.q_off;
- init_hsp_tmp.q_off = max_offset;
- }
- if (is_prot) {
- status =
- BLAST_ProtGappedAlignment(program_number, &query_tmp,
- subject, gap_align, score_params, &init_hsp_tmp);
- } else {
- status =
- BLAST_DynProgNtGappedAlignment(&query_tmp, subject,
- gap_align, score_params, &init_hsp_tmp);
- }
- if (status) {
- further_process = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- if (gap_align->score >= cutoff_score) {
- further_process = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- sfree(init_hsp_tmp.ungapped_data);
- } else {
- index = 0;
- further_process = TRUE;
- if (gapped_stats)
- ++gapped_stats->seqs_ungapped_passed;
- }
- if (!further_process) {
- /* Free the ungapped data */
- for (index = 0; index < init_hsp_count; ++index) {
- sfree(init_hsp_array[index]->ungapped_data);
- }
- sfree(init_hsp_array);
- gap_align->sbp->posMatrix = orig_pssm;
- } else if (index > 0) { /* Sort again, if necessary */
- qsort(init_hsp_array, init_hsp_count,
- sizeof(BlastInitHSP*), score_compare_match);
- }
- return further_process;
- }
- Int2 BLAST_GetGappedScore (Uint1 program_number,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* query, BlastQueryInfo* query_info,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject,
- BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params,
- const BlastExtensionParameters* ext_params,
- const BlastHitSavingParameters* hit_params,
- BlastInitHitList* init_hitlist,
- BlastHSPList** hsp_list_ptr, BlastGappedStats* gapped_stats)
- {
- SSeqRange* helper = NULL;
- Boolean hsp_start_is_contained, hsp_end_is_contained;
- Int4 index, index1, next_offset;
- BlastInitHSP* init_hsp = NULL;
- BlastHSP* hsp1 = NULL;
- Int4 q_start, s_start, q_end, s_end;
- Boolean is_prot;
- Int4 max_offset;
- Int2 status = 0;
- Int2 frame = 0; /* CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */
- BlastInitHSP** init_hsp_array = NULL;
- BlastHSPList* hsp_list = NULL;
- const BlastHitSavingOptions* hit_options = hit_params->options;
- BLAST_SequenceBlk query_tmp;
- Int4 context;
- Int4 **orig_pssm;
- if (!query || !subject || !gap_align || !score_params || !ext_params ||
- !hit_params || !init_hitlist || !hsp_list_ptr)
- return 1;
- if (init_hitlist->total == 0)
- return 0;
- is_prot = (program_number != blast_type_blastn);
- orig_pssm = gap_align->sbp->posMatrix;
- if (*hsp_list_ptr == NULL)
- *hsp_list_ptr = hsp_list = Blast_HSPListNew(hit_options->hsp_num_max);
- else
- hsp_list = *hsp_list_ptr;
- init_hsp_array = (BlastInitHSP**)
- malloc(init_hitlist->total*sizeof(BlastInitHSP*));
- for (index = 0; index < init_hitlist->total; ++index)
- init_hsp_array[index] = &init_hitlist->init_hsp_array[index];
- if (!Blast_GappedScorePrelimTest(program_number, query, query_info,
- subject, gap_align, score_params, ext_params, hit_params,
- init_hsp_array, init_hitlist->total, gapped_stats))
- return 0;
- /* helper contains most frequently used information to speed up access. */
- helper = (SSeqRange*) malloc((init_hitlist->total)*sizeof(SSeqRange));
- for (index=0; index<init_hitlist->total; index++)
- {
- hsp_start_is_contained = FALSE;
- hsp_end_is_contained = FALSE;
- init_hsp = init_hsp_array[index];
- /* Now adjust the initial HSP's coordinates. */
- GetRelativeCoordinates(query, query_info, init_hsp, &query_tmp,
- NULL, &context);
- if (orig_pssm)
- gap_align->sbp->posMatrix = orig_pssm +
- query_info->context_offsets[context];
- /* This prefetches this value for the test below. */
- next_offset = init_hsp->q_off;
- if (!init_hsp->ungapped_data) {
- q_start = q_end = next_offset;
- s_start = s_end = init_hsp->s_off;
- } else {
- q_start = init_hsp->ungapped_data->q_start;
- q_end = q_start + init_hsp->ungapped_data->length;
- s_start = init_hsp->ungapped_data->s_start;
- s_end = s_start + init_hsp->ungapped_data->length;
- }
- hsp1 = NULL;
- for (index1=0; index1<hsp_list->hspcnt; index1++)
- {
- hsp_start_is_contained = FALSE;
- hsp_end_is_contained = FALSE;
- hsp1 = hsp_list->hsp_array[index1];
- if (hsp1->context != context)
- continue;
- /* Check with the helper array whether further
- tests are warranted. Having only two ints
- in the helper array speeds up access. */
- if (helper[index1].left <= next_offset &&
- helper[index1].right >= next_offset)
- {
- if (CONTAINED_IN_HSP(hsp1->query.offset, hsp1->query.end, q_start,
- hsp1->subject.offset, hsp1->subject.end, s_start) &&
- (!init_hsp->ungapped_data || (SIGN(hsp1->query.frame) ==
- SIGN(init_hsp->ungapped_data->frame))))
- {
- hsp_start_is_contained = TRUE;
- }
- if (hsp_start_is_contained && (CONTAINED_IN_HSP(hsp1->query.offset,
- hsp1->query.end, q_end, hsp1->subject.offset,
- hsp1->subject.end, s_end)))
- {
- hsp_end_is_contained = TRUE;
- }
- if (hsp_start_is_contained && hsp_end_is_contained &&
- (!init_hsp->ungapped_data ||
- init_hsp->ungapped_data->score <= hsp1->score))
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!hsp_start_is_contained || !hsp_end_is_contained ||
- (hsp1 && init_hsp->ungapped_data &&
- init_hsp->ungapped_data->score > hsp1->score)) {
- BlastHSP* new_hsp;
- if (gapped_stats) {
- ++gapped_stats->extensions;
- }
- if(is_prot && !score_params->options->is_ooframe) {
- max_offset =
- BlastGetStartForGappedAlignment(query_tmp.sequence,
- subject->sequence, gap_align->sbp,
- init_hsp->ungapped_data->q_start,
- init_hsp->ungapped_data->length,
- init_hsp->ungapped_data->s_start,
- init_hsp->ungapped_data->length);
- init_hsp->s_off += max_offset - init_hsp->q_off;
- init_hsp->q_off = max_offset;
- }
- if (is_prot) {
- status = BLAST_ProtGappedAlignment(program_number, &query_tmp,
- subject, gap_align, score_params, init_hsp);
- } else {
- status = BLAST_DynProgNtGappedAlignment(&query_tmp, subject,
- gap_align, score_params, init_hsp);
- }
- if (status) {
- sfree(init_hsp_array);
- gap_align->sbp->posMatrix = orig_pssm;
- return status;
- }
- Blast_HSPInit(gap_align->query_start, gap_align->query_stop,
- gap_align->subject_start, gap_align->subject_stop,
- init_hsp->q_off, init_hsp->s_off,
- context, subject->frame, gap_align->score,
- &(gap_align->edit_block), &new_hsp);
- Blast_HSPListSaveHSP(hsp_list, new_hsp);
- /* Fill in the helper structure. */
- helper[hsp_list->hspcnt - 1].left = gap_align->query_start;
- helper[hsp_list->hspcnt - 1].right = gap_align->query_stop;
- }
- /* Free ungapped data here - it's no longer needed */
- sfree(init_hsp->ungapped_data);
- }
- sfree(init_hsp_array);
- sfree(helper);
- gap_align->sbp->posMatrix = orig_pssm;
- /* Remove any HSPs that share a starting or ending diagonal
- with a higher-scoring HSP. Do not perform this step with RPS
- blast, because the alignments can change during the traceback
- and thus may not share any diagonals later */
- if (is_prot && program_number != blast_type_rpsblast) {
- hsp_list->hspcnt =
- CheckGappedAlignmentsForOverlap(hsp_list->hsp_array,
- hsp_list->hspcnt, frame);
- }
- *hsp_list_ptr = hsp_list;
- return status;
- }
- /** Out-of-frame gapped alignment.
- * @param query Query sequence [in]
- * @param subject Subject sequence [in]
- * @param q_off Offset in query [in]
- * @param s_off Offset in subject [in]
- * @param S Start of the traceback buffer [in]
- * @param private_q_start Extent of alignment in query [out]
- * @param private_s_start Extent of alignment in subject [out]
- * @param score_only Return score only, without traceback [in]
- * @param sapp End of the traceback buffer [out]
- * @param gap_align Gapped alignment information and preallocated
- * memory [in] [out]
- * @param score_params Scoring parameters [in]
- * @param psi_offset Starting position in PSI-BLAST matrix [in]
- * @param reversed Direction of the extension [in]
- * @param switch_seq Sequences need to be switched for blastx,
- * but not for tblastn [in]
- */
- static Int4
- OOF_SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(Uint1* query, Uint1* subject, Int4 q_off,
- Int4 s_off, Int4* S, Int4* private_q_start, Int4* private_s_start,
- Boolean score_only, Int4** sapp, BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params, Int4 psi_offset,
- Boolean reversed, Boolean switch_seq)
- {
- if (switch_seq) {
- return OOF_SEMI_G_ALIGN(subject, query, s_off, q_off, S,
- private_s_start, private_q_start, score_only, sapp,
- gap_align, score_params, psi_offset, reversed);
- } else {
- return OOF_SEMI_G_ALIGN(query, subject, q_off, s_off, S,
- private_q_start, private_s_start, score_only, sapp,
- gap_align, score_params, psi_offset, reversed);
- }
- }
- #define MAX_SUBJECT_OFFSET 90000
- #define MAX_TOTAL_GAPS 3000
- void
- AdjustSubjectRange(Int4* subject_offset_ptr, Int4* subject_length_ptr,
- Int4 query_offset, Int4 query_length, Int4* start_shift)
- {
- Int4 s_offset;
- Int4 subject_length = *subject_length_ptr;
- Int4 max_extension_left, max_extension_right;
- /* If subject sequence is not too long, leave everything as is */
- if (subject_length < MAX_SUBJECT_OFFSET) {
- *start_shift = 0;
- return;
- }
- s_offset = *subject_offset_ptr;
- /* Maximal extension length is the remaining length in the query, plus
- an estimate of a maximal total number of gaps. */
- max_extension_left = query_offset + MAX_TOTAL_GAPS;
- max_extension_right = query_length - query_offset + MAX_TOTAL_GAPS;
- if (s_offset <= max_extension_left) {
- *start_shift = 0;
- } else {
- *start_shift = s_offset - max_extension_left;
- *subject_offset_ptr = max_extension_left;
- }
- if (subject_length - s_offset > max_extension_right) {
- *subject_length_ptr = s_offset + max_extension_right - *start_shift;
- }
- }
- /** Performs gapped extension for protein sequences, given two
- * sequence blocks, scoring and extension options, and an initial HSP
- * with information from the previously performed ungapped extension
- * @param program BLAST program [in]
- * @param query_blk The query sequence block [in]
- * @param subject_blk The subject sequence block [in]
- * @param gap_align The auxiliary structure for gapped alignment [in]
- * @param score_params Parameters related to scoring [in]
- * @param init_hsp The initial HSP information [in]
- */
- static Int2 BLAST_ProtGappedAlignment(Uint1 program,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* query_blk, BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject_blk,
- BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params, BlastInitHSP* init_hsp)
- {
- Boolean found_start, found_end;
- Int4 q_length=0, s_length=0, score_right, score_left;
- Int4 private_q_start, private_s_start;
- Uint1* query=NULL,* subject=NULL;
- Boolean switch_seq = FALSE;
- Int4 query_length = query_blk->length;
- Int4 subject_length = subject_blk->length;
- Int4 subject_shift = 0;
- BlastScoringOptions *score_options = score_params->options;
- if (gap_align == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- if (score_options->is_ooframe) {
- q_length = init_hsp->q_off;
- s_length = init_hsp->s_off;
- if (program == blast_type_blastx) {
- subject = subject_blk->sequence + s_length;
- query = query_blk->oof_sequence + CODON_LENGTH + q_length;
- query_length -= CODON_LENGTH - 1;
- switch_seq = TRUE;
- } else if (program == blast_type_tblastn ||
- program == blast_type_rpstblastn) {
- subject = subject_blk->oof_sequence + CODON_LENGTH + s_length;
- query = query_blk->sequence + q_length;
- subject_length -= CODON_LENGTH - 1;
- }
- } else {
- q_length = init_hsp->q_off + 1;
- s_length = init_hsp->s_off + 1;
- query = query_blk->sequence;
- subject = subject_blk->sequence;
- }
- AdjustSubjectRange(&s_length, &subject_length, q_length, query_length,
- &subject_shift);
- found_start = FALSE;
- found_end = FALSE;
- /* Looking for "left" score */
- score_left = 0;
- if (q_length != 0 && s_length != 0) {
- found_start = TRUE;
- if(score_options->is_ooframe) {
- score_left = OOF_SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query, subject, q_length, s_length,
- NULL, &private_q_start, &private_s_start, TRUE, NULL,
- gap_align, score_params, q_length, TRUE, switch_seq);
- } else {
- score_left = SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query, subject+subject_shift, q_length,
- s_length, NULL,
- &private_q_start, &private_s_start, TRUE, NULL, gap_align,
- score_params, init_hsp->q_off, FALSE, TRUE);
- }
- gap_align->query_start = q_length - private_q_start;
- gap_align->subject_start = s_length - private_s_start + subject_shift;
- }
- score_right = 0;
- if (q_length < query_length && s_length < subject_length) {
- found_end = TRUE;
- if(score_options->is_ooframe) {
- score_right = OOF_SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query-1, subject-1,
- query_length-q_length+1, subject_length-s_length+1,
- NULL, &(gap_align->query_stop), &(gap_align->subject_stop),
- TRUE, NULL, gap_align,
- score_params, q_length, FALSE, switch_seq);
- gap_align->query_stop += q_length;
- gap_align->subject_stop += s_length + subject_shift;
- } else {
- score_right = SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query+init_hsp->q_off,
- subject+init_hsp->s_off, query_length-q_length,
- subject_length-s_length, NULL, &(gap_align->query_stop),
- &(gap_align->subject_stop), TRUE, NULL, gap_align,
- score_params, init_hsp->q_off, FALSE, FALSE);
- /* Make end offsets point to the byte after the end of the
- alignment */
- gap_align->query_stop += init_hsp->q_off + 1;
- gap_align->subject_stop += init_hsp->s_off + 1;
- }
- }
- if (found_start == FALSE) { /* Start never found */
- gap_align->query_start = init_hsp->q_off;
- gap_align->subject_start = init_hsp->s_off;
- }
- if (found_end == FALSE) {
- gap_align->query_stop = init_hsp->q_off - 1;
- gap_align->subject_stop = init_hsp->s_off - 1;
- if(score_options->is_ooframe) { /* Do we really need this ??? */
- gap_align->query_stop++;
- gap_align->subject_stop++;
- }
- }
- gap_align->score = score_right+score_left;
- return 0;
- }
- /** Copy of the TracebackToGapXEditBlock function from gapxdrop.c, only
- * without 2 unused arguments
- * @param S The traceback obtained from ALIGN [in]
- * @param M Length of alignment in query [in]
- * @param N Length of alignment in subject [in]
- * @param start1 Starting query offset [in]
- * @param start2 Starting subject offset [in]
- * @param edit_block The constructed edit block [out]
- */
- Int2
- BLAST_TracebackToGapEditBlock(Int4* S, Int4 M, Int4 N, Int4 start1,
- Int4 start2, GapEditBlock** edit_block)
- {
- Int4 i, j, op, number_of_subs, number_of_decline;
- GapEditScript* e_script;
- if (S == NULL)
- return -1;
- i = j = op = number_of_subs = number_of_decline = 0;
- *edit_block = GapEditBlockNew(start1, start2);
- (*edit_block)->esp = e_script = GapEditScriptNew(NULL);
- while(i < M || j < N)
- {
- op = *S;
- if (op != MININT && number_of_decline > 0)
- {
- e_script->op_type = eGapAlignDecline;
- e_script->num = number_of_decline;
- e_script = GapEditScriptNew(e_script);
- number_of_decline = 0;
- }
- if (op != 0 && number_of_subs > 0)
- {
- e_script->op_type = eGapAlignSub;
- e_script->num = number_of_subs;
- e_script = GapEditScriptNew(e_script);
- number_of_subs = 0;
- }
- if (op == 0) {
- i++; j++; number_of_subs++;
- } else if (op == MININT) {
- i++; j++;
- number_of_decline++;
- }
- else
- {
- if(op > 0)
- {
- e_script->op_type = eGapAlignDel;
- e_script->num = op;
- j += op;
- if (i < M || j < N)
- e_script = GapEditScriptNew(e_script);
- }
- else
- {
- e_script->op_type = eGapAlignIns;
- e_script->num = ABS(op);
- i += ABS(op);
- if (i < M || j < N)
- e_script = GapEditScriptNew(e_script);
- }
- }
- S++;
- }
- if (number_of_subs > 0)
- {
- e_script->op_type = eGapAlignSub;
- e_script->num = number_of_subs;
- } else if (number_of_decline > 0) {
- e_script->op_type = eGapAlignDecline;
- e_script->num = number_of_decline;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /** Converts a OOF traceback from the gapped alignment to a GapEditBlock.
- * This function is for out-of-frame gapping:
- * index1 is for the protein, index2 is for the nucleotides.
- * 0: deletion of a dna codon, i.e dash aligned with a protein letter.
- * 1: one nucleotide vs a protein, deletion of 2 nuc.
- * 2: 2 nucleotides aligned with a protein, i.e deletion of one nuc.
- * 3: substitution, 3 nucleotides vs an amino acid.
- * 4: 4 nuc vs an amino acid.
- * 5: 5 nuc vs an amino acid.
- * 6: a codon aligned with a dash. opposite of 0.
- */
- static Int2
- BLAST_OOFTracebackToGapEditBlock(Int4* S, Int4 q_length,
- Int4 s_length, Int4 q_start, Int4 s_start, Uint1 program,
- GapEditBlock** edit_block_ptr)
- {
- register Int4 current_val, last_val, number, index1, index2;
- Int4 M, N;
- GapEditScript* e_script;
- GapEditBlock* edit_block;
- if (S == NULL)
- return -1;
- number = 0;
- index1 = 0;
- index2 = 0;
- *edit_block_ptr = edit_block = GapEditBlockNew(q_start, s_start);
- edit_block->is_ooframe = TRUE;
- if (program == blast_type_blastx) {
- M = s_length;
- N = q_length;
- } else {
- M = q_length;
- N = s_length;
- }
- edit_block->esp = e_script = GapEditScriptNew(NULL);
- last_val = *S;
- /* index1, M - index and length of protein,
- index2, N - length of the nucleotide */
- for(index1 = 0, index2 = 0; index1 < M && index2 < N; S++, number++) {
- current_val = *S;
- /* New script element will be created for any new frameshift
- region 0,3,6 will be collected in a single segment */
- if (current_val != last_val || (current_val%3 != 0 &&
- edit_block->esp != e_script)) {
- e_script->num = number;
- e_script = GapEditScriptNew(e_script);
- /* if(last_val%3 != 0 && current_val%3 == 0) */
- if(last_val%3 != 0 && current_val == eGapAlignSub)
- /* 1, 2, 4, 5 vs. 0, 3, 6*/
- number = 1;
- else
- number = 0;
- }
- last_val = current_val;
- /* for out_of_frame == TRUE - we have op_type == S parameter */
- e_script->op_type = current_val;
- if(current_val != eGapAlignIns) {
- index1++;
- index2 += current_val;
- } else {
- index2 += 3;
- }
- }
- /* Get the last one. */
- e_script->num = number;
- return 0;
- }
- Int2 BLAST_GappedAlignmentWithTraceback(Uint1 program, Uint1* query,
- Uint1* subject, BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params,
- Int4 q_start, Int4 s_start, Int4 query_length, Int4 subject_length)
- {
- Boolean found_start, found_end;
- Int4 score_right, score_left, private_q_length, private_s_length, tmp;
- Int4 q_length, s_length;
- Int4 prev;
- Int4* tback,* tback1,* p = NULL,* q;
- Boolean is_ooframe = score_params->options->is_ooframe;
- Int2 status = 0;
- Boolean switch_seq = FALSE;
- if (gap_align == NULL)
- return -1;
- found_start = FALSE;
- found_end = FALSE;
- q_length = query_length;
- s_length = subject_length;
- if (is_ooframe) {
- /* The mixed frame sequence is shifted to the 3rd position, so its
- maximal available length for extension is less by 2 than its
- total length. */
- switch_seq = (program == blast_type_blastx);
- if (switch_seq) {
- q_length -= CODON_LENGTH - 1;
- } else {
- s_length -= CODON_LENGTH - 1;
- }
- }
- tback = tback1 = (Int4*)
- malloc((s_length + q_length)*sizeof(Int4));
- score_left = 0; prev = 3;
- found_start = TRUE;
- if(is_ooframe) {
- /* NB: Left extension does not include starting point corresponding
- to the offset pair; the right extension does. */
- score_left =
- OOF_SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query+q_start, subject+s_start, q_start,
- s_start, tback, &private_q_length, &private_s_length, FALSE,
- &tback1, gap_align, score_params, q_start, TRUE, switch_seq);
- gap_align->query_start = q_start - private_q_length;
- gap_align->subject_start = s_start - private_s_length;
- } else {
- /* NB: The left extension includes the starting point
- [q_start,s_start]; the right extension does not. */
- score_left =
- SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query, subject, q_start+1, s_start+1, tback,
- &private_q_length, &private_s_length, FALSE, &tback1,
- gap_align, score_params, q_start, FALSE, TRUE);
- gap_align->query_start = q_start - private_q_length + 1;
- gap_align->subject_start = s_start - private_s_length + 1;
- }
- for(p = tback, q = tback1-1; p < q; p++, q--) {
- tmp = *p;
- *p = *q;
- *q = tmp;
- }
- if(is_ooframe){
- for (prev = 3, p = tback; p < tback1; p++) {
- if (*p == 0 || *p == 6) continue;
- tmp = *p; *p = prev; prev = tmp;
- }
- }
- score_right = 0;
- if ((q_start < q_length) && (s_start < s_length)) {
- found_end = TRUE;
- if(is_ooframe) {
- score_right =
- OOF_SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query+q_start-1, subject+s_start-1,
- q_length-q_start, s_length-s_start,
- tback1, &private_q_length, &private_s_length, FALSE,
- &tback1, gap_align, score_params, q_start, FALSE, switch_seq);
- if (prev != 3 && p) {
- while (*p == 0 || *p == 6) p++;
- *p = prev+*p-3;
- }
- } else {
- score_right =
- SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query+q_start, subject+s_start,
- q_length-q_start-1, s_length-s_start-1,
- tback1, &private_q_length, &private_s_length, FALSE,
- &tback1, gap_align, score_params, q_start, FALSE, FALSE);
- }
- gap_align->query_stop = q_start + private_q_length + 1;
- gap_align->subject_stop = s_start + private_s_length + 1;
- }
- if (found_start == FALSE) { /* Start never found */
- gap_align->query_start = q_start;
- gap_align->subject_start = s_start;
- }
- if (found_end == FALSE) {
- gap_align->query_stop = q_start - 1;
- gap_align->subject_stop = s_start - 1;
- }
- if(is_ooframe) {
- status = BLAST_OOFTracebackToGapEditBlock(tback,
- gap_align->query_stop-gap_align->query_start,
- gap_align->subject_stop-gap_align->subject_start,
- gap_align->query_start, gap_align->subject_start,
- program, &gap_align->edit_block);
- } else {
- status = BLAST_TracebackToGapEditBlock(tback,
- gap_align->query_stop-gap_align->query_start,
- gap_align->subject_stop-gap_align->subject_start,
- gap_align->query_start, gap_align->subject_start,
- &gap_align->edit_block);
- }
- gap_align->edit_block->length1 = query_length;
- gap_align->edit_block->length2 = subject_length;
- #if 0 /** How can these be assigned???? This data is now not in gap_align. */
- gap_align->edit_block->translate1 = gap_align->translate1;
- gap_align->edit_block->translate2 = gap_align->translate2;
- gap_align->edit_block->discontinuous = gap_align->discontinuous;
- #endif
- sfree(tback);
- gap_align->score = score_right+score_left;
- return status;
- }
- static Int4
- GetPatternLengthFromGapAlignStruct(BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align)
- {
- /* Kludge: pattern lengths are saved in the output structure member
- query_stop. Probably should be changed??? */
- return gap_align->query_stop;
- }
- Int2 PHIGappedAlignmentWithTraceback(Uint1 program,
- Uint1* query, Uint1* subject,
- BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params,
- Int4 q_start, Int4 s_start, Int4 query_length, Int4 subject_length)
- {
- Boolean found_end;
- Int4 score_right, score_left, private_q_length, private_s_length, tmp;
- Int4* tback,* tback1,* p = NULL,* q;
- Int2 status = 0;
- Int4 pat_length;
- if (gap_align == NULL)
- return -1;
- found_end = FALSE;
- tback = tback1 = (Int4*)
- malloc((subject_length + query_length)*sizeof(Int4));
- score_left = 0;
- score_left =
- SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query, subject, q_start, s_start, tback,
- &private_q_length, &private_s_length, FALSE, &tback1,
- gap_align, score_params, q_start, FALSE, TRUE);
- gap_align->query_start = q_start - private_q_length;
- gap_align->subject_start = s_start - private_s_length;
- for(p = tback, q = tback1-1; p < q; p++, q--) {
- tmp = *p;
- *p = *q;
- *q = tmp;
- }
- pat_length = GetPatternLengthFromGapAlignStruct(gap_align);
- memset(tback1, 0, pat_length*sizeof(Int4));
- tback1 += pat_length;
- score_right = 0;
- q_start += pat_length - 1;
- s_start += pat_length - 1;
- if ((q_start < query_length) && (s_start < subject_length)) {
- found_end = TRUE;
- score_right =
- SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query+q_start, subject+s_start,
- query_length-q_start-1, subject_length-s_start-1,
- tback1, &private_q_length, &private_s_length, FALSE,
- &tback1, gap_align, score_params, q_start, FALSE, FALSE);
- gap_align->query_stop = q_start + private_q_length + 1;
- gap_align->subject_stop = s_start + private_s_length + 1;
- }
- if (found_end == FALSE) {
- gap_align->query_stop = q_start;
- gap_align->subject_stop = s_start;
- }
- status = BLAST_TracebackToGapEditBlock(tback,
- gap_align->query_stop-gap_align->query_start,
- gap_align->subject_stop-gap_align->subject_start,
- gap_align->query_start, gap_align->subject_start,
- &gap_align->edit_block);
- gap_align->edit_block->length1 = query_length;
- gap_align->edit_block->length2 = subject_length;
- sfree(tback);
- gap_align->score = score_right+score_left;
- return status;
- }
- Int2 BLAST_GetUngappedHSPList(BlastInitHitList* init_hitlist,
- BlastQueryInfo* query_info, BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject,
- const BlastHitSavingOptions* hit_options,
- BlastHSPList** hsp_list_ptr)
- {
- BlastHSPList* hsp_list = NULL;
- Int4 index;
- BlastInitHSP* init_hsp;
- Int4 context;
- /* The BlastHSPList structure can be allocated and passed from outside */
- if (*hsp_list_ptr != NULL)
- hsp_list = *hsp_list_ptr;
- if (!init_hitlist) {
- if (!hsp_list)
- *hsp_list_ptr = NULL;
- else
- hsp_list->hspcnt = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- for (index = 0; index < init_hitlist->total; ++index) {
- BlastHSP* new_hsp;
- BlastUngappedData* ungapped_data=NULL;
- init_hsp = &init_hitlist->init_hsp_array[index];
- if (!init_hsp->ungapped_data)
- continue;
- /* Adjust the initial HSP's coordinates in case of concatenated
- multiple queries/strands/frames */
- GetRelativeCoordinates(NULL, query_info, init_hsp, NULL,
- NULL, &context);
- if (!hsp_list) {
- hsp_list = Blast_HSPListNew(hit_options->hsp_num_max);
- *hsp_list_ptr = hsp_list;
- }
- ungapped_data = init_hsp->ungapped_data;
- Blast_HSPInit(ungapped_data->q_start, ungapped_data->length+ungapped_data->q_start,
- ungapped_data->s_start, ungapped_data->length+ungapped_data->s_start,
- init_hsp->q_off, init_hsp->s_off,
- context, subject->frame, ungapped_data->score,
- NULL, &new_hsp);
- Blast_HSPListSaveHSP(hsp_list, new_hsp);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /** Performs gapped extension for PHI BLAST, given two
- * sequence blocks, scoring and extension options, and an initial HSP
- * with information from the previously performed ungapped extension
- * @param program BLAST program [in]
- * @param query_blk The query sequence block [in]
- * @param subject_blk The subject sequence block [in]
- * @param gap_align The auxiliary structure for gapped alignment [in]
- * @param score_params Parameters related to scoring [in]
- * @param init_hsp The initial HSP information [in]
- */
- static Int2 PHIGappedAlignment(Uint1 program,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* query_blk, BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject_blk,
- BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params, BlastInitHSP* init_hsp)
- {
- Boolean found_start, found_end;
- Int4 q_length=0, s_length=0, score_right, score_left;
- Int4 private_q_start, private_s_start;
- Uint1* query,* subject;
- if (gap_align == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- q_length = init_hsp->q_off;
- s_length = init_hsp->s_off;
- query = query_blk->sequence;
- subject = subject_blk->sequence;
- found_start = FALSE;
- found_end = FALSE;
- /* Looking for "left" score */
- score_left = 0;
- if (q_length != 0 && s_length != 0) {
- found_start = TRUE;
- score_left =
- SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query, subject, q_length, s_length, NULL,
- &private_q_start, &private_s_start, TRUE, NULL, gap_align,
- score_params, init_hsp->q_off, FALSE, TRUE);
- gap_align->query_start = q_length - private_q_start + 1;
- gap_align->subject_start = s_length - private_s_start + 1;
- } else {
- q_length = init_hsp->q_off;
- s_length = init_hsp->s_off;
- }
- /* Pattern itself is not included in the gapped alignment */
- q_length += init_hsp->ungapped_data->length - 1;
- s_length += init_hsp->ungapped_data->length - 1;
- score_right = 0;
- if (init_hsp->q_off < query_blk->length &&
- init_hsp->s_off < subject_blk->length) {
- found_end = TRUE;
- score_right = SEMI_G_ALIGN_EX(query+q_length,
- subject+s_length, query_blk->length-q_length,
- subject_blk->length-s_length, NULL, &(gap_align->query_stop),
- &(gap_align->subject_stop), TRUE, NULL, gap_align,
- score_params, q_length, FALSE, FALSE);
- gap_align->query_stop += q_length;
- gap_align->subject_stop += s_length;
- }
- if (found_start == FALSE) { /* Start never found */
- gap_align->query_start = init_hsp->q_off;
- gap_align->subject_start = init_hsp->s_off;
- }
- if (found_end == FALSE) {
- gap_align->query_stop = init_hsp->q_off - 1;
- gap_align->subject_stop = init_hsp->s_off - 1;
- }
- gap_align->score = score_right+score_left;
- return 0;
- }
- Int2 PHIGetGappedScore (Uint1 program_number,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* query, BlastQueryInfo* query_info,
- BLAST_SequenceBlk* subject,
- BlastGapAlignStruct* gap_align,
- const BlastScoringParameters* score_params,
- const BlastExtensionParameters* ext_params,
- const BlastHitSavingParameters* hit_params,
- BlastInitHitList* init_hitlist,
- BlastHSPList** hsp_list_ptr, BlastGappedStats* gapped_stats)
- {
- BlastHSPList* hsp_list;
- BlastInitHSP** init_hsp_array;
- BlastInitHSP* init_hsp;
- Int4 index;
- Int2 status = 0;
- BlastHitSavingOptions* hit_options;
- BLAST_SequenceBlk query_tmp;
- Int4 context;
- if (!query || !subject || !gap_align || !score_params || !ext_params ||
- !hit_params || !init_hitlist || !hsp_list_ptr)
- return 1;
- if (init_hitlist->total == 0)
- return 0;
- hit_options = hit_params->options;
- if (*hsp_list_ptr == NULL)
- *hsp_list_ptr = hsp_list = Blast_HSPListNew(hit_options->hsp_num_max);
- else
- hsp_list = *hsp_list_ptr;
- init_hsp_array = (BlastInitHSP**)
- malloc(init_hitlist->total*sizeof(BlastInitHSP*));
- for (index = 0; index < init_hitlist->total; ++index)
- init_hsp_array[index] = &init_hitlist->init_hsp_array[index];
- for (index=0; index<init_hitlist->total; index++)
- {
- BlastHSP* new_hsp;
- init_hsp = init_hsp_array[index];
- if (gapped_stats)
- ++gapped_stats->extensions;
- /* Adjust the initial HSP's coordinates to ones relative to an
- individual query sequence */
- GetRelativeCoordinates(query, query_info, init_hsp, &query_tmp,
- NULL, &context);
- status = PHIGappedAlignment(program_number, &query_tmp,
- subject, gap_align, score_params, init_hsp);
- if (status) {
- sfree(init_hsp_array);
- return status;
- }
- Blast_HSPInit(gap_align->query_start, gap_align->query_stop,
- gap_align->subject_start, gap_align->subject_stop,
- init_hsp->q_off, init_hsp->s_off,
- context, subject->frame, gap_align->score,
- &(gap_align->edit_block), &new_hsp);
- new_hsp->pattern_length = init_hsp->ungapped_data->length;
- Blast_HSPListSaveHSP(hsp_list, new_hsp);
- /* Free ungapped data here - it's no longer needed */
- sfree(init_hsp->ungapped_data);
- }
- sfree(init_hsp_array);
- *hsp_list_ptr = hsp_list;
- return status;
- }