- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: ncbi_socket.hpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.3 2003/12/02 20:27:51 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: ncbi_socket.hpp,v 1000.3 2003/12/02 20:27:51 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Denis Vakatov, Anton Lavrentiev
- *
- * File Description:
- * C++ wrapper for the C "SOCK" API (UNIX, MS-Win, MacOS, Darwin)
- * NOTE: for more details and documentation see "ncbi_socket.h"
- * CSocket
- * CListeningSocket
- * CSocketAPI
- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include <connect/ncbi_socket.h>
- #include <corelib/ncbitype.h>
- #include <corelib/ncbimisc.hpp>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- /** @addtogroup Sockets
- *
- * @{
- */
- enum ECopyTimeout {
- eCopyTimeoutsFromSOCK,
- eCopyTimeoutsToSOCK
- };
- {
- public:
- virtual
- EIO_Status GetOSHandle(void* handle_buf, size_t handle_size) const = 0;
- protected:
- CPollable(void) { };
- virtual ~CPollable(void) { };
- private:
- // disable copy constructor and assignment
- CPollable(const CPollable&);
- CPollable& operator= (const CPollable&);
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CSocket::
- //
- // NOTE: For documentation see SOCK_***() functions in "ncbi_socket.h".
- // Initially, all timeouts are infinite.
- //
- class NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT CSocket : public CPollable
- {
- public:
- CSocket(void);
- // Create a client-side socket connected to "host:port".
- // NOTE 1: the created underlying "SOCK" will be owned by the "CSocket";
- // NOTE 2: timeout from the argument becomes new eIO_Open timeout.
- CSocket(const string& host,
- unsigned short port, // always in host byte order
- const STimeout* timeout = kInfiniteTimeout,
- ESwitch log = eDefault);
- // Call Close(), then self-destruct
- virtual ~CSocket(void);
- // Direction is one of
- // eIO_Open - return eIO_Success if CSocket is okay and open,
- // eIO_Closed if closed by Close() or not yet open;
- // eIO_Read - status of last read operation;
- // eIO_Write - status of last write operation.
- // Direction eIO_Close and eIO_ReadWrite generate eIO_InvalidArg error.
- EIO_Status GetStatus(EIO_Event direction) const;
- // Connect to "host:port".
- // NOTE 1: should not be called if already connected;
- // NOTE 2: timeout from the argument becomes new eIO_Open timeout.
- EIO_Status Connect(const string& host,
- unsigned short port, // always in host byte order
- const STimeout* timeout = kDefaultTimeout,
- ESwitch log = eDefault);
- // Reconnect to the same address.
- // NOTE 1: the socket must not be closed by the time this call is made;
- // NOTE 2: not for the sockets created by CListeningSocket::Accept();
- // NOTE 3: timeout from the argument becomes new eIO_Open timeout.
- EIO_Status Reconnect(const STimeout* timeout = kDefaultTimeout);
- EIO_Status Shutdown(EIO_Event how);
- // NOTE: closes the undelying SOCK only if it is owned by this "CSocket"!
- EIO_Status Close(void);
- // NOTE: use CSocketAPI::Poll() to wait on several sockets at once
- EIO_Status Wait(EIO_Event event, const STimeout* timeout);
- // NOTE 1: by default, initially all timeouts are infinite;
- // NOTE 2: SetTimeout(..., kDefaultTimeout) has no effect;
- // Note 3: GetTimeout(eIO_ReadWrite) returns the least
- // of eIO_Read and eIO_Write ones.
- EIO_Status SetTimeout(EIO_Event event, const STimeout* timeout);
- const STimeout* GetTimeout(EIO_Event event) const;
- EIO_Status Read(void* buf, size_t size, size_t* n_read = 0,
- EIO_ReadMethod how = eIO_ReadPlain);
- EIO_Status PushBack(const void* buf, size_t size);
- EIO_Status Write(const void* buf, size_t size, size_t* n_written = 0,
- EIO_WriteMethod how = eIO_WritePersist);
- EIO_Status Abort(void);
- // NOTE 1: either of "host", "port" can be NULL to opt out from
- // obtaining the corresponding value;
- // NOTE 2: both "*host" and "*port" come out in the same
- // byte order requested by the third argument.
- void GetPeerAddress(unsigned int* host, unsigned short* port,
- ENH_ByteOrder byte_order) const;
- // Return textual string representing the peer's address
- string GetPeerAddress(void) const;
- // Specify if this "CSocket" is to own the underlying "SOCK".
- // Return previous ownership mode.
- EOwnership SetOwnership(EOwnership if_to_own);
- // Access to the underlying "SOCK" and the system-specific socket handle.
- SOCK GetSOCK (void) const;
- virtual EIO_Status GetOSHandle(void* handle_buf, size_t handle_size) const;
- // NOTE: use CSocketAPI::SetReadOnWrite() to set the default value
- ESwitch SetReadOnWrite(ESwitch read_on_write = eOn);
- // NOTE: use CSocketAPI::SetDataLogging() to set the default value
- ESwitch SetDataLogging(ESwitch log = eOn);
- // NOTE: use CSocketAPI::SetInterruptOnSignal() to set the default value
- ESwitch SetInterruptOnSignal(ESwitch interrupt = eOn);
- // NOTE: use CSocketAPI::SetReuseAddress() to set the default value
- void SetReuseAddress(ESwitch reuse = eOff);
- bool IsClientSide(void) const;
- bool IsServerSide(void) const;
- bool IsDatagram (void) const;
- // Close the current underlying "SOCK" (if any, and if owned),
- // and from now on use "sock" as the underlying "SOCK" instead.
- // NOTE: "if_to_own" applies to the (new) "sock"
- void Reset(SOCK sock, EOwnership if_to_own, ECopyTimeout whence);
- protected:
- SOCK m_Socket;
- EOwnership m_IsOwned;
- private:
- // disable copy constructor and assignment
- CSocket(const CSocket&);
- CSocket& operator= (const CSocket&);
- // Timeouts
- STimeout* o_timeout; // eIO_Open
- STimeout* r_timeout; // eIO_Read
- STimeout* w_timeout; // eIO_Write
- STimeout* c_timeout; // eIO_Close
- STimeout oo_timeout; // storage for o_timeout
- STimeout rr_timeout; // storage for r_timeout
- STimeout ww_timeout; // storage for w_timeout
- STimeout cc_timeout; // storage for c_timeout
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CDatagramSocket::
- //
- // Datagram socket
- //
- // NOTE: for documentation see DSOCK_***() functions in "ncbi_socket.h"
- //
- class NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT CDatagramSocket : public CSocket
- {
- public:
- // NOTE: the created underlying "SOCK" will be owned by the object
- CDatagramSocket(ESwitch do_log = eDefault);
- EIO_Status Bind(unsigned short port);
- // NOTE: unlike system's connect() this method only specifies the default
- // destination, and does not restrict the source of the incoming messages.
- EIO_Status Connect(const string& host, unsigned short port);
- EIO_Status Wait(const STimeout* timeout = kInfiniteTimeout);
- EIO_Status Send(const void* data = 0,
- size_t datalen = 0,
- const string& host = string(),
- unsigned short port = 0);
- EIO_Status Recv(void* buf = 0,
- size_t buflen = 0,
- size_t* msglen = 0,
- string* sender_host = 0,
- unsigned short* sender_port = 0,
- size_t maxmsglen = 0);
- EIO_Status Clear(EIO_Event direction);
- EIO_Status SetBroadcast(bool do_broadcast = true);
- protected:
- // NOTE: these calls are not valid with datagram sockets
- EIO_Status Shutdown(EIO_Event how);
- EIO_Status Reconnect(const STimeout* timeout);
- EIO_Status Abort(void);
- private:
- // disable copy constructor and assignment
- CDatagramSocket(const CDatagramSocket&);
- CDatagramSocket& operator= (const CDatagramSocket&);
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CListeningSocket::
- //
- // Listening socket (to accept connections on the server side)
- //
- // NOTE: for documentation see LSOCK_***() functions in "ncbi_socket.h"
- //
- class NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT CListeningSocket : public CPollable
- {
- public:
- CListeningSocket(void);
- // NOTE: "port" ought to be in host byte order
- CListeningSocket(unsigned short port, unsigned short backlog = 5);
- // Call Close(), then self-destruct
- virtual ~CListeningSocket(void);
- // Return eIO_Success if CListeningSocket is opened and bound;
- // Return eIO_Closed if not yet bound or Close()'d.
- EIO_Status GetStatus(void) const;
- // NOTE: "port" ought to be in host byte order
- EIO_Status Listen(unsigned short port, unsigned short backlog = 5);
- // NOTE: the created "CSocket" will own its underlying "SOCK"
- EIO_Status Accept(CSocket*& sock,
- const STimeout* timeout = kInfiniteTimeout) const;
- EIO_Status Accept(CSocket& sock,
- const STimeout* timeout = kInfiniteTimeout) const;
- // NOTE: closes the undelying LSOCK only if it is owned by this object!
- EIO_Status Close(void);
- // Specify if this "CListeningSocket" is to own the underlying "LSOCK".
- // Return previous ownership mode.
- EOwnership SetOwnership(EOwnership if_to_own);
- // Access to the underlying "LSOCK" and the system-specific socket handle
- LSOCK GetLSOCK (void) const;
- virtual EIO_Status GetOSHandle(void* handle_buf, size_t handle_size) const;
- private:
- LSOCK m_Socket;
- EOwnership m_IsOwned;
- // disable copy constructor and assignment
- CListeningSocket(const CListeningSocket&);
- CListeningSocket& operator= (const CListeningSocket&);
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CSocketAPI::
- //
- // Global settings related to the socket API
- //
- // NOTE: for documentation see SOCK_***() functions in "ncbi_socket.h"
- //
- {
- public:
- // Generic
- static const STimeout* SetSelectInternalRestartTimeout(const STimeout* t);
- static void AllowSigPipe(void);
- static EIO_Status Initialize (void);
- static EIO_Status Shutdown (void);
- // Defaults (see also per-socket CSocket::SetReadOnWrite, etc.)
- static ESwitch SetReadOnWrite (ESwitch read_on_write);
- static ESwitch SetDataLogging (ESwitch log);
- static ESwitch SetInterruptOnSignal (ESwitch interrupt);
- static ESwitch SetReuseAddress (ESwitch reuse);
- // NOTE: use CSocket::Wait() to wait for I/O event(s) on a single socket
- struct SPoll {
- CPollable* m_Pollable;
- EIO_Event m_Event;
- EIO_Event m_REvent;
- SPoll(CPollable* pollable = 0, EIO_Event event = eIO_Open)
- : m_Pollable(pollable), m_Event(event) { m_REvent = eIO_Open; }
- };
- static EIO_Status Poll(vector<SPoll>& polls,
- const STimeout* timeout,
- size_t* n_ready = 0);
- // Misc (mostly BSD-like); "host" ought to be in network byte order
- static string gethostname (void); // empty str on err
- static string ntoa (unsigned int host);
- static string gethostbyaddr(unsigned int host); // empty str on err
- static unsigned int gethostbyname(const string& hostname); // 0 on error
- static unsigned int HostToNetLong (unsigned int value);
- static unsigned int NetToHostLong (unsigned int value);
- static unsigned short HostToNetShort(unsigned short value);
- static unsigned short NetToHostShort(unsigned short value);
- };
- /* @} */
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CSocket::
- //
- inline EIO_Status CSocket::Shutdown(EIO_Event how)
- {
- return m_Socket ? SOCK_Shutdown(m_Socket, how) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- inline EIO_Status CSocket::Wait(EIO_Event event, const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- return m_Socket ? SOCK_Wait(m_Socket, event, timeout) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- inline EIO_Status CSocket::PushBack(const void* buf, size_t size)
- {
- return m_Socket ? SOCK_PushBack(m_Socket, buf, size) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- inline EIO_Status CSocket::Abort(void)
- {
- return m_Socket ? SOCK_Abort(m_Socket) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- inline EIO_Status CSocket::GetStatus(EIO_Event direction) const
- {
- return m_Socket ? SOCK_Status(m_Socket, direction) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- inline EOwnership CSocket::SetOwnership(EOwnership if_to_own)
- {
- EOwnership prev_ownership = m_IsOwned;
- m_IsOwned = if_to_own;
- return prev_ownership;
- }
- inline SOCK CSocket::GetSOCK(void) const
- {
- return m_Socket;
- }
- inline EIO_Status CSocket::GetOSHandle(void* hnd_buf, size_t hnd_siz) const
- {
- return m_Socket? SOCK_GetOSHandle(m_Socket, hnd_buf, hnd_siz) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- inline ESwitch CSocket::SetReadOnWrite(ESwitch read_on_write)
- {
- return m_Socket? SOCK_SetReadOnWrite(m_Socket, read_on_write) : eDefault;
- }
- inline ESwitch CSocket::SetDataLogging(ESwitch log)
- {
- return m_Socket? SOCK_SetDataLogging(m_Socket, log) : eDefault;
- }
- inline ESwitch CSocket::SetInterruptOnSignal(ESwitch interrupt)
- {
- return m_Socket? SOCK_SetInterruptOnSignal(m_Socket, interrupt) : eDefault;
- }
- inline void CSocket::SetReuseAddress(ESwitch reuse)
- {
- if ( m_Socket )
- SOCK_SetReuseAddress(m_Socket, reuse);
- }
- inline bool CSocket::IsClientSide(void) const
- {
- return m_Socket && SOCK_IsClientSide(m_Socket) ? true : false;
- }
- inline bool CSocket::IsServerSide(void) const
- {
- return m_Socket && SOCK_IsServerSide(m_Socket) ? true : false;
- }
- inline bool CSocket::IsDatagram(void) const
- {
- return m_Socket && SOCK_IsDatagram(m_Socket) ? true : false;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CDatagramSocket::
- //
- inline EIO_Status CDatagramSocket::Wait(const STimeout* timeout)
- {
- return m_Socket ? DSOCK_WaitMsg(m_Socket, timeout) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- inline EIO_Status CDatagramSocket::Clear(EIO_Event direction)
- {
- return m_Socket ? DSOCK_WipeMsg(m_Socket, direction) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- inline EIO_Status CDatagramSocket::SetBroadcast(bool do_broadcast)
- {
- return m_Socket ? DSOCK_SetBroadcast(m_Socket, do_broadcast) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CListeningSocket::
- //
- inline EIO_Status CListeningSocket::GetStatus(void) const
- {
- return m_Socket ? eIO_Success : eIO_Closed;
- }
- inline EOwnership CListeningSocket::SetOwnership(EOwnership if_to_own)
- {
- EOwnership prev_ownership = m_IsOwned;
- m_IsOwned = if_to_own;
- return prev_ownership;
- }
- inline LSOCK CListeningSocket::GetLSOCK(void) const
- {
- return m_Socket;
- }
- inline EIO_Status CListeningSocket::GetOSHandle(void* handle_buf,
- size_t handle_size) const
- {
- return m_Socket
- ? LSOCK_GetOSHandle(m_Socket, handle_buf, handle_size) : eIO_Closed;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CSocketAPI::
- //
- inline void CSocketAPI::AllowSigPipe(void)
- {
- SOCK_AllowSigPipeAPI();
- }
- inline const STimeout* CSocketAPI::SetSelectInternalRestartTimeout
- (const STimeout* tmo)
- {
- return SOCK_SetSelectInternalRestartTimeout(tmo);
- }
- inline EIO_Status CSocketAPI::Initialize(void)
- {
- return SOCK_InitializeAPI();
- }
- inline EIO_Status CSocketAPI::Shutdown(void)
- {
- return SOCK_ShutdownAPI();
- }
- inline ESwitch CSocketAPI::SetReadOnWrite(ESwitch read_on_write)
- {
- return SOCK_SetReadOnWriteAPI(read_on_write);
- }
- inline ESwitch CSocketAPI::SetDataLogging(ESwitch log)
- {
- return SOCK_SetDataLoggingAPI(log);
- }
- inline ESwitch CSocketAPI::SetInterruptOnSignal(ESwitch interrupt)
- {
- return SOCK_SetInterruptOnSignalAPI(interrupt);
- }
- inline ESwitch CSocketAPI::SetReuseAddress(ESwitch reuse)
- {
- return SOCK_SetReuseAddressAPI(reuse);
- }
- inline unsigned int CSocketAPI::HostToNetLong(unsigned int value)
- {
- return SOCK_HostToNetLong(value);
- }
- inline unsigned int CSocketAPI::NetToHostLong(unsigned int value)
- {
- return SOCK_NetToHostLong(value);
- }
- inline unsigned short CSocketAPI::HostToNetShort(unsigned short value)
- {
- return SOCK_HostToNetShort(value);
- }
- inline unsigned short CSocketAPI::NetToHostShort(unsigned short value)
- {
- return SOCK_NetToHostShort(value);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Log: ncbi_socket.hpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.3 2003/12/02 20:27:51 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 6.36 2003/11/25 15:07:40 lavr
- * CSocket::GetStatus() to pass eIO_Open to SOCK_Status()
- *
- * Revision 6.35 2003/11/24 19:22:24 lavr
- * SetSelectInternalRestartTimeout() to accept ptr to STimeout
- *
- * Revision 6.34 2003/11/18 20:18:49 lavr
- * +SetSelectInternalRestartTimeout()
- *
- * Revision 6.33 2003/11/12 17:43:53 lavr
- * Few (non-functional) rearrangements
- *
- * Revision 6.32 2003/10/24 16:51:11 lavr
- * GetTimeout(eIO_ReadWrite): return the lesser of eIO_Read and eIO_Write
- *
- * Revision 6.31 2003/10/23 12:14:52 lavr
- * Socket feature setters made returning old feature values
- *
- * Revision 6.30 2003/10/09 19:58:26 vakatov
- * Fine-tune the set of included CORELIB headers, mostly to avoid the weird
- * dependence of XNCBI library on ICC 7.1.
- *
- * Revision 6.29 2003/08/25 14:37:07 lavr
- * Introduce CPollable and more generic SCocketAPI::Poll()
- *
- * Revision 6.28 2003/07/15 16:49:16 lavr
- * +CSocket::GetPeerAddress(void)
- *
- * Revision 6.27 2003/05/31 05:12:09 lavr
- * Fix return value type of HostToNetShort and NetToHostShort
- *
- * Revision 6.26 2003/05/21 17:51:50 lavr
- * SOCK_Abort() redeclared protected in CDatagramSocket
- *
- * Revision 6.25 2003/05/20 21:24:55 lavr
- * +CSocket::Abort()
- *
- * Revision 6.24 2003/05/14 03:46:44 lavr
- * Match revised datagram socket API
- *
- * Revision 6.23 2003/04/30 17:03:22 lavr
- * Modified prototypes for CDatagramSocket::Send() and CDatagramSocket::Recv()
- *
- * Revision 6.22 2003/04/11 20:58:12 lavr
- * CDatagramSocket:: API defined completely
- *
- * Revision 6.21 2003/04/09 19:05:55 siyan
- * Added doxygen support
- *
- * Revision 6.20 2003/02/20 17:55:09 lavr
- * Inlining CSocket::Shutdown() and CSocket::Wait()
- *
- * Revision 6.19 2003/02/14 22:03:32 lavr
- * Add internal CSocket timeouts and document them
- *
- * Revision 6.18 2003/01/28 19:29:07 lavr
- * DSOCK: Remove reference to kEmptyStr and thus to xncbi
- *
- * Revision 6.17 2003/01/26 04:28:37 lavr
- * Quick fix CDatagramSocket ctor ambiguity
- *
- * Revision 6.16 2003/01/24 23:01:32 lavr
- * Added class CDatagramSocket
- *
- * Revision 6.15 2003/01/07 22:01:43 lavr
- * ChangeLog message corrected
- *
- * Revision 6.14 2003/01/07 21:58:24 lavr
- * Comment corrected
- *
- * Revision 6.13 2002/12/19 14:51:48 dicuccio
- * Added export specifier for Win32 DLL builds.
- *
- * Revision 6.12 2002/12/04 16:54:08 lavr
- * Add extra parameter "log" to CSocket() constructor and CSocket::Connect()
- *
- * Revision 6.11 2002/11/14 01:11:33 lavr
- * Minor formatting changes
- *
- * Revision 6.10 2002/09/19 18:05:25 lavr
- * Header file guard macro changed
- *
- * Revision 6.9 2002/09/17 20:45:28 lavr
- * A typo corrected
- *
- * Revision 6.8 2002/09/16 22:32:47 vakatov
- * Allow to change ownership for the underlying sockets "on-the-fly";
- * plus some minor (mostly formal) code and comments rearrangements
- *
- * Revision 6.7 2002/08/27 03:19:29 lavr
- * CSocketAPI:: Removed methods: htonl(), htons(), ntohl(), ntohs(). Added
- * as replacements: {Host|Net}To{Net|Host}{Long|Short}() (see ncbi_socket.h)
- *
- * Revision 6.6 2002/08/15 18:45:03 lavr
- * CSocketAPI::Poll() documented in more details in ncbi_socket.h(SOCK_Poll)
- *
- * Revision 6.5 2002/08/14 15:04:37 sadykov
- * Prepend "inline" for GetOSHandle() method impl
- *
- * Revision 6.4 2002/08/13 19:28:29 lavr
- * Move most methods out-of-line; fix inline methods to have "inline"
- *
- * Revision 6.3 2002/08/12 20:58:09 lavr
- * More comments on parameters usage of certain methods
- *
- * Revision 6.2 2002/08/12 20:24:04 lavr
- * Resolve expansion mess with byte order marcos (use calls instead) -- FreeBSD
- *
- * Revision 6.1 2002/08/12 15:11:34 lavr
- * Initial revision
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- #endif /* CONNECT___NCBI_SOCKET__HPP */