- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: sel_list_model_impl.hpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.1 2004/06/01 19:51:49 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: sel_list_model_impl.hpp,v 1000.1 2004/06/01 19:51:49 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Authors: Andrey Yazhuk
- *
- * File Description:
- *
- */
- #include <corelib/ncbistl.hpp>
- #include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
- #include <gui/widgets/aln_multiple/list_mvc.hpp>
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// CSelListModelImpl provides a defult implementation of ISelListModel.
- ///
- /// m_iFocusedItem and m_iAnchor item are not updated automatically.
- template <class Item>
- class CSelListModelImpl : public ISelListModel<Item>
- {
- public:
- typedef typename ISelListModel<Item>::TItem TItem;
- typedef typename ISelListModel<Item>::TIndex TIndex;
- typedef typename ISelListModel<Item>::TIndexVector TIndexVector;
- typedef vector<TItem> TItemVector;
- /// related interfaces
- ///
- typedef ISelListView<TItem> TSelListView;
- typedef ISelListModel<TItem> TSelListModel;
- // ISelListModel interface implementation
- virtual TIndex SLM_GetItemsCount() const;
- virtual TItem SLM_GetItem(TIndex index) const;
- virtual TIndex SLM_GetFocusedItemIndex() const;
- virtual bool SLM_IsItemSelected(TIndex index) const;
- virtual TIndex SLM_GetSelectedCount() const;
- virtual void SLM_GetSelectedIndices(TIndexVector& vIndices) const;
- virtual void SLM_GetSelectedItems(TItemVector& items) const;
- virtual void SLM_FocusItem(TIndex index);
- virtual void SLM_SelectSingleItem(TIndex index);
- virtual void SLM_InvertSingleItem(TIndex index);
- virtual void SLM_SelectItems(const TIndexVector& vIndeces,
- bool b_reset_others = false);
- virtual void SLM_SelectAll(bool bSelect = true);
- virtual void SLM_SelectTo(TIndex index);
- virtual void SLM_AddSLView(TSelListView* pView);
- virtual void SLM_RemoveSLView(TSelListView* pView);
- protected:
- CSelListModelImpl();
- void SetItems(const TItemVector& vItems, bool b_update,
- bool b_keep_selection = false);
- bool InsertItem(TIndex index, const TItem& item, bool b_update);
- void InsertItems(const TItemVector& v_items, const TIndexVector& v_indices,
- bool b_update);
- bool DeleteItem(TIndex index, bool bUpdate = true);
- void DeleteItems(const TIndexVector& vIndices, bool b_update);
- void DeleteAllItems();
- protected:
- typedef pair<TItem, bool> TItemEntry; // bool for "Selected" state
- typedef vector<TItemEntry> TEntryVector;
- typedef map<TItem, int> TItemToIndexMap;
- typedef list<TSelListView*> TViewList;
- virtual void x_SelectItem(TIndex index, bool b_sel) = 0;
- virtual bool x_IsItemSelected(TIndex index) const = 0;
- virtual TIndex x_GetItemsCount() const = 0;
- virtual TItem x_GetItem(TIndex index) const = 0;
- virtual void x_SetEntries(const TEntryVector& v_entries) = 0;
- virtual TIndex x_GetItemIndex(const TItem& item) = 0;
- /// inserts item, but does not updates all data structures
- virtual void x_InsertItem(TIndex index, const TItemEntry& entry) = 0;
- /// performs update after all items have been inserted
- virtual void x_CompleteInsertion() = 0;
- /// mark item for deletion
- virtual void x_MarkItemForErase(TIndex index) = 0;
- /// deletes all marked items in a single pass, performs neccessary updates
- virtual void x_EraseMarkedItems() = 0;
- virtual void x_ClearItems() = 0;
- /// TODO
- void x_EraseItem(TIndex index)
- {
- // TODO
- _ASSERT(false);
- }
- protected:
- void x_Clear();
- void x_GetSelectedItems(TIndexVector& vIndices);
- void x_ViewsUpdateItems(TIndexVector &vIndices);
- void x_ViewsUpdateItemRange(int iStart, int iEnd);
- protected: // data members
- int m_SelectedCount;
- int m_iFocusedItem;
- int m_iAnchorItem;
- TViewList m_lsViews;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// class CSelListModelImpl
- template<class Item>
- CSelListModelImpl<Item>::CSelListModelImpl()
- : m_SelectedCount(0),
- m_iFocusedItem(-1),
- m_iAnchorItem(-1)
- {
- }
- template<class Item>
- typename CSelListModelImpl<Item>::TIndex CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_GetItemsCount() const
- {
- return x_GetItemsCount();
- }
- template<class Item>
- typename CSelListModelImpl<Item>::TItem CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_GetItem(TIndex index) const
- {
- return x_GetItem(index);
- }
- template<class Item>
- typename CSelListModelImpl<Item>::TIndex CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_GetFocusedItemIndex() const
- {
- return m_iFocusedItem;
- }
- template<class Item>
- bool CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_IsItemSelected(TIndex index) const
- {
- return x_IsItemSelected(index);
- }
- template<class Item>
- typename CSelListModelImpl<Item>::TIndex CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_GetSelectedCount() const
- {
- return m_SelectedCount;
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_GetSelectedIndices(TIndexVector& vIndices) const
- {
- size_t size = x_GetItemsCount();
- for( size_t i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
- if (x_IsItemSelected(i)) {
- vIndices.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>:: SLM_GetSelectedItems(TItemVector& items) const
- {
- size_t size = x_GetItemsCount();
- for( size_t i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
- if (x_IsItemSelected(i)) {
- TItem item = x_GetItem(i);
- items.push_back(item);
- }
- }
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_FocusItem(TIndex index)
- {
- if (index != m_iFocusedItem) {
- TIndexVector vUpdateItems;
- vUpdateItems.push_back(m_iFocusedItem); // update old focus
- m_iFocusedItem = index;
- vUpdateItems.push_back(m_iFocusedItem); // update new one
- x_ViewsUpdateItems(vUpdateItems);
- }
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_SelectSingleItem(TIndex index)
- {
- TIndexVector vPrevSel;
- x_GetSelectedItems(vPrevSel);
- if(m_iFocusedItem != index) {
- if(m_iFocusedItem >= 0 && ! x_IsItemSelected(m_iFocusedItem))
- vPrevSel.push_back(m_iFocusedItem); // if it is not selected - we need update it separately
- m_iFocusedItem = index;
- }
- for(size_t i = 0; i < vPrevSel.size(); i++ ) { // reset selection
- TIndex index = vPrevSel[i];
- x_SelectItem(index, false);
- }
- if( index > -1) {
- x_SelectItem(index, true);
- vPrevSel.push_back(index);
- m_iAnchorItem = index;
- m_SelectedCount = 1;
- } else m_SelectedCount = 0;
- x_ViewsUpdateItems(vPrevSel);
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_InvertSingleItem(TIndex index)
- {
- TIndexVector vIndices;
- if( index > -1) {
- if(m_iFocusedItem != index) {
- vIndices.push_back(m_iFocusedItem);
- m_iFocusedItem = index;
- }
- bool b_old_sel = x_IsItemSelected(index);
- x_SelectItem(index, ! b_old_sel);
- vIndices.push_back(index);
- m_iAnchorItem = index;
- m_SelectedCount += b_old_sel ? -1 : 1;
- } else m_SelectedCount = 0;
- x_ViewsUpdateItems(vIndices);
- }
- /// Select items with given indices. If "b_invert_others" == "true" - deselects
- /// all other items.
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_SelectItems(const TIndexVector& vIndices,
- bool b_reset_others)
- {
- if(b_reset_others) {
- int n_items = x_GetItemsCount();
- vector<bool> v_sel(n_items, false);
- for( size_t i = 0; i < vIndices.size(); i++ ) {
- v_sel[vIndices[i]] = true;
- }
- for( size_t j= 0; j < n_items; j++ ) {
- x_SelectItem(j, v_sel[j]);
- }
- m_SelectedCount = vIndices.size();
- x_ViewsUpdateItemRange(0, n_items - 1);
- } else {
- TIndexVector vUpdateIndices;
- ITERATE(typename TIndexVector, it, vIndices) {
- if ( ! x_IsItemSelected(*it)) {
- x_SelectItem(*it, true);
- vUpdateIndices.push_back(*it);
- }
- }
- m_SelectedCount += vUpdateIndices.size();
- x_ViewsUpdateItems(vUpdateIndices);
- }
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_SelectAll(bool b_select)
- {
- TIndex count = x_GetItemsCount();
- for( TIndex i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
- x_SelectItem(i, b_select);
- }
- m_SelectedCount = b_select ? count : 0;
- if(count)
- x_ViewsUpdateItemRange(0, count - 1);
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_SelectTo(TIndex index)
- {
- if(m_iAnchorItem<0)
- m_iAnchorItem = 0;
- TIndex iStart = min(m_iAnchorItem, index);
- TIndex iEnd = max(m_iAnchorItem, index);
- // reset old selection and select from iStart to iEnd
- TIndexVector vUpdateIndices;
- bool bPrevFocusedChanged = false;
- TIndex count = x_GetItemsCount();
- for( TIndex i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
- bool b_select = (i >= iStart && i <= iEnd);
- if (x_IsItemSelected(i) != b_select)
- {
- x_SelectItem(i, b_select);
- m_SelectedCount += b_select ? 1 : -1;
- vUpdateIndices.push_back(i);
- if(i == m_iFocusedItem)
- bPrevFocusedChanged = true;
- }
- }
- if(m_iFocusedItem != index)
- {
- if( ! bPrevFocusedChanged)
- vUpdateIndices.push_back(m_iFocusedItem); // need to update
- m_iFocusedItem = index;
- }
- vector<TIndex> gopa;
- x_GetSelectedItems(gopa); //### debug
- x_ViewsUpdateItems(vUpdateIndices);
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_AddSLView(TSelListView* pView)
- {
- if( find(m_lsViews.begin(), m_lsViews.end(), pView) == m_lsViews.end()) {
- m_lsViews.push_back(pView);
- pView->SLV_SetModel(static_cast<TSelListModel*>(this));
- }
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SLM_RemoveSLView(TSelListView* pView)
- {
- typename TViewList::iterator itView
- = find( m_lsViews.begin(), m_lsViews.end(), pView);
- if (itView != m_lsViews.end()) {
- m_lsViews.erase(itView);
- pView->SLV_SetModel(NULL);
- }
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::SetItems(const TItemVector& vItems,
- bool b_update, bool b_keep_selection)
- {
- size_t items_n = vItems.size();
- TEntryVector v_entries(items_n);
- int n = x_GetItemsCount();
- int n_sel = 0;
- for( size_t i = 0; i < items_n; i++) {
- v_entries[i].first = vItems[i];
- bool b_sel = false;
- if(b_keep_selection) {
- TIndex index = x_GetItemIndex(vItems[i]);
- b_sel = (index > -1 && index < n) ? x_IsItemSelected(index) : false;
- }
- v_entries[i].second = b_sel;
- if(b_sel) {
- n_sel++;
- }
- }
- x_Clear();
- x_SetEntries(v_entries);
- m_SelectedCount = n_sel;
- if(b_update) {
- TIndex i_max = max(0, (int) items_n - 1);
- x_ViewsUpdateItemRange(0, i_max);
- }
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::InsertItems(const TItemVector& v_items,
- const TIndexVector& v_indices,
- bool b_update)
- {
- size_t n_items = v_items.size();
- _ASSERT(n_items == v_indices.size());
- TIndex i_min = x_GetItemsCount();
- for( size_t i = 0; i < n_items; i++ ) {
- TIndex ind = v_indices[i];
- ind = min(ind, x_GetItemsCount());
- x_InsertItem(ind, TItemEntry(v_items[i], false));
- i_min = min(i_min, ind);
- }
- x_CompleteInsertion();
- if(b_update) {
- TIndex i_max = max(0, x_GetItemsCount() - 1);
- x_ViewsUpdateItemRange(i_min, i_max);
- }
- }
- template<class Item>
- bool CSelListModelImpl<Item>::InsertItem(TIndex index, const TItem& item,
- bool b_update)
- {
- if(index >= 0 && index <= x_GetItemsCount()) {
- x_InsertItem(index, TItemEntry(item, false));
- x_CompleteInsertion();
- if(b_update) {
- TIndex i_max = max(0, x_GetItemsCount() - 1);
- x_ViewsUpdateItemRange(index, i_max);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::DeleteItems(const TIndexVector& vIndices,
- bool bUpdate)
- {
- TIndex count = x_GetItemsCount();
- TIndex min_del = count;
- ITERATE(typename TIndexVector, it, vIndices) {
- TIndex index = *it;
- if(index >= 0 && index < count) {
- if(m_iFocusedItem == index)
- m_iFocusedItem = -1;
- if(m_iAnchorItem == index)
- m_iAnchorItem = m_iFocusedItem;
- if(x_IsItemSelected(index)) //item selected
- {
- x_SelectItem(index, false);
- m_SelectedCount--;
- }
- x_MarkItemForErase(index);
- min_del = min(index, count);
- }
- }
- x_EraseMarkedItems();
- if(bUpdate && min_del < count) {
- x_ViewsUpdateItemRange(min_del, count-1);
- }
- }
- template<class Item>
- bool CSelListModelImpl<Item>::DeleteItem(TIndex index, bool bUpdate)
- {
- TIndex count = x_GetItemsCount();
- if(index >= 0 && index < count) {
- if(m_iFocusedItem == index)
- m_iFocusedItem = -1;
- if(m_iAnchorItem == index)
- m_iAnchorItem = m_iFocusedItem;
- if(x_IsItemSelected(index)) //item selected
- m_SelectedCount--;
- x_EraseItem(index);
- if (bUpdate) {
- TIndex i_max = max(0, count -1);
- x_ViewsUpdateItemRange(0, i_max);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::DeleteAllItems()
- {
- x_Clear();
- x_ViewsUpdateItemRange(0, -1);
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::x_Clear()
- {
- x_ClearItems();
- m_iFocusedItem = m_iAnchorItem = -1;
- m_SelectedCount = 0;
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::x_GetSelectedItems(TIndexVector& vIndices)
- {
- vIndices.reserve(m_SelectedCount);
- TIndex count = x_GetItemsCount();
- for( TIndex i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
- if(x_IsItemSelected(i))
- vIndices.push_back(i);
- }
- _ASSERT(vIndices.size() == (size_t) m_SelectedCount);
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::x_ViewsUpdateItems(TIndexVector &vIndices)
- {
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(typename TViewList, itView, m_lsViews)
- (*itView)->SLV_UpdateItems(vIndices);
- }
- template<class Item>
- void CSelListModelImpl<Item>::x_ViewsUpdateItemRange(int iStart, int iEnd)
- {
- NON_CONST_ITERATE(typename TViewList, itView, m_lsViews)
- (*itView)->SLV_UpdateRange(iStart, iEnd);
- }
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * $Log: sel_list_model_impl.hpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.1 2004/06/01 19:51:49 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.13 2004/04/26 17:31:53 ucko
- * Add explicit "typename" annotations required by GCC 3.4.
- *
- * Revision 1.12 2004/04/06 15:26:57 yazhuk
- * Added SLM_GetSelectedItems()
- *
- * Revision 1.11 2004/04/02 16:23:09 yazhuk
- * Added bool b_reset_others to SLM_SelectItems() function; bugfixes
- * >
- *
- * Revision 1.10 2004/03/24 19:49:08 gorelenk
- * Added dummy x_EraseItem .
- *
- * Revision 1.9 2004/03/22 14:41:37 gorelenk
- * Fixed compilation errors.
- *
- * Revision 1.8 2004/01/08 19:38:09 yazhuk
- * Bugfixes, clean-up
- *
- * Revision 1.7 2003/12/29 23:20:38 yazhuk
- * Minor bugfix
- *
- * Revision 1.6 2003/12/22 16:38:32 yazhuk
- * Added InsertItems() for bulk inserting; reformatted code, added comments
- *
- * Revision 1.5 2003/12/19 20:25:39 ucko
- * Also explicitly carry over TIndexVector for the sake of MIPSpro.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 2003/12/19 14:05:40 dicuccio
- * Attempt to fix errors on MIPS/Solaris - carry base class typedefs forward
- *
- * Revision 1.3 2003/12/18 22:18:34 yazhuk
- * Workshop problems fixes
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2003/12/18 21:17:21 yazhuk
- * Converted CSelListModelImpl to template class
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2003/12/18 20:55:39 yazhuk
- * Initial revision
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */