- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: Flu_Collapsable_Group.h,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.0 2004/04/12 18:21:09 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /*
- * These files were imported into NCBI's CVS directly from FLU version 2.9.1.
- * Modifications to the source are listed below.
- *
- * ==========================================================================
- * $Log: Flu_Collapsable_Group.h,v $
- * Revision 1000.0 2004/04/12 18:21:09 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2004/03/11 13:51:54 dicuccio
- * Imported FLU version 2.9.1. Altered export specifiers to match NCBI layout.
- * Altered include paths to match NCBI toolkit layout.
- *
- * ==========================================================================
- */
- // $Id: Flu_Collapsable_Group.h,v 1000.0 2004/04/12 18:21:09 gouriano Exp $
- /***************************************************************
- * FLU - FLTK Utility Widgets
- * Copyright (C) 2002 Ohio Supercomputer Center, Ohio State University
- *
- * This file and its content is protected by a software license.
- * You should have received a copy of this license with this file.
- * If not, please contact the Ohio Supercomputer Center immediately:
- * Attn: Jason Bryan Re: FLU 1224 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, Ohio 43212
- *
- ***************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- /* fltk includes */
- #include <FL/Fl.H>
- #include <FL/fl_draw.H>
- #include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
- #include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
- #include <gui/widgets/FLU/FluSimpleString.h>
- #include <gui/widgets/FLU/Flu_Button.h>
- //! This widget implements a collapsable group with a configurable framerate
- /*! This class is a group with a button and an b Fl_Group inside (both publicly exposed). The b Fl_Group
- contains the actual child widgets of this group.
- Most of the b Fl_Group member functions are reimplemented here in a pass-through fashion to the
- internal group. This means that casual use of a descendent instance will be almost exactly the same
- as for a regular b Fl_Group, with any additional access provided directly through member b group.
- The goal of this class is to provide a dynamically collapsable group similar to those available in
- other GUI toolkits.
- The callback is invoked whenever the button is pressed to open/close the group.
- */
- class NCBI_GUIWIDGETS_FLU_EXPORT Flu_Collapsable_Group : public Fl_Group
- {
- public:
- //! Normal FLTK constructor
- Flu_Collapsable_Group( int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *l = 0 );
- //! Get the amount of time to take when animating a collapse
- inline float collapse_time() const
- { return _collapseTime; }
- //! Set the amount of time to take when animating a collapse
- inline void collapse_time( float t )
- { _collapseTime = t; }
- //! Get the frame rate to aim for during a collapse animation
- inline float frame_rate() const
- { return _fps; }
- //! Set the frame rate to aim for during a collapse animation
- inline void frame_rate( float f )
- { _fps = f; }
- //! Set the position of the controller widget along the top edge of the group. This only has an effect if fit() is not set. Default value is c FL_ALIGN_LEFT
- /*! Accepted values are c FL_ALIGN_LEFT, c FL_ALIGN_CENTER, and c FL_ALIGN_RIGHT */
- inline void align( unsigned char a )
- { _align = a; }
- //! Get the position of the controller widget along the top edge of the group
- inline unsigned char align() const
- { return _align; }
- //! Pass c true to force the button to be the same width as the group, c false to leave it its default size. Default value is c false
- inline void fit( bool b )
- { _fit = b; }
- //! Get whether the button is being forced to fit the width of the group
- inline bool fit() const
- { return _fit; }
- //! Get whether the group is closed or open (i.e. collapsed or not)
- inline bool open() const
- { return _open; }
- //! Set whether the group is closed or open (i.e. collapsed or not). Default is c true
- void open( bool o );
- //! Get whether the group is closed or open (i.e. collapsed or not)
- inline bool closed() const
- { return !_open; }
- //! Get whether the group is in the process of opening or closing
- inline bool changing() const
- { return _changing; }
- //! Override of Fl_Group::resize()
- void resize( int x, int y, int w, int h );
- //! Override of Fl_Group::label()
- inline void label( const char *l )
- { if( l ) _label = l; else _label = ""; }
- //! Override of Fl_Group::label()
- inline const char *label()
- { return _label.c_str(); }
- //////////////////////
- /*! name Pass-through functions for the internal Fl_Group
- * These are strictly for convenience. Only the most commonly called functions have been re-implemented.
- * You can also explicitly access the group object for more control.
- */
- //@{
- inline void clear()
- { group.clear(); }
- inline Fl_Widget *child(int n) const
- { return group.child(n); }
- inline int children() const
- { return group.children(); }
- inline void begin()
- { group.begin(); }
- inline void end()
- { group.end(); Fl_Group::end(); }
- inline void resizable(Fl_Widget *box)
- { group.resizable(box); }
- inline void resizable(Fl_Widget &box)
- { group.resizable(box); }
- inline Fl_Widget *resizable() const
- { return group.resizable(); }
- inline void add( Fl_Widget &w )
- { group.add( w ); }
- inline void add( Fl_Widget *w )
- { group.add( w ); }
- inline void insert( Fl_Widget &w, int n )
- { group.insert( w, n ); }
- inline void insert( Fl_Widget &w, Fl_Widget* beforethis )
- { group.insert( w, beforethis ); }
- inline void remove( Fl_Widget &w )
- { group.remove( w ); }
- inline void add_resizable( Fl_Widget &box )
- { group.add_resizable( box ); }
- //@}
- Flu_Button button;
- Fl_Group group;
- protected:
- //////////////////////////
- void draw();
- inline static void _collapseCB( Fl_Widget* w, void* arg )
- { ((Flu_Collapsable_Group*)arg)->open( !((Flu_Collapsable_Group*)arg)->open() ); }
- inline static void _updateCB( void *arg )
- { ((Flu_Collapsable_Group*)arg)->updateCB(); }
- void updateCB();
- void (*_callback)(Fl_Widget*,void*);
- void *_callbackData;
- void (*_collapseCallback)(void*);
- void *_collapseCallbackData;
- int _originalHeight, _newHeight;
- float _deltaHeight, _currentHeight, _collapseTime, _timeout, _fps;
- Fl_Widget *_oldResizable;
- bool _open, _changing, _fit;
- unsigned char _align;
- FluSimpleString _label;
- };
- #endif