- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * PRODUCTION $Log: blobstore.hpp,v $
- * PRODUCTION Revision 1000.0 2004/06/01 19:22:43 gouriano
- * ===========================================================================
- */
- /* $Id: blobstore.hpp,v 1000.0 2004/06/01 19:22:43 gouriano Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Vladimir Soussov
- *
- * File Description: Blob store classes
- *
- */
- #include <util/reader_writer.hpp>
- #include <dbapi/driver/public.hpp>
- enum ECompressMethod {
- eNone,
- eZLib,
- eBZLib
- };
- class CBlobReader : public IReader {
- public:
- CBlobReader(CDB_Result* res, I_BaseCmd* cmd= 0, I_Connection* con= 0) {
- m_Res= res;
- m_Cmd= cmd;
- m_Con= con;
- m_ItemNum= 0;
- m_AllDone= false;
- }
- /// Read as many as count bytes into a buffer pointed
- /// to by buf argument. Store the number of bytes actually read,
- /// or 0 on EOF or error, via the pointer "bytes_read", if provided.
- /// Special case: if count passed as 0, then the value of
- /// buf is ignored, and the return value is always eRW_Success, but
- /// no change is actually done to the state of input device.
- virtual ERW_Result Read(void* buf,
- size_t count,
- size_t* bytes_read = 0);
- /// Return the number of bytes ready to be read from input
- /// device without blocking. Return 0 if no such number is
- /// available (in case of an error or EOF).
- virtual ERW_Result PendingCount(size_t* count);
- virtual ~CBlobReader();
- private:
- CBlobReader();
- CDB_Result* m_Res;
- I_BaseCmd* m_Cmd;
- I_Connection* m_Con;
- int m_ItemNum;
- bool m_AllDone;
- };
- class ItDescriptorMaker {
- public:
- virtual bool Init(CDB_Connection* con)= 0;
- virtual I_ITDescriptor& ItDescriptor(void)= 0;
- virtual bool Fini(void)= 0;
- virtual ~ItDescriptorMaker(){};
- };
- class CBlobWriter : public IWriter
- {
- public:
- enum EFlags {
- fLogBlobs = 0x1,
- fOwnDescr= 0x2,
- fOwnCon= 0x4,
- fOwnAll= fOwnDescr + fOwnCon
- };
- typedef int TFlags;
- CBlobWriter(CDB_Connection* con,
- ItDescriptorMaker* desc_func,
- size_t image_limit= 0x7FFFFFFF,
- TFlags flags= 0);
- /// Write up to count bytes from the buffer pointed to by
- /// buf argument onto output device. Store the number
- /// of bytes actually written, or 0 if either count was
- /// passed as 0 (buf is ignored in this case) or an error occured,
- /// via the "bytes_written" pointer, if provided.
- virtual ERW_Result Write(const void* buf,
- size_t count,
- size_t* bytes_written = 0);
- /// Flush pending data (if any) down to output device.
- virtual ERW_Result Flush(void);
- virtual ~CBlobWriter();
- private:
- CBlobWriter();
- bool storeBlob(void);
- CDB_Image m_Blob;
- ItDescriptorMaker *m_dMaker;
- size_t m_Limit;
- CDB_Connection* m_Con;
- bool m_LogIt;
- bool m_DelDesc;
- bool m_DelCon;
- };
- class CBlobRetriever {
- public:
- CBlobRetriever(I_DriverContext* pCntxt,
- const string& server,
- const string& user,
- const string& passwd,
- const string& query);
- bool IsReady() const {
- return m_IsGood;
- }
- bool Dump(ostream& s, ECompressMethod cm= eNone);
- ~CBlobRetriever();
- private:
- CBlobRetriever();
- CDB_Connection* m_Conn;
- CDB_LangCmd* m_Cmd;
- CDB_Result* m_Res;
- bool m_IsGood;
- };
- class CBlobLoader {
- public:
- CBlobLoader(I_DriverContext* pCntxt,
- const string& server,
- const string& user,
- const string& passwd,
- ItDescriptorMaker* d_maker
- );
- bool IsReady() const {
- return m_IsGood;
- }
- bool Load(istream& s, ECompressMethod cm= eNone,
- size_t image_limit= 0, bool log_it= false);
- ~CBlobLoader() {
- if(m_Conn) delete m_Conn;
- }
- private:
- CBlobLoader();
- CDB_Connection* m_Conn;
- ItDescriptorMaker* m_dMaker;
- bool m_IsGood;
- };
- /***************************************************************************************
- * The SimpleBlobStore is a ready to use implementation of ItDescriptorMaker
- * it uses a table of the form:
- * create table TABLE_NAME (
- * ID varchar(n),
- * NUM int,240-271-8512
- * DATA1 image NULL, ... DATAn image NULL)
- *
- */
- class CMY_ITDescriptor : public CDB_ITDescriptor {
- public:
- CMY_ITDescriptor(const string& table_name) :
- CDB_ITDescriptor(table_name, kEmptyStr, kEmptyStr)
- {};
- void SetColumn(const string& col_name) {
- m_ColumnName= col_name;
- }
- void SetSearchConditions(const string& s) {
- m_SearchConditions= s;
- }
- };
- class CSimpleBlobStore : public ItDescriptorMaker {
- public:
- CSimpleBlobStore(const string& table_name,
- const string& key_col_name,
- const string& num_col_name,
- const string blob_column[],
- bool is_text= false);
- void SetKey(const string& key) {
- if(!key.empty())
- m_Key= key;
- }
- virtual bool Init(CDB_Connection* con);
- virtual I_ITDescriptor& ItDescriptor(void);
- virtual bool Fini(void);
- virtual ~CSimpleBlobStore();
- protected:
- string m_TableName;
- string m_KeyColName;
- string m_NumColName;
- string m_sCMD;
- string* m_DataColName;
- CDB_Connection* m_Con;
- CDB_LangCmd* m_Cmd;
- int m_nofDataCols;
- int m_ImageNum;
- CDB_VarChar m_Key;
- CDB_Int m_RowNum;
- CMY_ITDescriptor m_Desc;
- };
- /***************************************************************************************
- * CBlobStore - the simple interface to deal with reading and writing the image/text data
- * from a C++ application
- */
- class CBlobStore {
- public:
- CBlobStore(I_DriverContext* pCntxt,
- const string& server,
- const string& user,
- const string& passwd,
- const string& table_name,
- ECompressMethod cm= eNone,
- size_t image_limit= 0,
- bool log_it= false);
- bool Exists(const string& blob_id);
- //user has to delete istream240-271-8512
- istream* OpenForRead(const string& blob_id);
- // user has to delete ostream
- ostream* OpenForWrite(const string& blob_id);
- void Delete(const string& blob_id);
- ~CBlobStore();
- protected:
- I_DriverContext* m_Cntxt;
- string m_Server;
- string m_User;
- string m_Passwd;
- string m_Table;
- ECompressMethod m_Cm;
- size_t m_Limit;
- bool m_LogIt;
- bool m_IsText;
- string m_Pool;
- string m_KeyColName;
- string m_NumColName;
- string m_ReadQuery;
- string* m_BlobColumn;
- int m_NofBC;
- };
- /*
- * ===========================================================================
- * $Log: blobstore.hpp,v $
- * Revision 1000.0 2004/06/01 19:22:43 gouriano
- *
- * Revision 1.2 2004/05/24 19:40:47 soussov
- * adds CBlobStore implementation
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2004/05/03 16:47:10 soussov
- * initial commit
- *
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- */