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  8. <%!Connection con;
  9. boolean debug=false;
  10. String studentID="";
  11. String gradenote="";
  12. Statement stmt=null;
  13. ResultSet rs=null;
  14. String sql="";
  15. %>
  16. <%
  17. try{
  18.     studentID=(String)session.getAttribute("studentID");
  19.     if(studentID==null){
  20.         throw new Exception();
  21.     }
  22. }catch(Exception e){
  23.     Tools.showalert("您还没有登录,或连接超时,请重新登录!",out);
  24.    Tools.showJS("'../login.jsp','_self')",out);
  25. }
  26. try{
  27.     con=DBCon.getConnection();
  28.     //获取学生的年级信息
  29.     //sql="select id,gradenote,grade.Name as gn "+
  30.     //"from student  INNER JOIN grade ON (student.gradenote = grade.note) "+
  31.     //" where stuid='"+studentID+"'";
  32.     sql="select id,gradenote from UserInfo where vcUserNo='"+studentID+"'";
  33.     try{
  34.         stmt=con.createStatement();
  35.         rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
  36.         if({
  37.             gradenote=rs.getString("gradenote");
  38.             rs.close();
  39.             stmt.close();
  40.         }
  41.         if(debug){
  42.             out.print("<br>stuID="+studentID+"<br>gradenote="+gradenote);
  43.         }
  44.     }
  45.     catch(SQLException se){
  46.         out.print("<br> query student error sql="+sql);
  47.         out.print("<br>"+se.toString());
  48.     }
  49.     catch(Exception e){
  50.         out.print("<br> query student error sql="+sql);
  51.         out.print("<br>"+e.toString());
  52.     }
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  215.     <TD width=620>依靠共创,学习倍感轻松</TD>
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  263.       <p>&nbsp;</p></td>
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  265.         <br>
  266.         <table width="540" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#d3add1">
  267.         <%
  268. //查询该年级(gradenote)的模拟考试信息
  269. //正在进行的模拟考试
  270. sql="select * from mn_test where  status=2 and grade_note='"+gradenote+"' and "+
  271.     "begin_date<=CURRENT_DATE  order by begin_date";
  272. stmt=con.createStatement();
  273. rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
  274. while({
  275. %>
  276.     <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  277.             <td colspan="5">
  278.             <a href="mn_test.jsp?mn_testID=<%=rs.getInt("id")%>&stuID=<%=studentID%>"
  279.                         title="<%=rs.getString("name")%>"
  280.    target="_blank">★ <%=rs.getString("name")%>
  281.   </a>
  282.             &nbsp;</td>
  283.           </tr>
  284. <%
  285. }
  286. rs.close();
  287. stmt.close();
  288. //未来进行的模拟考试
  289. sql="select * from mn_test where status=2 and grade_note='"+gradenote+"' and "+
  290.     "begin_date>CURRENT_DATE  order by begin_date";
  291. stmt=con.createStatement();
  292. rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);
  293. while({
  294. %>
  295.           <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  296.             <td colspan="5">★ <%=rs.getString("name")%></td>
  297.           </tr>
  298. <%
  299. }
  300. rs.close();
  301. stmt.close();
  302. %>
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  328.           <TD align=middle width=220>版权所有:<A href=""
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  330. <%}
  331. catch(Exception e){
  332.     System.out.print(e.toString());
  333. }
  334. finally{
  335.     DBCon.dropConnection();
  336. }
  337. %>