- function start_callback
- try
- load inidata;
- catch
- msgbox('The filter has not been initialized!','Warning','warn','modal');
- return
- end
- delete(gca);
- setaxis;
- Pk_1=P0;
- Xk_1=X0;
- k=1;
- order=length(A);
- BII=findobj(gcf,'tag','start');
- mp=get(BII,'userdata');
- set(BII,'userdata',mp+.0001);%to end last 'start circle'
- mp=get(BII,'userdata');
- BIII=findobj(gcf,'tag','stop');
- set(BIII,'userdata',1,'String','Stop?');
- M=findobj(gcf,'tag','time');
- t=get(M,'userdata');
- CI=findobj(gcf,'tag','compo1');
- if isempty(get(CI,'userdata'))
- set(CI,'userdata',1:order);
- end
- co=get(CI,'userdata');%co decides the output components
- CII=findobj(gcf,'tag','p');
- cii=get(CII,'userdata');
- if cii==1
- si=1;
- else
- si=2;%si decides whether to output error or state
- end
- L=findobj(gcf,'tag','legendh');
- set(L,'userdata',0);
- load fZk;% load mesurements
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Filtering Loop %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- try
- while k<=t(2)
- if get(BII,'userdata')~=mp%to end last 'start circle'
- break;
- end
- Phik_=A;
- Zk=Zkk{k};%Zkk is from fZk
- Gamak_=B;
- Hk=H;
- Qk_1=Q;
- Rk=R;
- Pk_=Phik_*Pk_1*Phik_'+Gamak_*Qk_1*Gamak_';
- Kk=Pk_*Hk'*(Hk*Pk_*Hk'+Rk)^(-1);
- I=eye(length(Pk_));
- Pkk=(I-Kk*Hk)*Pk_*(I-Kk*Hk)'+Kk*Rk*Kk';
- Xk_=Phik_*Xk_1;
- Xk=Xk_+Kk*(Zk-Hk*Xk_);
- drawing(Pk_1,Pkk,Xk_1,Xk,k,co,si);
- Pk_1=Pkk;
- Xk_1=Xk;
- k=k+1;
- end
- catch
- return
- end